Why dream of a big mole on the neck. Why is Mole dreaming

Find out what it means if you dream of a mole?

To see in a dream a mole that does not exist in reality- means that soon you will have a warm meeting with relatives.

If you dreamed of a very large mole- Your relatives will give you a lot of trouble.

Trying to remove a mole in a dream- portends that soon there will be an addition to your family. For a pregnant woman, this dream promises a difficult birth.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did the Mole dream about in a dream?

Seeing a lot of moles in a dream- means in reality to learn about someone's natural flaw.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Birthmarks on the body in a dream- means your innate abilities and inclinations to a particular business.

If the mole looks pretty is a sign of your talent. Such dreams portend success to one or another of your plans.

Ugly moles- they say that in reality some character trait that you have inherited or due to upbringing is interfering with you. The dream suggests that you can and must overcome your shortcomings.

More precisely, the meaning of sleep can be learned from exactly where the mole is located. For example, an ugly mole on the little finger- a sign that you do not know how to be friends; ugly birthmark on the chest means vicious feelings, and so on.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Mole - to the illness of one of the parents.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Mole - to replenish the family.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Mole - to a date with a loved one and a loved one.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Mole according to the dream book?

A mole is a happy event.

Aesop's dream book

Mole - there is a well-known folk sign: "A mole is in a place that you can see for yourself - for worse, but not visible - for good." Perhaps it was this folk wisdom that served as the basis for a mole to appear in your dream.

Or maybe a mole arose in a dream- because in real life you thought about the symbolic meaning of each mole, because it’s not for nothing that people say: “The more moles, the more unhappy and sicker man”or “A mole on the nose - to a heart disease”, “A mole on the back - to be pneumonia.”

A mole may appear in your dream- because in reality you met with your relatives.

Consider in a dream a large mole on your body- a sign that you have a very influential and wealthy relative who is ready to come to your aid at any moment.

If you dreamed that you had moles all over your body- such a dream is a bad omen. You will have a misfortune from which you will not be able to recover for a long time. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you have many relatives with whom you should not forget to keep in touch.

Remove a mole from your body medically in a dream- in real life, you will be able to avoid the danger that threatens you and the evil gossip of your ill-wishers.

If you remove a mole yourself- such a dream suggests that in reality you only contribute to circumstances not in your favor, and give food for gossip to your enemies.

If you dreamed that you had a big mole on your forehead- in real life, you will feel worse. Perhaps you will catch an infection from which you will not be able to recover for a long time. Be careful when talking to strangers.

Look for moles on your body in a dream and not find them- a sign that you yourself are to blame for the cool attitude of your relatives towards you. If you do not change your behavior, you will soon be left all alone.

If you accidentally ripped off a mole in a dream- you will soon receive unpleasant news from your relatives, because of which your attitude towards them will noticeably worsen.

Watch how moles grow on your body before your eyes- evidence that in real life a lot of people would like to make friends, and maybe even intermarry with you. Be careful in choosing friends!

Having a dream, a birthmark promises help and support from loved ones. However, some dream books claim that the interpretation of sleep can be completely different, depending on the nuances seen. Remember everything that caused the greatest fears or concerns in your dream, and check with the interpreters why such a plot is dreamed of.

Miller's dream book

According to this interpreter, to see a birthmark on the body of a loved one in a dream is a symbol of happiness in personal life. You are waiting for a long harmonious relationship, without betrayal and mutual claims, the dream book pleases with an explanation.

It is also good to find in a dream a red birthmark that does not actually exist in oneself. This means that you will be able to avoid problems and hassle.

Take care of your health

If in a dream you saw many large birthmarks on yourself or one, but very, very large, then be very careful in reality. Most often, such dreams mean major troubles that can “cover” you headlong and bring you to stress.

But a large mole on the stomach symbolizes the dreamer's indefatigable appetite, which can lead her to health problems, the Italian dream book warns.

Joyful moments await you

Interpreting why a birthmark on the face is dreaming, dream books recommend considering exactly where it was located in a dream.

So, for example, to see a small neat spot on the cheek is a sign pleasant hassle associated with hosting guests. And if the spot on the cheek was large or pink, then this is a sign of the arrival of a distant relative.

Dreamed of moles on the face in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows? You will be entrusted with an important secret. This will make you feel like part of a close-knit team of like-minded people.

Birthmarks on the face in the upper part of the forehead, having dreamed of a sick person, prophesy a speedy recovery. And interpreting why a mole-spot on the nose is dreaming, dream books broadcast about a meeting with a childhood friend.

Face deceit

An oriental interpreter, deciphering what an ugly birthmark on his head dreams of, predicts disappointment in a person. Someone whom you considered a close friend will not be very correct towards you.

A mole-spot, "originating" on the head and ending on the back, symbolizes problems at work. Your envious people will spread ugly gossip about you.

Be carefull

An interesting interpretation is offered by the Gypsy dream book, explaining why a birthmark on your hand is dreaming: you will argue with any business, no matter what you undertake. Seize the moment!

But to display moles located on the arm in a dream is a bad sign. If you do not learn to manage your emotions and restrain negative impulses, you will fall out of favor with an influential person.

From self-criticism to self-admiration

When deciphering what a dreamed birthmark promises, it is worth considering all the places of its location on your body, the oracles of dreams suggest. So, if it was.

Dreams associated with our body always require an answer: for example, why a mole is dreaming.

Sometimes such visions can only be the result of reflections and memories that arose during the day. And sometimes they can become a sign that it is important to pay attention to.

A mole has been included in the dream book for a very long time, since people have always been wary of these mysterious spots. To understand such a dream, you need to pay attention:

  • She dreams on her own or someone else's body.
  • You viewed or deleted it.
  • Does she really exist.
  • On what part of the body do you see a mole.

On your body

If in a dream you found a mole on your body, this promises you easy solution serious difficulties, the ability to avoid unpleasant events in life.

When the situation is different - you noticed in a dream that the spots have disappeared - a difficult period will soon come. There will be obstacles that will be incredibly difficult to overcome. But it will be worth it: having coped with the difficulties, you will achieve what you want.

When you dream of your own moles, you may have a meeting with relatives. The larger the spot, the more significant and important close person.

If you see new dots appear on your body or face, you will meet people who want to become a part of your life. But you need to be more careful when choosing the environment.

When you see that your whole body is covered with moles, you have received a warning. Perhaps soon an event will happen in your life that will cause some strong emotions.

In another case, a dream may signal that in the troubles and deeds you have completely forgotten about your relatives, and it is necessary to restore relations.

On someone else's body

Examine moles on the body of a loved one − good sign. Your personal and family life has passed into an extremely favorable period, filled with harmony and serene happiness. Fate gives you a signal that it's time to act: arrange a wedding, plan a baby.

If you dreamed of a mole on some stranger, someone is interested in you. What kind of person this is and what his intentions are, you will soon find out.


If you dream that you are getting rid of a birthmark with medical care, sleep has a positive connotation. Most likely, in reality you will find yourself in a difficult situation, but the support of a friend will allow you to get out of it brilliantly.

If you picked the mole yourself, in reality your actions are beneficial to ill-wishers. It is worth thinking about your actions and pay attention to others.

Accidentally touching a birthmark in a dream means that soon you may hear from relatives. Possible family reunion.


Moles on the forehead dream when the body is weakened, it is worth strengthening the immune system. The dots on your face can symbolize what your loved ones think of you.

And if the mole that you see on your face is absent in reality, you will soon meet a loved one who will share very important ideas and experience with you.

A large birthmark on the back concerns career growth and work. Be more attentive and accurate, then a brilliant career awaits you.

On your feet - very soon you will meet your family, loved ones and dear people. Author: Ksenia Maisova

Any dreams associated with human body, carry a special meaning.

For example, the interpretation of a dream book, why moles dream, can tell a lot about the dreamer and his life.

See moles on your own or someone else's body

People are always very wary of birthmarks, so predictions about what moles dream of can be found even in old dream books. But in order to correctly interpret the vision, pay attention to this, at first glance, not very important aspect as the location of moles. Have you seen them on your own or someone else's body? If in a dream, you found birthmarks on your own body, it means that in reality all difficulties will be easily resolved and you will be able to avoid unpleasant situations. In the event that the plot looks different - you notice that the mole has disappeared - you should prepare for the onset of a difficult period in life. On your way there will be obstacles, which will be incredibly difficult to overcome. However, all your efforts will not be in vain: you will achieve what you want and be satisfied with the results.

  • Seeing moles on your body in a dream is a harbinger of a meeting with relatives. The larger the spot you see, the more important this person is to you;
  • Seeing new moles appear on your face and body is meeting people who want to become part of your life. However, care should be taken when choosing an environment close to oneself;
  • The whole body is strewn with birthmarks - a warning about an event that will provoke strong emotions in you;
  • Examining moles on the body of a loved one in a dream is a favorable period in your personal life. Your family will finally be filled with harmony and serene happiness;
  • Seeing moles on someone else's body - someone shows interest in you in reality. You will soon find out who this is. a mysterious stranger and what are his intentions towards you.

The number and size of moles - what does it mean

The appearance, dimensions and location of dreaming objects play almost the main role in the interpretation of sleep. A similar situation is with what moles dream of. For example, a large birthmark symbolizes an influential relative of the dreamer, under whose protection he is. You will always find support from him, no matter what trouble happens to you. But according to another interpretation, this dream promises a lot of trouble and problems due to relatives.

  • Many moles on the body are a harbinger of trouble, because of which you will not be able to quickly recover;
  • A mole on your forehead is a signal that your body is very weakened. The dream interpretation advises to thoroughly engage in strengthening the immune system;
  • Seeing birthmarks on your forehead in a dream is a symbol of what loved ones think of you;
  • Seeing a mole on your face that is absent in reality is a meeting with a loved one who will share his ideas and experience with you;
  • A large mole on the back is a harbinger of career advancement and success in work. Show all your attentiveness and accuracy in business, and then a brilliant career is guaranteed to you;
  • Birthmarks on the legs - an early meeting with family and loved ones.

Moles on the head and neck

It is perhaps difficult to find a person who does not have moles on his body. These signs contain important information about the character, actions and fate of a person. Why dream of moles on the head or neck, dream books will tell you. To see a birthmark on the scalp is a symbol of the dreamer's secrecy. For men, a mole on the neck speaks of their imbalance, weaknesses and lack of willpower. However, such people have a strong intellect and spirit. For the fair sex, a dream about a mole on the neck indicates their variability with a seemingly conservative temperament. Throughout her life, she has to repeatedly change her own passions, goals and worldview. Under certain circumstances, she is able to commit adultery, and in no case will she hide her act from her husband.

The article on the topic: "dream book mole on the neck" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

To find out why moles dream, it is enough to turn to a good dream book. In order to truly clarify the interpretation of such a dream, it is important to remember all the details seen in a dream: what size they were, their number, color, and so on. This depends on its interpretation.

Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, if you dreamed that in a dream you were looking at your favorite mole on the body, then in real life this promises a happy family life. Interpreting the appearance of new birthmarks, which in fact are not on the body, Miller's dream book says that this means that you are destined to avoid trouble in reality.

Dimensions and Quantity

Seeing a very large mole in a dream means that in everyday life you have an influential relative who patronizes you and will always help you out in a difficult situation. Another interpretation says that loved ones will soon give you a lot of problems and troubles.

If you dreamed that there were a lot of moles on the body, it was literally completely covered with them, then this is a bad omen. Perhaps a disaster will happen from which you for a long time you won't be able to leave. However, such a dream can only be a reminder that you have many relatives with whom you have not maintained relations for a long time.

Mole removal

The interpretation of dreams largely depends on the nuances of night visions. For example, if you dreamed that you yourself were deleting it without qualified assistance, this says that in your usual life you yourself give ill-wishers reasons for gossip and gossip, and you yourself are to blame for the fact that circumstances are not in your favor.

Explaining why you dream that you are removing it surgically, dream books are encouraging that this is a good symbol that in reality you will be able to avoid evil gossip.


If you dream that you are looking at moles on your forehead, dream books interpret this as probable illness and weakened immunity. Birthmarks on the face indicate that in real life you can be deceived by the closest person, even your parents.

If in a dream you see a mole on your face, which is actually not there, then wait for the long-awaited meeting with your relatives. If she is on her head, then the dream books explain this, as the emergence of new ideas and knowledge from relatives, they will share their experience.

Night vision in which you find a large birthmark on your back warns of serious problems at work, be more careful in the performance of your duties. Seeing moles on your face in a dream is a good sign, foreshadowing the completion of business, the implementation of your plans.

If you dreamed of a mole on your neck, then dream books interpret this as the fact that your family will soon bring some trouble, obviously, a relative will appear who often annoyed you and annoyed you. If they dreamed on the stomach, then this promises overeating, gluttony and laziness. A dream in which you consider them on your feet speaks of an imminent meeting with your family.

Beautiful or ugly

Seeing ugly moles in a dream means that you are rewarded by nature with a negative quality that came by inheritance. This can be used as a hint and changed to better side. If they seem beautiful in a dream, then this is, on the contrary, a sign that you are endowed by nature with some special talent and it needs to be developed.

If you dreamed of an ugly birthmark on your hands, for example, on the little finger, it characterizes the dreamer as a person who does not get along well with people who has few friends. If an unsightly mole dreams on the chest, then this is a symbol of vicious feelings.

Interpreting what dreams are about, how moles grow on the head, back and all over the body, different authors agree that in reality there are a lot of people who want friendship with you or they even want to intermarry. According to another version, this promises unrequited love in ordinary life.

Sleep is just bullshit. Don't believe. Everything will be fine.

Kapa - write to Kapler.

I dreamed of moles on my back and legs, and they bled a lot of blood. What does it mean. Sleep from Friday to Saturday.

I dreamed that in a collision a person whom I know very well lost a mole. I saw her fall, I saw the size and color.

I dreamed that a birthmark on my neck flew off. What does it mean?

I dreamed that I tore off a mole, what does this mean?

I dreamed of ordinary moles and white pearls.

In a dream, mom has a mole on her face, what does it mean?

In a dream, I saw a large mole on my mother’s shoulder, what is it for?

In a dream, I saw a big mole not on my mother’s shoulder.

I dreamed of moles on each eye near the lower eyelid, what is it for?

I dreamed that there were many moles on the shoulders and above the chest. I tried to rip them off.

dream interpretation

Large mole on the neck

Dream Interpretation Big mole on the neck dreamed of why in a dream a big mole on the neck? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Big mole on your neck in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Moles interpretation of the dream book

To understand why moles dream, it’s enough just to look into one of the good dream books. Detailed explanations this vision can be given after a person remembers all the nuances considered in a dream: whether moles had a large size, their number and other characteristics. From such trifles his interpretation will be determined.

Miller's dream book

According to the dream book, when you dreamed that in a dream you were looking at your lover and you see age spots on his skin all over your body, then in reality this portends happiness in the family. Explaining the appearance of new moles that are not on the dreamer's body in reality, Miller's dream book indicates that you should beware of trouble in reality.

Dimensions and Quantity

To see a large mole in a dream indicates that in everyday life you have an influential native person, who is under your command and ready to support you in any situation. A different interpretation indicates that in the near future, relatives will make you bother and resolve some difficulties.

Had a dream that your body was almost completely strewn with moles? This dream is an unfavorable omen. You will probably find yourself in trouble, after which you will need a long recovery. But, such a dream can only be a mention that you have many relatives with whom you have not been in contact for a long time.

Mole removal

The interpretation of dreams is determined based on the details of night dreams. For example, when you dreamed that you were independently performing the removal of a nevus without the help of a specialist, this means that in reality you are doing everything to be talked about. In addition, you are the culprit of the fact that circumstances are directed against you.

Explaining why the plot is dreaming, where you removed moles in an operative way, dream books indicate a positive sign that you will protect yourself from bad conversations.


When you see how you examine the moles on your forehead - beware of ailments and reduced work immune system. Birthmarks on your face indicate that in reality you can become deceived by your relative.

If you saw a mole on your face in dreams, which is not in reality, then soon you will meet with relatives. Its location on the head, dream books explain how the emergence of fresh ideas or receiving information from relatives who share their experience with you.

A dream where you identify a huge birthmark in the back area warns of dangerous troubles in the workplace, be vigilant in the exercise of official authority. To consider moles on the face in a dream is considered a favorable omen, promising the end of all enterprises, the realization of plans.

Did you dream of a mole located in the neck area? Dream Interpretations explain this as quick troubles delivered by a loved one who has not seen you for a long time. Spots found on the stomach - do not overeat, and do not be lazy. The dream where you saw nevi on lower limbs, indicates close communication with the family.

Beautiful or ugly

Looking at ugly spots in a dream indicates that you have negative traits character, passed on to you through family ties. This may be some kind of hint, due to which it is possible to change everything for the better. When they have the right appearance in a dream is a sign that you talented person from nature.

Did you dream of an ugly spot on your hand? The dream depicts a sleeping person as a person with a small number of comrades. If a small pigment spot is located on the chest, this is a sign of loose desires.

Explaining what dreams are about, how moles appear all over the body, various authors agree that in reality there are those people who want to be your friends or relatives. Another version - non-reciprocal passion in reality.

Dream about a mole, dream book: mole. Why is a mole dreaming?

Images from the subconscious in dreams sometimes take strange and bizarre forms. And sometimes they focus on small and inconspicuous things in such a way that after waking up they do not go out of our heads for a long time. If you saw a mole in a dream and you remember this dream, look into the dream book, perhaps this is a warning. Remember what struck you in the dream and where the moles were located.

  • Dream: a mole usually portends happy event, good news and meetings.
  • The dream of “tearing off a mole” means that you will not be able to avoid rumors, with your behavior you yourself condone their occurrence.
  • Why dream of a mole on the face? A vision warns of a possible deception on the part of a loved one. (see sleep Face)
  • Dream Interpretation: a mole on the head promises valuable knowledge and experience passed down from relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: moles on the back portend trouble at work. Be vigilant to avoid this.
  • Dream Interpretation: a mole on the neck is interpreted as a visit from an unpleasant relative.
  • Why dream of a mole on the stomach? Your desire to eat a lot will lead you to illness and contribute to the development of laziness. (see sleep Belly)
  • A dream interpretation of a mole on the legs is interpreted as a date with loved ones in the near future.
  • Dream Interpretation: a mole on your hand defines you as a person who is difficult to make contact with others.
  • In other dream books you can find various interpretations dreams, based on the situations in which the mole was seen.

Dream Interpretation: a mole - one of your parents is expecting a serious illness.

A mole in a dream - in the near future, an increase in the size of the family awaits you.

Dream Interpretation: why do moles dream? To a meeting with a close and dear person.

Dream Interpretation: a lot of moles - in reality you will see other people's shortcomings.

Aesop's dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a large brown mole - there is a high-ranking person in your life who is ready to support you in difficult times.
  • The dream of “a lot of moles” - the future promises a big trouble, the consequences of which you will not be able to figure out soon.
  • Dream Interpretation: remove moles on the cheek - you can avoid an unpleasant situation and malicious rumors.
  • Dream Interpretation: tear off a mole - you yourself are guilty of a large number of gossip and speculation about you.
  • Why dream of a mole on the forehead? Expect sickness in the near future. (see sleep forehead)
  • The dream “a mole fell off as a result of your careless actions” - a dream indicates that cooling from the side of relatives has come through your fault.
  • The interpretation of dreams “mole” is a pleasant pastime with the family.
  • Sleep “big mole on the body” - family problems will bring a lot of trouble.
  • Dream “tear off a mole” - expect the appearance of a new family member.
  • A mole, in a dream to see a non-existent in reality - a pleasant meeting with relatives and friends.
  • Why dream of a big mole? The problems and worries of one of the family members will fall on you.
  • Why dream of picking up a mole? In reality, your family will be replenished with a new relative.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

To see moles in a dream is a symbol of future joyful events.

Sleep “moles on the body” - you have a talent that requires development.

Why do moles dream? The vision speaks of the approach of danger.

Why dream of moles on the body? Pay attention to the place where the mole is located, it may suffer in the near future.

Moles in a dream, the meaning of vision is interpreted as an unexpected gift.

Dream Interpretation “mole fell off” - to skin diseases.

  • Dreaming of a mole on his head on his cheeks - a desperate situation, unsuccessful attempts to enrich himself. (see sleep Cheeks)
  • Why dream a lot of moles? Addition to the family.
  • Dream Interpretation: large moles promise the birth of twins.

Dream Interpretation: why do moles dream? Prosperous and cloudless life.

  • In a dream, seeing moles on the body is considered good sign portending a great ending.
  • What is the dream of a hairy mole? It portends an incident that will turn your whole life upside down.
  • The dream “mole on the face” is interpreted as a change in life associated with the family.
  • Dream Interpretation: a mole has fallen off - it is interpreted as obstacles to the implementation of plans.
  • Why dream of a mole on your hand? Favorable period life, have time to fulfill all your plans.
  • Sleep “mole on the head” - the possibility of obtaining valuable experience from relatives and friends.
  • Why dream of a mole on the back? Be careful and prudent at work so as not to become a victim of a conspiracy.
  • Why dream of a mole on the leg? You will be able to find time for pleasant gatherings with your family.
  • Why dream of moles on the neck? Difficult worries about the affairs of your family.
  • Dream Interpretation: a long mole - in the future you will have to take on the problems of relatives on which you will spend a large number of its energy.
  • Dream Interpretation: moles on the body predict good luck in the near future.
  • Dream Interpretation: tearing off a mole is a prediction of unpleasant news, a quarrel with loved ones.
  • Dream Interpretation: a mole on the face is a deception of a close friend.
  • The dream “the mole has fallen off” predicts the return or appearance of a distant relative.

Dream Interpretation: a mole with hair is interpreted as the approach of events that greatly affect fate. (see sleep Hair)

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Why dream hanging moles ugly looking? An unpleasant feature of character, received from parents or laid down in the process of development, prevents you from expressing yourself.

Dream Interpretation of the World

  • Seeing a mole on your face in a dream is a health complication.
  • Sleep “moles on the arm” - keep yourself busy with something so as not to create problems.
  • The dream “mole on the back” is a betrayal or deceit by relatives.
  • Sleep “mole on the leg” - be careful, there is a high probability of injuries and fractures.
  • Why dream that a mole has fallen off? Return to the family of a relative or the birth of a child.

Why dream of a mole on the nose? Do not abuse alcohol, misfortune may occur. (see sleep Nose)

A mole in dreams appears as a sign that you need to pay attention to your family, but at the same time be ready to solve the problems that will follow. To make it easier for you to endure this period, remember that warm communication with your family and their support will be a worthy reward for your efforts.

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Why do moles dream

A mole in a dream is rather strange and mysterious image. It can warn of an impending illness or promise pleasant changes. Popular dream books and approximate interpretations will help to understand the decoding and find the meaning acceptable in a particular case.

Interpretation of the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Why do moles dream at all? Any such spots on the skin in a dream indicate innate inclinations and talents, both positive and destructive.

So symmetrical and beautiful moles are a sign of a special bright gift. They promise good luck and luck. If you dreamed that the mole looked ugly, then in reality you have negative trait character, which thoroughly interferes with life.

A more accurate decoding will give the location of the mole in a dream. So an ugly mole on the chest marks vicious inclinations in love, on the little finger - marks the inability to disinterested friendship, etc. If you dreamed beautiful correct form moles, then all values ​​​​are strictly reversed.

Moles according to the modern combined dream book

Why dream of moles that are not in reality? The dream interpretation is sure that a warm meeting with relatives is coming. Did you happen to see a very large mole? Unexpected guests will bring a lot, not necessarily bad worries.

Had a dream that you were trying to remove a mole? An addition is expected in the family soon. If such a vision visited a pregnant lady, then she is provided with a difficult birth.

Interpretation according to Aesop's dream book

Why do moles dream most often? The dream interpretation is sure that this is a sign of an upcoming meeting with relatives. If in a dream you carefully examined a rather large mole on yourself, then in reality you have a wealthy and influential relative who will help in a difficult situation.

Had a dream that all the skin in a dream was covered with moles? A vision promises misfortune, which will remind of itself for a long time. Sometimes the same image warns that relationships with numerous relatives should be abandoned.

Why dream that you are planning to remove a mole by medical or surgical means? In real life, avoid problems caused by gossip and slander. To remove a mole on your own in a dream means that own behavior You only exacerbate an already difficult situation.

I dreamed that you were looking for real moles on yourself, but did not find them? You yourself are to blame for the fact that others, in particular relatives, treat you disrespectfully. If you do not change the line of behavior, then you will certainly live in complete solitude.

In a dream, did you inadvertently tear off a mole? Expect bad news from relatives, and after even more cooling in relations with them.

Did you happen to see that moles appear on the body literally before your eyes? In reality, there are people who dream of becoming closer to you, but the dream book advises you to choose your friends and partners very carefully.

Why dream of moles on the body, arms, back

Sometimes the appearance of moles that do not exist in real life hints at an imminent disease of a particular part of the body or organ located on it. For example, a mark on the nose promises heart disease, on the back - pneumonia.

If you dreamed that all the skin was completely strewn with moles, then be prepared for an addition to the house. Moreover, a very large mole in a dream prophesies the birth of twins, and many small moles promise a fun romantic adventure with a serious ending.

What do moles on the face, head, cheeks mean

In general, all dream books advise interpreting moles according to real signs that have long existed among the people. However, if you dreamed of a particularly large mole on your forehead, then get ready for a disease that will drag on for a long time and literally exhaust all your strength and resources.

Why else dream of a mole on the face or head? Be careful when communicating with unfamiliar people - you can be deceived. If you dreamed that a mole crawled out on your cheek, then you will fall into despair, trying to improve your financial situation.

What else does it mean in a dream moles are small, large, a lot

Had a dream that a lot of moles jumped out at once? It's a sign great danger which can be avoided only under certain circumstances. Small moles portend stupid gossip and illness, large ones promise an inheritance and special events.

Moles in a dream - examples of transcripts

Why exactly do moles dream? As already mentioned, this image is best viewed from the point of view of folk signs. Interpretations are approximately similar both in reality and in the world of dreams.

  • big, one - danger
  • a lot - happiness / trouble
  • on your body - the place of localization of the disease
  • on a stranger - a threat from the side
  • on the neck - own opinion
  • on the shoulder - uncertainty
  • on the chest - extremes
  • on the back - demanding
  • in the palm of your hand - happiness
  • on the elbow - inability to live
  • on the knee - instability, weak energy
  • on the thigh - irritability
  • on the stomach - passion
  • appeared suddenly - surprise
  • disappeared - the parent gets sick
  • grew up before our eyes - the birth of a child
  • remove - skin ailment
  • rip off - a lucky break, a chance
  • cauterize - painful experiences
  • disguise - hiding a secret

If in a dream you decide to draw moles for yourself, it means that in reality you are preoccupied with attracting someone else's attention to yourself or some problem. It is also a hint of desires that you prefer to hide from others.

