Glowing fresh flowers: paint or gel? Review! Business selling glowing flowers

Introducing living flowers that glow in the dark: how to make them, features of paint and gel, prices and reviews. Many people want to learn how to make a flower that glows at night, because it is a unique sight and vibrant beauty.

How to make glowing flowers in the dark? Instructions!

Glowing flowers in the dark create a special atmosphere and fill the house with warmth and light. They fascinate and enchant girls and women at first sight, allowing them to experience pleasant emotions.

Today you can buy glowing flowers in the dark in finished form or do it yourself.

Good, what to do glowing flower everyone can do it, because no special skills, knowledge or abilities are required.

The flower glows at night and in the dark as it is coated with special paint or gel. Therefore, all we need to have to get started is the living flower itself, paint (gel) and a brush.

  • It must be said right away that the paint and gel are absolutely safe for any living creature. They do not contain any toxic substances.

They are odorless, glow brightly and for a long time in the dark, and can be charged from any light source (natural or artificial).

In addition, gel and flower paint have a huge resource - the number of recharges and glow period are unlimited.

Gels and paints can also be used to process other products (souvenirs, artificial flowers, pots, vases, cards, packaging).

  1. Before you start painting the flower, you need to stir the paint well in the jar so that the luminous pigment settles over time.
  2. Next, take a cut or live flower and apply paint to the bud with a brush.
  3. You can color flowers in free form. It all depends on your imagination and imagination. You can apply paint only along the edges of the flower, draw a pattern, write letters or apply certain symbols. Everything your heart desires!

The paint has high permeability, which allows the flower to “breathe” and preserve its maximum lifespan. The paint for glowing flowers is light and suitable for all types and varieties of fresh flowers.

Treatment of flowers with luminous gel

The gel for glowing flowers is more voluminous and is an excellent tool for bringing to life unusual ideas. At night it glows brightly, although during the day it is practically invisible.

Like paint, gel can also be applied based on your preferences and desires. A glowing flower in the dark with gel applied in the middle of the bud looks great; it resembles an unprecedented miracle and makes you believe in a fairy tale.

This is how easy it is to make glowing flowers in the dark!

For maximum effect It is recommended to start painting with flowers white, according to experienced florists.

The white flower provides high brightness in the dark and makes the most impressive impression.

Glowing paint and gel for flowers: how much does beauty cost?

Now an important point is the cost of luminous paint and gel. There are several leading manufacturers and today the prices are approximately as follows: 70 euros/liter of paint and 40 euros/210 ml of gel.

  • One liter of paint is approximately enough for 1200-1400 medium-sized buds. On average, painting a bud will cost about 5 euro cents. It is possible to purchase paint in 50 ml bottles in a set.

Painting flowers with gel will cost more, but faster

Approximately one gram of gel is consumed per bud, 40 euros divided by 210 ml and we get about 19 euro cents.

According to other sources, paint consumption is approximately 50 ml - 50 flowers, and 50 ml gel - 70-80 flowers. Those. paint is 7 cents/bud, and gel is 12-13 cents/bud.

  • By time: treatment with luminous paint – 60-90 seconds/bud, gel – 10-20 seconds.

Glowing natural flowers photos and pictures

We present to your attention glowing flowers in the dark, we hope you will like them and want to make a glowing flower with your own hands!

Glowing flowers and romantic atmosphere.

Glowing rose - amazing beauty!

Today we will create an unusual and somewhat provocative craft - we will paint a living flower and make it glow. Our goal is to create an unusual composition without the use of electronics and causing minimal harm to it. Meet on the Internet various variations- paper flowers, plastic bottles or fabric, foam rubber and even iron. But our goal today is precisely a living, luminous flower.
Let's get started. For work we will need the flower itself (in our case it is an orchid), AcmeLight Flower paint for fresh flowers, a stick (screwdriver) for mixing the paint and a brush with stiff bristles. It is better to take a flower with wide white petals; the glow effect looks best on them. In addition, when purchasing, check with the seller whether this variety will withstand coloring. Because, for example, a lily will not withstand such experiments and will wither.
Now a few words about how the paint we will use to paint the orchid works. Applied to a flower, it accumulates the energy of the sun, artificial lighting due to the special pigments included in its composition. When placed in darkness, the accumulated energy is released and the colored object emits a glow.
Let's return to our homemade product. In order for the luminous pigment to be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the flower, mix the paint very thoroughly, lifting it from the bottom of the jar.

Now, using a brush with very stiff bristles, we apply paint onto the petals. We do this very carefully so as not to damage anything. You can also “spray” paint on the flower using a brush instead of toothbrush For example. Those. Essentially, we need drip coloring.

Here's the result up close.

The glow of our already painted flower in the dark and ultraviolet light.

The resulting craft does not smell of paint, and coloring does not affect the durability of the flower in any way.

This luminous paint can be used to paint not only flowers, but also other materials - metal, plastic, concrete and wood (each material has its own type of paint). This gives a wide field for creativity and allows it to be used in almost any homemade products and crafts. You can make glowing ones: Christmas decorations, refrigerator magnet, key rings and greeting cards, photographs of city attractions and this is not a complete list.
Perhaps this glowing hobby will eventually develop into something more and become your main source of income.


When buying bouquets of flowers, people try to be original; first of all, they pay attention to beautifully designed and unusual compositions, decorated with ribbons and sprayed with glitter sprays or simply painted in bright colors, applying inscriptions, pictures, etc. After talking with the directors of flower salons, we came to the conclusion that flowers glowing in the dark- this is very original and, of course, will be in great demand among our Russian customers.

According to the results of voting by visitors to the Relax website, our product entered the top five original gifts For Valentine's Day, hundreds of buyers in different cities were looking for flowers that glow in the dark, but could not find them, since we do not yet have dealers in all Russian cities.

Using this technology, when selling a flower, a special bio-gel is applied to it. The process is very simple, and even a child can handle it.

Our company brought to Russian market flower products new idea, which has been successfully operating for several years in the USA and Europe.

What is this innovation?

The technology consists of applying a special bio-composition to flower petals at the buyer’s request, thanks to which the flower begins to glow in the dark for 3-4 hours, depending on the duration of exposure to light. The technology is easy to implement, anyone can cope with this task, and most importantly, it is spectacular and unusual. The bio-gel on the petals looks extremely natural and almost imperceptible, but in the dark it makes the flower glow, as if a light bulb is hidden inside it. Those. those who see such flowers for the first time perceive them as something magical!

BIO-GEL increases the lifespan of a flower bud by reducing the evaporation of moisture from its surface; wilted flowers retain their glow property for an unlimited time and can decorate vases as dried flowers. The gel has a liquid consistency (packaging 210 ml, 10 ml as a gift!), when it gets on the petals, it is partially absorbed and thickens without disturbing the shape of the flower.
Gel consumption: 1 ml. on a flower.

Usually there is no end to interest, and buyers, having learned that flowers can glow in the dark, usually ask to treat their bouquets with our “miracle gel”. All that is required of you is to promote this new and unique service in your city and region, supplying bio-gel and promotional materials to all flower outlets in your city, very rarely anyone refuses, and next week they begin to place new orders for the gel .

Why does the OSCAR company strive specifically for the regions?

If in the capital the flower market looks more or less modern, then locally the picture is somewhat different. Marketers predict huge growth with proper and civilized approach to flower sales in the regions. Do the maximum for the customer’s convenience, expand the range, provide new services and sales will immediately go up.

In the near future, our company will launch other new products in the florist business that no one has ever heard of! Follow our website updates.

On our website WWW.OSCAR-SIB.RU You can familiarize yourself in detail with this and our other offers for those who want to start their own business.

The OSСAR company is glad to have new clients and partners, let’s together make the Russian flower market better today! And then tomorrow a piece of it will become your source of income!

Two years ago our specialists were tasked with finding interesting idea business, which should have been based on mass consumer demand, such as food or flowers. It had to be an interesting product or service that everyone needed and had great prospects for Russian entrepreneurs.

All the business ideas they found at that time required too much large investments, rarely had a mass appeal, did not coincide with the mentality of the Russian buyer, or in one form or another this market in Russia was already occupied.

In Holland we found unique idea business of applying a self-luminous bio-composition to the buds of fresh flowers, thanks to which the flowers become beautiful not only during the day, but also at night. Such flowers decorated the windows there. flower shops and in the dark they made a strong impression on all foreigners. We decided to settle on this business idea. Flowers are bought and sold every day, on almost every corner and in every store, not to mention how many Lately flower shops and florist salons opened.

According to statistics, in 2006 the country's total income from the sale of fresh flowers was about 2.6 billion US dollars. According to experts, the latter figure may increase by another 25% or more if new technologies are used, incl. and to create luminous flowers, the cost of which, of course, will be much higher than the price of ordinary flowers that cannot glow.

When buying bouquets of flowers, people try to be original, first of all they pay attention to beautifully designed and unusual compositions, decorated with ribbons and sprayed with glitter sprays or simply painted in bright colors, with inscriptions, pictures, etc. After talking with the directors of flower salons, we came to the conclusion that flowers that glow in the dark are very original and will certainly be in great demand among our Russian customers.

We began to study everything in more detail possible ways applying self-luminous compositions to fresh flowers. All the compounds we found led to the rapid death of flowers and had bad smell, the paint was quite expensive and had no certificates for use on flowers. After a year of continuous negotiations and bidding, we managed to buy the technology and recipe for making a self-luminous composition for flowers from a Dutch entrepreneur. This is a bio-gel that glows in the dark, it is specially created for application to living plant tissues, it prevents early withering of the cut flower, it is made on the basis of aluminum and zinc, it is absolutely harmless to health, it has a certificate, a sanitary and epidemiological permit, and for its application you need just a soft brush, which is very convenient for sellers: as they sell, they apply the gel to the flowers themselves or according to the buyer’s order.

After applying the gel to the surface of the petals, the flower begins to glow in the dark, accumulates light from any source and continues to glow for 3-4 hours, depending on the duration of exposure to light.

BIO-GEL increases the lifespan of a flower bud by reducing the evaporation of moisture from its surface; wilted flowers retain their glow property for an unlimited time and can decorate vases as dried flowers. The gel has a liquid consistency (packaging 100 ml), when it falls on the petals, it is partially absorbed and thickens without disturbing the shape of the flower.
Gel consumption: 1 ml. on a flower.

According to sales statistics, in January 2008, in medium and large cities of the country, 10 liters of products were sold per 3,000 people. One flower shop sells more than 50 ml of bio-gel per day, bringing a profit from the sale of 200-400 rubles. per day and 6-12,000 rubles. per month. Accordingly, by arranging the supply of bio-gel to 10 flower points, your income will be 60-120,000 rubles. Well, the dynamics of increasing sales growth depends only on the person’s personal qualities - look for new customers and earn more!

A small A4 sign - FLOWERS GLOWING IN THE DARK, this is all that is needed for advertising, the rest is explained and shown by flower sellers.

Usually there is no end to interest, and buyers, having learned that flowers can glow in the dark, usually ask to treat their bouquets with our “miracle gel”. All that is required of you is to promote this new and unique service in your city and region, supplying bio-gel and promotional materials to all flower outlets in your city, very rarely anyone refuses, and next week they begin to place new orders for the gel .

You might think that the profit figures are inflated?
Just imagine how big the flower market really is. Entire flower powers have long been established in the world, the leader of which, of course, is Holland. This country has the largest auctions where it is traded flower products from many countries of the world. And in this moment The interests of auctioneers are directed precisely towards Russia. We have very great potential for increasing the capacity of the flower market; in real terms, it can grow tens of times more.

Why does the OSCAR company strive specifically for the regions? If in the capital the flower market looks more or less modern, then locally the picture is somewhat different. Marketers predict huge growth with a competent and civilized approach to flower sales in the regions. Do the maximum for the customer’s convenience, expand the range, provide new services and sales will immediately go up.

On our website WWW.OSCAR-SIB.RU you can learn in detail about this and our other offers for those who want to start their own business.

The OSСAR company is glad to have new clients and partners, let’s together make the Russian flower market better today! And then tomorrow a piece of it will become your source of income!

We will be happy to answer all your questions about:
[email protected]
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icq: 352 933 896
+7 383 291 41 86

It is known that all girls love to receive flowers as a gift. And, if the bouquet is unusual, then the effect of such a gift increases many times over. Therefore, many flower salons offer their clients buds coated with paints - black tulips, blue roses, etc. etc.

What if you use not ordinary ones, but glowing colors? And display such a bouquet in a darkened part of the hall? This feature will certainly allow the flower salon to stand out and attract the attention of customers.

Glowing bouquets can be an excellent gift for any occasion - birthday, New Year, March 8. You can make a surprise just like that, without any reason. The bouquet will last a long time - glowing, developed by the Akmilight company specifically for fresh flowers, does not spoil the delicate petals, but, on the contrary, “preserves” them, protecting them from drying out.

Creating a bouquet that glows in the dark is not at all difficult:

1) We purchase everything necessary to create a flower arrangement: flowers, ornamental plants, beads, ribbons, etc. etc. And also Akmilight luminous paints for fresh flowers (take at least a couple of shades for a more interesting effect), brushes, gloves.

2) We form a flower arrangement, guided by the basic canons of floristry and our artistic taste.

3) We begin coloring. The paint is ready for use. Shake the jar and apply paint to the leaves and petals with neat, light strokes. The paint dries on acrylic base almost instantly. Our unique glowing bouquet is ready!

Here's what happened in the end:

Let's calculate how much profit luminous bouquets can bring:

All necessary materials for making a floral arrangement: flowers, decorative elements, a basket will cost you an average of 18.50 USD. If you buy everything in bulk, it is 1.5 times cheaper.

Brushes can be ignored when calculating costs, since they can be used repeatedly and are very cheap.

Glowing paint to transform one bouquet it will cost you no more than 1.30 USD.

Total cost of creating the product “ glowing flower composition» approximately 20.54 USD How much do unique compositions sell for? Much depends on the “promotion” of the flower salon, its positioning, etc. etc. But even in an economy class cabin, a glowing bouquet will cost no less than 30 USD. Profit from one bouquet from 9.46 USD up to 18.70 USD when purchasing flower material on a wholesale basis.

How to apply an idea to create a business? Who should I sell to?

The easiest way is to use the power of the Internet for sales. To do this, you don’t even need to have your own website; you can start by creating a VK group with an offer to purchase original luminous bouquets as a gift or for holidays - corporate parties, anniversaries, weddings.

Send invitations to residents of your city, using the necessary criteria, to companies involved in organizing holidays and parties. Publish news, photos, Special offers and very soon you will have an impressive base of regular customers.

Flower salons: are constantly looking for new “tricks” that will help attract clients. Tell them about the possibilities of glowing paint for fresh flowers, this way you will get regular customers.

But the best thing is to combine all these methods. If you want to build a profitable business based on an innovative product - luminous paint, we suggest you sign a dealer agreement with the manufacturer - the Akmilight company.

This way you will become the exclusive dealer of luminous paint in your city and will be able to purchase our products at big discounts.
