Why dream of husks from seeds. What is the dream of Onion Peel

As in real life, seeds in a dream symbolize a casual conversation with loved ones. However, if you dream of husks from seeds, it is advisable to deal with the details of sleep, since the exact interpretation depends on them. In general, the husk of seeds in a dream wears auspicious sign and promises only good.

What if dreaming of seed husks?

If the dreamer dreamed of a sunflower filled to capacity with seeds, such a dream portends that positive changes in life await him, full of joyful events and good news.

A dream in which the dreamer gnaws seeds is associated with a fun pastime in the company of pleasant people, among friends or close relatives. Such communication will bring moral and spiritual satisfaction, as well as deliver emotions that are remembered for for a long time. The only thing to think about is not to make a mistake when communicating, try not to offend any of the interlocutors with rash words or an insufficiently successful joke.

However, according to another dream book, the husk of seeds in a dream can symbolize wasted time on the part of the interlocutor. So, it is recommended not to succumb to the joys of an empty pastime and direct your energies towards the implementation of more significant things.

Equally important in the interpretation of sleep is given to its details. So, the dream in which the dreamer deals with the husks of pumpkin seeds is considered the most successful. Such a dream symbolizes for the spouses (depending on who had the dream) the birth of the long-awaited child.

For a sick person, a dream with seed husks is also favorable, as it portends a speedy recovery from a serious and protracted illness. According to Miller's dream book, seed husks are most often dreamed of by young people and symbolize nothing more than the state of their soul. As a rule, in young years, people are characterized by such actions as: falling in love, casual pastime, frequent meetings, empty chatter, and so on.

Often the husk of seeds in a dream is a kind of reminder from the past. It is likely that soon the dreamer will meet with one of his former friends, acquaintances, or even former love. Such a meeting will not be negative for the dreamer, on the contrary, it will leave no less pleasant impressions than those in the past. Perhaps this communication will last long enough and will cause pleasant and unforgettable changes in the dreamer's real life, radically change his attitude to life.

What portends?

A large amount of husk is a reminder that it's time to harvest. For business partner such a dream symbolizes the imminent receipt of a cash dividend, a long-awaited profit. At the same time, it would not hurt to start implementing the planned actions and tasks.

If the dreamer dreamed that he was collecting seed husks, such a dream is a kind of warning and is interpreted as follows: it is time to take care of your children, most likely they need attention, guardianship or other actions from their parents.

A dream, accompanied by active hot seeds, prepares the dreamer for upcoming events, characterized by a party with friends, a visit by a large group of acquaintances.

And finally, another detail of sleep that needs to be observed is the husk of white pumpkin seeds. Despite the expected prosperity, as well as long-term stability, do not forget about the implementation of other equally important things.

So, a dream in which a person dreams of a husk of seeds portends, in general, the development of only pleasant and relaxed events. So, the dreamer is waiting for joyful days, financial profit, cheerful communication in the company of friends and acquaintances close to him in spirit.

Everything that has no practical application, we are accustomed to classify as garbage. However, in a dream, insignificant images take on a special meaning. For example, why dream of seed husks, what secret signs do dream books see in a dream? Maybe they know something about us that we don't know about?

Plan ahead

Husking a sunflower in a dream, shaking off the husks from the seeds on the floor is a clear hint of a quick rest, a small party, and with an emphasis on a waste of time. Either the company will be uninteresting, or the event is so-so. Possible quarrel with friends.

Dream Interpretations also give a different interpretation of sleep. Perhaps the period of a sluggish flow of affairs is coming to an end, and ahead is work strictly according to plan and small but pleasant successes.

Miller's dream book: carelessness

Did you dream that your porch was covered with seed husks? Before you open the prospect of a carefree life without obligations.

And why dream of seeing dirt in someone else's house? If in a dream old grandmothers littered the floor, then Miller prophesies hopeless need. Only a ripe grain among the garbage will save the situation - finding it means soon receiving an inheritance, winnings or an expensive find.

What makes you worry?

If you dreamed of a ripe sunflower hat, then dream books portend material well-being. But if it is empty, then someone from your environment will lose the child. Why dream that sparrows pecked everyone? You should be more careful in the coming days.

Collecting the remaining rubbish in a paper bag in a dream means a deterioration in well-being.

Attention to others

A person who dreamed that he was spitting left and right husks from seeds on the floor needs to reconsider his attitude towards people. Disregard for their interests gives him more problems than anyone. If you manage to establish contact with colleagues, it will be possible to change the nature of work.

Relatives will repay the attention with help. And most importantly, it depends only on him whether normal relationships will be restored in the family.

Tidying up is not always good

It would seem that cleaning in a dream portends an update, but dream books give interesting warnings. So, why dream of getting rid of excess rubbish?

  • Sweeping the husks from the seeds from your house means that soon you yourself will have to sweep away.
  • Clean up in your apartment for someone else - to the departure of this person.
  • I dreamed of putting it in a heap - to worries and a successful completion of affairs.
  • To dream that you managed to put things in order - to slander against you.
  • Cleaning up after others in someone else's apartment is a petty and unprofitable scam.

Seeing a bow in a dream vegetable plant portends an unexpected illness or a dispute between relatives due to inheritance.

Eating raw onions means that you will learn something that will give you trouble and make you quarrel with friends.

Peeling an onion in a dream is a sign of deceit or success in a difficult undertaking.

Cut onions with tears in your eyes - be defeated in the fight against competitors. Frying onions or cooking in some other way portends a calm course of affairs and a small but stable profit.

There are dishes seasoned with onions - you will overcome enemies and cope with difficulties, but at the cost of incredible efforts and using all your savings for this.

See onions in the garden large quantities means that in reality you will cause envy and anger with your successes.

Planting and growing onions portends that you will only dream of peace, so business and worries will overcome you.

Trading onions in a dream means that you will succumb to the persuasion of ill-wishers and will be embroiled in a bad story.

Buying onions is in trouble with your friends.

If you dreamed of a bow as a type of weapon, it means that in real life you will have to hire a lawyer to protect your interests.

An ancient combat bow means discord and enmity between loved ones, a sports bow portends that you will take the side of one of the two arguing whom you sympathize with, even if he is wrong.

Homemade bow with hazel arrows - to a public insult and showdown of personal relationships.

If in a dream you shoot from any kind of bow, this means that your prejudice will cause a sharply negative reaction from your friends.

To hit the target with a bow - you will be presented with a chic gift by secret admirers, to miss - see a doctor if you feel unwell.

A dream in which you see that they are aiming at you from a bow means the appearance of new enemies.

To dream of Cupid or Cupid with a bow in his hands and a quiver of arrows on his shoulder means the approaching denouement of a love affair.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Bow as a weapon

A sign of discord and enmity.

Archery - sometimes means consolation, but more often resentment and insult.

Break a bow to a healthy one - lose something.

Find or buy a bow in a dream - you will be protected by a lawyer.

To lose or break a bow with arrows is a loss of honor.

To defend someone with a bow is to defend someone in a dispute.

Interpretation of dreams from

The article on the topic: "dream book onion peel" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

From this article, you can find out why you dream of Husk from the dream books of various authors. What does what you see mean, the analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you. And even more accurately, the lunar calendar will help to understand the dream.

Why Husk is dreaming: interpretation of sleep

What is the husk dreaming of in the fall?

Why dream of husk in summer?

Why dream of husk in spring?

If Husk is dreaming, what is it for?

The meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of Husk in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • What is the dream of Husk from the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If Husk is dreaming from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If Husk is dreaming from a dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why dream Husk from Thursday to Friday
  • If you dream of Husk in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why dream Husk in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Wed March 16, 2016, 07:16:48 AM

Husk in a dream book. Tell your dream:

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What did the onion dream about?

In various dream books, one can find a literal understanding of a dream on an onion theme, which lies in the fact that in the future a person will have tears.

But, firstly, there are other versions that would be interesting to get acquainted with. And secondly, some clarifications can completely change the meaning of the interpretation. Your attention is invited to several answers to the question of what dreams of onions.

Basic meaning

There are several interpretations of the dream:

  • As the dream book testifies, the bow dreams of tears, all sorts of experiences and disappointments.
  • To see a growing onion - rivals will appear in your life, and the fight against them will enrich your life, make it richer and more interesting. Growing garlic promises well-being.
  • A dream in which I happened to see many bulbs has similar meaning: you will achieve great success in life, but at the same time envious people will appear who will be overwhelmed with anger and a desire to interfere with your business.
  • Seeing this vegetable, according to the Gypsy dream book, is a confusing dispute that may happen between relatives. A dream can mean making a discovery or receiving money, according to the gypsies.
  • Hasse claims that seeing this vegetable in your dream is a surprise.

Let's figure out why onions dream. Dreaming of a bow in the heads - the dreamer's success will cause envy and anger. Bulbs are dreaming, and there are several of them? Remember the approximate number of heads, this number will indicate the number of enemies that you will have to deal with in the future.

It is interesting to know what the dream is about green onion. A dream portends shame or tears. According to the dream book, green onions dream of quarrels between heirs over the division of the inheritance.

Let's try to figure out why a rotten onion is dreaming. A rotten vegetable portends a deterioration in well-being. Sometimes a rotten onion in a dream indicates a person's problems in the sexual sphere. If a woman dreamed of a rotten onion, the dream speaks of possible problems in a relationship with a loved one.


Different dream books offer their own interpretation of the dream in which you happened to eat this vegetable.

Eating onions, according to the English dream book, means that in the near future you will discover a treasure or find your lost money and other valuables. According to the Chinese dream book, there is a bow - to a quarrel or fight. The interpreter of dreams for women says that there are bulbs in a dream - to victory over rivals.

It is considered a positive sign to eat a vegetable to a sick person - in the future he will recover soon, and the more he ate, the faster the recovery will come. A quick recovery is also possible in the case when a person had a dream where he ate garlic.

Onion peel dreams of a quarrel or kitchen gossip. The husk also symbolizes the remnants of lost feelings, ended relationships. Many interpreters warn that the husk can lead you to a conversation with an unpleasant type.

Sweeping the husk in a dream - all problems will find a solution. Paint Easter eggs, if it uses onion peel, - ill-wishers will appear in your fate, whom you inadvertently trust. To see how the husk flies at you - expect concessions from your leadership.

kitchen affairs

Now let's find out why the bow that you are going to put into action is dreaming of.

Buying bulbs is a positive sign that portends your friend's getting rid of a serious illness. Buying garlic means that your expectations will be deceived.

Cutting onions in a dream and at the same time shedding tears, according to the Women's Dream Book, will lead to defeat in a fight or dispute with your enemies. Another source indicates that cutting onions is a deterioration in well-being, which can drag on for a long time. Esoteric dream book warns that cutting this vegetable is a pleasure, but be careful, this can end badly.

To peel and cry at the same time - a quarrel with your friends or relatives is possible. Another source indicates that peeling the bulbs is successful completion affairs. There is also a version that cleaning it is a hoax. To peel off the husk - a dream means a possible betrayal by people you know or the envy of colleagues.

Why dream of onions in the kitchen? Cooking any dish with onions - a quiet time ahead. Frying it, according to Miller, means that you will have a serene life and an improvement in your financial situation for the better.

Let's clarify what the onion in the garden is dreaming of. Planting it in the garden means victory over sworn enemies. According to another version, planting this vegetable in the ground means that soon you will take over a large number of responsibilities and concerns. Planting - turbulent times await you ahead. Collecting a bow is a good reward, which will come as a surprise.

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Dream interpretation onion peel

Dream interpretation onion peel

If in a dream you saw a bow, then you will have to get into a situation in which such not your best qualities as envy, anger, powerlessness will appear. Although any night vision can have a radically different interpretation.

Any interpreter will say that the only nuance that you remembered small detail, can radically change the prediction.

I saw onion peel

Dreamed of onion peeling

In general, a vision about a bow is considered negative. And why dream of onion peel? Can such a dream promise even more trouble? Of course, any dreamer would like to understand this issue.

General interpretation

According to the dream book, onion peel in a dream portends minor quarrels and conflicts that will arise on domestic grounds. Any minor fault of one of the household can cause a grandiose scandal. To avoid such troubles, the dreamer should learn not to express his real emotions, to control anger.

Interpreters' predictions

This vision is quite a rare event, but many dream books consider such plots in detail in their sources. A sleeping person will only have to choose the most suitable for himself.

Interpreter Avadyaeva

Did you dream that you peel the bulbs from the husk? Soon you will take on a difficult task and be able to complete it successfully.

It is negative to feed someone with a husk or eat it yourself. Such a dream promises irritation that you will cause in the people around you, or you yourself will not be in the best mood.

Boil the husk - there will be a fight with your enemies. As a result of this struggle, you will be defeated.

Boil a coloring solution in a dream

Coloring eggs in a decoction - ill-wishers will begin to influence you. You, out of your kindness, will succumb to their persuasion.

Dream interpretation of the seasons

Often dreamers turn to this dream predictor for help. It has a clear division of predictions, depending on when the dreamer was born.

Onion peel in a dream will mean the following if you were born:

  • in January, February, March or April - you recently broke up with your loved one, your subconscious mind "digests" this information;
  • from May to August - there will be a meeting and conversation with a person who is rather insidious;
  • in September, October, November, December - the prediction will be positive, all your troubles are over, a white streak is coming.

Modern interpreter

I dreamed of a husk - a scandal would soon break out. If you swept away the husk, then all troubles will be resolved by themselves.

When you scattered it, then all conflicts in the family occur through the fault of the sleeping person himself.

To be covered in husks

If in a dream onion peels fell on you directly from the sky, then such a night vision is considered very favorable. A certain person who occupies a higher position in society than you will make concessions and help.

This behavior of your friend will clearly benefit you, and life will become an order of magnitude better. The only advice: do not sit aimlessly waiting for the good that will fall on you from the sky or be bestowed by another person, act on your own. In this way, you will only accelerate positive changes in your life.

Why dream of husk

Potato peel - to dirty homework; onion peel - to gossip in the kitchen.

Husk - alas, these are just the remnants of outgoing love.

Husk - a conversation will take place with the descended type.

Husk - no need to limp all the bad things will end soon.

I dreamed of a husk - get ready for a scandal.

In a dream, you sweep away the husk - you will be able to avoid major family troubles.

If you dreamed that you were scattering husks, you yourself would become the cause of your family troubles.

If you dreamed that you were peeling onions, then success in a difficult task awaits you.

If you saw a potato peel in a dream, this is to receive a reward that you did not hope for.

Eating husks in a dream or feeding someone husks is an annoyance and quarrel.

If you cooked husks in a snack, then you will be defeated in the fight.

To paint Easter eggs with onion peel in a dream means that you will soon succumb to the persuasion of ill-wishers.

See also: why do onions dream, why do potatoes dream, why do garbage dream.

Realization and meaning of dreams

A dream is associated with the dreamer's state of mind, his fears and concerns. A pleasant dream promises a solution to problems, a frightening one - the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people who were born on Monday, they are prophetic.

A dream may contain terrible and frightening pictures. It is not worth interpreting them: they are empty.

A dream on a waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose its value in real life. Only dreams with negative content are embodied: they carry a good meaning.

A dream usually takes the sleeper into the world of his fantasies and unfulfilled hopes. This empty dream, which means nothing.

Why dream of Husk, dream book of Husk to see in a dream what does it mean?

Husk - Peeling onions from husks is success in a difficult task. Potato peel - to receive a reward that you did not hope for. Eat a husk or feed someone a husk - to irritation, quarrel. Boil the husk - be defeated in the fight. Painting Easter eggs with onion peel means that you will succumb to the persuasion of ill-wishers.

Summer interpreter of dreams

Why is Shelukha dreaming?

Husk - You will have a conversation with the descended type.

If Husk is dreaming, what is it for:

Husk - No need to become limp - all bad things will end soon.

Spring interpreter of dreams

Why is Shelukha dreaming?

Husk - alas, these are just the remnants of outgoing love.

What is the dream of Husk in the dream book:

Husk - a quarrel is brewing. Sweep the husk - all problems can be easily solved. Scattering husks in a dream - you yourself are the cause of your troubles.

Interpretation of sleep, taking into account time, day, month

Are you dreaming of Husk? Share your dream!

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dream interpretation

Onion and onion peel

Dream Interpretation Onion and onion peel dreamed of why in a dream onion and onion peel? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see onions and onion peels in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Why is the husk dreaming?

However, you should not worry in advance, because only knowing both black and white, in life you can fully experience the whole gamut of sensations.

What if the husk is dreaming?

To understand why the husk is dreaming, you need to try to remember the details of the dream. For example, if the husk was of an incomprehensible appearance, so that it is even difficult to determine what it was from, then this indicates an unpleasant communication with a degraded person.

It is possible that you will have to face an old acquaintance who now looks very unsightly or even leads a beggarly lifestyle. Remember that it is you who decides how to perceive such a situation: ignore and walk past or somehow help him. Even a minute of attention can be more valuable than any money.

To avoid consequences, it is enough to simply avoid discussing someone in his absence instead of spreading rumors. Remember that gossip has a very negative effect on those who spread it.

What portends?

If the husk in a dream was from potatoes, then it's time to roll up your sleeves. Hard and not always pleasant housework awaits you.

It is recommended to use this time to clean up the darkest and dirtiest corners. If you yourself do not start to act, you will have to get your hands dirty one way or another. For example, it can break through the pipe and flood the neighbors. So it is better to take the initiative and clean up the house yourself.

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Why dream of husk

I dreamed of a husk - get ready for a scandal.

In a dream, you sweep away the husk - you will be able to avoid major family troubles.

If you dreamed that you were throwing husks, you yourself will become the cause of your family troubles.

Potato peel - to dirty housework; onion peel - to gossip in the kitchen.

Husk - no need to limp all the bad things will end soon.

Husk - alas, these are just the remnants of outgoing love.

Husk - a conversation will take place with the descended type.

dream come true by day:

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Husk from seeds according to the dream book

Everything that has no practical application, we are accustomed to classify as garbage. However, in a dream, insignificant images take on a special meaning. For example, why dream of seed husks, what secret signs do dream books see in a dream? Maybe they know something about us that we don't know about?

Plan ahead

Husking a sunflower in a dream, shaking off the husks from the seeds on the floor is a clear hint of a quick rest, a small party, and with an emphasis on a waste of time. Either the company will be uninteresting, or the event is so-so. Possible quarrel with friends.

Dream Interpretations also give a different interpretation of sleep. Perhaps the period of a sluggish flow of affairs is coming to an end, and ahead is work strictly according to plan and small but pleasant successes.

Miller's dream book: carelessness

Did you dream that your porch was covered with seed husks? Before you open the prospect of a carefree life without obligations.

And why dream of seeing dirt in someone else's house? If in a dream old grandmothers littered the floor, then Miller prophesies hopeless need. Only a ripe grain among the garbage will save the situation - finding it means soon receiving an inheritance, winnings or an expensive find.

What makes you worry?

If you dreamed of a ripe sunflower hat, then dream books portend material well-being. But if it is empty, then someone from your environment will lose the child. Why dream that sparrows pecked everyone? You should be more careful in the coming days.

Collecting the remaining rubbish in a paper bag in a dream means a deterioration in well-being.

Attention to others

A person who dreamed that he was spitting left and right husks from seeds on the floor needs to reconsider his attitude towards people. Neglecting their interests causes him more problems than anyone else. If you manage to establish contact with colleagues, it will be possible to change the nature of work.

Relatives will repay the attention with help. And most importantly, it depends only on him whether normal relationships will be restored in the family.

Tidying up is not always good

It would seem that cleaning in a dream portends an update, but dream books give interesting warnings. So, why dream of getting rid of excess rubbish?

  • Sweeping the husks from the seeds from your house means that soon you yourself will have to sweep away.
  • Clean up in your apartment for someone else - to the departure of this person.
  • I dreamed of putting it in a heap - to worries and a successful completion of affairs.
  • To dream that you managed to put things in order - to slander against you.
  • Cleaning up after others in someone else's apartment is a petty and unprofitable scam.

What is the result?

Relatively speaking, what can be attributed to useless waste is considered by dream books as a “dry residue” from some previous activity or deed.

The husks from seeds germinated for planting indicate a large, long overdue conflict. Seeing a small one, according to dream books, portends fatigue from useless fuss, and a large one - a decent reward after much work.

What did the onion dream about?

at the Women's Club!

There are dreams that impress with their unusualness and unexpected plot twists that are remembered long time after waking up.

But usually dreams are not surreal, but are full of events and details of our everyday life. Attention is usually not focused on the details of such dreams, and we remember such dreams only when the object in the dream takes on special significance.

It is to such objects that are often found in reality that the bow belongs. If this vegetable has attracted attention, a person wants to understand the meaning of this symbol and find out what the onion is dreaming of.

How do famous dream books interpret this symbol?

Miller's dream book, considered one of the most detailed, draws attention to the circumstances of sleep:

  • If you dreamed of a huge amount of onions, you are able to succeed, despite the envy and rejection of others.
  • There is it - to defeat the enemies.
  • Watching green onion arrows sprout in the garden is a rivalry that allows you to feel the sharpness of life.
  • Fry onion - get a modest reward and live carefree.
  • Cutting an onion head, but not crying at the same time - your rivals will not be able to defeat you.

Grishina's dream book interprets onions as a harbinger of surprises and meetings with family friends. Cleaning a vegetable in dreams indicates a lie, and eating it indicates a change in circumstances.

Tsvetkov's dream book indicates that if the dreamer saw how he cleaned his head from the husk, then in reality he will achieve enviable results in a difficult matter.

Other interpreters

The esoteric dream book considers onions in this dream book as a symbol of future pleasures, and green promises tears.

In the dream book of Health, onions:

1. See - to unexpected events and changes in life.

2. Yes - to the need to pay attention to your emotional state and health.

O. Smurov believed that the bow was dreaming of disputes and litigation (it is possible to consider an inheritance case).

For people who work for themselves, the abundance of this vegetable is dreamed of as a warning - during this period of time it is not worth expanding the enterprise or changing the profile. For future success, it is worth maintaining a stable position and avoiding unnecessary risks for the time being.

Freud also considered what the bow is dreaming of:

  • The tall and juicy green onion arrows that you see in a dream indicate a subconscious desire to find a young partner.
  • Large bright orange heads onion speak of a well-developed sexuality.
  • An onion in a bunch can mean that you are very loving.
  • A sprouting head is evidence of your desire to have children.

Vanga believed that onion heads tied together dream of significant changes in life. And for people involved in farming, this dream promises good harvest and serious profits.

Interpretations of different nations

The English dream book indicates that eating onions in a dream means, in reality, finding a treasure or returning what was lost. The dreamer can finally find the thing that he has been looking for for a long time and unsuccessfully.

Cleaning the head and crying at the same time - to sort things out with relatives, and buying vegetables or herbs - to the recovery of a seriously ill friend. Health is also promised by dill and parsley dreamed along with onions.

Since onions stimulate vital activity, the Chinese are convinced that eating it in a dream is a stormy showdown with others. A female dream book The East indicates that eating it is to success in life and victory over enemies.

An onion growing in the garden predicts that the intrigues of enemies will not be able to upset you, but will only serve as an incentive for further achievements. Cooking onions - live calmly and serenely, despite rare troubles.

In an old Russian dream book, it is noted that eating this vegetable is to reveal a secret, and in Ukrainian - to hidden negative emotions surrounding.

Gypsies believe that the bow is associated with fate, so if:

  • You ate it in a dream - the previously stolen property will return to you or you will find a treasure.
  • You threw it away in a dream - changes in relations with your soulmate are coming.
  • Buy - to an unexpected reward.

Sometimes this dream book interprets the onion you ate as tangled disputes.

What else is important in the interpretation?

Sometimes in a dream, onions are dreamed along with other greens. Dill, parsley and green onion arrows, bright and fresh, mean that you have patrons, as well as excellent relationships with others.

It is also important why green onions dream separately from other vegetables - this may be evidence of the need to moderate your own appetites and work on your character. Dream Interpretations are advised to spend more time in the bosom of nature, reevaluate your life aspirations and values, and also get rid of negativity, as it prevents you from achieving success in life.

The circumstances of sleep affect its meaning:

  • To plant onions, according to Smurov's dream book, to dissatisfaction with unrealized potential.
  • If parsley or dill grows along with onions in your garden, your secret dreams will come true.
  • Buy this plant - to recovery loved one. In this case, a dream may mean an attempt by others to persuade you to commit an act with possible negative consequences, therefore, in reality, one must be extremely careful.
  • To sort out a bow is to have doubts.
  • To eat a large amount of onions in a dream to a sick person in reality - to a quick recovery.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to what the onion that you collect in a dream is dreaming of. This dream promises a large and unexpected reward, good news or a pleasant surprise.

Digging an onion bed in a dream for men promises rivalry, which endurance and calmness will help to solve.

Dream interpretation onion peel

If in a dream you saw a bow, then you will have to get into a situation in which such not your best qualities as envy, anger, powerlessness will appear. Although any night vision can have a radically different interpretation.

Any interpreter will say that the only nuance that you remember, a small detail, can radically change the prediction.

I saw onion peel

Dreamed of onion peeling

In general, a vision about a bow is considered negative. And why dream of onion peel? Can such a dream promise even more trouble? Of course, any dreamer would like to understand this issue.

General interpretation

According to the dream book, onion peel in a dream portends minor quarrels and conflicts that will arise on domestic grounds. Any minor fault of one of the household can cause a grandiose scandal. To avoid such troubles, the dreamer should learn not to express his real emotions, to control anger.

Interpreters' predictions

This vision is a rather rare occurrence, but many dream books consider such plots in detail in their sources. A sleeping person will only have to choose the most suitable for himself.

Interpreter Avadyaeva

Did you dream that you peel the bulbs from the husk? Soon you will take on a difficult task and be able to complete it successfully.

It is negative to feed someone with a husk or eat it yourself. Such a dream promises irritation that you will cause in the people around you, or you yourself will not be in the best mood.

Boil the husk - there will be a fight with your enemies. As a result of this struggle, you will be defeated.

Boil a coloring solution in a dream

Coloring eggs in a decoction - ill-wishers will begin to influence you. You, out of your kindness, will succumb to their persuasion.

Dream interpretation of the seasons

Often dreamers turn to this dream predictor for help. It has a clear division of predictions, depending on when the dreamer was born.

Onion peel in a dream will mean the following if you were born:

  • in January, February, March or April - you recently broke up with your loved one, your subconscious mind "digests" this information;
  • from May to August - there will be a meeting and conversation with a person who is rather insidious;
  • in September, October, November, December - the prediction will be positive, all your troubles are over, a white streak is coming.

Modern interpreter

I dreamed of a husk - a scandal would soon break out. If you swept away the husk, then all troubles will be resolved by themselves.

When you scattered it, then all conflicts in the family occur through the fault of the sleeping person himself.

To be covered in husks

If in a dream onion peels fell on you directly from the sky, then such a night vision is considered very favorable. A certain person who occupies a higher position in society than you will make concessions and help.

This behavior of your friend will clearly benefit you, and life will become an order of magnitude better. The only advice: do not sit aimlessly waiting for the good that will fall on you from the sky or be bestowed by another person, act on your own. In this way, you will only accelerate positive changes in your life.
