Interior design of a children's clinic. Artists have transformed a London children's hospital into a colorful space. Design of a waiting area in a children's medical center

Not all volunteer initiatives can be easily classified into types of volunteering. For example, the creators of the Cheerful Corridor project call themselves art-social volunteers. How a group of volunteers decided to donate bright colors walls of children's hospitals, - in the material of the special project "Year of the Volunteer".

The history of the Cheerful Corridor project began in 2012, when the board of trustees of the Morozov Hospital decided to invite artists to paint walls in two departments. Habitual plain walls decided to turn them into beautiful and bright ones in order to improve their mood and make the stay of little patients in the hospital more comfortable and joyful. At first, no one thought about a full-fledged volunteer project; they just wanted to create a comfortable space for children in the hospital.

Then, at the end of 2012, under new year holidays V in social networks The first post was published about the search for volunteers to paint the walls of the hospital. About 20 people responded to the call, and 15 volunteers got to the point of painting the walls. Among them is the artist Anna Rumyantseva, who later became one of the founders of the Cheerful Corridor project.

"We split into two groups (in departments) and all worked holidays. By the end of the New Year holidays, one of the departments was scheduled, and we began to complete work in the second department. And when it was all over, we formed a small group of people interested in continuing to paint walls in children’s hospitals,” recalls Anna Rumyantseva.

Participant initiative group project "Cheerful Corridor" Elena Filimonova

© Photo courtesy of the Cheerful Corridor project

At first, the project only involved painting the walls of the Morozov Hospital, but then, as the volunteers joke, all the walls there ended, and the project began to expand.

“We and the Korablik charity foundation, with which we collaborated at that time, contacted the Department of Health with an offer for other hospitals in Moscow to participate in our project. The department helped us a lot by informing medical institutions and organizing a meeting with interested managers of these institutions.” , says artist, member of the “Joy Corridor” initiative group Elena Filimonova.

New Horizons

With each new painting, the project gained popularity and attracted more and more medical institutions. The Happy Corridor tries not to deny hospitals the opportunity to paint, but in order for volunteers to paint, certain criteria must be met. For example, it is necessary that the walls are repaired and the paint does not fall off.

Member of the initiative group of the Cheerful Corridor project Olga Sutemyeva

© Photo courtesy of the Cheerful Corridor project

“Also, the hospital management should provide us with a room for storing paints, brushes and other tools and equipment,” says Elena Filimonova.

Painting a large hospital department, depending on the complexity, can take from six months to a year. Now, as the project organizers say, there is a whole queue lined up to paint the walls. But perhaps very soon the project’s volunteers will be able to paint walls in several hospitals at once.

© Photo courtesy of the Cheerful Corridor project

© Photo courtesy of the Cheerful Corridor project

Recently, the project joined the Union of Volunteer Organizations and Movements (SVOD) and thereby acquired legal status and new opportunities, in particular for attracting donations.

“All this gives us reason to hope that in the near future the Cheerful Corridor will be able to simultaneously do murals in several hospitals and our “queue” will move much faster. SVOD will also offer us cooperation with institutions where other volunteer projects are being implemented,” — said Elena Filimonova.

So far, the geography of the project is mainly limited to Moscow and the immediate Moscow region. But there are also cases of cooperation with medical institutions from other regions.

© Photo courtesy of the Cheerful Corridor projectVolunteers of the "Happy Corridor" project

© Photo courtesy of the Cheerful Corridor project

"In 2016, we collaborated with charitable foundation“Live!”, who, inspired by the activities of the “Jolly Corridor”, decided to paint the walls of the oncology department of the Tula regional hospital. And at some point the guys called us for help, realizing that they needed a “powerful, experienced landing force” in order to advance and successfully complete the job,” notes Anna Rumyantseva.

The project’s activities over the past five years have inspired caring people from all over Russia, and now in the Smolensk region, Bryansk, Samara, and the Urals, volunteers are also painting hospital walls.

Form style

During the painting of the very first objects, the style of the “Merry Corridor” had not yet been formed, and drawings in different techniques. But gradually the project participants came to the principle of coloring by numbers. When drawing, you need to paint over the circled piece of wall with a number with a certain color. This style of painting is considered the most suitable for mass painting, and even those volunteers who absolutely cannot draw can take part in painting.

Any participant in this process feels that he is participating in beauty and benefit, that this wonderful painted wall contains his work, and such walls look like they were painted by a professional artist in a flat style. Artists prepare the wall for painting in advance, breaking it into pieces, like batik or mosaic, where each piece will be painted in its own color,” says artist, member of the initiative group Olga Sutemyeva.

There are no age restrictions for “Happy Corridor” volunteers. Schoolchildren and students, older people, and even the youngest take part in the project.

© Photo courtesy of the Cheerful Corridor projectVolunteers of the "Happy Corridor" project

© Photo courtesy of the Cheerful Corridor project

“One day, my seven-year-old nephew Roma came to the painting. He watched how the sketches were created and took an active part in their development. He was one of the main kids in the focus group! And he advised adding cars and transport to the cartoons, because it will be very interesting for the boys. And when the drawings were painted on the walls, Roma painted over his piece with trepidation and joy,” recalls Olga Sutemyeva.

“One day, five-year-old Nastenka came to see us, her grandfather holding her hand. They came to the hospital to visit Nastya’s little sister and really wanted to see what was going on there, behind that door with the sign “Fun Corridor”?! We are hospitable and friendly , and Nastenka ended up painting all the butterflies very beautifully for us in the “Jolly Corridor,” it’s impossible not to pick up a brush,” said Ekaterina Trofimova, a member of the initiative group of the “Joy Corridor” project.

© Photo courtesy of the Cheerful Corridor projectMusician Noize MC took part in the project "Joy Corridor"

© Photo courtesy of the Cheerful Corridor project

It happens that celebrities come to paint the walls and chat with little hospital patients. For example, musician Noize MC took part in the painting in the Morozov hospital. Seeing a children's idol in the hospital was an unforgettable experience.

“The guys certainly had fun, but the girls who were lying in the next department got even more pleasure. They walked past Noise drawing and almost went crazy from the presence of their adored singer nearby. It was interesting experience, and many thanks to Ivan and his team for participating in the event,” said Anna Rumyantseva.

Volunteering as a way of life

“The Cheerful Corridor” is difficult to attribute to any specific type of volunteering; there are elements of both cultural and social volunteering.

Healthcare settings are a source of stress for many adults, not to mention children who are intimidated by white walls and noisy equipment. The managers of one of the London clinics believe that specific sounds and smells have a negative impact on the mental health of children, and therefore invited 15 artists to decorate the interior of the hospital.

By using certain colors can be adjusted hormonal background, boost immunity and even treat some mental illnesses. So that little patients are not so scared - in one of the London hospitals ( London Royal Children's Hospital), even children took part in creating bright and attractive pictures using stamps.

To decorate the hospital, artists used vinyl, ceramics, wood and even carpets. The designers made each room individual with elements of art decor, Victorian architecture, Asian culture and circus themes. Instead of the usual numbering of the chambers, the designers “assigned” a specific animal to each of them: a tiger, a lion, a parrot, a fish.

The goal of this idea is to make patients’ stay in the hospital as comfortable as possible. Children should feel happy and cheerful. Doctors are confident that the colorful atmosphere around has a beneficial effect on the mood and well-being of visitors. The original idea delighted kids and parents.

It is difficult to treat a child when he is afraid of the doctor and the hospital premises. The interior design of the pediatric dentistry Matsumoto pediatric dental clinic in Tokyo, Matsumoto district, is full of kind animals and you can wait in line in the playroom. This is done so that the kids feel free.

The project was developed and implemented by specialists from Te ra inter イ nn za video together with Terada Naoki and tie Kenichi, known for their extraordinary solutions.

A special corner has been created for young patients and their parents. There are boxes with toys under the bench. Funny animals will entertain the child and calm him down.

On the glass screen there are life-size outlines of trees and animals. The combination of light wood and light green color is calming.

The offices are delimited by partitions and are part of large room. Small offices in the clinic were abandoned. Closed space may frighten a child.

The built-in wardrobe is almost invisible thanks to the plywood applique in the form of a trunk and branches, which distracts the eye.

There is a monitor hanging high on the wall in front of the chair. Its position is designed in such a way that it is convenient for the little patient to watch the cartoons that are constantly shown.

Additional lighting in the form of powerful lamps is mounted on a high adjustable tripod.

One of the walls has many holes into which funny and nimble worms poke out. The wall decor is varied and fabulous.

The glass facade of the Matsumoto pediatric dental clinic is painted with white paint with silhouettes of animals and birds walking between the trees. Above is the name of the hospital. Opening hours on the door.

They try to welcome the little ones into the office with glass partition. Then the child can see his mother waiting for him and feels more confident.

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Painting the walls of the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent hospice. The artists, who were entrusted with the design of two large chambers in the premises of the children's hospice, faced a responsible, difficult and delicate task. I would definitely like to note the very high quality and complete contents of these rooms: from furniture and special equipment to refrigerators, plasma panels, to nice ceiling lamps , sconces and good plumbing. Decent color and graphic range ceramic tiles bathrooms. The calm and optimistic (as far as this term is possible in a hospice room) color of the curtains on the windows, the color of the bedspreads and sofas, the delicate coloring of the lower part of the walls of both rooms - all this indicates that the choice was not random, professional work architect. In one of the chambers, the architect proposed his own version of “watercolor”, sometimes extremely “foggy” wall painting with images of kind animals: a fox with cubs, a pair of bunnies, a deer with a doe and a fawn. The difficulty for the artists lay in finding a compromise in the naturalism of their poses and positions in the space of the painting and in the architect’s request to leave them with a certain “cartoon-like quality” with an absolutely “watercolor” background of the painting. It should be noted that cartoonishness is necessary in this real situation (the ward was intended for the youngest patients), but it was necessary to maintain a balance of visual means. In addition, the artists had to paint the background in a rather unique way, not only preserving its lightness, but also giving it some materiality, which made it possible to create a single pictorial space, somewhat modifying some details of the sketch, but developing its main components as decorative wall painting. In another room, the walls (0.8 m from the floor) and the ceiling were covered with painting in the style of airbrushing. In this size, airbrush painting requires special care in the elaboration, which naturally requires quite a lot of time, which the artist who paints using this technique apparently did not have at all. As a result, blurred boundaries, uniformity in the elaboration of volumes, indifference and uniformity in color and graphical solution . All this created a sad, very sad feeling in the ward. sad dream. In addition to the above, the very language of the painting and the complete absence of anything living in the image created the impression of a world frozen forever. The customer, realizing this, asked the artists to introduce new elements into the mural without rewriting it entirely. And then this dead space of branches and trunks was “populated” by many colorful flying, sitting, singing and whistling birds - the result was a real Garden of Eden.

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