How to open a business in a village from scratch. What business to open in the village in winter? Breeding animals as a business in the village

In order to live in a village, you need to know what will be promising in a particular area. It is possible to organize a successful company outside the city even with small capital investments thanks to low competition, inexpensive rent and cheap labor.


Basics of a successful business in a village

To organize in rural areas, it is important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of this activity.

Advantages of village earnings:

  1. Support from local authorities. The state in Russia and Ukraine is interested in rural development, so it is possible to receive investments and loans on favorable terms.
  2. Motivated employees. The lack of jobs encourages the population to work better so as not to lose their position.
  3. Low rental costs. Unlike the city, in the village premises and areas for development are rented out at very low prices.
  4. Availability of natural resources. Especially relevant when choosing a niche related to production natural products and animal breeding.
  5. Low competition. Rural business is just beginning to develop, so there are few competitors, and the business is profitable.

Disadvantages of entrepreneurship in the village:

  1. Limited market. There are much fewer potential customers, so it is necessary to find sales channels for products in advance.
  2. Inaccessibility. There are often problems with roads.

How to choose the right business idea for a village?

When choosing an idea and drawing up a plan, an entrepreneur needs to focus on these advantages, as well as his own resources. For example, to start with, make production at home, and only then organize a large enterprise.

A new entrepreneur should focus on the following parameters:

  1. The scale of the settlement. It is especially important when opening a business with sales in the village.
  2. Availability of necessary resources. For example, a reservoir for fish farming.
  3. Presence of potential clients. Relevant when starting a business in the service and entertainment sector.
  4. Availability of required communication systems. For example, constant access to the Internet if sales are conducted online.

The best business ideas in the village for the production and sale of goods

When choosing what to do in the village, an entrepreneur can use the list best ideas for business from scratch:

  • growing vegetables, strawberries, mushrooms;
  • keeping pheasants, geese, chickens, turkeys, rabbits;
  • beekeeping;
  • grain cultivation and flour production;
  • breeding fish in a pond.

Greenhouse business

Directions for earning money in the greenhouse business:

  • greenery;
  • radish;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • salads;
  • strawberry;
  • flowers;
  • seedling.

Sales markets:

  • wholesale centers;
  • the shops;
  • food markets;
  • medical and preventive institutions;
  • restaurants;
  • own stores.
  1. Weather. Greenhouses are designed to grow food during the colder months, but extreme cold can require significant heating costs, reducing profits. To overcome this problem, it is recommended to use greenhouses from February to November.
  2. Pests. Their influence is lower than in open farming, but you still have to fight them in a greenhouse.
  3. Different conditions for different plants. The required temperature and humidity are different. It is best to plant one type of plant in one greenhouse.

The material protects grown crops from:

  • cold;
  • hail;
  • bad weather.

Advantages of polycarbonate:

  • easy to cut;
  • easy installation;
  • does not require special tools for processing;
  • has a high level of thermal insulation.

This coating is the most advantageous, as it allows you to save on heating or, depending on the climate, do without it.

Arched greenhouse with reinforced frame (from RUR 11,094) Gable greenhouse made of durable galvanized steel (from RUR 14,442)

Growing vegetables

Growing vegetables can be called one of the most promising areas of business in the village, because it allows you to earn money with minimal investment.

For start own production vegetable entrepreneur must choose:

  1. Place. Required land plot With fertile soil, without traces of contamination with nitrates and other harmful substances.
  2. Vegetable crop. It is necessary to study the market and identify the most popular vegetables in the selected area.
  3. Plant varieties. It is necessary to select based on the collected data, taking into account the characteristics of the soil and climate.

Implementation options finished products:

  1. Sales on the retail market. You can sell using your own retail outlet.
  2. Wholesale base. Delivery in large volumes for subsequent resale.
  3. Sales of products to visiting wholesalers. Customers themselves pick up the goods from the production site.
  4. Direct deliveries. To shops and restaurants at wholesale prices, without intermediaries.
  5. Growing to order. For a specific buyer. This usually concerns environmentally friendly growing technologies, which are associated with high labor costs, but also a high selling price.

Methods for growing vegetables:

  • open ground – fields, beds;
  • closed ground - greenhouse, greenhouse.

Basic growing technologies:

  1. Hydroponics. Growing vegetables without using land.
  2. Potatoes under straw. Planting is carried out not in the ground, but under a layer of straw, which, during the process of decay, provides the product with the necessary nutrients.
  3. Growing according to Mittlider. A technology for potatoes that eliminates the need for loosening and hilling.
  4. Combined crops. Planting several crops together. Specially selected vegetables are used that contribute to better growth each other.

To successfully grow vegetables, you need to understand agriculture, as well as monitor compliance with the growing conditions of the selected plant variety. This will allow you to harvest two or more crops per season.

Advice from an experienced gardener on growing vegetables from the channel Lyudmila Filatkina.

Growing strawberries

The most profitable sale of strawberries is in the cold season and in early spring, since at this time it is grown only in special greenhouses. Possible to grow in open ground, but using plastic film.

Yield indicators:

  • for soil – 15–19 tons per hectare;
  • for a greenhouse – 30 tons per hectare.

Sales markets:

  • the shops;
  • supermarkets;
  • retail markets;
  • wholesale bases.

Types of finished products:

  • fresh;
  • frozen.

Strawberries are a perishable product with a short shelf life, so it is necessary to establish a clear mechanism for the rapid sale of finished goods.

Review of strawberry varieties from the channel “In the garden or in the vegetable garden.”

Raising pheasants

You can start a business in the village by breeding pheasants. This bird is used in exotic cuisine and is a sought-after product for restaurants. Competition in the field of pheasant farming is still low, so the business is very profitable and will bring great profits.

The main sales market is restaurants and large stores. The batches are small, but orders are regular.

To create a farm you will need:

  • aviaries (minimum 2 square meters per bird);
  • egg incubator;
  • special glasses for birds to prevent them from tearing out each other’s feathers;
  • feed;
  • water containers.

The advantage of pheasant is that its daily food requirement is 4 times lower than that of chicken. The growth cycle is 5 months with an average weight of 1–2 kg.

Video from butap online about breeding pheasants.

Raising turkeys

Advantages of raising turkeys:

  1. Large mass. In two years he can gain weight of 30 kg.
  2. Quality meat. Suitable for the production of gourmet food products.
  3. Eggs. Valued for their taste and beneficial properties.
  4. Easy to grow. Withstands low temperatures.

Growing options:

  • for meat;
  • for breeding;
  • on eggs.
  • keep in cages covered with plastic film;
  • change litter daily;
  • use special food;
  • raised separately from other birds;
  • use an incubator for breeding eggs;
  • construct low perches.

Turkeys are suitable for growing in most regions, as they survive temperature changes better than other birds.

Experience in raising turkeys from the Peasant Life channel.

Raising rabbits

Rabbit meat is considered tender and dietary, and the skins are also sold.

When starting a business, you need to decide on the breed:

  • fur;
  • meat;
  • decorative.

For feeding are used:

  • bran;
  • cakes;
  • food waste;
  • hay;
  • branches of birch and other trees.

Meat markets:

  • the shops;
  • supermarkets;
  • retail markets;
  • wholesale centers;
  • own store.

When breeding fur-bearing rabbits, it is advisable to create your own clothing production or supply to factories.

Practical advice on raising rabbits from Sofiya Pelshenke.


The economic efficiency of beekeeping is about 15–30%. It is most profitable to sell at retail, since the wholesale price can be 4 or more times lower than the retail price.

Beekeeping involves breeding bees to produce the following products:

A profitable beekeeping farm has at least 100 bee families, and a large farm has more than 1,000.

To organize production you will need the following:

  • hives;
  • bee families;
  • protective clothing;
  • equipment for collecting honey;
  • area for placing an apiary.

When choosing a location, there are some factors to consider:

  • dry and spacious;
  • Honey plants should be located within a radius of two kilometers;
  • There should be no livestock farms nearby.

An entrepreneur can purchase honey from small farmers and sell it through his own supply chain. But it is important to monitor the quality of products so as not to lose customers.

Video from Roman Gavrichev about beekeeping.

Chicken breeding

Chicken meat and eggs are among the most popular products. Chicken fillet is a dietary product, and various organs and parts of the carcass are used to prepare hundreds of dishes.

Directions in chicken breeding:

  • for meat;
  • on eggs.

The production of chickens for meat is associated with the raising of broilers. These birds gain a weight of three kilograms in two months and are ready for sale. This rapid weight gain allows the entrepreneur to produce several batches of finished products per season. Business profitability will be 45–60%.

Used to produce eggs various breeds laying hens. The advantage is that not so many birds are needed, since from 50 hens you can get about 40 eggs per day. Profitability is about 45%.

It is recommended to open a mini-poultry farm. At the start, it is possible to receive support from the state, since this area is a priority. The amount of investment capital required to open a mini-poultry farm depends on the scale of the planned activity. A significant part of the investment is the rental of land or finished premises. For example, a farm with 1,000 heads will require an area of ​​at least 100 square meters.

When breeding chickens, the sale of goods can be carried out both wholesale and retail. The product is supplied chilled or frozen.

Tips for raising chickens from the UdachnyeSovety channel.

Geese breeding

Geese are unpretentious birds; keeping and raising them is easier to organize than breeding other species.

Advantages of a goose farming business:

  • the bird is easy to keep;
  • gain weight quickly;
  • You can keep them on pasture and save on feed.

Finished products:

  • meat;
  • eggs;
  • feather;
  • chicks;
  • goose droppings.

Goose production is practically waste-free:

  • food products can be sold in stores and markets;
  • the litter is sold to farmers; a special certificate from a veterinary clinic will be required;
  • down and feathers are used in the production of pillows and other products;
  • Chicks can be sold for further breeding, as well as used on your own farm.

The profitability of goose farming is about 75%.

Tips for breeding geese from an experienced farmer (channel “Main farming portal FARMER. RU”).

Growing grains and producing flour

The business of growing grains and producing flour will require significant investments, but will bring significant profits.

Flour is a product of processing grains of a wide variety of crops, not only cereals:

  • wheat;
  • barley;
  • millet;
  • oats;
  • rye.

The most popular flour in production and sale is wheat flour, but other types are also in demand. It can be used for baking or to create pasta.

Classification of baking flour:

  • wallpaper;
  • grit;
  • second grade;
  • first grade;
  • top grade;
  • extra

The price of its sale and the complexity of production depend on the quality. Therefore, first grade flour and higher are the most expensive on the market.

Flour making technology:

  1. Preparation. Grain cleaning and laboratory control.
  2. Peeling of grains.
  3. Splitting up.
  4. Sifting and cleaning.
  5. Packaging of finished products.

Video about the flour production process from the Kazakh TV channel.

Sales markets:

  • bakeries and bakeries;
  • retail and wholesale outlets;
  • restaurants and cafes;
  • pizzerias;
  • pancake and pastry shops;
  • dining rooms

Growing mushrooms

Very profitable business with a small investment, the payback is from 2 months.

Popular types of mushrooms:

  • oyster mushrooms;
  • Champignon;
  • Reishi mushroom.

Premises requirements:

  • area from 15 square meters;
  • temperature from 12 to 25 degrees Celsius;
  • high air humidity - 85%.

Full cycle of mushroom production (Ruslan Manzhula channel).

Growing fish in a pond

Growing fish in a pond for subsequent sale requires specific conditions, but if they are met, it can become a very profitable business.

Popular fish species for breeding:

  • carp;
  • crucian carp;
  • trout.

Requirements for the reservoir:

  • area from 5 to 10 hectares;
  • availability of natural food supply;
  • absence of pike and other dominant predators;
  • There has been no mass mortality of fish for 10 years;
  • the pond is available for rent;
  • is located outside the populated area.

To breed fish in a pond, you will need to not only rent a pond, but also obtain a fishing permit.

Necessary equipment:

  • house or trailer for security;
  • fishing equipment;
  • means of communication;
  • transport;
  • containers for storing and transporting fish;
  • refrigeration equipment.

Growing fish requires a lot of time, since large specimens are valued in the market. On average, it takes from 1.5 to 2 years to grow one batch.

Video from the channel “People's Business!” about artificial fish breeding at home.

Bull breeding

The business of raising bulls will require large investments. The business will be profitable if you start production highest quality, since the piece marbled beef the highest category weighing 3–4 kg can cost up to 30,000 rubles.

To organize a farm you will need:

  • calves;
  • pens;
  • pastures;
  • transport;
  • special feed;
  • experienced staff.

Bulls are classified as cattle, so the entrepreneur needs to take care of the safety of employees. The pens must be strong and reliable, and the workers must be experienced.

Practical advice on fattening bulls from the channel “Family in the Country!”:

Sale of milk and dairy products

To organize a dairy farm you will need:

  • cows;
  • pens;
  • pastures;
  • milking machines;
  • mini-tractor for removing manure;
  • special feed;
  • experienced staff.

Product sales channels:

  • local shops;
  • own retail outlet;
  • points Catering;
  • milk processing plants.

Popular dairy products:

  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • sour cream;

When organizing a dairy farm, it is recommended to give priority to cow's milk, since production volumes are much higher than when working with goat's milk.

Video about milk production (Sergey Misiyuk channel).

TOP best ideas for small business development in rural areas in 2019

In rural areas, the following ideas can be implemented:

  • mini-production of non-food products;
  • small shop in the village;
  • entertainment business;
  • frozen food production;
  • production of juices and canning;
  • ecotourism in the village.

Mini-production of non-food products

An entrepreneur can take advantage of all the advantages of doing business in a village and open a mini-factory.

Advantages of mini-production:

  • mobility;
  • small area;
  • efficiency;
  • high efficiency;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • exclusivity.
  • construction;
  • production of containers;
  • textile;
  • cosmetics and perfumes;
  • recycling.

To organize a mini-production you will need to purchase necessary equipment, as well as establish distribution channels for finished products.

Review of business ideas for creating a mini-production from the ZhazhdaPro channel.

Small shop in the village

Organization of a store in rural areas - promising direction business, since local residents have to travel to the city to purchase many types of goods.

Necessary equipment:

  • showcases;
  • refrigerators;
  • freezers;
  • scales;
  • furniture;
  • shelving;
  • cash register equipment;
  • signboard.

Competitive advantages:

  • a wide range of;
  • work on weekends and holidays;
  • cooperation with local manufacturers.

The peculiarity of trade in the village is that most shops are open at the same time. Therefore, it is recommended to open a 24-hour store or set the maximum possible time frame for the operation of the outlet.

Business plan for a grocery store from the “Business Secrets for a Beginner” channel.

Entertainment Business

When opening an entertainment establishment, it is necessary to conduct an analysis and find out whether it is represented in the locality the target audience. If at least 50% of the residents are young people, then opening is advisable.

Restaurant options:

  • cafe;
  • restaurant;
  • club.

When developing an entertainment business, it is necessary to regularly hold various events, including concerts and theme parties.

Video from Ivan Kalin about the entertainment business.

Frozen food production

In rural areas, it is possible to organize the production of frozen vegetables, fruits and other products.

Necessary equipment:

  • machines for washing and cleaning raw materials;
  • installations for trimming excess;
  • freezing chambers;
  • packaging machines;
  • conveyor;
  • refrigerated warehouse for storing finished products.

Production technology:

  1. Collection and delivery of raw materials.
  2. Acceptance and screening.
  3. Air cleaning.
  4. Washing of raw materials.
  5. Trimming.
  6. Shock freezing.
  7. Package.
  8. Packing.
  9. Transportation to the buyer's warehouse.

Due to the need to purchase expensive equipment, a frozen food business will require significant investment. When organizing such production, it is recommended to establish cooperation with local suppliers and manufacturers of raw materials.

Video from the channel “Business Ideas and Business Plans” about the production of frozen foods.

Production of juices and canning

Organizing this type of business is excellent for rural areas, as it requires large areas.

Basic equipment:

  • water preparation and filtration systems;
  • pumping stations;
  • storage tanks;
  • bottling system;
  • Packaging equipment.

Production technology:

  1. Reception and screening of raw materials.
  2. Cleaning.
  3. Grinding.
  4. Sterilization.
  5. Package.
  6. Packing.
  7. Transportation.

The process of producing juices and nectars in PET packaging (channel “Fruit Juices and Nectars”).

Ecotourism in the village

Ecotourism is a popular direction of modern tourism. City dwellers are eager to leave big cities and spend time away from their usual life.

To organize ecotours you will need:

  • website;
  • groups on social networks;
  • photographer;
  • transport.

The leisure program for vacationers can include:

  • fishing;
  • hunting;
  • picking berries;
  • relaxation in a Russian bath;
  • as additional service It is possible to provide equipment for rent.

For a successful business in the field of ecotourism, it is necessary to use modern marketing tools, as well as periodically change routes.

The current trend in market development is aimed at developing business in rural areas. Modern realities allow businesses in many areas to get off to a great start. There are many advantages to starting a business in rural areas, including low levels of competition. As a result, a large number of buyers.

Small business ideas in rural areas

The main advantages of rural business include the allocation of government subsidies and subsidies for opening or developing a business in rural areas, a wide choice of areas for starting a business and the demand for products Agriculture and livestock farming.

Moreover, this interest comes both from the population of cities and large retail chains.

We must not forget low prices on public utilities, rental payments. The increased demand for environmentally friendly products suggests a potentially large demand andgreat development prospects.

In rural areas there is a huge selection of business ideas. Let's look at the most popular and profitable ones.

Production of frozen vegetables and fruits

You can grow on your garden plot various varieties berries and fruits, which are subsequently supplied to large retail chains. Moreover, now retail chains prefer to purchase unpackaged frozen mass. In the future, they package them themselves. The most common business options in this area:

  1. Growing strawberries- a very common type of activity in our country, and at the same time quite profitable. The only drawback is possible competition.
  2. Grape breeding– there is a certain risk, since grapes are a very dependent capricious plant and are highly dependent on climatic conditions. Therefore, not all areas can engage in this activity.
  3. Raspberry plantations– for our country this is a rather risky step, but there is practically no competition here.
  4. Growing blackberries is quite a profitable and promising occupation. It can be organized in both large and small villages. The popularity of this berry is growing every year.
  5. Orchards is an unusual and progressive small business that is the easiest to implement. The big disadvantage is the high cost of seedlings fruit plants, as well as a long time period from planting a seedling to receiving the first harvest.
  6. for growing vegetables - promising direction. The redistribution of family budget finances towards vegetables is natural, and since there is demand, then production needs to be established.

Bee breeding

This is quite difficult work, and the profit is seasonal. For implementation, you need a plot of land, equipment for breeding bees, the bees themselves and certain knowledge and skills. But as a result, you will get very popular products on the market - honey, wax, royal jelly. All these products have a fairly high price.

Poultry farming

This area is very relevant, but requires large financial investments and a lot of human labor. Often in this business the labor of hired workers is used. The following bird species are currently bred:

  • Ducks;
  • Ostriches;
  • Chicken;
  • Turkeys;
  • Pheasants;
  • Geese.

Animal husbandry.

Just like poultry farming requires considerable costs, both financial and labor. So, for breeding all types of animals, spacious paddocks, large pastures and a considerable amount of grass for the winter are needed. The following types of animals are raised in Russian villages:

  • Cows;
  • Sheep;
  • Rabbits;
  • Pigs.

Flour production.

To start, large financial costs are required. Firstly, you need a field for sowing cereals, from which flour will subsequently be produced. Secondly, there must be equipment for planting, processing and harvesting grain. Thirdly, it is necessary to have equipment for grinding grain into flour.

Growing vegetables in greenhouses.

This type of income is one of the most common and profitable. Vegetables from greenhouses are very popular in spring period among the population. With the development of technology, it has become possible to build heated greenhouses, which allows harvesting even in light frosts. Types of vegetables grown in greenhouses:

  • Cucumbers;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Pepper;
  • Zucchini;
  • Eggplant.

Growing greens.

It is not very profitable, although the prices for greens are quite high.

Big business ideas

Popular ideas are presented in this video:

These options include the following:

Fish farming.

This type activity implies the presence of its own reservoir, an initial population of fish.

It is worth noting that experience shows that it is much more profitable to breed fish in open water, since there is no need to purchase expensive pools, water purification and heating systems. Fish farming is a very profitable enterprise.

Since more than half of the fish in markets and stores is brought from other countries, our products will have a more favorable price for the buyer. And the freshness of local fish is higher than imported.

Sawmills and woodworking.

This idea is to process wood into finished materials for construction. Launching this business initially involves quite large costs for the purchase of a sawmill and woodworking machines. The payback period is quite long, but the constant demand for wood products fuels interest in this business.

Opening of a cannery.

The main thing here is proven recipes. You can produce compotes, jam, and canned vegetables. Milk and butter production is also considered a costly business. Since in addition to cows or goats that produce milk, it is necessary to have a workshop for the production of butter, as well as a packaging workshop.

Family business

Since the labor market in rural areas is quite scarce, many have to work with the whole family, building a family business. This type of business includes farming.

It includes several previously listed types of business - crop farming, livestock farming, and poultry farming.

Family farms often grow vegetables for sale, with potatoes being the most common root vegetable on farms. Farming is a lot of work for the whole family every day. After all, it is necessary not only to process farm products, but also to monitor animals and birds, as well as constantly water and treat plants against pests.

Many families organize mini-hotels for those who like to relax in rural areas. Here you can find food, accommodation and entertainment. This type of income began to gain popularity with the advent of such a type of recreation as agritourism. It lies in the unity of urban man with nature, a return to the origins of civilization, as well as obtaining new emotions and impressions.

Fishing tours are popular. This business is promising only for those villages and hamlets near which there are bodies of water, and large ones at that.

Such a line of business in rural areas as organizing hunting for city residents has become increasingly popular. Who else but a villager is familiar with hunting and knows all the good places suitable for this activity. This business is quite profitable, as it has all-season use.

Before starting a business in a village from scratch, you need to consider some factors:

  1. Relatively low wages in small towns. In villages, the incomes of citizens cannot be called high either. There is practically no work in the villages.
  2. Demand structure constitute familiar goods and services.
  3. Low start-up costs.
  4. The importance of reputation. Reputation in a small town or village is extremely important. A damaged reputation can kill any business.
  5. Besides, you should know the differences between forms of economic government. Most often, a form of business management is chosen, such as individual entrepreneur or LLC. It is easier to open an individual entrepreneur; an individual entrepreneur does not require authorized capital. But if the individual entrepreneur is declared bankrupt, the individual entrepreneur is liable with all his property.

Important! When registering an individual entrepreneur, a legal entity is not registered. An individual entrepreneur is an individual with the right to conduct business activities. Therefore, this form of economic governance is not suitable if you decide to sell alcohol. Individuals cannot obtain a license to conduct such activities.

Opening an LLC is a little more difficult. More documents will need to be collected. In addition, you will need an authorized capital of at least 10,000. But there are also advantages. In the event of bankruptcy of an LLC, the organizers are liable only for the funds that they invested in the LLC.

You should also know the characteristics of the area in which you decide to open your business. You need to know what exactly will be in demand. Let's look at a few ideas for running your own business.

How to start your business from scratch in a small town? Watch the video, which describes the experience of a businessman in the village.

What business to start from scratch in rural areas?


The store is in high demand among villagers. If for some reason there is no store in the village yet, then it’s time to open one.

Important! When choosing your store's assortment It is worth taking into account the specifics of demand. For many household items, villagers are often forced to travel to the nearest regional center. If you offer them household items for more high price, then there will be sales. If you decide to open a niche store, then you may encounter a lack of sales. Therefore, take into account the needs of people who live in the area.

We also recall that Only organizations can obtain a license to sell alcohol. Therefore, if you decide to open a store, you should take this fact into account.


In villages and villages, there is often no pharmacy. Therefore, a business idea in a village from scratch, a pharmacy, is an excellent option. Medicines are items of general demand. The pharmacy will be beyond competition. To open a small pharmacy in a village or village you will need about $40,000. Pharmacy profitability is only 10%.

Important! Although such a business will be profitable, opening it is not so easy. For this license required. The documents required to obtain a license are approved by Russian Government Decree No. 489, and you will also need to pay a license fee.

In addition, it is important to consider that only a pharmacist can manage a pharmacy, and only pharmacists can work there. Accordingly, opening a pharmacy is not easy.

In the village

If there is no store or pharmacy in the village, this will also be good option to open your own business. But the choice of business options in villages is somewhat wider than in villages. The following can be added to the business options in the village:


The procedure for forming an agricultural business idea from scratch is described in the Federal Law of June 11, 2003 N 74-FZ “On Peasant (Farm) Farming” (as amended on December 28, 2010 N 420-FZ).

Farming is a struggling economic market. Of course, there is government support. But in fact, government support is not provided in the required amount. So, if you decide to grow strawberries for sale, it will be a very troublesome and costly affair.


On Russian market About 300 thousand tons of honey are provided annually. Note that Russian production allows you to get much less honey, namely, about 150 thousand tons. This is due to the lack of qualified specialists.

This business will be extremely profitable. After all, up to 7 tons of honey can be collected from an apiary during a season. average price for honey is approximately 150 rubles per kilogram. In addition, you can sell honeycombs, bee bread, and dead bees.

Important! The apiary also has big risks. Risks associated with weather conditions. Drought or frequent rains negatively affect honey collection. This risk can be minimized by moving hives to more favorable areas.


Yes, even in a village you can run a tourism business if you do good enough advertising. Such a business will help bring an influx of finance to the locality.

In order to run such a business, a good tourism program is necessary. You can make it about everything, about everyday life and way of life.


If a village or town can be easily reached from a large city, an option such as maintaining a stable can be successful. Many city residents go in for horse riding. But, of course, a horse cannot live in an apartment. Therefore, those townspeople who have a horse rent space in the stable. Stables located in villages are in demand due to lower stall rentals than stables in the city.

Stable space can be purchased quite inexpensively. Now stables are often located on the territory of former state farms. In addition, if you have your own horse, you can teach people horse riding and conduct horseback riding for city residents.

In a small town

In a small town, the specifics of running your own business are somewhat different. What are the ideas for starting a business from scratch in a small town? What kind of business can you start from scratch in a small town? Let's list examples:

  1. Restaurant and other catering options. Considering the specifics of a small town, you should not open an expensive restaurant or a specific cafe. Something simple and inexpensive will do.
  2. Entertainment. Perhaps it will be a cinema or club format. You should get your bearings and understand what entertainment is still missing here.
  3. Grocery store

Important! In small towns, there are often already quite a lot of food stores. These are chain stores within walking distance. If they are in the city, there is absolutely no point in opening your own grocery store due to the fact that the prices will be higher than those of the chain store, and accordingly, the demand will be very small.


Every business has its own expenses. Let's look at the main types of costs.

State duty for registration of individual entrepreneurs is 800 rubles.

Amounts to 4000 rubles. In addition, you must have an authorized capital of at least 10,000 rubles.

Print production ranges from 300 to 1500 rubles

The most expensive thing is the premises. Renting or purchasing premises will cost quite a large sum. It is quite difficult to give specific numbers here. IN general outline, V In the Voronezh region, renting premises for a store costs 25-160 thousand rubles per month.

Primary purchase of working capital. Revolving funds this is what will be put into circulation. This amount ranges from 50 to 150 thousand, depending on the characteristics of the business.

The average cost of hives for beekeeping is 3,000 rubles. A family of bees is worth 2000 rubles.

Comparison of business plans

In order to choose a suitable business plan, you need to make a comparison.

You need to choose from all of them exactly the one that will work exactly where you are going to implement the business project. It is necessary to take into account all factors, such as the availability of space for business, the presence of demand, the presence of competitors, experience in running a similar business in this territory, your qualifications and education.

Once you've chosen an idea, you need to take action. First you need to register your business. Next, you should begin to improve the premises or territory for doing business.

Running a business in a small town or village is quite difficult. Additionally, business options are quite limited. But, nevertheless, they exist. And such a business helps ensure the flow of finance to the periphery, which improves its economic situation.

People move from city to village according to various reasons, but everyone has one big question: “How to make money?” A job familiar to a villager is rarely suitable for a city dweller. It’s good if you can get a job as a salesperson in a store, but most often the few paid jobs are filled, and no new ones are expected. We need to find a way to make money own plot. Almost anyone who is not afraid of difficulties and active work can organize their own business. Before you plunge into worries about earning money, it is worth organizing your own life so that everyday issues do not distract from the main direction of your activity.

Business in the village from scratch

Land is a resource that you already have when you move out of town. If you decided to move to live in the countryside, you probably also took care of your dacha, which means you can grow a crop of vegetables and fruits. Having prepared a certain amount for the family, the surplus can be sold: on your own at the market or by handing it over to producers. The first, simplest option can become the first business that any village resident can handle.

If you need more scope, become a procurer yourself. Organize a business in the village from scratch by buying from local residents surplus berries, vegetables, fruits - a problem with one unknown. The unknown and slight difficulty is to find a distribution channel for an environmentally friendly product grown almost under your supervision in neighboring gardens. You can sell your products to small organic food stores, which are now opening in large numbers in any city.

The logical third option is to open your own organic food store in the city. You can sell not only fruits and vegetables, berries, mushrooms in season, but also dairy products, which can also be bought from local residents. And this is not only milk, but also cottage cheese without additives and preservatives, dairy products, cheeses and so on.

Strawberries and strawberries

The first months of summer bring a harvest of berries. This storehouse of vitamins is valued more and more every year. You can grow strawberries both in open ground and in greenhouses. The greenhouse harvest ripens earlier, which means it can be sold at a better price. A small greenhouse will generate capital that can be used to start a larger project or invested in a more advanced multi-building greenhouse system.

An additional income-generating activity can be growing strawberry seedlings in flower pots. It's a little exotic, beautiful and popular. Strawberry bushes planted in a pot successfully bear fruit throughout the season in urban conditions, so such a small home garden is very interesting idea. It is important to choose a seedling variety and wait for the first berries to make the pot of strawberries attractive from a consumer point of view. Climbing remontant varieties of strawberries or wild strawberries are ideal. Growing strawberries in pots is a way to open the first small business in the village.

Raspberries: everything will come in handy

Raspberries are also one of the favorites of the season, especially since, stored for the winter, they bring no less benefits than fresh ones. When pruning raspberries in the fall, collect and dry the raw materials. Twigs, dried leaves, dried berries are also in great demand, and if you are a connoisseur medicinal herbs, then making a blend of vitamin or medicinal tea will not be difficult. Selling dried raspberry-based healthy tea mixtures is also a profitable business in the village. Organizing the collection of berries from residents of your area is quite simple - offer a favorable price and get results.

Salad greens

Growing dill, parsley, and green onions is an excellent business in the village if they are cultivated in the cold season. There is always a demand for this product, despite crises and falling incomes. To organize the cultivation of greenery, you will need a small greenhouse or a heated room where you can put several boxes with soil and plant. You can harvest all year round, But winter period especially profitable: holidays and vitamin deficiency are the drivers of the greens trade. If this option is yours, then you can do it all year round, especially if you summer season add growing celery, asparagus and other greens.

Poultry farming

It's no secret that poultry in the supermarket, to put it mildly, is not really meat. With increase allergic diseases Among the population, the desire for healthy food is increasing. Establishing a business in a village by raising chickens, geese, ducks and any other poultry is promising and profitable. Commercial livestock is raised from chickens or from grown young animals. Both options require investment, but the return on implementation outweighs the costs. The only thing that may worry a recent city resident is the preparation of the carcass. If you're not ready, don't start.

Pig farm

The most profitable business in the village is animal breeding. A pig farm and sheep breeding bring substantial capital, but they also require constant care and investment. To breed pigs, you need a large, equipped, warm room. It is impossible to do without buildings for food supply. For good quality meat product pigs should be released from their pens. And this means big additional areas and processing of animal waste. You can hand over grown pigs to procurement points if you don’t want to build full cycle livestock farm.

Goat landing

In terms of profitability, the most profitable business in the village is also built on goat farms. Goat milk is in great demand; both children and adults can drink it. In its nutritional qualities it is superior to cow's milk. By starting a small herd of goats, you can provide milk to several families. Dairy products from goat farms are no less popular. Cheese based goat milk- hypoallergenic, highly nutritious and expensive product. At the start of cheese production there is no need to build a production line. Handmade cheeses - good publicity for lovers of eco-friendly living. By organizing an eco-farm and inviting tourists to visit your property, you automatically get buyers for your products.

Beautiful garden

When thinking about what kind of business to open in the village, remember that you already own a piece of land and you need to manage it in such a way as to grow food not only for yourself. It is worth planting an apple orchard on one hectare of land and getting a harvest of vitamins for yourself and for sale. Winter varieties of apples are perfectly preserved if the conditions are met, and they can be sold all winter. Which is quite profitable. An environmentally friendly product is in demand on the market, and the demand for such a product will grow. Select seedlings suitable varieties and learn about planting, pruning and pest control techniques. A year after planting the seedlings, the first, albeit small, harvest will pleasantly please you.

Whatever business you start in the village, you should understand that you will have to work a lot. If you don’t want to put in maximum effort every day, and an office chair is much more attractive, then it’s better not to invest in the endeavor.

You will learn all the advantages and disadvantages of small business in the village. How to start your own business from scratch and get rich? Read our article about what kind of business you can start in the village.

When the dream of opening your own profitable business in the city seems futile due to high competition, it makes sense to try to start “small” and establish a business in the village.

Let's figure out what the peculiarity of conducting entrepreneurial activity in rural conditions, we will find out what its advantages are, and consider possible disadvantages.

Features of doing business in the village

It is a mistake to believe that a successful business can only develop in a city, and the larger the metropolis, the higher the chances of success. This belief is one of the reasons why villagers leave their homes and try to establish their own businesses in large populated areas.

It turns out that they are “washing out” finances that could have been used to develop their region. Meanwhile, in the village, development prospects with reasonable approach will be no less than in the city.

On his native land the horse pulls harder.

Folk wisdom

But those who remain must realize that there are as many risks in rural commerce as in urban ones. You need to choose a niche that will be popular among future clients. Knowing the preferences and needs of your neighbors and acquaintances, you will be able to more accurately formulate your goals.

If we take into account the underdeveloped rural infrastructure, the service sector will become quite profitable. Even in the city, shops, pharmacies, hairdressers or entertainment centers are popular. And this is in the face of fierce competition, which is much easier to avoid in rural conditions.

When starting their own business, many people immediately think about some type of production. And it is also easier to organize it in the village. There are lower rents (and in many cases people already have the necessary space), and lower wages. What will give you right away at the start? competitive advantage, which will not be in the city.

Advantages and disadvantages for businessmen

Any business begins with the entrepreneur conducting a market analysis and trying to take into account all its advantages and disadvantages.

It is unlikely that taxi services or a beauty salon for women will be in demand, since the bulk of the village residents are pensioners.

Let us highlight the main advantages of village business:

  • little competition (provided that the niche is not yet occupied) in comparison with the city;
  • minimum investment, if it is organized “at home” - in 2018 it will simply not be possible to open a current business without any investment;
  • cheap productive power;
  • high motivation of employees - due to the traditionally high level of unemployment in rural areas, people will try to work conscientiously and “hold on” to their place;
  • low rental cost of production space (land plots);
  • the presence (proximity) of natural resources necessary for the development of certain types of commerce;
  • legislative and financial support from local and federal authorities.

Among the shortcomings we note:

  • difficulty in choosing an economic niche;
  • lack of qualified personnel;
  • often lower incomes than in urban conditions;
  • low purchasing power of the population.

What kind of business can you start in a village - TOP 7 ideas that work

Conventionally, all business ideas in the countryside can be divided into two groups:

  1. Familiar to every village resident.
  2. Original, which only brave creatives would implement.

Let's look at the ideas that have gained the most popularity among those starting their own small (home) business in the village.

Growing vegetables and fruits

This is the most common idea in the village. Almost all country residents have a vegetable garden. People grow various kinds of crops on it, the surplus of which they subsequently try to sell. Often such a business simply helps to “stay afloat”. But you can make good money on it.

Take the grown products to the market, hand them over to the store for sale, or negotiate deliveries with canteens, cafes, and restaurants.

The main costs will be the purchase of seeds or seedlings and fertilizers. An important saving factor will be available (cheap) water for irrigation and the absence of the need for special equipment.


Honey - extremely useful product, he is always in demand among people. In addition to profit from honey, selective breeding of bees brings good additional income. This type of activity is especially relevant now, when the number of queens around the world is sharply declining.

Such a small business requires certain investments, although it is not difficult to make hives yourself. It’s not difficult to study bees: just study the specialized literature.


The essence of farming is the sale of meat, dairy products, eggs, wool and other agricultural products. Particularly enterprising people manage to start their own small business even on animal and bird waste.

Important! Successful farming implies the presence of a large number of livestock, poultry, rabbits, etc., otherwise sales volumes will hardly “cover” expenses.

This business, of course, requires considerable starting investments(having your own pasture areas will significantly reduce your costs). Animals themselves are expensive, and you will also have to spend a lot on their subsequent care and maintenance. But the dividends from such activities will not disappoint.


The very idea of ​​organizing any kind of production is not very tied to the area, but in rural conditions more options for its implementation.

The most profitable and fastest payback ones are:

  • creation of pellets for heating boilers (processing of branches and other plant waste);
  • machining services (milling, cold forging, turning);
  • woodworking, sawmill;
  • feed production;
  • compiling soil mixtures, laying vermicompost;
  • making brooms (including for bathhouses);
  • wicker weaving.


Ecological (green) tourism is now gaining particular popularity. This business is relevant both in summer and winter. Organizing such an activity is perfect for owners of several houses with amenities, a beautiful large personal plot.

Idea! Past Olympic Games enjoyed enormous popularity. Interesting solution will decorate the guest house(s) and area in their style.

Collection and sale of herbal teas

This type of activity does not require either monthly or daily investments and starts from scratch. All you need to do is understand the topic a little and live in a place suitable for the growth of the necessary herbs.

Additionally, it would be advisable to grow plants that are not found in the wild and are used to create a flavor bouquet (strawberries, mint, etc.).

Points of sale of products - specialized stores, coffee shops (for large volumes), food markets.

Store opening

Trade is an area that always brings a stable income. If you choose the right assortment, you definitely won’t be left without customers. Additionally, you can earn money from the basement, using it as a warehouse. During off-hours, it’s easy to turn the store into a mini-cinema or sports bar.

Let's summarize the results in table form:

Kind of activity pros Minuses
1. Growing vegetables and fruits Availability of necessary resources, small capital investments Short shelf life, difficulty in selling in rural areas, relatively high competition
2. Beekeeping Growing relevance, low physical activity (can be done by older people), low investment As production increases, it is very difficult to find new markets
3. Farming High income Requires significant investment, it is necessary to rent pastures, you need to take care of storage and sale large quantity products, competition at the state level
4. Production Fast payback, flexibility in choosing a field, little local competition Requires large physical expenditures; additional equipment must be purchased
5. Agritourism Growing popularity, low capital investment (if infrastructure is available), all-season use High advertising costs, long payback.
6. Collection and sale of herbal teas Does not require any investment, little physical activity (available to people of all ages), ease of production Small number of specialized retail outlets
7. Store opening Permanent and stable income, the ability to use the area for another type of income Difficulty in selecting an assortment

Where to start - step-by-step instructions

We learned about popular ways to make money in rural areas. But there are rules that are universal for any type of business. In the context of our topic, we simply must talk about them.

Any method of investing requires careful analysis and a proven strategy. Let's look step by step at what needs to be done to successfully implement the plan.

Step 1. Choose a business idea and analyze the niche

Well-known business coaches call the right idea the main step on the path to success. In turn, in order to “get into the top ten”, you need to carefully study the niche that you plan to occupy.

A niche is defined as a type of activity that suits your individual abilities and character. This is an area that initially needs to be limited in scope as much as possible, to outline the circle of potential consumers.

Highlight following signs, characterizing the market niche:

  1. A product or service satisfies a purely individual consumer request.
  2. Constant (stable) demand.
  3. Little competition.

Step 2. Draw up a business plan

Without proper planning, no undertaking will be successful.

A business plan is a document (program) regulating commercial activities. It not only contains information about competition, logistics and sales, but also provides for the actions of the entrepreneur in various problematic situations. There are current and future calculations of profits and losses.

The following are the basic principles of a business plan:


  • identify goals and development prospects;
  • determine the category of consumers;
  • analyze market coverage;
  • create an assortment;
  • regulate pricing policy;
  • predict potential difficulties;
  • set long-term goals;
  • estimate the cost of the project.


  • check the demand for the product (service) on the market;
  • assess the level of competition;
  • select the necessary production and labor resources;
  • find suppliers and clients;
  • calculate the ratio of cost to market value.

Step 3. Launch the project and look for clients

When you are ready to launch your project, it is worth thinking about potential clients. Of course, there should already be a preliminary list of these. It remains to check them for possible consumption volumes and solvency.

Remember that you should never stop with those consumers you have already won. There will always be a competitor who will subsequently try to “steal” them. Therefore, think not only about existing ones, but also constantly expand your base of future customers.

We analyzed the most popular ways to make money in villages and suburbs, and looked at step by step instructions. Now let's talk about the experience of people who have successfully developed their small business to a decent scale.

Let's study the advice of experts - follow them, and your village business will become more effective.

If you decide to work for yourself, you need to firmly understand that a business without losses is impossible. Therefore, to minimize them, you need to start with caution. After all, there is always a risk of burning out. In short, we can say this: start small and strive for more.

Set big goals for yourself - they are hard to miss.

Brian Tracy

remember, that large production requires a developed delivery and sales system. Otherwise, your product will, at best, “stay” in the warehouse, and at worst, it will become unusable. In turn, small-scale production allows you to assess future prospects, quickly reorient yourself and get out of a difficult situation with minimal losses.

If you have calculated everything and are confident in the success of the undertaking, proceed with the implementation of your plan with a calm soul. For this, of course, you will need start-up capital.

A loan for business development is interpreted by the bank as an operation with an increased risk, so the interest will be significantly higher than for a consumer loan.

Due to the fact that any business carries certain risks, if it fails, you will quickly lose your money. If it's your own money, it's sad, but not catastrophic.

It’s much worse if you took out a bank loan for development. Then again for a long time you will have to pay interest on it. Always try to rely only on your own strengths!

Tip 3. Be prepared for hard physical work

Any business involves physical and mental labor. In the case of your own business, you will have to mobilize them and use them to the maximum.

All my friends who have achieved some success at the beginning of their journey worked tirelessly almost around the clock. They describe this time as the most difficult and uncompromising. Therefore, when preparing yourself for heavy physical and emotional stress, think about future success.
