Why dream of salt: in a jar, spilled, in a salt shaker, in water. Why dream a lot of salt - interpretations of various dream books. “What is salt for in a dream? If you see Salt in a dream, what does it mean

A dream in which you salt something portends an unpleasant meeting for you, which will bring you trouble due to the fact that, without restraining yourself, you will say too much to your enemy. , fellow travelers will deceive you, salt - you are a good person, you have a twist. sun and good saturn.

Why dream of Salt in a dream book.

Your dream in English k-chemu-snitsya-davat-sol.


  • Sleep from Thursday to Friday
  • Interpretation by days of the week
  • Miller's dream book
  • Wangi's Dream Interpretation
  • Love dream book
  • What will help to solve the dream?

Salt in your mouth or in the water that promises a dream.

Looking for salt and not finding it is an omen of a deterioration in relations with others. Perhaps the dreamer has forgotten something very important for the other person, and this will worsen mutual understanding between them. Buy salt - for the birth of a child.

Salt also: has always been a symbol of purification and neutralization of negativism. If you dream of salt, you should prepare for a scandal or quarrel, this dream book predicts. The dreamer will experience mental suffering, heartache, or dissatisfaction with the status quo.

If a girl dreams that she eats salt, then her lover will leave her for a more attractive rival, and this will deeply hurt her.

The dream of spilled salt is unfavorable. It is interpreted as a harbinger of a close quarrel. It will not be possible to avoid it, but you can prepare, mentally tune in. This will make it easier to survive the scandal.

Perhaps it will be possible, finally, to deal with debtors, a new business will be successfully launched. find themselves suitable partners and so on.

To wake up salt yourself in a dream - to quarrels and squabbles with loved ones.

Interpretation by days of the week


  • Sunday to Monday The wife will go to another.
  • Monday to Tuesday- expect short meetings.
  • Tuesday to Wednesday to Wednesday- You will become a father.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday- to the birth of a child.
  • Thursday to Friday- to gain independence.
  • Friday to Saturday- casual relationships.
  • Saturday to Sunday- get rich quick.

But we must remember those mistakes that were already made once, and try not to repeat them, keep this in mind and stick to it. See Salt in a dream.

Miller's dream book

If Salt is dreaming, what is it for.

A salt shaker filled with salt portends anxieties. If the salt shaker is empty, then your worries are groundless. There is salt in a dream, which means that soon you will learn about betrayal. loved one. Salting food in a dream means that you are prone to adventures, because of which you constantly expose yourself to danger. different kind. Pickling something in a dream means that your rash actions can have far-reaching consequences. To see a lot of salt in a dream is a sign of big trouble.

A bag full of salt, seen in a dream, brings bitter tears and disappointments. If you yourself carried bags or bags of salt on yourself, then in life, on the contrary, you will find lightness from creative successes. Inspiration does not come too often, so you need to seize the moment. Hurry up to create.

For businessmen, this picture says that in real life, money will be earned in anxiety and worries. For hard workers - the coming change of power or leadership.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

To see how some person pours salt in a dream - to admire his wit and ability to be in a team. However, the dream book can interpret this image in a different way, which has a completely opposite meaning. Perhaps a dream shows a person with whom you should not contact and conflict, otherwise everything can end badly.

There are other interpretations of such dreams. Why dream of salt according to Miller's dream book? To rumors and gossip that will haunt the dreamer. At the same time, he will be to blame for such a situation. Most likely, a person experiences difficulties with the environment, does not understand those who are close to him, and avoids communication. Surrounding people pay him the same coin, inventing reasons for such behavior.

Salt meat - constantly think about accumulated debts that are difficult to return.

Oversalting food - to problems with money debts, undersalting - everything will be resolved by itself. If in a dream you needed salt, and for some reason it suddenly wasn’t in the house, you will forget to do what needed to be done in the very first place. Pour sugar into the salt shaker instead of salt - luck will smile at you. If two spoons of salt were poured into tea instead of sugar, in reality you will lose your lover, who will go over to another.

Now you can find out what it means to dream of giving salt by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books.

Love dream book

Miller's dream book interprets what salt is dreaming of as an unkind phenomenon that personifies an environment alien to the dreamer's soul, in which it is unbearably located. People who happened to salt meat in a dream will be haunted by debts and credit obligations. Communication with collection organizations is possible. Collect the salt that was scattered to the opportunity to correct all your "sins" and shortcomings, apologize to people, establish a friendly relationship with a hated person.

Why dream of salt according to Miller's dream book.

And you will be so dumbfounded by this act that you will not immediately find what to say and what to do. You really want to love and be loved, but you cannot forgive betrayal. The novel is likely to end sadly.

The various forms of sleep can be interpreted as follows:

A salt shaker seen in a dream promises strong regret. Most likely, you will have to cry a lot about the irrevocably gone youth or failed love. Or maybe you will realize that you missed a great chance to achieve something in life.

If a woman in a dream saw salt with very small crystals, free-flowing, and not granular, this is a harbinger of tears. excitement and sadness.

What will help to solve the dream?

Sprinkle salt - to quarrels, alienation.

These dream books will help decipher the dream

  • Wangi's Dream Interpretation
  • Miller's dream book
  • Ukrainian dream book
  • Modern dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of David Loff
  • Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Video why dream of giving salt

There is evidence that in Kabbalah "salt" was considered a sacred word, due to its numerological properties: the letters that make up the name of God - Yahweh, multiplied by three, were equal to the number of characters in the word "salt.

Life, its essence. Warns against disturbing the balance of life.

Salt- to excite the activity of enemies.

sprinkle salt- failure, quarrel.

Look at the salt, salt something- profit, acquisition of wisdom, knowledge.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

A lover will leave for another. She will be disappointed and stop believing in people.

Aesop's dream book

Probably one of the most famous expressions: “Pour salt into the wound” - that is, to stir up the soul, cause suffering, touching on painful issues, first pops up in the mind when an image of salt appears in a dream. There is a sign: spilling salt - to a quarrel, scandal. And about people who understand each other perfectly, have experienced a lot together, they say: "They ate a pound of salt for two."

In a dream, eat salted food- tests await you that you cannot go through alone, you will need the help of a true friend or loved one.

A dream in which you salt something- portends you an unpleasant meeting that will bring you trouble due to the fact that, without restraining yourself, you will say too much to your enemy.

In a dream, see mountains of salt, wander over them- such a dream symbolizes a difficult life situation, the illness of a loved one, a lot of problems that you will have to solve without the help of others.

If you accidentally spill salt- in reality, you foresee that a conflict situation may arise in the family, so try not to provoke your other half, otherwise a small quarrel will develop into a major quarrel.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Salt in a dream- this is a sign of your acute discontent.

see her- a harbinger of disagreements and sorrows in your home.

See salt in a salt shaker or salt food in a dream- suggests that your discontent and irritation can cause a quarrel with relatives or friends.

There is salt or a too salty dish in a dream- a sign of deep and painful experiences.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

see salt - good health, luck.

spilled salt- problems in the family, quarrels, disagreements.

Salt the cooked dish- creditors persistently remind about themselves.

Is there anything overdone- parting with a friend, which you will be hard to experience.

New family dream book

We saw salt in a dream- then your environment is alien to you. And in general, one has only to dream of salt, as all things go at random, and quarrels break out in the family.

If in a dream you salted meat You may be in debt.

A girl who dreams that she eats salt- the beloved will leave for the sake of a more attractive rival.

Modern combined dream book

Salt in a dream is a symbol of contradictions in your environment. After such a dream, you will find that your affairs have gone awry, and family life will be full of quarrels and mutual misunderstanding.

Salt meat in a dream- portends that previously made debts will give you a lot of trouble.

If a young woman dreams that she eats salt- her lover will leave her for a more attractive rival, thereby inflicting a deep emotional wound on her.

Eastern female dream book

Salt- dreams of a quarrel and parting.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Salt- someone harms you indicates your abilities as a traditional healer.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Salt- a reflection of something (someone) useful. The need to get rid of negativity. Reflection of conservatism. A reminder that true value is not immediately visible.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Salt- get an undeserved reproach.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Salt- dreams of a quarrel or an insult that will soon be inflicted on you.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Salt- will be embarrassing to tears.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Salt to eat- go through hard times; scatter- fright.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Buy salt in a dream- A great future awaits you. Carry bags of salt- in reality, gather your courage and redo at once all the household chores that have accumulated for the devil knows how long.

Salt meat or fish in a dream- everything will go out of hand badly, mushrooms or vegetables- the flame of hope will flash and go out. There are pickles- you will achieve well-being with your own hump and then.

Salt food- problems with money debts, undersalt- everything will resolve itself.

If in a dream you needed salt, but for some reason it suddenly wasn’t in the house- forget to do what needed to be done in the very first place.

Pour sugar into the salt shaker instead of salt- luck will smile at you. If two tablespoons of salt were poured into tea instead of sugar- in reality you will lose your lover, who will go over to another.

Women's dream book

Salt in a dream- a sign of an environment alien to you. Often, after such dreams, everything goes awry for a person, and quarrels break out in the family and alienation grows.

If in a dream you salt meat- you will not be haunted by your debts.

If a girl dreams that she eats salt- her lover will leave her for a more attractive rival.

General dream book

If you dreamed of salt- A big family scandal awaits you.

If you dreamed that you spilled salt- you will be able to avoid a major family scandal.

If you dreamed that you were buying salt- you yourself will bring the wrath of your loved ones on your head.

If you dreamed that you were selling- you will cause a quarrel in the family of your close relatives or friends.

If you dreamed that you saw someone spill salt- one of your friends will be in big trouble in the near future.

If you dreamed that you saw someone selling or buying salt- in the near future, one of your relatives will cause a quarrel in your family.

If you dreamed that you salted some of the dishes- you fall in love with a person who dislikes you.

If you dreamed that you were treated to a salted dish- a person who is unpleasant to you will fall in love with you.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Salt- is a powerful symbol of strength and stability. Salt has been highly valued by people since the dawn of history for its healing and cleansing properties. It has been widely used as a preservative. And also with its help people contacted the world of the spirit. Once upon a time, salt was valued on a par with gold, and in ancient China salt plates were used as money.

Historically, the word "salt"- entered the culture and acquired a special linguistic meaning. There is evidence that in Kabbalah "salt" was considered a sacred word, due to its numerological properties: the letters that make up the name of God - Yahweh, multiplied by three, equaled the number of characters in the word "salt".

In ancient times it was believed that salt- You can replace the blood of the Mother Goddess. In both Judaism and Christianity, salt was brought to the altar instead of blood, as it had a similar taste.

Salt also- has always been a symbol of purification and neutralization of negativism. Salt has wonderful disinfectant properties. In the ocean, it acts as an antiseptic and kills microbes. And although the seas are subject to the same pollution as the land, salt water recovers much faster. Ocean salt can neutralize some biological factors bringing disease to the coast. This sign may be telling you to purify all aspects of your life.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Salt to see and eat in a dream- to chagrin or a long journey, scatter it - to a quarrel with a woman.

Italian dream book

Salt- a crystal symbolizing a suffocating situation, difficult to change and which cannot be resolved. The best way out of it may be flight or retreat. The degree of extremeness is indicated or expressed in the image by means of the size of the crystals. The situation arose with the redundancy of the negative super-ego.

Islamic dream book

Opinions of interpreters regarding the explanation of dreams associated with salt- diverge. Some in dreams of this kind see the dreamer's dislike for this world and his desire to live in peace and bliss, when it comes to white salt.

They say that coarse salt- portends worries, troubles, illnesses, disorder, or money acquired in anxiety. Anyone who sees in a dream that he eats bread and salt will be content with little in this life.

Dream Interpretation Dasha

Salt- is associated with the sign of spilled salt, as a quarrel or scandal, and the phrase "pour salt into the wound" (that is, stir up the soul, cause suffering, touch upon sore topics).

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Salt- argument.

Salty is- disease.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Salt- completion of the situation, its "crystallization".

The essence of the phenomenon, "salt of the earth"- insight and spiritual wisdom. Family and fertility.

Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation

See salt in a dream- there is a sign of wisdom; salt to eat means illness; spilling salt portends a quarrel.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Salt see- wisdom, to know the main thing; profit; rewarding experience through suffering.

Culinary dream book

Salt in a dream- to intensive intellectual work.

Spilled salt- always to a quarrel in reality.

Salt food in a dream- be lenient with your debtors.

Modern universal dream book

Although salt is essential for the body, too much salt can kill you.- a dream indicates that you are abusing something without realizing possible consequences? You should be more merciful and understanding, because you know that you can be the salt of the earth?

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Salt- you will comprehend great wisdom.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Salt- success, health, goodness in the household, wealth / it will be salty, illness, trouble; scatter- beaten, quarrel, tears; salt- failure in business; There is- torment, a long journey, bad, difficult childbirth, illness.

drink salt- wealth; see salt- ruin; scatter- a quarrel with a woman.

Esoteric dream book

sprinkle salt- to a domestic quarrel.

Sprinkle, salt- To right decisions.

If you decide something- don't change your mind, don't hesitate.

Hill or lump of salt- a reminder that you need to think first, and then do.

salt field- what you decide or undertake in the near future will bring long-term positive results in the future.

Ukrainian dream book

If you dream of salt- There will be something good in the economy.

sprinkle salt- argument.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Salt- for good, wealth; wake up- argument.

Collection of dream books

If in a dream a person carries salt- in reality, his teeth hurt.

Salt- to good, wealth; wake up- quarrel, tears.

Salt- argument; scatter- big trouble

Salt- to illness.

Salt food- to an unfavorable development of events (for patients to a deterioration in the condition); to scatter the salt- to stress
Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Seeing salty in a dream, many do not betray this value. In fact, such a dream can portend important events.

Dream books will help you find out why salty is dreaming. Below are interpretations from the dream books of Freud, Miller and others.

Women's dream book

If you saw salted vegetables in a dream, then excellent health awaits you. Seeing salted fruits in a dream - to prosperity in business.

Freud's dream book

If in a dream you ate salty, then in real life you will have to face the temptation. If you persevere, you can keep your reputation. Throwing salty into the bin - to a meeting with first love. Buying salty in a dream - to the betrayal of the second half.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

If a man dreamed of salty, then he will be able to get good money. If a woman dreamed about it, then she will meet a good man. She decides to start a family with him in the future.

Miller's dream book

If in a dream you bought salty, then in real life you will face significant monetary losses. Throwing out spoiled salty - to gossip. If you cooked food from it, then you will have serious troubles in the near future.

Love dream book

If in a dream you traded in salt, then changes will come in your personal life. Single people will be able to meet their soul mate, and those who are already married will have a child. Buy salty in a dream - to parting.

Culinary dream book

If you cooked from salty, then unexpected guests will come to you. They will give you good news. If you ate salty in a dream, then expect a salary increase.

Summer dream book

Giving salt to your loved ones in a dream - to the fulfillment of hopes. If you ate it yourself - to sadness. Seeing in a dream how salty spoils before your eyes - to tears. If you threw it away, then in real life you can get rid of some of your shortcomings.

Esoteric dream book

Why does a woman dream of salt:

Scatter - to a domestic quarrel. Sprinkle, salt - to the right decisions. If you have decided something, then do not change your decision, do not hesitate. A slide or a clod of salt is a reminder that you need to think first and then do it. Salt field - what you decide or undertake in the near future will bring long-term positive results later.

Old Russian dream book

Seeing salt in a dream means:

to good, wealth; wake up - quarrel,

Miller's dream book

A dream with salt in a dream book is interpreted as:

Salt in a dream is a sign of an environment alien to you. You must have noticed that as soon as you dream of salt, everything goes wrong for you, quarrels break out in the family and alienation grows.
If you salt meat in a dream, it means that debts will not give you rest.
If a girl dreams that she is eating salt, it means that her lover will leave her for a more attractive rival and this will deeply hurt her.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Sleeping with salt means:

Symbolizes a suffocating, tough situation that cannot be resolved, best way out from which - only flight or retreat. Such extreme situations arise due to the dominance of a pronounced negative "Super-I".

Small dream book

The meaning of sleep salt:

If in a dream you see salt, then among your acquaintances a conflict situation is probably brewing, in which you will also be involved. If you dreamed that you were salting meat, then in the near future you will have problems related to your debts. For a young woman, eating salt in a dream means that her lover will leave her for a more attractive rival, thereby inflicting a deep emotional wound on her.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

What does it mean if a woman dreams of salt:

For good, wealth;
scatter - a quarrel.

Ukrainian dream book

What salt can dream of:

If you dream of salt, there will be something good on the farm. Sprinkle salt - a quarrel.

Assyrian dream book

Salt in a dream means:

If in a dream a person carries salt, in reality his teeth will ache.

Culinary dream book

If a girl dreams of salt, then this means:

Salt, dreamed in a dream - to intensive intellectual work. Scattered salt is always a quarrel in reality. Salt food in a dream - be condescending to your debtors.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Why does a woman dream of salt:

eat - you will survive the difficult hours
scatter - fear.

Miller's dream book

Salt in a dream Miller's dream book

Seeing is a sign of an environment alien to you, quarrels in the family;
salt meat - debts will not give you rest;
for a girl - there is salt - your lover will leave you for a more attractive rival and this will deeply hurt you.
See also Meat.

Slavic dream book

Salt in a dream Slavic dream book

To goodness, wealth; wake up - quarrel, tears.

Assyrian dream book

Salt in a dream Assyrian dream book

If in a dream a person carries salt, in reality his teeth will ache.

Axe, ax
If a person in a dream holds an ax in his hands and destroys a house, temple, sanctuary, etc. with it. - this dream portends intercession for him from above.

Dream interpretation alphabetically

Salt in a dream Dream interpretation alphabetically

Buying salt in a dream - a wonderful future awaits you. Carrying bags of salt - in reality, gather your courage and redo at once all the household chores that have accumulated for the devil knows how long.

Salting meat or fish in a dream - everything will go badly, mushrooms or vegetables - the light of hope will flash and go out. There are pickles - you will achieve well-being with your own hump and then.

Salt food - to problems with money debts, undersalt - everything will be resolved by itself. If in a dream you needed salt, and for some reason it suddenly wasn’t in the house, you will forget to do what needed to be done in the very first place. Pour sugar into the salt shaker instead of salt - luck will smile at you. If two tablespoons of salt were poured into tea instead of sugar, in reality you will lose your lover, who will go over to another.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Salt in a dream Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Salt dreams of wealth. Buying salt is adding goodness. Pickle vegetables - get a good profit. Sprinkle salt - financial loss.

Imagine that you have a whole bag of salt.

Dream interpretation of the 20th century

Salt in a dream Dream interpretation of the 20th century

This is a sign of your acute discontent.

Seeing her: a harbinger of disagreement and grief in your home.

Seeing salt in a salt shaker or salting food: suggests that your discontent and irritation can cause a quarrel with relatives or friends.

There is salt or a dish that is too salty: a sign of deep and painful experiences.

Dream interpretation of Rommel

Salt in a dream Dream Interpretation Rommel

If you see salt in a dream, it is a sign of health, wealth, wisdom, success.

A lot of salt - to the disease.

Sprinkle salt - to quarrels, alienation.

To salt something - to get into debt.

If a girl eats salt, her lover will cheat on her.

According to an old sign, salt spilled in reality portends a quarrel in the house, and in order to avoid it, one must immediately laugh. If the spouses are not complete brawlers, then this helps. But here's the question: why is salt dreaming and should you burst into laughter after waking up, or at least smile in order to avoid possible troubles?

Laugh, but look into the dream books

First of all, we recall that meeting each new day with a smile, and even better - with laughter - is useful, no matter what dreams you visited at night. If this does not prolong life, as the optimists say, then in any case it makes it more pleasant. For those who believe in dreams, they are a kind of warning about various twists of fate. And they allow them to properly prepare for them, because it’s not for nothing that they say: “Forewarned is forearmed.”

IN this case dream books are a reliable and proven weapon against life's adversities. Why salt is dreaming, they explain in great detail. As for the measures to be taken in the event of an unfavorable prognosis, this is a purely individual matter, and everyone must decide for himself how to deal with the vicissitudes of fate. Let's say right away: when you see salt in a dream, it's better to wake up quickly, as it portends little joy.

Opinion of an overseas specialist

To be convinced of this, it is enough to open a dream book compiled by one of the most authoritative experts in this field - the American Gustav Miller. Investigating at the beginning of the 20th century the question of what salt is dreaming of, he came to very disappointing conclusions. This respected psychoanalyst claimed that the salt seen in a dream in reality portends gossip and scandals. If the dreamer sprinkled food with it, then this suggests that in real life he will get bogged down in debt and will not be able to pay off creditors.

For women in Miller's Dream Book there is a special warning regarding the question of why you dream about eating salt. It turns out that such a seemingly innocent and very vital plot portends them problems in their personal lives associated with the appearance of a rival who can “take away” the beloved man. However, not everything is so bad. If a woman dreams that she dissolves salt in water, then this, according to an American psychoanalyst, portends her a new and ardent love. Who knows, perhaps she herself is destined to become someone's lucky rival.

Trainer of human souls

In addition to Miller's dream book, written at the beginning of the 20th century, already today another unique work has been created across the ocean, explaining secret meaning dreams. Its author this time was a woman named Denise Lynn, who founded and heads the International Soul Training Institute (nothing more nor less!). As it turned out, this tender and quivering substance, hidden from any attempts at scientific study, also needs to be trained.

Ms. Lynn's opinion

Without touching on the methods she proposed, we will focus only on how Ms. Lynn explains what salt is dreaming of. Having preceded his interpretations with a very lengthy digression into history and talked about how high importance was attached to salt on different stages development of civilization, the learned lady told the world that her image is full of deeply positive meaning. That is why, seen in a dream, he is a harbinger of good, regardless of his plot context.

She made such a categorical conclusion on the basis of a number of esoteric teachings, among which the leading place belongs to Kabbalah, whose followers attach magical significance to the very name of this common product. Ms. Lynn quotes at great length and Holy Bible finding in it confirmation of his point of view. In general, every person who sees salt in a dream, thanks to its interpretation, will not have a reason for grief.

Explanation of dreams in the works of Aesop

The famous ancient Greek poet-fabulist Aesop also devoted time to interpreting dreams. He, in particular, explained why he dreams of a lot of salt. According to the classic of ancient literature, the dreamer will face serious trials in the near future, which he can overcome only with the help of people close to him. A particularly gloomy omen is salt scattered in a dream. In this case, misfortunes will lie in wait for him at every turn. But one should not lose heart, because sooner or later they will all pass, leaving behind only a barely noticeable trace in the memory.

However, Aesop left us a couple of optimistic interpretations. So, explaining why salt clogged in a vessel is dreaming, he wrote that it portends a successful deliverance from the machinations of certain ill-wishers who wanted to harm the dreamer, but failed to realize their vile plans. Salt, carried away in a dream by a gust of wind, also promises good. She portends the imminent end of a gloomy streak of life and the approach of happy times. However, if it gets into the dreamer's eyes, this may indicate that he does not fully realize future opportunities.

The opinion of connoisseurs of family life

Let's open now Family dream book and let's see how he explains why salt is dreaming. The compilers of this publication, which is very popular these days, warn all "salt dreamers" that the vision that appeared to them in the night promises soon life disappointments, grief, and possibly severe psychological shocks. Next, they analyze the meaning of a number of specific stories related to salt.

So, in their opinion, if a person drinks a saline solution in a dream, then this indicates that his body is susceptible to some kind of disease that is in a latent form and on this stage without external symptoms. In this case, without expecting a deterioration in well-being, you should undergo a medical examination.

Further, in the same dream book it is said that salt scattered in night vision can turn into a family quarrel in reality, and laid in glass jar, portends the onset of a strip of anxiety and grief. It is highly not recommended to eat salt with a large spoon in a dream (in reality too), as this promises a betrayal of a loved one in the future.

Dream interpretation inherited from the Mayan tribes

Interesting information, concerning dreams, were obtained by deciphering the written monuments of the Mayan people, who inhabited the American continent in ancient times. By adapting the symbols used in them to the realities modern life, the researchers created a dream book that included interpretations of night visions adopted more than 2 thousand years ago.

It says that in past centuries, Native Americans, among other issues, were very worried about why they dreamed of buying salt or selling it. As it turned out, in both cases they gave a completely optimistic forecast, promising the dreamer quick success in all his endeavors, and the more salt he bought (or sold) in a dream, the more wealth awaits him in reality.

What to do in case of a particular dream

This interpretation is accompanied by a specific guide to action, also drawn from the texts of the Mayan tribes. It is recommended that, having seen one of the dreams mentioned above, in the morning take some large vessel (for example, an ordinary saucepan is suitable) and, filling it up to half with concentrated saline, put it in a cool place. It has been noticed that as soon as salt begins to crystallize on the walls of the vessel, the dreamer will begin to receive money here.

At the same time, a very disturbing warning was received from the Maya tribe. They, in particular, say what is eaten with a large spoon or just handfuls. It has already been mentioned above that this is a bad omen, and this can be confirmed in the Mayan Dream Interpretation.

According to the compilers, this is a sign of future failures. However, advice came from the depths of centuries on how to protect yourself in this situation. It turns out that it is enough, going to bed, to put a candle near the bed and sprinkle fine salt on its fire. All misfortunes at the same time instantly disappear. At least 2,000 years ago, this was exactly what happened.

On what nights can you sprinkle salt?

Since in our time the passion for esotericism is very common - a teaching based on a set of mystical theories that are accessible only to a narrow circle of insiders - one cannot ignore the Esoteric Dream Book that is fashionable today. It also addresses issues of interest to us. Despite the fact that the authors sometimes give rather traditional answers, the collection nevertheless deserves attention.

In particular, speaking about what they dream of scattering salt for, they confirm the generally accepted opinion that this portends a close quarrel. However, it immediately follows that magic power only a dream that visited us on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday and from Thursday to Friday possesses. Consequently, the rest of the time, salt can be scattered with absolutely impunity.

A few more esoteric interpretations

Fans of esotericism answer the question in a very peculiar way about why they dream of pouring salt on bread, meat or some other food. According to all the same secret knowledge, a person who has received such a vision must, in real life, firmly adhere to the decisions made earlier and cast aside all doubts. Success awaits him ahead, and indecision can ruin the whole thing. At the same time, the dreamed hill of salt has a completely different meaning. In this case, there is a reason to reconsider your decisions and try to find the error that has crept into them.

IN Esoteric dream book a place is also given to the question of why a woman and a girl dream of salt. In this case, the interpretation depends on a number of circumstances. For example, if a woman is married, but does not intend to produce offspring (due to age or other reasons), then such a dream promises her nothing but a family scandal.

It is a completely different matter if she is in a position, or at least has such plans. In this case, the salt seen in a dream portends a successful birth and the health of the unborn child. As for the young unmarried girls, then for them this dream can become a harbinger of tears. Carriers of secret esoteric knowledge believe that he promises them the departure of a loved one to a more successful rival.

Sometimes it takes courage

Their interpretation of the dream seen by men looks more optimistic. For the stronger sex, this good sign. It indicates that the time has come to open your own business, which, although not immediately, will begin to bring solid profits. The main thing in this case is to cast aside doubts and believe the prediction, since it is built, as mentioned above, on the basis of secret knowledge available only to a select circle.
