Length of railway roads in the world. History of Russian railways. Dossier

We know about cable cars, highways, railways and so on. Each of them has its own record holder - there are the straightest, longest, fastest roads.

The longest cable car

The highest and longest cable car in the world began operating in 2010 in Armenia. Its length is five kilometers, seven hundred meters. The construction was carried out by the Swiss company Garaventa. The construction cost was thirteen million euros. It leads to the Tatev Monastery. Three supports were built between the two stations: one above the village of Halidzor, the second near the Tatev Monastery. The cable car cabin seats up to twenty-five people and can accelerate to thirty-seven kilometers per hour. The cable car in Armenia has the lyrical name Wings of Tatev Tatev Monastery is one of the brightest monuments of medieval architecture in Armenia. The construction of the cable car had great importance for the country. The fact is that before the advent of the cable car, getting into the monastery complex was not easy, since the road leading to it was impassable. Now, to travel the entire distance by cable car, you only need to spend eleven minutes.

The most long road in Russia

The longest railway in Russia is the Trans-Siberian Railway. Its construction began in 1891. Length - nine thousand two hundred eighty-eight kilometers. It stretches across the entire Eurasian continent. Its second name is the Great Siberian Way. The Trans-Siberian Railway is the longest road in Russia. Its length is more than 9 thousand km.

Among the world's highways, the longest was built in Russia.

We are talking about the Amur federal highway, which connects the center of Russia with Far East. The history of the M58 Chita-Khabarovsk highway goes back more than one decade. It was built in parts. The idea of ​​the Moscow Highway, which would run parallel to the Trans-Siberian Railway, first arose back in 1905. Military road workers began construction only in 1978. The road had to pass through impassable taiga. Fifteen years later, only six hundred kilometers of the route were built, not the most best quality. The road from Khabarovsk to Chita took five days. Only at the end of the twentieth century the question of completing the construction of the Amur highway again arose. Khabarovsk-Chita is the last completed section of the longest highway. Thanks to the Federal Target Program, road construction continued. Now there is through traffic between Vladivostok and Moscow. The length of the Amur highway is two thousand ninety-seven kilometers. There are almost two thousand artificial structures and two hundred and eighty bridges on it.

The longest railway.

The longest railway is in Russia and is called the Trans-Siberian Railway. It stretched for nine thousand two hundred and eighty-eight kilometers across all of Eurasia, passing through all the largest outlets to Europe and Asia, capturing port cities Pacific Ocean. During the year, transportation weighing about one hundred million tons is carried out along this highway. The beginning of the Trans-Siberian Railway is considered to be the Yaroslavl Station in Moscow, and its end is the Vladivostok Station in the Golden Horn Bay (Sea of ​​Japan).

The longest high-speed railway is in China.

In 2012, the longest high-speed railway began operating in China. The length of the line was two thousand two hundred kilometers. It stretches from Guangzhou to Beijing. Trains move along it at a speed of three hundred kilometers per hour and cover the entire route in just eight hours. During the journey the train makes thirty-five stops. For comparison, the journey from Guangzhou to Beijing used to take twenty-two hours. Up to two hundred thousand people can travel along this road every day. China occupies a leading position in terms of the length of high-speed railways. On a long section of the expressway, trains travel at speeds of 300 km/h. There is another longest railway - a plastic toy railway. It was built in Shanghai. The longest plastic track is two kilometers eight hundred and eighty-eight meters long and consists of almost fourteen thousand sections. This toy railway was used to launch Thomas the Tank Engine. The previous record for the length of a plastic railway belongs to Japan, but the length of the previous track was twenty percent less.

The longest straight road in the world

The straightest, most boring and longest road in the world is considered to be the Eyre Highway. Along the sides of the road there is nothing on which to linger, there are no picturesque landscapes, no villages, no cities, no natural water, no motels, that is, absolutely nothing even slightly interesting. The longest straight road in the world is in Australia. The length of this straight highway is one thousand two hundred kilometers. It stretches along the Nullabor Valley from Norseman to Siduna. This high-quality, good road can be driven by any car. Large wild animals can add some variety to this trip, sometimes coming out to stroll along the highway at dusk.

The longest direct railway in Russia is Moscow-St. Petersburg

I am glad to welcome you, dear users and fans of railway transport. The topic of the article is the length of Russian railways. What do you think about this? Ever asked yourself a similar question? Does the length of railways in Russia reach a high level?

Remember how in high school in math class we studied problems about the movement of transport from point A to point B, we looked at everything possible solutions tasks, analyzed each action, and all the data in the task, we can easily attribute length to this topic. Yes, a rather strange word for a newcomer to the field of railway transport. But here everything is elementary simple. Length is the well-known length, width and height of a certain territory; it has the property of being measured in different forms.

Transport, routes and length

Rail transport in Russian Federation can be called one of the largest railway networks around the world! In addition, this type of transport is one of the main ones, thanks to the work of railway vehicles, a number of freight and passenger transportation is carried out. About two percent of Russia’s able-bodied citizens are involved in this area. It is known that today a huge amount of transport is used on railway lines. Just imagine - more than 22 thousand locomotives, 890 thousand freight cars, 26 thousand passenger cars, as well as more than 15 thousand electric trains and diesel trains. Such numbers are mind-boggling!

As of 2013, the length of Russian railways is 85.3 thousand units. The total duration is the following mileage - 121 thousand, and this accompanies the fact that Russia ranks third, behind only the USA and China.

Electrification plays a significant role in railway transport in the Russian Federation. Thanks to this railway system, Russia ranks 2nd in the world, after China, where the electrified length of rail tracks is about 55.8 thousand kilometers, and is considered the largest railway.

Electrification is a system of working on a rail line using electric rolling stock, for example an electric train or an electric locomotive.

Back to the Future!

Railroads were popular back in the 19th century, when they were just emerging in Russia. The first railway is Tsarskoselskaya, with a duration of only some 27 km, it is located near the Tsarskoselskaya station and the village of Tsarskoye. Do you know anything about this?

The Nikolaev railway experienced great glory; its popularity dates back to the century before last. It was more developed compared to the first ways. The length of the Nikolaevskaya road at the time of its operation was 645 km. Over time, they were annexed additional lines. I think many people have heard about the Nikolaev Railway!

At the beginning of the last century, probably the most colossal railway of that time was created - the Trans-Siberian Railway. With the help of this road, the European part of the country, also the Urals, was connected with the Far East, its length is 9288.2 km, this is far from 27 Tsarskoye Selo units!

During the Soviet period, all railway territories were transferred to state ownership. As a result, almost all outdated transport underwent reconstruction, most roads were converted to diesel traction, rails were replaced, and automatic train control was installed. Conclusion - for the times Soviet power The railway sector felt the influence of maximum development and perfection. Since the 90s, the condition of the stations has deteriorated significantly, and the construction of new roads has stopped. But, after the 2000s, the development of the railway sector increased sharply.

As of 2030, the length of railways in the Russian Federation should be about 107.6 thousand. But if certain requirements are not met, the chances of achieving the desired result will be zero, and the development of the rail sector will remain at its level without any movement.

The longest duration of railways in the world is considered to be the American Railway, which is 293.6 thousand km, and this is the state for 2014. What can we say about 2016, probably over the course of two years, it underwent a number of changes and adjustments, became more popular and larger in size.

The duration of Russian rail tracks is increasing significantly, the difference can be seen year by year from 2013 to 2014, the difference in just one year already reaches 2 thousand kilometers of railway lines. Every year the length of Russia's railways is expected to increase and increase in size.

What do you think about the duration? railway tracks the whole world, and not just about the three leading countries?! As of 2006, the world's length of railways reaches 1,370,782 kilometers. What can we say about the world length today. Just imagine how many changes have occurred over the course of 10 years. In the countries of the former USSR as of 1990, the length reached 145.6 thousand kilometers.

I believe that length will always be relevant, not only in the field of rail transport, even if it is even a calculation of duration coastline Black Sea. This knowledge about length, width and height is laid down in us from childhood and adolescence. And then we ask ourselves, why do we need the subject of arithmetic?! Will these tasks of calculating cut and height really be useful in the future, because I want to become a humanist, and mathematical sciences have nothing to do with me. The answer has come naturally - logic, quick calculations, friendship with numbers and units should always go hand in hand with us, because the formula that remained on the page of the 8th grade textbook, and not in memory, could have benefited us right now, and perhaps would play an important role.

“There is a well-known theory, proven many times by practice, that no matter how large a number of people are already in the carriage, one more person can always enter. First with one leg, then with both legs, with his jacket sandwiched between the doors, but he will get in. The method of mathematical induction proves that an infinite number of people can enter the carriage. " - Kitya Carlson.

I would like to give an interesting example. What can you say about the Moscow metro? Have you ever thought about its length, height, width, in general, about its length? Its duration can be either operational or deployed. What's the difference?! The operational length is measured along the axis of the main track, and is 292.9 kilometers, while the deployed duration of the tracks is the sum of the lengths of all tracks, the developed duration reaches 801.3 km. The Moscow metro is considered the largest in terms of length in Russia. Did you know anything about this?

I want to believe that my article was quite instructive and informative, I hope you learned and found here everything you needed.

Thank you for your attention! All the best, see you soon!

The Trans-Siberian Railway or the Great Siberian Route, which connects the Russian capital Moscow with Vladivostok, was until recently honorary title the world's longest railway. But when the New silk road", then he moved the Trans-Siberian Railway to second place, since he became noticeably longer than the previous record holder. The longest railway routes include unique routes with a length of many thousands of kilometers, during the journey along which a person can learn a lot of new things about our planet.

1. Madrid-Iwu, or “New Silk Road” (13,052 km)

Nowadays, delivering goods from the Middle Kingdom to Europe does not require dangerous months-long off-road journeys on horses and camels. However, to avoid this, huge investments are required. The Chinese have historically dreamed of making the direction to the West profitable, fast and reliable, and at some point they attracted Russian specialists to cooperation.
The length of the railway with the great name “New Silk Road” was 13,052 kilometers. This is exactly how much railway track was needed to connect the capital of Spain with the small Chinese town of Yiwu. After completion of construction, this railway became the world record holder for length. The Chinese government did not skimp and spent about $40 billion to improve the railway infrastructure and increase the tonnage of goods transported along it.
At the end of 2014, a train from the Chinese city of Yiwu, located on the Pacific coast, solemnly set off, and 21 days later it finished in distant Madrid. This was the beginning of the world's longest railway line. Unfortunately, the quality of the track does not yet allow comfortable passenger express trains to run along it; the movement of trains is strongly influenced by weather and other factors. natural factors, but despite this, the beginning of the operation of this highway allowed the world economy to rise one step higher.

2. Moscow-Vladivostok, or Trans-Siberian Railway (9,289 km)

This road runs exclusively through Russian territory; it was the first to globally connect Europe and Asia. The construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway began in 1891. Returning from a months-long sea cruise from Japan, the heir to the throne Nikolai Romanov (the future last Emperor Nicholas II) laid the first stone of the Ussuri Railway in the vicinity of Vladivostok. The longest railway in Russia, like beads, strung 87 cities, 5 federal districts and 8 time zones. 81% of the length of this route is in the Asian part, and the rest is in the European part.
The Soviet builders of the BAM could have envied the speed of construction of this railway line - the route from Kotlas and Miass to Port Arthur and Vladivostok appeared in just 13.5 years (1891-1904). Basically, the “cast iron” passed through undeveloped lands and areas of permafrost. Many bridges were thrown across large rivers. The construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway was completed on October 1 (old style) 1904. But even after the official completion, construction continued for many years. For example, only in 1938 was the second track completed. This legendary railway, with a length of 9289 kilometers, was launched at the height of the First World War - in 1916.
To get from the capital to Vladivostok, a traveler will need to spend 167 hours on the train, which will make 120 stops during this time. Traveling along the Trans-Siberian Railway is akin to a long tourist voyage - during the journey passengers will see many famous settlements, natural attractions of incredible beauty and pristineness. In addition, while winding up kilometers, the train gradually crosses 8 time zones.

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3. Moscow-Beijing (8,984 km)

Russia and China are long-time partners with common interests not only in politics and economics, but also in culture. It is not surprising that the capitals of these huge countries were connected by a direct railway line, which stretches for 8984 kilometers. The journey from one capital to another lasts about 145 hours. A significant part of the train route travels along the already mentioned Trans-Siberian Railway, but in Chita, cars heading to China turn towards the Chinese border. This is followed by a 6-hour stop in Zabaikalsk, where border control and a change of wheelsets are carried out, since the track width in the two countries is different.

4. Far Eastern Railway (6,826 km)

The length of this route is 6826 kilometers. The railway management is located in Khabarovsk. Throughout the journey, the train passes through 416 stations, as well as 3 crossing points state border. Travelers sitting on the train will not get bored, as they can admire the nature of the reserves and the view of permafrost zones.

5. Gorky railway (5,296 km)

In 1936, the Gorky Railway with a length of 5296 kilometers was formed. This highway is constantly being modernized, for example, in 2010, “Sapsan”, a high-speed electric train produced by the German company Siemens, began running along it, which began delivering passengers in a shorter time. For example, using it to get from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod became possible in 3.5 hours. Every year over 52 million passengers travel along the Gorky Railway. For Russia, this direction has long been an important economic and political factor; historical cities are located along its route, along the way you can see large forests and picturesque landscapes.

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6. Lhasa-Guangzhou (4,980 km)

Inside China there is another long railway with 4980 kilometer pillars. It connects the port city of Guangzhou and the continental Lhasa, located in the Tibetan Plateau. Train T264 covers this epic journey in 54.5 hours. The guides tell passengers about the sights flashing outside the windows in three languages. The train has a 24-hour restaurant where you can sample Tibetan and Chinese cuisine.
In recent decades, China has taken a leading position in the world in organizing modern railway networks. The Chinese use the latter construction technologies, they are putting modern high-speed trains on the rails, capable of racing much faster than ordinary cars.

7. Yining-Shanghai (4,742 km)

In 2014, traffic was opened on a new railway route connecting Shanghai and Yining, 4,742 kilometers long. Passenger trains move along it, and they successively cross 7 Chinese provinces, in which they make 32 stops. The travel time is 56 hours, during which passengers cross most of China and have the opportunity to admire its beauty, of which there really is a lot.

8. Urumqi-Guangzhou (4,684 km)

This railway connects the northwestern lands of China with its southeastern regions; its length was 4684 kilometers, and it would take 49.5 hours to overcome them. There are three trains operating here, which most often carry businessmen, politicians and just travelers who want to get to Guangzhou.

9. Toronto-Vancouver (4,466 km)

In Canada, VIA Rail trains run between Vancouver and Toronto along a route of 4,466 kilometers. They make 66 stops along the way. But passengers sitting in comfortable carriages do not have to be bored, as the snow-capped peaks of the Rocky Mountains, the untouched Canadian taiga and various natural attractions flash past the windows. Passengers often manage to not only admire the scenery, but also see deer, elk or bears.

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10. Chicago - Los Angeles (4,390 km)

The transcontinental American highway connects Los Angeles and Chicago, which are located on opposite sides North American continent. This route is operated by the state-owned Amtrak. The length of the route is 4,390 kilometers, which trains cover on average in 65 hours. During their journey, they cross 7 states and make 40 stops along the way. For the convenience of travelers, the train cars have a special design - there are windows not only on their sides, but also on the roof.

The railway network of the Russian Federation is quite extensive. It consists of several sections of highways, which are owned by Russian Railways OJSC. Moreover, all regional roads are formally branches of JSC Russian Railways, while the company itself acts as a monopolist in Russia:

The road runs through the territory of the Irkutsk and Chita regions and the republics of Buryatia and Sakha-Yakutia. The length of the highway is 3848 km.

The road runs along two parallel latitudinal directions: Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod - Kirov and Moscow - Kazan - Yekaterinburg, which are connected by roads. The road connects the Central, North-Western and Northern regions of Russia with the Volga region, the Urals and Siberia. The Gorky road borders on the following railways: Moscow (Petushki and Cherusti stations), Sverdlovsk (Cheptsa, Druzhinino stations), Northern (Novki, Susolovka, Svecha stations), Kuibyshevskaya (Krasny Uzel, Tsilna stations). The total developed length of the road is 12066 km. The length of the main railway tracks is 7987 km.

The railway passes through the territory of five constituent entities of the Russian Federation - Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, Amur and Jewish Autonomous Regions, and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Its service area also includes the Magadan, Sakhalin, Kamchatka regions and Chukotka - over 40% of the territory of Russia. Operating length - 5986 km.

The Trans-Baikal Railway runs in the south-east of Russia, across the territory Trans-Baikal Territory and the Amur region, is located near the border of the People's Republic of China and has the only direct land border railway crossing in Russia through the Zabaikalsk station. Operating length - 3370 km.

The West Siberian Railway passes through the territory of Omsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Tomsk regions, Altai Territory and partly the Republic of Kazakhstan. The developed length of the main tracks of the highway is 8986 km, the operational length is 5602 km.

The road operates in special geopolitical conditions. The shortest route from the center of Russia to the countries lies through Kaliningrad Western Europe. The road does not have common borders with Russian Railways. The total length of the highway is 1,100 km, the length of the main routes is over 900 kilometers.

The highway passes through four large regions - Kemerovo region, Khakassia, Irkutsk region and Krasnoyarsk region, connecting the Trans-Siberian and South Siberian railways. Figuratively speaking, it is a bridge between the European part of Russia, its Far East and Asia. The operational length of the Krasnoyarsk road is 3160 km. The total length is 4544 kilometers.

The railway stretches from the Moscow region to the Ural foothills, connecting the center and west of the Russian Federation with large socio-economic regions of the Urals, Siberia, Kazakhstan and Central Asia. The road consists of two almost parallel lines running from West to East: Kustarevka - Inza - Ulyanovsk and Ryazhsk - Samara, which connect at the Chishmy station, forming a double-track line ending at the spurs Ural mountains. Two other lines of the road Ruzaevka - Penza - Rtishchevo and Ulyanovsk - Syzran - Saratov run from North to South.

Within its current boundaries, the Moscow Railway was organized in 1959 as a result of the full and partial unification of six roads: Moscow-Ryazan, Moscow-Kursk-Donbass, Moscow-Okruzhnaya, Moscow-Kyiv, Kalinin and Northern. The deployed length is 13,000 km, the operational length is 8,800 km.

The Oktyabrskaya Mainline passes through the territory of eleven constituent entities of the Russian Federation - Leningrad, Pskov, Novgorod, Vologda, Murmansk, Tver, Moscow, Yaroslavl regions, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg and the Republic of Karelia. Operating length - 10143 km.

The Volga (Ryazan-Ural) railway is located in the southeast of the European part of Russia in the region of the Lower Volga and the middle reaches of the Don and covers the territories of the Saratov, Volgograd and Astrakhan regions, as well as several stations located within the Rostov, Samara regions and Kazakhstan. The length of the road is 4191 km.

The highway connects the European and Asian parts of Russia, stretches for one and a half thousand kilometers from west to east and crosses the Arctic Circle in a northern direction. Passes through Nizhny Tagil, Perm, Yekaterinburg, Surgut, Tyumen. It also serves the Khanty-Mansi and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs. Operating length - 7154 km. The deployed length is 13,853 km.

The highway originates in the center of Russia and extends far to the north of the country. Most The Northern Mainline is operated in the harsh conditions of the Far North and the Arctic. The unfolded length is 8500 kilometers.

The road’s service area includes 11 constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the Southern Federal District; it directly borders Ukraine, Georgia and Azerbaijan. The operational length of the highway is 6358 km.

The South-Eastern Railway occupies a central position in the railway network and connects the eastern regions and the Urals with the Center, as well as the regions of the North, North-West and Center with Northern Caucasus, Ukraine and the states of Transcaucasia. The South-Eastern Road borders on the Moscow, Kuibyshev, North Caucasus, and Southern Railways of Ukraine. Operating length - 4189 km.

The South Ural Railway is located in two parts of the world - at the junction of Europe and Asia. It includes Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Orenburg and Kartalinsk branches. Several mainline railway lines pass through the territory of Kazakhstan. The South-Eastern Road borders on the Moscow, Kuibyshev, North Caucasus, and Southern Railways of Ukraine. Operating length - 4189 km. The developed length is over 8000 km.

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