How to transfer an image to a board. We transfer the photo to the tree. We make a wonderful gift with our own hands. Other basics for transferring an image

I want to add a couple of nuances when using colorful magazines. Apparently here in the first place plays the role of temperature rather than pressure. therefore, using thicker pages increases the warm-up time. but the temperature is more even and the heated area is longer. more thin sheets there are several downsides. 1 This laser printer jams thin paper SOLUTION to pass a sheet of plain 80 ki together with a thin sheet
2. thin paper warms up faster and therefore, in addition to your stencil, a magazine drawing can also stick to the blank. SOLUTION It is necessary to control the translation of the stencil without overheating the sheet or simply neglecting if the pattern still gets on the workpiece. in principle, it does not interfere in my case, because I use it for sawing. and then with subsequent sanding. if, however, the purity of the stencil is necessary, then experimentally select the temperature of the iron. because the temperature of the adhesion of the toner is lower than the temperature of the peeling of the ink.

Here is an example of overheating.

Here is an example of a more accurately adjusted temperature

here is the carrier sheet from the top second photo. you can see how the stencil drawing has peeled off almost 100%, but the magazine drawing has not been damaged

Nothing brings together and makes spending an evening exciting as creativity, crafts and needlework. Once it was an incentive for progress, invention, knowledge of the world. Yes, just a means of survival. When a man got tired of running after prey with a stick and a stone hammer, he invented a bow and made it with his own hands, now he can hunt from a hiding place, being at a distance. Today, in the 21st century, when everything has already been done and invented for you, there is little space left for creativity and crafts. Handmade has become a hobby, entertainment and pastime.

Handmade or made by hand.

How to transfer the image to a piece of wood and get a lot of pleasure from the process? Your kids will definitely love it! There is an easy way which I will explain. We will need:

Preparation, components and tools.

A piece of board, plywood or any wooden surface. This is the foundation. Sandpaper or, in my case, an abrasive sponge (grit 100+) for finishing the surface to which we will transfer. Brush, wallpaper roller, if available, but you can do without it, sharp knife, the picture itself or a photograph printed on a conventional laser printer. If this is a portrait, or the correct perspective is important, we mirror it in any graphic editor. You can use picmonkey or ordinary PaintPrint, choose best quality print. And the main ingredient of our venture Photo transfer potch you can choose any company, I chose this one, due to availability in the nearest store (245 rubles) and acrylic lacquer(140 rubles) to your taste, glossy or matte.Transfer⋅ this is a kind of composition that sticks a thin layer of paper to the surface, forming a protection and making this layer transparent, which we then protect with varnish.

Crop the image to the desired size. Try to touch the drawing less with your hands so as not to leave fatty prints. I took a portrait of Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, mirrored it in the editor and printed it out on a conventional laser printer. Plywood carefully sanded, cleaned of dust.

We apply a transfer, not a lot and not a little, so that the layer is uniform.

Smooth and press, try to avoid bubbles. Carefully, trying not to move, glue the image down and try not to move. If there is a roller, we roll it. I put in a piece of plastic and smoothed it out. We wait until it dries, we recommend 12-24 hours. If you can't wait, dry it with a hair dryer. Then the magic begins!

We pour water over it and let the paper get wet, there is no need to be afraid, the main thing is not to rush and wait until the picture appears.

calmly and better with hands, they just feel the surface and tell you how to act. We remove upper layer paper until the image appears, it seems to be imprinted on the tree, but still care does not hurt, try not to damage the image layer.

That's ready-made version left to dry and varnish. if after drying a layer of paper remains and the picture is whitish, then the procedure can be repeated. There will be no ideal state, but after varnishing, clarity will appear and thus save the work from the effects of the external environment.

Drawing technology

The method is based on the thermal transfer of the toner and is quite often used to make printed circuit boards at home.
We will use this method for drawing a pattern on plywood. So let's get started.
First we need to prepare a drawing and paper.


You can download it on our website among the crafts you like, or read how to prepare a drawing yourself in the next article.


We will need glossy paper, the main quality of which will be a low toner retention rate. For example, it can be paper from a glossy magazine, but personally I use paper backing for labels. If you don’t have any of the above recommended at hand, then you can take plain paper, this technology will also work.

Printing a pattern

When printing, you need to remember that the image will be translated as a mirror image, so you need to prepare your layout in advance by "reflecting it horizontally". You can do this programmatically or select the appropriate setting in the printer settings, provided that your printer supports this function.

Also, in the settings, it is worth turning on high-quality printing - this will give large quantity toner on the sheet and, as a result, a faster transfer of the pattern to plywood.

Transferring a picture

To transfer the pattern, place the printed layout with the toner down on the plywood, and slowly smooth the reverse side with an iron. It takes about one minute to transfer an A4 size pattern.


An ordinary iron can be used as a toner transfer oven. If you decide to take an iron, which is also used in everyday life, then take care of its safety - use a pad of paper and cloth to avoid the formation of carbon deposits on its surface.

As for me, I use an iron for trimming aircraft models, it is quite convenient, since you can set the required temperature on it - 190 degrees. The surface of the iron has long been accustomed to various experiments, so I do not use a gasket.

Alternatively, you can use building hair dryer and roller.

Removing paper

After evenly smoothing the layout with an iron, before removing the paper layer, you should wait for some time, allowing the transferred toner to cool down.

When the paper is removed, you should check the lines of the drawing, how successfully they were transferred, and, if necessary, draw the missing elements with a pencil.
At this stage, the transfer of the drawing to plywood is completed.


This technology also has one minus, in the pursuit of saving time, the development of a number of important human qualities is missed, such as:
concentration, patience, perseverance, concentration, accuracy, slowness, thoroughness.
According to this, for beginners, school-age children, I would recommend first trying traditional ways drawing on plywood:
Translation through carbon copy or template making.

If you do not know how to draw, but would like to learn, you should start with a simple one - copying drawings. To begin with, this can be done with the help of tracing paper. This method is the easiest to perform. Now let's learn more exactly how to transfer a drawing from


To transfer an image, follow the steps below:

  1. We select the image and, putting the tracing paper on it, draw all the lines with tight pressure, using a black acrylic pen.
  2. Now we turn the tracing paper over and put it face down on the sheet of paper on which you want to transfer the image.
  3. Press firmly and pass over it with a hot iron.
  4. Now we remove the tracing paper and additionally draw insufficiently clear lines.
  5. The image is ready.

This method is applied for simple pictures, which do not contain a large number intricate details. Now you know how to transfer a drawing from paper to paper. in a simple way. After trying it, you can proceed to others.

More complicated way

You can use the copy grid to transfer complex patterns. With its help, it is also possible to zoom in or out on the image itself.

  • original drawing;
  • transparencies;
  • paper;
  • duct tape;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.


To master this method, follow these steps:

  1. We apply a transparent film on the original image, which shows squares of the same size.
  2. We put the same cell on a blank sheet of paper if the picture is reproduced in the original. How to transfer a drawing from paper to paper when the image needs to be resized? When increasing, the sizes of the squares are made larger, when we decrease, respectively, smaller.
  3. Now all you have to do is move the image over the cells.
  4. When the picture is completely transferred with a pencil, you can begin to decorate.

Now you know how to transfer an image from paper to paper. Consider other surfaces.

The body as the foundation

A tattoo is a highlight of appearance, but not everyone decides to put a drawing on the skin, realizing that this decision is made for life. For people who are afraid of such an act, but want to decorate their body with a beautiful image, great solution are To learn how to transfer a design from paper to leather, you need to study the following information. The main stage is a clear drawing of the contours of the future image.

The picture can be applied to the body using:

  • tracing paper.

First way

For it you need to do the following:

  1. Choosing a pattern, determining the place of its application, disinfecting the skin.
  2. Translation of the image on a carbon copy. To do this, put the paper on the original and carefully outline all its contours.
  3. Wet the carbon paper with alcohol and apply it to the body.
  4. To make the outlines print well, circle them again through the carbon paper, trying to leave it intact.

Second way

It is based on the use of tracing paper. You need to take the following steps:

  1. We draw the drawing itself with a helium pen.
  2. We disinfect the skin and smear with soap.
  3. We apply tracing paper and outline the contours with a sharp object.
  4. Now we paint over the drawing.

If you still decide to put a permanent drawing on your body, approach this very carefully. The main thing is to choose a good salon, take an allergy test and make sure that all the tools are disinfected.

How to transfer a drawing from paper to glass

To work, we take an image with good contours and a roll. To transfer, you need to purchase a felt-tip pen - a glass marker, it fits well and is easily washed off the surface.


  1. We take film. Its size should be slightly larger than the drawing itself. The film is attached to the surface, which prevents the picture from going astray.
  2. The image is placed on the film and outlined thinly and very carefully.
  3. Now the film is gently transferred with the front side to the previously prepared surface. Preparation consists in degreasing its front side. Make sure that the film is completely stuck to the glass, get rid of wrinkles and bubbles.
  4. For a clearer transfer, we circle the image again along the contour with any sharp object.
  5. It's time to get rid of polyethylene. We do this very carefully so as not to smear the drawing. If there are inaccuracies somewhere, now is the time to correct them.
  6. Now we draw a contour. This can be done with acrylic paints and a brush.
  7. After everything has dried, carefully with cotton swabs dipped in liquid, we get rid of traces of the marker.
  8. Inside the image is filled in any way. If the technique is stained glass, then everything is poured along the contour.
  9. After drying, for a longer service life of the product, the image can be baked or varnished. It all depends on where this item will be used.

How to transfer a drawing from paper to wood

To see your favorite image on wooden base you just need to follow the steps below.

For work you will need:

  • drawing printed on a laser printer;
  • wooden plank;
  • acrylic gel medium;
  • flat tool for leveling the pattern;
  • paint and rag;
  • soft paraffin or matte glue;
  • 2 brushes.


  1. Image selection. It should be a drawing that will look nice on a wooden base. To give some resemblance to vintage style it can be processed in special programs.
  2. The image is printed only on a laser printer, this is the main condition.
  3. A smooth wooden base is selected.
  4. Now apply an even layer of the gel medium. It is he who will help the image to be transferred to the prepared surface.
  5. We place the pattern with the front side to the base. At the moment of connection, bubbles appear, which, if possible, should be smoothed out.
  6. The work is finished for today, leave everything for the night, continue tomorrow.
  7. It's time to remove the paper. To do this, wet it and rub it with your fingers. Right now you are witnessing a miracle - when you remove the paper, you can see how the image remains on the tree.
  8. Now you can use wood paint. Keep an eye on its amount so that the image does not darken.
  9. Now apply liquid paraffin. If necessary, the last two steps can be repeated after the first coat has dried.

Other basics for transferring an image

Metal is the basis, also suitable for such "tricks". For accurate and fairly accurate work, two center lines are drawn on it or the corners of the image are marked. Now let's take a closer look at how to transfer a drawing from paper to metal.

The most common is to use carbon paper for this. Since metal is a very hard material, it is coated with white or light paint. The transfer process begins after the varnish has completely dried, which is applied just before the start of the main work.


This method requires the following rules:

  1. The pattern is very tightly fixed on the product. You can use soapy water for this.
  2. Many craftsmen use chasing-kanfarnik for this work. With it, the image is very accurate - almost a jeweler's work, which, however, takes a very long time and requires some preliminary training.
  3. The tool is taken with three fingers, resting on the ring finger, which serves as a kind of spring. The coinage is located 2-3 mm from the drawing, its light strokes form a dotted line - the main outline of the image is drawn. The smaller the detail of the picture, the denser it breaks through.
  4. When all the lines are transferred, you can wash off the paint.
  5. The image can be varnished.

Now you know how to transfer a design from paper to paper, to leather, to glass, to wood, and to metal. Forward - for the tools, and good luck in your endeavors!

In the variety of materials used for decoration, wood occupies a special place. This material is notable for its unique texture, environmental friendliness and natural origin. Wood itself, especially when varnished or otherwise decorated, is very beautiful. However, at the same time, it often becomes the basis for placing certain images. Moreover, the latter can be transferred independently. And there are several ways to do this.

Unlike paper and canvas, a painting on a tree is something new and interesting in our design. Therefore, such paintings will attract attention, and those people who want to make an interior that can surprise can consider this particular option.

In addition, you can decorate the wood that is used directly in the decoration, making the interior familiar to many look completely new. In addition, in this way you can decorate a variety of wooden crafts from boxes to furniture.

Finally, transferring the image to wooden surface it can be a hobby for children and adults, and for someone it can be a way to earn money. After all, things self made are actively purchased today.

What needs to be done with the drawing and the tree before transferring

  • Transferring an image to a wood surface, as well as to any other, is in some cases impossible without the effect of mirroring. In the case of an image, this is not so important, however, it is better to initially make letters and numbers mirrored, so that after transfer they will take right kind;
  • Any drawing is best transferred in high resolution. In the process, blurring may appear, and if the image resolution was initially low, this can greatly degrade the quality of the final result;
  • The quality of the transfer directly depends on how clean and even the surface will be. Any pollution is unacceptable, as are irregularities. In the latter case, you can use sandpaper;
  • The color of the tree can also play a role in the transfer. It is best to use as light options as possible.

Sublimation paper transfer

A special type of paper that, when heated, can seize with a surface, while wood is a similar surface. Anything can be printed on such paper, and the process of transferring an image with it is as simple as possible.

Ironing paper

It is often used if it is necessary to transfer images to a tree for subsequent tracing with a special soldering iron and thus creating a pattern. Someone draws by hand, but someone prefers this method. However, the method is also suitable for creating final products, but because of its cheapness and simplicity, it is very accessible and popular.

To transfer, you need to print the desired image on a sheet of paper. The sheet itself is laid on a perfectly cleaned and even surface of the tree. In this case, the paper is wetted with a small amount of acetone, which will make the process of transferring the pigment from it to the wood when heated better.

Important! When working with acetone, all precautions should be taken. Remember that the material has a strong odor and actively evaporates. It is best to work in a ventilated area, and you should protect your respiratory organs with a respirator or at least a mask. It is also important to have a fire extinguisher handy and avoid static electricity.

Stretching paper soaked in acetone to the right sizes, we begin to iron it with a hot iron, and after a while the image will be transferred.

Translation using decoupage film

Decoupage is becoming a very popular hobby, so many people know how to handle a film from it. After printing the desired image on it, prepare also acrylic paint white.

It is necessary to perfectly clean the wood, as well as give it a smooth surface. Next, we apply a pre-slightly thinned paint in two layers. Moreover, the application directions must be perpendicular to each other.

The paint must be allowed to dry. After this has happened, moistened decoupage paper (about 30 seconds soaking in water room temperature) are placed on the surface, removing the base and rubbing with a sponge to ensure a snug fit. After waiting for drying, you can treat the surface with varnish.

Translation using PVA or gel medium

Regardless of the material chosen, the process is about the same. However, in the case of the gel, the application takes place directly on the board, well, the glue is applied to the photograph. The photo itself can be a simple printout on plain paper. If it is important for the image, it is necessary to have a mirrored version in the photo, as subsequently the picture will take the correct form. Next, the procedure is as follows:

  • The wood must be carefully cleaned and perfectly sanded to create flat surface. Can be used sandpaper with a grain size of 120;
  • Photo processing with wood glue or gel. In the case of the latter, it is necessary to do everything as carefully as possible, without missing the slightest fragment;
  • The sheet must be glued to the lubricated surface, and then walked over it with a roller for a better fit, the absence of wrinkles and air bubbles. The stage is extremely important, since it depends on how well the drawing will be translated;
  • Leave the product overnight, after which, as soon as the gel is completely dry, wet the sheet and remove it with a sponge for washing dishes. The image is translated quite reliably, and it is not so easy to erase it. However, it is better not to be too zealous. At the same time, in the case of PVA glue, it will be more difficult to erase the paper layer;
  • After all the paper has been removed, make sure that there are no traces of paper left on the surface, as they may interfere with the next step - varnishing. You can use waterproof or clear acrylic lacquer.
