The most valuable types of wood. The most expensive types of wood. Valuable ash wood

Today on our planet there are about one hundred thousand known species of trees growing all over the world. People have been using their wood for many millennia for a variety of purposes, having managed to understand during this time which of the tree species are the best for creating houses, ships, weapons or medicine.

Many tree species with valuable wood qualities have disappeared or become very rare. In the ranking of the most expensive tree species today, the following two species are in first place:

Top 4 - Saffron

He paid up to 22 euros for one mushroom of this type. Since this is very low in the Japanese country, you can pay about a thousand euros per kilogram perfectly and it ranks fifth on the list. You may also be interested. In fourth place we have saffron. Its high price is justified because it is harvested by hand. It is absolutely impossible to automate the process with machines. Cultivation is mainly carried out in countries such as Spain, India, Greece and Iran.

Top 3 - Melon Rei Yubari

Saffron is a spice obtained from 3 unique pistils of the saffron flower. For this reason, it is very difficult to get large quantities this spice. You can also read. This type of melon comes from Joaquido Island in Japan and opens the podium. In the Land of the Rising Sun, they are highly valued and quoted. The first fruits they harvest go up for auction and real fortunes are paid for. Last year, the first copies were put up for auction at a price of about € 000 per kilogram.


He is in first place in the rankings. Its wood is the most expensive in the world. The cost of one cubic meter of ebony is approximately one hundred thousand dollars. Eben grows in Africa, India and Ceylon. By appearance he is in more resembles not a tree, but a tall shrub.

Top 2 - white truffle

Especially appreciated in the gastronomy of Europe. Although with the expansion of this culinary art, it is increasingly appreciated throughout the world. This is unmistakable for its characteristic flavor and aroma. The white truffle is a type of mushroom that grows underground. When buried, pigs or trained dogs are used to locate them and locate them by scent. Its price can easily reach 000 euros per kilo. Although some auctions have achieved somewhat higher rates.

Video about the most expensive types of wood

There are several varieties of caviar, but this type has the distinction of being the food that has the most high price on the planet. It is derived from a white albino who has the characteristic of being an albino. They can only be found in the Iranian region of the Caspian Sea. Their eggs are different from the rest because they are very light golden in color.

Its height is no more than 10 meters, while the diameter of the trunk can reach up to one meter. The ancient Egyptians valued ebony on a par with ivory and gold.

Valuable properties

Ebony wood is black or black with stripes, very dense and so hard that it can be polished to a mirror finish.

The texture of the polished ebony board is extraordinarily beautiful. Ebony wood is waterproof and easy to process. It is used for the manufacture of very expensive furniture, inlays, jewelry. Used in construction for decoration. distinctive quality products from ebony is that they are never affected by fungi and termites.

In myths, esotericism and magic, ebony is often attributed magical properties . For example, it is believed that a house surrounded by a fence of stakes made of ebony cannot be penetrated evil spirits, and even demons can be killed with ebony weapons.

Wands are often made from ebony, and magic items must be stored (so that they do not lose their magical power) in an ebony box.

Also, many believe that poisons lose their power in ebony dishes, and tinctures with the addition of pieces of ebony wood can act as an elixir of youth.

Of course, such a tree is "affordable" only for the very rich people of the planet. Now ebony products have become a rarity: the high demand for this tree and its fabulous price have led to the virtual disappearance of this type of tree.

Lignum vitae

Valuable properties

Backout wood containing resin is extremely strong and able to withstand huge loads, so earlier it was often used by shipbuilders. The processed backout is extremely beautiful. The special structure and arrangement of the fibers create an unusually expressive striped greenish-brown pattern on the polished surface of the wood, which, at the slightest turn in bright light, gives the effect of iridescence (shine).

Backout is not afraid of water, possesses noble smell reminiscent of incense and cocoa. Bakout is especially appreciated by master gunsmiths who make knife handles out of it.

backout resin has healing properties: it has been used in the past to treat so many diseases, from coughs to arthritis, and shavings from this tree can be brewed and used as a medicinal tea.

There are many in the world various kinds trees. Throughout existence, people have used wood according to their needs. But, as you know, you have to pay for everything. This also applies to trees.

Grenadil (African ebony). The cost of 1 kilogram is $10,000

This tree has the most expensive wood in the world. The wood of Grenadil is often used to make musical instruments. By the way, these trees are an endangered species, so it becomes almost impossible to meet them on the ground.

Agar. The cost of 1 kilogram is $10,000

Agar refers to the kind of trees that have a dark core. The first Agar trees appeared about 3,000 years ago, in addition, oil is made from it, which has an amazing aroma. Due to the increasing demand for its wood, Agar has become a valuable commodity.

Ebony - $10,000 per kilo

Diospyros tree or else ebony- Thick enough and does not absorb water well. In addition, it is known for its use in the construction of pianos, cellos, fretboards, violins, bows, harpsichords and other musical instruments.

Sandalwood - $20,000 per kilo

Sandalwood is known as an aromatic wood that is one of the most expensive in the world. From this unique tree produce several natural oils that belong to the sandalwood family. Sandalwood is also unique in that it is able to retain fragrance for many years.

Pink Ivory or Umnini - $7,000-$8,000 per board foot (0.00236 cubic meters)

This type African tree also popular under the name Red Cat. Pink Ivory grows intensively in Zimbabwe, South Africa and Mozambique. Basically, the Pink Ivory tree itself is used for the production of billiard cues, knife handles and other medicinal purposes.

Backout - $5,000 per board foot (0.00236 cubic meters)

The backout is also known as the tree of life. It belongs to the genus Lignum Kuaiakum, and is mainly grown in the northern coastline South America and in the Caribbean. Wood is one of the most expensive in the world due to its strength, hardness and density.

Amaranth (Purple Heart) - $12,000 per board foot (0.00236 cubic meters)

One of the most unique types of colored woods is Amaranth. The tree is one of the most expensive in the world and grows 13 various types in humid and warm regions of South and Central America.

Dalbergia - $14,000-$16,000 per board foot (0.00236 cubic meters)

This type of timber is of the Albertina family, which grow small to medium in size. This type of tree grows in warm regions of South and Central America.

Bubinga - $19,000 per board foot (0.00236 cubic meters)

Bubinga is one of the most expensive woods in the world. The tree itself is flowering plant, belonging to the Fabacheae Bubinga family. In addition to being one of the most expensive woods, it is also the most valuable wood. It grows in flooded forests and marshy places.

Bokota - $33,000 per board foot (0.00236 cubic meters)

The most expensive wood on our list is Bokota, which is very related to Cordia. Due to the huge demand for this wood, it has become the most expensive wood that can be bought on our planet. This tree is native to only a few areas in the Caribbean, Mexico and Central America.

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