How to confess the sin of Malachi. Is self-satisfaction a big sin? Orthodox prayers to help fight

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Question #17

Onanism is a sin?

Member of the forum 18/03/2002

Onanism is a sin?

Father Oleg Molenko's answer:

For those who claim that the Bible does not forbid masturbation, let me remind you that the Bible does not explicitly forbid injecting heroin into the vein, smoking hashish and nicotine cigarettes, having fornication with animals, etc. etc.

The Bible forbids ALL PASSIONS OF SIN, but does not mention all possible options realization of passions. In other words, the Bible is not a criminal code or a set of all sins or prohibited actions. That is why it is insane and absurd to look for literally all sinful prohibitions in it.

As for the event with Onan, one must clearly and accurately read the context:

9 Onan knew that the seed would not be for him, and therefore, when he went in to his brother's wife, he poured out [the seed] on the ground so as not to give the seed to his brother.
10 Evil was in the eyes of the Lord what he did; and He slew him also.

Note that he poured out seed on the ground BEFORE (when he went in to his brother's wife). So the presence of Famari has nothing to do with it. We see clearly that the Lord slew him. And this is a clear indication that the sin of masturbation (for it is clear that Onan threw off the seed with the help of his hands) leads to bodily death (for Onan) and spiritual death (for modern self-fornication) for what HE DID (i.e. for the very fact of masturbation ), and not for not giving seed to his brother's wife. For for such a sin of Judas God did not punish him with death:

26 Judah found out and said: She is more right than me, because I did not give her to Shela my son.

For those who believe the word of God and for whom Scripture is the highest authority, the proposed issue is resolved easily and quickly. The sin of the biblical Onan, otherwise called masturbation (hand + fornication, i.e. fornication with a hand or hands) is a terrible and ungodly sin belonging to the category of Sodom sins, which are in the following order in severity: masturbation, anal-oral fornication with a woman (even with a wife), sodomy, child molestation, cadaverism (necrophilia) and bestiality. All these sins are mortal, since their commitment immediately causes spiritual death, depriving a person of the Holy Spirit and placing him in the category of enemies of God. The main mistake in the above opinions of the participants in the discussion is that they focused their attention on the ways (eg onanism) and means (eg hands or means of a sex shop) of wandering, and not on the passion itself.

God and Scripture forbid the very passion of fornication and its unnatural satisfaction. Recall the antediluvian world. Why did God destroy him with a flood? In the book of Genesis we find that this was done for the sins of the flesh, which made man FLESH, without the Holy Spirit. Were there no masturbators then? And who was saved from the flood? 4-re married couples = 8 people and not a single masturbator or sodomist. After all, even if the view of the nakedness of Father Noah was subjected to a terrible curse, then what can we say about actions. A similar thing happened in Sodom and the surrounding cities, where carnal unnatural sins flourished.

Scripture condemns the passion of fornication along with the ways of its implementation. It is enough to quote the words of the Apostle Paul from 1 Corinthians:

1 Corinthians 6:
9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor malakias, nor sodomists,
Here, fornication is represented by 4 main manifestations, indicated in ascending order:

  1. fornication, i.e. illegal, though natural, intercourse with a woman;
  2. adultery - violation of fidelity by one of the spouses by copulation with a person of the opposite sex;
  3. malakia - masturbation and similar artificial means (eg from a sex shop);
  4. homosexuals - same-sex fornication.
1 Corinthians 6:
13 The body is not for fornication, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.
It is clear that here we are talking about any kind of fornication. Fornication is primarily called fornication passion.

1 Corinthians 6:
16 Or do you not know that he who has sex with a prostitute becomes one body with her? for it is said, the two shall be one flesh.
What can be said about the unnatural connection of the masturbator with his own hands?

1 Corinthians 6:
17 And he who unites with the Lord is one spirit with the Lord.
No comment.

1 Corinthians 6:
18 Run fornication; every sin that a person commits is outside the body, but the fornicator sins against his own body.
And here is a direct commandment forbidding any kind of fornication, incl. and handicraft. Otherwise it would have been said: "Except for masturbation."

1 Corinthians 6:
19 Do you not know that your bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?
20 For you were bought with a price. Therefore glorify God both in your bodies and in your souls, which are God's.
No comment.

1 Corinthians 7:
1 And about what you wrote to me, it is good for a man not to touch a woman.
2 But, in order to avoid fornication, each one should have his own wife, and each one should have her own husband.
Here is a direct commandment forbidding masturbation and other types of fornication, except for the natural use of one sex by another in a legal marriage! Note that the commandment applies to each gender.

1 Corinthians 7:
9 But if they cannot abstain, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to be inflamed.
And here is the reason for the marriage of those who cannot remain alone because of the fornication. The Apostle commands such people to enter into marriage for the natural and legitimate satisfaction of fornication (excitation) and precisely in order to prevent masturbation and other forms of sexual perversion.

And finally, can you imagine that the apostle did this (and he was unmarried)? So do not deceive yourself, do not justify this mortal sin, but hasten to repent even for thoughts and inclinations towards it, otherwise you will not see the Kingdom of God!

AT modern world many do not think about the causes and consequences of onanism, but this terrible sin masturbation, from which it is important to be cleansed.

To eradicate bad thoughts in yourself, you need to understand what causes them and repent from a pure heart.

Masturbation in girls and women

Female masturbation is considered the same great sin, as well as male, because the thoughts and deeds of all are equal.

The harlot should stop thinking about sinful desires and thoughts, and be sure to repent of the perfect deed.

But young children, especially girls, are often unaware of the meaning of the action they are taking. Most often this is due to discomfort or itching in the genital area.

Parents should gently find out why the girl is doing this action and try to eliminate the cause. It is recommended to wear more comfortable clothes and bathe the baby more often.

Malachi - what is it

Malaki or masturbation means the process of self-satisfaction, in which a person receives pleasant sensations. However, the very thought of this pollutes the mind and turns a person away from the Lord God and the Son of God.

Who is handicraft

A masturbator is a person who deliberately commits sinful touches to himself or actions of a similar plan, the purpose of which is to get pleasure without contact with the opposite sex.

Masturbation in Orthodoxy

Orthodoxy allows sexual relations only for couples of the opposite sex who are married before God and the law.

Such a merger has a good purpose - the birth of an heir. Other acts aimed at self-satisfaction are considered sinful and waste vitality given to us for good deeds, not for the fall.

Why is masturbation a sin?

Masturbation encourages people's minds to think about lust and depravity, such thoughts can provoke more serious sins. Since onanism weakens the will, makes the spirit powerless against sinful desires and defilement of thoughts.

When a person prays for the atonement of the sin of masturbation, he can be forgiven for other sins caused by lecherous thoughts.

What the Holy Fathers Say About Masturbation

Theophan the Recluse wrote that masturbation is a mortal sin, since the person who commits it succumbs to forbidden passions. He is weak and not ready to fight the temptation, which takes him a lot of time and effort.

Sinful masturbation according to Feofan "dries up and causes premature death ... it is also the cause of insanity."

To the question of the priest, Abba Serapion replied that according to the Bible, the second son of Judah, Onan, was punished by death for not allowing the seed to flow into his own wife (hence the meaning of the word onanism).

The sin of masturbation is much more terrible, and if a person cannot restrain his desires, then it is better to abolish his desires in marriage, in a more righteous way.

How to get rid of masturbation once and for all

The first step is to be sure of your desire to defeat masturbation. You should turn to yourself and try to understand what is the cause of bad desires and actions.

You need to go to church and confess, saying everything as it is. The priest will help you and give you advice. Do not stop praying daily, especially when the sinful desire is strong. If the rejection of malakia is given with great difficulty, then to help yourself you can start attending church more often, surround yourself with icons at home.

To get rid of the sinful habit and the thought of it, one should pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, which is a symbol of purity and chastity. The main thing is not to stop believing in purification and sincerely wishing for it.

Prayers for masturbation

Prayers that should be read at home with a sincere desire to get rid of a bad habit, cleanse your mind and body, are presented below. You can also turn to the saints, who either were themselves subject to the same passions during their lives, or helped to get rid of fornication.

Lord Jesus

God Almighty, having created all creation with wisdom, raise up me, fallen by many sinners, with Your hand: give me Your help, and make me free from worldly temptations, from the devil's nets, and from carnal lusts. Have mercy and forgive me all, you have sinned all the days of my life; anoint my soul with the oil of grace and bounty of Your Only Begotten Son, the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, with Him all glory befits You and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Prayer to the Wonderworker and Saint Euthymius of Novgorod

St. Euthymius had a miraculous gift from the Lord to deliver the afflicted from carnal passion.

Father Saint Euthymius! You have loved Christ from your youth, and by His grace we strengthen; meek disposition You pleased the Lord, and by His grace, ascetic on the throne of hierarchy, you appeared to the flock of Christ of the Great Novograd, a good shepherd, trust your soul on your flock. Even after your death, glorify you the Chief Shepherd Christ with the alms of miracles flowing from you, showing us the image of a virtuous life in you. Even so, sinful and despondent, falling to the race of your relics, I pray to you earnestly: give me a helping hand, raise me up with your prayers from the depths of sin: I am overwhelmed by waves of carnal passions and other myriad worldly worries. Be a warm intercessor and intercessor to Christ for me, and I, too, have been delivered from the drowning of sinful things, I will reach the haven of an immaculate life by the grace of Christ, and with a pure life I will glorify my Savior, who has redeemed me with His blood: and having ended such a life, I will receive eternal life in the Kingdom Heavenly, where the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit is glorified, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer Saint John long-suffering

Rev. John during his life was often tempted by demons, which kindled in him lust and passion. The saint, in order to get rid of filth, tested himself, exhausted himself with hunger, wore heavy chains, completely, leaving only his head on the surface, buried himself in a hole. Once the saint spent the entire Great Lent in this position.

O sacred head, reverend father, most blessed Abbot John, do not forget your wretched ones to the end, but always remember us in holy and favorable prayers to God: remember your flock, if you yourself have saved it, and do not forget to visit your children, pray for us, Father sacred, for your spiritual children, as if you had boldness to the Heavenly King: do not be silent for us to the Lord, and do not despise us, who honor you with faith and love: remember us unworthy at the Throne of the Almighty, and do not stop praying for us to Christ God, for grace was given to you to pray for us. It’s not imaginary that the creature is dead: even if you’ve died from us in body, but you’re still alive after death, don’t depart from us in spirit, keeping us from the arrows of the enemy and all the charms of demons and the wiles of the devil, our good shepherd, if only more and relics your cancer is always visible before our eyes, but your holy soul with angelic hosts, with incorporeal faces, with heavenly forces, at the throne of the Almighty, is worthy of having fun, leading you truly and living after death, we fall down and pray to you: pray about us to the Almighty God, about the benefit of our souls, and ask us time for repentance, let us pass from earth to heaven unhindered, let us get rid of bitter ordeals, demons of air princes and eternal torment, and let us be with all the righteous heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven, from the ages who have pleased our Lord Jesus Christ: all glory, honor and worship is due to Him, with His Father Without Beginning, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Martinian of Caesarea

Saint Martinian was tempted by a harlot who came to his house. The monk threw himself on the hot coals in order to quench the growing passion and lust in his body, and stood like that until he completely got rid of the misfortune. During his life he traveled a lot, moving from place to place, retiring to remote corners where there were no women.

Kontakion, tone 2

Like the ascetics of piety, skillful, and the sufferer by the will of the honest, and the desert inhabitant and occupant, in songs we will worthily praise Martinian the honorable: he tramples the snake.

From end to end, go through the broadcast of red virtues and your Divine deeds: young in age, in the deserts, you wished to live, singing to Christ, psalms and prayers, chanting incessantly: day and night, growing in sickness and tears, your pure life died and, wiser, thou hast shamed the mischievous one, thou hast trampled the serpent.

Prayer to the Monk Moses Ugrin

Rev. Moses was captured by the King of Poland, and then ransomed by a wealthy Polish woman. The noble Lyakhin tried to involve her prisoner in a fornication, but the righteous husband did not succumb, since the pious life was dearer to him. Then the polka left Rev. Moses in the pit, did not give food for many days, ordered to be beaten, then condemned him to be a eunuch and drove him away with dishonor.

O wonderful and God-bearing Father Moses, a fair servant of Christ and a great miracle worker, we humbly bow down to you and pray: let us be partakers of your love for God and neighbor, help us to do the will of the Lord in simplicity of heart and humility, do the commandments of the Lord infallibly, look kindly on every soul of your faithful worshipers, seeking your mercy and help.

She, all-good servant of God, hear us praying to you, and do not despise us, demanding your intercession and bringing you a worthy song, we bless you, Father Moses, we sing thee, purity of the lamp, glorifying the merciful God, in the Holy Beginningless Trinity of the glorious Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

How to repent of the sin of masturbation

In confession, it is better to call masturbation sinful or prodigal touches. The main thing is to speak honestly, openly and not be shy.

Although it is difficult to speak without embarrassment, nevertheless, the more truthfully and not cunningly you tell about everything, the purer your soul will become, and the easier it will be to cleanse itself.

You can write on a piece of paper, if you are completely ashamed to admit to your actions, and give the sheet to the priest.

The ministers of the church, who constantly accept confession, that they just do not listen to during their lives, and they try to make it easier for a person to confess if they see that he is honest and open to conversation.

Is penance imposed for the sin of masturbation

Today, the Orthodox Church does not impose penance for sinful masturbation. But there are a number of restrictions that must be met in order to atone for your guilt.

Masturbation must fast and perform 100 prostrations daily for 40 days. In any case, you need to consult with the priest at confession.


Masturbation denigrates the innocence of our soul, and makes us stir up evil thoughts. With the help of repentance and sincere prayers, one can be cleansed and get rid of the sinful habit forever.

Malachi is one of the deadly sins. For her, Sodom and Gomorrah, two ancient biblical cities, were conquered.

What is the essence of sin? What is malacia anyway? And what about the person who committed this sin? Can he hope to be saved?

What's this?

Malachi is called masturbation. In other words, it is self-satisfaction. In Orthodoxy, it is considered a very serious sin. They used to impose a penance for him: up to 40 days of fasting and 100 prostrations daily.

Why is it a sin?

Because it is a violation of the purpose of this sexual intercourse. Entry into intimate relationship among Christians is carried out after the wedding. Their main meaning is the appearance of children.

Self-desecration (as masturbation is also called) is unnatural. It is the satisfaction of one's own lust, nothing more.

Destruction of virginity

What is malakia, we found out. Saint John the Faster spoke of this sin as a loss of chastity. He who can be called a Malachi is already losing his virginity, and in an unnatural way.

Man defiles himself both physically and morally.

Infectious sin

It should be noted, speaking of malaki, that this is such a sin that can be called very sticky. As the saying goes, one has only to start, and then it will drag out.

Very many, even after getting married or getting married, cannot leave malakia. There are two types of it: self-satisfaction and someone else's hand. Forgive the reader for the details, but these are facts. The last kind of sin is no less filthy and heavy than the first. According to John the Faster, one who involves a comrade-in-arms in his dirty work takes double responsibility.

Is nightly self-desecration considered malacia?

What is malaki according to the Bible, we found out. it grave sin, for which two ancient cities (Garden and Gomorrah) were struck. But what if such a sin happened in a dream? How will you be responsible for it?

At confession, it is necessary to repent, but the person did not commit a sin intentionally. That is, here is the so-called "triumph of the flesh." Physical desires took over the sleeping mind.

What to do if you have sinned?

Speaking about what malakia is in Orthodoxy, you need to figure out what to do if this sin was committed intentionally?

Go to confession, repent of what you have done and never again allow this sin. If they again allowed malakia, then again they will have to go to confession.

What will be the punishment?

This refers to the penance from the priest. Will he put it on? It all depends on the priest, some impose it, but someone does not. When the feeling of guilt from the deed gnaws very much, you can ask for penance. But if the priest says that he will not impose it, do not insist.

Male and female malakia

Let's find out what malakia is in women and in men. Sometimes people refer to the Bible, saying that there is nothing on the topic of female masturbation. And if not, then it is not a sin.

Male self-defilement is sinful in that the seed is erupted "out of business." What is the seed for? To have kids, right? And when it is simply poured out, or left in a rubber product No. 2, this is not right. Not in Christian terms.

The woman, in turn, bears the child. And pulls him out of his own womb. The fair sex is a future mother, and her body is designed so that the process of childbearing is carried out.

When a woman engages in masturbation, she goes against the will of God. God arranged her body for bearing and giving birth to offspring. And not in order to satisfy animal instincts.

inciting lust

We will not repeat what malakia is - it is not only the desecration of one's body, but also the inflaming of one's own flesh.

It would seem, what kind of incitement are we talking about? The body demanded "discharge". The man was discharged in this way, and that's the point.

No matter how. The flesh will rise up every time, demanding a new "detente". And the onanist, unable to overcome it, will give the body what it wants. It is no coincidence that masturbation refers to mental disorders. If you open the old textbooks on psychiatry, they say this.

What if the flesh rises up?

It happens that the body requires discharge so much that you want to climb the wall. Especially often it begins during puberty. But it also happens at an older age.

What to do in such cases? Ignore the demands of the body. Stop thinking about it. Better yet, read the Jesus Prayer. And ask God to help in the fight against sin.

You just need to keep in mind: when you read a prayer, an unclean spirit does not sleep. It has an even stronger effect on the flesh. Fight it, don't give in. Otherwise what is faith? Instead of standing to the last, they surrendered at the first opportunity.

Important point

How to prepare for confession if the sin of masturbation happened? It's embarrassing to admit.

Oh, it would be better if we were embarrassed to sin than to repent. Do you understand that you cannot say this sin out loud? Write on paper and honestly confess to the priest that you have sinned with an unnatural sin. And to voice it ashamed, they wrote it down on paper.

Can I take communion after confession? It all depends on the priest, if he allows it, then you can. If not, you will have to be patient when the priest allows you to approach the Chalice.


We talked about one of the most serious and shameful sins. Recall that the Lord punished Sodom and Gomorrah for him. And people who are fond of masturbation will not be able to get into the Kingdom of Heaven.

In the event that a sin has occurred, it is imperative to repent of it. Throw away false shame and go to confession. Further actions confessor will depend on what the priest says.

If the priest imposed a penance, rejoice. It is better to suffer inconvenience here in this life than to suffer in eternal life.

It is unacceptable to talk about such a thing. This topic is carefully hushed up and is not discussed even among friends and close circle. However, this does not make it less relevant and important in our lives.

According to the Scriptures, masturbation is a sin that must be fought. But is it really so? Let's try to find out in this material.

Masturbation (or, in other words, the sin of malakia) in the Orthodox Church is a special kind of fornication, during which a person receives pleasant sensations. In Christianity, the passion for masturbation belongs to the category of sinful deeds, namely, it acts as a fornication sin. I suggest that you deal with the sin of masturbation in more detail, read the reviews of the holy fathers about it, and also learn ways to get rid of this passion.

In fact, masturbation (that is, masturbation) is a waste of human energy that can be used more intelligently by a believing Christian. And besides this, this kind of self-satisfaction also indicates weakness of will. Orthodox Christian, on his inability to control his own bodily desires.

It should be noted that masturbation is a terrible sinful act in Orthodoxy, no matter what name it is given. Having succumbed to such an addiction later, a person will be more prone to commit other sins, which means that also, if the passion of masturbation is eliminated, in turn, it is really possible to protect oneself from other passions and sins.

If we consider the very nature of malakia, we find that it is generated by a craving for fornication, since the presence of impure lustful intentions has an extremely unfavorable effect on human spirituality. Also, this passion is, in principle, unnatural, because in this case there is no merger with a representative of the opposite sex, that is, it cannot in any way contribute to procreation or finding one's love.

But there is one here interesting nuanceOrthodox Church fornication is allowed, but only for those couples who have officially legalized their relationship and their main goal in this case is procreation.

Let's get acquainted with the statements of the clergy regarding the passion of masturbation:

According to the Monk Abba Serapion:

“In total, two varieties of lustful passion are known: the first variety is due to sexual mixing, the second is the one with which the Lord punished the son of the patriarch Judas Onan, it occurs without union with a woman. This kind of lustful passion is an impurity, as the apostle said: “If you are not married or widowed, you should follow my example. But if you are unable to fight your carnal desires, then enter into an official marriage, because marriage bonds are definitely better than susceptibility to pernicious passion.

And Archpriest Vasily Zenkovsky said the following:

“This action is a serious sexual corruption, because the meaning of sex is precisely the need to have sexual contact with members of the opposite sex.”

Why is the sin of Malachi harmful to man?

In the church, it is believed that if an individual often satisfies his carnal desires in this way, he falls into dependence on lust, becomes sick with it. Over time, this passion takes him under its own full control and he is no longer able to resist her.

Then absolutely everything human for him turns out to be secondary, and the meaning of life lies only in the search for bodily satisfaction. As a result, the body and soul are destroyed.

Therefore, malakia in Orthodoxy is the deepest perversion, because in this case there is no representative of the opposite sex, which in itself is unnatural.

Reviews of the Holy Scriptures about masturbation

Let us turn to the Bible, in which it is said about the sin of Malachi:

“It is not given to sinners to inherit the Kingdom of God. The libertine, the idolater, the adulterer, the malak ... the husbandman - they are all engaged in self-deception.

The Church urges people to eliminate any debauchery from their lives, since such an action is committed against oneself. And the price for minute pleasure will be too high.

Fornicators and adulterers are condemned by the Almighty, as their hearts and souls are filled with sinful thoughts.

The process of engaging in self-gratification is defiling for body and soul. Even the very thoughts about masturbation are already blackening the soul and sinful. It is not for nothing that the Holy Scripture says that our body is the temple of God, in which the Spirit of the Lord is located.

And when we commit the deeds described, we desecrate the divine and our personality begins to collapse.

That is why masturbation was officially classified as a deadly sin, making eternal life impossible for a person.

How is the sin of masturbation punished?

Here is what Moral Theology has to say about this:

“Nature fornicator never regrets, he receives severe punishment. Thus, onanists lose their memory and vision, they have sick faces and trembling hands. Gradually, such people become like the walking dead.”

“The nasty and adulterers are destined to burn after death in a fiery lake filled with sulfur. There they will die a second time.”

Onanists are not even granted many years of penance from the church. And if the sinner still wants to take the true path and get rid of the destructive passion, then he will be required to perform certain feats. For example, a person is supposed to make a hundred bows every day for forty days, and also eat only meager and dry food.

Passion for masturbation in women and minors

It is noteworthy that Holy Bible says nothing about female masturbation, although this does not mean at all that women do not sin by committing this sinful act. In fact, the church condemns them in the same way as men who have a similar addiction.

And this means that the representatives of the fair sex who have sinned should also repent and suffer the same punishment as for the representatives of the opposite sex.

Separately, it is necessary to dwell on masturbation in minor children. They are usually exposed to this sin out of ignorance or lack of personal hygiene, when the genitals begin to itch, while wearing tight clothes, and so on.

If parents want to help their child get rid of this harmful passion, then they need to:

  • to establish the cause and deal with its immediate elimination;
  • at the same time, in no case do not frighten or condemn the child, so as not to inflict psychological trauma on him;
  • do not interrogate or examine him;
  • try to give your child as much attention and love as possible;
  • let him wear loose clothes;
  • take care of your child's diet;
  • allow your child to spend enough time in the company of their peers (if you are sure that this is a good company, of course);
  • increase water procedures for a child;
  • as often as possible be with him in the fresh air.

Not every person has the courage to openly admit this shameful sin. And to cope with it, you should listen to the following recommendations:

  1. If a person has a strong desire to eradicate a sinful passion, then he initially needs to resist addiction. In this case, prayers to the Almighty will help him, but, of course, you cannot limit yourself to prayers alone, because otherwise you will not be able to move a single step from the dead point.
  2. Also, having decided to fight against masturbation, you need to realize that Christians on their own, without Divine help will not be able to cope with this sin, which means that you need to ask the Almighty for help.
  3. Pray often. As soon as dirty thoughts begin to appear in your head, call on the help of the Queen of Heaven. If you sincerely pray from the sin of masturbation, have a pure heart, then you find yourself under the care of the Mother of God and can finally be freed from passion.
  4. If the situation is rather complicated and bad thoughts do not go out of a person’s head, it is recommended to surround yourself with church symbols (crosses, the miraculous faces of the Saints. You will ask them for help at those moments when the temptation becomes especially strong. Then you need to bow to them and ask them to be freed from demons .
  5. Orthodox people are recommended to maintain the most controlled and measured way of life (of course, here you need to start solely from the prevailing life circumstances). Funds are strictly prohibited mass media and watching erotic videos.
  6. Minimize the consumption of alcohol, because, as you know, alcoholic drinks have a very negative effect on the mind.
  7. Be mindful of any temptations, such as prolonged bubble baths.
  8. Be honest with yourself, recognize the presence of sinful passion in yourself. Due to this, you will open your thoughts and increase the power of the fight against sinful vice.
  9. Based on the severity of the sinful action, one should go to church for confession at least once in seven days.

Consider also the answer of the clergyman Svyatoslav Shevchenko to a typical question about how to overcome the sinful craving for self-satisfaction.

Most of the clergy are convinced that the most difficult to overcome are those sins that relate to the topic of the administration of the natural needs of the human body.

Sexual attraction is a mechanism laid down by the Creator, which is necessary for procreation. And the enemies of the human race, acting as infernal entities (or in the Christian tradition known as fallen angels) use physiological needs to incline a person to sin.

In this case, there are two ways to solve the problem: with the help of abstinence and finding a partner of the opposite sex, with whom it is possible to create a family.

If you choose the first option, then you will need to maintain an ascetic lifestyle: limiting food, drinks (especially before going to bed), reducing sleep time, intensified prayers, fighting sinful thoughts, reading the Gospel, Psalms, frequent confessions and communion.

The second way - the creation of a family, will probably require an initial appeal to the first, ascetic way.

And the most important thing is sincere fervent prayers to the Almighty for delivering you from this trouble and finding your soulmate.

If there are signs of the presence of unclean entities in the dwelling that push a person to sin, it is recommended to invite the priest to the house and cleanse your dwelling. To do this, just contact the nearest temple.

Now you know a lot about the sin of malakia, as well as how to deal with it. There are also special prayers for masturbation for men and women that will help to cope with destructive passion.

Do not flatter yourselves... - says the apostle, - neither the defiler, nor the malakia - ... they will inherit the Kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6:9).

Here is the verdict for the handicraftsmen. Their father, the Old Testament Onan, was punished by God with death for committing this sin (Genesis 38:9-10). What he did was evil in the eyes of the Lord, the Bible says about Onan, and He (God) killed him. And at the present time, the Church, according to the rule of John the Faster, appoints the person who committed the sin (men and women alike) dry food and up to 100 prostrations per day for 40 days.

"If he cannot be dry, let him refrain from taking communion (it mattered when people took communion, if not daily, then very often) one summer (that is, a year) and 50 prostrations every day." Mutual masturbation is punished twice, that is, eighty days of dry eating (or two years of excommunication from the Holy Mysteries) and fifty prostrations per day. Of course, even more severely is exacted from the clergy.

Flee from fornication, - repeats the Apostle Paul (1 Cor. 6:18), - for every sin, if a man commits it, there is besides the body; but a fornicator sins in his body - his own body shakes.

"For a long time, sexual excesses have been ascribed a very serious significance, in the sense of influencing the central nervous system, - says the famous psychiatrist Professor P. Kovalevsky. The evil influence of this act is all the stronger, the more the abuse began at a younger age and the more persistently the exercise continued. This influence of abuse is reflected both in the physical and in the moral and mental life of a person. On the physical side is weakness, weakness, exhaustion. In character - irritability, irascibility, secrecy, a tendency to alienation and solitude, suspicion, etc. Mentally - dulling of memory, limitation of quick wit and in general mental retardation ...

Some authors describe cases of insanity that owe their origin to onanism and masturbation. Masturbatory madness occurs predominantly in men between 13-20 years of age. These patients are weak, anemic, with cold extremities... Very often, such patients have occipital pains... Of the extremely variable mental symptoms, one can point to a lack of attention, absent-mindedness, lack of endurance during any work, mental laziness and weakness , fear that they would not recognize the vice by the face - in general, all sorts of fears. In the further course is: childishness, collecting unnecessary things, writing stupid diaries, etc. Sometimes there is a suicidal tendency. In less pronounced cases, there is a decline and weakening of morality ...

With onanism, there is a tension in the activity of fantasy, disgust from the opposite sex, and so on.

The devil can bring a person to a fall in no other way than through a huge influx of fornication thoughts to complete intoxication and befogging them. The reason for the avoidance of female sex by masturbators is revealed below by St. John of the Ladder.

"Demons ... do not rejoice so much about anything else as about the evil stench of fornication, and do not love any passion as it defiles the body." And it is clear why: "Purity assimilates us to God and, as much as possible, makes us like Him."

But it is not enough for them to plunge into fornication in general. And the purer and holier a person wants to be, the more heinous passions he tempts. Thus, “the devil directs all his efforts, diligence, cunning, deceit and all his intrigues,” says St. John of the Ladder, “so that those who go through the monastic life and strive in this field, full of temptations, would be fought by unnatural passions. Therefore, often, being in the same place with the female sex and not being overcome by carnal lust or thoughts, some indulge themselves; and the unfortunate do not understand this, that where there is great destruction, there is no need for less.

“I think that all-accursed murderers,” continues the holy father, “for two reasons usually overthrow us, the poor, into unnatural falls: because we everywhere have convenience for such sins and because they subject us to greater torment. "He commanded wild donkeys, and then he himself was mocked and enslaved by hellish donkeys. And having once eaten the bread of heaven, he later lost this blessing. All the more surprising is that even after his repentance, our mentor Anthony with bitter sorrow said: "The great pillar has fallen!" But the image The wise man hid the fall, for he knew that there is bodily fornication without the participation of another body.

The case referred to by St. John of the Ladder, next.

Abba Anthony the Great heard about a certain young monk that he performed such a miracle on the way: seeing some of the elders who traveled and were tired from the journey, he ordered wild donkeys to come up and carry the elders on themselves until they reached Anthony. The elders told Abba Anthony about this. And he answered them:

“This monk, it seems to me, is a ship full of cargo. But I do not know if he will go to the pier.

After some time, Abba Anthony suddenly began to cry, to tear his hair and sob. The students asked him:

“What are you crying about, abba?”

– Now the great pillar of the Church has fallen! The old man answered them. He was talking about the young monk. “But go to him yourself,” he continued, “and see what has happened!”

The disciples go and find the monk sitting on a mat and mourning the sin he has committed. Seeing Anthony's disciples, the monk says to them:

– Tell the old man to beg God to give me only ten days of life, and I hope to cleanse my sin.

But less than five days later, he died.

Seeing such malice and deceit of enemies and knowing that no one is immune from falling, we must be extremely careful.

"Laying down on the bed," St. John warns in his "Ladder," "we should be the most vigilant and sober, because then our mind alone without a body struggles with demons; and if it is voluptuary or full of voluptuous dreams, then it willingly becomes a traitor." ".

Therefore - "Let the memory of death fall asleep and rise with you, and with it the Jesus prayer of one mind; for nothing can give you such a strong intercession during sleep as these deeds."

In general, at the time when demons rise up against us, surrounding us with a cloud of bad thoughts and attracting us to sin, “they serve us as a great help: thin clothes, ashes, standing all night, hunger, thirst, scorching the tongue and cooling with a few drops, being at the graves, and above all, humility of heart and, if possible, a spiritual father or zealous brother, quick to help and old in mind. For I consider it a miracle that someone could save his ship from this abyss by himself."

So, let everyone remember well that the main thing is humility and prayer. “Present to the Lord the weakness of your nature, realizing your impotence in everything, and you will receive the gift of chastity in an imperceptible way.”

In conclusion, I will briefly mention one young monk of ancient times, who fell into sin with himself and, through repentance, was committed with the holy fathers.

“Ten years ago,” St. John, hegumen of the Raifa desert, told St. John, the writer of the Ladder, “I had a very zealous brother here and such an ascetic that, seeing him burning in spirit, I trembled and feared the devil’s envy for him, lest he somehow stumble his foot on a stone in a swift current, which often happens with those who walk hastily. And so it happened. In the dead of evening he comes to me, shows a naked ulcer, demands a plaster, asks for cauterization, and expresses great confusion of spirit. But seeing that the doctor wants to use not very cruel cutting (because he was worthy of mercy), he throws himself to the ground, grabs the doctor’s legs, irrigates them with copious tears, asks for imprisonment in the Dungeon that you saw. - do not go there. "Finally, he convinces the doctor to change mercy to cruelty, which is rare and surprising in sick people. He immediately hurries to those penitents and becomes their accomplice and sympathizer. Alyu, like a sword, he went to the Lord on the eighth day and asked that he not be buried; but I brought him here and laid him with the fathers, as worthy, because, after seven days of slavery, on the eighth he was released and received freedom. But one (of the saints) knew for certain that he did not get up before my thin and filthy feet, as if he had propitiated God. And no wonder: because, having perceived in his heart the faith of the gospel harlot, with the same hope as she, he wetted my humble feet with tears, and the Lord said that everything is possible to him who believes (Matt. 9:23) "
