Merge disks. Merge disk partitions in Windows

Every PC owner knows that there is never a lot of HDD space. What to do if it becomes small on one of the sections? It is not necessary to immediately run to the store to buy a new HDD. Consider how to merge hard disk partitions using regular Windows tools or using special software.

Why is it needed

There is an opinion that the HDD should be divided into two sections. One is for the OS, the other is for data storage. This will allow you to reinstall the system, and the necessary information will be untouched on another HDD. This is convenient, but does not mean that you need to do just that.

If the HDD is divided into two parts, expand one partition at the expense of the other. This is relevant if there is little space for software in the volume where the OS is located, or there is no space on the disk with information. How to do it? For this, it is not necessary to seek help from specialists. Everything can be configured by yourself.

What to do before deletion

Before you start merging, take care of data safety. Editing a section will remove information from it. Therefore, create a backup and save it to a flash drive or in the cloud. Use , Dropbox, or external HDD.

Merging in windows 10

We use the built-in tools of the system:

Sometimes it is not possible to merge partitions using the Disk Management utility. The Extend Volume links or other features may not be active. This is due to the setting of a group policy restriction, or the OS version does not support setting up HDD partitions.

How to solve such a problem? The use of utilities from third party manufacturers. The use of such software will be necessary if you need to save information from partitions, but you cannot transfer or copy it. Consider the best programs.

Acronis Disk Manager

The official website of the developers is located at:

The main window of the program contains all the information about the computer's HDD.

To merge, select the section that you will not use and click on "Merge". In the new program window, configure the settings.

Select the volume that will become the primary one and add other objects to it one by one. When all the settings are made, click the "Run" button, it will become active.

How to merge with Aomei

Download the program at: The site of the developers is not in Russian, but the utility supports it. Works with windows 7 and windows xp. To download, click on the green button "Download Freeware", then "Local Download". The download will start automatically. The program is completely free. Next, run the installation file of the program. Its installation is simple and will not cause difficulties even for novice users.

The program window will open.
To merge, perform the following sequence of actions:

The merge will occur without data loss. In my case, they will be saved in the "D-drive" folder.

If one of the partitions is a system one, a reboot is needed, which takes longer than usual. Therefore, if you are working on a laptop, make sure that it is connected to the network.


When you need to merge partitions, and there is no important data on the HDD, use the tools offered by the system. If the information is important, I recommend using Acronis Disk Director. The Aomei program is also a good free solution. Please note that if a second OS is installed on the attached disk, it will not work after the merger.

To make two local disks one or increase the disk space of one of the volumes, you need to merge partitions. For this purpose, one of the additional partitions into which the drive was previously divided is used. This procedure can be carried out both with the preservation of information and with its removal.

You can merge logical drives in one of two ways: using special programs for working with drive partitions or using the built-in Windows tool. The first method is more preferable, since such utilities usually transfer information from disk to disk when merging, but the standard Windows program deletes everything. However, if the files are unimportant or missing, then you can do without using third-party software. The process of how to merge local drives in one on Windows 7 and more modern versions of this OS will be the same.

Method 1: AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard

This free disk partition manager helps you merge partitions without losing data. All information will be transferred to a separate folder on one of the disks (usually a system one). The convenience of the program lies in the simplicity of the actions performed and the intuitive interface in Russian.

After the merging is completed, you will find all the data from the disk that was attached to the main one in the root folder. She will be called X drive, where X- letter of the drive that was attached.

Method 2: MiniTool Partition Wizard

The program is also free, but it has a set of all the necessary functions. The principle of working with it is slightly different from the previous program, and the main differences are the interface and language - MiniTool Partition Wizard does not have Russification. However, basic knowledge is enough to work with it. of English language. All files in the merging process will be transferred.

Look for the transferred files in the root folder of the drive with which the merger has taken place.

Method 3: Acronis Disk Director

is another program that can merge partitions, even if they have different file systems. By the way, the free analogues mentioned above cannot boast of this possibility. In this case, user data will also be transferred to the main volume, but on the condition that there are no encrypted files among them, in this case the merging will be impossible.

Acronis Disk Director is a paid, but convenient and multifunctional program, so if you have it in your arsenal, then you can connect volumes through it.

After reboot, look for files in the root folder of the drive that you designated as the main

Method 4: Built-in Windows Utility

Windows has a built-in tool called "Disk Management". He knows how to perform basic actions with hard drives, in particular, in this way you can merge volumes.

The main disadvantage of this method is that all information will be deleted. Therefore, it makes sense to use it only when the data on the disk that you are going to attach to the main one is missing or not needed. In rare cases, carry out this operation through "Disk Management" fails, and then you have to use other programs, but such a nuisance is rather an exception to the rule.

  1. Press key combination Win+R, type diskmgmt.msc and open this utility by clicking "OK".

  2. Find the section you want to attach to another. Right click on it and select "Delete Volume".

  3. In the confirmation window, click "Yes".

  4. The volume of the deleted partition will turn into unallocated area. Now it can be added to another disk.

    Find the disk you want to increase the size of, right-click on it and select "Expand Volume".

  5. Will open . Click "Further".

  6. On the next step you can choose how many free GB you want to add to the disk. If you need to add all the freed space, just click "Further".

    To add a fixed size to a disk in the field "Choose the amount of space to allocate" indicate how much you want to add. The number is specified in megabytes, taking into account the fact that 1 GB = 1024 MB.

  7. In the confirmation window, click "Ready".

  8. Result:

Merging partitions in Windows is a very simple procedure that allows you to effectively manage disk space. Despite the fact that the use of programs promises to merge disks into one without losing files, do not forget to back up important data - this precaution is not superfluous.

I have already told. At the request of subscribers, today I will tell you how to do the reverse procedure. Merge several disks into one using regular windows tools. No need to use third party software.

How to merge hard disk partitions

So let's go to the control panel. Open the Administration applet.

(To enlarge the image, click on it)

Computer management

Disk Management

A panel with computer disks will open in front of us.

Select the drive you want to expand. Right-click and select Extend Volume.

The volume expansion wizard will start, click next. A window will open for selecting disks that can be used to expand the volume.

You need to select a drive and specify the size you want to attach, or if you need to add all the space, then just click next and you're done.

After completing the wizard, the selected disk will be enlarged to the desired size.

How to merge logical drives

Now consider the option when you need to increase the size due to the existing logical disk.

ATTENTION! Before this procedure, save the data from this disk! This action is irreversible! All information will be lost!

So, the data has been saved, now let's proceed directly to the merging. Everything is simple here, first we delete the section that needs to be attached. To do this, right-click on the partition to be deleted and click "Delete Volume".

The disk will be removed. Now we do the same as with the unallocated area. For clarity, I recorded a video - merge logical drives in windows:

Creating, deleting and formatting computer disk partitions is only part of the possibilities hard drive management applications. Today, they allow you to securely carry out operations that previously required deletion of data or other dizzying combinations.

Many tasks implemented through the partition manager can, in theory, be performed using the built-in Windows disk management tool. However, it is not as intuitive as the programs discussed here.

A good disk management application consists of several modules. They are used to create, delete and format partitions. Apart from these functions, they also have functions for copying and moving partitions, creating images and backups.

Additional modules support system migration, merging and splitting partitions. Supported various schemes partitions, dynamic disks, RAID configurations, various file systems and boot records.

Attention! Whenever you work with hard disk partitions, you need to plan carefully, back up data, make sure you select the correct hard disk or partition before pressing Enter .

Attention! All operations carried out on partitions are burdened with risks. The editors recommend that you take special care and is not responsible for possible loss of data or other damage incurred by readers.

Disk Management EaseUS Partition Master

One of the most popular programs for managing hard disk partitions in Windows. Provides allocation of new partitions without data loss.

Benefits of EaseUS Partition Master

  • Simple conversion of partition type, primary to logical and vice versa
  • Recovers deleted or non-existent partitions
  • Supported hard drive capacity up to 8TB


  • Inability to transfer data from HDD to SSD in the free version

License: freeware
Price: free

Disk Management AOMEI Partition Assistant

Also popular. Creates, splits, joins, copies partitions of hard drives, changing their size, while saving files. It is possible to transfer the system.

Benefits of AOMEI Partition Assistant

  • Convenient wizards for every operation
  • Supports all the most popular file systems
  • Displays accurate information about supported media
  • Allows you to create boot disk Application CD

License: freeware
Price: free

Disk management in GParted

A tool for managing computer hard disk partitions. Distributed as an ISO file. Install it on a USB flash drive or burn it to a CD and start your computer from it.

Benefits of GParted

  • Does not require installation and does not take up disk space
  • Attractive free offer for companies
  • Opportunities partition management of almost any file system


  • Mastering takes time
  • Only available via Live CD

License: freeware
Price: free

MiniTool Partition Wizard

Carries out all operations with hard disk partitions, also hides it. Copying the contents of the disk and changing the file system.

Benefits of MiniTool Partition Wizard

  • Many tools, including cleaning and checking the disk
  • Convenient visual wizard for each operation
  • Allows you to convert NTFS to FAT32 without formatting, change the disk type from MBR to GPT

License: freeware
Price: free

[email protected] Partition manager

Performs operations on disk partitions. Formats a flash drive in FAT32 and NTFS. Fixes MBR disks. Converts MBR to GPT and vice versa.

Advantages [email protected] Partition manager

  • Disc imaging tool
  • Convenient wizard for creating and modifying partitions
  • Built-in boot sector editor, allows you to manually make changes
  • Shows S.M.A.R.T. for hard drives


  • Only in English

License: freeware
Price: free

How to merge two disks into one without losing information? I have a C: drive and the operating system is installed on it. There are two more disks E: and F:, that's exactly what I want to combine into one disk, but there is information on both disks. This means that with the help of the built-in tools of Windows 7, I cannot do this. Or I can, but I need to transfer the information from the F: drive and delete it, then attach the resulting unallocated space to the E: drive, as a result I get one big disk E:.

In short, there is a lot of information on both disks and it is quite difficult to transfer it anywhere, portable hard drive I have no. I found articles on your site about the free partition manager "", these articles have almost everything: how to create a partition, increase, decrease, and most importantly, all this happens without loss of information, that is, before working with the program, information does not need to be transferred anywhere. You don’t have only an article on how to combine two disks into one, I think a large audience of your resource will be grateful to you for such an article. Gleb.

How to merge two disks into one

Hello, friends! As our reader correctly noted, for these purposes you can use free program"EaseUS Partition Master Free Edition". With this program, you can merge two disks into one without losing information on these disks.

Our article is suitable for operating systems: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.

We return to today's article. The content of the article:
1) We connect two disks into one using the program "EaseUS Partition Master Free Edition" quickly and easily, naturally without losing information.

2) We connect two disks into one without resorting to any programs, that is, using the tools built into Windows 7. I think this part of the article will also be useful to someone. But we will have to transfer data from the disk that we want to delete, otherwise there is no way.

3) Friends, we also have an article on how to merge two disks into one using the program. This program is the leader among hard disk managers, but unfortunately it is paid.

How to merge two disks into one using EaseUS Partition Master Free Edition

Let's go to the official website Choose " EaseUS Partition Master Free Edition"and click Download

freeware download

Download Now

The program installer is downloaded. Let's launch it. Installing the program is simple, but there are a few things to keep in mind.
If you do not need the TuneUp Utilities 2013 optimizer, then uncheck the box and click Next.

Email is not required

Before starting the program, go to Disk Management. We will not touch drive C:, but we will connect drive E: (59 GB) and drive F: (59 GB), as a result we will get one drive E: (119 GB).

We start the program.

In the main window of the program, click once with the left mouse on the drive E: and click on the Merge tool (merge),

In the window that appears, specify the drive with which we want to merge the E: drive, this is the F: drive, check the F: box and OK.

Our program is running in pending operation mode, press the Apply button and OK,


The disk merging process has begun.

We go to Disk Management and look at the result. Instead of two drives E: and F:, we now have one drive E: (119 GB).

All data that was on drive F: moved to drive E:, to the folder Local Disk F.

How to connect two disks into one using the operating system itself Windows systems 7, Windows 8 without resorting to any programs

Suppose some users do not want to install additional software on their computer and try to get by with the tools built into the operating system.

Let's go to Disk Management. To connect drives E: and F:, you must first transfer all the data from drive F: to a portable hard drive or to a USB flash drive, or to drive E:, then delete the F: drive, right-click on it and select Delete volume, agree Yes.

Once again, right-click on the "Free" space and select Delete Partition.

Are you sure you want to delete the section? We agree Yes.

Unallocated space appears with a volume of 59 GB. We attach this unallocated space to the E: drive. Right click on the E: drive and select Extend Volume.


Everything. I will be very glad if someone helped.
