Estimated performance. How to calculate labor productivity - formulas, examples

In this article I want to tell you about the various formulas for calculating labor productivity.

A person works in order to create various benefits, such as services or products. To begin with, let's decide why we need to try to increase labor productivity. One of the most important criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of one or a group of workers is the productivity of their labor. After all, the higher the productivity of labor, and therefore the production of a unit of goods per unit of time, the less costs are spent per unit of result.

Any good, product or service produced by a person is his living, concentrated, materialized labor.

Let's define living labor.

Living labor is human labor that expends energy measured in calories. Living labor is divided into mental and physical.

But the labor embodied by any thing, mechanism or service is a completely different matter, since it personifies the labor produced earlier.

For example, electricity costs, production premises etc. And therefore, an increase in labor productivity leads to a decrease in costs.
To measure the labor of workers, the indicator of labor productivity is used.
What is labor productivity: - this is a certain indicator, by calculating which we find out how fruitful the work of workers is for a certain period of time (year, month, day, shift, hour, etc.). You also need to remember such a term as "development".

Output is the amount of work produced by one worker. Using the indicator of production, it is possible to measure various types of work: the production of goods, the provision of services, the sale of goods.
The labor productivity formula is quite simple:
You need to divide the amount of work performed for a certain period of time by the number of employees.

Type of formula when substituting variables.
Where for
P we take the productivity of labor, for O - the amount of work for a certain period of time, and for H - the number of workers.

Calculation formula value labor productivity

Let's look at an example.

Imagine that you are the owner of a chain of fast food restaurants. And you want to know the productivity of the hot dog shop, one of your establishments. Suppose it has 20 chefs who are busy making hot dogs. For the entire shift, they manage to produce products worth 100 thousand rubles. So, in order to find out the labor productivity of one worker, we will need to divide 100 thousand rubles per 20 workers (cooks). Thus, we find out that one cook produces products for 5 thousand rubles per shift. In order to find out the labor productivity per cook per hour (assuming that there are 8 hours in a shift), we will need to divide 5 thousand by 8 hours, and as a result we will find out that one cook produces hot dogs for 600 rubles per hour .

Formula natural

But the calculation of labor productivity can be calculated not only in money. Apart from this method there are a few more. For example, the natural way. It can be used if your company produces one type of product. In this case, labor productivity can be measured in meters, tons, pieces. per unit of time.

Let's take a simple example. Let's go back to our diner. Suppose that in its assortment there is only one product name - hot dogs. Then labor productivity can be calculated in hot dogs/hour. Suppose that the same 20 chefs make 1000 hot dogs per shift. Then dividing 1000 hot dogs by 20 chefs. We learn that one chef produces 50 hot dogs per shift. Then if we need data for an hour, we simply divide 50 by 8 and find out that one worker produces 6.25 hot dogs per hour.

Formula conditionally natural labor productivity calculation method

There is also a conditionally natural method of calculation. This method can be used if the firm produces homogeneous goods, but having any differences between them. IN this case produced goods are considered in the form of arbitrary units. Let's say you are manufacturing metal fasteners, for a shift 30 workers produce: 120 nails, 30 bolts and 40 screws. In order to calculate the total production productivity, we need to use the conversion factor, metal products. It takes 1000 grams of iron to make 120 nails, 500 grams to make 30 bolts, and 1500 grams to make 40 screws. As a result, adding up all the manufactured products in their general initial form (iron) 1000 gr + 500 gr + 1500 gr = 3000 grams / metal products.

Calculation formula labor performance

The labor method is based on the measurement of volume manufactured goods, for the calculation of which you need to use the conditional production labor intensity. In order to calculate performance of labor, you need to divide the volume of production in units of work time by the actual work time. Let's look at an example. Let's go back to our diner. Imagine that two chefs made 30 hot dogs, despite the fact that it takes 25 minutes to make one hot dog, and 40 hot dogs, despite the fact that, temporary the cost of making one hot dog 15 minutes. We use these data to calculate performance labor. To do this, you need: the volume of manufactured products multiplied by the time of manufacture of one unit of goods(30×25+40×15) , then divide it all by the time of interest to us range . Suppose we are interested in data for one hour.(30x25+40x15)/2x8x60 = 11850/960 = 12.3 items/hour.

One of the advantages of the labor calculation of labor productivity is the possibility of its use when calculating any types of services and works. However, to use it, you need to know the time standards for the manufacture of one unit of product for each type of work, which is not always possible.

Labor intensity formula

The concept of labor intensity implies the cost of working time for the production of one unit of goods or services.

And as usual for better understanding let's take an example. Let's say the two chefs at your diner make 1,000 hot dogs in 3 days. The labor intensity of man-hours (with a work shift equal to 8 hours) will be exactly 2x3x8 = 46. I think everything is clear here. Now let's take a more complicated example. 7 chefs made 10 birthday cakes in 5 days. Let's try to calculate the total and specific labor input in man hours. 7x5x8=280 man-hours, this gives us the total labor input. 280 man-hours already received, divided by 10 cakes, 280/10=28 man-hours for making one cake.

The use of such an indicator as labor intensity makes it possible to increase the accuracy of labor productivity calculations. An inverse correlation can also be traced between labor intensity and labor productivity. The lower the labor intensity, the higher the labor productivity indicators and vice versa.

Level of labor mechanization formula

Society does not stand still, and as it develops, the level of mechanical labor increases. which has a positive effect on productivity growth. The more we use mechanized labor, the greater our ability to produce materialized labor, and the less we use living labor. The growth in the productivity of mechanized labor makes it possible to increase the productivity of goods without increasing the share of living labor.

Mechanical workers are those who carry out their work with the help of automated, machines and mechanisms.

The formula itself looks like this:

Let's take a look at an example. Let's say you have hot dogs at your diner. Some hot dogs are produced using special automated devices, and the other part is made manually. Making hot dogs manual method, 80 chefs are involved, and in the preparation mechanized way 20. Let's try to determine the level of mechanization of your production. In total, 30 chefs are involved in the production of hot dogs. Of these, 10 are engaged in mechanized labor. Then we need to divide 100 by 20 and multiply by 100%. 20/100*100% = 20% mechanized labor.

It is also important to know about such a concept as labor intensity.

Under the intensity of labor, it is customary to understand the strength of the tension of living labor in a certain period of time, measured by physical, mental, and nervous energy costs.

If you want to increase the level of labor intensity in your production, then this will require appropriate compensation in the form of an increase in caring pay, or additional days off.

But it is worth remembering that there are still a lot of white spots in the study of labor productivity. It is far from always possible to accurately compare labor productivity from different areas. Therefore, in calculating according to the labor productivity formula, it is worth considering the features of each particular case. Difficulties can arise when comparing the productivity of a person selling hot dogs with a person selling cars. For one, the monthly revenue can be 50 thousand rubles, and for the second, 5 million. But when counting formula cost productivity, we will not get accurate data to compare the productivity of these subjects. Can lead lots of examples where receiving satisfactory results to assess labor productivity, it will not be enough to use standard formulas. Often the indicators of the formulas have to be combined, or evaluated all together in order to see the full picture.

And that's all. If you have any questions about formula calculations. Then ask your questions in the comments. per sim take my leave. All the best.

Labor productivity is an important criterion in evaluating the efficiency of an enterprise and employees individually. The greater the productivity of labor, the lower the costs incurred in the production of all products. With the help of productivity, such an important indicator as the profitability of the enterprise is determined.

The calculation of labor productivity allows you to find out the degree of fruitfulness of the work of employees for a certain period of time. Based on the calculated data, in the future, the manager can plan the work of the enterprise, calculate the expected volume of products, revenue. The calculation of labor productivity allows you to make an estimate for the purchase of materials for production in the required quantity, as well as to hire required amount workers.

Methods for calculating labor productivity

The calculation of labor productivity is carried out in man-hours, days, months. These indicators correspond to the indicators of hourly, daily and monthly labor productivity.

With the help of hourly labor productivity, the level of productivity during the actual day's work is characterized. In addition, this indicator has a peculiarity of impact on the use of working time within a day. Monthly productivity, in addition, is able to take into account the impact of changes in the duration of the working month. Depending on the adopted units and the volume of output of products, there are cost, natural and labor methods.

Labor productivity indicators

The indicator of labor productivity is characterized by production and labor intensity. The calculation of labor productivity in terms of output is carried out by indicating the volume of products that is produced by one worker for the period under consideration. The calculation of labor productivity by labor intensity indicates the amount of time spent by an employee on the production of one unit of goods. The output indicator is related to the average number of workers and the time spent on production. The output formula looks like this:

B=Q/T or B=Q/N

Here Q is manufactured products,

T is the time of their manufacture,

T is the average number of employees.

Labor intensity reflects the amount of effort that is applied by one employee and is calculated by the formula:


The basis for calculating labor productivity is the calculation of the balance sheet, which is able to calculate productivity for the organization as a whole. The calculation of labor productivity requires the value of work, which is indicated in financial statements for the period under review. The general formula for labor productivity is as follows:


Here ORP is the volume of manufactured products;

NPV - the average number of workers in the production process.

The calculation of labor productivity is also made according to the profit of the enterprise, calculating the amount of profit that the enterprise brings in a certain period of time. For a year or a month, labor productivity is calculated as follows:


Here, PT is the average productivity,

B is the amount of revenue

SR - the average number of workers for the period.

The value of labor productivity

The growth of the labor productivity indicator can reduce the costs of the enterprise for the production of products. By increasing productivity, businesses can save significantly on wages, increasing production profits.

  1. importance for the entire economy and the economy, which is associated with an increase in the efficiency of the use of labor resources,
  2. value for society, which is related to the ability of the organization to produce, and the population to buy large quantity goods.
  3. value for a person or worker associated with a reduction in time, an increase in the cost of labor and satisfaction from labor itself.

Production is the basis of any economy, but this honorable role is assigned not to every production, but only to profitable ones. Labor productivity is the most important factor determining this profitability. Accordingly, understanding how such an indicator is calculated is necessary not only for accountants and economists, but also for managers of all levels. And, of course, you need to know how to calculate labor productivity individual entrepreneurs– after all, they invest their own labor to ensure the profitability of their own firm.

Why is labor productivity so important?

The fact that labor made a man out of a monkey, if not proven with absolute probability by pundits, then it looks at least plausible. As far as your historical development a reasonable person regularly tries to work less and get more. It is this approach that ensures the growth of labor productivity. And this is especially important in modern world, where one able-bodied person with his work (we are talking about the direct production of a new product) literally contains up to 11 people - pensioners, children, people with disabilities. An economy built on this principle, despite its efficiency, is not very stable - that is why labor productivity in economic theory has long meant much more than just the amount of goods produced per unit of time. However, this indicator, called the natural productivity of labor, has not been abolished and still plays a crucial role in economic analysis.

PT (labor productivity) \u003d ORP (volume of output for the reporting period) / NPP (average number of production personnel).

This formula needs some explanation.

  1. The output of products is considered in natural units (piece, packaging as a whole, and so on).
  2. The denominator indicates the number of production workers, that is, the number of administrative personnel, technologists, and engineers is not taken into account.
  3. Even in organizations where, as such, goods are not produced, such an indicator is still used, since many workers can be employed there, whose labor is productive. For example, a packer in a supermarket collects from several goods (the actual goods, packaging, sticker) a new one, which receives an additional cost. Accordingly, the labor productivity of such an employee needs to be calculated, because in the process of work he applies labor skills, uses tools.

So, labor productivity is the basis of everything. And it is important and necessary to calculate it. But no indicator has value until it is put into practice. That is why the so-called labor rationing is carried out at enterprises - the distribution of working time according to operations and / or production.

Rationing is the most important method of increasing profitability by increasing labor productivity

In order to carry out the correct rationing of labor, it is necessary to know the labor intensity (the average cost of working time per unit of output) - both the goods themselves and each of its components.

To determine this indicator, you need to divide the sum of working hours in the production cycle for the reporting period by ORP for the same period. In addition, for the correct rationing of labor, one more important parameter- you should know how to calculate the productivity of one worker. The peculiarity of the indicator is not natural (in pieces), but monetary terms, respectively, in the numerator of the fraction it is not ORP, but net profit. It is convenient to use the obtained value for distributing “carrots and sticks” - rewards and fines for conscientious and not very hard work.

The very process of labor rationing is quite complicated, since there is always a great risk of not taking into account the notorious human factor (fatigue of workers, moral fatigue due to an unfavorable psychological climate in the team, and so on). If this procedure seems unbearable to the top management of the organization (and the ability to adequately assess one's own capabilities is the key to the success of the leader), then it makes sense to invite a qualified specialist who deals specifically with labor rationing. True, in our country those are still "worth their weight in gold", however, if desired, a good "rationing officer" (for example, from among retired industrialists) can be found.

There are two basic principles that guide the process of labor rationing.

  1. If the work is simple (as with the already mentioned packer), then it is advisable to ration according to aggregated indicators, for example, to set the volume of goods that this packer must process per shift.
  2. Complex work must be normalized step by step. And the “smaller” a separate task, the better. Otherwise, there is a high risk of getting defective products: the love of a Russian person to work in an emergency mode after a long period of inactivity has long gone down in history.

In order for the rationing of labor not to give the opposite result, it is necessary to fulfill a number of conditions.

First, it is necessary to exercise control over the time fork. It works like this: a certain optimum time is set, during which a certain amount of work should approximately be completed. If no one fits into it, you need to hire additional workers. Everyone exceeds it - to intensify work.

Secondly (and most importantly), if the labor is complex (for example, the production of electronics), then incentives for excess production with proper product quality should significantly exceed fines for underproduction, defects.

How can labor productivity be calculated from the balance sheet?

Labor productivity can be determined on the basis of indicators reflected in the balance sheet. This can be useful in pre-contract work.

To get the required value, the same formula for calculating labor productivity is used. Meaning average headcount production personnel is in the balance - it is put in the denominator. But the numerator is the indicator of the volume of work performed - also from the balance sheet. What happens in the end is called the actual productivity of labor.

Now you can calculate the so-called trend index. To do this, you need to take the value of the planned labor productivity from the balance, subtract the actual labor productivity from there and divide the result by the actual productivity again. The result of calculations is a very important indicator actively used by economists and managers.

In addition to the types already considered, the actual and potential productivity of labor is also distinguished. These indicators are not considered key - they act as more as guidelines for further building the production and management strategy of the company. The first parameter demonstrates what labor productivity can be in general "in a vacuum" - in ideal conditions market, without downtime, interruptions and the absence of a lag between the birth finished products and its sale. And potential labor productivity is cash productivity not only in an ideal market, but also in an ideal enterprise with the best personnel, technologies, materials, and equipment.

Any work must be efficient: to produce material or other benefits in sufficient quantities and with a reasonable ratio of income and expenses. Labor is embodied in the products produced by man. Therefore, it is so important to evaluate the indicator of labor productivity as a factor in production efficiency. Thus, we can conclude that the labor costs of both an individual worker and a group or a large team are optimal.

In the article we will talk about the nuances of assessing labor productivity, we will give a formula and concrete examples calculations, as well as factors that can show the analysis of the results.

Relativity of labor productivity

Labor productivity as an economic indicator carries direct information about the degree of efficiency of workers' labor invested in the output.

Working, a person spends time and energy, time is measured in hours, and energy is measured in calories. In any case, such work can be both mental and physical. If the result of labor is a thing, product or service created by a person, then the labor invested in it takes a different form - “frozen”, that is, embodied, it can no longer be measured by the usual indicators, because it reflects the past labor investments and costs.

Assess labor productivity- means to determine how efficiently a worker (or a group of workers) has invested his labor in creating a unit of output in a specified time period.

Performance Study Coverage

Depending on how wide the audience needs to be researched for labor productivity, this indicator can be:

  • individual- show the efficiency of labor costs of one employee (its increase reflects the efficiency of production of 1 unit of output);
  • local- the average for the enterprise or industry;
  • public- show productivity on the scale of the entire employed population (the ratio of gross product or national income to the number of people employed in production).

Production and labor intensity

Labor productivity is characterized by two important indicators.

  1. Working out- the amount of labor performed by one person - this way you can measure not only the number of things produced, but also the provision of services, the sale of goods and other types of work. Average output can be calculated by taking the ratio of output to total number workers.
    The output is calculated according to the following formula:
    • B - production;
    • V - the volume of manufactured products (in money, standard hours or in kind);
    • T is the time taken to manufacture a given volume of products.
  2. Labor intensity- costs and attendant efforts accompanying the production of goods. They can be of various types:
    • technological- labor costs for the production process itself;
    • serving- expenses for equipment repair and production service;
    • managerial- labor costs for managing the production process and its protection.

    NOTE! The total of technological and maintenance labor costs is production labor intensity. And if we add to the production managerial, then we can talk about full labor intensity.

    To calculate the labor intensity, you need to apply the following formula:

Methods for assessing labor productivity

The use of one or another formula for calculating this economic indicator is due to the intended result, that is, the answer to the question of what units we want to receive as indicators of labor efficiency. It can be:

  • monetary expression;
  • the product itself, that is, its quantity, weight, length, etc. (the method is applicable if the manufactured product is the same);
  • conditional units of goods (when the manufactured products are heterogeneous);
  • volume for accounting time (suitable for any type of product).

To use any of these methods, you must know the indicators:

  • N - the number of workers for which the calculation is applied;
  • V is the amount of work in one expression or another.

Calculation of labor productivity by cost method

PRst = Vst / N

  • PR st - cost productivity of labor;
  • V st - the volume of manufactured products in financial (value) terms.
  • N - the number of units producing products

Example #1

The owner of the pastry shop wants to know the productivity of the pastry department. This department employs 10 confectioners who, in an 8-hour work shift, make cakes estimated at 300,000 rubles. Let's find the labor productivity of one confectioner.

To do this, first divide 300,000 (daily output) by 10 (number of employees): 300,000 / 10 \u003d 30,000 rubles. This is the daily productivity of one employee. If you need to find this indicator per hour, then we divide the daily productivity by the duration of the shift: 30,000 / 8 = 3,750 rubles. at one o'clock.

Calculation of labor productivity by natural method

It is more convenient to use it if the manufactured products can be easily measured in generally accepted units - pieces, grams or kilograms, meters, liters, etc., while the goods (services) produced are homogeneous.

PRnat = Vnat / N

  • PR nat - natural labor productivity;
  • V nat - the number of units of manufactured products in a convenient form of calculation.

Example #2

We investigate the productivity of the calico fabric manufacturing department at the factory. Suppose that 20 employees of the shop produce 150,000 m of calico in 8 hours of daily hay. Thus, 150,000 / 20 = 7500 m of calico is produced (conditionally) per day by 1 employee, and if we look for this indicator in metro hours, then we divide the individual output by 8 hours: 7500 / 8 = 937, 5 meters per hour.

Calculation of labor productivity according to the conditionally natural method

This method is convenient in that it is suitable for calculations in cases where the manufactured products are similar in characteristics, but still not the same, when it can be taken as a conventional unit.

PRsl = Vcond / N

  • PR conv - labor productivity in conventional units of production;
  • V conditional - the conditional volume of production, for example, in the form of raw materials or others.

Example #3

The mini-bakery produces 120 bagels, 50 pies and 70 buns in an 8-hour working day, 15 employees are employed in it. We introduce a conditional coefficient in the form of the amount of dough (assume that all products use the same dough and they differ only in shaping). For a daily norm of bagels, 8 kg of dough is consumed, for pies - 6 kg, and for buns - 10 kg. Thus, the indicator of the daily consumption of dough (Vusl) will be 8 + 6 + 10 = 24 kg of raw materials. Let's calculate the labor productivity of 1 baker: 24 / 15 = 1.6 kg per day. The hourly rate will be 1.6 / 8 = 0.2 kg per hour.

Calculation of labor productivity according to the labor method

This method is effective if you need to calculate time labor costs, while taking the volumetric indicator in standard hours. It is applicable only for such types of production, where the temporary tension is approximately the same.

PRtr \u003d Vper unit T / N

  • PR tr - labor productivity;
  • V per unit T - the number of products manufactured in a selected unit of time.

Example #4

It takes a worker 2 hours to make a stool, and high chair- 1 hour. Two carpenters made 10 stools and 5 chairs in an 8-hour shift. Let's find their labor productivity. We multiply the volume of manufactured products by the time of production of one of its units: 10 x 2 + 5 x 1 \u003d 20 + 5 \u003d 25. Now we divide this figure by the time period we need, for example, if we want to find the productivity of one worker per hour, then we divide by (2 workers x 8 hours). That is, it turns out 25 / 16 \u003d 1.56 units of production per hour.

Today important economic indicator, characterizing the productivity of a firm or enterprise, is the formula for calculating labor productivity.

This indicator reveals how fruitful the activity of employees is, which is expressed in the amount of work performed, completed per unit of time.

This coefficient will tell you how competently the system of economic relations in the company is built, how effective the various groups of employed employees are and will allow you to plan numerical values ​​for years to come.

This is a universal criterion that has proven its usefulness both within the framework of one enterprise (or its separate parts), and on the scale of a city, region, country.

Influencing factors

It has been established that this parameter shows the effectiveness of labor costs for a selected unit of time - for example, it shows what is the value of manufactured products by one employee in one hour. Typically, two main factors apply:

  • Labor intensity;
  • Working out.

Their use will allow you to assess the degree of efficiency of labor costs with the greatest accuracy. It is logical that the increase in productivity will lead to:

  • Savings on employee salaries;
  • Increasing the size of the enterprise.

What affects labor productivity?

Since it is a variable indicator, its value depends on several factors. Increasing production is the main condition that guarantees the existence of the company and the growth of its income.

The reasons for the change in productivity are conditionally divided into internal and external.

Internal reasons:

  • Production structure updates;
  • Changing the management system at the enterprise;
  • Introduction of technological innovations that improve the workflow;
  • Motivational measures designed to increase the productivity of workers.

External reasons:

  • Changes in the political sphere;
  • Features of the environment;
  • Global economic factors.

Performance Metrics

As described above, output and labor intensity are the two main criteria that can describe productivity. They give a clear idea of ​​the effectiveness of the staff, and also help to identify the potential in individual areas of production.

Working out will show how much output was produced by the employee per unit of paid time. This indicator depends on the average number of employees and on the time spent. Thus, the output can be calculated:

B =V/ T,

where V is the number of manufactured items, T is the unit of paid time.

B =V/ N,

where N is the average number of employees.

Labor intensity allows you to understand how much effort it takes for one worker to create a unit of goods. This indicator is inversely related to production.

R = T/ V,

R = N/ V.

The most accurate calculation method that takes into account downtime hours is listed below.

P = (V*(1- K))/(F* N),

where P is productivity, V is the volume of production in units, K is the downtime factor, F is labor costs per employee, N is the average number of employees.

Today, three methods are used at once:

  • natural method;
  • cost method;
  • labor method.

The main difference between these methods is in units of measurement of the amount of work. In any case, the formula for calculating labor productivity will help to calculate the indicator.

1. natural method considered one of the most accurate.

The calculation in this case is expressed in physical units - meters, kilograms, pieces, liters. However, if the products manufactured at the enterprise are heterogeneous, then natural method won't give any results.

For example, if a factory produces several types of milk, the use of a natural indicator is excluded.

P = V/ X,

where P is labor productivity, X is the total number of workers employed in the manufacture this product, V - manufactured products in the selected units of measurement.

2. cost method determines labor productivity in monetary units.

This method is considered the most versatile and versatile - it will allow you to compare the dynamics in different periods of time, evaluate the work of employees of different qualifications and different specializations.

P = S/ X,

where X is the number of workers involved in the production of the product, S is the product in monetary terms.

3. labor method allows you to express labor productivity for various services and works.

In this case, the labor costs required for the manufacture of one unit of goods are calculated.

For labor method it is desirable to take into account strict standards for various kinds activities, and at the same time - the method is suitable for any enterprise, regardless of their structure.

P = G/ X,

where G is the amount of work per unit of time.

Pcp =Σ V * Y,

where V is the total amount of manufactured products, Y is the labor input coefficient for the corresponding product.

To determine Y, the position with the smallest value is used; in this case, this indicator becomes equal to one. To determine the coefficients for other types of activities, the labor intensity of each of them is divided by the minimum value.

Labor productivity index

This component will determine the growth rate of the parameter, allowing you to predict its increase or decrease depending on some factors.

Production calculation:

∆P= ((B - B0) / B0)) * 100%

Calculation by labor intensity:

ΔР = ((RR0)/ R0)) * 100%, Where

ΔP is the change in productivity, B is the output for the reporting period, B0 is the output for the base period, R is the labor intensity of the reporting period, R0 is the labor intensity of the base period.


It is the definition of the indicator of labor productivity that will allow us to evaluate the efficiency of the enterprise and its personnel, as well as to predict its further change. The index is extremely important for determining the quality and expediency of work in the chosen direction.

It is worth remembering that it is necessary to monitor the dynamics, taking into account various external and internal factors, in order to achieve maximum productivity.
