How to set up a budget limit in Yandex money. Update of the "Daily budget" mode from Yandex.Direct

Daily site limits

How this tool works

"Balancer" is configured for each campaign order. In order for Marilyn to manage the budget of the entire project, you need to create separate balancing groups for all orders or labels if you are working with the "Orders" component turned off. Example:

Tool operation algorithm:

    The platform calculates the balance of the budget and the number of remaining days in the order.

    Based on this data, the daily spend is determined, which must be adhered to in order for the campaign to end as planned.

    The platform distributes the daily budget among the placements included in this order.

Thus, the platform recalculates daily budgets every night and sets the current ones.

Note 1: Remember that in order to manage daily budgets in Yandex.Direct, either a shared account must be enabled, or the “show the ability to limit daily budget” setting is enabled in the user settings at the Yandex account level (if you can set a daily limit for a campaign in the interface, then you have it enabled).

Note 2: Sometimes it may take several days for the platform to reach the planned level. At the same time, if there is a stable underrotation for campaigns, launching the balancer will not be enough. Underrotation can occur for many reasons, first of all we recommend checking the campaign settings: display mode (distributed or standard), semantics, bids, account balance.

"Balancer" can be configured not only for orders, but also for individual labels.

Note! It is important to understand here that when creating balancing groups for both orders and labels, the groups will be processed in a random order - the budgets set by the group for labels can be "interrupted" by the group for orders and vice versa. It is recommended that you use only one of the listed instrument tuning methods. If the "Orders" component is enabled, balancing by orders is preferable, because the total daily budget per channel will be calculated automatically, reducing the risk of human error.

If several labels are added to the balancing group, balancing will look for campaigns at their intersection.

How the budget is distributed between orders

Within an order there may be placements of varying degrees of priority. And it may be necessary for one of them to receive a larger budget and the other a smaller one. For example, an order may contain placements that go only to the search, and placements only to the network. Therefore, the question often arises: “What if the placements of the “network” turn off a larger budget (because they are more capacious), leaving the “search” with a smaller part of the budget”? This can happen if you don't set up specific search/network campaign restriction groups. Learn more about restriction groups

When allocating budgets between campaigns, the tool, by default, takes into account the costs of campaigns on the previous day. If the campaign unwinds the budget, the next day more funds are allocated for it, if it doesn’t turn it off, less. Thus, the budget is balanced between campaigns within the scope of the order.

However, in addition to the expenses for the previous day, you can choose other KPIs that will be used for balancing:

Venue stats:

Cost (selected by default), Clicks, Impressions, Views, Video Views 25, 50, 75, 100%

Data from web analytics profiles (for each profile):

Visits, New users, Page views, Time on page, Duration of visit, Installs, E-commerce transactions, Total e-commerce revenue

Data by goals of web analytics profiles (for each goal of each profile) Accomplishments, Value

The data analysis period can also be set individually: yesterday, 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days.

Thus, the tool can sum up the most important KPIs within 90 days and perform balancing based on them. Only one key KPI can be selected per order/label.

Use of coefficients

By default, when calculating the daily expense, we proceed from the even distribution of the budget over the remaining days of the order. However this method does not always fit.

For cases where it is necessary to allocate the budget more flexibly, taking into account certain days weeks, “Daily Odds” come to the rescue.

In this block, it is possible to set weights for different days week and in the future, the balancer will distribute the remaining daily budget, taking into account the specified coefficients.

Thus, for cases where a certain trend is traced within a week, it will be possible to allocate larger or smaller budgets for the right days.

Note 3: By default, all days of the week have the same coefficients equal to 1.

System operation examples

The platform sets the budget for placements in proportion to what was originally set on the site.

For example, there are two placements on the site: one has a daily budget of 300 rubles, the second - 100 rubles, and the required daily consumption is 2,000 rubles.

After enabling the "Balancer", the budgets of these placements will be proportionally increased to the initial split 3 to 1, i.e. the platform will set 1,500 rubles. for "Search" and 500 rubles. for the network.

Budgets are also reduced proportionally.

If one of the placements does not twist the daily budget set for it, in this case, that part of the budget that does not turn off will be reallocated to another placement that can turn off this budget.

For example, there is a search placement, its daily budget is set at 3,000 rubles, but in fact it turns out 2,600 rubles. There is placement on the network, which has a daily budget of 100 rubles. And the required daily consumption of the order is 3,100 rubles.

In this case, after turning on the "Balancer", the platform will redistribute the budget: "Search" will set a daily budget of 2,600 rubles. (the limit that the search can unscrew), and for the “Network” it will set 400 rubles. removed from the search + 100 rubles, which were originally.

Those. the algorithm will remove from the search only the amount that it is unable to turn off (and no more!) and transfer it to another campaign that has enough capacity to turn it off.

Within one order, there are two placements: "Search" and "Network". And the required daily consumption is 50,000 rubles. It is necessary to set up the order unwinding in such a way that the search spends as much as possible most budget, and the network as small as possible.

At the same time, the network costs should not exceed 5,000 rubles. Those. it is necessary that the network does not spend "too much", let better order will under-twist than unscrew the network.

This problem is solved by setting the maximum restriction on the location of the network.

Daily limits

Procedure for creating a daily limit

On the example of Yandex.Direct network campaigns:

    On the "Placements" tab, you need to find all the placements that are circulating in YAN, mark the ones you need.

    In the "Labels" field, add a unique label by which you can identify these placements. For example, "network"

    In the "Daily budget balancing" tool, add balancing groups for orders for the Yandex channel

    In the "Budget limits" block, add the Yandex.Direct channel label and the "network" label created in the previous paragraph and set the "maximum daily budget" to 5,000 rubles.

Checkbox " individually» is disabled, because the specified restrictions must be applied to all Yandex.Direct network campaigns in aggregate. If it is necessary that the restriction be applied to each campaign, then the checkbox must be set.

Now the platform will work as follows.

The total daily budget for the entire Yandex.Direct channel is calculated. For example, the budget is 55,000 rubles. Further, the budget will be redistributed between search and network campaigns. Search placements will have a daily budget of at least 50,000 rubles, and the "Network" will have the minimum allowable.

That part of the budget that Poisk cannot spend will be transferred to the network. But since Since we have set a limit for the network, then this placement will not be able to spend more than 5,000 rubles.

Even if the “search” of 50,000 rubles can only turn off 1,000 rubles, the budget of the “network” will not exceed 5,000 rubles.

And if such a restriction did not exist, then, provided that the “search” cannot unscrew more than 1,000 rubles, the “network” would take 49,000 rubles + 100 rubles.

Important: Note that such a large shift from "search" to "web" will only occur if "search" is unable to use its budget. If it is necessary that redistribution towards the "network" does not occur, even to the detriment of the implementation of the plan, then use this restriction.

Thus, the platform will adhere to the budget split set by the manager between placements. And only the unused placement budget will be redistributed.

The balancing group is set up on the order and is working successfully. However, in the process of analyzing the results of the campaign, it was noticed that on Friday, ads work especially effectively, but on weekends, on the contrary, there are fewer conversions.

In this case, it makes sense to make the following changes to the daily odds:

    Raise the Friday multiplier to increase the daily budget allotted for Friday

    Lower odds for Saturday and Sunday to reduce order spending on those days

Important Notes

    In Google Ads, the platform only works with separate budgets for each campaign. If you have a shared budget set up, it must be turned off. It is not possible to set up balancing in experimental Google Ads campaigns. experiments cannot be budgeted directly (the budget is already pre-allocated between experimental campaigns).

    In Yandex.Direct, it only works with strategies where you can set a daily budget limit. Those. does not work, for example, with the "weekly budget" strategy.

    If the Balancer sets the minimum and maximum budget limits, then these values ​​take precedence over the budgets set on the site.

    The balancer is guided by the consumption for the previous day. If it was not available for some campaign (according to the schedule, moderation, temporary stop of the advertising campaign manually, etc.), then the balancer will take the amount of the daily budget as an expense. What does it give?

    1. You can adjust the initial distribution when enabling the balancer on new campaigns. It will redistribute the budget in the same proportion as you set the campaigns' daily budgets.

      If you add a new campaign to a group, then you can give it a daily budget that is comparable to other campaigns and it will not be pessimized.

      If all campaigns are running on one of the days, the balancer will set daily budgets proportionally after launch last day activity.

    If multiple labels are selected in the balancing or constraint group settings, the tool will process placements at their intersection. Example: Placement "Marilyn" has a Yandex.Direct tag. The restriction group is configured for Yandex.Direct and Search labels. The balancer will not process the "Marilyn" placement, as Placement is not labeled "Search".


1. If campaigns don't run on weekends, how will the balancer set budgets on Monday?

If there are no statistics for yesterday, then the balancer will leave the proportion that is set on the site. AT this case the proportion will be calculated on Saturday based on the results of Friday. Thus, the correct answer is: on Monday, the balancer will set budgets based on the results of Friday.

2. Balancing does not occur due to conflict daily limits. What could be the problem?

Check that the constraint groups do not conflict with each other. For example, if you set a max budget of 2,000 rubles for the Google Ads label. for each placement and at the same time created a second group of restrictions on Google Ads and Brand labels with a minimum budget of 3,000 rubles, then there will be a conflict of restrictions, because the first rule should establish a budget of no more than 2,000 rubles, and the second - no less than 3,000 rubles.

Other common causes of constraint conflicts include:

    Too many restriction groups per placement are being used. How more rules(=limits) balancing per placement, the more likely that the platform will not be able to find best option distribution. It should be taken into account that during each balancing, system algorithms calculate several probable scenarios for budget distribution according to the given rules using special formulas and choose the optimal one. At in large numbers rules, it is almost impossible to “guess” in advance which option the platform will choose and whether there will be a conflict. In such cases, we recommend reducing the number of restriction groups or expanding the limits (instead of "from 1,000 rubles to 2,000 rubles" indicate "from 300 rubles to 3,000 rubles").

3. Is it possible to set a "ceiling" for the minimum or maximum limit in the balancer and what happens if you specify the same value?

The minimum and maximum limits do not have to be specified at the same time, only one cell can be filled.

If you specify the same minimum and maximum limits, this will be interpreted by the platform as a "fixed" budget.

    Use order balancing if you have orders enabled

    If you are setting a constraint group, make sure you have a balance group created. The tool will not work without a balancing group.

    Subscribe to system notifications "about balancing budgets" in your account settings

    Do not forget that the first balancing will not happen immediately after saving the settings, but the next day

    Always create a separate restriction group for the "Google Ads" label by enabling the "Individual" option. and specifying a minimum budget of at least 100 r. (according to the example above). The specificity of the site is that in GA the minimum budget limit is 0.01 r / day. Restriction group with a minimum budget of 100 rubles. will protect you from such cases.

Manual control bidding will allow you to independently set bids in accordance with your ideas about the effectiveness of the conditions of display in an advertising campaign.

In the strategy parameters, you set the settings for its work, and on the campaign page - bids by display conditions.

  • On all platforms
  • Search only
  • Networks only

In the default strategy, you only set bids for impressions on search, while bids for impressions in networks will be calculated according to the settings in networks. At the same time, the bid in networks can automatically decrease for clicks with a low conversion probability or increase for clicks with a high conversion probability.

To manually set bids for networks, enable separate bid management in the strategy settings.

In strategy "Manual bid management with network optimization" you set bids only for impressions in ad networks. The strategy can automatically adjust rates. For clicks with a low conversion rate, the bid will be reduced, and for clicks with a high conversion rate, the bid will be increased.

Impressions on search will be prohibited.

Strategy settings

Average daily budget

Average daily spend per campaign per calendar week.

Minimum size average daily budget - 300 rub (values ​​for other currencies).

The budget is stretched for the whole day or for the period specified in the time targeting settings. If you don't have enough budget for all-day impressions, your ads will be less likely to participate in the auction. If the specified amount of costs is enough for the day of impressions, you will receive all available traffic.

During the week, the budget is redistributed: the remaining budget from less active days will be spent on more active ones. Thus, the consumption per day can be more or less than the specified value. In addition, no more than 30% of the specified amount of the average daily budget can be spent. Wherein average daily consumption per week stays within the given limit.

If you use high-frequency keywords or high bids for keywords with a small daily budget, Yandex.Direct does not guarantee an even distribution of impressions throughout the day. The available budget can be used up at the beginning of the impression period, and there will be no funds left for the rest of the day.

You can change the size of the budget no more than 3 times a day.

Daily budget works according to Moscow time, regardless of the selected campaign time zone.

You can change the strategy used at any time in the advertising campaign settings. If you switched from a manual strategy to an automatic strategy and then returned to a manual strategy, the bids you set will be saved.


Appeared new tool- daily budget.

The tool allows you to avoid overspending on a campaign per day when you work with strategies with manual bidding.

The agency manager can enable the client campaign tool in the user settings. You need to select the option “Show the ability to limit the daily budget”, after that, in the campaign parameters, you will be able to set a limit.

Minimum budget, which can be specified - 10 c.u. (300 rubles). When setting up, you can choose one of two modes of operation of the tool: standard or distributed.

Standard mode is set by default. In this mode, ad impressions run continuously and stop automatically as soon as the spending limit is reached.

In the distributed mode, the system tries to stretch the budget for the whole day or for the period selected in the time targeting. If there is not enough money for continuous impressions, ads will turn on and off periodically.

Pay attention to some features of working with a daily budget:

  • Days are calculated according to Moscow time;
  • You can change the budget amount no more than three times a day;
  • Impressions will continue even if the amount on the campaign account is less than the specified limit.

In this case, the daily budget is automatically equated to the account balance.

Important to know about your daily budget

If the ad campaign was active on the day that the daily budget is turned on or reduced, it could be a cost overrun. From the next day of the campaign, the set daily budget limit is guaranteed not to be exceeded.

It should also be borne in mind that the daily budget will not independently edit the bids in the advertising campaign, it exists only so that when using manual strategies it is possible to avoid overspending and set the upper bar for the daily expense after which the campaign ceases to be displayed (or stretch the fixed budget per day). Only automatic strategies allow not editing bids, for example, “weekly budget”, “ average price click”, but these strategies do not guarantee that ads will be shown in special placement or guarantee, their goal is to get the maximum number of clicks in view of the given restrictions that the strategy imposes.

A competent choice of the ad display mode will help you optimize the cost of funds in Yandex.Direct and increase the effectiveness of your advertising company. Today, two modes work - standard and distributed, below I will talk about the features of each of them, show the differences and give an example from practice on settings.

Mode settings are switched on the company's page in the strategy block, where the colorless button with the words "Change" turns green in red. Click on it and you will be taken to the display strategy settings, where you can select both the strategy and the mode. Personally, I decided on a manual strategy, and I play the type of impressions like Messi with a leather ball. Below is an example from practice, while a little theory.

Mode Standard

In rare cases, Direct itself begins to stretch the display of ads in order to optimize the budget, but optimization in the eyes of a director and Yandex are two different entities and philosophies. The goals are different, Yandex wants big budgets, the site owner makes the most efficient use of funds.

In short, when the standard mode is on, the consumption of funds and the display of advertising goes by gravity until the wallet is empty.

  1. If the bulk of customers come in the morning,
  2. If the cost of the AC significantly exceeds the volume of ad impressions.

Mode Distributed

Here, too, dancing, but to a different tambourine... When you turn on the distributed mode, the budget stretches for a day, so in the middle of the day you will not see a notice:

Showing stopped due to lack of funds.

Sounds nice, but the pathologist's autopsy revealed multiple causes of the patient's death. Yes, Direct will distribute the funds, but it does it crookedly and only at its own discretion. For example, at 20.00 in the evening you can choose 200 rubles out of 1000 for a day, the remaining 800 rubles will merge closer to the night. Maybe on the contrary, 800 rubles will go at dawn, then the advertising company will freeze, the rest will go closer to 12 at night.

“You should not count on a uniform distribution of impressions when you turn on the distributed mode.”

Yandex itself writes in the help that it does not guarantee uniform display of advertising with a limited budget and the use of high-frequency keys, in fact, there are no guarantees of uniform display for any requests, even HF, even LF.

You can change the mode settings three times during the day, I would recommend using this if you have a manual strategy.

Case Study

Now I have a wholesale online store selling bulk perfumes on my balance sheet. Wholesalers go more in the morning and in the evening, and the budget is such that when the standard mode is turned on for the day, it breaks out at 18-21 pm. With a manual strategy, I do this to increase the effectiveness of the AC:

  1. I twist the Standard until 2/3 of the daily budget is used up,
  2. Switching to distributed mode
  3. I'm waiting for 18-19 hours,
  4. Rolling back to Standard.

So I catch a maximum of wholesalers, do not stop showings to zero and stretch the budget for a day. There can be many strategies, you need to play with the modes depending on the features of the site and advertising, there is no single rule, but never go to the machine - no electronic brain can replace your hands.

For search campaigns, Yandex has updated the "Daily budget" option.

As it was before

Previously, by activating the "Daily budget" option, advertisers risked not getting more clicks at the right time. For example:

  • with the advent of a new day, the set daily spending limit could be spent within a few hours. As a result, advertising is no longer shown during the day;
  • on weekends, the opposite picture can be observed, campaigns spend their budget for the day not completely, losing potential customers on weekdays.

In many ways, these two facts indicated the need for changes, which we will talk about today.

How the "Daily budget" mode will work in Yandex.Direct

On the this moment There are two modes for the daily budget available in the interface:

  • standard;
  • distributed.


At this point, the system is in order to increase the chances of interactions with your target audience at any time of the day, will try to distribute the budget for the day as evenly as possible.

When the set limit is nearing completion, Yandex.Direct will switch to budget optimization. The essence of the mode is to make an individual decision on displaying an advertisement for each user request. Thus, your advertisement will remain in view for the maximum possible time period during the day.

Soon advertising system will analyze your costs and if on one of the days it sees that you have not fully spent your budget, redistribute these funds to other days. For example, you have a daily budget of 1000 rubles, which is fully spent on weekdays. At the same time, on weekends, expenses do not exceed 500 rubles.

Noticing this, the system will carry over unused funds on Saturday and Sunday in order to use them during high activity on other days. At the same time, the average consumption per day will still not exceed the established limit of 1000 rubles.


The name of the mode speaks for itself. When the "Distributed" mode is enabled, the advertiser's funds will be evenly distributed for the whole day or for the time period specified in the settings.

When the daily budget is not enough for continuous impressions, the corresponding advertisement is stopped and highlighted in the interface as paused. At the same time, when showing on high-frequency requests or at high rates, Direct does not guarantee uniform impressions, and the entire budget can be spent at the beginning of impressions.
