The second discovery of the relics of the seraphim. Discovery of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov (1903)

On July 19 / August 1, 1903, one of the events that never ceases to excite the hearts of people took place - the canonization of St. Seraphim of Sarov 70 years after his death. On the saint’s birthday, his relics were opened with great triumph and placed in a prepared reliquary. This long-awaited event was accompanied by many miraculous healings of the sick, including large quantities arrived in Sarov. Very widely revered during his lifetime, St. Seraphim becomes one of the most beloved saints of the Orthodox Russian people, just like St. Sergius of Radonezh.

After the blessed death of the elder in 1833, his memory was carefully preserved among the believing people. Stories and legends about his life and spiritual exploits were preserved for us by the sisters of the Diveyevo monastery, as well as by his ardent admirer N.A. Motovilov, who recorded a conversation with the great elder about acquiring the Holy Spirit as the main goal Christian life.

Spiritual path St. Seraphim marked by great modesty inherent in Russian saints. Chosen by God from childhood, the Sarov ascetic, without hesitation or doubt, ascends from strength to strength in his quest for spiritual perfection. Eight years of novice labor and eight years of temple service in the ranks of hierodeacon and hieromonk, desert living and pillar-dwelling, seclusion and silence succeed each other and are crowned by eldership. Feats that far exceed natural human capabilities (for example, praying on a stone for a thousand days and nights) harmoniously and simply enter into the life of a saint.

The mystery of living prayerful communication determines the spiritual heritage of St. Seraphim, but he left the Church another wealth - brief but beautiful instructions, written down partly by himself, and partly by those who heard them. Shortly before the glorification of the saint, “The Conversation of St. Seraphim of Sarov on the Purpose of Christian Life” was found and published in 1903, which took place at the end of November 1831, a little over a year before his repose. This conversation was the ascetic’s most precious contribution to the treasury of Russian patristic teaching. In addition to teaching about the essence of Christian life, it contains a new explanation of many of the most important passages of Holy Scripture.

The glorification of the saint of God became one of the great and happy events because his prayer is strong before the Throne of the Most High. The Diveyevo sisters were especially looking forward to the glorification of St. Seraphim. In Diveevo, Blessed Paraskeva Ivanovna (Pasha of Sarov) persistently spoke to Archimandrite (later Metropolitan and Hieromartyr Seraphim) L.M. Chichagov: “Submit a petition to the Emperor so that the relics are revealed to us.” Chichagov wrote the wonderful “Chronicle of the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery,” where a large place is devoted to the life and posthumous miracles of Father Seraphim. The Chronicle was read by the Royal Family, in which the memory of the saint had long been honored. And Tsar Nicholas II, sharing the people’s faith in the holiness of Elder Seraphim, raised the question of his canonization. But among his like-minded people were only Chief Prosecutor Sabler and Metropolitan of St. Petersburg Anthony (Vadkovsky), and the resistance was very great. But the power of people’s love and faith, the fervent prayers of the Diveyevo sisters and admirers of the saint overcame all stumbling blocks and disagreements.

In 1895, His Eminence Bishop of Tambov presented to the Holy Synod an investigation carried out by a special commission about miraculous signs and healings revealed through the prayers of Father Seraphim to those who faithfully asked for his help. This investigation, begun by the commission on February 3, 1892, was completed in August 1894 and was carried out in 28 dioceses of European Russia and Siberia. On the eve of the feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1903, under the supervision of the Right Reverend Dimitry of Tambov, the grave of the Sarov Wonderworker was opened and the brick vault of the crypt was dug, in which the oak coffin was completely intact. Upon receipt of the certificate of examination of the venerable relics, the Holy Synod prepared a decision on the canonization of Hieromonk Seraphim on July 19, 1903 - in the presence Royal Family, with a huge crowd of people.

The solemn glorification of St. Seraphim of Sarov took place on July 19/August 1, 1903. At least three hundred thousand people gathered in Sarov that day. In heavy and difficult times, in times of impoverishment of faith and general unsteadiness of minds, this bright triumph was so comforting and instructive - the glorification of St. Seraphim. And it has not frozen, not petrified, but that Church lives and flourishes, which is adorned with new righteous people and saints of God. On July 16/29, 1903, in the churches of the Sarov Hermitage, funeral all-night vigils - Parastases - were held for the ever-memorable hieromonk Seraphim. On July 17/30 a grandiose religious procession from the Diveyevo Monastery to the Sarov Hermitage.

At 2 o'clock in the morning a solemn bell rang out, and after a short prayer service the procession began its procession. Banner bearers walked from the most different places: Sergiev Posad, Murom, Klin, Ryazan, Tula, Rostov, Suzdal, Vladimir, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Arzamas. Each group carried valuable, expensive banners with images of locally revered saints. The Diveyevo sisters carried the miraculous icon Mother of God"Tenderness." They were followed by a large clergy. All the way, the participants in the procession performed the canon of the Mother of God and sacred chants. Short litias were celebrated in chapels along the way. The picture was extremely majestic.

To meet the religious procession from Diveyevo, another religious procession came out - Sarov - led by Bishop Innokenty of Tambov. When they met, His Eminence Innocent overshadowed the people in four directions miraculous icon Mother of God “Tenderness” while singing “Most Holy Theotokos, save us.” The united religious procession, forming a majestic procession, with a solemn bell ringing headed to the Sarov Hermitage.

And in the evening of the next day it began All-night vigil, which had special significance, is the first church service, at which the Monk Seraphim began to be glorified as a saint. While singing lithium stichera from the Assumption Cathedral, a procession of the cross headed to the Church of St. Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky, where the coffin of St. Seraphim was located. The coffin was placed on a stretcher, which was taken by the Emperor, the Grand Dukes, the Metropolitan and the bishops. The procession headed to the Assumption Cathedral, near which lithium litanies were pronounced. Then the coffin was placed in the middle of the temple. The all-night vigil continued. It's time for polyeleos. They sang “Praise the Name of the Lord.” All those present lit candles. The Metropolitan, the bishops and all the clergy made three prostrations. Then Metropolitan Anthony opened the coffin, and everyone in the church knelt down. The moment has come for the glorification of St. Seraphim. Solemnly and touchingly, shaking the soul, the magnification “We bless you, Reverend Father Seraphim” sounded.

After reading the Gospel, the Metropolitan and bishops venerated the holy relics. Next came Their Imperial Majesties, Grand Dukes and clergy. Sovereign Nikolai Alexandrovich knelt before the new intercessor of the Russian Land - St. Seraphim. The king of the earth prayed to the great representative for our Fatherland at the Throne of the Heavenly King.

The next day it was done Divine Liturgy. At the small entrance with the Gospel, the holy relics were carried around the altar and placed in the prepared shrine. At the end of the Liturgy, a festive religious procession was held with holy relics around the monastery churches. The people stood like a living wall along the route, so that upon leaving the temple, the participants in the celebration truly found themselves in another temple.

Russia does not remember celebrations like Serafimov’s. People cried with joy, seeing how the Sovereign and the Grand Dukes carried the relics of the wondrous saint of God on their shoulders. Upon the return of the procession, the worshipers knelt, and Metropolitan Anthony read a prayer to St. Seraphim. The service ended, but the prayer singing did not stop at night. One of his contemporaries described these events as follows: “Singing could be heard from different places - circles of pilgrims were singing church hymns. Without seeing the singers in the darkness, one might think that the sounds were coming from the sky itself. Midnight passed, and the singing did not stop..."

Troparion, tone 4

From your youth you loved Christ, O blessed one,/ and you ardently longed for the One who worked,/ you labored in the desert with unceasing prayer and labor,/ having acquired the love of Christ with a tender heart,/ you appeared as the chosen one beloved of God to the Mother./ For this reason we cry out to you:/ / save us with your prayers, Seraphim, our reverend father.

Kontakion, tone 2

Leaving the beauty of the world and the corruption in it, reverend, / you moved into the Sarov monastery / and, having lived there like an angel, / you were the path to salvation for many, / for this reason, you glorified Christ, Father Seraphim, / and enriched with the gift of healings and miracles ./ We also cry out to you: Hail, Seraphim, our reverend father.

At the beginning of the last century, at the Russian Church Orthodox Church a new bright candle was lit. The Lord was pleased to send our land a great man of prayer, ascetic and miracle worker.

In 1903, the glorification of St. Seraphim of Sarov took place, 70 years after his death. On July 19, the saint’s birthday, his relics were opened with great triumph and placed in a prepared shrine. The long-awaited event was accompanied by many miraculous healings of the sick, who arrived in Sarov in large numbers. Very widely revered during his lifetime, St. Seraphim becomes one of the most beloved saints of the Orthodox Russian people, just like Venerable Sergius Radonezh.

The spiritual path of St. Seraphim is marked by great modesty, characteristic of Russian saints. Chosen by God from childhood, the Sarov ascetic, without hesitation or doubt, ascends from strength to strength in his quest for spiritual perfection. Eight years of novice labor and eight years of temple service in the ranks of hierodeacon and hieromonk, desert living and pillar-dwelling, seclusion and silence succeed each other and are crowned by eldership. Feats that far exceed natural human capabilities (for example, praying on a stone for a thousand days and nights) harmoniously and simply enter into the life of a saint.

The mystery of living prayerful communication determines the spiritual heritage of St. Seraphim, but he left the Church another wealth - brief but beautiful instructions, written down partly by himself, and partly by those who heard them. Shortly before the glorification of the saint, “The Conversation of St. Seraphim of Sarov on the Purpose of Christian Life” was found and published in 1903, which took place at the end of November 1831, a little over a year before his repose. This conversation was the ascetic’s most precious contribution to the treasury of Russian patristic teaching. In addition to teaching about the essence of Christian life, it contains a new explanation of many of the most important passages of Holy Scripture.

“Fasting, prayer, vigil and all sorts of other Christian deeds,” the Monk taught, “no matter how good they are in themselves, however, the goal of our Christian life is not in doing them alone, although they serve as means to achieve it. The true goal of our Christian life is the acquisition of the Holy Spirit of God.” Once, being in the Spirit of God, the monk saw the entire Russian land, and it was filled and, as it were, covered with the incense of the prayers of believers praying to the Lord.

In the descriptions of the life and exploits of Saint Seraphim, there is much evidence of the grace-filled gift of insight, which he used to arouse in people repentance for sins and moral correction.

“The Lord revealed to me,” he said, “that there will be a time when the bishops of the Russian Land and other clergy will deviate from preserving Orthodoxy in all its purity, and for this the wrath of God will strike them. For three days I stood, asking the Lord to have mercy on them and asking it was better to deprive me, poor Seraphim, of the Kingdom of Heaven, rather than punish them. But the Lord did not bow to the request of the poor Seraphim and said that he would not have mercy on them, for they would teach the doctrines and commandments of men, but their hearts would stand far from Me.”

Revealing gifts of grace and power God's people, St. Seraphim instructed those who came to him how to walk the narrow path of salvation. He commanded obedience to his spiritual children and he himself was faithful to him until the end of his life. Having spent his entire life in feats beyond his strength ordinary people, he advised to follow the patristic “royal (middle) path” and not take on overly difficult deeds: “one should not accept feats beyond the measure; and try so that our friend - our flesh - is faithful and capable of creating virtues.”

The Reverend considered prayer to be the most important feat and means of acquiring the Holy Spirit. “Every virtue done for the sake of Christ gives the benefits of the Holy Spirit, but... prayer most of all brings the Spirit of God, and it is most convenient for everyone to correct it.”
The Monk Seraphim advised standing in the church during the Divine Service, either with his eyes closed, or turning his gaze to an image or a burning candle, and, expressing this thought, he offered a wonderful comparison of human life with a wax candle.

If they complained to the holy elder about the impossibility of fulfilling the prayer rule, then he advised them to pray constantly: during work, while walking somewhere, and even in bed. And if anyone has time, said the Reverend, let him add other soul-helping prayers and readings of canons, akathists, psalms, the Gospel and the Apostle. The saint advised to study the order of the Divine Service and keep it in memory.

St. Seraphim considered it unnecessary to have long prayer rules and gave to his Diveyevo community the rule is easy. The Mother of God forbade Fr. Seraphim to oblige novices to read long akathists, so as not to impose unnecessary burden on the weak. But at the same time, the saint strictly reminded that prayer should not be formal: “Those monks who do not connect external prayer with internal prayer are not monks, but black brands!” Became famous Seraphim's Rule for those laity who, by virtue life circumstances cannot read the usual morning and evening prayers: in the morning, before lunch and in the evening, read “Our Father” three times, “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” three times, “I Believe” once; While doing necessary things, from morning until lunch say the Jesus Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner” or simply “Lord, have mercy”, and from lunch until evening - “Most Holy Theotokos, save me a sinner” or “Lord, Jesus Christ, Mother of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

“In prayers, pay attention to yourself,” the ascetic advised, “that is, collect your mind and unite it with your soul. First, for a day, two or more, do this prayer with one mind, separately, listening to each particular word. Then, when the Lord warms your heart with the warmth of His grace and unites it in you into one spirit: then this prayer will flow within you incessantly and will always be with you, enjoying and nourishing you...” The monk said that by fulfilling this rule with humility, you can achieve Christian perfection in worldly life.

“The soul must be supplied with the Word of God. Most of all, one should practice reading the New Testament and the Psalter. From this comes enlightenment in the mind, which is changed by the Divine change,” instructed the holy ascetic of Sarov, who himself constantly read the entire New Testament within a week.

Every Sunday and every holiday, unforgettably partaking of the Holy Mysteries, the Monk Seraphim, when asked how often one should begin Communion, answered: “The more often, the better.” He said to the priest of the Diveyevo community Vasily Sadovsky: “The grace bestowed upon us by Communion is so great that no matter how unworthy and no matter how sinful a person may be, if only in the humble consciousness of his total sinfulness he approaches the Lord, who redeems us all, at least from head to toe covered with sores of sins, and will be cleansed by the grace of Christ, become more and more bright, will be completely enlightened and saved.”

“I believe that according to the great goodness of God, grace will be marked in the generation of the one who receives communion...” The saint, however, did not give everyone the same instructions regarding frequent communion. He advised many to fast during all four fasts and on all twelve holidays. It is necessary to remember his warning about the possibility of communion in condemnation: “Sometimes it happens like this: here on earth they partake; but they remain uncommitted to the Lord!”

“There is nothing worse than sin and nothing more terrible and destructive than the spirit of despondency,” said Saint Seraphim. He himself shone with spiritual joy, and with this quiet, peaceful joy he abundantly filled the hearts of those around him, greeting them with the words: “My joy! Christ is risen! Every burden of life became light near the ascetic, and many mourning and God-seeking people constantly crowded around his cell and hermitage, wanting to partake of the grace pouring out from the saint of God. Before everyone’s eyes, the truth expressed by the saint himself in the great angelic call was confirmed: “Get peace, and thousands around you will be saved.” This commandment about acquiring the world leads to the teaching about acquiring the Holy Spirit, but in itself it is the most important step on the path of spiritual growth. St. Seraphim, who experienced the entire ancient Orthodox science of ascetic feat, foresaw what the spiritual work of future generations would be like, and taught to seek spiritual peace and not to condemn anyone: “He who walks in a peaceful dispensation, draws up spiritual gifts as if with a spoon.” “To preserve spiritual peace... one must avoid judging others in every possible way... To get rid of condemnation, one must pay attention to oneself, not accept extraneous thoughts from anyone, and be dead to everything.”

The Monk Seraphim can rightfully be called a disciple of the Mother of God. Holy Mother of God She healed him three times from deadly diseases, appeared to him many times, instructed and strengthened him. Even at the beginning of his journey, he heard the Mother of God, pointing to him as he lay on his sick bed, saying to the Apostle John the Theologian: “This is from our generation.”

Upon leaving the seclusion, the monk devoted a lot of energy to the organization of the maiden monastic community in Diveevo and he himself said that he did not give a single instruction from himself, he did everything according to the will of the Queen of Heaven.

St. Seraphim stands at the beginning of the astonishing rise of Russian Orthodox spirituality. WITH great power his reminder sounds: “The Lord is looking for a heart filled with love for God and neighbor; this is the throne on which He loves to sit and appear in the fullness of His heavenly Glory. “Son, give Me your heart,” He says, “and I myself will add everything else to you,” for the Kingdom of God can be contained in the human heart.”

July 19 / August 1 The Russian Orthodox Church solemnly celebrates the day of the discovery of the relics and glorification of our reverend and God-bearing father Seraphim, wonderworker of Sarov and all Russia (1903).

On July 19 / August 1, 1903, one of the events that never ceases to excite the hearts of people took place - the canonization of St. Seraphim of Sarov 70 years after his death. On the saint’s birthday, his relics were opened with great triumph and placed in a prepared reliquary. This long-awaited event was accompanied by many miraculous healings of the sick, who arrived in Sarov in large numbers. Very widely revered during his lifetime, St. Seraphim becomes one of the most beloved saints of the Orthodox Russian people, just like St. Sergius of Radonezh.

After the blessed death of the elder in 1833, his memory was carefully preserved among the believing people. Stories and legends about his life and spiritual exploits were preserved for us by the sisters of the Diveyevo monastery, as well as by his ardent admirer N.A. Motovilov, who recorded a conversation with the great elder about the acquisition of the Holy Spirit as the main goal of Christian life.

The spiritual path of St. Seraphim is marked by great modesty, characteristic of Russian saints. Chosen by God from childhood, the Sarov ascetic, without hesitation or doubt, ascends from strength to strength in his quest for spiritual perfection. Eight years of novice labor and eight years of temple service in the ranks of hierodeacon and hieromonk, desert living and pillar-dwelling, seclusion and silence succeed each other and are crowned by eldership. Feats that far exceed natural human capabilities (for example, praying on a stone for a thousand days and nights) harmoniously and simply enter into the life of a saint.

The mystery of living prayerful communication determines the spiritual heritage of St. Seraphim, but he left the Church another wealth - brief but beautiful instructions, written down partly by himself, and partly by those who heard them. Shortly before the glorification of the saint, “The Conversation of St. Seraphim of Sarov on the Purpose of Christian Life” was found and published in 1903, which took place at the end of November 1831, a little over a year before his repose. This conversation was the ascetic’s most precious contribution to the treasury of Russian patristic teaching. In addition to teaching about the essence of Christian life, it contains a new explanation of many of the most important passages of Holy Scripture.

The glorification of the saint of God became one of the great and joyful events, because his prayer before the Throne of the Most High was strong. The Diveyevo sisters were especially looking forward to the glorification of St. Seraphim. In Diveevo, Blessed Paraskeva Ivanovna (Pasha of Sarov) persistently spoke to Archimandrite (later Metropolitan and Hieromartyr Seraphim) L.M. Chichagov: “Submit a petition to the Emperor so that the relics are revealed to us.” Chichagov wrote the wonderful “Chronicle of the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery,” where a large place is devoted to the life and posthumous miracles of Father Seraphim. The Chronicle was read by the Royal Family, in which the memory of the saint had long been honored. And Tsar Nicholas II, sharing the people’s faith in the holiness of Elder Seraphim, raised the question of his canonization. But among his like-minded people were only Chief Prosecutor Sabler and Metropolitan of St. Petersburg Anthony (Vadkovsky), and the resistance was very great. But the power of people’s love and faith, the fervent prayers of the Diveyevo sisters and admirers of the saint overcame all stumbling blocks and disagreements.

In 1895, His Eminence Bishop of Tambov presented to the Holy Synod an investigation carried out by a special commission about miraculous signs and healings revealed through the prayers of Father Seraphim to those who faithfully asked for his help. This investigation, begun by the commission on February 3, 1892, was completed in August 1894 and was carried out in 28 dioceses of European Russia and Siberia. On the eve of the feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1903, under the supervision of the Right Reverend Dimitry of Tambov, the grave of the Sarov Wonderworker was opened and the brick vault of the crypt was dug, in which the oak coffin was completely intact. Upon receipt of the certificate of examination of the venerable relics, the Holy Synod prepared a decision on the canonization of Hieromonk Seraphim on July 19, 1903 - in the presence of the Royal Family, with a huge crowd of people.

The solemn glorification of St. Seraphim of Sarov took place on July 19/August 1, 1903. At least three hundred thousand people gathered in Sarov that day. In difficult and difficult times, in times of impoverishment of faith and general wavering of minds, this bright triumph was so comforting and instructive - the glorification of St. Seraphim. And it has not frozen, not petrified, but that Church lives and flourishes, which is adorned with new righteous people and saints of God. On July 16/29, 1903, in the churches of the Sarov Hermitage, funeral all-night vigils - Parastases - were held for the ever-memorable hieromonk Seraphim. On July 17/30, a grand religious procession took place from the Diveyevo Monastery to the Sarov Hermitage.

At 2 o'clock in the morning a solemn bell rang out, and after a short prayer service the procession began its procession. Banner bearers came from a variety of places: Sergiev Posad, Murom, Klin, Ryazan, Tula, Rostov, Suzdal, Vladimir, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Arzamas. Each group carried valuable, expensive banners with images of locally revered saints. The Diveyevo sisters carried the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness”. They were followed by a large clergy. All the way, the participants in the procession performed the canon of the Mother of God and sacred chants. Short litias were celebrated in chapels along the way. The picture was extremely majestic.

To meet the religious procession from Diveyevo, another religious procession came out - Sarov - led by Bishop Innokenty of Tambov. When they met, His Grace Innocent overshadowed the people on four sides with the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” while singing “Most Holy Theotokos, save us.” The united religious procession, forming a majestic procession, headed to the Sarov Hermitage with the solemn ringing of bells.

And in the evening of the next day, the All-Night Vigil began, which had special significance - this is the first church service at which the Monk Seraphim began to be glorified as a saint. While singing lithium stichera from the Assumption Cathedral, a procession of the cross headed to the Church of St. Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky, where the coffin of St. Seraphim was located. The coffin was placed on a stretcher, which was taken by the Emperor, the Grand Dukes, the Metropolitan and the bishops. The procession headed to the Assumption Cathedral, near which lithium litanies were pronounced. Then the coffin was placed in the middle of the temple. The all-night vigil continued. It's time for polyeleos. They sang “Praise the Name of the Lord.” All those present lit candles. The Metropolitan, the bishops and all the clergy bowed to the ground three times. Then Metropolitan Anthony opened the coffin, and everyone in the church knelt down. The moment has come for the glorification of St. Seraphim. Solemnly and touchingly, shaking the soul, the magnification “We bless you, Reverend Father Seraphim” sounded.

After reading the Gospel, the Metropolitan and bishops venerated the holy relics. Next came Their Imperial Majesties, Grand Dukes and clergy. Sovereign Nikolai Alexandrovich knelt before the new intercessor of the Russian Land - St. Seraphim. The king of the earth prayed to the great representative for our Fatherland at the Throne of the Heavenly King.

The next day the Divine Liturgy was celebrated. At the small entrance with the Gospel, the holy relics were carried around the altar and placed in the prepared shrine. At the end of the Liturgy, a festive religious procession was held with holy relics around the monastery churches. The people stood like a living wall along the route, so that upon leaving the temple, the participants in the celebration truly found themselves in another temple.

Russia does not remember celebrations like Serafimov’s. People cried with joy, seeing how the Sovereign and the Grand Dukes carried the relics of the wondrous saint of God on their shoulders. Upon the return of the procession, the worshipers knelt, and Metropolitan Anthony read a prayer to St. Seraphim. The service ended, but the prayer singing did not stop at night. One of his contemporaries described these events as follows: “Singing could be heard from different places - circles of pilgrims were singing church hymns. Without seeing the singers in the darkness, one might think that the sounds were coming from the sky itself. Midnight passed, and the singing did not stop..."

Sarov celebrations – unforgettable days for all participants, days that left an indelible mark on the people's soul. Many have found faith, found consolation in sorrows, resolution of severe perplexities and doubts of the spirit, indication of good, true path, for the Lord revealed a warm prayer book, a great representative and a wondrous miracle worker to His people - the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov.

From that time on, for a century now, St. Seraphim has been glorified and blessed by the Church in the ranks of the saints of God, and his holy relics have been open to public worship. The holy elder is revered by believers as one of the greatest ascetics of the holy Russian Orthodox Church, who during his lifetime received from the Lord the gift of miracles and healing, and after his death did not abandon everyone who asked him for help and intercession.

ABOUT From your youth you loved Christ, O venerable one, / and you passionately desired to work for Him alone, / in your desert life you strived with unceasing prayer and labor, / with a tender heart for whom the love of Christ has been acquired, / by the heavenly Seraphim in hymn, a companion, / in love flowing to you to Christ imitator, / also the chosen one of God’s beloved appeared to Mother, / for this reason we cry out to you: / save us with your prayers, our joy, / warm intercessor before God, / Blessed Seraphim enne.

Troparion to St. Seraphim of Sarov, tone 4

ABOUT From your youth you loved Christ, O blessed one, / and you ardently desired to work for Him alone, / you labored with unceasing prayer and labor in the desert, / with a tender heart you loved Christ Having acquired the property,/ the chosen one, beloved of God, appeared to the Mother./ For this reason we cry out to you:/ / Save us with your prayers, Seraphim, like our Father.

Kontakion to St. Seraphim of Sarov, tone 2

M Having left the beauty and corruption in it, like a monk, / you moved into the Sarov monastery / and, having lived there like an angel, / you were the path to salvation for many, / for this sake, and Christ to you, Seraphim, glorify / and enrich with the gift of healings and miracles ./ Moreover we cry to you: Rejoice, Seraphim, like our Father.

Prayer to St. Seraphim of Sarov

ABOUT wonderful Father Seraphim, great miracle worker of Sarov, quick and obedient helper to all who come running to you! During the days of your earthly life, no one was tired of you or comforted by your departure, but everyone was blessed by the vision of your face and the benevolent voice of your words. Moreover, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of healing for weak souls has appeared abundantly in you. When God called you from earthly labors to heavenly rest, none of your love ceased from us, and it is impossible to count your miracles, multiplying like the stars of heaven: for all over the end of our earth you appeared to the people of God and granted them healing. In the same way, we cry out to you: O most quiet and meek servant of God, daring prayer book to Him, reject no one who calls you! Offer up your powerful prayer for us to the Lord of strength, may He grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is useful for spiritual salvation, may He protect us from the falls of sin and may He teach us true repentance, so that He can unfalteringly lead us into the eternal Heavenly Kingdom, where you now shine in unfathomable glory, and there sing with all the saints Life-giving Trinity forever and ever. Amen.

Another prayer to St. Seraphim of Sarov

ABOUT Great servant of God, venerable and God-bearing Father Seraphim! Look down from the heavenly glory on us humble and weak, burdened with many sins, your help and consolation to those who ask. Approach us with your mercy and help us to preserve the commandments of the Lord immaculately, to firmly maintain the Orthodox faith, to diligently bring repentance for our sins to God, to gracefully prosper in piety as Christians and to be worthy of your prayerful intercession for us. To her, Holiness of God, hear us praying to you with faith and love and do not despise us who demand your intercession: now and at the hour of our death, help us, and protect us with your prayers from the evil slander of the devil, so that those powers do not possess us, but yes With your help, let us be worthy to inherit the bliss of the abode of paradise. We now place our hope in you, merciful Father: be truly a guide to our salvation and lead us to the unevening Light of eternal life by your God-pleasing intercession at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, so that we glorify and sing with all the saints the venerable name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever centuries. Amen.

On January 15 (January 2, old style), the Orthodox Church celebrates the day of repose, the second discovery of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

The Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, whom everyone knew and revered as a great ascetic and wonderworker, reposed on January 2, 1833.

IN last year During his life, he began to noticeably weaken and spoke to many about his imminent death. He himself prepared a coffin for himself and placed it in the entryway of his cell, where he was often seen shortly before his death. The monk himself indicated the place where he should be buried - near the altar of the Assumption Cathedral.

On January 1, 1833, the Monk Seraphim came to the hospital Zosimo-Savvatievskaya Church for the last time for the Liturgy and received Holy Communion, after which he blessed the brethren and said goodbye.

On January 2, the monk’s cell attendant smelled a burning smell coming from the cell of Seraphim of Sarov. Candles were always burning in the saint’s cell, and he said: “As long as I am alive, there will be no fire, but when I die, my death will be revealed by fire.” When the doors were opened, it turned out that books and other things were smoldering, and the monk himself was kneeling before the icon of the Mother of God in a position of prayer, but already lifeless.

On July 19 (August 1, new style), 1903, the canonization of St. Seraphim of Sarov, he was glorified by the Russian Orthodox Church as a saint.

It was known that St. Seraphim predicted that his relics would be found, and then in the time of persecution for Christian faith will be lost again, as subsequently happened.

On December 17, 1920, the relics kept in the Diveyevo Monastery near Arzamas were opened, and on August 16, 1921 they were closed and taken away. At the end of the 1920s, the relics of St. Seraphim was exhibited for viewing in the Moscow Passionate Monastery, where at that time an anti-religious museum was organized. The relics were probably there until 1934, when the Holy Monastery was blown up.

At the end of 1990, a decision was made to move the Leningrad Museum of History and Religion from the Kazan Cathedral. While checking the storerooms, museum employees discovered relics sewn into matting, and upon opening them they read the inscription: “Reverend Father Seraphim, pray to God for us!” The director of the museum informed Patriarch Alexy II about this, who approved the commission and blessed, first of all, to find in the archives all the documents related to the relics of St. Seraphim. Copies of documents for the canonization of the Rev. in 1903 and a very detailed act drawn up during the opening of the relics in Temnikov were obtained from the Russian Central Archives. When comparing the relics found in the museum with these documents, a complete match was established down to the smallest detail. There was no doubt that the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

During the period of examination of the holy relics - from December 25, 1990 to January 10, 1991 - all necessary documents, permission was received from the Ministry of Culture, a shrine was made and new vestments were sewn. In the presence of Archbishop Evgeniy of Tambov and Michurinsky and Archbishop Arseny of Istra, the venerable relics of St. Seraphim.

On January 11, 1991, a solemn ceremony of transferring the holy relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov to the Russian Orthodox Church took place in the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg (then Leningrad). After completion of the act of transfer, the holy relics were transported to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

For several weeks the relics of St. Seraphim were venerated in the Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. On the evening of February 6, the relics of St. Seraphim were transferred in a religious procession from the Alexander Nevsky Lavra to the Moscow station. On February 7, 1991, the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov were moved to Moscow and installed in Epiphany cathedral for worship.

From February to July 1991, the relics of the saint remained in the Epiphany Cathedral.

On July 23, 1991, the shrine with holy relics left Moscow for Diveevo. During the transfer of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov to Diveevo, a grand religious procession took place led by His Holiness Patriarch, hierarchs and clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church.

August 1, 1991, on the day of memory of St. Seraphim of Sarov, his St. the relics were returned to the Diveyevo Monastery, founded by Ven. Seraphim of Sarov.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

At the beginning of the last century, a new bright candle was lit on the candlestick of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Lord was pleased to send our land a great man of prayer, ascetic and miracle worker. In 1903, the glorification of St. Seraphim of Sarov took place, 70 years after his death. On August 1 (July 19, O.S.), the saint’s birthday, his relics were opened with great triumph and placed in a prepared shrine.

The long-awaited event was accompanied by many miraculous healings of the sick, who arrived in Sarov in large numbers. Very widely revered during his lifetime, St. Seraphim becomes one of the most beloved saints of the Orthodox Russian people, just like St. Sergius of Radonezh.

The spiritual path of St. Seraphim is marked by great modesty, characteristic of Russian saints. Chosen by God from childhood, the Sarov ascetic, without hesitation or doubt, ascends from strength to strength in his quest for spiritual perfection.

Eight years of novice labor and eight years of temple service in the ranks of hierodeacon and hieromonk, desert living and pillar-dwelling, seclusion and silence succeed each other and are crowned by eldership. Feats that far exceed natural human capabilities (for example, praying on a stone for a thousand days and nights) harmoniously and simply enter into the life of a saint.

The mystery of living prayerful communication determines the spiritual heritage of St. Seraphim, but he left the Church another wealth - short but beautiful instructions, written down partly by himself, and partly by those who heard them.

Shortly before the glorification of the saint, it was found and printed in 1903, which took place at the end of November 1831, a little over a year before his repose. This conversation was the ascetic’s most precious contribution to the treasury of Russian patristic teaching. In addition to teaching about the essence of Christian life, it contains a new explanation of many of the most important passages of Holy Scripture.

Finding the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov, wonderworker

“Fasting, prayer, vigil and all sorts of other Christian deeds,” the Monk taught, “no matter how good they are in themselves, however, the goal of our Christian life is not in doing them alone, although they serve as means to achieve it. The true goal of our Christian life is the acquisition of the Holy Spirit of God.”

Once, being in the Spirit of God, the monk saw the entire Russian land, and it was filled and, as it were, covered with the incense of the prayers of believers praying to the Lord.

In the descriptions of the life and exploits of Saint Seraphim, there is much evidence of the grace-filled gift of insight, which he used to arouse in people repentance for sins and moral correction.

“The Lord revealed to me,” he said, “that there will be a time when the bishops of the Russian Land and other clergy will deviate from preserving Orthodoxy in all its purity, and for this the wrath of God will strike them. For three days I stood, asking the Lord to have mercy on them and asking it was better to deprive me, poor Seraphim, of the Kingdom of Heaven, rather than punish them. But the Lord did not bow to the request of the poor Seraphim and said that he would not have mercy on them, for they would teach the doctrines and commandments of men, but their hearts would stand far from Me.”

Revealing the grace-filled gifts and power of God to people, the Monk Seraphim edified those who came to him how to walk the narrow path of salvation. He commanded obedience to his spiritual children and he himself was faithful to him until the end of his life.

Having spent his entire life in feats that were beyond the strength of ordinary people, he advised to follow the patristic “royal (middle) path” and not take on overly difficult deeds: “one should not accept feats that exceed the measure; and try to ensure that our friend – our flesh – is faithful and capable of creating virtues.”

The Reverend considered prayer to be the most important feat and means of acquiring the Holy Spirit. “Every virtue done for the sake of Christ gives the benefits of the Holy Spirit, but... prayer most of all brings the Spirit of God, and it is most convenient for everyone to correct it.”

The Monk Seraphim advised standing in the church during the Divine Service, either with his eyes closed, or turning his gaze to an image or a burning candle, and, expressing this thought, he offered a wonderful comparison of human life with a wax candle.

If they complained to the holy elder about the impossibility of fulfilling the prayer rule, then he advised them to pray constantly: during work, while walking somewhere, and even in bed. And if anyone has time, said the Reverend, let him add other soul-helping prayers and readings of canons, akathists, psalms, the Gospel and the Apostle. The saint advised to study the order of the Divine Service and keep it in memory.

St. Seraphim considered long prayer rules unnecessary and gave his Diveyevo community a simple rule. The Mother of God forbade Fr. Seraphim to oblige novices to read long akathists, so as not to impose unnecessary burden on the weak. But at the same time, the saint strictly reminded that prayer should not be formal: “Those monks who do not connect external prayer with internal prayer are not monks, but black brands!”

Seraphim’s rule has become famous for those laity who, due to life circumstances, cannot read the usual morning and evening prayers: in the morning, before lunch and in the evening, read “Our Father” three times, “Rejoice, Virgin Mary” three times, “I Believe” once; While doing necessary things, from morning until lunch say the Jesus Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner” or simply “Lord, have mercy”, and from lunch until evening - “Most Holy Theotokos, save me a sinner” or “Lord, Jesus Christ, Mother of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

“In prayers, pay attention to yourself,” the ascetic advised, “that is, collect your mind and unite it with your soul. First, for a day, two or more, do this prayer with one mind, separately, listening to each particular word. Then, when the Lord warms your heart with the warmth of His grace and unites it in you into one spirit: then this prayer will flow within you incessantly and will always be with you, enjoying and nourishing you...” The monk said that by fulfilling this rule with humility, you can achieve Christian perfection in worldly life.

“The soul must be supplied with the Word of God. Most of all, one should practice reading the New Testament and the Psalter. From this comes enlightenment in the mind, which is changed by a Divine change,” instructed the holy ascetic of Sarov, who himself constantly read the entire New Testament during the week.

Venerable Seraphim of Sarov

Every Sunday and every holiday, unforgettably partaking of the Holy Mysteries, the Monk Seraphim, when asked how often one should begin Communion, answered: “The more often, the better.”

He said to the priest of the Diveyevo community Vasily Sadovsky: “The grace bestowed upon us by Communion is so great that no matter how unworthy and no matter how sinful a person may be, if only in the humble consciousness of his total sinfulness he approaches the Lord, who redeems us all, at least from head to toe covered with sores of sins, and will be cleansed by the grace of Christ, become more and more bright, will be completely enlightened and saved.”

“I believe that through the great goodness of God, grace will be marked in the generation of the one who receives communion...” The saint, however, did not give everyone the same instructions regarding frequent communion. He advised many to fast during all four fasts and on all twelve holidays. It is necessary to remember his warning about the possibility of communion in condemnation: “Sometimes it happens like this: here on earth they partake; but they remain uncommuned with the Lord!”

“There is nothing worse than sin and nothing more terrible and destructive than the spirit of despondency,” said Saint Seraphim. He himself shone with spiritual joy, and with this quiet, peaceful joy he abundantly filled the hearts of those around him, greeting them with the words: “My joy! Christ is risen! Every burden of life became light near the ascetic, and many mourning and God-seeking people constantly crowded around his cell and hermitage, wanting to partake of the grace pouring out from the saint of God.

Before everyone’s eyes, the truth expressed by the saint himself in the great angelic call was confirmed: “Get peace, and thousands around you will be saved.” This commandment about acquiring the world leads to the teaching about acquiring the Holy Spirit, but in itself it is the most important step on the path of spiritual growth.

St. Seraphim, who experienced the entire ancient Orthodox science of ascetic feat, foresaw what the spiritual work of future generations would be like, and taught to seek spiritual peace and not to condemn anyone: “He who walks in a peaceful dispensation, draws up spiritual gifts as if with a spoon.” “To preserve spiritual peace... one must avoid judging others in every possible way... To get rid of condemnation, one must pay attention to oneself, not accept extraneous thoughts from anyone, and be dead to everything.”

The Monk Seraphim can rightfully be called a disciple of the Mother of God. The Most Holy Theotokos healed him three times from deadly diseases, appeared to him many times, instructed and strengthened him. Even at the beginning of his journey, he heard the Mother of God, pointing to him as he lay on his sick bed, saying to the Apostle John the Theologian: “This is from our generation.”

Upon leaving the seclusion, the monk devoted a lot of energy to the organization of the maiden monastic community in Diveevo and he himself said that he did not give a single instruction from himself, he did everything according to the will of the Queen of Heaven.

St. Seraphim stands at the beginning of the astonishing rise of Russian Orthodox spirituality. His reminder sounds with great power: “The Lord is looking for a heart filled with love for God and neighbor; this is the throne on which He loves to sit and appear in the fullness of His heavenly Glory. “Son, give Me your heart,” He says, “and I myself will add everything else to you,” for the Kingdom of God can be contained in the human heart.”

And so, the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov (1759-1833) was glorified by the Russian Orthodox Church as a saint on July 19 (his birthday) 1903, with the active participation and insistence of Tsar Nicholas II. On the report of the Holy Synod with the decision on glorification, the Sovereign Emperor wrote: “I read it with a feeling of true joy and deep tenderness.”

Tsar Nicholas II carries the shrine with the relics of Seraphim of Sarov

The entire Russian people, led by the Tsar, desired and waited for the glorification of the holy saint of God, and on July 19 (August 1, New Art.), 1903, it took place - in the presence of the Royal Family, with a huge crowd of people. About three hundred thousand people came to Sarov from all over Russia for the celebrations. It was accompanied by countless miracles and healings.

The Emperor and the Grand Dukes, together with the bishops, carried the shrine with holy relics, and all the people sang Easter in the middle of the summer.

Procession of the cross in the Sarov Hermitage on the days of the glorification of St. Seraphim

Sovereign Nicholas II, both Empresses, Grand Dukes Sergius Alexandrovich, Nikolai Nikolaevich and Peter Nikolaevich, other members of the Royal Family, Metropolitan Anthony of St. Petersburg.Sarov, July 19 (old style) 1903

Vice-Rector of the Pskov Theological School, priest Nikolai Egorov, about the event:

“On August 1, according to the new style, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the discovery of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov, the day of glorification of the Holy Saint of God. In 1903, 70 years after his death, the canonization of the Sarov elder took place. The Russian people gave many holy ascetics from their midst, but the Venerable One stands apart, and the glorification of the saint of God Seraphim of Sarov became one of the great and joyful events, because his prayer before the Throne of the Most High was strong.

Elder Seraphim was revered by the Orthodox people during his lifetime, and Tsar Nicholas II, now glorified, sharing the people's faith in the holiness of the elder, raised the question of his canonization, which was not easy: almost the entire Holy Synod of the Church was against it. Only at the request of the Emperor did they consider the issue of canonization of St. Seraphim of Sarov, and on August 1, Elder Seraphim was glorified. The celebrations of glorification took place in Sarov, in the desert in which Elder Seraphim accomplished his monastic feat; the Imperial family was present at the glorification.

Eyewitnesses describe this moment as follows: “The time has come for the polyeleos, they sang “Praise the Name of the Lord,” all those present lit candles, the clergy bowed to the ground three times, Metropolitan Anthony opened the coffin, and everyone in the church knelt down - the moment of glorification of St. Seraphim came. Solemnly and touchingly, shaking souls, the magnification sounded: “We please you, Venerable Father Seraphim.”

Later, in connection with the events associated with 1917, it so happened that the relics were opened in accordance with the special regulations for the liquidation of holy relics developed in 1920, and taken out of Sarov, their trace was lost. At the celebration of the second discovery of the holy relics of Seraphim of Sarov in 1991, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II said that, as it became clear, the relics were covered by someone’s pious hands, and were not listed in any inventories, no one knew about them.

The monk predicted that in the middle of summer they would sing Easter, and so it was: when the relics arrived in Diveevo Monastery in 1991, on July 30, they were greeted with Easter chants, and the sun, as eyewitnesses say, began to sparkle like Easter. There was a special solemn joy and experience of the elder’s return to his native land. At the moment of the first and second discovery of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov, healings took place, and everything was filled with miraculous events.

The glorification of a saint is always evidence to the world that the path of moral ascent from strength to strength is open to each of us, and Reverend Elder showed this way. For our time, when there are very few examples in modern life, you need to know more about the lives of the saints so that you have someone to follow and be inspired by. Not only do holy ascetics intercede before the Lord for people, but we also need to learn true life from them.

Second discovery of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov"

From the memoirs of Archbishop of Istra Arseny (Epifanov)

To make everything clear, I’ll tell you the background of the events.

The late Archbishop of Tambov Evgeniy (Zhdan) helped a lot in the matter of finding the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov. It was with his appointment in 1987 to the Tambov department that great efforts began to be made to revive spiritual life in the Tambov region. Along the way, Vladyka studied a lot of documents and accidentally came across those that contained a description of the opening of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov by NKVD officers. Of course, this is a terrible paper - looting was shown against the holy saint of God, but it is literally valuable, detailed description every bone, every vertebra found in the Reverend's cancer.

In 1990 there was Local Council Russian Orthodox Church, at which Metropolitan Alexy of Leningrad was elected to the Patriarchal throne. And at the end of the year, the director of the Museum of the History of Religion in Leningrad, Stanislav Alekseevich Kuchinsky, called me: “Vladyka, I cannot say for sure, but we have discovered the relics of some saint of God. Skeletal relics, no coverings. Only one mitten on the relics has been preserved, on which there is the following inscription: “Reverend Father Seraphim, pray to God for us!” According to the inventory, these relics do not pass through our inventory; we found them by chance, wrapped in one of the tapestries...”

Of course, I immediately informed His Holiness the Patriarch. His Holiness spoke with Stanislav Alekseevich, and then, in December, a special commission was created under the chairmanship of Bishop Eugene. I, too, was a member of it, as well as some clergy of the St. Petersburg diocese.

And so we arrived in St. Petersburg (then still Leningrad) and, in the presence of the director, his deputies and museum employees, we went up to the room where the “find” lay. Of course, we are used to always trusting only documents - but here there were no documents. But I already said at the beginning that back in 1988, Vladyka Eugene managed to discover the act of opening the relics from detailed description(In fact, that’s why Vladyka Eugene became the chairman of the commission). Based on this act, we began to compare the found relics with the description. Everything found was in complete agreement with the remains of St. Seraphim of Sarov! Even this fact: do you remember from the life of the Reverend how he was beaten half to death by robbers who were looking for money from him? And even this agrees: the found relics have a rather strong dent on the sternum!

What struck me most then? The head of St. Seraphim was in a skufey with round hole on the forehead. Apparently, some kind of round metal plate was previously glued to this hole so that people would touch it. So, the bones of the Reverend’s skull are dark in color, but this place is light-light, it’s so kissed. This gave me some kind of joyful feeling...

After examining the relics, His Holiness the Patriarch ordered the director of the Sofrinsky plant to make a shrine for St. Seraphim. Then he called Metropolitan Nicholas of Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas and informed him about the discovery of the relics of St. Seraphim.

The church people learned about this event a little later. At the Patriarchal Christmas greetings at the Epiphany Cathedral of Yelokhovsky, His Holiness the Patriarch, in response to the greeting of Metropolitan Juvenaly, addressing the worshippers, said: “And I also want, my dears, to inform you about one thing unusual phenomenon, which the Lord has given us these days: the relics of our venerable and God-bearing father Seraphim, the Wonderworker of Sarov, have been found!” I was amazed how the whole cathedral literally sighed: such a deep experience was in the people!

In mid-January 1991, His Holiness the Patriarch left for St. Petersburg (then still Leningrad), where the relics of the Reverend, with solemn singing, were taken from the storage room to the Kazan Cathedral (it had not yet been handed over to the Church), where a short prayer was performed. Then the relics were transferred to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, at the holy gates of which the dear shrine was greeted by the clergy and flock of the Leningrad diocese.

For several weeks the relics of St. Seraphim were venerated in the Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. On the feast day of Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, His Holiness again visited Northern capital, and on the evening of February 6, the relics of St. Seraphim while the multitude of people gathered in the streets sang - “Reverend Our Father Seraphim, pray to God for us!”, “We magnify you, Rev. Our Father Seraphim!” - in a religious procession they were transferred from the Alexander Nevsky Lavra to the Moscow Station. Walking along Staro-Nevsky, along other streets that were designated for the religious procession, how touching it was to see so many people with candles, to hear this quiet prayerful singing! There was no shouting, no hubbub, no excitement... There was no chaos that usually accompanies rallies and meetings... Everything was permeated with a special, spiritual joy!

A special train carriage was allocated to deliver the relics of the Venerable One to Moscow. When the procession with the procession approached the station, we saw that all the platforms and approaches to the station building were completely occupied by people! At that moment, it seems to me that the work of the station was completely paralyzed...

When we drove away, there was such a feeling that you can’t convey it without tears! The carriage with the relics of St. Seraphim was the last one on the train; His Holiness the Patriarch was also in it. When the train started, all the people standing on the platforms or at the entrance to the station knelt down. This moment - the bow of the residents of St. Petersburg, saying goodbye to the Reverend - is so imprinted in the memory that it is difficult to forget. It was a single emotional impulse...

On the way to Moscow, the clergy read akathists all night and served prayer services. In the morning we arrived at the Leningradsky station of the capital. Our arrival was not advertised in any way, but still: when our train arrived, there were much fewer of us than those who greeted the relics on the platform! Such joy filled everyone when somehow the news of the arrival of the relics spread, that people arrived without announcement.

A large religious procession with the relics of St. Seraphim took place from the Leningradsky station to the Epiphany Cathedral. I remember this happened on the feast of the Icon of the Mother of God “Quench My Sorrows”: a frosty day, drifting snow, but the weather had no effect on the mood of those gathered, joy overwhelmed everyone!

When the relics of the Venerable One were brought into the Epiphany Cathedral, a spontaneous thanksgiving prayer: no books, no following - everything by heart, by inspiration, there was such inspiration!

That same evening, at the relics of St. Seraphim, Vladyka Barsanuphius was named bishop of Saransk, and the next day, February 8, his episcopal consecration took place. And this, I think, is also no coincidence: Saransk is in Mordovia, and Mordovia used to be part of the Tambov Diocese, where the Monk Seraphim labored!

From February to July 1991, the relics of the Reverend remained in the Epiphany Cathedral. In the summer, a grand procession of the cross took place - already in cars - led by His Holiness the Patriarch, hierarchs and clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church to transfer the relics Venerable Seraphim of Sarov in Diveevo, to the newly opened Diveevo convent.

This religious procession took place literally throughout Russia: in the cities of Moscow, and Vladimir, and Nizhny Novgorod regions, and further - through Arzamas - to Diveevo. Of course, I remember a lot: many people of different ranks and positions who sought to join the shrine. Everywhere the religious procession was accompanied by a mass of people; I was especially struck by those who greeted me in Lakinsk. Since there was no stopping point in this city, and besides, it started pouring at the entrance to Lakinsk, we wanted to drive without stopping. But what did we see? Many people came out onto the road - with banners, crosses, flowers and icons. They came out to greet St. Seraphim! And then it’s pouring! And suddenly, seeing our motorcade, all these people, despite the flow of water, kneel down! It’s hard to convey the feelings that overcome you when you see such reverence for a shrine!
And so it was along the entire route: everywhere people came out to the side of the road, met the relics of the Reverend, each in his own way expressing the joy of meeting the shrine.

We are entering Vladimir... Vladyka of Vladimir, Archbishop Eulogius, with many clergy, went out to meet the relics at the Golden Gate of the city. And here is such an amazing picture: the relics stand in the center, Vladyka Eulogius is at the gate, the clergy is near him, and everything around is filled with people! Huge area, down from the cathedral, is completely occupied by people who came to worship St. Seraphim.

Then we arrived at Nizhny Novgorod: a large fair cathedral, a lot of people... The cathedral stands in an open square, there is no shade, it’s hot... We had to take the relics to the porch of the southern aisle so that people could venerate: people walked in an endless stream. Further - to Arzamas, there in the cathedral the episcopal consecration of Vladyka Hierotheos, now deceased, was performed. Next, the religious procession with the relics of the Saint proceeded to Diveevo.

On the road to Diveevo there are several villages and villages, people also came out from there - with crosses and icons, stood along the side of the road... Of course, we had to stop here too.

This is how this amazing religious procession went - with large and small stops. Now I want to thank everyone who took part in it: some with help, some with prayer, some with something else... I will say thank you to everyone, because without our common solidarity it would have been impossible to organize such a significant event that completely captured our entire society.


Troparion for Glorification, Tone 4

From your youth you loved Christ, O Reverend, / and you passionately desired to work for Him alone, / in your desert life you labored with unceasing prayer and labor, / with a tender heart you acquired the love of Christ, / as a companion of Heavenly Seraphim in hymnology, / in love for Christ who flows to you imitator, / the same chosen one, beloved of God, appeared to the Mother, / for this reason we cry out to you: / save us with your prayers, our joy, / warm intercessor before God, / blessed Seraphim.

Troparion for repose, tone 4

From your youth you loved Christ, O blessed one, / and, ardently desiring the work of that One, / you labored in the desert with unceasing prayer and labor, / having acquired the love of Christ with a tender heart, / you appeared as the chosen one beloved of God to the Mother. / For this reason we cry out to you: / save us with your prayers, Seraphim, our reverend father.

Kontakion, tone 2

Leaving the beauty of the world and the corruption in it, reverend, / you moved into the Sarov monastery / and, having lived there like an angel, / you were the path to salvation for many, / for this reason, you glorified Christ, Father Seraphim, / and enriched with the gift of healings and miracles . / In the same way we cry to you: / Rejoice, Seraphim, our reverend father.


We bless you, / Reverend Father Seraphim, / and honor your holy memory, / mentor of monks, / and interlocutor of Angels.

Prayer to St. Seraphim, Sarov Wonderworker

O wonderful Father Seraphim, great Sarov wonderworker, quick and obedient helper to all who come running to you! During the days of your earthly life, no one left you weary and inconsolable, but everyone was blessed by the vision of your face and the benevolent voice of your words. Moreover, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of healing for weak souls has appeared abundantly in you. When God called you from earthly labors to heavenly rest, your love is not simple from us, and it is impossible to count your miracles, multiplying like the stars of heaven: for all over the end of our earth you appeared to the people of God and granted them healing. In the same way, we cry out to you: O most quiet and meek servant of God, daring man of prayer to Him, rejecting no one who calls upon you, offer up your powerful prayer for us to the Lord of Hosts, may He grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is useful for spiritual salvation, may He protect He will teach us from the falls of sin and true repentance, so that we can enter without stumbling into the eternal Heavenly Kingdom, where you now shine in unfathomable glory, and there sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity until the end of the age. Amen.
