How many calories are in McDonald's fries? Eating at McDonald's and not getting fat - that's what I love! McDonald's diet menu

The love for fast food that came to us from distant America is no longer possible to eradicate! No matter how nutritionists struggle with the problem of warning citizens about the dangers of such products, it is simply impossible to do anything about this popular love! This means we need to go the other way - find a compromise. Let's look for it by studying the calorie content of the McDonald's fast food menu.

The calorie content of food from McDonald's is already an axiom that is familiar to every person. However, few people can deny themselves the pleasure of eating a fragrant pie, French fries, a juicy cheeseburger, McFlurry or Big Mac, Taystee, Beef or Shrimp Roll, from which shrimp look appetizingly peeking out! And who is able to refuse fast food drinks: cappuccino or latte, milkshake and fruit cocktail, ice cream cone of all varieties and extraordinary tenderness.

It sounds a little strange, but it turns out that even on the menu of this paradise of calories and cholesterol you can find food that will be close to dietary. Today, the process of losing weight for many is not only going to the gym and exhausting exercise for several hours a day. It's also about proper nutrition. Life is pleasure, and you can find it at McDonald's, too, without harming your figure too much.

Diet food at McDonald's: nonsense or reality?

Transforming from a “kolobok” into a delightful fairy with the help of food from restaurants - is it real? It turns out that it is really possible, and this is evidenced by the reviews of nutritionists about people who have lost weight with the help of fast food:

  • K. Colton. Eating at McDonald's with help special system, lost 35 kg. in 6 months. He ate exclusively vegetable salad Caesar without dressing, adding some low-calorie dishes to your diet. Big Tasty, French fries, Shrimp and shrimp were not included in the diet. High-calorie ice cream and cocktails were also strictly prohibited.
  • M. Morgan. Lost 16 kg. excess weight for 3 months, the menu calorie table helped her. Sometimes I allowed myself to eat Shrimp, because shrimp - favorite dish. From time to time I could drink a cup of coffee (cappuccino or latte) without sugar.
  • D. Siska. By constantly counting calories and building a daily nutrition plan, I kept myself within the diet throughout the year, eating fast food (maximum French fries and a pie or cheeseburger) and, of course, a vegetable salad. More than 1800 kcal. per day, the man tried not to use.

Through basic calculations, nutritionists have established that for men the daily calorie intake limit is 2200 units, and for women - 1500 units.

As scientists prove, we get fat not from any particular type of food, but from the fact that we do not know how to correctly calculate the caloric content of our own nutrition. So, fast food lovers who are savvy in matters of nutrition will never gain extra pounds, being well aware of the calorie content of McDonald's products.

McDonald's goodies and healthy eating

Consider, for example, the calorie content of a Big Mac sandwich, which contains more than 510 kcal. If you decipher this figure, you get the following content of the BZHU:

  • protein - 27 g;
  • fat - 26 g;
  • carbohydrates - 41 g;
  • salt - 2.2 g;
  • sugar - 8 g.

If you eat such a “monster”, you can forget about tasty treats for a couple of days. The consequences of a Big Mac, a high-calorie Shrimp or a juicy cheeseburger are exercise and a strict diet for several days. Add a milkshake or ice cream and you won't be able to eat anything else today!

No less “anti-diet” dishes are McC Chicken, Caesar Roll, Big Tasty, French fries, Breakfast Roll, Donut, McFlurry and even locally produced oatmeal. IN in this case you can consume up to 850 calories (kcal) in one sitting without even realizing you've eaten half your daily limit.

It turns out that McFlurries, rolls, cheeseburgers and sandwiches are absolutely forbidden to eat? Well, how can you live in this world without pampering yourself with treats? Keep a diary with a table where you scrupulously enter the calorie content of everything you ate during the day, week and month.

How to eat safely at McDonald's?

Knowing the caloric content of McDonald's near-dietary meals, which contain from 0 to 275 calories (kcal), you can easily create a diet for the day or even for the week. So, the menu of a person who tries to adhere to the normal caloric content of consumed foods may look something like this:

With such a diet, you will consume no more than 1,500 calories. However, it is worth keeping silent about how many preservatives, salt and seasonings will enter your body with this diet. It is by this indicator that 90% of the dishes offered in fast food restaurants can be considered unhealthy food.

Everyone's favorite French fries contain 470 kcal, Big Tasty - 850 kcal, Beef Roll - 520 kcal. This means that by eating potatoes, you are consuming a third of your daily calories.

The exceptions are salads without sauces, tea without sugar, apple slices and carrot sticks. By the way, without additives and sugar it is 0!

How to visit McDonald's correctly?

To eat healthy and visit your favorite fast food restaurants, you should know a few simple rules:

  1. It is advisable to eat (even healthy food) at McDonald's no more than 2 times a week.
  2. Before ordering, be sure to study the menu and calorie table and make a list of what you can afford to eat so as not to gain extra pounds.
  3. Invite a friend with you who adheres to the same principle - healthy eating and diet. It will be easier for both of you to choose the right dish.
  4. Eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly. It’s good when the whole process takes at least half an hour. This way the body will better absorb useful material and will give the brain a signal that you are full.
  5. Do not buy large portions food. For example, a small fruit pie or an ice cream cone - perfect option. Focus your attention on the halves. Share one serving (nuggets are fine) in half with your partner or companion. The benefit is double - enjoy the taste of your favorite dish and eat 2 times fewer calories than you could.
  6. Don't throw away the buns from your Big Mac, hamburger or sandwich, but don't eat them either. Feed them to hungry pigeons in the park or give them to a stray dog.
  7. Do not respond to promotions and advertising of new restaurant menus. Their offers always look extremely tempting, but try to resist the temptation. In this case, you can only pay attention to new salads.

Calorie table for McDonald's menu items

Name Serving weight (g) Calorie content of the dish (kcal)
Hamburger 96 254
big Mac 205 509
Cheeseburger 109 304
Double Cheeseburger 163 448
Royal Cheeseburger 182 567
Chickenburger 154 359
McChicken 154 426
Chicken Emmental 171 625
Filet-o-Fish 135 333
Big Tasty 330 842
Beef a la Rus 214 580
Royal de Luxe 194 555
Camembert MacToast 102 259
Egg McMuffin 115 283
Double McMuffin 168 523
Fresh McMuffin 152 371
Steak House 260 702
Chicken Roll 154 494
Fresh Roll 174 561
Fish Fresh Roll 182 436
Shrimp Roll 130 386
Caesar Roll 260 695
Beef Roll 240 520
Fries (small) 90 240
Free (average) 115 340
Free (bol.) 150 445
Country style potatoes 165 330
Chicken and shrimp
Chicken McNuggets (small) 122 270
Chicken McNuggets (bol.) 400 885
Wings (small) 115 185
Wings (large) 280 410
Shrimp (4 pcs.) 80 130
Shrimp (6 pcs.) 130 185
Shrimp (9 pcs.) 200 285
Ketchup 25 27
Curry 25 47
B-B-Q 25 48
Mustard 25 59
Sweet and sour 25 49
Cheesy 50 89
Ice cream cone 85 130
Strawberry ice cream 142 265
Caramel ice cream 142 325
Chocolate ice cream 142 315
McFlurry de Lux 180 350
Cherry pie 115 180
Muffin with chocolate 100 350
Vanilla milkshake 250 485
Chocolate milkshake 250 500
Strawberry milkshake 250 495
Coca Cola 250 110
Fanta 250 115
Sprite 250 105
Orange juice 250 115
Ice tea 250 70
Cappuccino 450 130
Latte 450 180
Mocha 450 330
Natural coffe 450 0

The dangers of fast food are a concept that every person on the planet has heard about. Few people would dare to dispute this statement. However, the cheapness and attractiveness of these products do not leave anyone indifferent. Therefore, adhere to the calorie table of the menu and do not deny yourself pleasure (within reason).

5 secrets of McDonald's (video)

McDonald's is a well-known fast food chain that is neglected by people watching their weight, and is loved by students due to the low cost of products. Calorie content of McDonald's dishes is not represented on the labels, so most people believe that among large quantity products, you can choose a less calorie dish. This is far from true - even harmless nuggets have a high calorie content as a result of frying in vegetable oil. To accurately determine the energy value, you need to familiarize yourself with all the information provided below regarding the McDonald's menu.

Fast food chain dishes attract most food lovers. Nobody wants to think about how many calories are in a Big Mac, cheeseburger or French fries.

Name of the dish Weight of one serving (grams) Number of calories in one serving (kilocalories, kcal) BJU (proteins/fats/carbohydrates)
Big Mac 210 510 27/26/41
Hamburger 97 257 13/9/30
Cheeseburger 111 310 16/13/30
Double cheeseburger 170 455 27/34/31
Royal cheeseburger 192 577 32/28/36
Fish roll 190 480 17/23/49
Caesar roll 250 520 20/25/48
McChicken 163 433 20/19/44
Chickenburger 151 363 27/36/50
Chicken de dux 190 515 22/24/50
Big Tasty 335 847 44/52/50
Royal deluxe 197 549 30/29/42
Steakhouse (king size) 259 704 60/45/92
Egg McMuffin 116 281 20/19/44
Small fries 89 235 3/12/30
Large fries 155 450 5/22/53
French fries medium 117 342 5/17/42
Country style potatoes 168 331 4/15/42
Chicken McNuggets small 124 278 19/20/60
Chicken McNuggets large 395 880 60/60/180
The wings are big 281 412 40/45/60
The wings are small 117 187 20/19/42
Shrimp (9 pieces) 200 280 22/24/50
Shrimp (6 pieces) 120 170 10/21/30
Shrimp (4 pieces) 75 125 7/13/18
Cheese sauce 50 90 0,6/9/1,5
Ketchup 25 29 0/0,3/7
B-B-Q 25 52 0,2/0,3/11
Curry 25 56 0/0/12
Sweet and sour 25 46 0,2/0,3/12
Mustard 25 65 0,4/0,6/22
Ice cream cone 90 140 33/4/23
Strawberry ice cream 145 270 5/5/50
Chocolate ice cream 140 320 5/7/70
Caramel ice cream 145 330 6/8/60
McFlurry de luxe 180 390 7/10/71
Muffin with chocolate 95 340 6/12/55
Cherry pie 120 190 2/12/29
Strawberry milkshake 250 550 9/7/71
Chocolate milkshake 250 564 10/8/70
Vanilla milkshake 250 525 9/7/70
Coca Cola 250 120 0/0/22
Sprite 250 110 0,2/0/20
Fanta 250 130 0,1/0/23
Natural coffe 450 0 0,6/0,2/0,6
Coffee with milk 450 45 4/3/15
Ice tea 250 65 0/0/14
Latte 450 190 6/7/10
Mocha 450 320 4/5/20
Cappuccino 450 120 6/7/9

The McDonald's food calorie table will help you cope with the temptation if you need to stick to a diet to lose weight.

Composition of McDonald's dishes

To reduce fat content, it is necessary to imagine the composition of some of them - this will help in preparing it yourself.

Big Tasty includes the following products:

  • bun with sesame seeds;
  • beef cutlet weighing 160 g;
  • hot sauce;
  • onions and lettuce (greens);
  • tomatoes;
  • Emmental cheese.

If you want to make your own hamburger or chicken burger, you can use the products from the list with minimal modifications. It contains a beef cutlet, which saturates with vitamins B and PP, and is fried in vegetable oil. As a result, the fat content increases - you can reduce it by frying the meat in a frying pan with the addition of mineral water with gas.

French fries are popular at fast food chains and can be made at home with just three ingredients. The food chain uses 12 products, including oil, soy, flavorings and other harmful additives.

Practical advice: To make French fries at home, just cut the vegetable into strips, salt it, soak it in egg white for a minute and place it on parchment paper on a baking sheet and put it in the oven.

Reduce harmful energy value you can have McFlurry, Caesar (cook with vegetable oil), milkshake and ice cream. It's important to stick to the rules proper nutrition and give up harmful additives, give preference useful products and natural ingredients.


Zhanna, 33 years old: It seems that I can go on diets, but I can’t resist the harmfulness of Mac, and my children are the same, they are also lovers once again eat French fries or a cheeseburger. It’s clear that this doesn’t happen often, once a month or so, but sometimes we indulge, in general. I wouldn’t risk eating such food more often; it’s not only harmful to my figure, but also to my health.

Carolina, 24 years old: Oh, this McDonald's, who invented it, or rather, who invented it to cook so deliciously. You seem to understand with your mind that this is all harmful. It's high in calories, but as soon as you enter the establishment, you hear these smells tasty food, and you can’t deny yourself, you know, it’s like a drug. Of course, I try not to overindulge in such food, but I still go to McDonald’s a couple of times a month.

Raisa, 30 years old: I tried to cook both cheeseburgers and hamburgers myself, but it’s still not as tasty as McDonald’s, it’s clear that homemade healthier, more natural, but I don’t have monosodium glutamate to add to my food, and what’s the point, it’s easier to go to Mac and eat this crap there. We do such outings with our family, but I try to protect the children from all this, and myself too, there is nothing healthy in this food.

You should not abuse food from McDonald's, as it contains a huge amount of calories. You can not only gain extra pounds, but also ruin your health and cause irreparable harm to your digestive system. A large number of different seasonings and spices are added to all these dishes, including a flavor enhancer (monosodium glutamate). Even one glass of Coca-Cola contains almost two days' worth of sugar for an adult.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with her weight loss recipe:“I lost 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew it at night...” Read more >>

McDonald's food calorie table

The number of calories in one serving of dishes from the menu of a popular restaurant is very high, which should be taken into account not only when losing weight, but also during a normal diet. McDonald's calories and the nutritional value(BZHU) are reflected in the table:

Name of the dishWeight of one serving (grams)Number of calories in one serving (kilocalories, kcal)BJU (proteins/fats/carbohydrates)
Big Mac210 510 27/26/41
Hamburger97 257 13/9/30
Cheeseburger111 310 16/13/30
Double cheeseburger170 455 27/34/31
Royal cheeseburger192 577 32/28/36
Fish roll190 480 17/23/49
Caesar roll250 520 20/25/48
McChicken163 433 20/19/44
Chickenburger151 363 27/36/50
Chicken de dux190 515 22/24/50
Big Tasty335 847 44/52/50
Royal deluxe197 549 30/29/42
Steakhouse (king size)259 704 60/45/92
Egg McMuffin116 281 20/19/44
Small fries89 235 3/12/30
Large fries155 450 5/22/53
French fries medium117 342 5/17/42
Country style potatoes168 331 4/15/42
Chicken McNuggets small124 278 19/20/60
Chicken McNuggets large395 880 60/60/180
The wings are big281 412 40/45/60
The wings are small117 187 20/19/42
Shrimp (9 pieces)200 280 22/24/50
Shrimp (6 pieces)120 170 10/21/30
Shrimp (4 pieces)75 125 7/13/18
Cheese sauce50 90 0,6/9/1,5
Ketchup25 29 0/0,3/7
B-B-Q25 52 0,2/0,3/11
Curry25 56 0/0/12
Sweet and sour25 46 0,2/0,3/12
Mustard25 65 0,4/0,6/22
Ice cream cone90 140 33/4/23
Strawberry ice cream145 270 5/5/50
Chocolate ice cream140 320 5/7/70
Caramel ice cream145 330 6/8/60
McFlurry de luxe180 390 7/10/71
Muffin with chocolate95 340 6/12/55
Cherry pie120 190 2/12/29
Strawberry milkshake250 550 9/7/71
Chocolate milkshake250 564 10/8/70
Vanilla milkshake250 525 9/7/70
Coca Cola250 120 0/0/22
Sprite250 110 0,2/0/20
Fanta250 130 0,1/0/23
Natural coffe450 0 0,6/0,2/0,6
Coffee with milk450 45 4/3/15
Ice tea250 65 0/0/14
Latte450 190 6/7/10
Mocha450 320 4/5/20
Cappuccino450 120 6/7/9

Composition of Big Tasty and French fries

Big tasty includes the following food products:

  • Bun with sesame seeds.
  • A minced beef cutlet that weighs 160 g.
  • Spicy sauce.
  • Salad.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Emmental cheese.

Beef is rich in various amino acids and proteins that are essential for normal functioning body. It contains vitamins B, PP, H, E. However, the cutlet is fried in a large amount of sunflower meat, so it contains carcinogens that contribute to the occurrence of malignant tumors (cancer).

One piece of French fries contains a lot of oil and harmful human body additives

The homemade French fries recipe uses only 3 ingredients, while the McDonald's dish uses 12:

  1. 1. Rapeseed oil.
  2. 2. Potatoes.
  3. 3. Soy.
  4. 4. Beef flavoring.
  5. 5. Soybean hydrogenated oil.
  6. 6. Dextrose.
  7. 7. Citric acid.
  8. 8. Salt.
  9. 9. Corn oil.
  10. 10. Butyl tertiary hydroquinone.
  11. 11. Polydimethylsiloxane.
  12. 12. Disodium phosphate.

McDonald's and similar establishments are very famous throughout the planet. Adults and children love to have a snack there, even though almost everyone knows how harmful the food is. Mac foods are a source of cholesterol, but only a minimal amount is afraid of this fact. What is the exact calorie content of McDonald's and how to eat deliciously while ridding your body of obesity?

Calorie content

Tables will help you find out the calorie count of the world's most famous dishes.


Fast food is recognized as the most popular dish, as it is nutritious and quick to prepare.

NameWeight in gramsCalorie content per 100 gKcal per 1 serving% of the required daily intake
Cheeseburger109 280 305 12
Cheeseburger with bacon182 262 476 13
Double cheeseburger143 220 450 13
Hamburger96 267 255 10
Filet-o-fish135 246 303 13
Chickenburger154 233 359 14
McChicken154 264 426 17
Double Cheeseburger163 322 448 18
Double McMuffin168 311 523 21
Fish Fresh Roll182 239 436 17
Royal De Luxe194 286 555 22
big Mac205 299 509 20
Royal Cheeseburger182 321 567 23
Big Tasty330 267 842 34
Beef a la Rus214 271 580 23%
Fresh McMuffin152 246 371 15
Fresh Roll174 522 561 22
Caesar Roll218 233 510 20
Camembert MacToast102 253 259 10


Breakfast deserves increased concentration on yourself. Experts and people who adhere to PN note that eating at this time of day is the most important, and ignoring the calories consumed can lead to an unexpected result on the scale.

Potato Nuggets and Wings

Side dishes are recognized as the most famous dishes, which are the symbol of McDonald's. Fries take first place, nuggets come in second.


Any establishment should contain drinks on its menu, McDonald's is no exception. The drink menu is very varied, but it is worth considering that the calorie content of some of them is equal to the kcal of the main dishes.


Desserts delight both children and adults with their variety and taste. Everyone can choose one that suits their individual taste.

NameWeight in gKcal per serving% of normal per day
Waffle cone85 130 5
Cherry pie115 180 7
McFlurry de luxe – strawberry and chocolate180 340 14
McFlurry de luxe – caramel and chocolate180 400 16
Ice cream – strawberry142 265 11
Ice cream - chocolate142 315 20
Ice cream - caramel142 325 13
Milkshake - chocolate250 500 20
Milkshake – strawberry250 495 20
Milkshake – vanilla250 485 19
Muffin - chocolate100 350 14
Muffin – black currant100 370 15
Cheesecake100 344 14


To enhance the taste and spiciness of the dish, Mak offers a wide selection of sauces:

From the above tables we can conclude that food at McDonald's is not necessarily harmful to your figure; it is only important to monitor the amount of calories consumed and make the correct calculation. When ignored of this rule, the deposition of fat accumulation is considered inevitable.

McDonald's diet menu

Is it possible to eat at McDonald's all day without taking on a lot of calories? By turning to the table, it became possible to control your norm. An example of a menu with no risk of obesity:

The correct solution is to track not only the number of calories consumed in Maca, but also the total amount eaten throughout the day. A woman needs no more than 2000 kL for good health and figure, men - 2500 .


The harmfulness of the dishes lies in their high calorie content, which contributes to the deposition of fat accumulation. The basis of McDonald's is French fries, ice cream, hamburgers, etc., they are very rich in carbohydrates. High calorie content appears due to an incorrect combination of fiber and proteins, this is the source of fat formation.

Proper visit to Mac

Despite the fact that even with the proposed menu of a fast food restaurant you may not gain weight, the amount of preservatives, seasonings and salt leads to the conclusion that the restaurant’s dishes cannot be considered healthy. However, this does not mean. that you need to give up your favorite place completely. Subject to certain rules, you won't cause strong blow health:

  1. Eating at McDonald's, even if the food is healthy, is worth no more than twice a week;
  2. Before placing an order, it is recommended to compare the desired dishes and the number of calories in order to protect yourself from extra pounds;
  3. It is worth eating slowly, it is advisable that the process takes about 20 minutes - during this time the body will have time to get enough and will make it clear that there is no need to continue the meal;
  4. The main rule: get enough of your favorite taste without overeating - to comply with this, you can share the ordered dish with your partner or simply not finish it. Don't pay attention to large portions;
  5. There is no need to pay serious attention to the advertising of such establishments - no matter how tempting it may be, it is worth remembering that the products are not healthy; an exception can be made only for salads, they are healthy, and new products can delight you with a variety of tastes.

Today, even a child knows that fast food is unhealthy because it contains a lot of additives and is very fatty. But super high calorie content of McDonald's dishes does not reduce the queue of those who like to feast on French fries, juicy cheeseburgers, and enjoy the taste of milkshakes. And it’s not just that the establishment’s signature dishes have a special taste.

The famous restaurant creates a festive atmosphere in any place where it is located around the usual snack on a quick fix. Children feel this well; they are drawn to McDonald's to take part in the spectacle of mass consumption of delicious food. And yet, when devouring a hefty chicken burger or savoring a chocolate-caramel McFlurry ice cream, you need to at least roughly imagine what part of the daily calorie intake they contain. After all, you will have to get rid of excess weight later - through strict diets and considerable physical activity.

To begin with, let us remember that on average daily norm for adult men and women is from 2400 to 2800 kilocalories - and this is for those who are not overweight. What part of this norm falls on one standard visit to a restaurant is illustrated by the table of caloric content of McDonald's dishes.

Name of the dish Weight of one serving (grams) Number of calories in one serving (kilocalories, kcal) BJU (proteins/fats/carbohydrates)
Big Mac 210 510 27/26/41
Hamburger 97 257 13/9/30
Cheeseburger 111 310 16/13/30
Double cheeseburger 170 455 27/34/31
Royal cheeseburger 192 577 32/28/36
Fish roll 190 480 17/23/49
Caesar roll 250 520 20/25/48
McChicken 163 433 20/19/44
Chickenburger 151 363 27/36/50
Chicken de dux 190 515 22/24/50
Big Tasty 335 847 44/52/50
Royal deluxe 197 549 30/29/42
Steakhouse (king size) 259 704 60/45/92
Egg McMuffin 116 281 20/19/44
Small fries 89 235 3/12/30
Large fries 155 450 5/22/53
French fries medium 117 342 5/17/42
Country style potatoes 168 331 4/15/42
Chicken McNuggets small 124 278 19/20/60
Chicken McNuggets large 395 880 60/60/180
The wings are big 281 412 40/45/60
The wings are small 117 187 20/19/42
Shrimp (9 pieces) 200 280 22/24/50
Shrimp (6 pieces) 120 170 10/21/30
Shrimp (4 pieces) 75 125 7/13/18
Cheese sauce 50 90 0,6/9/1,5
Ketchup 25 29 0/0,3/7
B-B-Q 25 52 0,2/0,3/11
Curry 25 56 0/0/12
Sweet and sour 25 46 0,2/0,3/12
Mustard 25 65 0,4/0,6/22
Ice cream cone 90 140 33/4/23
Strawberry ice cream 145 270 5/5/50
Chocolate ice cream 140 320 5/7/70
Caramel ice cream 145 330 6/8/60
McFlurry de luxe 180 390 7/10/71
Muffin with chocolate 95 340 6/12/55
Cherry pie 120 190 2/12/29
Strawberry milkshake 250 550 9/7/71
Chocolate milkshake 250 564 10/8/70
Vanilla milkshake 250 525 9/7/70
Coca Cola 250 120 0/0/22
Sprite 250 110 0,2/0/20
Fanta 250 130 0,1/0/23
Natural coffe 450 0 0,6/0,2/0,6
Coffee with milk 450 45 4/3/15
Ice tea 250 65 0/0/14
Latte 450 190 6/7/10
Mocha 450 320 4/5/20
Cappuccino 450 120 6/7/9

When visiting McDonald's, you usually take for lunch:

  • French fries – 450/342/235 kcal (depending on the portion);
  • Nuggets – crispy chicken – approx. 300;
  • Hamburger (the lowest calorie sandwich) – 257.
  • Drink (for every taste from 0 kcal in natural coffee to 320 in Mocha);
  • Ice cream (the undisputed champion of taste among restaurant dishes) – 140-390.

In total, in a restaurant you can eat from 930 to 1720 kilocalories or more for lunch.

Each visitor makes his own choice. Some limit themselves to ordering a low-calorie Caesar salad (44 kcal/100g), while others cannot resist a roll with the same name and 520 calories.

Big Mac: composition and energy value

A hungry person munching on a 100% beef patty as part of a giant sandwich will not calculate how many calories are in a Big Mac.

This is difficult to do by eye due to the large number of ingredients:

  • two sesame buns:
  • two chopped steaks;
  • a slice of cheese;
  • salted cucumbers;
  • signature sauce;
  • salad.

The result is 510 kcal, a quarter of the daily calories for a small snack.
