Karmically important days: Day of cleansing the astral body

How to get rid of negative emotions? Before answering this question, let's briefly remind ourselves what the astral is and why is it so important to cleanse the astral body?

What is the astral body?

In our astral body is collected a large number of what should not be there, namely negative emotions. Negative emotions are not in the sense - negative, but in the sense - harmful specifically for your consciousness. The fact is that for one consciousness low frequencies (anger, rage, resentment ...) can be useful, but for another consciousness they are harmful.

The same goes for high frequency emotions. It all depends on the structure of the human psyche. According to statistics, in most cases, low-frequency emotions are harmful to a person, but there is also certain type people who experience problems in the astral body when high-frequency energies predominate there.

Therefore, before cleansing the astral body, you should know exactly what source of energy feeds your subconscious.

astral body - this is the world of our emotions, it is an energy battery that feeds the harmful programs of the mental body that harm the entire human consciousness. Pursuing the purification of the astral, we turn off this battery and thereby deactivate the malicious program of consciousness.

More detailed information see the articles linked below to help you understand why cleansing the astral body is so important:

What does the cleansing of the astral body give? Freeing the space of your astral body from various negative emotions, you:

1. ✪ You have a positive effect on all levels of your consciousness, because all higher subtle bodies somehow feed on the emotions of the astral;

2. ✪ Improve your self-regulation system physical body, which in turn contributes to the rapid disposal of various diseases;

3. ✪ Improve sleep and emotional stability to external stimuli.

Cleansing Method

What is needed for cleaning? Before cleaning, you must:

  1. Know exactly what source of energy feeds your subconscious;
  2. Do an energy cleaning
  3. If possible, take a shower;
  4. Take the most comfortable position, the position that your body desires (sitting, standing or lying down);
  5. Be sure to relax your body and not get emotional (totally calm).

✪ If, during cleaning, you don’t feel anything (nothing happens), and even more so if thoughts appear at the same time, like - “I don’t need it, like something next time ...”, this speaks absolutely exactly about that - there is a malicious program in the mind and thus it (the program) simply pushes you (your will) "to the sidelines" so that you do nothing.

To prevent this from happening - show your will, try to catch a wave with which you can focus.

Exercise "hologramma"

Do this exercise with your eyes closed.

1. ✪ Remember and feel the situation from your life that brings you the most experiences, which causes you the greatest surge of negative emotions.

2. ✪ Mentally, on the mental screen, create an energy hologram of yourself so that your double is in front of you. It is not necessary to see him, just "keep your double mentally in your mind." What is a mental screen, read

3. ✪ Visualize, mentally imagine how clots of black energy (negative emotions) come out of you into this hologram.

4. ✪ When you feel freedom and lightness in your body, mentally burn this hologram.

5. ✪ Take a shower. Water well washes away the remnants of energy dirt that may remain in the astral body after cleansing.

This exercise is especially helpful for those who suffer from depression and insomnia.

As practice shows, best time for this procedure, it is the evening (from 18:00 to 22:00).

Remember that a single cleaning may not be enough. If you want to get a result, then you must invest your time, will and patience in this. What you do, you do for yourself!

Anyone who has been cleaning the astral knows that after cleaning there is a certain thirst for information (I want to read more and more and learn new information). This indicates that more energy from the astral begins to flow into the mental body. And in order to attach this energy somewhere, the mental begins to request Additional information. This is a positive effect and a direct indicator that the astral body is being cleansed, and the mental body is receiving more resources for further development consciousness.

! The feeling of lightness and peace of mind, says only one thing - the cleansing went right.

Every seven years a person undergoes a renewal of the cellular composition of the body, and if you start cleaning your astral body right now, you can become a different person.

New cells will no longer carry information about your experiences, and the process of rejuvenation can begin.

That's why witches don't age.

You were just an element, You were the sun, you were the wind
Was the dew on the flower was the radiance of the star
It was salt water, the silence of the dawn ...
What do you forget everything with enviable persistence?

What you feel is the hardest thing to trace. Watch yourself. Is not easy job. But blessed. Because that's how you become the master of your destiny. And your Angel will mark it for you.

If the ship of your life gets stuck on the reefs, do not sprinkle ashes on your head. And always remember, if you are broke, it is not always because you were a bad girl as a child, and not always because in past life you threw stones in the face of your loved one to save your life and cover up your crime...

But because you poorly studied the rules of navigation.

Everything is made up of four elements. Creative power will come through you.

Create your sea, create your sun, create yourself. And strive to be perfect. That is magic.

From dreams.

At the physical level, the action of the elements can be manifested by certain sensations in various parts body.

The feeling of an energy helmet on the head, pulsations and vibrations in the body, spasms and energy injections, heat or cold in the chakras, contraction and expansion - these are all manifestations of the astral plane, the plane of your emotions at the level of the physical body.

The Moon is responsible for the emotional life of a person.

Day of purification of emotions is the third lunar day

There are no small things in magic.

If you said something bad and you got a stomach cramp. This is fine. Emotions burn in manipura.

If it hurts in the head, throat, or heart, then emotions are not concentrated where they should be. And they are destructive. Purification is necessary.. If you practice magic, the purification of the astral is all the more necessary. Even if you don't experience any cramps. Otherwise, whatever ritual you perform, the events of your life will have some detrimental aspect. .

It's like cooking compote in a saucepan that hasn't been washed after borscht. That is, it will not be very tasty, fatty compote, with the remnants of boiled cabbage and God knows what else, maybe you cooked something else before borscht.

So, astral cleansing practices variety.

Pollution of the astral double is noted by clairvoyants as dark spots on it, or in the case of a difficult situation, as a dark veil covering the astral double of the diagnosed person.

Regardless of whether you have been diagnosed by a clairvoyant or not, but if you assume that something is not right with your astral double, you can use this practice.

Pick a day for the off month. Take a shower imagining how water jets wash away all the worries and anxieties of the passing day. After a shower, you can rinse the body with a decoction of wormwood or thyme.

As you lie down to sleep, say prayer appeal:

Lord help me, Lord let me, God bless me (your name) to communicate with my astral twin.

Further, regardless of whether the image of the astral double appeared on the metal screen or not, ask your Astral double to be cleansed. If you dreamed of fire or water that night, then your request was heard. You yourself will feel freshness and grace, an increase in strength.

This purification method is more suitable for those who gravitate toward ritual practices.

And this method of cleansing your etheric and astral body from weak negativity, illnesses, problems, restless thoughts, anxiety, etc.

Light a small fire. Through the fire you need to walk from south to north. Then go around clockwise and walk again.

At the same time, Fire must be treated with respect, carefully, but not afraid.

Sentence recitative-appeal to Fire. the point is not in the accuracy of the text, but in conveying the essence clearly and with mood.

More or less like this:

“Burn, eat diseases and slanders that burn. Drive away, chase those who do not burn. We are together, we are united."

Many who are interested in the occult and esotericism are faced with the concept of the astral body. You will learn how to work with it and influence your future through it from our article.

What is the astral body and how can one work with it?

The astral body is a concept that has passed into occult and esoteric teachings from Eastern religious teachings. It is now used not only in yoga and Tibetan Buddhism but also in many occult practices. People who are fond of them believe that living beings eat not only a physical shell, but also something that is life energy.

What is meant by the concept of the astral body? This is the psycho-spiritual component of a person and, in general, of all living beings. It can be compared with a nesting doll, because according to the ideas of this teaching, it consists of several parts. The astral body is of interest to those who practice lucid dreaming. It is with the help of the astral body that this unique phenomenon occurs.

Why is it important to work with your astral body?

As already clear from what was written earlier, the astral body is something that all living things have. Since balance is necessary for a normal life and the full development of one's skills and abilities, the astral body must be periodically cleansed. After all, the physical health of a person also depends on his condition. Moreover, the astral body is exactly what causes reincarnation. In modern esoteric teachings, it is believed that with the onset of physical death, a person continues to live in this form. Then she can move into another body.

People who are interested in esotericism know that everything that was in past lives remains and passes into a new life. That is, if you made some serious mistake, then in the future, when you transfer to a new body, you can repeat it, again breaking your life. All your actions will be “transferred” to your new self. To avoid the negative influence brought on by yourself, you must at least periodically cleanse your astral body. Then it will function normally and you will always feel good. And you can find out about past lives with the help of divination.

Meditation for energy cleansing and problem solving.

By using this meditation and influencing your touring body, you will find answers to your questions and solve problems. After all, it is the astral body that is responsible for the mind and feelings. Bringing them back to normal, you will feel a kind of insight, suddenly solving the problem.

Turn on music that is comfortable for you to meditate to: calm, smooth, not annoying. Do this only if you are not distracted by it, otherwise meditation will not be of any use. Sit on the floor and put around you Stuffed Toys or lay around decorative pillows. Get comfortable and focus on your breathing. The most important thing is to try not to think about anything in particular. Now connect your imagination. There are many soft things around you: toys or pillows.

Imagine that you are holding one of these objects in your hand and have a pleasant tactile sensation from it. Embrace this object, pressing it to your heart, feel how it becomes warm in your chest. At the same time, feel how something black, heavy and unpleasant goes down the entire spine from the very head down, straight into the hard floor. Imagine that your soft toy / pillow, as it were, pushes out this negativity with its warmth, which descends along your spine. Let go of all sad and angry thoughts and succumb to the pleasant soft sensation of warmth that from the pillow / toy goes straight to your heart and fills you completely. It is with this feeling that you spend the rest of the day.

If you are new to meditation and you didn’t succeed the first time, then practice meditation for beginners. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.09.2016 03:05

The task of every believer in this world is the salvation of his soul. This is great help...

Through deep astral clearing, many of the ailments that you have had for many years, such as: headache, back pain, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, sadness, fatigue, lack of clear thinking, as well as other energy blocks, such as relationship difficulties, conflicts, financial problems, work problems, inability to promote new projects, failures, all of this usually goes away a few days after cleansing or improves significantly.

Astral cleansing is a deep energy cleansing of the physical body and subtle fields that make up the Aura. The human aura consists of seven superimposed and intersecting layers, which bear the following names: Etheric field, Emotional, Mental, Causal, Etheric double and Celestial field.
Here is an example of a human aura.

With the help of astral cleansing, clots of energy are removed that prevent the proper functioning of our physical and etheric bodies (including chakras and meridians). Such a cleansing improves our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual state, and also the stagnation that has formed in our lives disappears.
In a broader sense, a deep energy cleansing can be equated with a Soul Healing and a reboot of our Inner Self. Thus, our life changes for the better after a cleansing.
Energy pollution can occur for many reasons. It should be borne in mind that, first of all, we ourselves pollute our energy due to injuries received, difficult or conflict situations that we have experienced or are experiencing, due to illness, personal crisis, due to our own negative thoughts and emotions. At the same time, it is often associated with external causes. This may be due to the fact that we are surrounded by negative people or we often communicate with such people, and such negativity may come from third parties when performing magical and esoteric works. Unfortunately, today it is very common to turn to magicians and sorcerers for help.

These energies pollute us and cause blockage of our Physical, Etheric, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual fields. Often these energies are also the reason why many aspects of a person's life are blocked: finances, projects, work, interpersonal relationships, health...

There are several systems to see the aura or identify and interpret the degree of energy pollution (Kirlian photos on biochemical film, Kirlian photos on a computer and interpretation of the aura using special programs, quantum bioresonance devices). Although they cannot reflect the entire energy spectrum, they are useful in determining pollution and its cause: psychological blockage, entities, external energies, and can even show which organs of a person are under attack. I won't write about it in detail, since there is material on a separate topic, but I think it will help you understand what I'm talking about.

Below you can see a photo using the Kirlian method, where you can see that the human aura is clean, it is quite compact and has a bluish tint (this photo was taken after energy cleansing).

Another photograph, taken by a different machine, shows holes and fissures in a person's aura. This indicates that a person has a psychological blockage, and is also subject to an external energy attack.

On the next photo You can see the state of a person's aura before and after cleansing. In the photo on the left, we see cracks in the aura and that some parts and organs of the human body are affected. The photo on the right already shows significant improvements after the energy cleansing.

The next photo shows a very polluted human energy field.

On the last photo the aura of a person is visible, infected with entities. This man was affected by African magic. The darker masses that are visible in the photo above and below are the entities.

Deep cleaning takes about eighteen days. You need to understand the difference between one session of any kind of cleansing and a deep astral cleansing. If you have already gone through an energetic cleansing, then you probably felt better within a few days, but then your previous state returned.

In order for the astral cleansing to be really deep and for the positive changes to last for a long time both in us and in all aspects of our life, it must be carried out for at least eighteen days, during which we will see gradual changes. After cleansing, positive changes continue for another two months. To understand the effect of such a cleaning, you can compare it with an onion, from which layer by layer is removed until we reach the core.

In addition, astral cleansing must be complete, it is necessary to clean the physical and etheric body of a person, his environment, housing and, most importantly, the Astral field.

When an energy cleansing is carried out, energy blocks go away, which are replaced by new energy with a higher vibration. This is a kind of process of detoxification and the introduction of new energy of a higher vibration.

As a result, there is a balance within a person, there is healing and improvement in all aspects of our lives. The deeper the cleaning, the more old energy will be involved and the positive effect will be stronger.
This cleansing occurs on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

During and after cleansing, some symptoms such as headache, back pain, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, sadness, lack of energy disappear completely or significant improvements are visible. Of course, these symptoms are not exclusively a consequence of induction. negative programs, but may arise due to physical or psychological reasons. But I can say that when a person has a negative, most of these symptoms are present.

After a deep astral cleansing, clients often say that they have finally become themselves, returned to them Vital energy and they once again feel masters of their destiny. Many report seeing improvements in many aspects of their lives, such as financial plan, both professionally and personally.

If you have any questions or would like more information about my energy cleansing method, I'm always happy to help!

The astral body is the second of seven thin bodies person. AT ordinary life astral plane manifests itself in the form of feelings and emotions experienced by a person, and in stressful situations it serves as a protection against negative energy impact from the outside. It is very important to purify this subtle plane not only on the day of cleansing the astral body, but generally regularly throughout life.

Day of cleansing the astral body: when to perform cleansing rituals?

Energy of the month by lunar calendar such that some days are more suitable for the purification of the astral body than others. So, cleansing rituals are best done in the 3rd lunar day. This day is ideal for clearing the astral body. You yourself will be able to assess the state of your astral body by concentrating on your astral energy.

Energy centers are located in our joints, therefore, to cleanse the astral body, it is especially useful to perform on the 3rd lunar day physical exercise aimed at improving joint mobility, as well as working with the biofield, freeing yourself from negative emotions.

Cleansing rituals for cleansing the astral body

The astral body is controlled by the 3rd chakra -. It is located in the area of ​​the solar plexus, where the ribs converge. It is useful for the astral body to harmonize this chakra. The pollution of the astral body occurs for the following reasons:

  • negative emotions, thoughts;
  • emotional trauma, clamps and blocks;
  • anxiety, fussiness, stress;
  • disturbed daily routine and nutrition;
  • interacting with toxic people, etc.

If the astral body is too polluted, it cannot fully perform its functions, due to which the energy protection weakens and the person's well-being (mental and physical) worsens. What rituals will help you cleanse your astral body?

Purification of the astral body with water

The astral and physical bodies are interconnected and mutually influence each other. If the physical body is kept clean, then the astral body will be clean. The astral body can be cleansed with water procedures. To do this, before you take a shower, mentally ask Higher power cleanse you of negativity and the burden of experienced emotions.

Already in the shower, visualize how negative energy leaves your body along with water. imagine that the water washes away the dark haze surrounding your body, and you become lighter and begin to radiate a soft, pleasant light yourself.

Astral Body Cleansing Meditation

Find a quiet place where no one will bother you for the next 20-30 minutes. If desired, turn on relaxing music, sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes. Take deep breaths and slow measured exhalations, concentrating on your breath.

After a while, when you feel calmness and pleasant warmth in your body, imagine that there is a snow-white soft cloud in front of you. Now mentally embrace this cloud, feel its softness. Embrace the cloud and remember this pleasant feeling. Let this warmth spread all over your body, from the top of your head to your fingertips. When you feel lightness in your chest, let go of this cloud and imagine how it slowly goes up and dissolves in the sky.

Spot cleaning of the astral body

This cleansing practice is aimed at the destruction of "spots" on the astral body.

Since the astral body is directly connected with the chakras that are responsible for a particular area of ​​the physical body, it is useful to observe in which part of your body negative emotions and experiences are concentrated. The "correct" place for them is the area of ​​the third chakra, solar plexus if you feel discomfort and tension in another place, this is the result of contamination of the astral body.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your arms at the elbows and place your elbows on both sides of the place where you feel tension. Inhale, and as you exhale, lower (or raise) your elbows to the level of the Manipura chakra.

While doing this, imagine how you move clots of negative energy, dark spots into the Manipura Chakra, where these emotions burn out and disappear.

Now clean Manipura itself from traces of negative emotions. To do this, visualize how you clear the chakra with the help of your element. For example, wipe it with a damp cloth or blow off debris.

  • practice;
  • read ;
  • go in for sports;
  • be outdoors more often;
  • live consciously;
  • get rid of negative emotions;
  • be sincere;
  • show warmth and love to loved ones;
  • engage in self-development.