How to replant an orchid brought from Vietnam. How to properly grow orchids from Vietnam. Prices for planting material

When we hear the word “orchid,” our imagination begins to paint colorful pictures of the exotic tropics. But no matter how surprising it may sound, you can arrange the tropics in your own apartment! It is with the help of orchids.

Despite the popular belief that these flowers grow only in hot regions, this is not true. There are types of orchids that can even be found in Moscow parks. These are northern species that have already adapted to such weather conditions(digital root, Lyubka bifolia). They usually have small flowers and don't look quite like what we usually imagine orchids to be. Flowers in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing them - with bright, convex, elastic flowers - can be found in the wild world in the vastness of Crimea.

But all these species are not suitable for growing at home.

A Vietnamese orchid can become a magnificent decoration for your home, which also spreads a pleasant aroma. In Vietnam, the orchid is one of the brightest representatives of the local flora. Translated from Greek, “orchis” (where the name “orchid” actually comes from) means “testicle”. Apparently not in vain, since the flowers of the plant really resemble this organ of a person or mammal.

If one of your friends goes on vacation to Vietnam, be prepared to receive this flower as a gift. Has this already happened? Then, probably, you have already asked yourself the question - how to plant an orchid from Vietnam? Read the full answer below.

Commonly sold in Vietnam are orchid bulbs (or "bulbs"). You can buy them at flower markets in Ho Chi Minh City and Da Lat. They are inexpensive, and their subsequent transportation is not particularly difficult. Therefore, if you are lucky enough to visit the land of endless pagodas and rice terraces, you will already know what to bring from Vietnam.

So, what do you need to plant an orchid from Vietnam?

  1. special substrate for orchids (it differs in many ways from the usual one);
  2. transparent pot (transparency is also very important);
  3. bulb (bulb) of an orchid.

You need to plant the orchid bulb so that almost all of it is on the surface and only its lower part is attached to the ground. Since its trunk is massive and quite heavy, it is better to substitute a stick that will support it.

This bulb is not part of the flower itself. The shoots from this bulb will begin to break through in a month at best. These will be the stems of the future plant.

Once you plant an onion in a pot, you won't need to water it until it starts sprouting roots. This is precisely why we use a transparent pot to see the “firstborns”. As soon as they appear, this is a signal to water the plant.

Do not be afraid or worry that the plant may be left without water for a whole month. This bulb itself contains so much liquid and nutrients that they will last a long time. If you decide to take the initiative and water the flower, you risk flooding it.

After planting the plant, place it on the sunny side so that the sun's rays hit the plant. The seedling will reach towards the sun and, accordingly, grow faster. By placing an orchid in the back of your apartment, you risk dooming it to death.


Without which he can get sick and die.

In order to grow healthy plant from a Vietnamese bulb, you need to know the rules for planting it and follow the necessary conditions for her growth.

Only then will she delight all household members with beautiful flowers.

The Vietnamese orchid is called Paphiopedilum, and popularly - Venus's slipper. It received such an unusual name because its lower petal forms a pocket, similar to the toe of a shoe.

They are presented in two types: air and ground. The first grow their roots into tree trunks, and their stems and flowers hang in the air. The latter grow on the ground in places where humus and debris accumulate.

Paphiopedilums, which tourists most often bring to Russia, also differ in the color and shape of the flowers, and the size of the inflorescences.


Has enough large size flower, the diameter of which can reach 10 cm. Their color can be very diverse. Mostly, coffee lilac.



On its peduncle is located only one flower having a lilac-green tint. The lower petal of the inflorescence is brown.



Characteristic of flowers greenish-orange color and diameter up to 15 cm. The petals have dark veins and large black blotches, and the lowest one is bright orange with dark green stripes.



The orchid received this name due to its monochrome color. Flower petals are white, sometimes with cream and purple hues, as well as small purple dots. The lower petal is elongated and has a curved edge. The core is bright yellow.



Features large flowers, having greenish-purple cups. The sepals are covered with purple and dark veins. The petals have large brown spots.



This kind has large purple-green flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. The upper sepals are pierced by dark purple stripes, and the lateral petals are covered with dark bristles and warts along the edges. They all have a white border.

Only the lower lip is distinguished by its burgundy color. Light green leaves are sprinkled with dark spots.



The general color of the flower is glossy, yellow-brown. It is distinguished by the unusual texture of the petals, which are covered with wax.. The lower petal has smooth surface and orange-brown color.

When buying an orchid bulb, you need to carefully examine it, without trusting the seller. For this you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • It is better to take a medium-sized bulb, since a small one takes longer to grow, and a large one will die faster;
  • it is desirable that its shell has a greenish tint against a brown background;
  • The bulb that has buds or has a small sprout will grow faster.

A bulb that combines the above symptoms will not keep you waiting long for positive results.

Growing an orchid from a bulb from Vietnam


Paphiopedilum bulb, brought from Vietnam, needed as soon as possible, otherwise it may die and not take root.

Since the orchid is a capricious plant, to plant it you need to carefully select the soil and container, plant correctly and provide complete care at home.


  • the pot needs to be taken a size larger;
  • before removing the flower from the old container, it must be watered so as not to damage the roots;
  • needs to be cleaned root system from the old substrate and cut off damaged roots and leaves, while sprinkling the cut areas with coal;
  • If pests are detected, treat the orchid with a special preparation;
  • dry the roots for at least 8 hours before planting;
  • pour a layer of drainage and soil into the prepared dish and immerse the plant in it;
  • pour the substrate on top so that root collar was above the ground and, at the same time, slightly below the edge of the pot.

Do not compact the soil and immerse aerial roots in it. After this, the orchid is irrigated only after 5 days.

Reader Questions

Is it possible to grow a bulba from a Vietnamese orchid at home?

It is impossible to grow a bulba from a Vietnamese orchid at home.. Since this requires special conditions, and the old onion dries out over time and only a sprout remains in its place.

The bulb dies after it has sprouted.

How to properly store a purchased bulb before planting?

Bulb calmly can be stored in a bag, in which it was packaged upon sale. But if the possibility of planting it appears no earlier than in a week, you need to make holes in the bag so that the bulb does not lock.

Are there any restrictions on export from Vietnam?

Tourists carrying Vietnamese orchid bulbs will pass through customs control without hindrance, regardless of their number. Difficulties can only arise when transporting an orchid in a pot.

Useful videos

From this video you will learn how to plant orchids from bulbs from Vietnam:

The following video shows how orchids from Vietnam grow:

You will learn everything about caring for Paphiopedilum from the following video:

Video tips for replanting Paphiopedilum:


Growing Vietnamese orchids from bulbs - the task is not easy. You can wait several years for the plant to bloom for the first time. But original and bright flowers, which she can then enjoy for a long time, will repay all the efforts made.

In an apartment, an orchid looks unusual and elegant. It can be placed in the bedroom, living room and even in the shower room. The main thing is that they are sufficiently illuminated and comfortable air humidity is maintained for the flower. The exception is the kitchen, where the air is usually dry and hot.

Also, when choosing a place for a tropical plant, you need to consider that it does not tolerate strong drafts.

With proper care for the capricious flower and following simple recommendations, it will delight your household with long flowering and an elegant silhouette.

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The wonderful world of Asian countries in itself is already a surprise for us. It conceals a lot of strange, but incredibly pleasant, exotic, sometimes pungent and fiery tastes and smells, the aromas of the ocean and the colorful colors of local life. One of the most vivid memories of a trip to Vietnam can be colorful orchids, which are a symbol of youth, spring and prosperity.

A beautiful flower can be brought to our harsh climate, and it will fill your home with the drunken aromas of the east, reminding you of colorful impressions and unusual local flavor.

Vietnamese orchids in the wild usually grow on tall trunks big trees, in damp places with good lighting. There are two types of orchids growing in the wild: aerial and terrestrial. In aerial orchids, roots grow into tree trunks, and branches with leaves and flowers hang down. Terrestrial ones grow with their roots into the soil or depressions in rocks where there are organic remains. Ground orchids are larger, have dense leaves and bright flowers, while aerial orchids are delicate, with a milder aroma.

The most common orchids in Vietnam are:

Dendrobium (lat. Dendrobium) is a striking representative of aerial orchids (epiphytes). This is one of the most diverse and numerous genus of the orchid family in terms of species. All of them differ not only in size and color, but also in the characteristics of their structure and flowering. Flowers of the smallest species can reach several millimeters in diameter, while the largest ones grow up to 2 meters in height. Since most species are from Southeast Asia, Dendrobium prefers tropical temperatures and fairly high humidity with good diffused light. Lately Hybrid species of the genus Dendrobium are very popular due to their unpretentiousness. The most popular of them are Dendrobium phalaenopsis and Dendrobium nobilis.

You may be interested not only in orchids from Vietnam, but also in a video on replanting Dendrobium orchids and a video on propagating Dendrobium orchids.

Cymbidium (lat. Cymbidium) is one of the most beautiful species of the orchid family. Thanks to his appearance This orchid has become the most popular for cutting. Also refers to orchids as epiphytic orchids. In nature, there are about 60 different pure and hybrid species of cymbidium with a diverse distribution halo - from the tropical forests of South and Southeast Asia to the cool mountainous regions of Indochina and Australia. The leaves of such orchids are narrow and long, and can be either pointed or rounded towards the edge. The flowers are distinguished by a riot of colors and a fairly strong but pleasant aroma.

Paphiopedilum (lat. Paphiopedilum or Lady's slipper) is one of the most recognizable genera of the Orchidaceae family. The name is associated with unusual structure lip, which forms a pocket in the lower part, reminiscent of the toe of a shoe. This genus numbers about 60 natural species and up to 1000 more interspecific hybrids. Paphiopedilum is an epiphytic or semi-epiphytic plant with evergreen leaves and a single waxy flower on a peduncle (most often). Many types of Venus's slippers are quite decorative and suitable for growing in room conditions.

Bulbophyllum (lat. Bulbophyllum) are recognizable representatives of the Orchidaceae family. These plants are mostly ephytypic, but there are also lithophytic specimens that grow in lowland and mountainous areas of tropical forests. Externally, they are single-flowered and multi-flowered plants with single-leaved pseudobulbs. The most prominent representatives of the genus Bulbophyllum (B.): B. Ambrosia, B. Lobba, B. Medusa, B. Blunt, B. Frosty and many others.

Of course, this is not the entire list of orchid species that grow in exotic environments. South-East Asia, life is not enough to tell about everything. Therefore, it is better to see this indescribable beauty at least once, and to see it with your own eyes, in order to imprint these memories for not the most better days in the world. But remember that fairy garden You can always make it at home, you just need a lot of desire and a little patience.

Orchid bulbs brought from Vietnam must be carefully examined without listening to the seller’s laudatory speeches. What to pay attention to:

  • buy fresh onions, not dried and overly light ones;
  • choose a medium-sized bulb, since a small one will take more time to grow, and a large one will most likely die;
  • the bulb shell should be brown with a greenish tint;
  • the tips of the bulbs should be slightly dry, which indicates compliance with the storage technology;
  • it will be great if the bulb already has a bud or sprout.

By choosing such a bulb, you won’t have to wait long for positive results.

As usual, sellers place the bulbs in black plastic bags. You can take the bulbs home in these bags, remembering to regularly open the bags to let in air. Otherwise, they will sap and lose the ability to germinate.

Substrate: composition, percentage of components, properties

Purchased Vietnamese onion we need to drop him off soon. Otherwise, it will dry out and lose the ability to take root. Remembering that the orchid is very capricious, To plant it, you need to prepare it very carefully.. Then you also need to know how to choose and plant the bulb correctly.

can be purchased at the store or. Planting a bulb brought from Vietnam will not bring success.

The main components of the special mixture for orchids are:

  • pine or spruce, without resin - 5 parts;
  • crushed charcoal – 1 part;
  • peat – 1 part;
  • dolomite flour – 0.5 parts;
  • perlite – 0.5 parts.

IN soil mixture You can also add fern roots, sphagnum moss and chalk.

Composition of substrate for orchids.

Advice! If the substrate retains moisture well, then peat does not need to be added.

All components must be mixed well until the soil becomes homogeneous. When stirred, the substrate is enriched with oxygen and acidification and salinization of the soil does not occur.

Even before planting, the bulbs need to be sprayed, and then pour it into the pot. It does not need to be brought to a wet state, but slightly damp.


Before planting bulbs, an equally careful approach must be taken when choosing a container. Here The following points must be taken into account:

  • pot size;
  • what material is the pot made of?
  • how transparent it is.

Most suitable plastic container . It will protect the roots from hypothermia, drying out and overheating. This container can be a plastic bucket. It is practical in that at the time of transplantation the flower is easily removed by cutting its wall with scissors.

You can buy an orchid pot in the store. Anyway You need to strive to ensure that the walls of the container are transparent. This will make it possible to:

  • monitor the development of roots and find their damage;
  • visually monitor moisture consumption based on the condition of the roots;
  • control soil moisture.

First, select a small pot for the bulb. And when replanting for the first time, you should use a slightly larger container to provide some space for root growth.

If the plant has or has signs, it is better to choose a pot of the right size so that the excess substrate does not favor stagnation of moisture.


When planting a bulb, you must make every effort and knowledge to complete all the work according to the instructions.

Disinfection of planting material, soil and tools

To prevent soil and bulbs from becoming infected with pathogens, it is necessary to disinfect instruments and some components of the substrate.

For example, stones and expanded clay, as well as a support for the bulb, can be doused with boiling water or soaked in alcohol. If you work with gloves, it is also advisable to wipe them with alcohol.

Pots can also be disinfected in a solution of alcohol or potassium permanganate.

Laying drainage and substrate

Having prepared the soil and container, you can begin planting the bulb. The algorithm of actions should be as follows:

  • Place stones at the bottom of the pot, which will increase its stability;
  • place expanded clay on the stones with a layer of 2-3 cm, which should act as drainage;
  • place the prepared substrate on the expanded clay;
  • moisten the soil well with water;
  • plant the bulb in a pot;
  • place the pot with the onion in a lighted place.

The first roots should appear after planting a month later.

The first roots appear within a month.

Installing the bulb

The bulb should be planted so that it stands vertically and is buried in the substrate no more than 1 cm. To give stability to the bulb, prop it up with a stick or small stone. The main part of the bulb should be above the soil surface.

Why can’t the bulb be buried completely?

Proper planting involves germinating the bulb without burying it in the soil. You just need to stick it to the substrate. Typically, flower growers think that this is not enough and deepen the bulb by more than 1 cm. This practice is fraught with disastrous consequences. In most cases such bulbs rot before they have time to form roots and sprouts.


Even if you plant an orchid bulb correctly, but you do not care for it properly, it will die immediately. All requirements must be strictly followed for rooting Vietnamese orchid bulbs.

Watering and temperature

It should be remembered that the plant is not needed immediately after planting because it will rot. Only the roots and sprouts of the plant need moisture, and the bulb has a supply of water for a month.

They begin when the first roots and sprouts appear. This usually happens 30 days from the date of planting.

After planting, the pots need to be removed. But the sun should not dry out the bulb, and condensation should not form in the pot. The flower needs to create the following conditions:

  • air temperature – +18 degrees and above;
  • air humidity is within 50 – 70%.

begins immediately after the roots appear. At this time, the first plant is carried out. After about a month, the bulba has taken root. During this time, she will have time to accumulate the substances necessary for growth and development.

Caring for an orchid brought from Vietnam includes the following actions:

  • monthly fertilizing with minerals purchased in the store;
  • carried out only when the substrate dries. In summer, during hot weather, it is carried out daily, and in winter – once every 2 weeks. plants are performed only in the morning;
  • From time to time you need to shower the flowers.

As you can see, the care work is quite simple, especially if you know all the intricacies.

Possible problems

After planting the bulb, some problems may arise, as described below.

Diseases and pests in the substrate

Neglecting the rules for growing orchids can lead to the appearance of diseases and. Possible problems and their reasons:

  • occur when the root system is damaged or the temperature regime is violated;
  • a crack in the middle of the sheet means that there was a sharp temperature change;

Leaves may crack due to temperature changes.

  • drying or rotting of leaves and cobwebs on them - the orchid has been affected by mites;
  • the leaves are dark and have holes in them - the flower is burned by the sun's rays;
  • the formation of mold on the leaves or gray rot deposits - due to spraying when low temperatures;
  • – excessive watering.

At the first symptoms of a plant being attacked by pests, it should be washed in the shower. If this does not help, you need to treat the flower chemical agent. When the root system rots and is damaged, the orchid needs to be replanted.

Prevention measures

To prevent diseases, it is necessary to carefully monitor temperature conditions, do not allow excess moisture in the soil, avoid direct sunlight on the plant.

When the soil is colonized by pests such as thrips or nematodes, the soil is promptly replaced, and the orchid is treated with a chemical.

Monitoring the roots when growing orchids, especially Vietnamese ones, is extremely important. At the slightest suspected rot you need to react immediately and replant the plant so as not to lose it completely.

Transplanting into another pot

About a month after planting, the first roots will appear on the bulb. After some time, the roots of the orchid in the pot become crowded and need to be placed in a larger container. When replanting, you need to carefully examine all the roots and remove rotten and dried areas.

In the future, it will be produced once every 2-3 years. All manipulations must be performed in early spring when a flower experiences a stage active growth. carry out ahead of schedule, If:

  • there are pests in the pot;
  • the substrate began to decompose;
  • the roots began to rot.

Nuances and questions from readers

Readers show great interest in Vietnamese orchids and ask many questions about them.

Is it possible to grow a bulba from a Vietnamese orchid at home?

Grow a bulba will not work, since this requires special conditions. Over time, the old onion dries out and only a sprout remains in its place.

After the sprout appears, the old bulb dries out.

How to preserve a bulb before planting?

If a week or more is expected to pass between boarding and disembarkation, The bulb should be stored in the bag in which it was packaged when purchased. To prevent the bulb from burning, the bag must be perforated.

Features of exporting bulbous orchids from Vietnam

When exporting orchid bulbs from Vietnam There are no customs restrictions. You can transport any number of bulbs. It is more difficult to transport an orchid in a pot.

Remember that replanting an orchid is perceived as stressful and it should be done only when necessary, every 2-3 years.

It is better to replant in the spring, during the period of active plant growth. Transplant rules:

  • the pot needs to be taken a size larger;
  • before removing the flower from the old container, it must be watered so as not to damage the roots;
  • it is necessary to clean the roots from the old substrate and cut off damaged roots and leaves, while sprinkling the cut areas with charcoal;
  • If pests are detected, treat the orchid with a special preparation;
  • Dry the roots for at least 8 hours before planting;
  • pour a layer of drainage and soil into the prepared dish and place the plant there;
  • pour the substrate on top so that the root collar is above the surface of the soil and at the same time just below the edge of the pot.

Do not compact the soil and immerse aerial roots in it. After transplantation, the orchid is irrigated only after 5 days.


Video lecture about orchid species from Vietnam:

Watch a video on how to plant orchids from Vietnam:

This video demonstrates what orchids look like after forcing:

This video talks about the problems of growing orchids from Vietnam:


Planting and caring for Vietnamese orchids has some nuances. To grow such an orchid, you need to do everything right and be patient. You will see the first one in a few years. But stunning beauty and original form the flowers will delight others for a long time and will pay off all your efforts.

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