7 deadly sins and them. Deadly sins in Orthodoxy: a list in order and God's commandments

Deadly sins in Orthodoxy: a list in order and the commandments of God. Many believers, reading the holy scriptures, often pay attention to such an expression as "seven deadly sins." These words do not refer to any specific seven deeds, because the list of such deeds can be much longer. This number indicates only the conditional grouping of actions into seven main groups.

Gregory the Great was the first to propose such a division as early as 590. The church also has its own division, in which there are eight main passions. Translated from the Church Slavonic language, the word "passion" means suffering. Other believers and preachers believe that there are 10 sins in Orthodoxy.

Deadly sins in Orthodoxy

The mortal sin is the most severe of possible sins. It can be redeemed only by repentance. Committing such a sin does not allow a person's soul to go to heaven. Basically, in Orthodoxy there are seven deadly sins.

And they are called mortal because their constant repetition leads to the death of the immortal soul of a person, and therefore its entry into hell. Such actions are based on biblical texts. Their appearance in the texts of theologians dates back to a later time.

Mortal sins in Orthodoxy. List.

  1. Anger, anger, revenge. This group includes actions that, in contrast to love, bring destruction.
  2. lust e, debauchery, fornication. This category includes acts that lead to an excessive desire for pleasure.
  3. Laziness, idleness, despondency. They include unwillingness to perform both spiritual and physical work.
  4. Pride, vanity, arrogance. Unbelief in the divine is arrogance, boasting, excessive self-confidence.
  5. Envy, jealousy. This group includes dissatisfaction with what they have, confidence in the injustice of the world, the desire for someone else's status, property, qualities.
  6. Gluttony, gluttony. The need to consume more than necessary is also referred to as passion.
  7. love of money greed, greed, avarice. Most of all, attention is drawn to when the desire to increase one's material condition occurs at the expense of spiritual well-being.

The list of sins for confession in Orthodoxy

Confession is referred to as rituals that help to get rid of sins and purify the soul. The clergy believe that if repentance is supported by almsgiving, fervent prayer and fasting, then after it a person can return to the state in which Adam was before the fall.

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You can go to confession in any situation, but often it is a temple during a divine service or another time that the priest will appoint. A person who wishes to repent must be baptized, go to Orthodox Church, recognize the foundations of Orthodoxy and desire to repent of their sins.

To prepare for confession, repentance and faith are essential. It is recommended to fast and read penitential prayers. A repentant person needs to confess his sins, than to show the recognition of his sinfulness, while highlighting those passions that are especially characteristic of him.

It will not be superfluous to name specific sins that burden his soul. Here short list sins for confession:

  • Resentment against God.
  • Caring only for worldly life.
  • Violation of the Law of God.
  • Condemnation of the clergy.
  • Unbelief, lack of faith, doubts about the existence of God, about the truth of the Orthodox faith.
  • insulting God, Holy Mother of God, saints, holy church. The mention of the Name of God is in vain, without reverence.
  • Violation of fasts, church regulations and prayer rules.
  • Failure to keep promises made to God.
  • Lack of Christian love.
  • Non-attendance or rare visit to the temple.
  • Envy, malice, hatred.
  • Homicide, abortion. Suicide.
  • Lies, deceit.
  • Lack of mercy, failure to help those in need.
  • Pride. Condemnation. Resentment, not a desire to reconcile, forgive. rancor.
  • Greed, covetousness, money-grubbing, bribery.
  • Temptation for any sin.
  • Extravagance.
  • Superstition.
  • Use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs..
  • Entering into direct communication with evil spirits.
  • Fornication.
  • Gambling.
  • Divorce.
  • Self-justification.
  • Laziness, sadness, gluttony, despondency.

Is not full list sins. It can also be extended. In conclusion of the confession, one can say this: I have sinned (a) in deed, in word, in thoughts, with all the feelings of the soul and body. Do not list all my sins, according to their multitude. But in all my sins, both expressed and forgotten, I repent.

The most terrible sin in Orthodoxy

Often people argue about which sin is the most terrible, and which God is willing to forgive. It is generally accepted that suicide is considered the most serious sin. He is considered incorrigible, because having passed away, a person can no longer beg forgiveness from God for his soul.

There is no clear ranking of sins in Orthodoxy. After all, if a small sin is not repented of and repented of, it can lead to the death of a person’s soul and burden him.

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You can often hear about original sin in Orthodoxy. This is the name of the act of Adam and Eve, which they committed. Since it was committed in the first generation of people, it was recognized as the first sin of all mankind. This sin damaged human nature and is passed on to posterity by inheritance. In order to reduce its influence on a person or even lose it, it is recommended to baptize children and accustom them to the church.

Sodom sin in Orthodoxy

So it is customary to call a sinful thought, deed or aspiration, which is based on a person’s sexual attraction to a representative (representatives) of his gender. Often the clergy attributed this sin as one of the types of fornication, although some drew a fairly clear line between such concepts.

In turn, the sin of fornication in Orthodoxy is classified as a mortal sin. After all, it is believed that when connecting with a person, not only physical, but also spiritual intimacy occurs. And all this remains on our soul. She becomes unclean. In the middle, everything seems to be burned out.

That is why it is necessary every time to think about your carnal desires, and think about what it can lead to.

We cannot atone for sins in Orthodoxy on our own. But we have hope that the Lord has given us. To ease your hardships, you need to pray earnestly. It is necessary to go to the temple and confess before God and the priest.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Cast out from me all misfortunes that tempt carnal passions. In redemption, I fall down, I forget about sins in vanity. Forgive me the sins that happened, and they are still not forgotten. Those sins that are still smoldering in the soul, too often smell of illness. May your will be done. Amen".

The Lord is always with you!

Deadly sin- this is the most serious of possible sins, which can only be expiated by repentance. For committing a mortal sin, the soul of a person may be deprived of the opportunity to go to heaven. Interested in this topic, many people ask how many mortal sins there are in Orthodoxy. There are seven deadly sins in Christian teaching, and they are called so because, despite their seemingly harmless nature, with regular practice they lead to much more grave sins and, consequently, to the death of an immortal soul falling into hell. Deadly sins are not based on biblical texts and are not a direct revelation of God, they appeared in the texts of theologians later.

If we begin to live like those who die every day, then we will not sin (St. Anthony the Great, 88, 17).

Seven deadly sins list
Gluttony (Gluttony)

The history of the appearance of the list of seven sinful acts or 7 deadly sins

Acts considered mortal Orthodox faith distinguishes the degree of severity, and the possibility of their redemption. Speaking of sinful deeds, especially more attention should be paid to the seven deeds that are considered mortal. Many have heard about this, but not everyone knows which of the sinful deeds will be on this list, and what will distinguish them. Sin is called mortal not from the head, because Christians believe that when committing these sins, human souls can die.

It is worth noting that seven deadly sins, although the opinion of society is not sure of this, the Bible does not describe, because their direction of the concept appeared later than the compilation of the Holy Letter began. It is believed that the monastic works, whose name is Eugarius of Pontus, could serve as a basis. He compiled a list, which included at first eight sins of man. It was later reduced to seven positions.

Deadly sins in Orthodoxy: a list in order and God's commandments

Why were the sins so

It is clear that these sinful deeds or the seven deadly sins in Orthodoxy are not as terrible as theologians thought. They are not such that they cannot be redeemed, they can be confessed, it is just that their commission can contribute to the fact that people become more bad, further and further away from God. With more effort, one can live in such a way that one does not break one of the ten commandments, but living in such a way that one does not commit one of the seven sinful deeds is hard. Essentially, sinful acts and mortal sins in Orthodoxy in the amount of shadow laid in people by mother - nature.

Under specific circumstances, people are able to survive by contradicting the doctrine of sinful deeds, but, ignoring this, believe that this cannot be achieved. good fruit. When you haven't heard anything about what is meant by the seven deadly sins, the short-explanatory list below may reveal the issue.

Seven deadly sins in Orthodoxy

It is typical for a person to want a lot of money, making every effort to obtain material values. However, he does not think whether they are needed in general. These unfortunates are blindly engaged in collecting jewelry, money, property. They try to get more than they have without knowing the limit, without even wanting to know it. This sin is called the love of money.

Self-esteem, self-respect. Many people can accomplish anything by trying to be higher than others. More often, the actions that are performed are certainly necessary for this. They delight society, and in those who are subject to a sense of pride, a fire is born that burns all the feelings that are considered the best that are inside the soul. After a certain period of time, a person tirelessly thinks only about his beloved.

3. Fornication.(That is, sexual life before marriage), adultery (that is, adultery). Dissolute life. Not keeping feelings, especially
sense of touch, which is an audacity that destroys all virtues. Cursing and reading voluptuous books. Voluptuous thoughts, indecent conversations, even a single glance directed with lust at a woman, are reckoned with fornication.

The Savior says this about it: “You have heard what the ancients said: do not commit adultery, but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”(Matthew 5:27-28).
If he who looks at a woman with lust sins, then the woman is not innocent of the same sin, if she dresses up and adorns herself with the desire to be looked at, seduced by her, "For woe to that man by whom the offense comes."

4. Envy. Feelings of envy may not always be white color. Often it can become a cause that contributes to the emergence of discord and crime. Not everyone can easily accept the existence of the fact that someone has been able to achieve better living conditions. History gives many examples when the feeling of envy led to murder.

5. Gluttony. People who eat a lot, overeat at the same time, can not cause anything pleasant. Food is necessary in order to sustain life, in order to be able to perform meaningful actions in relation to beauty. But those who are subjected to a sinful deed in gluttony believe that they were certainly born for those purposes, so that they eat.

6. Anger. Hot temper, irritability, acceptance of angry thoughts: dreaming of revenge, indignation of the heart with rage, clouding the mind with it: obscene
shouting, arguing, cruel, abusive and caustic words. Slander, remembrance, malice, indignation and resentment of one's neighbor, hatred, enmity, revenge, condemnation. Unfortunately, we do not always manage to restrain ourselves, our anger, when the wave of emotions overflows. First of all, it is chopped from the shoulder, and then it is only observed that the consequences are irreversible. We must fight our passions!

7. Despondency. Laziness in every good deed, especially in prayer. Too much restful sleep. Depression, despair (which often leads a person to suicide), lack of fear of God, complete carelessness about the soul, neglect of repentance until last days life.

Fight against sin

You need to fight with your passions, tame your emotions, because this leads to a deplorable end! Sin must be fought initial stage its birth! After all, the deeper sin enters our consciousness, our soul, the harder it becomes to fight it. Judge for yourself, in any business, illness, education, work, the longer you put off work, the harder it is to catch up!

And most importantly, forgive the help of God! After all, it is very difficult for a person to overcome sin! The devil plots intrigues, trying to ruin your soul, in every possible way pushing it to sin. These 7 deadly sins it's not that hard not to commit if you ask the Lord to help you fight them! One has only to take a step towards meeting the Savior and He will immediately come to the rescue! God is merciful and does not leave anyone!


The Eight Deadly Sins and how to deal with them

"Ladder" of St. John of the Ladder

In the old days in Russia, the favorite reading was always The Philokalia, The Ladder by St. John of the Ladder, and other soulful books. Modern Orthodox Christians, unfortunately, rarely pick up these great books. It's a pity! After all, they contain answers to questions that are often asked in confession even today: “Father, how not to get irritated?”, “Father, how to deal with despondency and laziness?”, “How to live in peace with loved ones?”, “Why Do we keep returning to the same sins?”

These and other questions must be heard by every priest. These questions are answered by the theological science, which is called asceticism. She talks about what passions and sins are, how to deal with them, how to find peace of mind, how to acquire love for God and neighbor. The word “ascetic” immediately evokes associations with ancient ascetics, Egyptian hermits, and monasteries. In general, ascetic experiments, the fight against passions are considered by many to be a purely monastic affair: we are, they say, weak people, we live in the world, we already somehow ... This, of course, is a deep delusion. Everyone is called to the daily struggle, the war against passions and sinful habits. Orthodox Christian without exception. The apostle Paul tells us about this: “Those who are Christ’s (that is, all Christians. - Auth.) have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts” (Gal. 5:24).

Just as soldiers take an oath and give a solemn promise - an oath - to defend the Fatherland and crush its enemies, so a Christian, as a warrior of Christ in the sacrament of baptism, swears allegiance to Christ and "renounces the devil and all his deeds," that is, from sin. So, there is a battle with these fierce enemies of our salvation - fallen angels, passions and sins. The fight is not for life, but for death, the fight is difficult and daily, if not hourly. Therefore, "we only dream of peace."

Deadly sins in Orthodoxy: a list in order and God's commandments

I will take the liberty of saying that asceticism can be called in some way Christian psychology. After all, the word "psychology" in translation from Greek means "science of the soul". This is a science that studies the mechanisms of human behavior and thinking. Practical psychology helps a person cope with his bad inclinations, overcome depression, learn to get along with himself and people. As you can see, the objects of attention of asceticism and psychology are the same.

Saint Theophan the Recluse said that it was necessary to compile a textbook on Christian psychology, and he himself used psychological analogies in his instructions to the questioners. The trouble is that psychology is not a single scientific discipline like physics, mathematics, chemistry or biology. There are many schools, directions that call themselves psychology. Psychology includes the psychoanalysis of Freud and Jung, as well as newfangled trends like neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Some directions in psychology are completely unacceptable for Orthodox Christians. Therefore, one has to collect some knowledge bit by bit, separating the wheat from the chaff.

I will try, using some knowledge from practical, applied psychology, to rethink them in accordance with the teachings of the holy fathers on the fight against passions.

Before we start talking about the main passions and methods of dealing with them, let's ask ourselves the question: "Why are we fighting our sins and passions?".

I recently heard a famous Orthodox theologian, Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy (I will not name him, because I respect him very much; he was my teacher, but in this case I fundamentally disagree with him) said: “Worship, prayer, fasting - all this, so to speak, scaffolding, props for the erection of the building of salvation, but not the purpose of salvation, not the meaning Christian life. And the goal is to get rid of passions.” I cannot agree with this, since getting rid of passions is also not an end in itself, but speaks of the true goal. Reverend Seraphim Sarovsky: "Acquire the spirit of peace - and around you thousands will be saved."

That is, the goal of a Christian's life is the acquisition of love for God and neighbor. The Lord Himself speaks of only two commandments, on which all the law and the prophets are based. it "Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind" and "Love your neighbor as yourself"(Matthew 22:37, 39). Christ did not say that these are just two of the ten, twenty other commandments, but said that "on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets"(Matthew 22:40). These are the most important commandments, the fulfillment of which is the meaning and purpose of the Christian life. And deliverance from passions is also only a means, like prayer, worship and fasting. If deliverance from passions were the goal of a Christian, then we would not have gone far from Buddhists, who are also looking for dispassion - nirvana.

It is impossible for a person to fulfill the two main commandments while passions dominate him. A person who is subject to passions and sins loves himself and his passion. How can a vain, proud man love God and his neighbors? And who is in despondency, anger, serving the love of money? The questions are rhetorical.

Serving passions and sin does not allow a Christian to fulfill the most important, key commandment of the New Testament - the commandment of love.

Passion and suffering

From the Church Slavonic language, the word "passion" is translated as "suffering". Hence, for example, the word "passion-bearer", that is, suffering suffering, torment. And indeed, nothing torments people so much: neither illnesses, nor anything else, as their own passions, rooted sins.

First, passions serve to satisfy the sinful needs of people, and then people themselves begin to serve them: "Everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin" (John 8:34).

Of course, in every passion there is an element of sinful pleasure for a person, but, nevertheless, the passions torment, torment and enslave the sinner.

Most bright examples passionate dependence - alcoholism and drug addiction. The need for alcohol or drugs not only enslaves the soul of a person, but alcohol and drugs become a necessary component of his metabolism, a part of the biochemical processes in his body. Addiction to alcohol or drugs is a spiritual and physical addiction. And it needs to be treated in two ways, that is, healing both the soul and the body. But at the core lies sin, passion. An alcoholic, a drug addict has a family falling apart, he is expelled from work, he loses friends, but he sacrifices all this to passion. A person addicted to alcohol or drugs is ready for any crime to satisfy his passion. No wonder 90% of crimes are committed under the influence of alcoholic and narcotic substances. That's how strong the demon of drunkenness is!

Other passions can enslave the soul no less. But with alcoholism and drug addiction, the enslavement of the soul is further enhanced by bodily dependence.

People who are far from the Church, from the spiritual life often see only prohibitions in Christianity. Like, they came up with some kind of taboos, restrictions, in order to complicate people's lives. But in Orthodoxy there is nothing accidental, superfluous, everything is very harmonious and natural. In the spiritual world, as well as in the physical world, there are laws that, like the laws of nature, cannot be violated, otherwise it will lead to damage and even catastrophe.

Some of these laws are expressed in commandments that protect us from trouble. Commandments, moral prescriptions can be compared with signs warning of danger: “Beware of high voltage!”, “Do not climb in, it will kill you!”, “Stop! Zone of radiation contamination "and similar, or with inscriptions on containers with poisonous liquids: "Poisonous", "Toxic" and so on.

Of course, we are given freedom of choice, but if we do not pay attention to disturbing inscriptions, then we will only need to be offended by ourselves. Sin is a violation of very subtle and strict laws of spiritual nature, and it harms, first of all, the sinner himself. And in the case of passions, the harm from sin intensifies many times over, for sin becomes permanent, takes on the character of a chronic illness.

The word passion has two meanings.

First, as he says Reverend John Ladder, “passion is already called the vice itself, which from a long time has nested in the soul and through skill has become, as it were, its natural property, so that the soul already voluntarily and by itself strives for it” (Ladder. 15: 75). That is, passion is already something more than sin, it is sinful dependence, slavery to a certain type of vice.

Secondly, the word "passion" is a name that unites a whole group of sins. For example, in the book “Eight Major Passions with Their Subdivisions and Branches,” compiled by St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov), eight passions are listed, and after each there is a whole list of sins united by this passion. For example, anger: irascibility, acceptance of angry thoughts, dreaming of anger and revenge, indignation of the heart with rage, clouding of his mind, incessant screaming, argument, swear words, stress, pushing, murder, memory of malice, hatred, enmity, revenge, slander, condemnation, indignation and resentment of one's neighbor .

Most of the holy fathers speak of the eight passions:

1. gluttony,
2. fornication,
3. love of money,
4. anger,
5. sadness,
6. despondency,
7. vanity,
8. pride.

Some, speaking of passions, combine sadness and despondency. In fact, these are somewhat different passions, but we will talk about this below.

Sometimes the eight passions are called deadly sins . Passions have such a name because they can (if they completely take over a person) disrupt spiritual life, deprive them of salvation and lead to eternal death. According to the holy fathers, behind every passion there is a certain demon, dependence on which makes a person a prisoner of a certain vice. This teaching is rooted in the Gospel: “When an unclean spirit goes out of a person, he walks through dry places, looking for rest, and not finding it, he says: I will return to my house from whence I came out, and when I come, I find it swept and cleaned; then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more evil than himself, and having entered, they dwell there, and the last for that man is worse than the first” (Luke 11:24-26).

Western theologians, such as Thomas Aquinas, usually write about the seven passions. In the West, in general, the number "seven" is of particular importance.

Passions are a perversion of natural human properties and needs. In human nature there is a need for food and drink, a desire for procreation. Anger can be righteous (for example, to the enemies of the faith and the Fatherland), or it can lead to murder. Thrift can be reborn into avarice. We mourn the loss of loved ones, but this should not grow into despair. Purposefulness, perseverance should not lead to pride.

One Western theologian gives a very good example. He compares passion to a dog. It's very good when the dog sits on a chain and guards our house, but it's a disaster when he climbed on the table with his paws and devoured our dinner.

Saint John Cassian the Roman says that the passions are divided into sincere, that is, coming from spiritual inclinations, for example: anger, despondency, pride, etc. They feed the soul. And bodily: they are born in the body and nourish the body. But since man is soul-bodily, the passions destroy both the soul and the body.

The same saint writes that the first six passions seem to come from one another, and "the excess of the previous gives rise to the next." For example, from excessive gluttony comes prodigal passion. From fornication - love of money, from love of money - anger, from anger - sadness, from sadness - despondency. And each of them is treated by expelling the previous one. For example, to conquer prodigal passion, you need to bind gluttony. To overcome sadness, one must suppress anger, and so on.

Vanity and pride stand out in particular. But they are also interconnected. Vanity gives rise to pride, and pride must be fought by defeating vanity. The Holy Fathers say that some passions are committed by the body, but they are all born in the soul, they come out of a person’s heart, as the Gospel tells us: “Evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies come from the heart of a person. » (Matthew 15:18-20). The worst thing is that passions do not disappear with the death of the body. And the body, as an instrument with which a person most often commits a sin, dies, disappears. And the inability to satisfy one's passions is what will torment and burn a person after death.

And the holy fathers say that there passions will torment a person much more than on earth - without sleep and rest, they will burn like fire. And not only bodily passions will torment people, not finding satisfaction, like fornication or drunkenness, but also spiritual ones: pride, vanity, anger; because there, too, will not be able to satisfy them. And the main thing is that a person will also not be able to fight with passions; this is possible only on earth, because earthly life given for repentance and correction.

Truly what and whom a person served in earthly life, so he will be in eternity. If he serves his passions and the devil, he will remain with them. For example, for a drug addict, hell will be an endless, never-ending "withdrawal", for an alcoholic - an eternal hangover, etc. But if a person served God, was with Him on earth, he can hope that he will be with Him there too.

Earthly life is given to us as a preparation for eternity, and here on earth we determine what about for us it is more important that about is the meaning and joy of our life - the satisfaction of passions or life with God. Paradise is a place of the special presence of God, an eternal feeling of God, and God does not place anyone there by force.

Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin gives one example - an analogy that makes it possible to understand this: “On the second day of Easter 1990, Vladyka Alexander of Kostroma served the first service since the time of persecution in the Ipatiev Monastery. Until the last moment, it was not clear whether the service would take place - such was the resistance of museum workers ...

When Vladyka entered the temple, the museum workers, led by the director, stood in the porch with angry faces, some with tears in their eyes: “Priests are defiling the temple of art…” procession I was holding a cup of holy water. And suddenly Vladyka said to me: “Let's go to the museum, let's go to their offices!”. Come in. Vladyka says loudly: “Christ is Risen!” - and sprinkles museum workers with holy water. In response, faces twisted with anger. Probably, in the same way, the theomachists, having crossed the line of eternity, will themselves refuse to enter paradise - it will be unbearably bad for them there.

We hope you enjoyed reading the article about mortal sins in Orthodoxy: a list in order and the commandments of God. Stay with us on the portal of communication and self-improvement and read other useful and interesting materials on this topic! The source of information for the article is taken from

Destroyed city after the war, the bodies of dead soldiers scattered everywhere. The old knight asks the young soldier to help him, during the conversation it turns out that all the soldiers were killed at once, and the killers are a certain group of criminals known as the seven deadly sins. At the top of the hill there is a drinking house, where its owner is a young guy. In fact, this is the most dangerous criminal - Meliodas. The bar was opened with the aim of bringing his entire team together. At this time, a knight in rusty armor, a wanted princess, bursts into the drinking room. A detachment of knights led by one of the holy knights comes to her soul. During the fight with Meliodas, he remembers him and is surprised that he is still young. After the victory, Meliodas promises to help Princess Elizabeth and rebel against the tyranny of the Order of Holy Knights.

Meliodas arrives with Princess Elisabeth in the village of Bernia, famous for its beer. However, one of the holy knights plunged his sword into the ground and stopped the flow of the river, the bed dried up, and eventually the production of beer became impossible. Ordinary people tried to pull out the sword, but could not, and even the soldiers who arrived on the orders of my lord (holy knight) ordered to pull out the sword in the evening, otherwise they would increase taxes 20 times. Meliodas helps to pull out the sword, in retaliation for this, the holy knight throws a spear at the village, trying to destroy it. But main character catches the spear and returns the "gift". From conversations local residents Elizabeth learns about in a certain sleepy forest, which even the holy knights bypass. A team of heroes is heading there, perhaps they will meet one of the seven deadly sins.

Meliodas is heading to the forest of white dreams with Princess Elizabeth. Being a shrewd warrior, he removes the underwear from the princess, who noticed something was wrong too late. They are surrounded by forest trolls who mimic them by taking on the appearance of the main characters. Meliodas asks the girl to jump, she refuses in embarrassment, but the trolls jumped and got in the same second with a sword on the sides. In the depths of the forest more often they meet one of the seven deadly sins - Diana. Later, they are overtaken by a holy knight who tries to kill them. Meliodas pretends to be wounded in order to find out from the knight where the other deadly sins are and receives information about finding the sin of greed and laziness.

Meliodas lost consciousness due to injuries sustained in battle. Worried, the comrades went to the nearest town to find a doctor, but fell into a trap set up by agents of the holy knights. The doctor was at one with the order and made Meliodas drunk with poison. At this time, the city was attacked by one of the fangs of fate - Frisha, the lord of beetles. The sin of envy - Diana crushed the cloud of bugs effortlessly and entered into battle with this queen of insects. At this very time, Ban, known as the sin of greed, having heard a conversation about Meliodas, pulled out the pins with which he was chained from his body and left the walls of the dungeon. All his wounds healed instantly, but there is only one scar on his neck, once left by Meliodas.

The Bible is a truly wise book that can give advice in any life situation. Heroes and villains, vices and virtues - all this is mentioned on its pages. It is worth noting that the Bible does not just give instructions on what to do and what not to do - it always tries to explain everything and convey the meaning to people in the most obvious way. In addition to the Bible, it is customary to refer to the Holy Christian texts the works of famous figures in this area, since it is believed that they wrote on behalf of the Lord.

Painted in great detail. They differ from each other in many ways: the degree of severity, the possibility of redemption, and so on. Talking about what sins are, Special attention it is worth giving seven Many have heard about them, however, not all of them know exactly which sins are included in this list and how they differ from all the others.

What are the seven deadly sins

They are called mortals not by chance, since in Christianity there is an opinion that it is these sins that can lead the soul to death. It is worth noting right away that, contrary to popular belief, the seven deadly sins are not described in the Bible, and their concept appeared much later than it is believed that the works of a monk named Eugarius of Pontus, who compiled a list of eight human vices, became the basis for them. Toward the end of the sixth century, Gregory I the Great reduced this list, and only seven deadly sins remained in it.

Do not think that the sins that will be described below are the most terrible in Christianity. The fact is, they are not those that cannot be redeemed, but simply can lead to the fact that a person will become much worse on his own. You can live your life without breaking any of the Ten Commandments, but you can't live your life without breaking the seven deadly sins (or at least some). The seven deadly sins are what nature has laid in us. Perhaps, under certain circumstances, this helped a person to survive, but it is still believed that these “sins” cannot lead to anything good.

Seven deadly sins

  1. Greed. People very often try to get it without even thinking about why they need it at all. All life turns into a constant accumulation of property, jewelry, money. Greedy people always want more than they have. Measures they do not know, and do not want to know.
  2. Laziness. A person who gets tired of constant failure may simply stop striving for anything. Over time, he begins to be satisfied with a life in which nothing happens, there is no hassle and fuss. Laziness attacks quickly and ruthlessly, succumbing to it just once, you can forever lose yourself and your personality.
  3. Pride. Many people do something not because it is really necessary, but only because it will help them rise above others. Universal admiration kindles in them a fire that burns everything better feelings that are stored in the soul. Over time, such a person begins to think only about himself.
  4. Lust. The instinct of reproduction is inherent in each of us, but there are people who cannot saturate with sex. Sex for them is a way of life, and in their thoughts there is only lust. Everyone is dependent on it to one degree or another, but its abuse has not yet brought anyone to good.
  5. Envy. It very often becomes the cause of quarrels or even crimes. Not everyone is able to normally perceive the fact that his friends and relatives live better than himself. History knows many cases when envy made people even commit murders.
  6. Gluttony. Isn't it nice to look at a person who knows nothing better than to eat delicious food? Food is needed in order to live and do something good and meaningful in this life. However, gluttons believe that this life is needed in order to be able to eat.
  7. Anger. You need to be able to control your emotions. Of course, chopping from the shoulder is easy, but the consequences can be irreversible.

At one stage or another in life, almost all people commit at least some of these sins. And it is very important to stop in time, take a critical look at your life, so as not to waste it and try to become cleaner and better.

No one will question the wisdom of a book like the Bible, in which one can find good advice suitable for almost any life situation. Its pages mention heroes and villains, vices and virtues. Note that the Bible always tries to explain the essence of its teaching and show it in a visual way, using stories, and not just indicating what to do. The sacred Christian texts include the works of famous figures in the field of religion, since they were considered the voice of God on Earth. In Christianity, the 7 deadly sins are painted in great detail.

History of the list of seven sins

Mortal sins in Orthodoxy differ from each other in severity, the possibility of expiating them. Speaking of sins, special attention should be paid to the seven deadly sins. Many have heard about them, but not everyone knows what sins are included in this list and their difference. Sins were called mortal for a reason, because in Christianity it is believed that these sins are subject to lead the soul of a person to death. Note that the seven sins, although the general opinion is sure of this, are not described in the Bible, because their concept appeared later than the Holy Letter itself. It is believed that the works of a monk, whose name was Eugarius of Pontus, served as the basis. He made a list of eight human vices. At the end of the 6th century, Pope Gregory I the Great reduced it to seven positions.

If you have a car, but you urgently need money, the car remains with you, which is very convenient.

Why are sins called mortal

Of course, these sins are not so terrible, according to theologians. They are not those that cannot be redeemed, just their presence can lead a person to become worse. If you try hard, you can live your life so as not to violate a single commandment out of ten, but it is impossible to live in such a way as not to sin with one of the seven sins.

In fact, seven sins were laid in us by Mother Nature. Under certain circumstances, a person could survive by going against the teachings about these sins, but despite this, it is believed that this cannot produce good results.

If you have not heard anything about what the 7 deadly sins mean, the list with short explanations below will help to clarify this issue.

So, the seven deadly sins:

  • People tend to desire wealth, try to get material values. At the same time, they do not even think about whether they need them at all. The whole life of these unfortunates turns into a blind hoarding of jewels, money, property. At the same time, such people try to get more than they have, not knowing the measure, not even wanting to know it. The name of this sin is greed.
  • If a person is constantly haunted by many failures, he simply stops striving for everything. Over time, the life that he drags out begins to suit him, nothing happens in it, but there is no fuss or hassle either. This sin is LAZINESS, it attacks ruthlessly and quickly, and if a person does not have enough strength to suppress it once, then the loss of personality is guaranteed.
  • It is common for many to do things in an attempt to become superior to others. Most often, all the committed actions are precisely for this purpose that they need. They begin to be admired in society, and people subject to the sin of arrogance, a fire begins to emerge that burns all the best feelings stored in the soul. Time passes, and a person thinks only of himself beloved.
  • Of course, the instinct of reproduction was inherent in every person. But there are those who cannot get enough of sex, which has become a way of life for them. In their thoughts, they develop only LUSH, which is included in the 7 deadly sins. Everyone is addicted to sex in their own way, but its abuse did not lead to good.
  • ENVY is not always white. Often it becomes a reason for the escalation of quarrels and the commission of crimes. Not everyone can easily perceive the fact that his relatives, relatives, friends were able to create for themselves Better conditions for life. There are many examples in history when envy became the reason for murder.
  • A person who overeats from the belly does not cause pleasant emotions. Food is needed to sustain life, to be able to do something meaningful and beautiful. But people who are subject to the sin of gluttony believe that they came into the world precisely in order to eat.
  • The last sin can be called ANGER. How often do we hold back when emotions run high? First, we cut from the shoulder, and then we only observe the irreversibility of the consequences.

People tend to do listed sins Since each stage of life throws up new experiences and problems, a person is faced with the sweetness of victories and the bitterness of defeat, thereby either ascending to his own Olympus, or falling into the abyss of despair. When on life path it happens to meet with some kind of sin, it is worth stopping and thinking, taking a critical look at your life and trying to become better, cleanse yourself.

Periodically wonders how many of them, mortal sins. Are failures in life or dissatisfaction with it related to the fact that out of ignorance something is violated daily? Isn't every day another stepping stone to hell, if it exists?

It is not so important what pushes people to such thoughts. It is important that for many these questions begin new life, in which other priorities appear, much more significant than the pursuit of wealth or petty bourgeois concerns.

How many sins?

Commandments of God - 10. Deadly sins in Christianity - 7. Regardless of denomination, these figures are the same for all believing Christians. The new parishioners of churches, who do not understand these subtleties, grew up outside Orthodox traditions, often confuse the commandments, namely their violation, with a list of mortal sins.

Of course, there is nothing good in breaking the commandments, each of the 10. Deadly sins, the list of existing such violations, however, will not increase.

What's the Difference?

The commandments of God are rules for human life, a kind of guidance. We can say that this is a list of tips on how to be guided in everyday actions, in your own thoughts and desires.

Violation of the commandments, of course, is a sin, any of the 10 deadly sins according to the Bible, this list will not be affected in any way. The concept of mortal sin and breaking the covenants of the Lord are completely different things.

Mortal sin is not at all the reverse side of the commandments, but the trap of the devil. That is, this is a list of temptations with which Satan catches human souls. The seven deadly sins also have antipodes, opposed to them in Christianity by virtues, in a similar amount.

What is a mortal sin?

The commandments are not mortal sins and there are 10 of them, mortal sins in Orthodoxy, the list looks the same as in any other Christian denomination.

The deadly sins are:

  • greed;
  • pride;
  • anger;
  • envy;
  • lust;
  • despondency;
  • gluttony.

It is generally accepted that the more and longer a person indulges in any of the mortal sins, the deeper he gets bogged down in that web of a trap net that the devil weaves around the soul. That is, committing any of the mortal sins is a direct path to the death of the soul.

About greed

Often people understand greed as the desire for material wealth. But the desire to live well, in prosperity and comfort, is not at all greed in any way. Orthodox culture nor in any other Christian denomination.

Greed should not be understood as the very fact of chasing the “golden calf”. Not excessive, because along with the level of well-being, the level of expenses always grows. Greed is a preference for material values ​​over spiritual ones. That is, the desire to get rich, going to the detriment of one's own spiritual development.

About pride

In understanding pride, they are mistaken just as often as they take the violation of God's commandments, of which there are 10, for mortal sins. The list of mortal sins does not include a sense of confidence. Self-confidence is what the Lord gives, for which many people pray. On the contrary, the lack of faith in oneself is often condemned by the church.

Pride - the perception of oneself above the Lord. The absence of such feelings as gratitude to God for everything that he has given in life, humility and patience. For example, a person’s confidence that he has achieved everything in his own life on his own, without the help and participation of the Lord, is pride. And faith in own forces, that everything planned will turn out, has nothing to do with pride.

About anger

Anger is not only outbursts of rage. Anger is a much broader concept. Of course, this emotion is the opposite of love, but as a mortal sin, anger is not a momentary feeling at all.

A mortal sin is considered to be a destructive principle constantly splashed out by a person into life. That is, the synonym for the word "anger" in this case is "destruction". The sin of anger can be different. It is not at all necessary to unleash world wars. Mortal transgression is manifested in daily domestic violence in families, both physical and psychological. Anger is what makes the child's character break and force him to realize his own dreams and ideas.

There are a lot of examples of this sin around every person. Anger has become so firmly established in human everyday life that almost no one notices it.

About envy

Envy, like anger, should be understood more broadly than the desire to get a car like a neighbor, or a better dress than a girlfriend. Between envy and the desire to live no worse than other people, the line is quite thin.

Envy should be understood not as the desire to get something specific, for example, shoes, like the boss, but the constant stay of the soul in this state. The similarity of envy with anger is that both of these states are destructive. Only anger is directed at the world, other people suffer from its presence, and envy “looks” inside a person, its action harms the one who indulges in this sin.

About lust

Lust is misinterpreted just as often as the violation of God's commandments, of which there are 10, are mistaken for mortal sins. The list of mortal sins was not added to the covenant “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife,” lust has a completely different meaning. This term should be understood as receiving excessive pleasure, which becomes the end in itself of all human life.

It can be almost anything - racing on mopeds, endless moralizing, physical satisfaction, enjoying the intoxication of one's own "little power", expressed in nit-picking others.

Lust as a mortal sin is not at all a sexual attraction to anyone, including oneself. This is the feeling that a person experiences when enjoying. But only in the event that this emotion becomes sinful, when the desire to re-experience it overrides everything else. That is, if the process of satisfaction becomes more important than anything in the world, then this is lust. And it does not matter what exactly this satisfaction brings.

About despondency

By despondency, one should understand not so much a depressive state as laziness, no matter how strange it may sound. Depression, a gloomy mood, lack of joy, and so on are diseases that should be treated by doctors of relevant specializations.

Despondency as a mortal sin is the absence of a person's work on his own spiritual development and physical condition. Under the physical condition, one does not need to understand the strength of the muscles or the beauty of the forms. Work on your own body is much broader than caring about appearance, on the one hand, and on the other, it lies in ordinary banalities. That is, neat appearance, clean clothes, washed hair and brushed teeth - this is also physical work on oneself. A person who is too lazy to wash or wash clothes commits a mortal sin.

As for spiritual work, it is much broader than going to religious services. This concept includes, first of all, the development of a person as a person. That is, constant learning something, getting to know new things and sharing your own knowledge and experience with others. Learning does not need to be understood as attending any courses, although, of course, this is not forbidden. Nevertheless, you can learn from the people around you, and even from nature. Absolutely everything that surrounds a person can serve his development. This is how God created the world.

The learning process is rather a development, self-improvement. It includes overcoming pernicious passions, and self-discipline, and much more. That is, despondency is laziness in all its variations, manifested both in worldly existence and in the state of the soul and intellect.

About gluttony

Gluttony is not always perceived correctly, especially by those who take for mortal sins the violation of God's commandments, of which there are 10. The list of deadly sins mentions the term "gluttony" not as a synonym for the word "gluttony".

Gluttony should be understood as excessive consumption in absolutely everything. In fact, the entire modern society, which is an era of consumer culture, is built precisely on this mortal sin.

AT modern life this sin may look like this. A person has a good serviceable smartphone that works flawlessly and meets all the needs and needs of the owner. However, a person acquires a new one, the one that he saw in the advertisement. He does this not because of the need for the thing, but only because it is new model. Often at the same time mired in debt obligations. Some time passes, and the person again acquires a smartphone, again only because this one is newer.

As a result, an endless chain of consumption of the superfluous and unnecessary is formed. After all, smartphones are the same, the only difference is when they began to be advertised and in other minor points. And what a person does with them is unchanged. On all new ones, he uses the same programs as on his first. The result of actions on all purchased smartphones also does not differ from what happened on the first gadget. That is, a person has a large number of identical smartphones, but he only needs one.

This is excessive consumption or gluttony, from which the commandments do not warn, all 10. In Orthodoxy, gluttony actually tops the list of mortal sins, since it is now not just a misconduct, but the basis modern device society.

However, it is important not to confuse overconsumption with the presence of a large number of things. No need to go to extremes. If a person has 10 pairs of winter shoes and he wears all available boots and boots, then this is not at all a sign of gluttony.

Of course, overeating is included in the concept of gluttony, about which the commandments once given to Moses are completely silent, all 10. The list of mortal sins in Orthodoxy according to the Bible was once supplemented by this quality of human nature precisely on the basis of a tendency to overeat. However, the understanding of the word "gluttony" is not limited to the size of the portion on the plate, it is much broader.

Were there always 7?

If since the time of the Testament there were 10 commandments, according to the Bible, there were a different number of mortal sins. For the first time in a single list of pernicious human vices, an ascetic and theologian, whose name was Evgrafiy Pontius, designed. It happened in the 4th century.

Based on his observations of the life and nature of man, comparing pernicious passions with the precepts, of which there are 10, the theologian identified 8 mortal sins. A little later, the theological version of the vision of human vices was finalized by the clergyman John Cassian. It was this number of sins that existed in the religious canons until 590.

Pope Gregory the Great made some adjustments to the list of the main vices inherent in people and leading the soul to death, and there were 7 sins. It is in this number that they are represented today in each of the Christian denominations.
