Why do sawdust dream in a dream - interpretation by day of the week. Sawdust: why dream Musical instruments and why they dream

  • A dream in which you see mountains of sawdust means that later repentance for mistakes will not help you return the family happiness that you destroyed with your own hands, or rather with your tongue.
  • The sawdust-covered land under the goats, on which they cut firewood, portends a meager salary at work that will not require any effort on your part, except to come to your workplace on time and be noted in the parish register.
  • Metal filings from a piece of iron being processed or some part are a sign of a difficult task that will face you in the near future and require immediate resolution.

Eastern female dream book

  • Why sawdust is dreaming: Wood sawdust - If you dream of sawdust, this means that unfortunate mistakes will cause discord in your home. Wallowing in them - to a long life, good health.

Women's dream book

  • Why do you dream of Sawdust in a dream book: Wood sawdust - If you dreamed of sawdust - in reality you will make a mistake that will lead to discord in your family, as the dream book predictor reports.

Autumn dream book

  • Why dream of Sawdust from a dream book: Sawdust - Seeing mountains of sawdust at a woodworking plant - to purchase furniture.

Spring dream book

  • Why dream of Sawdust from a dream book: Sawdust - Almost nothing will remain of your former prosperous life and there will be little money.

Summer dream book

  • Why dream of Sawdust from a dream book: Sawdust - Scattering sawdust on the floor - to repair an apartment.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • Dream Interpretation: Sawdust Dream Interpretation Sawdust - Seeing in a dream a lot of clean sawdust that carpets the entire floor with a carpet is a sign that soon your children will give you unpleasant chores. Most likely, they hide from you the true state of their affairs. Cheating can be about school (if your children are not old enough yet) or personal relationships with someone (if the children have already crossed the threshold of adolescence). Naturally, such a dream is a serious cause for concern. Strain all your strength and do not give vent to emotions: approach the issue tactfully and just learn everything you need from the children. Dirty, damp sawdust is a symbol of imminent disappointment that will be associated with someone from your environment. Collecting or sweeping sawdust in a dream - you will witness some not entirely decent act or behavior of one of your colleagues, but you will be forbidden to report this. Sprinkle sawdust on some surface to reduce noise or make this very surface less wet or slippery - soon you will hear something amazing about your friend. However, later you will realize that what he did was the only possible one. Walking on sawdust - you do not allow yourself to delve into the essence of events, because you are afraid to find out what you will not like. Fight this, otherwise you will deprive yourself of the opportunity to understand the full depth of what is happening not only around, but also inside you, this is how this dream is interpreted in the dream book.

Miller's dream book

  • Why dream of Sawdust in a dream: Wood sawdust - If you dream of sawdust, this means that unfortunate mistakes will cause discord in your home.

See interpretation: wood

Dreaming of sawdust - to discord in the house, which can be caused by trifling mistakes.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if sawdust is dreaming?

Seeing sawdust in a dream- a prediction that sad mistakes will cause your sorrows and family quarrels.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Sawdust - you need to forget about the past and start living in the present.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did Sawdust dream about in a dream?

If you dream of sawdust

wallow in them- to a long life, good health.

Dream Interpretation Longo

To dream of a lot of clean sawdust that carpets the entire floor- a sign that soon your children will give you unpleasant chores. Most likely, they hide from you the true state of their affairs. Cheating can be about school (if your children are not old enough yet) or personal relationships with someone (if the children have already crossed the threshold of adolescence). Naturally, such a dream is a serious cause for concern. Strain all your strength and do not give vent to emotions: approach the issue tactfully and just learn everything you need from the children.

Dirty, damp sawdust- a symbol of imminent disappointment that will be associated with someone from your environment.

Collect or sweep sawdust in a dream- you will witness some not entirely decent act or behavior of one of your colleagues, but you will be forbidden to report it.

Sprinkle sawdust on a surface to reduce noise or make that same surface less wet or slippery- soon you will hear something amazing about your friend. However, later you will realize that what he did was the only possible one.

Walk on sawdust- you do not allow yourself to delve into the essence of events, because you are afraid to find out something that you will not like. Fight it, otherwise you will deprive yourself of the opportunity to understand the full depth of what is happening not only around, but also inside you.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Sawdust - the mistake made will become the cause of family disagreements, try, if not to avoid it, then at least quickly correct it.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Sawdust in a dream means that your energy is uselessly spent on solving some minor problems. Often such a dream portends a quarrel.

wood sawdust- usually symbolize problems in the house, iron - painful conflicts on business grounds or in public life.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

See mountains of sawdust at a woodworking plant- to purchase furniture.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Scatter sawdust on the floor- to repair the apartment.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Sawdust - there will be almost nothing left of your former prosperous life and there will be little money.

Miller's dream book

If you dream of sawdust- this means that woeful mistakes will cause discord in your home.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see sawdust in a dream?

A dream in which you see mountains of sawdust- means that later remorse for mistakes will not help you return the family happiness that you destroyed with your own hands, or rather with your tongue.

Why dream of sawdust? This is a subconscious signal that it is necessary to forget about the past and immediately begin to live in a new way. The dream interpretation suggests considering the image, taking into account their quality and what you personally did in a dream.

"Saw" will be you!

Dreamed of firewood prepared for further sawing? The dream interpretation is sure that you are an extremely organized and decent person.

To dream of goats sawing firewood means that the planned transaction will be successful. If someone is engaged in sawing, then you have to communicate with an annoying and boring person.

The dream book is sure that you will earn honor and respect if you dreamed that you personally sawed firewood in a dream. This is also a sign that quarrels with a soul mate are coming in reality due to suspicions of infidelity.

According to Miller

Why dream of sawdust? Miller's dream book claims that your reckless actions will be the cause of a family quarrel.

Conflict sign

In general, sawdust most often warns of upcoming scandals in the family.

If in a dream I happened to see iron shavings, then conflicts are promised in business life. In addition, iron waste symbolizes an intractable problem.

Everything can be fixed!

Why else dream of sawdust? The dream book believes that the interpretation of sleep depends on their type and condition.

So dirty and damp warn of disappointment. Clean and dry promise troubles associated with children.

Especially small chips call for austerity, and large, heaped sawdust, according to the dream book, assures that you can correct your own mistakes and blunders.

Who will help you?

If you dreamed of a sawmill, then soon you will buy furniture or purchase real estate.

For a man, a sawmill in a dream means that he will become the head of a large enterprise and this will bring substantial income. If a woman had a chance to see such a vision, then those around her respect and listen to advice.

Any sawmill in a dream is a sign of the location of a certain person. And its influence can be judged by the scope of production.

Forget the past!

Why dream of sawdust most often? To understand this, you need to remember all your actions with them. So scatter wood shavings on the floor of the apartment - for a quick repair.

If it happened to remove sawdust, then the dream book is sure that you will become a participant in a not particularly pleasant incident at work.

Sweeping or removing sawdust literally means that it's time to start a new life, discarding past grievances and difficulties.

Interpretation by actions

It is even better to understand what sawdust is dreaming of, deciphering specific actions will help.

  • Burn - to break the old relationship.
  • Wear - to boring and uninteresting work.
  • Wallowing in them - to excellent well-being and longevity.
  • Buy - to empty endless conversations.
  • Selling - to a quarrel with a stranger.

Don't be afraid to know!

If in a dream it happened to walk on sawdust, then the dream book thinks that in reality you are afraid to find out something that can be very upsetting. You need to come to terms with these feelings, otherwise you will never know the truth.

sawdust in Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo:

  • Seeing in a dream a lot of clean sawdust that covers the entire floor with a carpet is a sign that your children will soon give you unpleasant chores. Most likely, they hide from you the true state of their affairs. Cheating can be about school (if your children are not old enough yet) or personal relationships with someone (if the children have already crossed the threshold of adolescence). Naturally, such a dream is a serious cause for concern. Strain all your strength and do not give vent to emotions: approach the issue tactfully and just learn everything you need from the children. Dirty, damp sawdust is a symbol of imminent disappointment that will be associated with someone from your environment. Collecting or sweeping sawdust in a dream - you will witness some not entirely decent act or behavior of one of your colleagues, but you will be forbidden to report this. Sprinkle sawdust on some surface to reduce noise or make this very surface less wet or slippery - soon you will hear something amazing about your friend. However, later you will realize that what he did was the only possible one. Walking on sawdust - you do not allow yourself to delve into the essence of events, because you are afraid to find out what you will not like. Fight it, otherwise you will deprive yourself of the opportunity to understand the full depth of what is happening not only around, but also inside you.
  • Interpretation in Miller's dream book sleep sawdust:

  • If you dream of sawdust, this means that unfortunate mistakes will cause discord in your home.
  • The organ is a symbol of a person’s spiritual powers. To listen to it is the satisfaction of secret desires / there will be a very strong and stormy feeling, the rise of spiritual forces, their harmonious merging with life. The harp is a symbol of affection, romantically inaccessible, unattainable beauty, elevated above everyday life. Take it, to play on it - a feast with the enemy / fun in the house. To hear its sounds - to receive help, support, but the desired will remain unattained. The violin is a symbol of lyrical memories, a symbol of that in a person that is connected with his former existence. To play on it - you will win the right heart. It’s bad to play on it - to be ridiculed. To hear it is to remember the past in time. Guitar, to hear it or play it - to grieve about what was in your hands, but you didn’t take the opportunity. Guitar and violin - symbolize in dreams a woman, a female body and the desires caused by it. To see the strings - a new impulse that has arisen in you requires strength and energy. They ring by themselves - a heavy longing for the past. A piano to see is a joy. to listen - to run into the world of dreams. To hear from afar is slander. To see a pipe, to blow it - labors and troubles. In a field or in a forest - to anxiety. Not to work, but to play the pipe, musical instruments - good views for the future / warning against excessive chatter. To hear fanfare is a warning that there is need and anxiety. To see or listen to a flute is for a woman: to command a man, hold him in his hands, get married; to a man: unfavorably, to be in someone's hands / gossip. Play on her - a woman - for a love adventure; for a man - a trap. In a whistle, whistling a child's pipe - need, a decrease in income. To see a tambourine - someone wants to force you to act against your will. To beat him - to be ridiculous; make a lot of noise because of trifles / you have to go through a fright. They beat him in the house - misfortune from fire.

    Modern Dream Interpretation

    Seeing musical instruments in a dream is a long-planned entertainment. Broken instruments indicate that your pleasure will be spoiled by the appearance of intruders. For a young woman, such a dream portends the opportunity to make her life the way she wants to see it.

    To see a guitar hanging on the wall in a dream is a pleasure, to play it means to find out interesting news in reality, to hear it means to grieve about what was in your hands, but you did not take the opportunity. Buying a guitar in a dream is a sign that you have to make a choice. An electric guitar in a dream is a harbinger of your desire to find a common language with those who are unpleasant to you, but very necessary; play on it - make an unfortunate mistake and reveal the secret at the most inopportune moment. Hearing a bass guitar in a dream means that someone is trying to harm you by creating various obstacles in your path.

    Hearing slow pleasant music in a dream - to good health and good luck in business, dissonant dissonant chords - to doing unpleasant things that annoy you, a sad melody - to sad news. Seeing a piano in a dream is a harbinger of some fun event or meeting, playing it is a sign that your undertaking will bear good fruit. If you dreamed of a broken and out of tune piano, it means that in reality you are tormented by the non-recognition of your merits to society. Seeing an old piano in a dream is a sign that your troubles are the result of neglecting good advice.

    For a girl in a dream, learning a complex melody means that one of her friends will show deeper feelings for her than just friendship. If in a dream you see a piano or play it, it means that old friends or former employees will let you know about yourself. In a dream, to hear an organ in a church - to the collapse of the family, a sad chant in a dream, accompanied by an organ - to tedious work, a quarrel with friends. Seeing an accordion in a dream or hearing a game on it is a pleasant pastime, an invitation to a celebration. Hearing a button accordion in a dream - to the appearance of your faithful assistant and friend. Seeing you playing it is a sign that you will please your family with something.

    Hearing an accordion in a dream is for entertainment, getting rid of sad memories. For a young woman to see herself playing the accordion is a harbinger of a meeting with a loved one, an alliance with whom will be happy and long. If the accordion is out of tune, then your close friend may get sick. Seeing yourself or someone playing the cello in a dream is a great joyful event. Seeing a pipe in a dream is good news, it is also a sign that you will have unusual hobbies, blowing a pipe - to fulfill your desires. Seeing a violin in a dream - to a fun pastime, good luck in love, an addition to the family. playing the violin in a dream together with - to render you all honors, alone - a sign that you will find comfort and peace of mind.

    To see a balalaika in a dream - to joy, fun. Hearing praise in a dream about your playing the balalaika means that in reality you will receive an undeserved reprimand. If a string breaks while playing the balalaika, this promises an unexpected change in your plans. Hearing the sound of musical cymbals in a dream - to the illness of an elderly person from your environment. To see a drum in a dream - to benevolent relations with others, for sailors, fishermen and merchants - this is a sign of good luck and prosperity. If the sound of the drum is muffled, it means that one of your friends needs help, loud - a harbinger of happiness, prosperity, a successful career. If in a dream you beat a drum, it means that a guest who has arrived from afar will visit you.

    Musical instruments and what they dream of

    1. Church organ - discord in love relationships or divorce proceedings.
    2. An accordion is a pleasant pastime or an invitation to a celebration.
    3. Accordion - getting rid of sad memories by participating in recreational activities.
    4. The cello is a very joyful event that will happen in the near future.
    5. Pipe - an unusual hobby will appear soon or the worldview will change.
    6. The violin is an addition to the family or a fun pastime.
    7. Balalaika - a joyful mood or events that can change the dreamer's life for the better.
    8. Musical cymbals are a disease of an elderly relative that can unite a family that has been separated until now.
    9. Drum - good relations with the immediate environment.
    10. Dudka - someone is diligently trying to tarnish the dreamer's reputation, but he will not succeed, because the sleeping person's authority is unshakable, and all his secrets and mysteries will never become the property of outsiders.
    11. Flute - you will soon have to prove your innocence in court or stand up for family values ​​or interests.
    12. A small pipe - a quick marriage with a soldier (for women), news of dishonesty (for men).
    13. The harp is a reminder that death is inevitable and that it should always be remembered.
    14. Bagpipes are true friends.
    15. Gong - a possible loss of a thing that is of value to the dreamer.
    16. Lyra - success in the field of poetry or in any other form of art.
    17. Double bass - someone or something that can touch the dreamer's soul, so much so that he will not rest day or night.
    18. Gusli - someone is trying to play the most sensitive instrument - on the nerves. It is better to stop such attempts immediately in order to prevent serious consequences from such a strange game.
    19. Saxophone - soon there will be a person ready to vouch for the dreamer. Perhaps this is due to obtaining a loan from a bank or changing jobs.
    20. Synthesizer - soon you will have to resort to the help of friends, otherwise your plans will never come true.
    21. Oboe - perhaps the dreamer has an artistic talent that is unlikely to ever be revealed.
    22. Trombone - a brilliant victory will be won on the love front.
    23. Maracas - in the house of a person who saw these Cuban rattles in a dream, there will always be peace, happiness and peace. If, by the will of fate, he becomes a businessman, then luck will always accompany him.
    24. Percussion - perhaps soon the dreamer will be betrayed by his closest friend.
    25. Harmonica - primitive, but very pleasant and noisy entertainment.
    26. Domra - in order to achieve success, you will have to work hard, moreover, this work will be hard and not bringing moral satisfaction.
    27. Alt - change for the better.
    28. Cymbals - hard creative work will bring fame. It is also possible that a wish will come true or any undertaking will be successful.
    29. Tambourine - no need to take extra care of your loved one, because this can greatly harm relationships.
    30. Bells - someone diligently spreads gossip. It is imperative to identify this "bell ringer" and call him to a frank conversation before things go too far.
    31. Castanets - rumors spread with incredible speed. It is also possible to have a verbal squabble with relatives, colleagues or neighbors.
    32. Ratchet - there will be communication with a very talkative woman.
    33. Pity - you may soon have to assume the duties of a director.
    34. Timpani - news that can become a sensation.

    The meaning of the dream about Castanets Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong

    Musical instrument - You give a longitudinal flute to another person. - portends fame, glory. You give the man castanets. - portends a squabble. You press a stringed instrument to your chest - There will be support, help from another person. You play the sheng instrument. - portends change. You play the longitudinal flute and beat the drum. - There will be joy, a holiday. Another person is playing musical instruments. - You will be recognized as right in a trial, a lawsuit.

    Music box - A mechanism that produces repetitive music. This image may indicate a mechanism of latent obsession or a manifestation of schizophrenia (see toy).

    Musical equipment - No sound - expectation of change.

    Dream Interpretation

    For example, according to Freud, the vast majority of devices suitable for extracting various sounds symbolize a woman. Musical instruments that have an elongated shape (and mostly wind instruments, such as the clarinet or oboe) are a symbol of the masculine.

    Nevertheless, regardless of whose beginning the musical instrument symbolizes, to see it in a dream means, in reality, to resort to some kind of self-satisfaction. But that's not all

    It is very important what actions a person performs in a dream with a musical instrument: whether he plays it or just walks the streets with it. And if it is unsuitable for extracting sounds, that is, it is inoperative, then such a vision portends a quick separation from a loved one.

    According to other dream books, a broken instrument can portend the arrival of uninvited guests, interrupted pleasures, and a sudden illness. In any case, the exact interpretation of the dream depends on the type of musical instrument. And, as you know, the dreamer can see in night dreams any apparatus for extracting sounds, even the most exotic one. The following is the most complete list of musical instruments, and what their vision in a dream means.

    Freud's dream book

    Most musical instruments imply the feminine. Rare exceptions are wind instruments of an elongated, oblong shape. They symbolize the masculine principle. Often, playing a musical instrument is a sign of self-satisfaction, masturbation. If in a dream you heard a request to play a musical instrument for someone, in reality someone will find you for self-satisfaction.

    The dream in which you are walking, holding your musical instrument with you, is evidence of your hidden tendency to exhibitionism. If a musical instrument broke down while you were playing it, in real life you will be forced to part with your sexual partner. If in a dream you can’t tune the instrument in any way, because of which it makes sounds unpleasant to the ear, in reality you tend to resort to self-satisfaction, since your sexual partner cannot give you pleasure or does not excite you.
