Today more than ever. How to understand where to put commas in a sentence

How do you know where to put commas and where there is no need for it? This punctuation mark is an important means of formalizing written speech. Often it is he who helps to understand the meaning invested by the author in the text. Commas are placed according to certain rules that are easy to remember. So, why not remember your school lessons?

Historical reference

How to figure out where to put commas? People have been asking this question for more than a millennium. The sign that performs the function of a comma was invented by the famous ancient Greek philosopher Aristophanes of Byzantium. This happened back in the third century BC. Even then, humanity desperately needed to clarify written language.

Aristophanes of Byzantium came up with a system of punctuation marks that is very far from modern punctuation. He used special points, which had to be placed depending on how the phrase was pronounced when reading. They could be located at the bottom, middle or top of the line. The function of the comma in those days was assigned to the period in the middle.

The sign that is used today is derived from the fraction symbol. The modern comma is a mini-copy of the one used from the 13th to the 17th centuries to indicate a pause.

How to know where to put commas

So, how to quickly and easily learn the rules and stop making mistakes? How to figure out where to put commas and where they are not needed? To begin with, you should remember that this punctuation mark serves to isolate and highlight:

  • introductory words, clarifications;
  • definitions;
  • interjections;
  • participial and participial phrases;
  • appeals;
  • circumstances.

Of course, that's not all. Punctuation can also be used to separate:

  • homogeneous members of the sentence;
  • between indirect and direct speech;
  • between parts of a complex, compound and complex sentence.

Commas can be single or double. Singles break a sentence into parts, fixing the boundaries of these parts. This punctuation mark is needed, for example, when it is necessary to indicate two simple parts in complex sentence. Paired commas can be used, say, to highlight participial and participial phrases and introductory words.

The meaning of the sentence

The meaning of the sentence will help you understand where to put commas. After all, punctuation marks are used precisely in order to convey it correctly. If a comma is in the wrong place in a sentence, the meaning is inevitably distorted.

For example: “In the afternoon I entertained my sister, who was sick, by reading aloud”; “Elizabeth, with whom I had a fight a few days ago, walked towards me with a cheerful face”; “I gladly accepted the invitation of Anton, whom I had not seen for many days.” Commas are not where they should be or are missing, so the meaning changes. The person who reads the text does not understand what the author wanted to say.

Before unions

To avoid making mistakes, you need to remember the conjunctions that are preceded by this punctuation mark. When, where, what, because, since - just a few of them.

Suppose the sentence uses the conjunction “since.” Where to put commas? Examples help to understand this. Let's say: “Nikolai is delayed because he doesn’t have time to get ready”; “Svetlana will not come because she has urgent matters”; “Ksenia did something she had never done before”; “Vladimir answered in a way that no one before him could. The teacher gave him the highest score.”

Let's say that the sentence contains the conjunction “because”. Where to put commas? It is easy to give examples in this case as well. Let's say: “Alexander was not at the meeting because he is on a business trip”; “Elena failed the task because everyone refused to help her”; “Nicholas refused to marry a rich bride because he didn’t like her at all.” A comma can also be placed between the words “because” and “that.” For example: “The windows were open because voices on the street were clearly audible in the apartment.” This sentence confirms that the windows are indeed open. There is another example: “The windows were open because it was very hot in the apartment.” This sentence explains the reason that prompted them to be opened.

Independent part of a sentence

How do you know where to put commas in a sentence? With the help of this punctuation mark, its independent part is highlighted. How to find her? If the meaning of a sentence is preserved after some part is removed from it, then it is independent. Introductory sentences and adverbial phrases must be separated by commas.

For example: “Yesterday I was told that my brother Dmitry, returning from Paris, felt unwell.” If we delete the adverbial phrase “returning from Paris,” the meaning of the sentence will remain virtually unchanged.

What other example can you give? “Today Stanislav learned that his girlfriend, passing by his house, did not come to visit him.”

Introductory words

Where should commas be placed if there are introductory words in the sentence? By the way, imagine, fortunately, of course, by the way - just some of them. The rules of the Russian language say to highlight them with commas on both sides.

For example: “By the way, I always knew that this would happen”; “Dmitry, fortunately, has already overcome his illness”; “Anastasia, just imagine, decided not to come visit us”; “Marina, by the way, has been training in this sports club for several years now.”


The address is also always separated by commas in the sentence. It is not always located at the beginning; it can be located in the middle or even at the end.

For example: “Are you coming to visit us this week, Lydia?”; “More than anything else, Margarita, I love to read”; “Alexandra, how do you feel about this plan?”

Comparative turnover

Where to put commas? The rules of the Russian language dictate the use of these punctuation marks to highlight comparative phrases. As if, how, precisely, what, than, rather than are conjunctions that make them easy to detect in a sentence.

For example: “I play the guitar better than her”; “He runs like he’s been training for a marathon for the past few years”; “It was safer to travel at night than during the day,” “I often visit Moscow, like many other cities in Russia.”

We must not forget about the existence of exceptions. Comparative phrases are not indicated using commas when we are talking about phraseological units, stable expressions. For example: “Cuts like clockwork”; “It’s pouring like buckets,” “It’s stuck like a bath leaf”; "Make yourself at home".

Between homogeneous members

Homogeneous members of a sentence will not always share this punctuation mark. How do you know where to put commas and where not to? However, but, and, but, yes - conjunctions in which this means of punctuation is necessary.

A comma is placed between homogeneous members, if they are connected by repeated conjunctions (or...or, either...or, and...and, not that...not that). For example: “In the apartment the light went out and then came on again.” This punctuation mark is not needed when using single conjunctions or, either, yes, and.

Complexity can be created by heterogeneous and homogeneous definitions. A comma is used if the sentence contains homogeneous definitions. Let's say: “an exciting, interesting action movie.” However, this punctuation mark is not needed if heterogeneous definitions are used. For example: “a Hollywood thriller.” “Hollywood” refers to the place where it was created, while “spectacular” expresses the impression.


Where is the correct place to put commas when talking about sentences with participial phrases? Participles are indicated by this punctuation mark only in those cases when they are located after the word they are defining. We are talking about a word from which a question is asked in a participial phrase. Let's say: “a brother who was surprised at my arrival,” “a friend who was delighted at the news,” “a mother who found out everything,” “an apple tree that grew in the garden.”

Coordinating Conjunctions

This punctuation mark is necessary in a complex sentence that contains coordinating conjunctions. The rules say to put it in front of them. Yes and, either, and, or, yes are examples of such unions.

The most important thing is to correctly understand where the beginning of one sentence and the end of another are. This is easy to do by identifying the subject and predicate. Separating by meaning will also help.

For example: “It rained all day, and the wind continued to rustle outside the window”; “They worked for a long time, but they finished all the work.”

Opposing alliances

Before contrastive conjunctions (a, yes, but), this punctuation mark is necessary in all cases. For example: “His relatives and friends had high hopes for Evgeniy, but he failed to live up to them”; “It rained in the morning, but by lunchtime the weather improved”; “Your friend wants to talk to you, and you need this conversation.”

What else do you need to know

What else can you tell us about where to put commas in accordance with the rules of the Russian language? Using this punctuation mark, interjections, negative, interrogative and affirmative words are highlighted. Let's say: “Life, alas, does not last forever, sooner or later a person dies,” “Certainly, Alexander will join us for dinner today, since he promised me to do so”; “Isn’t it true that Victoria is very pretty? After all, you like this girl too?”, “Undoubtedly, Anatoly will go to trip around the world this week. I learned about this from him himself,” “I hope Timofey does not harbor a grudge.”

Interjections should not be confused with the particles ah, oh, well, which serve to enhance the connotation. For example: “Oh, what a guy he is!”; “Why is Alexander behaving so badly!”; “Oh, how tired I am, I worked all day today without rest.” It is also necessary to be able to distinguish the particle o, which is used when addressing. Let's say: “Oh mountains, mountains!”; "Oh fields, endless fields."


Punctuation errors can distort the meaning of the text more than spelling errors. The latter can always be passed off as a typo, while missing a comma or using it in the wrong place will not allow the reader to understand what the author wanted to say.

It is understanding the meaning that allows you to place punctuation marks correctly. Of course, it is important to remember the rules regarding the placement of commas in a sentence.

More than ever

sentence member

The words “like never before” are set off by punctuation, usually commas, along with the words that refer to them.

And then // The shutters rattled, // And the city, // Artachas, // Bare, // Without qualities, // And stone, more than ever, // Became myself without shame. B. Pasternak, Men and factory workers. In the morning I walked in the garden, in the field, was in the forest, it seemed to me that I was alone in the whole world, and I thought it was so good like never before in my life. I. Bunin, Easy breathing. Everything was against the people of Zaozerye on that merciless morning: the dryness and heat of many weeks, the state of the deposit and the direction of the wind, air humidity and low like never before ground water level. E. Parnov, The Third Eye of Shiva.

If the words “like never before” are closely related in meaning to the predicate, then commas, as a rule, are not used.

The sun was hotter than ever , but there was a calm at the pond. G. Belykh, A. Panteleev, Republic of ShKID. And like never before it was a shame that his experiments—in fact, nine years of his life—had gone down the drain. V. Bogomolov, The moment of truth. He served like never before. I. Bunin, Sukhodol.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .


See what “like never before” is in other dictionaries:

    more than ever- very, extremely, predominantly, extremely, especially, to the highest degree, marvelously, more than, incredibly, exclusively, especially, especially, as much as possible, as much as possible, to the limit, most of all, especially, most, to insanity...... Synonym dictionary

    More than ever- I adv. qualities circumstances 1. Like at no other time, like under no other circumstances. 2. Used as an inconsistent definition. II adv. qualities quantity More than ever. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    More than ever- Express. 1. Like at no other time, under no other conditions. And don’t lose your vigilance, now you need it more than ever (N. Polikarpov. Hunting on Lebyazhye). 2. To the highest degree. She left, leaving him... Oblomov looked after her and smiled... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    Never say never"- Never Say Never Again ... Wikipedia

    NEVER- NEVER, adv. Not at any time; no way. It's never too late to learn. “I am never averse to innocent pleasures.” Gogol. “Never, never will the Communards be slaves.” song. "Grief never kills." L. Tolstoy. ❖ Like never before... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    never- adv., used max. often 1. If an event never occurs, it means that it does not occur at any time at all. It never snows in Brazil. | She will never forgive me. | I have never seen such a beautiful sunset. 2. If... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    NEVER- NEVER, pronoun. Not at any time, under any circumstances. N. has not been there. N. I won’t believe it. Like never before, like no other time, like no other circumstances. Cheerful as ever. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu.... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    never- Like never before, like no other time, like no other conditions. He was more excited than ever. Chekhov... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    as much as possible- See the exact... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. as adverb as possible, number of synonyms: 15 ... Synonym dictionary

    as much as possible- adverb, number of synonyms: 11 more than (32) to the highest degree (40) to the limit (19) ... Synonym dictionary


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  • How to never get married. Bad advice from the ex-wife of Dmitry Nagiyev, Alisa Sher. The book is distinguished by brilliant irony and subtle humor. In an unusual paradoxical form, maintaining a humorous tone from the first to the last pages, the author touches on serious, eternal...

I apologize for returning to this topic, but we are now trying to understand whether it is worth teaching a 3.5 year old child to read and, if so, by what method. In general, the question is quite specific. I heard the opinion (of a professional preschool development teacher) that early learning to read later causes illiteracy. Actually, I think it (literacy) is important. I remember how at school my friend always wrote correctly (not because she knew the rules), but she had a problem with commas. And I'm fine with commas...


I showed whole words in Russian and English. My son really liked turning over the cards and looking for identical pictures, and then turning them back over. Now I like to put phrases out of these words; I’m absolutely delighted if the phrase is so long that it crawls under the table.

12/29/2002 01:45:46, ALT

>>And how does Zaitsev’s technique relate to literacy in general?>>

Zaitsev’s methodology is directly consistent with literacy. :))) In the sense that the purpose of the methodology is not only to teach reading, but also to lay the foundations of literacy.
Literacy in the applied narrow and broad sense is the goal of N.A.’s methods. Zaitseva. This is, in fact, what the manuals were created for. For those who are older, this is "Russian for everyone", for beginners - cubes, tables, stock pictures.

The visual image of competent writing is constantly reinforced in the process of “writing” on a table and with cubes.
For example, “double” tower cubes reinforce images of the correct spelling “cha-sha”, “chu-schu”, “zhi-shi”, “zhe-she-tse”, etc. It’s simply not possible to write it incorrectly. :) This is impossible, because “cha”, “schu”, “zhy”, etc. do not exist either on the cubes or in the tables.

Visual-graphic images are supported by phonetic ones.
How does learning occur at the initial stage?
We write with a pointer on a table, with cubes (at the Child’s request) different words, while pronouncing them. Moreover, we pronounce it orthographically, i.e. the way they are written: COW, MILK, teddy bear, etc. If there are words that can be checked, we give a MECHANISM for such verification: watermelon - because watermelons, horse - because horses, kitten - because cat (cat), etc.

Without requiring the Child to repeat and, especially, to memorize the “rules” :)), nevertheless, we will definitely see that after a certain time the Child begins to apply this mechanism in practice.

Ranny, does this relate to literacy?
Could this "harm" literacy development?

I ask you these questions because for me they are rhetorical. “My” children have already passed the test of time: many of them are successfully (and not only in terms of literacy) studying in primary and secondary schools.

The next steps are no longer a conventional letter, but a real one. Of course, some mistakes are inevitable in the process of “gaining” experience; this is natural and does not depend on the methodology. :)

There is no need to SPECIALLY teach a 3.5 year old child to READ! When studying according to Zaitsev’s method, we first WRITE, and not read.

Based on many years of practice, I see that the path to reading through writing (on which Zaitsev’s methodology is based) is the only correct one for preschoolers if we (adults) want to relieve the stress that inevitably accompanies the process of learning to read.
WRITING (first on a table, in cubes) is many times (orders of magnitude!!! :)) easier than reading.

It is also important that we always read someone else’s, and write our own. :)))
Frequent and varied operations with correctly written words (and their elements) gradually, easily and painlessly allow you to move directly to reading.

About confession. My children just start studying at 3.5 years old. There are no problems in the “pronunciation-writing-reading” connection.


Let me start with the fact that in the West there is not even such a concept as hyperactivity. That's why we're very fashionable! A particularly great way to make money from this...
A normal child is an active child! Who knows the world, climbs and jumps everywhere!
There are no perfect children and families, we are all wounded. Living conditions, upbringing, morals, education. The main thing is to understand and look for an approach.
I really didn’t like about the relative who came to help. It was written in such a tone, I am ashamed of the author’s morals...
Love your children!

09/06/2017 22:29:55, Psychologist Dasha

How to put commas?

It seems that we can probably assume that, of course, there are undoubtedly a lot of commas, but, of course, according to all the rules, I think.

1. Subject, it does not need to be clarified by a pronoun. 2. Remember that in most cases the connective “about” can be eliminated. 3. Some people began to forget the rules for agreeing on the main parts of a sentence. 4. Possessive pronouns you need to be able to use them correctly depending on their function. 5. If you want to use a verb, then you need to conjugate it correctly, and not as the author wants. 6. You should not try to avoid double negatives. 7. Passive voice usually there should be...


A lot is new, but this is from the old:
9. Regarding unfinished sentences.
14. Place a solid sign where necessary, or at least an apostrophe: the volume of the article still cannot be saved.
15. Not abbreviated!
17. The author must cut down about the article: if you want to speak well, stop using jargon.
18. If incomplete structures are bad.
22. It is in vain to hope that archaisms in literacy will contribute to its understanding.
23. A metaphor is a nail in a shoe, and it’s better to weed it out.
29. Random internal rhyme distracts from understanding the logarithm.
33. The presence of duplicate words in the text, as a rule, indicates inattentive copying.

Well, thank you!

I started a notebook in which I wrote down my thoughts throughout the year. typical mistakes. There were quite a few of them. Before going to the practice test, I carefully looked through the notes. I tried to work on all my weak points. And during the exam, concentrate and be extremely attentive. She carefully copied the assignment from the board and checked every comma. After all, teachers reduce points for incorrectly formatted work. Andrey Skoda, applicant to MSTU. Bauman: - It seems to me that taking rehearsal tests is not as scary as. But it's still very important point in my life. Prepared for exams whole year
: went to courses, studied with a tutor. I tried not to miss...

...The risk is great: they will notice the spur, give it a deuce, and be on their way out. And if you don’t know something, you can count on a C. It is not advisable to leave the audience. But mobile phones and calculators are strictly prohibited in physics.


If I had the opportunity, I would definitely take the trial tests again. Experience is never superfluous....

How to become happy and find yours - advice from a psychologist.

Lives by the formula “Why do I need this?” If you understand this, half the battle is done. When you talk to him, try to present your ideas from the point of view of efficiency, so that he sees benefit and benefit in them.
Less is better. The most important thing to remember when talking to teenagers is to use as few words as possible. Avoid using commas in your sentences and ask questions as little as possible. Short, simple, clear requests work best. The more words in your sentence, the more opportunities he has to start an argument.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't talk to teenagers, but try to choose your moments wisely. You should be like a Buddhist nun - with an emphasis not on the monastic way of life, but on the Buddha...


...The more words in your sentence, the more opportunities he has to start an argument.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't talk to teenagers, but try to choose your moments wisely. You should be like a Buddhist nun - not focusing on the monastic lifestyle, but on the Buddhist approach to the subject of study. A Buddhist will never come to you to preach: he will wait to be called. If you ask, he will gladly tell you whatever you want, but will never impose himself - you must ask first. If you use this approach with your teenage son, your relationship will become much more productive, and he will begin to listen to you. There is no need to lecture him: wait until he asks himself.

....." - this is a reason for conversation. Or it could be worse! One day you may hear: “You are bad, evil! And the nanny is kind, she allows me everything!" This is certainly a reason to part with your “assistant”! Of course, a professionally experienced nanny will not allow such a situation. She will never say: “I’ll tell mom how you behaved, let her she will punish you!" Fear of punishment and especially the expectation of punishment is a difficult test for small child. An experienced person (and a nanny needs to be first and foremost a teacher!) will offer the child to do necessary work to please mom: “Let’s put away the toys (eat all the dinner, draw a picture), mom will come and say: “What a great guy you are!” Yes you...


“Or it could be worse! One day you may hear: “You are bad, evil!” And the nanny is kind, she allows me everything!” This is certainly a reason to part with your “assistant”!” Or maybe this is a reason to think about your behavior and again understand that the nanny is calm, and the mother is irritated.
Perfect Commas. Stories of love


To the previous speaker in favor of the author of the article)
No, well, everything had to be vulgarized.... For some reason, Lately There is a tendency to try themselves as psychologists. Did you ask our opinion? Personally, I absolutely don’t care about your psychoanalysis, the article as an article, I didn’t like it. Why did you have to impose some kind of immoral style of behavior on the author, it seems she didn’t ask you for it. The sermon of an angel performed by Matt Damon to a nun comes to mind, it was not worth repeating dear Ein Gottisches Kritiker.

02/27/2004 23:27:17, Masha

Hmmm.... The heroine is prone to mysticism, loves to describe her glitches at length and in great detail, and paint some nonsense in oil on canvas. How many proletarian guys have you already tired of with your daub, not on topic or in the mood, but why give ultimatums about the fact that the registry office will open now, and you have a couple of hours to change your mind, the person has not yet woken up, and you are already both the canvas and yourself, and a picture, and God forbid he goes crazy and sends it, but no, he didn’t, it’s strange, because behind your back there were 10 such attempts, someone didn’t understand your painting, someone wanted to finish their coffee, and many were simply offended, like ?! To bargain? Either now, or just go to hell? The heroine does not value the feelings of her chosen one... He endured two months and proposed to her, it reached the point of routine and triviality, already over a sandwich, already on the move, maybe still on the tram, or at a stop, the heroine wants suffering, not her own, of course, because the ending of the story, so pathetic, is a harbinger of future morning scandals, they were unable to properly agree on the engagement, then there will be problems with cleaning, with going to the theater, in general people do not feel good about each other, maybe they experience physical attraction, but their dialogue is very rude, Remember at least the first meeting, she wants to chat about life and her favorite books, and he wants to quickly press her chin and move on to intimate details. He wants to get her into bed as quickly as possible, which is quite justified, because this lady, scouring the dusty shelves of bookstores in search of happiness, has what she wants written on her forehead, and not surprisingly, her biological clock is ringing like a huge bell, that it’s time , it’s time... Her moral qualities and principles raise huge doubts. 25 minutes of acquaintance, and she already allows herself to be discussed and even tolerates criticism, she absolutely likes his rude and undisguised hints - he wiped her chin, she couldn’t wipe it herself, no! You had to walk around for five minutes with sugar stuck to your face, causing justifiable condemnation from the honest public. Yes, he felt embarrassed that his companion was Chunya, and he had to wipe his chin. The heroine does not complain at all about her pinched chin, her deepest desire, formed by those unhealthy sexual fantasies in the wilderness of the countryside in the hayloft, because there she not only read books during the day, but also at night kept an eye on the rural youth who indulged in love pleasures after a long and backbreaking day of work, so here she is, just a horny 30 year old. I perfectly understood the author’s claims to a story about aestheticism, to an expert assessment of Remarque’s work, to historical parallels of the beginning of two centuries, but you blurred everything, why quote so abundantly? Why so much mysticism, unclear and foggy allegories? Where is the socio-political analysis of public life? There is only Pat, it is unclear why, neither to the village nor to the city. The heroine will gladly allow herself to be squeezed in the entrance, to get under her skirt, she doesn’t need Remarque, she, having lost all the gifts of her youth, wants a man. So say it, author, loudly and frankly. Why turn healthy sexual desire into sadomasochistic opuses, involving the innocent Remarque with his novels? If he wants a man, let him! No, you're torturing her. This self-torture, when the only barrier to marriage is an unfinished landscape of the moon with honey, makes the reader not cry, but spit. So the author must first decide some things for himself, the image of the heroes requires complete reworking, these characters are contradictory and completely unwilling to live by their logic, overload with aesthetic considerations, extensive quotes from socialist realism, and most importantly, the author’s irrepressible desire to be squeezed where somewhere in the entrance, because the author, alas, too, and this on the surface lacks male affection and frank animal sex, the author, like a heroine, is tired of this romance from books, all this is a product of the perverted logic inherited by these 2 unfortunate and lonely women, a legacy from the Soviet era. You, the author, get yourself a lover, and don't try to do it in bookstores. Stop drawing and reading the Old Testament classics, after work go to a dance hall, communicate, look among people. The classics were not angels... They knew a lot about love, and not at all platonic. So, I’ll say it rudely, get laid, fall in love, have fun, dispel your soviet nonsense, then you’re welcome to share your pens with the public. You understand that pouring out your complexes on paper will not bring you a man. Well, guys don’t meet people in bookstores, well, they don’t want to listen to your daub and nonsense. You need to become a pin-up girl. And don't get angry at beautiful models... Alles gute! The truth is somewhere nearby... And don’t be afraid to step on the throat of your own song, you won’t die from being fucked by a dozen men in a week. Just get to know the taste of life. After all, in a few years you will only have to pick up all sorts of men in bars, and not hope for a couple of cute twins and loving husband. Time is a merciless judge. Yes, and when you have experience, think about whether it’s worth writing more, I think so, next time you’ll just end up with a porno story, alas, you’re not capable of more... It’s a pity, you have talent, not writing, talent skirt lifting! Alles gute!

28.11.2003 10:45:48, Ein Gottisches Kritiker

“At the same time, at present, humanity” needs a comma after “those”?

Is a comma necessary after the word "however"? Well, I don't like her.

In sentences like: “Using a fork as a toy leads to a 4-fold increase in household injuries.” Should there be a comma before "how"? And after "toys"?

just share it. you know, there are some participants here who caused me intuitive rejection or rejection, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that in the current situation they fully showed themselves and my opinion about them, and that’s what I want to ask, tell me, because there are a lot of people here who are trying to comply tolerance, but this is impossible in relation to everyone, you still have to express exactly your position, even if people who express a hostile position dash your quotes friends quotes period...

In order for a person to always have success, joy and happiness in life, he must be guided by the right ideas.

Some important rules, the basis for which is the unyielding commandments:

Rule one. God did not create man for suffering - God’s creation should enjoy life, love and create. Complain less about life, always remember that there are people who live much worse than you.

Rule two. Every person is sent to this Earth for a reason - he must show his divinity and improve in some way the world. God gives man talents, strength and abilities. The gift of God must be used to improve the world around us, as well as to help those who really need your help.

Rule three. Try to fill your life and the lives of your loved ones with love - this will attract favorable circumstances, financial well-being. Conversely, aggression will manifest itself in a constant deterioration in the quality of life.

Rule four. There is absolutely nothing random in life - with our thoughts, words, actions and deeds we shape our current reality and our future. So whether you enjoy it or, on the contrary, only suffer, depends entirely on you.

Rule five. The fifth rule is directly related to the fourth rule: thoughts shape events. Learn to think positively and you will create a reality that pleases you. Conversely, irritability, anger, envy, and pride attract only failures and bad luck.

Rule six. Whatever the circumstances around you, always remain calm, maintain a positive attitude, believe in your strength and in God’s help. And by faith it will be given!

Rule seven. Try to listen to the voice of God - just ask the question you want answered and listen to the voice of your Subconscious.

Rule eight. Every person can be saved with God's help. God is in each of us. Find Him within yourself, and then manifest Him through yourself in your environment.

Rule nine. No matter how bad the wrongdoing, the Lord still loves each of us. The Bible says: “Seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.” However, remember: the Lord always gives what you need at the moment.

Rule ten. One of the main divine laws is the “law of similars”: if you do not love yourself, then those around you will not love you either. “With the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.” How you treat others is how others will treat you.

Rule eleven. The cause of a person's troubles lies not in other people, but in himself. Information of a destructive nature poisons our lives and prevents us from being happy.

Rule twelve. Absolutely everything already exists inside a person: power, fame, honor, and money. The task is to release all the benefits into the reality around you. And this is possible through strict observance of God's commandments.

Rule thirteen. Do not divide the people around you into “bad” and “good”. We are who we are, and if your colleague or co-worker is bad for you personally, then someone else is quite happy with him. "Judge not lest ye be judged".

Rule fourteen. “Know yourself” - this esoteric rule is quite possible to apply in the surrounding reality. Just no soul-searching and literalism! Self-knowledge is the process of discovering abilities and talents within oneself and their practical application in the outside world.

Rule fifteen. For God there are no such concepts as “guilt”, “punishment” and the like. It is important to ask not “For what?”, but “For what?” The Lord allows everyone the right to make a mistake, and, of course, to correct it, to learn the lesson that we need to learn. And all difficulties are overcome. Most The best way Correcting mistakes means showing love to yourself and to the people around you.
