Marina Devyatova marital status. Marina Devyatova: biography, personal life, husband, children. Alexey has been courting you for a long time

Dossier "MM"

Horoscope: Sagittarius, born in the year of the Pig.

Education: Music College named after A. Schnittke, Russian Academy of Music named after. Gnesins.

Career: singer.

Experience on stage: 15 years.

Achievements: participant of numerous international competitions and festivals.
Marina presented a Russian song to Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and the entire royal family; gave concerts in Italy, Estonia, Bulgaria, USA, China;
released two solo albums.

Family status: Single.

Car: Lexus RX 350.

Favorite flowers: lilies.

- How did your career begin?

I have always loved to sing. When I was 3 years old, my elder sister I already studied at a music school and knew how to play the piano. Once a month, she and I organized home concerts for relatives: she played, I sang. Artificial flowers were in fashion back then, and they decorated our apartment. Before the performance, I pulled them out of vases and handed them out to our guests so that they could use them during the performance.
They handed these flowers to my sister and me. Or rather, they didn’t hand him over, but threw him into an impromptu
stage. I think that's how my career started.

- It is known that your dad Vladimir Devyatov is a singer, People's Artist of Russia.
When choosing your profession, did you decide to follow in his footsteps?

Dad never insisted that I become a singer, but from childhood he instilled
I love music. And at the age of 14 I performed on stage with him for the first time
concert hall "Russia" - one of the largest Moscow concert halls
venues where we performed the song “River-River” as a duet. Then for the first time I felt the energy of the hall, felt the gaze of almost two thousand spectators
and realized that I had fallen ill with the stage seriously and for a long time.

- Why did the choice fall on execution? folk songs?

Russian traditions and customs have always been respected in our house, I liked it. After
I entered the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins to the faculty of solo folk singing. During
During my studies, I plunged into the atmosphere of Russian folklore, began to go to student
expeditions, collect Russians from villages and villages folk songs. I was in the
delighted with this folk color. So I decided that folk songs were mine.

- Which song brought popularity? And how did you realize that you became famous?

The song “I am fire, you are water” marked the beginning of my pop career and became mine
business card. The composition turned out to be very memorable, with a simple
melody and incredible energy, due to which it won the love of listeners. A
They probably began to recognize me after the end of the “People’s Artist” competition.

- Maybe you remember some interesting gifts, surprises from fans?

Once, for my birthday, they gave me a fairy tale film about how “long ago, in the kingdom of Moscow, the beautiful maiden Marina Devyatova was born, and how then
her path to glory." I had a lot of fun and laughed a lot. And recently
one woman gave me a huge homemade card with ditties and funny quatrains.

- What is necessarily included in your rider?

I'm not a picky artist. For me, the main thing in a household rider is special
menu, I'm a vegetarian, so the food should be appropriate.

- By the way, what about your favorite dishes?

I can’t say that I’m an amazing cook, but when I have time for this, with
I enjoy cooking for myself and for my loved ones. For example, I love tomato salad
cherry tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and arugula, seasoned olive oil with addition
dried basil, salt, pepper and pine nuts.

- Do you remember what you spent your first fee on?

I remember my first fee very well. For a half-hour speech at a corporate
During the holiday, our group of six people was paid $300. We
they were divided equally, at $50 each. I immediately bought myself lipstick, and
I gave the rest to my mother.

- How often do you have to update your stage wardrobe? What style
stick to off stage?

I sew new outfits for myself every two months so that the audience doesn’t get tired of them. My
My career just started not long ago, but I have nowhere to hang my stage clothes. But in
ordinary life I prefer sporty style and enjoy wearing it
jeans, T-shirts, T-shirts, sneakers.

- Is a great figure a gift from nature or the result of intense training?

Of course, you have to work on yourself. I visit a fitness club, work out with a personal fitness trainer, and if possible, go to group classes
body ballet, I enjoy yoga, and I walk a lot. In the warm season
I ride a bike, walk in the park near my house.

- What are the most incredible gossip and myths that you have heard and read about yourself?

Just recently I heard that Marina Devyatova is the wife of Vladimir Devyatov. A
it happened like this: I arrived at one of the shoots, where they came up to me and said:
“Marina, you didn’t have time, your ex was just here with his young passion.”
Naturally, I didn’t understand, I asked again, and they told me that they had recently left the site
Vladimir Devyatov left. I explained to everyone that Vladimir and I have “much more
close relationship,” which for some reason put everyone in an awkward position.

- Your life is constant tours and performances, and where do you like to relax?

I like to vacation in Asian countries. Asian service is unrivaled.
I usually go there in winter, when the weather is good and there are no tropical rains.
I also love Europe, I once traveled to Italy. A magnificent country with
interesting story and traditions. I really like traveling around Russia, but here I
I think about work all the time.

- And finally, I would like to know about your plans. What are you working on now?

I have grandiose plans, there are many concerts ahead. And, of course, I plan
create and record something new and original.

Interviewed by Tatiana YAMSHCHIKOVA.

Photo from the personal archive of singer Marina DEVYATOVA.

I recently became a villager: I left Moscow, where I was born and lived for more than thirty years, in Vacation home. This was primarily due to the addition to our family. When Ulyana was born, I realized that we need to unite all generations in one big house. Since my profession involves constant travel, and I can only leave such a tiny girl with her mother, I can’t even think about any nanny. But in my Moscow apartment with my husband there is very little space: it was designed for the two of us and is perfect place for two adult egoists living for themselves. The child does not fit in there. Therefore, we decided to move outside the city, to a house that could accommodate all family members.

-Have you already experienced all the delights of life in the village?

It’s still difficult for me to get used to it. And by the way, it’s good that I listened to the advice of my wise dad (singer Vladimir Devyatov - TN note). When my daughter was born and the question of expanding our living space arose, my husband and I began to think: should we buy an apartment or a house? Should I live in the city or on the land? And dad said: rent a house for a few months, see how you feel there, and then decide.

- My husband has a taboo: he does not harm animals. Even insects. With her husband Alexey. Photo: Arsena Memetova

And now we have been living in wooden house, we have our own garden, veranda, there is somewhere to put the stroller. I am a child who grew up in a concrete jungle, in an apartment on the 16th floor, and at first I was even frightened by some of the features of life outside the city. For example, when some insects with large wings suddenly appear in the bathroom and begin to flap them. I must say that my husband has a taboo: he does not harm animals. None. Even insects. Therefore, seeing them in my bathroom, I immediately start shouting: “Lesha, if you don’t want me to kill this mosquito now, run quickly and save its life!” I'm not that principled. If a mosquito bites my daughter, then, of course, I will smack it instantly. But in general, we are vegetarians and try not to harm any living things. Lesha, for example, takes mosquitoes in his palm and releases them outside the house. They probably shout “thank you” to him in their own language. In general, our new life turned out to be full of surprises. But gradually we got used to it. The advantages were found instantly. First of all, silence. You fall asleep, and all around you are the forest, nightingales - just some kind of fairy tale. No roar of cars, no neighbors swearing behind the wall.

- Are you on maternity leave now?

My maternity leave lasted three months. I left the stage a month before giving birth, the last time I came out to the audience under New Year. In principle, I could very easily continue to jump and dance, but my fans cautiously began to hint: “Marinochka, you should lie down and rest. Take care of yourself! And I listened to their opinion - I went to prepare for the birth of Ulyana. And three months later she was back on stage and gave a solo concert. But it was preceded by rehearsals, so I spent probably a month and a half on maternity leave. Frankly, I didn’t even want to go outside. When I just returned from the maternity hospital, my mother prepared food, my husband brought it to me, and all I did was feed Ulyana, improve our relationship with her, and this took up all my time.

But even when my daughter was very tiny, I thought not only about her, but also about work - about the new concert program, which will be released on September 28 at the Helikon-Opera Theater. This is a serious academic platform, and the program will not be quite usual for me, a real theatrical production in which the leitmotif is the line female destiny. I have long wanted to do something on this topic, but while I was still unmarried and childless, it would look somehow strange if I suddenly started talking about a woman’s lot. And now this is already natural.

“I can only leave such a tiny girl with her mother; I don’t even want to think about any nanny.” With mother Natalya, husband and daughter Ulyana. Photo: Arsena Memetova

- And yet you still spend more time at home?

I have already planned out the whole autumn day by day, right up to the New Year. And now I try not to part with Ulyana, kiss her everywhere, carry her in my arms, sleep next to her, I can’t breathe. Like many artists, I lead a seasonal lifestyle. After the New Year there is a lull, and then I can be with my family. In the summer, too, people are little interested in concerts, but rather in garden beds and outdoor recreation, and I have a vacation. But in spring and autumn there is suffering. So for now I’m enjoying it, especially since it’s more comfortable to do it in nature.

- Have you been accustomed to such a schedule since childhood?

Yes, when I was born, my dad was already a fairly famous artist, gave solo concerts in the Kremlin, in the Hall of Columns and the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall, sang Russian folk songs and romances. I often went on tour with him. She first appeared on stage at the age of three. My older sister Katerina (she was nine at the time) sat down at the piano, and I stood next to her. My uncle comes out and gives me a microphone. And this was in the 1980s, microphones were made at alarming sizes. “No,” I say, “uncle, I won’t hold it, hold it yourself.” And so Katya plays, I sing, my uncle holds the microphone - that was my debut.

I wasn't afraid of the hall. In addition, while studying at a music school in the conducting and choral department, I stood with my back to this very hall for seven years and did not understand at all what to be afraid of there - I did not see the audience. It was only later, when they turned me to face the audience, that I realized that there was a certain amount of anxiety, but I could easily cope with it.

- Do young people also come to your concerts? After all, this genre cannot be called ultra-fashionable.

- I am a child who grew up in the concrete jungle, at first I was even frightened by some of the features of life outside the city. Photo: Arsena Memetova

- Do they give you jam?

When I return from a tour, it’s as if I went to visit my grandmother in the village: I’m carrying mushrooms, jam, and twists in bags. Those people who know that I am a vegetarian especially try to feed me: for some reason it seems to everyone that vegetarians are eternally hungry, exhausted people who constantly want to eat. They give me scarves and knitted socks so that I don’t freeze on my diet. And recently they started giving baby vests and booties. People know that I became a mother and want to help in any way they can.

- Is it easy for you to be a mother?

At first it was scary, I categorically did not understand how I could take care of my daughter so as not to harm her - she was so small.
When Ulyana was just born and they gave her to me, I looked at her and thought: “Is this mine, or what?” I couldn't believe it. I had zero experience communicating with babies, I didn’t prepare for childbirth at all, I didn’t go to courses, and therefore I was confused. “Put it on your breast and feed,” said the midwife. It’s easy to say: “Feed!” There is milk, but how to pour it into the child? And I came up with an idea: I stood up, hanging over the crib in which Ulyana was lying, and in this position I fed her. “And you, baby, are you going to stand like that for long?” - asks the doctor who entered. I say: “Well, she eats, it’s still normal.” - “Yes, everything is clear. Will learn". She unswaddled the girl and showed her arms and legs. I learned how to wash her, clean her nose, cut her nails. I also learned to feed normally, and not the way I thought of on the first day. I am very grateful for science; I would not have mastered it myself for a long time.

And, of course, life in the house has changed a lot. Now we have a little Lord in our house, her name is Ulyana. Therefore, everyone and everything around is subordinate to it. The entire space is organized so that it is convenient to communicate with the child - cribs, strollers, baby monitors, bottles. But we must pay tribute: Ulya does not bother us over trifles. The first month turned out to be somewhat difficult - gas, colic and all the other “joys of life”. But Lesha helped me out a lot. My husband Ulyan has a second child, he is a more experienced parent. As soon as my daughter began to worry, he immediately put her on his stomach, and she calmed down. So we realized that daddy’s belly is a salvation from all troubles. I could hold her like that for four hours. True, dad himself then had to be scraped off the sofa and brought to his senses, but the child was happy.

- I don’t plan to take my daughter to my work yet. Backstage she will have time to jump. Photo: Arsena Memetova

And now there are no problems with Ulyana. She is a gift. I call her “Soldier Jane” - she just doesn’t cry like that. Dissatisfaction is expressed for a specific reason: he wants to eat, or sleep, or it’s time to change the diaper. The rest of the time he is silent and keenly interested in the world around him. She and I are friends. And with Ulya’s dad, we are one and the same. He is very kind and patient. You can sit on his head and try to tear out all his hair, and he will be happy and satisfied and shout: give it more!

Yesterday we got out into the world, went for a walk on the Arbat, and my daughter spent the whole day in the kangaroo, without making a single sound. Lesha says: “What’s wrong with her? She doesn't scream. Everything is fine?" - “Yes, the child just likes it, everything around him is interesting, why shout?” Ulyana charmed the whole Arbat. Even important uncles who invited their beautiful aunts to dinner and were not inclined to any sentimentality, seeing this little sausage with eyes, which turned its face and looked at the lights all around, involuntarily smiled at her.

- Do you travel like this often?

I’m not a big supporter of such walks, Ulyana is still small. Grandma saves us. Now I can confidently say that grandmothers are our everything. My job doesn't mean I might get stuck in maternity leave for three years. I'm afraid to leave the baby with the nanny. So there is only one way out - grandma.

- But you have to argue with your grandmother about educational methods?

Well, we can’t do without it, of course. We even call her: “grandmother, so that it doesn’t blow.” Because she worries all the time whether Ulyana is blowing, whether she will freeze in such a light blouse. But you can understand it. Her last child (that is, me) was born in 1983. Can you imagine how far the children's industry has come during this time? Diapers, for example, appeared. In general, I think it’s high time to erect a monument to the man who invented them. Recently I told my mother: “Listen, Ulya peed twenty times today. How could we cope if there were no diapers?” “But like this,” says my mother, “twenty times and it would all be washed. Handles."

So all my mother’s advice comes from her rich and difficult experience. And everything she does is purely out of love. Dr. Komarovsky says it's normal for a baby's feet to be cool. But mom would argue with Dr. Komarovsky, because she raised two people and also knows a thing or two! What is my solution? Either come to terms with the fact that mom knows better, or live in constant conflict with her. So we learn to build relationships so that new family everyone felt comfortable: mother, us, and most of all the child. So far it seems to be working.

Marina Devyatova

father - Vladimir Devyatov, singer, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, mother - Natalya, choreographer; husband - Alexey Pigurenko, works in the advertising field; daughter - Ulyana (5 months)

Graduated from the Faculty of Folk Singing of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnessins

She sang in the folk ensemble “Indrik the Beast”, then began a solo career and recorded three albums. Finalist of the People's Artist-3 project. The repertoire includes duets with Nikolai Baskov, Alexander Buinov and other artists. Performed at a reception hosted by Queen Elizabeth II

Marina Vladimirovna Devyatova is a Russian folk singer, finalist of the television competition “People’s Artist-3”.

Childhood and youth

Devyatova Marina was born on December 13, 1983 in Moscow, in the family of an artist of the choreographic ensemble named after. Semyon Dunaevsky Natalya Nikolaevna and People's Artist of the Russian Federation, performer of folk songs Vladimir Sergeevich Devyatov. Her parents separated when Marina was five years old. Subsequently, Natalya married a second time. Marina had an excellent relationship with her stepfather.

The future artist’s grandparents (on her mother’s side) came from Ryazan and settled in Moscow at one time. Grandmother worked as a cutter, and grandfather was a trolleybus driver. As Marina recalled, it was at her grandfather’s job that her vocal career began: the man took his granddaughter with him, and she announced stops and sang while the trolleybus traveled along the route from Ivanovsky to Vykhino.

Like her older sister Katerina, Marina was an artistic child, so she was sent to school early music school(piano class). In 1999, 16-year-old Devyatova entered the music school named after. Alfred Schnittke, and in 2003, after graduation, she became a student at the Academy. Gnesins.

During her studies, Marina worked as a teacher at the vocal school at the Center for Russian Culture and Art under the direction of Vladimir Devyatov and actively traveled with classmates on musicological expeditions - in the Russian outback, students studied folklore songs.

Marina Devyatova's graduation performance in Gensink (2005)

As for sister Marina Devyatova, she was unable to connect her life with art. She works as a groomer and helps homeless animals find new homes.


Since the early 2000s, Devyatova has often performed at music festivals and competitions, and in 2003 she became a laureate of the Slavic Bazaar competition for young pop singers.

In her senior year at the Academy, the girl was invited to music group“Indrik the Beast”, the main repertoire of which consisted of ancient Russian and Slavic songs in modern adaptation. In 2005, the band successfully performed at the “Wings” rock festival in Tushino.

In 2006, Devyatova passed the casting for the TV project “People’s Artist”. The permanent judges of the competition were actor Gennady Khazanov, singer Alena Sviridova, composer Maxim Dunaevsky and producer Evgeny Fridlyand. The winner of the project was the singer of Mongolian origin Amarkhuu Borkhuu (until 2013, the lead singer of the group “Prime Minister”). Marina took second place, but there was no reason to be upset: the girl gained thousands of fans from different countries.

“People’s Artist”: Marina Devyatova, first performance

After the end of the project, Fridlyand invited Devyatova to enter into a contract with the production company FBI MUSIC. From that moment on, Marina began the life of a sought-after artist, filled with filming, touring and recording songs.

In 2007, as part of a delegation from Russia, Marina went to Guatemala for the ceremony for choosing the capital of the upcoming 2014 Winter Olympic Games - during the event, the singer sang “Katyusha” several times as an encore.

Marina Devyatova - “Katyusha”, 2007

In 2009, Devyatova released her first album, “I Didn’t Think, I Didn’t Guess,” after which her first solo concert took place on the stage of the Moscow Variety Theater. Next is a performance in London in front of Elizabeth II and other members of the royal family. She also had the opportunity to speak to Russian leaders Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin, the head of Libya Muammar Gaddafi, and the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

In 2011, Marina released the album “I’m Happy.” Two years later, the girl left FBI MUSIC and set off on a free voyage - six months later, in November 2013, the singer’s third acoustic album, In the Moonlight, was released.

Marina Devyatova and Pierre Narcisse – “Cossack” (2011)

Devyatova has hundreds of concerts, including joint performances with famous artists: Alexey Goman, Nadezhda Kadysheva, Moldovan opera singer Methodie Bujor, Nikolai Baskov, Italian singer Al Bano, Varvara and other international pop stars.

Personal life of Marina Devyatova

In her youth, Marina Devyatova was in love with a man much older than herself. He died of cancer. After a long relationship that ended so tragically, as well as an unsuccessful romance with actor Nikolai Demidov, Marina found happiness with Alexey Pigurenko, founder of the YogaBoga brand.

The difficult relationship between the young people lasted about five years. The young people either diverged or lived separately from each other, but in the end, at the end of October 2016, they signed at the Moscow registry office.

The girl’s father said that Marina is a Hare Krishna devotee - the practices help the girl to know herself and find inner peace.

Marina Devyatova now

In parallel with raising her daughter, the singer continues to lead an active creative life. Less than a month after the birth of her child, Devyatova returned to filming the program “You Are Allowed to Laugh” on the Russia 1 channel, of which the girl has been a regular participant for several years now.

“You are allowed to laugh”: Marina Devyatova – “Quadrille”

The girl also took part in a concert at the Kremlin Palace dedicated to the 75th anniversary of maestro Valery Obodzinsky, starred in the “Mood” program on the TV Center channel, and then went with a series of solo concerts around Russia.

In the future, Marina plans to work on choral projects and build country cottage in the style of a Swiss chalet.

Marina Devyatova - biography on Wikipedia (height, weight, how old), personal life ( last news) and Instagram photos, family ( Family status- married or not) - parents (nationality), husband and children.

Marina Devyatova - biography

The girl is now a popular Russian vocalist, performing folk songs and pop hits, “processed” into folk music. She was a finalist in the TV project “People’s Artist-3”.

Now the folk star is a deeply religious person (Hare Krishna), so you are unlikely to see naked Marina Devyatova and her photo in a swimsuit in Maxim or Playboy magazines. She does not smoke, does not drink alcohol or meat, and practices yoga to maintain harmony.

The folk star was born in the Russian capital in the family of a people's artist Russian Federation Vladimir Devyatov, popular artist Russian folk art and professional choreographer working with world famous show ballets.

WITH light hand the girl's father is already in early years the formation of a professional musical taste began, since dad did not concentrate only on folk art, and often included discs of world-famous stars, such as John Lennon, Elvis Presley and other rock idols. After such remarkable influence, it is no wonder that at the age of three Marinka had a great sense of the rhythm of the compositions.

At the age of five, the child experienced a strong tragedy - her beloved father, Volodya, left the family, leaving the upbringing of her daughter entirely to her mother. Despite such an obvious “betrayal” of her vocal mentor, young Marinka did not stop improving in vocal art. She entered the well-known music industry. school named after D. Shostakovich, where she learned to master not only her voice, but also choral conducting. After graduating from school, the young talent became a student at a music college, and after receiving her diploma she continued to improve herself by becoming a listener of the famous Gnesinka, where she moved from multifaceted training to a narrow specialization, which would later become Marina’s path to all-Russian fame - solo folk singing.

Even during her studies, A. Vorobiev drew attention to the talented student and made her an offer to join his musical group “Indrik-Beast”. The group specialized in performing ancient folk compositions in modern arrangements. Often the arrangement had a hard rock slant, which Marina, who grew up listening to rock music, really liked. Marina, having joined the team, insisted on using spiritual folk instruments, which further diversified the style of “Indrik the Beast”.

Despite the wide popularity in narrow circles and the favor of critics, they have repeatedly emphasized that music of this type is not a format, so there is no point in talking about great popularity. To this, the future folk star always replied that she would prove the promise of a folk song and that modern processing does not spoil it in any way, but simply helps it gain popularity. The singer had the opportunity to prove that she was right after the selection for the 3rd season of “People’s Artist” was announced. Throughout the entire project, there was never a time when the audience did not clap for the girl while standing, and the greatest success was brought by the duet singing of the composition “It Could Be Love,” where the girl was accompanied by Alexey Goman. As was written above, the folk star became a finalist on the TV show, and after it ended, she began recording tracks that were heard on air in the program.

Marina Devyatova - personal life

The folk singer's first serious relationship had a rather tragic ending. The young singer fell in love with a doctor with whom she was separated for more than ten years. But that was not the tragedy - his beloved (a doctor by profession) could not cope with the illness that befell him and soon died, unable to overcome oncology.

Young vocalist Nikolai Demidov helped the girl recover from sadness, but their relationship did not last long, since the young man only needed her fame from the singer for his own promotion.

Only a few years later Devyatova met a man who made the girl happy. True, after an unsuccessful romance she for a long time hid the name of her lover, hinting only that she no longer wanted to get burned, so she chose as her husband a man very far from show business.

At the end of 2017, information appeared that Marina Devyatova was pregnant (gave birth), and although no one fully believed, her husband Alexey posted a photo with a newborn girl on Instagram.

Failed husband of Marina Devyatova, was so afraid of responsibility, and so desperately fighting for his never-developing singing career, that he was giving out interviews left and right about the couple’s life together. He claims that he did not intend to marry Marina, that he was not ripe for Serious relationships and is still at the stage of establishing himself as an individual. Therefore, it would be stupid, in his opinion, to burden himself with a family, and even more so with children. But he admits that he saw the artist as a springboard and was extremely disappointed when, instead of a madman career growth, she invited him to go to the registry office.

Devyatova answers this harshly: “What, Kolya is now in the process of becoming a man? And this at 25 years old?.. Seriously, I thought that Nikolai would still turn out to be a man in absolutely everything and would not advertise our relationship in the press. I hoped that Kolya would have enough brains to leave everything between us, because this is a private matter between two people. It seems to me that he did this because he was unable to realize himself as a singer. Only he doesn’t understand one thing: no work and no show business will ever replace normal, human relationships for him... I sincerely want to wish Nikolai creative success and hope that his concept of a lonely prince will bring him good luck!”

According to friends of the couple, this is the only way this relationship could end. After all, Demidov is not a serious person and, in fact, still a child. And Marina behaved with him like a caring mother. Therefore, not getting what he wanted, the guy simply gave up, accusing the singer of being too active and domineering.

The girl, in turn, considered Nikolai to be a romantic person, capable of action. She did not believe that he could betray her and calculated their life together for years to come.

Today, according to the singer, future husband Marina Devyatova must be brave, strong, reasonable and responsible. Of course, with all this, remain a creative person and be sure to build family relationships on friendship and mutual respect.

Unfortunately, Marina has not yet met such a person, and if she has, she keeps it in the strictest confidence. Perhaps it is correct. U famous people You should always have your own territory. A place where they can be themselves without expecting trickery from the outside.
