How to properly fix pvc wall panel. How to fix plastic panels to the wall - complete instructions. About the finish profile

Plastic panels are an indispensable material used for finishing bathrooms, bathrooms, saunas and other rooms with high humidity. They are easy to assemble and do not require much time to install. How to fix plastic panels to the wall? This article will cover this in detail.

Before proceeding directly to the issue of installing PVC plates, you need to figure out what kind of material it is. PVC panels are two-sheet plastic products that are separated by stiffeners. Along the edges of such plates there are structural details that allow them to be fastened together. The thickness of the material ranges from 8 to 12 millimeters.

The PVC material itself stands for polyvinyl chloride. It was discovered in 1985 by the German chemist Regnald and is widely used in interior decoration and window manufacturing, as well as other industries.

PVC panels are two-sheet plastic products that are separated by stiffeners.

The main types of PVC plastic panels

PVC boards can have different characteristics. This versatile material is characterized by the following parameters:

  • Size - there are square and rectangular elongated plates. The so-called PVC slats up to 15 centimeters wide are also produced. There are also slabs whose width reaches 2 meters;
  • Surface - can be glossy, half glossy or completely matte;
  • Framing type - suture and seamless. With a seamless type, the joints between the panels are practically invisible. Due to this, the surface becomes solid. With a suture type, the joints, on the contrary, show through well. These types of framing are used depending on the design of the room;
  • Also, PVC panels have a huge range of colors, textures and images. Therefore, each owner of the apartment will find something to his taste and preferences.

PVC panels have a huge range of colors, textures and images.

Advantages and disadvantages of PVC panels

Why plastic panels have become so popular? It's all about their huge list of advantages:

  • In terms of moisture resistance, they are in the top among all finishing materials. Plates are able to repel water molecules in both liquid and gaseous states. Such material can even replace ceramic tiles and waterproof paint-and-lacquer coating;
  • This material is hygienic. It is easy to take care of him. In addition, fungi and other pathogenic microorganisms do not develop on plastic plates;
  • Fastening plastic wall panels is a simple process that even an inexperienced novice master can handle;
  • In hardware stores, you can always choose the shade, texture of this material. You can buy such panels with any pattern and even put photographs on them;
  • PVC plates always delight buyers with their price. It depends on the size of the plates and starts from 50 rubles for 1 product.

Plates are able to repel water molecules in both liquid and gaseous states.

Like other wall cladding materials, PVC panels also have disadvantages:

  • Plastic plates are very easy to deform or break. One sharp movement, albeit not so strong - and a crack or hole appears in the plate. At the same time, the strength does not depend on whether the panel was mounted on a frame, or simply attached to the wall;
  • This material is flammable. In addition, it emits toxic smoke when ignited, which adversely affects human health;
  • Poor quality products can emit harmful substances even if they do not burn. This is affected by high temperature, as well as direct sunlight;
  • First, PVC boards have an ideal surface. But over time, it scratches and expands from temperature changes. Therefore, this material is very short-lived.

Before buying such material, you must carefully study its manufacturer. Otherwise, the purchased product will be unsafe. The country of manufacture, as well as the smell emitted by the product, can serve as a reference point.

Plastic plates are very easy to deform or break.

Necessary tools and materials for fixing PVC plastic panels to the wall

Of course, before directly attaching PVC plastic panels to the wall, each master prepares all the necessary tools for himself in advance. Typically this is:

  1. Screwdriver.
  2. Hacksaw and scissors for cutting metal.
  3. Convenient stairs.
  4. Self-tapping screws.
  5. Water level, tape measure and measuring pencil.
  6. Construction stapler.
  7. Electric drill.

In addition to the PVC plates themselves, other materials will be needed for their installation:

  1. Internal and external corners.
  2. Starting and docking profiles.
  3. F-profiles.
  4. Ceiling and floor plinths.

All this can be bought in the same place where plastic profiles are sold.

Before attaching PVC plastic panels to the wall, each master prepares all the necessary tools for himself in advance.

Preparatory work before fixing PVC plastic panels to the wall

The nature of the preparatory actions before fixing the products is connected with the base and the degree of its evenness:

  • If the master chose the fastening by means of the crate, it is not necessary to level the base in advance;
  • But if the plates will be mounted directly on the wall, you should first check the base for evenness and perform leveling work, if necessary.

Before any installation of PVC panels, the surface of the walls must be pre-treated with an antiseptic. This will protect them from mold and dampness. Next, the surface is primed. The primer should be applied in 2 coats. In this case, it is not recommended to apply a second layer until the first one has dried.

Also, before installation, it is necessary to prepare all the accessories and additional elements. In addition, you should immediately prepare the crate, if the master decided to mount the plates on it.

The primer should be applied in 2 coats.

The process of attaching PVC plastic panels to the wall

After completing all the preparatory work, you can begin to directly mount the plastic plates. Below is a step-by-step instruction for installing wall panels using a crate:

  1. The first step is to install the frame. It is made with slats of metal or wood. The distance between the bars should be no more than 40 centimeters. Reiki are mounted to the wall perpendicular to the plastic plates themselves.
  2. Then all the available fittings are installed - the inner and outer corners, the final part of the panel. If the final part reaches the ceiling itself, a ceiling plinth must be installed on the upper beam.
  3. Then you can insert the remaining plates into the mount with a thin side. They are closed on the wide side with staples or ordinary nails.
  4. Now you need to check if the very first panel is inserted evenly. If so, then you can insert the next plate into the groove of the end panel with the narrow end forward. Plates must be mounted tightly.
  5. The plastic plate, which will be the last, will need to be inserted between the final and penultimate. To do this, you need to make an effort. When the panel does not lend itself at all, it is slightly cut along with a construction knife.

The first step is to install the frame.

Mounting method without crate

PVC plates are mounted directly on the wall without a frame if the room is dry and the surface of the walls does not have drops. For this, a special glue is used. It is applied to the very surface of the panels and the plate is immediately applied to the wall.

How to glue PVC panels on the wall with liquid nails? If liquid nails act as glue, they are also applied to the plates, but wait 3-5 minutes for the nails to acquire a certain rigidity. Only then can the plate be applied to the wall.

Self-tapping screws can also serve as a fastener. However, in this case, you will need to make a lot of holes. Yes, and fasteners will be evident.

PVC plates are mounted directly on the wall without a frame if the room is dry and the surface of the walls does not have drops.

The nuances of fixing PVC plastic panels in different rooms

How are PVC panels attached to the wall in different rooms? After all, installation, depending on the room, has its own nuances.

Bathroom and toilet

Humidity is present in areas such as bathrooms and toilets. Therefore, the plates should be attached only to the crate.

In the bathroom, plates should be attached only to the crate.


There is always a lot of fumes in the kitchen. Therefore, it is better to mount this finishing material using a pre-prepared frame.

It is better to mount this finishing material using a pre-prepared frame.


If the balcony is sufficiently insulated, and the humidity in it is minimal, you can take a chance and install products without crates.

If the balcony is sufficiently insulated, you can take a chance and install products without crates.

Other possible rooms where they can be used

In other rooms, it is also possible to install PVC boards without the use of crates. Of course, it is better to use liquid nails or special glue as fasteners. Self-tapping screws can spoil the visual characteristics of the interior.

It is better to use liquid nails or special glue as fasteners.

The nuances of attaching PVC plastic panels to different types of walls

Depending on the type of surface on which the panels are attached, the fasteners will be different.


For example, concrete surfaces are faced with dowel-nails or dowels and self-tapping screws.

Concrete surfaces are faced with dowel-nails or dowels and self-tapping screws.


Brick walls are finished according to the same rules as concrete ones.

Brick walls are finished according to the same rules as concrete ones.

Other possible options

For a wooden surface and a drywall base, it will be enough to use ordinary self-tapping screws as fasteners.

For a wooden surface and a drywall base, it will be enough to use ordinary self-tapping screws as fasteners.

Here are some helpful tips to help you install quickly and safely:

  • When cutting the slabs, it is better to turn them face up;
  • It is recommended to wear protective goggles when working;
  • If glue remains on the front side of the product, it can only be cleaned with soap and water;
  • It is better to apply glue in the form of an even mesh;
  • When screwing in screws or driving in nails, you need to be extremely careful not to accidentally break through the plate.

When cutting the slabs, it is better to turn them face up.

Video: Installation instructions for PVC panels

PVC panels are a practical and durable material, and therefore are widely used in. They are suitable for any room, and a variety of textures, shapes and colors allows you to make the interior not only cozy, but also very stylish. The fastening technology is quite simple, so decorating the walls with plastic panels is a great option for a novice master.

The choice of panels for decoration

The range of plastic panels is so large that it is very difficult for an inexperienced buyer to figure it out. To avoid mistakes, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of this material and its varieties in advance. It is worth considering only certified material, because low-quality panels do not have the required strength and quickly burn out.

The main advantages of plastic panels:

The disadvantage of this material is its low impact resistance, so the panels should be handled with care during transportation and installation. Depending on the coating, the panels are divided into matte and glossy, and according to the drawing technology, they are divided into film and printed.

Standard sizes:

  • width from 200 to 350 mm;
  • length from 2700 to 3000 mm;
  • thickness from 8 to 10 mm.

The strength of the material depends not only on the wall thickness, but also on the number of stiffeners located inside the panel. To check how durable the material is, you need to press your finger on the surface - if the plastic is bent, the panel will not last long.

Besides, you should not buy panels if:

Comparative table of characteristics of PVC panels

Indicator / panelPVC panel ТМ DecomaxAverage Chinese panelAverage European panel
Front surface thickness, mm2,5 1,5 2,0
Number of stiffeners, pcs29 20 29
State of the stiffenerssmooth, without deformationsmooth, there are minor deformationssmooth, without deformation
PVC panel weight, kg/sq.m2,2 1,7 2,0
AppearanceThe coating is even, but with pronounced gaps in the stiffening ribs, there are slight deformationsThe coating is smooth, without manifestations of stiffening ribs
Raw materialafter a slight pressure, the panel is deformed, which proves the high content of chalkafter a slight pressing, the panel returns to its original form, which indicates a low content of chalk

Prices for popular finishing wall panels

Preparatory stage

preliminary calculations

You need to start by calculating the amount of finishing material so that you do not have to overpay or go to the store for an additional batch. Panels can be mounted both vertically and horizontally, depending on the desire of the owners of the apartment. With vertical fastening, the number of panels is calculated as follows: measure the length of the perimeter of the room, subtract the width of the openings and divide by the width of one panel. 2-3 lamellas are added to the resulting number in reserve.

For horizontal installation, the area of ​​​​the room is measured minus the door and window openings and divided by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone panel. Here, the margin should be at least 10%, since the consumption of material for trimming increases. Additionally, you need to calculate the number of rails for the crate and fasteners. First, the height of the walls is divided by the step of the crate, which is usually 0.5 m, and multiplied by the perimeter of the room. The resulting number indicates the length of the rails in linear meters. By measuring the height of the corners and multiplying it by their number, we get the total footage of the corner profiles; to this number you need to add the perimeter of window and door openings.

Methods for attaching lamellas

There are three ways to fix the panels on the wall - with glue, self-tapping screws and clamps. The first method is suitable for very even and smooth walls; glue is used special for PVC, universal "Moment-mounting" or "liquid nails".

The use of this method facilitates and reduces the cost of the installation process, since there is no need to fix the crate. Disadvantages: it is impossible to replace a damaged panel, it is difficult to remove the coating from the wall during subsequent repairs.

Self-tapping screws are a reliable and convenient option that does not require a perfectly flat surface. To screw in the screws, you definitely need a screwdriver, otherwise the installation process will be delayed for a long time. Disadvantages of the method: a wooden frame is better suited for self-tapping screws, therefore, additional time is spent on sawing the timber and processing it

The third option is the most optimal. Kleimers are conveniently and quickly attached to the crate and securely fix the panels on the wall. The crate is mounted from a metal profile, the assembly of the coating is effortless. A damaged lamella is easy to replace with a new one, and the dismantling of the finish also does not take much time.

Tools and necessary materials

In the process of work, everything should be at hand, so materials and tools for installation are prepared in advance. You will need:

  • fine-toothed hacksaw;
  • pencil and tape measure;
  • level;
  • square;
  • plastic panels;
  • rails or plastic profile;
  • dowel-nails, self-tapping screws or kleimers;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • antiseptic composition;
  • sealant;
  • ceiling plinth.

Wall preparation

Before paneling, the walls must be cleaned of the old coating, repaired to one crack, noticeable defects and treated with an antifungal agent. Due to this, dust will not accumulate under the plastic and mold will not develop, which negatively affects the microclimate in the room. If the installation will be carried out on the frame, it is not necessary to additionally level the surface.

Prices for mixtures for leveling walls and ceilings

Mixtures for leveling walls and ceilings

Installation of plastic panels

Step 1. Marking the walls

The crate should be fixed strictly according to the level, this will help to avoid distortions. In order not to measure each rail, you should make markings on the walls. The bottom row of the crate should be located 1-2 cm above the floor, so a point is marked on the wall with a pencil at this height, and then a horizontal line is drawn around the entire perimeter using a level. Exactly the same line is drawn under the ceiling or along the edge of the finish, if the walls are not sheathed to the full height. Further, 40-50 cm are measured upwards from the bottom line, a beacon is placed, and so on to the very top. Strictly parallel lines are drawn through the beacons along the perimeter of the walls. The markup is ready.

The panels must be attached to the crate perpendicularly, so the horizontal frame is sheathed vertically, and vice versa. To make markings for a vertical crate, the first line is drawn in the corner from ceiling to floor using a plumb line. Next, mark the second corner, and then draw the rest of the lines in increments of 50 cm.

Step 2. Mounting the crate

If a tree is used for the crate, all slats must be primed with an antiseptic in advance. Holes for dowels are drilled along the marking lines with a puncher at a distance of 50 cm, then slats are applied, leveled horizontally and fixed on the wall. Where the walls have irregularities, wooden wedges are laid under the crate. If there is wiring along the wall, it must be hidden under the trim. To do this, measurements are taken, holes are drilled in the wall and the wires are fixed with clamps so that they do not protrude beyond the plane of the crate.

Step 3. Fixing the slats

The first lamella is installed in the far corner from the entrance, which is considered the most noticeable.

Make measurements, if necessary, cut the panel along the length with a hacksaw. With one edge, the panel is inserted into the side molding, applied to the corner and attached to the crate from the back side.

The second lamella is inserted into the mounting groove of the first, the joints are pressed tightly and fixed to the frame rails.

To achieve maximum sealing of the joints, the side edges are lightly smeared with silicone before insertion. All subsequent elements are mounted in the same way.

Holes are cut out under the switches and sockets in the panels with a sharp knife, and after installation, these areas are covered with plastic boxes. The last lamella most often requires cutting in width, so first they try it on the wall, mark the cut line with a pencil and cut off the excess with a hacksaw.

Step 4. Installing moldings

After installing all the elements, the surface should look monolithic and even, without gaps at the seams and around the perimeter. To do this, all corners, joints and joints are closed with special plastic moldings. Their design allows you to carefully insert the edges of the panels on both sides, making the corners look much more attractive.

Finally, a decorative molding is installed around the perimeter of the ceiling, and a plastic molding is attached around the perimeter of the floor. On this wall decoration with PVC panels is considered complete. With careful operation, the panels do not lose their attractiveness for a long time and do not require repair.

Video - Wall decoration with plastic panels

Plastic panels are an inexpensive material used for finishing both residential and commercial premises. This type of wall and ceiling cladding is inexpensive, while the decorative qualities are very good. Among other things, the advantages of this material include ease of installation. Installing PVC panels with your own hands will not be difficult for anyone.

What material to choose

Before proceeding with such an operation as do-it-yourself wall mounting, you should decide on the type of material itself. For interior decoration of premises for various purposes, several types of plastic elements can be used from the inside:

    PVC lining. This material is outwardly similar to its wooden counterpart - it has a small width and often the corresponding coloring.

    Sheet panels. This variety is similar to sheets of decorative plywood.

    Ordinary panels in the form of a plastic "board" with a tenon / groove fastening.

When choosing a specific type of material, one should focus primarily on the specifics and design features of a particular room. Plastic lining has the advantage that it does not "weight" the room and gives it a somewhat natural look. Sheet panels are usually used for finishing walls and ceilings of large areas. A very good solution, for example, could be sheathing the attic or the basement of a country house with them. Versatility is one of the main advantages of a material such as PVC is just perfect, just like for bathrooms, living rooms, hallways, etc.

The cost of pvc panels

Plastic elements of this variety are not without reason considered a budget option for finishing. Very low cost is one of the main advantages of such material as PVC panels. The price for them ranges from 200-300 rubles per lamella in the form of a "board". The width of a plastic decorative element is usually 25-30 cm. Thus, for the decoration, for example, a wall five meters long will have to spend only about 4-6 thousand rubles. If desired, you can find PVC panels and cheaper - for 100-150 rubles. However, they are unlikely to differ in too beautiful and original design.

What tools will be needed

Do-it-yourself PVC wall panels are mounted on a special frame. To install it, you will need a drill, building level, tape measure. The panels themselves usually have to be cut during installation. Therefore, you will also need to prepare a hacksaw for wood or a jigsaw. In the event that it is supposed to make additional warming of the room, you will have to purchase a trowel for applying glue and a construction stapler.

Beam for the frame

In addition to the panels themselves, before starting the sheathing, you will need to buy. The weight of the PVC decorative trim is negligible. Therefore, it is not necessary to purchase a beam of too large a section. A 3x3 cm or 4x2.5 cm option will suffice. The exception is those cases when the walls are additionally insulated. Insulator plates are installed between the frame elements. Therefore, a beam for this type of sheathing should be selected with a section corresponding to the thickness of the insulation. Also, at the same time, you will need to purchase glue for plates, fungal dowels, a primer and a vapor barrier film.

Other types of frame

PVC wall panels are usually mounted not on a block, but on a metal frame. Wooden in the bathroom, sauna or bath can simply "lead". Recently, a plastic thin frame is also often used under PVC panels. Its use allows you to save a few centimeters of floor space. However, it is still recommended to use this option only in rooms with very even walls.

Frame assembly

Panel base elements can be installed horizontally or vertically. It all depends on the direction in which PVC wall panels will be finished. A beam or profile is attached according to the level. Holes for dowels are pre-drilled in the wall. Since the joint between the panels and the ceiling is usually closed with a decorative beam or profile in this place, it must be installed. The same goes for the corners of the room. Here are mounted corner strips.

When installing the frame, it is important to adhere exactly not only to the verticality or horizontality of the elements. It is also necessary to ensure that all the bars are located in the same plane. PVC panels are elastic material. However, distortions will give the wall a not too neat appearance. You can adjust the position of the bars in the right places with the help of small wooden wedges.

Before mounting the frame, you should think about where heavy wall cabinets, shelves, paintings, and so on will hang in the future. In these places you need to fill additional horizontal bars.

Do-it-yourself installation of PVC wall panels

If it is necessary to insulate between the elements of the installed frame, foam polystyrene plates are preliminarily fixed to the glue. Additionally, they are fixed with special "fungi". Next, a vapor barrier film is stretched over the frame.

Actually the walls itself with panels starts from the corner. This is where the starting bar is set. The comb of the first panel is inserted into its groove. The lamella is attached to the frame with special brackets using a stapler. Next, the second panel is inserted into the first and is also fixed. The last lamella on the wall is inserted into the pre-fixed finishing bar. If the width of the PVC element is too large, it can be cut, but not more than 1/3.

After all the walls are paneled, proceed to finish the space above the doors and windows. At the final stage, the upper decorative plinth is installed.

Do-it-yourself installation of PVC wall panels should be carried out in compliance with the following recommendations:

    The frame can be mounted on uneven or even unplastered walls. This will save on finishing.

    The beams should be attached to the wall only using galvanized self-tapping screws or dowels.

    The first skin element must be aligned as carefully as possible. Otherwise, all panels will be installed crooked.

    If the interior wall decoration of the room is carried out in the summer period, the panels are kept at room temperature for at least 12 hours before installation. When performing installation in winter, this period is increased to 2 days (if the panels were stored in the cold).

    Unpack the lamellas as carefully as possible. This material is not very resistant to all sorts of mechanical damage. You need to pull out the plastic elements carefully over the edge and only one by one.

    A hacksaw for cutting plastic should be used with fine teeth.

As you can see, the installation of such material as PVC panels, the price of which is low, is an extremely simple procedure. The main thing when doing this work is to install the frame evenly. The lamellas themselves should be fitted to each other as tightly as possible. In this case, the sheathing will turn out to be neat and durable, and the design of the room will be cozy and attractive.

The cladding of the ceiling and walls with the help of PVC panels is becoming more widespread and popular. This is a simple, affordable and aesthetic option. In most cases, when installing such panels, a frame and crate are used, but in some situations this can be avoided. If the panels are mounted without a crate, a special glue comes to the rescue, which will act as a fastener between the wall and the panel.

How to fix PVC panels to a wall without a crate

Fixing PVC panels to a surface without the use of a batten is a process with the right work steps, a sensible choice of adhesive.

In the process under consideration, the adhesive plays a crucial role, and therefore its characteristics and properties will determine the quality of the repair as a whole.

When do-it-yourself installation without crates is possible

Mounting PVC panels on a wall or ceiling without a crate is quite simple, and it is quite possible to cope with such a task with your own hands. This option requires the use of a minimum of tools, knowledge and effort. Among the main requirements, criteria are put forward for the condition of the wall, which must be dry and even, as well as the choice of adhesive. It is not recommended to use this option for specific rooms with temperature differences and non-standard operating conditions.

When fastening without a frame is not possible

There are a number of cases when certain restrictions are imposed due to which it is simply impossible to fasten plastic panels without a frame.

Among the main such cases are:

  • the wall has significant defects or irregularities;
  • the old coating is not removed or is partially removed;
  • the surface of the wall does not dry out.

Of course, this is not a complete list, since in each individual situation and room conditions may be different.

How to fix plastic wall panels simply to a wall without a frame: options

In the case when wall panels are attached directly to a bare wall, then the only option for fixing them without additional devices and damaging the wall is gluing. The choice of adhesive, as well as surface preparation, should be taken responsibly. Depending on the quality of the materials used, as well as the thoroughness of the preparatory work, the final result will depend. In addition, the reliability and durability of the attachment can also vary depending on these aspects.

What acts as a wall mount

In the case when the installation of PVC panels is carried out without a crate, then a special glue acts as an attachment to the wall. The range of glue on the modern market is represented by a variety of brands and varieties. It is recommended to refer to the rating of individual brands and their manufacturers, choosing only the best products.

Among all the options offered for sale, it is recommended to pay special attention to glue for gluing plastic.

When choosing glue, you should pay attention to some features:

  • after drying, it should become transparent and form a film layer;
  • glue must be resistant to moisture, frost and any temperature extremes;
  • must ensure long-term and reliable fixation;
  • should bond surfaces for a long period and quickly harden.

It is not recommended to use hot melt glue to fasten the panels. With temperature fluctuations, it can expand, up to the complete separation of the fragment from the wall surface. Liquid nails and polyurethane sealant are more effective.

What materials are used for mounting just on the wall

In the case when the installation is carried out directly on a bare pre-prepared wall, the workflow will require:

  • plastic PVC panels;
  • specially selected glue;
  • building level;
  • grinder for sectioning plastic panels;
  • marking devices.

In addition, do not forget about the materials that will be used for preliminary leveling, smearing and degreasing the surface.

How to attach PVC wall panels

PVC wall panels are fastened according to a certain algorithm. Mounting on a wall without battens is a simple process that everyone can handle.

Before proceeding with the installation of panels, you must first prepare the surface. To do this, the wall is initially leveled, cleaned and degreased.

The further order of work will be as follows:

  • A separate panel is taken and wiped with a damp cloth from the back.
  • Further, glue is applied to the same surface in a dotted manner, with a gap between individual drops of a couple of decimeters.
  • After these steps, the panel is applied to the wall.
  • After applying the fragment to the wall, it is pressed for a few seconds.

If liquid nails acted as fasteners to the wall, then after gluing the fragment is recommended to be tapped evenly and torn off. This is due to the fact that this type of glue needs five minutes of ventilation to acquire the necessary rigidity.

Is it possible to install PVC panels without crates on the ceiling

Before you begin to fasten plastic panels to a ceiling without a crate, you must first determine the distance between the panels and the ceiling. The mentioned gap depends on the type of lighting used or planned.

In the case when lighting is carried out by built-in lamps, the gap should be at least ten to fifteen centimeters. This is necessary in order to completely and fully hide the wiring. It is recommended to pre-plan the location of the fixtures, cut holes for them and install the plinths of lighting devices.

In addition to the above preliminary steps, in the case of the ceiling, as well as with the walls, it is necessary to level and clean it. In most cases, you can do without the crate, and the stages of work will coincide with the installation of panels on the walls. The only difference is that before attaching the fragments to the ceiling, it is necessary to immediately install ceiling plinths on three walls. In the process of work, it is recommended to regularly use the building level.

If installation work is carried out in a bathroom or other room with high humidity, then the gaps formed in the wall finish should be filled with silicone sealant. This will ensure the waterproofness and durability of the ceiling finish.

The article examined the features and varieties of such a process as fixing PVC panels to a surface without a crate. In general, this is an unusual, but common mounting method, which is in many ways not inferior to the process using frames.

Useful video

During repairs, you don’t always want to get involved with “wet” work - laying tiles, for example. There is a simpler technology - wall decoration with plastic panels. You can cope on your own even without much experience in construction work and in a day or two carry out repairs in the bathroom, toilet, balcony / loggia and kitchen.

Types of plastic panels for wall decoration

This type of finishing material is made of PVC - polyvinyl chloride. In a semi-liquid state, this polymer is extruded into a mold. A drawing is applied to the finished panels. It can be first printed on film, then glued and varnished (laminated panels). Moreover, these panels may not have a flat, but a textured surface. The drawing applied using this technology retains paint for a long time, but such materials cost about two times more.

Several samples of PVC laminated wall panels

Another technology is to apply the drawing directly to the plastic, after which it is covered with two layers of varnish. Cheaper technology, but the service life and quality of the pattern is lower.

Ceiling and wall

There are two types of plastic panels - for ceilings and for walls. Those designed for the ceiling have a thickness of 5 mm and thinner partitions, and wall ones - from 8 to 10 mm and a greater thickness of walls and partitions. You can determine which view is in front of you by looking at the cut. This type of finishing material differs in that it has a flat surface and, with a tight joint, the seams are not very noticeable.

Plastic panels for wall decoration

There is another standard size, which is also called plastic lining - with a thickness of 10 mm, the panel has a width of 10 cm and shaped edges, which are more typical for plastic lining. If you finish the walls with this material, the surface will not be flat, but embossed, similar to a wooden lining.

Sizes and prices

In width, plastic wall panels are most often 25 cm and 37 cm, length - 2700 cm and 3000 cm. There are other non-standard sizes, but these are most common. For the price, you can observe a rather strong spread - it depends on the wall thickness, type of printing, manufacturer, complexity of the pattern, etc.

Thin PVC wall panels

Above we talked about products that consist of two layers of plastic connected by jumpers. Along with a lot of advantages, they have a rather serious drawback: if you apply enough force, they can be pushed through. This is often the reason for not using them. Therefore, thin wall plastic panels appeared on the market not so long ago. Their thickness is 3 mm and no cells. Only a layer of plastic with a pattern applied to the surface. Accordingly, there is nothing to push through. The dimensions of this type of panels are 950*480mm or so.

The method of installation is different for them - they are glued to the walls. Due to the fact that this finishing material has a very small thickness, it is cut with scissors and, moreover, takes up very little space from the room - 3 mm.

What to look for when choosing

It is clear that the choice begins with color and pattern. But in order to avoid difficulties during the installation process, when buying, you need to track some points:

  • Inspect the cut of the selected plastic panel. The thicker the lintels and the front and back polymer layers, the stronger the finish will be. You can also focus on weight - the larger it is, the thicker the panels will be.
  • The thickness of the plastic is the same everywhere, without thickening and thinner places. This is a sign of normal quality.
  • Pay attention to the geometry. The cells should not be crumpled, the edges should be absolutely even. Even if everything is packed, it does not interfere with unpacking and inspecting - so that there are no problems later.
  • Examine the front surface. The drawing should be applied evenly, clearly, without smeared spots.
  • If you choose panels from different packs, but of the same color, carefully look at the colors - they may differ.

To make the wall decoration with plastic panels beautiful, check the quality in the store

It is also worth checking the quality of the polymer used. It is necessary to take one bar so that it bends by about 30% and straighten it. After that, inspect it. If there is no damage to the plastic or pattern, everything is fine.

Correct technology for mounting plastic panels on walls

What is good about decorating walls with plastic panels is that you can do it yourself, it takes a little time. Well, and one more plus - you need the usual tools:

  • drill with drills (install dowels) and a wood crown (drill holes for sockets, etc.);
  • screwdriver or screwdriver, construction stapler, glue - depending on what type of fastener you prefer;
  • saw with a blade for metal - cut plastic panels;
  • building level;
  • sharp knife - cut to length.

The crate for wall panels should be in the same plane

This is all that may be needed when installing PVC panels on the walls. It takes time - one or two days, depending on the experience and repaired areas.

What to make a crate

The installation of PVC panels on the walls according to the technology should be carried out on the crate. The crate is made from:

  • Wooden bars. The optimal section is 40 * 20 mm. Before mounting on the walls, it is desirable to treat the wood with antiseptic compounds. If the wall decoration with plastic panels is planned in a humid room, then special treatment against mold is also necessary. Panels are attached to wooden planks with wood screws, nails with a wide head, staples from a construction stapler.

Wooden planks for pvc panel battens

Metal profiles (galvanized)

This is what the mounting strips for PVC panels look like

Of the three listed materials for mounting plastic panels in the bathroom, it is best to use plastic. It reacts little to temperature changes, does not react in any way to changes in humidity, does not rot or crack. Galvanized feels good in a humid environment, but it must be of good quality, otherwise it will rust anyway. The most unimportant material is wood, but with appropriate processing, they also cost years. And for this to be true, follow the recommendations for application on the antibacterial composition exactly. In some cases, it is enough to brush a couple of times with a brush, in others - soak for a while and then dry.

How to make a crate

Before starting the installation of the sheathing under the PVC panels, the walls must be prepared. First, remove the old finish and everything that can fall off. If there are large indentations on the surface, it is better to close them up, and strongly protruding parts can be cut off. After the wall has become more or less even, it is treated with a primer with an antibacterial component (against fungi and mold). After that, you can already proceed with the installation of the crate.

Basically, plastic panels are mounted horizontally or vertically.

Lathing slats are located perpendicular to the PVC panels. That is, if you mount the panels vertically, the crate - horizontally and vice versa. Lathing battens are installed at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other. The optimal distance is 30 cm (the panel will “walk” less). Planks are attached at the beginning and end of the wall, as well as around window and door openings.

The crate is attached at the bottom and top of the wall, around window and door openings. In between, the step of installing the slats is 30-50 cm

The crate is fastened under the plastic panels, most often on dowels. 6 * 40 mm are placed in a concrete wall (so that a piece does not fall out on the back of the concrete partition), 6 * 60 mm in a brick wall. Fasteners are installed in increments of 50-60 cm.

In order for the wall decoration with plastic panels to be even and beautiful, the crate must be set in the same plane. To do this, wooden strips are installed under the wooden planks where necessary (you can - pieces of plywood), only they also need to be treated with a composition from fungi and mold.

Wooden slats can be mounted on hangers

You can also use perforated hangers for plasterboard ceilings. They are used when placing metal profiles in the same plane, but they can also be used when installing wooden bars.

If you decide to make a crate from plastic mounting profiles, then you should take into account one point: they must be strictly perpendicular to the PVC panels. Even a slight deviation can lead to the fact that the clamps simply do not snap into place and will not hold anything. Therefore, check the verticals / horizontals very carefully. One more thing: along the perimeter of walls, doors and windows, it is better to install wooden planks of the same thickness as plastic guides: we will attach starting profiles to them.

Installation of plastic panels

In addition to the actual wall plastic panels in the store, you will need to buy some more fittings - these are corner, starting and F-shaped profiles. They are necessary in order to give the finish a finished and neat look.

What is needed for installation besides wall panels

At the level of the floor and ceiling, you can use either a starting or ceiling plinth. The starting one is just a narrow strip of plastic, and the ceiling plinth is a shaped product that has a characteristic cut.

Finishing walls with PVC panels begins with the installation of selected profiles in one of the corners and at the top / bottom. They are attached to the installed slats of the crate. Fasteners are selected depending on what material was chosen for the crate. The result is something very similar to a frame. We will insert panels into it.

The problem node is the junction of the corner and ceiling plinth (we do the same below)

Next, cut the first panel along the length or height of the wall. Cut plastic wall panels with a saw blade for metal. When working strongly with your hand (and even more so with your foot), do not lean - push through. In order for the strip to stand in its place without problems, carefully measure the length, subtract 4-5 mm and cut it off.

A protruding spike is cut off from the first strip, after which it is inserted into the corner profile with the cut side, tucking the edges into the upper and lower. Lightly tapping with the palm of your hand, drive the bar all the way, check the verticality with a level by applying it to the edge of the installed strip. Then they are fixed to each plank of the crate.

It looks like a plastic wall panel inserted into the ceiling plinth

Having installed and fixed the first strip, cut off the second one, join it with the first one, fix it, etc. No complications. Problems can only arise with the last panel on the wall. It usually has to be cut in width, and then try to fill it immediately into the groove of the previous bar and into the corner or starting profile. It does not always work out neatly - often the plastic is jammed. This situation can be avoided without fixing the second corner profile. Then, a corner profile is put on the panel cut to size, all this is joined together with the previous bar, and only then the corner profile is fixed. This is not entirely correct, since only one half of the corner profile is attached, and the second remains loose. But having suffered, trying to do the right thing, you don’t pay attention to it. Then everything repeats - further wall decoration with plastic panels occurs in exactly the same way.

How to do without corner profiles

If the presence of skirting boards at the top and bottom of the wall is familiar to us, then not everyone likes the corner profiles. When decorating walls with plastic panels, you can do without them. You will need a sharp wallpaper or clerical knife. If a strip of plastic is cut from the back in the right place, the panel can be bent. From the front side, this will not be visible in any way, and torment with the last panel can be avoided. And outwardly, many people like this way more.

Wall decoration with plastic panels: how to do without corner profiles

To correctly determine where to cut, insert the penultimate panel, fasten it. We take a piece of panel a few centimeters wide, insert it into the already installed one and mark where the corner is. We take it out, cut out a strip of plastic in the marked place, try it on. If everything is fine, use this piece as a template, transferring exactly the place of the cut. This is also not according to technology, but such wall decoration with plastic panels looks, it seems to me, better. Especially if the color and texture of the corner profile is different.

How else can you fix PVC panels on the walls

Although the method of decorating walls with plastic panels described above is not very complicated, it is not suitable for everyone. For example, the walls are perfectly smooth after plastering on the lighthouses or leveling the walls with drywall. It is clear that the crate is not needed. It will only take up space. In this case, they go to the violation of technology - they glue plastic panels on silicone or on mounting foam.

Starting profiles in this case will still have to be installed, but they will need to be fixed to the appropriate dowels. After that, foam (zigzag) or silicone (islets with a step of 10-15 cm) is applied to the back side of the panel, the bar is inserted into the profiles, pressed, fixed in one or two places with the appropriate fasteners. Continue in the same spirit.

The advantage of the method is very fast, the disadvantage is that it only works on flat (or almost) walls. But the most important thing is that it is simply impossible to remove the trim without destroying the plastic panels.

Wall decoration with plastic panels: mounting methods

Self-finishing walls with plastic panels is not a very difficult task. You can sheathe a bathroom in a day or two. You just need to know the sequence of actions.


It is not for nothing that polyvinyl chloride has gained such wide popularity in the construction industry. A wide variety of materials are made from it, which are used in construction and decoration. The installation of PVC panels on walls and especially the ceiling is a fairly common occurrence, and today every construction team offers such services. However, due to the simplicity of the device and installation, it is quite possible to independently install PVC plates.

Where to begin?

The first thing that is sometimes given insufficient attention is measurement and planning. It is not enough to measure the length and width of the ceiling and simply buy the required number of panels, all aspects of the preparation must be taken into account. If the surface is perfectly flat, then a simple pasting of the plates on the ceiling or walls will be enough for an unpretentious taste. In the event that the plans include the point of giving the room not only aesthetic appeal, but also practicality, it is worth considering installing a full-fledged frame in which it is possible to hide various kinds of communications, for example, the same lighting.

Of course, it is difficult to imagine a job in which there is no need to use a tool. In this case, you will need the following:

  • a hammer drill or drill with a hammer function to the delight of all neighbors during installation work,
  • stepladder (for work in apartments with a standard ceiling height of 2.5 meters, the best choice would be an inexpensive aluminum stepladder 1.8 meters high),
  • hacksaws for wood and metal (a hacksaw is best for cutting PVC panels, allowing you to make the cut edges as smooth as possible),
  • tape measure and building level,
  • a paint or shoe knife (a well-sharpened steel cut is also suitable for it, the blade should be tilted at 60 degrees, the optimal blade width is 10 centimeters),
  • hammer,
  • self-tapping screws or wallpaper nails with which the PVC panels are fastened to the frame.

Finishing with PVC panels provides for the mandatory use of these tools for work, since without them it is impossible to accurately install (the only exception is a puncher, which is needed to quickly level the problem surface). After selecting the tool, you should proceed to the first stage of work, to markup.

Preliminary preparation and measurements

First, the markup is applied to the entire work surface. Since PVC ceiling boards have standard lamella sizes, it all depends on preference. The most popular solution is "lining" - long strips that are 10 cm wide. It is necessary to draw lines to install the profile every 400 millimeters. The first mark is made along the width of the PVC panel, starting from the lowest point on the ceiling. After that, using the building level around the perimeter of the surface, marks are drawn for attaching anchors or dowels, depending on preference, with which the frame will be mounted to the surface of the wall or ceiling.

It should be noted that the profiles of the main supporting frame are always attached perpendicular to the location of the PVC boards. Experts recommend using not only a marking system and a level for marking, but also an ordinary rope of small thickness for quick marking. How to make it? Simple enough. You just need to “paint” the rope with colored crayons and press its ends to the surface - in this case, the marks made with chalk will remain on the wall. This method will significantly speed up the markup process, which will save time spent on preliminary work. Finishing with PVC panels of any surface, be it a wall or a ceiling, begins with the assembly of the frame.

Frame assembly

Initially, the frame is a connection of profiles made from different materials. There are the following types of frames:

  • wood frame,
  • plastic trim,
  • metal profiles,

Each of the varieties has its advantages and is used depending on preferences.

A wooden frame is built infrequently, since such a design has more disadvantages than practical advantages. Wood is afraid of moisture and freezing, as well as drying out due to heat, for this reason the question of the need to install a wood frame, especially in those rooms where the influence of climate is noticeably felt (balcony or loggia, for example) is quite controversial.

If there are no contraindications, wooden beams are attached to the floor every 60 centimeters using dowels or impact screws, a lining must be used to level the level of the boards. In general, this type of frame is inferior in its properties to similar structures made of plastic and metal.

Plastic U-shaped profiles have many advantages, among which stand out:

  • low cost,
  • light weight (which is especially important when carrying out installation work on the ceiling),
  • ease of fastening
  • insensitivity to moisture and heat.

Such profiles are fastened quite easily. According to pre-drawn lines, every 30 centimeters, dowels or self-tapping screws are installed, which are screwed in every meter. It is important to pay attention to the fact that when joining profiles, especially at an angle, it is necessary to use a hacksaw for metal and a miter box (which is a tray for cutting boards at an angle of 45, 30 and 90 degrees). In this case, the cut will be hardly noticeable, and the joints will turn out to be even and tightly adjacent to each other. Another advantage of the plastic crate is that the internal grooves form cable channels for laying communications (wiring for lighting, for example).

A frame made of a metal profile is most suitable for the construction of vertical areas and is most often used for finishing walls with drywall (since the sheets of this material have significant weight). PVC wall panels, due to their light weight, do not require a powerful and strong frame, for this reason, preference is given to plastic when choosing a design. When using metal, cable laying for lighting must be carried out in corrugated polyvinyl chloride pipes (PVC) to ensure fire resistance and prevent damage to the braid of power cables on the sharp edges of the metal frame.

Installation Requirements

Despite the ease of working with PVC products, the panels also require certain requirements to be met. Among them are the following:

  • before installation, the material must be allowed to rest, this is especially true for those conditions when it was stored at temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius,
  • PVC lamellas are arranged perpendicular to the frame rails,
  • with a high degree of humidity in the room, it is necessary to make ventilation cuts in the frame,
  • during installation, gaps of 5 millimeters must be taken into account to take into account temperature changes in PVC coatings,

  • when installing coatings with a pattern, work is always carried out from the left corner to the right (this does not apply to plain coatings),
  • it is impossible to carry out installation work in those rooms whose internal temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius (that is, these PVC panels are categorically not suitable for creating an interior in steam rooms and baths),

Installation of ceiling panels

After the frame has been mounted, it is worth starting the installation of PVC panels. The strips are cut along the length of the ceiling and mounted in sequence, starting from the last one. The first strip is attached to the very corner, with the help of self-tapping screws, to the transverse profiles, which form additional rigidity of the frame. The next panels are already inserted into the grooves of the previous ones, so the installation is carried out to the end.

There is a possibility of difficulty at the stage of installing the last panel, since cutting the material to width will be required. There is another option with fixing the final panel: when it is turned over with a fixing lock to the other side and the groove is trimmed from the side to the required length.

After the installation of all the panels has been completed, the turn of the final work comes, namely the installation of the ceiling plinth. It is put quite simply: a layer of liquid nails is applied to the inside, after which the plinth is pressed against the finished ceiling and held for 10 seconds to dry the glue. After that, it remains only to remove excess glue from the surface and the ceiling is mounted.

It is worth noting that liquid nails on moldings dry out almost instantly, so the removal of sagging should be done as quickly as possible.

PVC panels are suitable for the design of any room, since there are a huge variety of models that are very diverse in external style, but the biggest plus is their use for interior decoration of the bathroom and toilet due to the distinctive ability of PVC to resist moisture. This is a significant plus in case of flooding of the bathroom by neighbors from above. The panels will withstand the load and do not have to do a thorough repair. In addition, PVC boards are easy to clean and are resistant to mold and bacteria, which makes them suitable for kitchen finishing as well. The soot and fat resulting from cooking will be easily washed off with simple household appliances, so the choice of such material will be correct.

Installing PVC boards on walls

PVC wall panels allow you to give the premises a cozy interior in a short time and at no particular cost. The installation process is not too different from similar ceiling installation work, and is painted literally in steps:

  • on a wall pre-treated with an antifungal mixture, a frame made of metal profiles is installed (this is due to the fact that PVC wall plates are thicker and heavier, and a more powerful frame than plastic is required to hold them),
  • then the first panel with a corner is inserted into the profile and mounted against the wall. The second and third panels are inserted into the groove at an angle and attached to the first with the help of clamps (this is the name of plastic brackets with serrated latches that allow you to securely fix the panel on the metal frame rails),
  • after that, all subsequent panels are mounted on rails in the same way,
  • the last panel is inserted into the U-shaped corner and installed with it on the frame.

After that, finishing work is carried out related to the fastening of corners and cornices. It is often possible that the wall should have access to electrical outlets and light switches, which will add some complication during the installation process. In this case, the installation of ducts and the laying of power cables must be done before the installation of PVC boards begins. After that, when paneling, it is enough to simply cut the hole for the sockets of the required size.

It is important to remember the following at any stage of working with panels:

  • PVC material is quite brittle, so it should not be subjected to significant external force when laying the panels. A strong hand pressure on the panel is enough to cause a crack to appear on its surface that cannot be repaired.
  • The panels must be carefully applied one to the other, without any effort. If necessary, it is allowed to use an improvised tool, for example, a clerical knife, the narrow blade of which will allow you to direct the edges of plastic PVC panels.

At the moment, a PVC plate, which will not cause difficulties to buy in almost any variation and color, is one of the most popular materials for interior and exterior decoration. Before buying, it is only worth checking the quality of the product by looking at the fact that there are no transverse uneven stripes and the number of stiffeners - to make sure that the product meets the stated expectations, and then the installation of such a coating will not cause trouble, and the PVC panels themselves will last long enough.


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Do-it-yourself installation of PVC panels, Construction Portal

It is not in vain that polyvinyl chloride walls have gained such wide popularity in the construction industry. A wide variety of materials are made from it, which are used in construction and decoration.

PVC wall panels: do-it-yourself installation

Plastic panels (lining) are used for finishing inside houses and apartments. They are actively used to give the desired appearance to various premises, such as balconies, bathrooms, bathtubs, shops, offices. Do-it-yourself installation of PVC wall panels is a simple matter that will be within the power of anyone who has a desire to make repairs on their own.

What are PVC panels

First of all, you should decide what is hidden behind the abbreviation PVC. There is nothing difficult or scary about this. Under the three letters, a simple one is hidden - polyvinyl chloride, and if even simpler, then this is a type of plastic. It has many advantages that are successfully used in the manufacture of finishing materials.

PVC wall panels

For greater persuasiveness, one should list the positive qualities that PVC panels have. So:

  1. The technical characteristics of this product make it possible to use them in rooms that are exposed to moisture. This material is absolutely not subject to rotting, does not absorb water. The only thing that can reduce the effectiveness of the use of plastic panels is the improper use of the frame.
  2. If there are sufficiently flat surfaces, you can not deal with additional wall decoration. Installation of PVC wall panels - does not require much effort and time.
  3. They can keep their appearance for a long time. Namely - do not fade under the influence of sunlight, do not absorb various fumes. To clean them, you do not need special tricks - just wash the products with soapy water and wipe dry.
  4. If a frame is used, then additional sound insulation is created. This is achieved by an air cushion between the wall and the panels. If desired, this space can be used for additional insulation of the room, as well as for hiding communications.
  5. The cost of this material is quite low compared to other types. Do not think that such an attractive price category greatly affects the quality of the product. Naturally, if you purchase panels that have neither factory packaging nor certificates, then you can run into a cheap fake.
  6. Long service life. Yes, such lining can serve for many years. The only thing they fear is temperature changes. From this, the panels may become unusable. You should also pay attention to the mechanical impact, which can damage the integrity of the structure.

PVC panels are very popular due to their low price, as well as many other advantages.

It becomes clear that this product can be used in different cases. Of course, it is better to avoid installing panels when making repairs in children's and bedrooms.

Material selection

Any hardware store has a large selection of plastic panels. They can be of various sizes, colors and textures. Modern technologies make it possible to obtain such products that can give a certain elegance to any interior.

Plastic panels are a great alternative to ceramic bathroom tiles, but with the right choice of material

What do you pay attention to when choosing such a material:

  • The panels are quite light, but you should immediately be wary if the weight is too small. This may indicate that there is a fake. Unfortunately, this occurs even in large specialized stores.
  • There should be no flaws on the front and on the wrong side. Namely, any cracks, chips, color inhomogeneities immediately indicate that the product is of poor quality.
  • When choosing PVC panels, you need to pay attention to the release date of different packages. It is better to choose those that have the same marking. Otherwise, significant variation may occur.

On a note! When choosing PVC products, you should not hesitate to ask the seller for all the necessary documents. This is a guarantee of safety and a long service life of the material.

Various mounting methods

To carry out work on the repair or decoration of the premises with PVC plastic panels, there are two main options.

1. Mounting the frame.

Lathing for PVC panels

This is the easiest option. For its implementation, various materials are used. The following can be distinguished:

  • Wooden beam. Great for many environments, but cannot be used in areas with high humidity.
  • Plastic slats. These are specially designed products that allow you to quickly mount the panels.
  • Metallic profile. The same option is used that allows you to install GKL sheets. But this method is quite expensive, although very reliable. Best for ceiling.

2. Installation of panels without crates.

Mounting panels directly on the wall

This method requires some skill and fairly even walls. But, if you understand how this process occurs, then the skills come quickly enough. There is a significant drawback - if one of the elements becomes unusable, then the entire wall will have to be broken.

Each of the options is selected individually. It is necessary to take into account the size of the room, its shortcomings and climatic features.

Preparation stage

To install plastic panels on walls, a completely ordinary tool is used, which can be found in almost every home owner.

  • roulette and level;
  • pencil and meter ruler;
  • drills and screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws (nails) and dowels;
  • stapler;
  • jigsaw (saw).

Tools and fasteners for mounting plastic lining

Do not forget that consumables will also be needed. First of all, these are drills, bits, nail files and staples. It is better to prepare everything in advance, then the repair time will be significantly reduced.

Do-it-yourself installation of wall panels should not be carried out immediately after purchase, you need to give time for them to adapt to the conditions of the room. To do this, they are unpacked and allowed to mature. It is better to take a day for this.

On a note! If, during the repair, the installation of plastic panels is planned without using a frame, then the surface is first primed. To do this, use solutions that are selected based on the material of the walls.

Making a frame

As already noted, the crate can be of several types. In principle, they are all similar in their installation conditions. The installed frame allows you to correct significant irregularities and imperfections in the walls. And also create an additional layer of thermal insulation and hide numerous communications.

This method is used for finishing PVC panels in dry rooms. First, guides are made in the form of a beam, which are attached to the walls, floor and ceiling. Inside the resulting frame, slats are installed, doing this perpendicular to the location of the panels.

All work is similar to creating a frame for drywall. As well as when using a wooden beam, the difference in the directions of the facing products and the profile is taken into account.

  • Plastic crate.

This is the most modern version. PVC guides are attached to the wall with dowels. All of them have a special groove where a clip is inserted, which holds the lining.

plastic guides

On a note! It should be borne in mind that the distance between the guides should be from 30 to 45 cm.

Installation of plastic elements

After installing the frame, you can proceed with the installation of facing products. Do-it-yourself installation of PVC panels is carried out according to the following scheme (let's consider the example of a wooden frame):

It becomes clear how to install wall panels on the frame. In the absence of a crate, everything is done with glue, which is applied to the finishing element. The main thing is to do everything quickly and not to forget that it will be extremely difficult to correct the shortcomings.

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  • Interior decoration
    • Ceiling
    • Walls
    • Doors, arches
    • Stove, fireplace
  • Finishing facilities
    • Kitchen
    • Bathroom, toilet
    • corridor, hallway
    • Balcony, loggia
    • Other rooms
  • Building decoration
    • Country and private houses
    • Wooden houses
    • Baths, saunas
  • Decoration Materials
    • Drywall
    • Cladding panels
    • Wallpaper, cork
    • Tile
    • Laminate, linoleum
    • Decorative plaster
  • Finishing work
    • Plaster
    • Primer
    • putty
    • Painting, whitewashing
  • Exterior finish
    • Facade

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The use of brick wallpaper has a number of significant advantages over natural or artificial material. The correctness of the choice.

Chrome-like paint is used to obtain an original decorative layer, which in appearance resembles a polished one.

PVC wall panels: do-it-yourself installation - plastic installation work technology

It is easy to do the installation of PVC wall panels with your own hands, but you must follow the rules for installing the crate. Then the repair will serve you for many years.

Instructions for interior wall decoration with PVC plastic panels

Wall decoration with plastic panels is now very popular. But before deciding to choose this particular option, it is worth studying information about the properties of the material and the technology for its use. At first glance, you can find a lot of information about this finish, but often it is distorted or presented in a form that is inconvenient to read. For this reason, the choice of the source of information should be taken carefully.

Plastic as a material

Wall decoration with plastic panels has its advantages and disadvantages. They must be taken into account when making the final decision. Finishing material has the following advantages:

  • Absolute harmlessness. Many are afraid of plastic due to the fact that it is not a natural material. Modern technologies that allow the production of harmless products are simpler and cheaper than the old ones. For this reason, it is extremely difficult to find dangerous material even among fakes.
  • Wall panels for interior decoration are very beautiful. There are many options for colors and textures. In addition, manufacturers are releasing new seamless options that are very different from the usual office panels. You can choose a wood finish, plain, color. Photo printing is also applied to the coating.
  • Ability to use in tight spaces. Plastic panels for interior decoration are perfect for various niches and other corners of an apartment or house where it is inconvenient to work with other materials.
  • Panels are easily mounted together with ventilation grilles, sockets. On any color, these elements look natural and are not striking.
  • Plastic is perfect for finishing the bathroom and other wet areas. Wall and ceiling decoration is durable, does not require complex maintenance, can be operated at low temperatures (for example, on an uninsulated balcony).

PVC panels look pretty good for their price

The disadvantages include the following negative points:

  • Flammability. The material is difficult to set on fire, but when exposed to fire, it supports combustion and releases a large amount of gases dangerous to humans.
  • Panels do not breathe. They completely block the movement of air through the walls, which is necessary to ensure normal ventilation. Due to this property, the type of finish is not recommended for use in the bedroom and children's room.
  • Insects can settle in the voids of the panels. This problem is especially relevant for the southern regions.
  • The need to use a special tool for cutting and certain skills during installation.
  • Do-it-yourself wall decoration with PVC panels requires careful preparation of the base.

Finishing can look very non-trivial!

Having considered all the advantages and disadvantages of the material, you should calmly make an informed decision about the possibility of using this type of finish.

What tools will be required

It is worth preparing for working with PVC panels. First of all, you need to find a special tool:

  • Circular Saw. If it is not possible to find it, you can use a jigsaw. The file or disk should be fine-toothed (“clean cut”). It is preferable to use a saw. The jigsaw file is highly flexible, so the cut can turn out to be wavy.
  • Jigsaw chute with 45 and 90 degree angles.
  • Construction stapler when sheathing on a wooden crate.
  • Rubber mallet with hook rule. The same tool is used for installing laminate. Needed to "pull out" jammed panels. By doing this by hand, you can easily damage the panel or crate.
  • Plaster spatula, which is used to bend the finishing profile when installing the last plank. Spatula length 80-120 cm.

Also, when performing work, you will need:

  • pencil and tape measure;
  • building level;
  • square;
  • fasteners (self-tapping screws, dowel-nails, clamps);
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • sealant;
  • antiseptic.

Installation of plastic panels for wall decoration

Plastic can perfectly replace wooden decorative elements and other finishes. But it must be fixed in strict accordance with the technology. Decorative wall panels will help make your home cozy and beautiful.

3 ways to attach panels to the wall

Finishing the walls in the bathroom and other rooms, as well as the ceiling with plastic panels, is carried out in the following order:

  1. ground preparation;
  2. markup;
  3. crate device;
  4. installation of start and finish profiles;
  5. installation of all other strips;
  6. facing of slopes;
  7. fixing skirting boards.

Installation instructions for PVC panels

Foundation preparation

Work with plastic begins with the removal of the old coating. In order for the finish coat to have an attractive appearance without distortions and other troubles, you will need to carefully close up all the cracks in the walls and ceilings, and eliminate irregularities.

Cleaning the surface of the walls is necessary to prevent the appearance of dust, fungus and mold

Before finishing the room, it is necessary to determine the location of the racks of the frame. Finishing with plastic panels of ceilings and walls provides for marking in the following order:

  1. Mark a point at a distance of 1-2 cm from the level of the floor or walls. Through this point draw a line around the perimeter. For marking accuracy, a building level is used.
  2. When marking the walls, the same line must be drawn under the ceiling.
  3. From the bottom line with a step of 40-50 cm, parallel lines are drawn to the entire height.

This marking is suitable for mounting panels vertically. The cladding is always fixed perpendicular to the frame, therefore, if necessary, arrange the cladding elements horizontally, perform vertical markings.

Horizontal and vertical mounting types

Lathing device

Most often, wood is used as a crate for panels for interior wall decoration. In this case, the slats must be pre-treated with an antiseptic composition to protect against destruction. Holes for fasteners with a distance of 50 cm are made along the marking lines using a puncher. The frame rails are fixed to the wall. If it is necessary to lay wiring under the finish, this must be taken into account at this stage:

  1. provide fasteners for wires;
  2. check that they do not protrude beyond the plane of the crate.

Be sure to check the horizontality of the crate

When using a metal C-profile as a crate, you need to additionally buy elements for fasteners. They are usually sold as a set. The metal is fixed to the base with self-tapping screws in dowels. All work must be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

To increase the thermal insulation or sound insulation of the walls, special mats can be laid between the frame rails. They are fixed depending on the type of material used. For different types, it can be used both for mounting on dowels and for adhesive composition.

Lamella fastening

The first plastic bar needs to be fixed in the most illuminated and noticeable corner. Most often, this becomes the one that is located opposite the entrance to the room. Take measurements using a tape measure. The panel is cut to the required length with a special tool (usually a circular saw).

One edge of the plank is inserted into a special side molding. This element is designed to ensure mutual fastening of panels that are located on opposite sides of the corner. An element with a molding is applied to the corner and fixed to the crate from the back.

Next, you need to connect the first panel to the second. For this, the tongue-and-groove system is again used. The joint is pressed tightly and the bar is fixed to a wooden or metal frame. All subsequent elements are mounted using the same technology. To guarantee maximum tightness of the joints, it is recommended to grease the side edges with silicone before installing the panel. When installing the last part, it is worth checking whether it fits in width. If necessary, the element is trimmed in width. The last panel is not fixed to the crate. It must be snapped onto the finishing element. If necessary, all joints are treated with silicone (sealant).

Installation of panels on the frame using clamps and clips

To complete the installation, you need to install accessories. Such elements include skirting boards and their plugs, corner elements. The latter are bought together with the panels and glow over them.

Panel fittings will give your finish a neat finished look.

To make holes for switches and sockets, use a sharp knife. They cut holes of the required size.

Mounting panels with glue

If necessary, finishing elements can be fixed directly to the wall without the use of crates. In this case, increased requirements are imposed on the base. It will take more time to prepare it, since the surface must be perfectly flat.

Before starting work, they acquire a special glue. It is allowed to use liquid nails for installation. It is important to check the composition of the substance in the store. It should not contain solvents that destroy plastic elements.

Installation of lamellas on glue

The work is performed in the following order:

  1. cleaning the base from the old lining;
  2. treatment with antibacterial putty or a layer of primer, which contains components that can protect against mold and mildew;
  3. drying the base;
  4. preparation of the adhesive composition in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions on the package;
  5. the choice of a working tool is carried out depending on the consistency of the glue: roller, brush, spatula;
  6. work begins with corner elements;
  7. glue is applied at a time to a small area (equal to about 1-panels) so that it does not have time to dry;
  8. a corner piece is fixed, to which an ordinary element is mounted with the help of grooves;
  9. the panels are pressed against the wall with their hands for a short time, during which the adhesive solution has time to grab;
  10. mount all other panels;
  11. install decorative elements, coat the seams with silicone sealant.

In addition to mounting on glue and on the crate, there are several more methods that are used by professional workers. But they are not widely used. In conclusion, a few general tips can be given:

  • The panels are recommended for finishing balconies, loggias, bathrooms, hallways and living rooms. For bedrooms and nurseries, you should pay attention to more breathable materials.
  • It is best to use seamless plastic in rooms with air conditioning or a forced ventilation system.
  • In the bedroom for adults, it is permissible to use material for individual sections of the walls.
  • It is unacceptable to use items in the kitchen. In this case, grease and other substances will settle on the surface of the panels, which will become an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

Wall decoration with PVC plastic panels: step by step instructions

Wall decoration with plastic panels allows you to create an eye-pleasing atmosphere with a small budget. We outline the entire procedure step by step.