Milk and fermented milk products: how they are useful. The benefits of fermented milk products, and are there any disadvantages?

Fermented milk products are easily absorbed by the human body and are included in numerous diets. Regular consumption of kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk, and other products in this category is an ideal way to get essential vitamins and microelements that are so important for our health, without compromising our figure. We invite you to learn about the properties of basic fermented milk products, how and in what quantity they should be consumed, and in what situations this should not be done.

Calorie table

For those who are on a diet and counting the number of calories in foods, we have simplified this task with the help of a table of calorie content of milk and fermented milk products. Now let's look at each of them separately.


Kefir activates work internal organs and is quickly digested by the stomach, so it occupies one of the first places in the list of dietary foods. It is worth considering the fact that kefir is a “live” fermented milk product, and therefore changes its properties during the permissible storage period. This means that fresh kefir has a slightly laxative effect, and on the third day after production it is still suitable for consumption, but changes its properties to the opposite, that is, it acquires a “fixing effect” for the gastrointestinal tract. If you drink kefir in its pure form, then purchase the freshest product possible. Three-day kefir is more suitable for baking.

Beneficial features:

  • Restorative effect. With normal tolerance to the product, kefir will strengthen your immune system and will contribute to a speedy recovery of strength after illness or nervous stress;
  • Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. Kefir improves digestion and helps normalize metabolism;
  • Cleansing. Regular consumption of kefir helps remove toxins and waste from the body, improves the condition of the skin, prolonging its youth and cleansing it of pimples and acne;
  • Weight loss. Kefir is included in the menu of the most effective diets and ways to lose weight with the help, since it accelerates the process of fat breakdown and metabolism.


Sour cream

Unlike kefir, sour cream is a higher calorie, but at the same time more nutritious fermented milk product. Sour cream contains vitamins A, B2, B12, E, PP, C, H, as well as microelements necessary for human health, such as potassium, magnesium, chlorine, phosphorus, calcium, iron, copper, manganese, iodine, zinc, fluorine, and many others. It is important to consider that this entire composition and beneficial features products relate only to natural sour cream. Among store-bought fermented milk products you can find a sour cream product, which has an unnaturally long shelf life for sour cream, and of course, does not contain half of the substances that are present in real sour cream.

Beneficial features:

  • Removing cholesterol from the body. Regular consumption of this fermented milk product is the best prevention atherosclerosis;
  • Acceleration of the digestion process. Not a large number of sour cream added to the first or ready-made side dish promotes rapid absorption of food;
  • Improved mood. Sour cream is a powerful natural antidepressant, and in addition promotes rapid recovery of strength after hard physical labor or nervous stress;
  • Restoring hormonal balance. Of all fermented milk products, sour cream is considered the most effective means. Regular consumption of sour cream has a beneficial effect on the reproductive functions of the body, prolongs women's youth, protecting them from early menopause, and improves potency in men.


  • Gastritis and stomach ulcers during exacerbation;
  • Obesity;
  • Individual intolerance.


Trusting convincing advertising, many girls and women include store-bought yoghurts not only in their daily diet, but also in diets that include this fermented milk product. Few people think that the beneficial properties attributed to yogurt relate only to natural product without various flavoring additives, flavorings, stabilizers, preservatives, etc.

When choosing store-bought yogurt, pay attention to its shelf life. In any case, you won’t find natural yogurt on supermarket shelves, but at least you can buy a fermented milk product that is as close in properties as possible to it.

Beneficial features:

  • Easy to digest;
  • Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.


  • Dangerous additives used by the manufacturer to extend shelf life;
  • Unnatural flavoring additives that can cause allergies.
Advice: If you like taste qualities yogurt, and you consume it regularly, switch to a less harmful combination of fruits, berries and syrups with sour cream or fermented baked milk. Alternatively, you can diversify your diet with milkshakes. homemade. Best Recipes drinks see .


Ryazhenka is a natural fermented milk product made from baked milk or cream ferment, in the production of which no artificial ingredients are used. Ryazhenka contains vitamins B, PP and C, potassium, iron, magnesium, sodium, and organic acids necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Beneficial features:

  • Improved appetite. Ryazhenka is useful for drinking for people, and especially small children, with decreased appetite;
  • Weight loss. Ryazhenka promotes rapid digestion of heavy and fatty foods, as it activates the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Replenishment of calcium deficiency. Calcium deficiency can be expressed not only in bone fragility, which you are unlikely to know about if your life is not connected with sports. This problem modern society most often expressed in brittle nails, skin and hair problems, and of course, frequent visits to the dentist. Drink fermented baked milk regularly and enrich your body with calcium - it is not only not difficult, but also pleasant!


Fermented baked milk itself cannot be hazardous to health, unless you have an individual intolerance to this fermented milk product. When choosing store-bought fermented baked milk, always pay attention to the shelf life - the shorter it is, the more natural the product’s composition. Store fermented baked milk in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours after opening the package. Do not combine fermented baked milk with foods rich in proteins, such as meat, eggs, fish, etc.

Cottage cheese

The percentage of fat content of cottage cheese is not an indicator of quality, however, cottage cheese with reduced fat content is still digested faster and easier. Observe daily norm consumption of cottage cheese - it should not exceed 100-150 grams per day.

Beneficial features:

  • High calcium content. Cottage cheese is recommended for use by all people with normal tolerance to this fermented milk product, and it is especially necessary for pregnant women. During the period of active formation of the bones of the unborn child, the woman’s body gives up most calcium to the fetus, as a result of which many of them suffer from brittle nails, hair loss and dermatological problems;
  • Prevention various diseases. Cottage cheese is especially useful for people during the period of recuperation after illness, and helps improve immunity. Regular consumption of this fermented milk product is the best prevention of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, nervous system disorders and gastrointestinal diseases.


  • Regular consumption of fatty cottage cheese in large quantities leads to an increase in cholesterol levels;
  • People with kidney problems should consume cottage cheese in moderation and not too often, due to the high protein content in the product;
  • Low-fat and grainy cottage cheese is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal disorders;
  • At urolithiasis and various diseases of the gallbladder, it is better to avoid eating cottage cheese.

Hello, friends!

In our today's topic “Useful dairy products"We will try to find out what is the benefit of fermented milk products and which one is better to drink. At first I wanted to talk about my favorite kefir, but then I thought that there are a wide variety of fermented milk products, so I wonder which one is healthier?

The benefits of fermented milk products

All fermented milk products are derivatives of milk, obtained by fermenting it by introducing various types sourdough As a result, almost identical technological processes With only a few peculiarities, the process of fermentation occurs: the breakdown of milk proteins or, simply put, curdling.

These products differ only in the essence of the starter.

What products are fermented milk products?

Fermented milk can be divided into two groups, the first includes products of fermented milk fermentation with a fairly dense structure, such as:

  • curdled milk
  • yogurt
  • Ryazhenka (or Varenets)
  • matsoni
  • bifidok
  • sour cream
  • cottage cheese.

The second group includes products obtained by mixed fermentation; two processes occur simultaneously in them - fermented milk and alcohol. They are more liquid in structure and have a harsh taste. These include:

  • kefir
  • kumiss
  • ayran.

What are the benefits of fermented milk products?

All products contain the basic raw material - milk, and therefore, just like the original product, they are rich in protein, without which our life is not possible. Protein is needed for metabolic processes in the body, it is important for the formation and strength of muscles. If we don't get enough protein, we get sick.

Fermented milk products are good source squirrel - building material for our muscles and immune system.

The products we are considering contain quite a lot of calcium and phosphorus, as well as vitamin D, which are especially necessary in old age, because such people often experience their deficiency, so they simply must drink kefir and other drinks of this class every day.

Thanks to beneficial bacteria, they mediate the normalization of acid-base balance, stimulate good digestion, reduce the intensity of putrefaction processes in the intestines, normalize the functioning of the lungs, kidneys, Bladder, help the intestines work and, which is very important not only for older people, but for everyone in general. Therefore, a glass of kefir or a jar of yogurt at night is the key to a normal toilet in the morning.

Constant consumption of fermented milk products means that the acidic environment suppresses the development of putrefactive intestinal microflora, resulting in improved intestinal motility, appetite and metabolism.

It has been scientifically proven that fermented milk can lower blood pressure, not by much, only by 5%, but this is already good. They work like medications like enalopril or captopril.

Promote weight loss, despite the fats they contain. It's all about choosing a product with the least amount fat content

Why fermented milk is better than milk

If fermented milk products contain the same amount useful substances, as in milk, why are more of them recommended, and there has long been controversy surrounding milk, whether it is beneficial or harmful?

I, too, have always been interested in this question and I finally found the answer for myself from Dr. Komarovsky.

And it's not just about bacteria.

Milk contains a special sugar called lactose. And nature came up with the idea that the younger a person is, the higher the lactose activity, and with age it becomes less and we stop absorbing milk. About 70% of people are lactose intolerant. This is the main reason why milk is more useful for children at the age of a mammal, so to speak, since they absorb it better.

When special bacteria are added to milk, the latter break down milk sugar and multiply, feeding on lactose, the content of which, as a result, decreases.

Unlike milk, fermented milk is better absorbed and therefore a huge number of people cannot drink milk, but can drink fermented milk products.

Although everything is individual, if a person tolerates milk normally, then let him drink it for his health.

The best healthy fermented milk products


Probably the most popular and favorite drink is kefir, which is made from pasteurized cow's milk by fermentation with a special kefir starter, which includes yeast and thermophilic streptococcus, which does not die during heat treatment.

As a result of their fermentation, alcohol is released. Its share is negligible, so children can drink kefir. The alcohol content increases only with prolonged storage. But the yeast contained in kefir can cause allergies in some people, so this kind of complementary food should be given to small children carefully and in small doses.

Acetic acid bacteria contained in kefir add pungency to it and give it a unique, sour-sharp kefir taste and smell that is unique to this drink.

I don’t know if old technologies are being followed now; judging by the terrifying labels with incredibly long shelf life, they are being forgotten. Real kefir can be stored for no more than 5 days and, depending on the level of acidity, accumulation of alcohol and carbon dioxide, it can be weak (one-day), medium (two-day) and strong (three-day) and, accordingly, it has different effects. Thus, daily kefir weakens, while three-day kefir, on the contrary, strengthens it, although it contains more other beneficial properties.

The fat content of kefir only affects weight and cholesterol levels. But with its low fat content and increased content protein kefir can be very useful for liver diseases, pancreas and atherosclerosis.

In addition, kefir is useful:

  • For gastrointestinal tract
  • it lowers cholesterol levels
  • improves appetite
  • normalizes kidney function
  • increases the secretion of gastric juice
  • removes toxins from the body
  • calms down nervous system
  • improves sleep.

It is better to use it in the evening.

Curdled milk

At home, yogurt forms on its own when milk sours in a warm place, which may take two days. To speed up the process, stir a spoonful of sour cream into the milk.

In industrial conditions, yogurt is fermented using lactic acid streptococci with the addition of Bulgarian bacillus.

This product contains no yeast, no acetic bacteria, no alcohol. This product is low-allergenic and can quench thirst and hunger.

The amount of useful substances is equivalent to kefir and other fermented milk products, because they have the same mother - milk.

It is useful to drink yogurt during various illnesses for a speedy recovery, for pregnant women, and for the elderly.


The drink is prepared from baked milk, per liter of which a glass of sour cream is added and left to ferment for 3-4 hours; streptococcus bacteria are added at the factory.

It has a viscous, thick structure with a more delicate taste than kefir.

Ryazhenka perfectly quenches thirst in hot weather, increases appetite, promotes good functioning of the kidneys and housing and communal services.

But it has the highest calorie content among other fermented milk products, so you won’t be able to lose weight by drinking a glass of fermented baked milk.


A product of the same fermentation of milk with special bacteria, yogurt is also produced with the addition of starches, cream, and pectin. Compared to kefir, it has a less acidic environment and is very popular with children, especially yoghurts with the addition of fruits and berries.

But the most useful is bio-yogurt, which smells not of fruit, but of milk, which does not contain modified starch.


The fermented milk product bifidok is the same kefir, enriched in addition to fermented milk bifidobacteria, but yeast is not added to it, so bifidok has a softer and less sour taste.

The drink effectively improves the condition of the intestinal microflora and directly affects the condition of the skin. This is a drink of beauty and youth.

Useful for strengthening the immune system, preventing dysbacteriosis, indispensable for children for growing organisms, and for housing and communal services diseases. It is enough to drink a glass of bifidoc 2-3 times a week to feel its effectiveness.


I really respect and love matsoni, a fermented milk product that is sold in our stores. This national drink Caucasians are sometimes compared to yogurt, although in fact the manufacturing technology is rather similar to yogurt, but it has a sharper taste.

Just like other healthy fermented milk products, matsoni contains quite a lot of protein and vitamins, it helps improve blood circulation, intestinal activity, lower cholesterol, eliminate toxins, strengthen the nervous system, and build muscle mass.


The drink of heroes, kumys, known since ancient times, is made from mare’s milk using a special ferment.

It is quite liquid, slightly foaming and emits bubbles of carbon dioxide.

Rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins, antibiotic substances.

Kumis not only quenches thirst and hunger at the same time, while never overloading the stomach, it is truly an elixir of health and longevity. It gives special vivacity, good color face, nourishes, strengthens, renews and treats many ailments from tuberculosis and housing and communal services diseases to diseases of the nervous system, and is a good antidote for poisoning.

I won’t talk about cottage cheese and sour cream for now; it was the drinks that worried me today.

Contraindications for use

Fermented milk products are unique and have virtually no contraindications; on the contrary, they are useful for both the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

They can only cause individual intolerance to milk sugar - lactose, which can manifest itself as bloating and discomfort.

Some people may be allergic to milk protein, and in this case, of course, consuming fermented milk can lead to problems such as skin rashes or bronchospasms.

Due to yeast fungi, kefir provokes thrush, so it is not indicated for women suffering from this disease.

The high fat content of some foods, when consumed in excess, can lead to increased cholesterol and obesity.

Which fermented milk product is healthier?

I think it is difficult and even impossible to determine the healthiest fermented milk product.

The concept of the usefulness of a product is very relative; this is an individual matter. It is necessary to take into account both taste preferences and tolerance of a particular product. If kefir is poorly absorbed, then it might be better to drink fermented baked milk, but if it’s good, why should you give it up?

The main thing is that you like healthy fermented milk products, then by choosing any of them, you will receive both benefit and pleasure.

Milk and milk products are an important source of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, other minerals, as well as many vitamins and protein.

What you need to know about milk and fermented milk products to get from them most useful, says Elena Chedia, a nutritionist of the highest category at the clinic of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

How much milk do you need

Minimum daily requirement human calcium - about 500 mg - can be obtained from half a liter of milk. Since the fat content of milk does not affect the mineral content, you can drink it to get calcium. both whole and low calorie skimmed milk.

The body also receives calcium from fermented milk products. There is approximately the same amount of it in kefir, fermented baked milk and yogurt as in milk.

It should also be remembered that in milk not enough iron and vitamin C in order to satisfy the daily need for them.

In addition, excess calcium from milk can lead to disruption of mineral metabolism in the body.

Conclusion: Even among supporters of vegetarianism, sources of protein should not be limited to dairy products. Valuable amino acids are found in mushrooms and plant products: beans, lentils, soybeans. In addition, if vegetarianism is not strict, eggs and fish will become protein suppliers.

Let's sum it up. Milk and dairy products should be eaten at least several times a week. To make their use truly beneficial, pay attention to the expiration date of dairy products, drink milk with grains and do not forget about fermented milk products.

One of the main principles healthy image life stands proper nutrition. It provides a certain regime and proper diet. There are many foods out there, many of which are healthy, while others are more unhealthy. Usually people choose both for nutrition, without thinking about the consequences for the body.

It is important to understand that our health directly depends on what we eat. Therefore, you need to introduce as much healthy food into your diet as possible. One of the necessary components for normal functioning the body are considered fermented milk foods. These are a number of representatives that are of natural origin, thanks to which they have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and the entire body as a whole.

Classification and types of fermented milk products

Fermented milk products are a whole range of products that are produced by fermenting whole milk. In most cases it is used, but sometimes sheep, goat or mare milk is also processed.

Milk has been popular for many centuries. Since ancient times, people have noticed its beneficial properties and actively used it for food. Then they began to actively process it into fermented milk products, which contain no less useful substances.

General beneficial properties of fermented milk foods:

  • Dietary properties;
  • Fortified composition (vitamins of group B, as well as A, E, D);
  • Easily digestible microelements, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium;
  • Lactic acid can fight various harmful bacteria.

Today milk is in in the usual form is used less frequently than other products made from it. In general, they are all divided into two groups:

  • Products that are produced exclusively through natural fermentation. These include: sour cream, acidophilus, yogurt, cottage cheese, yogurt. They are all similar in structure, slightly thick and homogeneous. They have a sour taste due to the presence of lactic acid.
  • The second group consists of products that are produced by mixed fermented milk and alcoholic fermentation. These are, for example, kefir, kumiss and others. These products have a unique taste due to the presence of carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol. They look more like drinks; when shaken lightly, they become completely liquid.

The benefits of fermented milk products

The benefits are difficult to overestimate. Doctors believe that regular consumption of such components in food reduces the chances of developing diseases by almost half. These representatives are most useful healthy eating give to the digestive organs. Or rather, without the necessary bacteria contained in such products, it is impossible to ensure normal digestion.

Fermented milk products can affect various organs, their benefits lie in the following factors:

  • All beneficial bacteria that are included in the composition are very quickly and easily absorbed in the body;
  • Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli promote the rapid breakdown of proteins in the body;
  • Lactic acid helps normalize the functioning of the internal intestinal microflora, thanks to active components harmful bacteria die and the number of beneficial ones increases;
  • Fermented milk products are filled with organic fatty acids, which improve the motility of the digestive tract;
  • These products actively fight flatulence, reducing the amount of gas in the intestines;
  • Fermented milk products are much healthier than fresh milk; they contain ten times more amino acids than a fresh product, and these components activate metabolic processes;
  • Calcium strengthens bone tissue, regular consumption of fermented milk products is a necessary prevention of osteoporosis;
  • These products are used to prevent and treat hypertension and atherosclerosis;
  • Bifidobacteria actively fight toxins that are released when eating harmful foods or under the influence of other factors; they not only utilize them, but remove them from the body along with heavy metals, waste, radionuclides and salts;
  • Fermented milk products increase appetite and strengthen the human immune system.

Such a wide range of beneficial properties determines the importance of these products. It is especially important to introduce it into the diet of children. Exactly at childhood The body is developing and needs vitamins and minerals, which are contained in fermented milk products.

Harm of fermented milk products

Despite many beneficial properties, fermented milk products can also have a detrimental effect on the human body. This happens rarely, but you need to be aware of such moments so as not to cause harm.

  • Ulcers and those suffering from pancreatitis;
  • People who have increased level acidity in the stomach;
  • For diarrhea and frequent bloating;
  • In case of dysfunction of the liver and gallbladder;
  • People who have personal intolerances.

Excessive consumption of such foods can cause the following negative aspects:

  • Increased cholesterol levels if you eat large amounts of cottage cheese;
  • Disturbance of calcium metabolism;
  • In products industrial production contains chemical preservatives that increase shelf life, so such components in large quantities can be harmful;
  • usually contains a large amount of sugar, so it can lead to problems with excess weight, in addition, it may contain various preservatives; for children it is better to choose special ones that are age-specific;

When choosing fermented milk products, it is very important to pay attention to the date of manufacture. They usually spoil quickly, and they should not be consumed in this form, as this can be harmful to health. They need to be stored in the refrigerator at low temperatures.

Such food should be introduced into the diet rationally. For example, you can consume 2-3 times a week, sour cream - twice, kefir - five times a week. Moreover, portions are important for both adults and children.

Regular consumption of fermented milk products over several weeks significantly improves intestinal function, enhances the body’s protective properties (immunity), and fills vital energy. Fermented milk products do not contain healthy fats, so buy products with a minimum amount of fat content. Fermented milk products contain healthy animal proteins that improve the condition of your muscles.

Cottage cheese

Fermented milk products include cottage cheese in their list. After all, cottage cheese is useful product nutrition, and has vitamins (7 pieces) and microelements (6 pieces). Cottage cheese contains animal proteins - 16.5 g per 100 g of product. When you go to the store, buy cottage cheese with a fat content of 0.1-2%, no more. Animal fat is not very healthy; in large quantities it is harmful to the body. Cottage cheese strengthens teeth and bones, improves vision, and prevents diseases of the digestive tract. Some diets use cottage cheese, because it contains a minimum of fats and carbohydrates and a lot of proteins. Athletes and people with an active lifestyle need 2-2.2 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. 200-300 grams of cottage cheese 0.1% fat per day will bring an additional 33-50 grams of protein.

Sour cream

Fermented milk products include sour cream in their list. Sour cream contains 9 microelements, 7 macroelements and 16 vitamins. It is healthier to eat sour cream - 10% fat (115.3 Kcal per 100 grams). Sour cream is good for the intestines and is absorbed fairly quickly. Sour cream normalizes metabolic processes in the body, increases performance and strengthens muscles. Men are recommended to eat sour cream, because it has a positive effect on potency. Various face masks are made from sour cream at home, and they improve the condition of the skin and its tone. Sour cream fights the processes of putrefaction in the intestines, has a positive effect on hormonal background. You can use sour cream to combat sunburn.

Curdled milk

Yogurt is a fermented milk product. 100 grams contain only 30 calories and 3 g of animal protein. Curdled milk has a rich amount of vitamins and minerals. There are 11 vitamins, 7 macroelements and 10 microelements. Curdled milk is well absorbed in our body and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Curdled milk is used in cooking and cosmetology. Curdled milk helps with constipation and improves metabolic processes. Additionally, yogurt helps with a hangover; you need to drink 1-2 glasses on an empty stomach and after 20 minutes, there will be noticeable improvements.


Kefir is a mixed fermentation fermented milk product. Kefir contains 10 microelements, 7 macroelements and 14 vitamins. It is recommended to use kefir with 0.1-1% fat content. Per 100 grams of product, there are 39.8 calories, 2.9 g of protein, 0.1-1 g of fat and 3.9 g of carbohydrates. It is useful to drink kefir at night, 1 hour before bedtime, to satisfy the feeling of hunger. Kefir is easily absorbed in the body. Kefir will be especially useful for those who are losing weight or watching their figure, because kefir is a dietary and low-calorie food. Kefir is beneficial for adult men and women and for children. Kefir stabilizes sleep, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of toxins and harmful substances, strengthens the nervous system and is a tasty, fermented milk drink. You can use kefir to make non-alcoholic cocktails, make pancakes, add kefir when preparing barbecue, or make a pie.

Watch useful video No. 1:


Fermented milk products include yoghurts in their list. Yoghurts come in different fat contents, we recommend that you buy from big amount fat per 100 g of product. Yogurt contains 10 microelements, 7 macroelements and 12 vitamins. Yogurts are popular fermented milk foods, loved by children and adults. Yogurts have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Yogurts practically do not cause allergies, and improve the immune system and protective functions of the body. It is best to buy yoghurts with a short shelf life (7-10 days) - in this case they are more useful. You can cook a lot delicious dishes using yogurt, for example: cake, yogurt ice cream, broccoli with yogurt, mocktails, tartlets, yogurt pancakes, pie, banana yogurt casserole and other dishes.


Fermented milk products include cheese in their list. Cheese is an interesting food product because it contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals. Cheeses come with a large amount of fat per 100 g of product and with a moderate amount of fat. Buy cheese with the least amount of fat, because such fat is saturated and is not very beneficial for the human body. B vitamins included in cheeses increase performance. Eat cheese 2-3 times a week, because cheese improves the condition of hair, skin, and nails.


  • Kefir
  • Yogurt
  • Curdled milk
  • Sour cream
  • Cottage cheese
  • Varenets
  • Ayran
  • Kumis
  • Chal (shubat)
  • Matsoni
  • Serum
  • Ryazhenka
  • Dzhugurt
  • Kurunga

Watch useful video No. 2:
