Business plan for a diagnostic laboratory (with financial model). Laboratory business plan

Everyone knows that the beginning of treatment or prevention of diseases begins with an accurate diagnosis. And she, in turn, did the tests. However, many are horrified by the thought of sitting in long lines at clinics with local pensioners. Today people save their time, nerves and prefer comfort. That is why the analysis laboratory business will always be in demand.

Market analysis

Oddly enough, but today for many cities private laboratory analyzes are very rare. But this only speaks of the market's prospects. It is believed that the most promising directions are large cities, as well as central settlements of different levels. The prospects of the business are reinforced by the fact that the number of analysis laboratories per settlement is not limited by anything.

Form of activity

The business of receiving and processing analyzes can be organized in several directions, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Biomaterial collection room

The easiest way to make money in this area. The work process is simple: materials are collected in the office, which are then sent to a special laboratory for analysis. Based on the results, the results are sent to the collection office.

The advantage of such a business is the low barrier to entry into the market. This form does not involve the purchase of special expensive equipment or the hiring of specialized specialists. The entrepreneur’s task is to organize high-quality collection and transportation of tests. It is the latter that requires large expenses for organizing special equipment. In addition, with this form of business organization, the time it takes for clients to receive results increases. And this is clearly not exactly a competitive advantage.

Medical laboratory

Business plan medical laboratory will require the purchase of a special expensive and mandatory quality equipment. This list consists of:

  • robots;
  • readers;
  • analyzers;
  • thermal cyclers;
  • oshers and much more.

Total for purchase the necessary devices you will need at least 1.5 million rubles if we are talking about a laboratory in a city with a population of one million. For smaller cities, about 200-250 thousand dollars will be required. The payback period for such a laboratory will be approximately 5-7 years, and the profitability will be 15%.

Treatment room

Many people are interested in the question of how to open a treatment room, because it requires even less investment than a laboratory. Moreover, it can be opened as a franchise, which will significantly simplify starting a business. For this form of business organization, 40-60 thousand dollars are enough, which will be returned in 2-4 years.

If we talk about economic feasibility, the most profitable are the treatment room and laboratory. You also need to pay attention to the time frame within which test results will be released. Nowadays, many of them are carried out over several hours, so it is quite possible to issue them even on the day of delivery. Please note that the main criterion for clients to choose a place for testing is price and speed.

Preparation of documentation

Medical and laboratory activities in our country can only be carried out under a special license. Therefore, to open an analysis laboratory, it is necessary to obtain a license for clinical laboratory activities for a period of five years. To obtain a document, you must contact Federal service for supervision in the field social development and healthcare. After this, you will need to obtain permits from the fire service and sanitary and epidemiological inspection.

You can simplify the procedure if you purchase a franchise. It is sold both with and without a license. The cost without a license will be about 6 thousand dollars. Accordingly, with a license, its cost will increase significantly.

Search for premises

You can use either your own or rented premises for an analysis laboratory. It must have an area of ​​at least 30 m², on which everything must be carried out necessary communications, a separately equipped entrance and meet a number of other requirements. Among them, first of all, you need to look for a place near a convenient transport interchange, preferably with parking.

Formation of a list of services

The choice of equipment and the organization of the work of the institution depends on what types of research you plan to offer. Today, the most common are two types of research:

  • DNA detection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
  • enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), that is, detection of antibodies to special proteins or a specific pathogen.

Both methods are equally popular in the market. Moreover, in terms of financial investments they are also virtually the same. The difference is that with PCR the main funds will be spent on bringing the premises to necessary requirements safety, and ELISA requires large investments in equipment.

The list of services should include the following studies:

  • cytological and spermographic methods;
  • analyzes of indicators of the hemostasis system;
  • clinical and biochemical blood and urine tests;
  • PCR studies;
  • analysis of hormone levels;
  • tumor marker studies;
  • allergy tests;
  • analysis to detect infection.

Cost of services

When determining the cost of tests, you need to take into account a lot of factors. First of all, pay attention to the pricing of your competitors - yours should not be higher. Also keep in mind that usually one person undergoes several, or even a whole list of tests, which can cost him a lot of money. Therefore, you should not inflate prices, and also provide a flexible system of discounts for certain types or groups of analyses.

When setting prices, it is important to achieve a balance between generating income and organizing a constant flow of customers. The fact is that test reagents have a short shelf life. Unclaimed ones will have to be disposed of, losing the funds spent on their purchase. Therefore, it is important to find the ideal balance of spending and spending.

We are recruiting staff

Typically, this type of laboratory will require about 6-7 employees. The state should provide the following units:

  • nurses who collect samples;
  • doctors who see patients and prescribe tests;
  • administrator, whose task is to coordinate the work of staff;
  • a courier who delivers the material to the laboratory, as well as test results.

Their qualifications play a critical role in the success of your laboratory. The quality of material collection, the correct filling of forms, the correct conditions for storing and transporting material, clarity in accounting for materials, monitoring the expiration dates of reagents and much more are the cornerstones in the work of the laboratory.

A little about finances

Depending on how complex the analyzes are planned, how complex the equipment will be to install, debug and master, launching a business will take from a week to six months.

At the start you will need the following investments:

  • rent of premises of about 50 m² per year - 12 thousand dollars;
  • purchase of special equipment for research – $15 thousand;
  • carrying out all required communications – 1.5 thousand dollars;
  • renovation of the premises - $5 thousand;
  • registration of licenses and permits from SES and fire inspection – $1.5 thousand.

Fixed monthly expenses include:

  • transportation costs – 1 thousand dollars;
  • purchase of consumables – $3 thousand;
  • doctors' salaries – $600;
  • administrator's salary – $500;
  • salary of two nurses - $400.

Despite all these expenses, the business is not among the highly profitable ones - that figure remains at the level of 20-40%. However, it has its advantages - there are no seasonal fluctuations, it is stable and is always in demand.

On average, you can receive about 15-18 thousand dollars from it per month if all processes within the business are organized properly. Depending on the form of organization and the list of services provided, it can pay for itself in 2-5 years.

  • periodical newspapers and magazines;
  • websites of news agencies;
  • websites of clinical diagnostic institutions.
Regulatory documents regulating the activities of diagnostic enterprises:
  • federal laws;
  • Civil and Tax Codes of the Russian Federation;
  • Decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • letters and orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation;
  • etc.
Statistical information:
  • Federal State Statistics Service and its territorial bodies;
  •, etc.
Analytical information:
  • analytical reports and data from independent experts;
  • reports from public authorities;
  • company financial reports;
. Inventica's own forecasts and calculations.

Description of the business plan

For all key issues, this business plan is a standard one - its implementation is possible in any subject Russian Federation. When compiling financial plan values ​​of parameters that determine regional specifics (rental rates, salaries, level of effective demand) were adopted in relation to Moscow.


This business plan is an economic justification for investing in opening a treatment room.

The business plan includes:

  • analysis Russian market commercial laboratory diagnostics;
  • analysis of assortment and pricing policy in the laboratory diagnostics market;
  • profiles of the main players;
  • description of the project concept;
  • calculation of financial indicators;
  • project assessment and risk analysis.

Project concept

The concept of the project is basic. If necessary, it can be easily adjusted, and all financial indicators of the project can be automatically recalculated using the attached model (see below “Features of the business plan”).

This business plan involves opening a treatment room for collecting biological material with subsequent outsourcing of research. The concept of the project involves opening a treatment room under a franchise agreement.

The main source of income for the treatment room will be the provision of services for collecting blood and samples of biomaterial, as well as conducting a wide range of studies. In addition, it is envisaged to receive income from the provision of additional services, such as travel to collect biomaterial, courier delivery of results, translation of research results into foreign languages and so on.

Type of enterprise: treatment room for collecting biological material with outsourcing of research

Project location: Moscow

Start of the project: March 2011

Enterprise specifics: collecting biological material without conducting independent research, outsourcing this function of a clinical diagnostic laboratory under a franchising agreement.

Rentable area: total - 68 sq.m, including production and auxiliary premises - ... sq.m, administrative premises - ... sq.m

Rental terms: long term rental

Demand structure: blood sampling - ...%; collection of biomaterial - ...%; hematological studies - ...%; Immunohematological studies - ...%; biochemical studies - ...%; urine tests - ...%; diagnostics infectious diseases- ...%, etc. The business plan covers about 30 types of research and services.

Average number of clients: gradually increases from... people/day in 2011 to... people/day in 2016

Average check: for basic services - ... rub., for additional services- ... rub. (the average bill is calculated automatically in the financial model based on the specified parameters and changes depending on the cost individual species services and demand distribution forecast)

Agent's fee: ... %

Traits consumer behavior target clients: the need for a wide range of services provided; saving time while waiting for the results of studies carried out government agencies; priority of comfort of receiving services and convenience of location

Main equipment: medical equipment for collecting, storing and transporting samples of biological material

Investment budget: ... million rub.

Credit: ...% of the investment budget, term - 2 years, rate - ...%/year, grace period for repayment of the principal debt - ... months, penalty for late payments - ...%.

State: ... people, organizational groups: administration; accounting; medical staff, courier service

Operating mode: daily, on weekdays from 7:30 to 20:30, on weekends from 10:00 to 17:00, two shifts

Start of activity: ... month 2011

Features of a business plan

1) The business plan was developed in close cooperation with current managers and industry experts.

2) Financial calculations for the business plan were carried out using an Excel model, which is a proprietary development of Inventica.

3) Financial model is 100% automated

  • Project Parameter Values taken into account in this business plan are subject to change.
  • The total number of parameters included in the financial model is more than 500 (month of the start of the project, list and cost of obtaining permitting documents, area of ​​premises, specification of equipment and its cost, staffing table, cost of services, distribution of demand, credit conditions, markup on groups of goods, etc.).
  • Changing any of the project parameters leads to automatic recalculation of the model.
  • The ability to quickly recalculate allows you to independently calculate various strategies and scenarios for the development of your business, even if you do not know the basics of financial modeling and investment management.
So you get universal tool for decision making, with the help of which you can adjust the concept of the project by selecting optimal values parameters of your future business.

The financial model is attached to the business plan.

The basis of any medical diagnosis is tests. Municipal clinics, as a rule, cannot cope with a large flow of clients, who have to stand in huge queues and wait a long time for test results. Today there are enough large number people who are ready, on a paid basis, to quickly take tests and get results immediately. Therefore, private laboratories providing such services are in great demand.

This type of business can be carried out in two ways:

  • Organization of a treatment room for drawing blood and receiving other biomaterial, the processing of which will be carried out in a specialized laboratory;
  • Organization of not only a treatment room, but also our own laboratory for the analysis of biomaterial.

Each of this methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Features of the organization of the treatment room

To organize such a business, you will need start-up capital in the amount of 50-60 thousand dollars for capital cities and 15-20 thousand for regions. The return on investment will occur in 1.5-2 years. The main difficulty of the business will be the fulfillment of numerous conditions for the transportation and storage of biomaterial and the delay in issuing test results.

Laboratory organization business

The required start-up capital to organize the work of the laboratory is $1.5 million for capital cities and $150-200 thousand for regions. The bulk of these funds will be spent on the purchase of expensive modern high-tech equipment. You need to know that equipment, devices and any consumables domestic production will be cheaper than imported ones by about 30%. The profitability of the business will be about 15%, the payback period for investments is approximately 5-6 years.

This type of business is licensed. In addition, permitting documents from the fire inspection and sanitary inspection will be required.

When choosing a room for a laboratory, you need to take into account that its area should be at least 100 square meters, and there must be a separate entrance. The last condition is mandatory requirement SES.

The success and popularity of your laboratory will depend on the list of services provided. It is advisable that all clinical and biochemical tests be performed. The cost of the simplest analysis is about 30 rubles; it will cost the client 70 rubles. The average amount that clients will spend in your laboratory will be 300 rubles.

Business success will depend on the qualifications of the staff, the quality and speed of services, compliance with the confidentiality of client information and the availability of connections with medical staff of clinics who will recommend your laboratory to their patients.

  • periodical newspapers and magazines;
  • websites of news agencies;
  • websites of clinical diagnostic institutions.
Regulatory documents regulating the activities of diagnostic enterprises:
  • federal laws;
  • Civil and Tax Codes of the Russian Federation;
  • Decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • letters and orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation;
  • etc.
Statistical information:
  • Federal State Statistics Service and its territorial bodies;
  •, etc.
Analytical information:
  • analytical reports and data from independent experts;
  • reports from public authorities;
  • company financial reports;
. Inventica's own forecasts and calculations.

Description of the business plan

For all key issues, this business plan is a standard one - its implementation is possible in any subject of the Russian Federation. When drawing up the financial plan, the values ​​of the parameters that determine regional specifics (rent rates, wages, level of effective demand) were taken in relation to Moscow.


This business plan is an economic justification for investing in the opening of a clinical diagnostic laboratory.

The business plan includes:

  • analysis of the Russian commercial laboratory diagnostics market;
  • analysis of assortment and pricing policy in the laboratory diagnostics market;
  • profiles of the main players;
  • description of the project concept;
  • calculation of financial indicators;
  • project assessment and risk analysis.

Project concept

The concept of the project is basic. If necessary, it can be easily adjusted, and all financial indicators of the project can be automatically recalculated using the attached model (see below “Features of the business plan”).

This business plan involves the opening of a clinical diagnostic laboratory (CDL) to conduct research, both with preliminary collection of biological material, and as an outsource company based on material received from third-party organizations.

The range of the diagnostic laboratory will include the most popular groups of tests, as well as additional services for collecting samples, both with subsequent research and without conducting research, with the delivery of samples to clients. In addition, KDL will provide a number of additional services, such as courier delivery of analysis results, home visits to collect biomaterial, translation of analysis results into foreign languages, etc.

Type of enterprise: clinical diagnostic laboratory for research

Project location: Moscow

Start of the project: March 2011

Enterprise specifics: The main flow of research comes from samples received from third-party organizations; the provision of services for the collection of biological samples is a secondary function for KDL. The research is carried out through the use of automatic analyzers and other high-tech laboratory equipment, which significantly reduces the time of research, helping to increase the flow of orders

Rentable area: total - ... sq.m, including production area - 292 sq.m, general utility and administrative premises - ... sq.m

Rental terms: long term rental

Demand structure: biochemical studies - ...%; hematological studies - ...%; urine tests - 10.5%; diagnosis of infectious diseases - ...%, etc. The business plan covers more than 20 types of research and services.

Average number of clients: gradually increases from... people/day in 2011 to... people/day in 2018

Average check: for basic services - ... rub., for additional services - ... rub. (the average bill is calculated automatically in the financial model based on specified parameters and changes depending on the cost of individual types of services and the forecast of demand distribution)

Traits of consumer behavior of target customers: the need for a wide range of services provided; the need to conduct a large volume of various studies; preference for quality and accuracy of results; trust in high-tech research methods; saving time while waiting for the results of studies conducted by government agencies; priority of comfort of receiving services and convenience of location

Main equipment: high-tech medical laboratory equipment, medical equipment for collecting, storing and transporting samples of biological material, ...

Investment budget: ... million rub.

Credit: 60% of the investment budget, term - 3 years, rate - 18%/year, grace period for repayment of the principal debt - ... months, penalty for late payments - ...%.

State: ... people, organizational groups: administration; accounting; medical personnel, courier service

Operating mode: daily, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Start of activity: .... 2011

Features of a business plan

1) The business plan was developed in close cooperation with current managers and industry experts.

2) Financial calculations for the business plan were carried out using an Excel model, which is
Inventica's own development.

3) Financial model is 100% automated

  • Project Parameter Values taken into account in this business plan are subject to change.
  • The total number of parameters included in the financial model is more than 500 (the month the project began,
list and cost of obtaining permits, area of ​​premises, specification
equipment and its cost, staffing, cost of services, distribution of demand
credit conditions, mark-ups on groups of goods, etc.).
  • Changing any of the project parameters leads to automatic recalculation of the model.
  • The ability to quickly recalculate allows you to independently calculate various strategies and
scenarios for the development of your business, even if you do not know the basics of financial modeling and
investment management.

Thus, you receive a universal decision-making tool with which you can adjust the project concept by selecting the optimal parameters for your future business.

The financial model is attached to the business plan.
