List of documents for the installation of fire alarms. About executive documentation and Poland for ops. Why we are trusted to create APS ID

As-built documentation is perhaps the most important part of what we hand over at the end of all the work performed. It is possible, in fact, not to produce work, as is customary in our country, but there must be papers! As the old folk wisdom says: did it - write it down, did not do it - write it down twice. In this post, I will talk about the as-built documentation that we must provide to the customer when commissioning an automatic fire alarm installation, or, more simply, when handing over a fire. You can download the forms of documents included in the executive documentation below.

For the laziest, I will immediately give a list of documents included in the as-built documentation:

  1. design and working documentation;
  2. a set of working drawings with changes made to them;
  3. technical documentation of manufacturers;
  4. Survey report;

Download acts for as-built documentation for fire alarms.

In the archive:

  1. Survey report

All acts, except for the Act of testing protective pipelines and the Protocol for warming up the cable on drums, are made in Excel and filled out for convenience and understanding.

For those who are wondering where this list came from, I have given a brief explanation below.
There is such a wonderful guiding document called “RD 78.145-93. Systems and complexes of security, fire and fire alarm systems. Rules for the production and acceptance of work.”

We will not discuss it in its entirety, but will only touch on the provisions related directly to the documentation.
To begin with, we are interested in paragraph 11.4, which reads:

When accepting technical means of signaling for operation, the installation and commissioning organization must present to the working commission:
  • as-built documentation (a set of working drawings with changes made to them or an inspection report);
  • technical documentation of manufacturers;
  • certificates, technical passports or other documents certifying the quality of materials, products and equipment used in the production of installation work;
  • production documentation (mandatory annex 1).
In this regard, we carefully store all the documentation supplied with the devices, we look for certificates on the Internet and print them out (I usually add them to the working documentation at the end).
Separately, I want to say about passports. Check their availability and validity. In accordance with clause 2.4: Technical means of signaling are allowed for installation after the input control. Input control of technical means supplied by the customer is carried out by the customer or specialized organizations involved by him. Passports will greatly help you in the execution of the act of entrance control. You will remember it when all the detectors are already hanging at a height of six meters ...
For acceptance into operation of technical means of signaling, a working commission is appointed by order of the management of the organization (enterprise) of the customer. The order and duration of the work of the working commission are determined by the customer in accordance with SNiP 3.01.04-87.
The working committee includes representatives of:
  • organizations (enterprises) of the customer (chairman of the commission);
  • assembly and adjustment organization;
  • commissioning organization;
  • security units;
  • state fire authorities.

If necessary, other specialists may be involved.

From this point it becomes clear that the exemplary customer must have an order to appoint a working commission. I can say from experience that a rare customer from a small business burdens himself with drawing up an order. Therefore, we will also have to do it ... The standard form is presented in the archive of document forms included in the as-built documentation, which can be downloaded below.

Now let's move on to the mandatory annex 1, which indicates the production documentation that we transfer:

During the installation of technical means of signaling, the production documentation given in the table should be drawn up, and upon their delivery - transferred to the working commission (with the exception of paragraphs 2, 3).
  1. Survey report;
  2. The act of transferring equipment, products and materials for installation
  3. The act of readiness of buildings, structures for the production of installation work
  4. Certificate of examination of hidden works (when installing electrical wiring)
  5. Act on the input control
  6. Cable warm-up protocol on drums
  7. The act of testing protective pipelines with separating seals for tightness
  8. Protocol for measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wiring
  9. Certificate of completion of installation work
  10. Certificate of completion of commissioning
  11. List of mounted (PKP SPU) and detectors

The acceptance of technical means of signaling into operation must be formalized by an act in accordance with the mandatory Appendix 2.

APPENDIX 2 Mandatory

When accepting and putting technical means of signaling into operation, the working commission must draw up the documentation shown in the table.

  1. The act of acceptance of technical means of signaling into operation

As usual, we will start a series of articles by determining which regulatory documents on fire alarm systems (hereinafter referred to as "APS") determine the requirements for their availability, technical performance and maintenance. Perhaps, a natural question arises why this knowledge is needed by a labor protection specialist. The answer is banal. Having knowledge of the principles for determining the need for an alarm, you will be able, when the employer concludes a lease of premises, to give an opinion on its compliance with fire safety requirements, thereby further eliminating the risks of receiving penalties from the inspection authorities, noting the absence of such in the defective act.

Where are fire alarm systems required?

Fire alarm, warning and evacuation control systems in case of fire should be installed at facilities where exposure to hazardous fire factors can lead to injury and (or) death of people. The list of objects to be equipped with these systems is established by fire safety regulations.

More specific criteria for determining objects that require fire automation systems are defined by Appendix A of the Code of Rules 5.13130.2009 “Fire protection systems. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations are automatic. Design norms and rules” .

In tables 1, 2, 3, depending on the functional purpose of buildings and premises, as well as their area, it is possible to determine the need for fire alarm systems.

In addition to determining the need to install an APS, the set of rules in Section 13 defines the requirements for the installation of an APS.

What is required to have a fire alarm system?

Another main document that mentions fire alarm systems is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 N 390 (as amended) “On the fire regime” (together with the “Rules for the fire regime in the Russian Federation”).

In paragraph 63, the head of the organization is responsible for the maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance of fire protection systems.

The head of the organization ensures, in accordance with the annual schedule drawn up taking into account the technical documentation of manufacturers, and the timing of the repair work, routine maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance of fire protection systems for buildings and structures (automatic fire alarm installations, automatic ( autonomous) fire extinguishing installations, smoke protection systems, fire warning systems and evacuation control systems).

What documents determine the procedure for the maintenance of fire alarms?

Regulatory documents on fire alarm systems include standards that define the procedure for maintenance of fire alarms, as well as a list of required documents confirming the actual maintenance of fire alarms.

“RD 25.964-90. Maintenance and repair system for automatic fire extinguishing, smoke removal, security, fire and fire alarm systems. Organization and procedure for carrying out work” (approved by the Ministry of Electrotechpribor

“Installations of fire automatics. Technical content rules. RD 009-01-96” (approved by MA “Systemservice”, introduced by Order of MA “Systemservice” dated September 25, 1996 N 25)

“Installations of fire automatics. Maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance. RD 009-02-96” (approved by MA “Systemservice”, introduced by Order of MA “Systemservice” dated September 25, 1996 N 25).

Further articles will describe in detail the procedure for organizing the maintenance of the APS, as well as how to avoid the need to carry out this maintenance in rented premises.

5.4.1. General provisions

Acceptance of ASPS into operation should be carried out by a working commission appointed by order of the head of the enterprise (organicustomer position (22).

The working committee includes a representative of the customer (chairman of the commission), general contractor, design, installation and commissioning organization, as well as an organization that carries out TO and R, representative of the State Border Service. Participation of representatives of the State Border Service in the composition state, departmental acceptance committees is obligatoryzatelny. In addition to the official representative of the State Border Service, employees of the State Border Service may be involved in the work of the commissions.influencing control during construction and further operationobject (clauses 2, 4 NPB 05) (23).

The work of the commission is carried out according to the program of acceptance tests ny, agreed with the territorial body of the State Border Service and approvedcustomer. The acceptance test program should include (24):

main characteristics of the test object;

the purpose of the tests;

composition of the acceptance committee;

scope of tests and checks;

logistics of testing;

security requirement;

test methodology;

criteria for evaluating test results.

The working committee should (26):

check the quality and compliance of the performed installation and commissioning works with project documentation, SNiP, PUE, NPB, technical documentation of manufacturers;

carry out complex tests of the automatic installation fire extinguishing in accordance with the program of acceptance tests. After carrying out complex tests, an act is drawn up (appendix 28).

If the working commission detects discrepancies in the performed installation and commissioning works to the project, the requirements of the regulatory documentation, a protocol is drawn up indicating the identified deficienciesstatistics and deadlines for their elimination, as well as the responsible organizationszations. After the elimination of the shortcomings indicated in the protocol, the installationthe commissioning organization must again present the installation for delivery (27).

The representative of the State Border Service body, who is a member of the commission, is obliged (29):

take part in the inspection and acceptance of the installed equipment fire protection system, get acquainted with the certificates, technical passports and other documents certifying equipment quality indicators, system test reports andnewcomer fire protection;

communicate in writing to the chairman of the working committee the opinion body of the State Border Service on the implementation of the activities envisaged by the project and readiness of the installation for acceptance into operation, and if availabledeficiencies - compile and hand over their list.

If violations of the requirements of regulatory documents are detected, design decisions and activities, the representative of the State Fire Service body submits a dissenting opinion to the chairman of the commission in writing, while the actacceptance committee is not signed (30).

5.4.2. Features of acceptance into operation of systems fire alarm

Documentation to be presented upon acceptance into operation of systems fire alarm, must comply with Appendix 30 (35.1).

Acceptance into operation of ASPS without carrying out a comprehensive adjustment and testing is not allowed (35.2).

Upon acceptance into operation of the completed installation and commissioning of ASPS, the working commission conducts (35.3):

checking the quality and compliance of the performed installation subsidiaries of the submitted documentation, EMP, technological maps and technical documentation of manufacturers;

measurement of the insulation resistance of the alarm loop and wiring;

measuring the resistance of the alarm loop;

Executive documentation for fire alarm

AT as-built documentation for fire alarm contains a set of working drawings and text documents that facilitate the operation of the building. It must be provided to the inspectors of the Ministry of Emergency Situations conducting the inspection, upon request. Having a fire alarm ID helps you avoid problems with the law.
If the as-built documentation for APS (OPS) and SOUE is lost or not made by those who performed the installation, it must be restored.

Stages of restoration of as-built documentation for fire alarms

To start work on the restoration of documentation, building plans from the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI plans) are required.

BTI plans look something like this:

The plan is redrawn for AutoCad to editable .dwg format

Then the automatic fire alarm system is examined. The presence, location, number and type of sensors, devices and modules of which it consists are checked. The data obtained is applied to the dimensional drawings.

Taking pictures of control panels

manual and smoke detectors.

It is also important to distribute fire alarm loops throughout the premises.

After the survey, you can start drawing the executive documentation for the fire alarm.

This stage is similar to designing, but with a ready-made arrangement that needs to be transferred to the cable route plan.

An example of a plan for the executive layout of fire detectors:

The cost of executive documentation for APS

To determine the cost, a technical passport of the building or BTI plans is required. The calculation is made taking into account the area of ​​the object, but The cost of developing as-built documentation depends on many factors. Each order is individual.

Send to the mail, which is indicated in the Contacts section, the initial data. We will calculate and send it to you as soon as possible.

The standard term for the implementation of APS ID up to 2000m2 is 7-10 days. The price includes a survey of the object, the creation of documentation and the transfer of two paper copies of the project to the client.

There are two ways to reduce the cost of performing work (relevant for service organizations and companies with design skills) in two ways:

  1. Purchase an example project in editable format (dwg, doc). You can link this project to your own plans. This option is possible only if there is a project SRO. Contents of the documentation: title, cover, explanatory note, general data, symbols, block diagram, equipment and cable routes layout plans, connection diagrams, cable magazine, specification.
  2. Pay for remote support of your project. You collect all the initial data (plans, location, types of detectors and devices), we carry out the normative control of the project.

Call the phone number listed on the site, and our manager will select the best option for you, which will help you save a lot.

Quote of the Dear Volzhaninin. Gold Edition.
Part 941st.

SNIP 12-01-2004 Organization of construction
SNiP 3.01.01-85
GOST R 54101 2010
SNiP 3.01.04-87 Acceptance for operation of completed construction projects.
RD-11-02-2006 Composition and procedure for maintaining executive documentation

BCH 25-09.67-85 "Rules for the production and acceptance of work. Automatic fire extinguishing installations"
Guidelines "Automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems. Rules for acceptance and control
RD 78.145 -93
It is necessary to distinguish:
-- as-built documentation, which is maintained during the installation process;
-- as-built documentation, which is issued during the commissioning of the installation;
--technical documentation that must be kept at the facility and maintained during the operation of the facility. This operational documentation also includes executive documentation.

Executive documentation, which is maintained during the installation process:
SNiP 3.01.01-85 "Organization of construction production"
Clause 1.14 As-built documentation - a set of working drawings with inscriptions on the compliance of the work performed in kind with these drawings or changes made to them in agreement with the design organization, made by persons responsible for the construction and installation works.
SNiP 3.05.06-85
clause 1.7. At each construction site, during the installation of electrical devices, special logs should be kept for the production of electrical work in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85, and upon completion of work, the electrical installation organization is obliged to transfer to the general contractor the documentation presented to the working commission in accordance with SNiP III-3-81. The list of acts and protocols of inspections and tests is determined by the VSN, approved in accordance with the procedure established by SNiP 1.01.01-82.
SNIP 12-01-2004 "Organization of construction"
5.14 The work contractor maintains as-built documentation:
- a set of working drawings with inscriptions on the compliance of the works performed in kind with these drawings or on the changes made to them in agreement with the designer, made by persons responsible for the construction and installation works;

3. As-built documentation is text and graphic materials reflecting the actual implementation of design decisions and the actual position of capital construction facilities and their elements in the process of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities as the work specified in the design documentation is completed .

Executive documentation, which is issued during the commissioning of the installation
SNiP 3.01.04-87 Acceptance for operation of completed construction projects. Basic provisions.
3.5. The general contractor submits the following documentation to the working commissions:
b) a set of working drawings for the construction of the object presented for acceptance, developed by design organizations, with inscriptions on the compliance of the work performed in kind with these drawings or changes made to them made by the persons responsible for the construction and installation works. The specified set of working drawings is the executive documentation;

As-built documentation - part (section) of the "Statement of technical documentation presented during the delivery and acceptance of electrical work".
GOST R 50776-95
3.2 Work planning
The ongoing work on ... installation and operation of the STS ... should be planned taking into account the following typical list of stages:
k) verification and commissioning of the installed STS with a set of working documentation for operation and maintenance.
BCH 25-09.67-85 "Rules for the production and acceptance of work. Automatic fire extinguishing installations" and
Guidelines "Automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems. Rules for acceptance and control"
13.5. When accepting the AUP for operation, the installation and commissioning organizations must present:
- as-built documentation (a set of working drawings with changes made to them);

Technical documentation that must be stored and maintained during the operation of the installation.
61 .... The facility should store as-built documentation for the installations and fire protection systems of the facility.
RD 009-01-96
1.5 General requirements for technical documentation.
1.5.1 The facility operating the fire automatics installation must have the following documentation:
a) design and estimate documentation (survey report);
b) executive documentation and schemes, acts of hidden works (if any), tests and measurements;

Here the phrase - "design documentation and as-built drawings for the installation" - is not very accurate.

Operating documents - according to GOST 2.601;

The joint venture "Fire fighting equipment. AUPS and PT. Requirements for installation and operation" is a project and it is too early to refer to it.

RD 11-02-2006 "Composition and procedure for maintaining executive documentation"
3. As-built documentation is text and graphic materials reflecting the actual execution of design decisions and the actual position of capital construction facilities and their elements in the process of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities as the work specified in the design documentation is completed.
clause 5. As-built documentation is maintained by the person carrying out the construction.

After all, no one argues that the executive documentation \u003d IS UNDERGROUND \u003d on the implementation of the installation.
Also, no one doubts that it is not realistic to carry out the installation strictly (strictly) according to the project. There will definitely be retreats. For example, in the routing of cable lines, in the actual location of the detectors, and so on...
Although the word =retreat= is somewhat dangerous, it entails agreement with the designer (if not his own).
It is necessary to say "softer" - some minor inaccuracies.
If you kept the executive documentation in fact, and kept it right, then after the commissioning of the object, why do you need this waste paper?
And pass it on to the client.
And as-built documentation is not only schemes that are required of you. So the customer will still need to be asked to take everything from you. (see SNiP 3.05.06-85, p. 1.7).
And also in
VSN 123-90 "Instructions for the execution of acceptance documentation for electrical work"

As is usually well said in
"Fire safety rules for Moscow"
3.1.14. At the site, the person responsible for the operation of the installation must have the following technical documentation available:

Although here the phrase - "project documentation and as-built drawings for the installation" - is not very accurate.

By the way, not so long ago we discussed the question of whether a project is needed at a commissioned facility?
I will not bother you, but the bottom line is that the project (more precisely, the working documentation) is needed only for the installers, and the owner of the facility after commissioning needs exactly the executive documentation.

Main normative message:
PPB01-03 p.98. Fire automatics installations must be in good condition and always ready, comply with project documentation.

Federal Law "TRoTPB" No. 123, article 83, part 1. Automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm installations must be installed in buildings, structures and structures in accordance with the design documentation developed and approved in the prescribed manner.

SNiP 21-01-97 "Fire safety of buildings and structures"
clause 4.3 ... do not allow changes in design, space-planning and engineering solutions without a project developed in accordance with applicable standards and approved in the prescribed manner."

clause 1.1. Work on the installation of technical means of signaling must be carried out in accordance with the approved design and estimate documentation or an inspection certificate (in accordance with standard design solutions), working documentation (project for the production of works, technical documentation of manufacturers, technological maps) and these Rules.

1.1. Work on the installation of automatic fire extinguishing installations must be carried out in accordance with the approved design estimates and working documentation, the project for the production of works (PPR) and the technical documentation of manufacturers.

"Fire safety rules for Moscow"
3.1.1. APS installations must comply with technical solutions and project requirements. It is allowed to make any changes to the installation design, rearrangement of the protected premises and other reorganizations in agreement with the design organization, informing the authorities of the State Fire Service (SFS).
3.1.14. At the facility, the person responsible for the operation of the installation must have the following technical documentation available:
a) design documentation and as-built drawings for the installation;

Article 83. Requirements for automatic fire extinguishing systems and fire alarm systems

1. Automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm installations must be installed in buildings, structures and structures in accordance with the design documentation developed and approved in the prescribed manner.

Executive documentation for fire alarm

AT as-built documentation for fire alarm contains a set of working drawings and text documents that facilitate the operation of the building. It must be provided to the inspectors of the Ministry of Emergency Situations conducting the inspection, upon request. Having a fire alarm ID helps you avoid problems with the law.
If the as-built documentation for APS (OPS) and SOUE is lost or not made by those who performed the installation, it must be restored.

Stages of restoration of as-built documentation for fire alarms

To start work on the restoration of documentation, building plans from the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI plans) are required.

BTI plans look something like this:

The plan is redrawn for AutoCad to editable .dwg format

Then the automatic fire alarm system is examined. The presence, location, number and type of sensors, devices and modules of which it consists are checked. The data obtained is applied to the dimensional drawings.

Taking pictures of control panels

manual and smoke detectors.

It is also important to distribute fire alarm loops throughout the premises.

After the survey, you can start drawing the executive documentation for the fire alarm.

This stage is similar to designing, but with a ready-made arrangement that needs to be transferred to the cable route plan.

An example of a plan for the executive layout of fire detectors:

The cost of executive documentation for APS

To determine the cost, a technical passport of the building or BTI plans is required. The calculation is made taking into account the area of ​​the object, but The cost of developing as-built documentation depends on many factors. Each order is individual.

Send to the mail, which is indicated in the Contacts section, the initial data. We will calculate and send it to you as soon as possible.

The standard term for the implementation of APS ID up to 2000m2 is 7-10 days. The price includes a survey of the object, the creation of documentation and the transfer of two paper copies of the project to the client.

There are two ways to reduce the cost of performing work (relevant for service organizations and companies with design skills) in two ways:

  1. Purchase an example project in editable format (dwg, doc). You can link this project to your own plans. This option is possible only if there is a project SRO. Contents of the documentation: title, cover, explanatory note, general data, symbols, block diagram, equipment and cable routes layout plans, connection diagrams, cable magazine, specification.
  2. Pay for remote support of your project. You collect all the initial data (plans, location, types of detectors and devices), we carry out the normative control of the project.

Call the phone number listed on the site, and our manager will select the best option for you, which will help you save a lot.

Quote of the Dear Volzhaninin. Gold Edition.
Part 941st.

SNIP 12-01-2004 Organization of construction
SNiP 3.01.01-85
GOST R 54101 2010
SNiP 3.01.04-87 Acceptance for operation of completed construction projects.
RD-11-02-2006 Composition and procedure for maintaining executive documentation

BCH 25-09.67-85 "Rules for the production and acceptance of work. Automatic fire extinguishing installations"
Guidelines "Automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems. Rules for acceptance and control
RD 78.145 -93
It is necessary to distinguish:
-- as-built documentation, which is maintained during the installation process;
-- as-built documentation, which is issued during the commissioning of the installation;
--technical documentation that must be kept at the facility and maintained during the operation of the facility. This operational documentation also includes executive documentation.

Executive documentation, which is maintained during the installation process:
SNiP 3.01.01-85 "Organization of construction production"
Clause 1.14 As-built documentation - a set of working drawings with inscriptions on the compliance of the work performed in kind with these drawings or changes made to them in agreement with the design organization, made by persons responsible for the construction and installation works.
SNiP 3.05.06-85
clause 1.7. At each construction site, during the installation of electrical devices, special logs should be kept for the production of electrical work in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85, and upon completion of work, the electrical installation organization is obliged to transfer to the general contractor the documentation presented to the working commission in accordance with SNiP III-3-81. The list of acts and protocols of inspections and tests is determined by the VSN, approved in accordance with the procedure established by SNiP 1.01.01-82.
SNIP 12-01-2004 "Organization of construction"
5.14 The work contractor maintains as-built documentation:
- a set of working drawings with inscriptions on the compliance of the works performed in kind with these drawings or on the changes made to them in agreement with the designer, made by persons responsible for the construction and installation works;

3. As-built documentation is text and graphic materials reflecting the actual implementation of design decisions and the actual position of capital construction facilities and their elements in the process of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities as the work specified in the design documentation is completed .

Executive documentation, which is issued during the commissioning of the installation
SNiP 3.01.04-87 Acceptance for operation of completed construction projects. Basic provisions.
3.5. The general contractor submits the following documentation to the working commissions:
b) a set of working drawings for the construction of the object presented for acceptance, developed by design organizations, with inscriptions on the compliance of the work performed in kind with these drawings or changes made to them made by the persons responsible for the construction and installation works. The specified set of working drawings is the executive documentation;
VSN 123-90 "Instructions for the execution of acceptance documentation for electrical work"
As-built documentation - part (section) of the "Statement of technical documentation presented during the delivery and acceptance of electrical work".
GOST R 50776-95
3.2 Work planning
The ongoing work on ... installation and operation of the STS ... should be planned taking into account the following typical list of stages:
k) verification and commissioning of the installed STS with a set of working documentation for operation and maintenance.
BCH 25-09.67-85 "Rules for the production and acceptance of work. Automatic fire extinguishing installations" and
Guidelines "Automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems. Rules for acceptance and control"
13.5. When accepting the AUP for operation, the installation and commissioning organizations must present:
- as-built documentation (a set of working drawings with changes made to them);

Technical documentation that must be stored and maintained during the operation of the installation.
61 .... The facility should store as-built documentation for the installations and fire protection systems of the facility.
RD 009-01-96
1.5 General requirements for technical documentation.
1.5.1 The facility operating the fire automatics installation must have the following documentation:
a) design and estimate documentation (survey report);
b) executive documentation and schemes, acts of hidden works (if any), tests and measurements;

Here the phrase - "design documentation and as-built drawings for the installation" - is not very accurate.

Operating documents - according to GOST 2.601;

The joint venture "Fire fighting equipment. AUPS and PT. Requirements for installation and operation" is a project and it is too early to refer to it.

RD 11-02-2006 "Composition and procedure for maintaining executive documentation"
3. As-built documentation is text and graphic materials reflecting the actual execution of design decisions and the actual position of capital construction facilities and their elements in the process of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities as the work specified in the design documentation is completed.
clause 5. As-built documentation is maintained by the person carrying out the construction.

After all, no one argues that the executive documentation \u003d IS UNDERGROUND \u003d on the implementation of the installation.
Also, no one doubts that it is not realistic to carry out the installation strictly (strictly) according to the project. There will definitely be retreats. For example, in the routing of cable lines, in the actual location of the detectors, and so on...
Although the word =retreat= is somewhat dangerous, it entails agreement with the designer (if not his own).
It is necessary to say "softer" - some minor inaccuracies.
If you kept the executive documentation in fact, and kept it right, then after the commissioning of the object, why do you need this waste paper?
And pass it on to the client.
And as-built documentation is not only schemes that are required of you. So the customer will still need to be asked to take everything from you. (see SNiP 3.05.06-85, p. 1.7).
And also in
VSN 123-90 "Instructions for the execution of acceptance documentation for electrical work"

As is usually well said in
"Fire safety rules for Moscow"
3.1.14. At the site, the person responsible for the operation of the installation must have the following technical documentation available:
a) design documentation and as-built drawings for the installation;

Although here the phrase - "project documentation and as-built drawings for the installation" - is not very accurate.

By the way, not so long ago we discussed the question of whether a project is needed at a commissioned facility?
I will not bother you, but the bottom line is that the project (more precisely, the working documentation) is needed only for the installers, and the owner of the facility after commissioning needs exactly the executive documentation.

Main normative message:
PPB01-03 p.98. Fire automatics installations must be in good condition and always ready, comply with project documentation.

Federal Law "TRoTPB" No. 123, article 83, part 1. Automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm installations must be installed in buildings, structures and structures in accordance with the design documentation developed and approved in the prescribed manner.

SNiP 21-01-97 "Fire safety of buildings and structures"
clause 4.3 ... do not allow changes in design, space-planning and engineering solutions without a project developed in accordance with applicable standards and approved in the prescribed manner."

clause 1.1. Work on the installation of technical means of signaling must be carried out in accordance with the approved design and estimate documentation or an inspection certificate (in accordance with standard design solutions), working documentation (project for the production of works, technical documentation of manufacturers, technological maps) and these Rules.

1.1. Work on the installation of automatic fire extinguishing installations must be carried out in accordance with the approved design estimates and working documentation, the project for the production of works (PPR) and the technical documentation of manufacturers.

"Fire safety rules for Moscow"
3.1.1. APS installations must comply with technical solutions and project requirements. It is allowed to make any changes to the installation design, rearrangement of the protected premises and other reorganizations in agreement with the design organization, informing the authorities of the State Fire Service (SFS).
3.1.14. At the facility, the person responsible for the operation of the installation must have the following technical documentation available:
a) design documentation and as-built drawings for the installation;

Article 83. Requirements for automatic fire extinguishing systems and fire alarm systems

1. Automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm installations must be installed in buildings, structures and structures in accordance with the design documentation developed and approved in the prescribed manner.

1. Register of executive documentation

2. General work log and special work:

  • Cabling Log
  • Input control log
  • Author's supervision journal (filled in by the responsible person from the design organization)


  • Executive diagram of the fire alarm system

4. Acts, acceptance and test protocols, other documents:

  • The act of transferring equipment, products and materials for installation
  • Building inspection act (name of the object, number of buildings, rooms, number of floors, type of building, indication of the type of alarm, type of detectors, control panels, annunciators and their installation locations for each building (room), indication of blocking building structures (name of material , size, number of protected structures, type and number of detectors), an indication of the length, types of wire laying and their protection, an indication of power supply, estimated cost and planned installation time, signatures of customer representatives, security departments, state fire authorities).
  • The act of readiness of buildings and structures for the production of work
  • Completion certificate
  • Protocol for measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wiring
  • List of mounted control panels (SPU) and detectors
  • The act of testing protective pipelines with separating seals for tightness (drawn up when installing signaling equipment in hazardous areas)
  • Statement of technical documentation presented at the time of delivery and acceptance
  • List of installed equipment
  • List of changes and deviations from the project
  • Insulation resistance measurement protocol
  • The act of technical readiness of the system


  • Laying of fire alarm networks (on walls, ceilings, in the floor, sewers, ground)

6. , , fire certificates, sanitary and hygienic conclusions for building materials, products and structures. For all building materials, products, structures and equipment arriving at the construction site, an incoming control report must be drawn up, followed by signing by responsible persons

7. A set of working drawings for the construction of an object presented for acceptance, developed by design organizations, with inscriptions on the compliance of the work performed in kind with these drawings or changes made to them, made by persons responsible for the construction and installation work, agreed with the authors of the project.

8. Documents on the approval of deviations from the project during construction

The set of acceptance documentation includes a package of permits:

  • Information sheet of the installation organization
  • SRO of the installation organization
  • Orders for responsible representatives
  • Personnel certificates (welders, electrical personnel, etc.)
  • Working documentation with the stamp of the Customer "To work"
  • Project for the production of works (title page and familiarization sheet)

*The presented composition of the executive documentation is approximate. Specify the exact composition of the executive documentation with the customer.

Dear experts! There was a need in the light of recent events to consider more carefully the installation and commissioning of the security and fire system newly mounted on a new or reconstructed facility. I will write questions in the form of questions or statements.
1) As I understand it, we draw up as-built documentation for the installed fire alarm systems not according to VSN123, not according to I1.13-07, but according to RD 78.145-93 (file attached here)? Do we take all forms of acts from there?
2) Where do we get the form of acts for hidden work, from RD 11-02-2006? By the way, does this document also apply to the preparation of executive documentation for the OPS?
3) If we have some cables laid in the ground, then we use GOST R 51872-2002 when designing executive diagrams. Executive geodetic documentation. Execution rules? Or does it not apply to OPS?
4) Commissioning: is it necessary to draw up a commissioning program for the OPS and where is it regulated (which document requires this MANDATORY)? Technical supervision indicate that it is OBLIGATORY and is agreed before starting work with the Customer, including. I am enclosing here a variant of such a PNR program.
5) Commissioning: what document regulates WHAT and HOW to check in the installed FPS systems? What protocols should be and for what and what is their form? Now this is a complete mess. Laboratories serve all sorts of different things that are not based on anything. Are there any rules somewhere? For example, there are test standards for electricians, PUE, PTEEP, but where for firefighters?
6) Should FSO installation companies attach purchased product verification logs, general work logs, CABLE logs? If cable is required, then where is it written? Technical supervision demand, but can not argue. They have only one argument - once the customer asks, then an unconditional obligation is born for the performers to provide. At the same time, they refer to Article 8 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law and indicate that the Customer purchases the service as a consumer and can demand a lot according to this law as a consumer. I think it's absurd!
7) Is it necessary to write and agree with the Customer a program of verification in operation of the installed and tested FEA in the presence of a representative of the Customer's operation? The customer in the form of operation demands this from us now.
8) Is it required to attach the as-built documentation and factory test reports for the cable to the cable bays for the fire protection system, which the contractor purchases? After all, protocols for cables of low-current systems are not given by manufacturers. The customer requires, but the suppliers indicate to us that such protocols are not provided, only for cables from 0.4 kV starting. Where is it written that we are obliged to provide such protocols to the Customer and that the manufacturer is obliged to issue them?
9) Is the Customer right in demanding certificates for the purchased products (a copy of these certificates) with the ORIGINAL blue seal of the organization of the supplier from whom we purchased the products? We put on the certificates the stamp "Copy is true" of our installation organization. Although we can download these certificates from the Internet and affix our seals. However, the Customer asks for the seal of the final SUPPLIER for us, that it was he who sold this product to us and for a specific invoice. Is the client right here? In my opinion, these are serious nit-picking about the executive package. Although in recent years everything has been tightened, but not to the same extent.
