Acute cystitis code. Acute cystitis. Radiation type inflammation of the bladder

Unfortunately, prostate adenoma tries to attack men's bodies. Due to weak immunity and poor nutrition, she manages to win. For decades, the stronger sex has been trying to fight this disease. To recover quickly, you need to know what kind of disease it is and how to deal with it.

Some people are trying to understand whether prostate adenoma is cancer or not. Defining the disease and considering its main symptoms will help you understand this. Prostate adenoma according to ICD 10 is familiar to every doctor, since many men have it. They have been fighting it for several decades.

What is prostate adenoma in men?

Prostate adenoma is a male disease that is characterized by the spread of glandular tissue of the prostate, as a result of which the urethra is compressed. This disease is the most common among urological diseases.

The prostate gland is located next to the urethra, so it is the one that suffers first when an adenoma develops. Complications only lead to worsened functioning of this channel. It is important to know that a benign tumor does not turn into cancer.

She acquires different shapes, if it is not treated. Adenoma has three stages. In the third stage, surgical intervention is necessary, otherwise death is possible.

The main symptoms of prostate adenoma are:

  • Frequent or false urge to go to the toilet,
  • Poor urine stream
  • Pain when urinating,
  • Bloody discharge along with urine.

Having discovered a tumor in time, a man can cure it with simple tablets. If the disease is prolonged, then surgery cannot be avoided. With complications of the disease, stones in the bladder, hemateria, orchitis and acute urinary retention may appear.

History of the disease

The history of the disease dates back to 1998. Men began to notice that when they urinated, they developed painful sensations and burning. Over time, going to the toilet became a painful process and it was clearly visible that there were some problems in the urethra. In advanced stages, infections appeared that led to the development of inflammatory processes.

After such complaints, scientists began to conduct research and noticed that an adenoma had appeared in the prostate gland. It was this benign tumor that created such inconvenience when urinating.

In the initial stages, symptoms of adenoma may appear on for a long time disappear, it confuses men because of what, they do not go to the hospital.

  • Medication;
  • Operational;
  • Laser treatment;
  • Maintenance using folk remedies.

ICD 10 disease code

Every doctor knows all the classifications of the disease and their numbers. ICD stands for International Statistical Classification of Diseases. It helps health activities. Thanks to it, statistics are easily and quickly tracked and work carried out around the world is analyzed. Abbreviated names speed up the process of processing statistical data

Benign prostatic hyperplasia has a code according to ICD-10. Any inflammatory processes prostate gland have ICD code 10-No. 41. In the acute form it is designated No. 41.0. Chronic prostatitis has the number 41.1 or “ICB 10 chr prostatitis”. Prostate abscess - No. 41.2.

Can prostate adenoma develop into cancer?

Some people do not fully understand the difference between prostate adenoma and prostate cancer. Prostate adenoma is benign, that is, the overgrown tissue does not metastasize and does not spread to neighboring organs.

A benign tumor itself, unlike cancer, does not expand the field of action of the disease. It is incorrect to believe that adenoma precedes cancer. Moreover, it cannot develop into a malignant tumor.

Prostate cancer

Adenoma cancer or malignant tumor has four grades. The most common type of prostate adenoma cancer is stage 4, as men delay treatment and the tumor progresses, affecting other organs. In this case, tumor removal becomes ineffective, since other organs are also affected.

This treacherous enemy can live in the body without making itself felt, so not all males may suspect the presence of the disease in the early stages.

Scientists cannot fully explain what provokes its appearance, but we can say unequivocally that the disease is associated with testosterone. The more of this gene in the blood, the greater the likelihood of developing a malignant tumor.

What does cystitis ICD 10 mean?

Any doctor who treats genitourinary diseases needs to know how cystitis is designated by ICD 10. modern era this disease has spread greatly throughout the world. Statistics show that about 30% of the population have encountered its manifestations. Women are especially affected by cystitis. A unified classification facilitates the development common approach to the treatment of the disease.

Classification of diseases at the international level and its tasks

Each of us, at least sometimes, has had to deal with such a procedure as registration of temporary disability. Having recovered from an illness and received sick leave, not everyone pays attention to the fact that in the column in which the cause of incapacity is indicated, there are some incomprehensible designations. They are a disease code that contains International classification diseases (ICD).

ICD is normative act, which was compiled by the World Health Organization. The first attempts to create such a directory were made back in the 18th century, but the first document that was used internationally was developed in 1855.

Since then it has been revised several times. This procedure usually occurs after a ten-year period. Today, medicine is guided by the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD 10).

The goals of the ICD are:

  • bringing to a unified system of data on morbidity and mortality in the world;
  • unification of the process of accumulating knowledge about diseases, as well as their storage, analysis, comparison and interpretation.

These goals are realized by translating verbal definitions of diseases, their causative agents, and other human health problems into unified system codes This way, doctors all over the world understand each other much more easily and develop a unified approach to diagnosing and treating diseases.

Structure of ICD 10

In the current ICD 10, all information is presented in the form of a tree. All data contained in the document is grouped into 22 classes.

It looks like this:

  • classes 1-18 - diseases and all kinds of pathologies;
  • class 19 - injuries and other health disorders caused by external factors;
  • class 20 - causes leading to morbidity and mortality;
  • class 21 - factors that affect human health;
  • class 22 - contains codes used for other purposes.

Classes, in turn, are divided into blocks, and the blocks contain disease codes. The disease code may also have several digits separated by a dot. They are used to display the type of disease. If necessary, a special code can be used to designate the causative agent of the disease.

Positioning of cystitis in ICD 10

Class 14 according to the International Classification of Diseases contains information about diseases of the genitourinary system. Since cystitis is essentially an inflammation of the bladder, information about it should be sought here.

Block N30-N39 contains information about urine diseases excretory system. For cystitis, the ICD 10 code is N30. Types of disease are indicated in the next digit of the code after the period.

For cystitis, the encoding is as follows:

  • acute cystitis - 0;
  • chronic cystitis - 1;
  • other cystitis - 8;
  • unspecified cystitis - 9.

Such types of diseases as radiation cystitis and trigonitis are excluded from the classification. Since cystitis can be caused by different pathogens, the classification provides the opportunity to indicate them using an additional code. They are combined in block B95-98. But usually they are not indicated during the initial encoding.

Thus, using ICD 10 codes, it is possible to describe in detail the patient’s diagnosis, which can be easily read in a clinic in any country in the world.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, characterized by the development of hematuria, is called hemorrhagic cystitis. If a person has the urge to urinate every half hour, experiences cutting pain when going to the toilet, and the urine contains blood clots, then it’s time to seek help from a specialist. An infection is raging in the body or a disease is hiding, one of the symptoms of which is hemorrhagic cystitis.


The presence of fresh blood in the urine clearly indicates hemorrhagic (hemorrhoidal) cystitis, but in order to detect the cause of the pathological process, you will have to undergo a thorough examination. The classification of the etiology of the disease is based on the following factors:

  • Infection of the bladder walls with viruses, bacteria or fungi.
  • Narrowing of the lumen of the urethra with the possible occurrence of swelling.
  • Damage to the nerve pathways and centers innervating the bladder.

Among the patients there are many young children, men and women of different ages.

Iron - necessary element for human metabolism, so a decrease in its concentration in the blood can lead to various abnormalities.

Hemorrhagic cystitis is divided, according to ICD 10, into acute and chronic. Acute cystitis is characterized by the presence of fresh blood or mucous blood clots in the urine. In chronic cystitis, the urine has a brown color and a foul odor, which indicates an old and extensive inflammatory process.

When conducting diagnostics, the following causes of pathology may be detected:

  • Neglect of personal hygiene rules. Having penetrated the cavity of the bladder, E. coli can form an infectious focus.
  • Drugs used for radiation therapy can provoke hemorrhagic cystitis, cytostatics.
  • Benign or malignant neoplasms.
  • Dysfunctions of the brain and spinal cord, negatively affecting the contractile activity of the bladder.
  • The habit of postponing urination until the moment when it is no longer possible to endure. Under the weight of the bladder, the muscle tissue stretches, and the walls lose elasticity.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases, a complication of which is the formation of numerous adhesions in the lumen of the urethra.
  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia in men.
  • Chronic urethritis.
  • Congenital anatomical features genitourinary system.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands.
  • Changes in hormonal levels.
  • Decreased immunity.

Acute hemorrhagic cystitis is diagnosed in children who have undergone severe antibiotic therapy with loss of immunity. Congenital anomalies of the bladder in a child, if left untreated, can cause the development of a chronic form of the disease.

How does hemorrhagic cystitis manifest?

In children, especially the smallest ones, hemorrhagic cystitis is most severe. Children refuse to eat and rapidly lose weight. Attempts to urinate are accompanied by cutting pain, the child starts screaming. There is pallor of the skin, weakness, shortness of breath, and restless sleep. The occurrence of iron deficiency anemia threatens the health and life of a tiny patient.

Different stages of the disease have their own symptoms.

Here are the signs of chronic hemorrhoidal cystitis:

  • More than 40 urinations during the day.
  • It's not always possible to urinate.
  • Hematuria.
  • Painful sensations during urination in women.
  • Painful sensations at the end of urination in men.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.
  • Paleness of the skin.
  • Indigestion, diarrhea, hemorrhoids.
  • Heat.
  • Chills, perspiration.

At the beginning of the disease, the blood content in the urine is minimal, sometimes the urine appears clear, although other symptoms of cystitis are present. As the inflammatory process increases, the blood concentration increases and clots appear.

Chronic hemorrhagic cystitis is characterized by urine staining Brown color, and the manifestation of symptoms is cyclical - periods of apparent recovery alternate with the occurrence of relapses. The patient may develop diseases of cardio-vascular system And gastrointestinal tract. As a result of a decrease in iron content, a person’s nails peel, hair breaks and falls out.

Dangerous complications of hemorrhagic cystitis

With reduced immunity, the body is not able to cope with the spread of infection, which spreads throughout the body with the blood flow. Hemorrhagic cystitis in women is dangerous because the pathogenic pathogen can form new foci of inflammation in the uterine cavity and appendages.

When the pathogen enters the kidneys, a common complication of untreated hemorrhagic cystitis is pyelonephritis. Iron deficiency anemia leads to a general deterioration in human health. Cardiologists have discovered a connection between cystitis and a malfunction of the cardiovascular system.


The presence of blood in the urine is a symptom of many diseases, so when diagnosing it is important to differentiate hemorrhagic cystitis from pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis, malignant and benign neoplasms. The patient will be required to undergo the following tests:

  • General analysis of blood and urine.
  • Urine tests.
  • Biochemical analysis of blood and urine.

If the disease is caused by pathogenic microorganisms, then laboratory technicians will culture the sample to identify the causative agents of the disease. A reduced content of red blood cells is characteristic of the chronic course of hemorrhoidal cystitis, and at the same time it reveals iron deficiency anemia.

In a hospital setting, specialists will examine the patient using cytoscopy. A catheter with an optical and lighting system is inserted through the urethra into the bladder to assess damage to the mucous wall and detect tumors. If a tumor or other pathology is detected, the patient is prescribed ultrasonography and/or computed tomography.


Therapy begins with eliminating the cause of the disease. If hemorrhoidal cystitis has a viral etiology, the patient is prescribed drugs with antiviral activity. The disease caused by pathogenic bacteria begins to be treated with antibiotics and antimicrobials: monural, cephalosporins, nolitsin.

To reduce the permeability of vascular walls, patients are prescribed ascorutin. With reduced immunity, it is necessary to take immunomodulators (interferons) and a complex of vitamins C increased content magnesium An important part of therapy is the replenishment of ferric iron in the patient’s body. If necessary, Ferrum-lek is used in the form of injections followed by the use of iron supplements in capsules or tablets (fenuls, sorbifer).


An excellent prevention of hemorrhagic cystitis will be regular physical exercise and hardening. It is necessary to try to consume spicy marinades, coffee and alcohol as little as possible, which can irritate the mucous membrane of the bladder wall. Products containing a large number of fiber will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the load on all organs of the human excretory system.

Walking is great for strengthening your immune system, but you should try to avoid hypothermia. If your feet get wet, it is better to immediately return home and take warm bath. Doctors and nutritionists recommend drinking at least two liters clean water per day in small portions. Such abundant drinking will prevent the presence of viruses and bacteria in the bladder and thereby protect the body from infection.

No matter what the circumstances, you should go to the toilet on time! Having endured the urge to urinate several times, a person may not get hemorrhagic cystitis. But if this trend continues, the disease will not be long in coming. Only an immediate trip to the doctor will help to cope with the problem and avoid dangerous complications.

Acute cystitis- inflammatory disease of the genitourinary system. Classified according to ICD 10 according to section 14 on pathologies of the genitourinary organs. Includes a number of diseases with symptoms of inflammation. Disease code - N.30.0. There are infectious and non-infectious types.

This ICD 10 code takes into account cystitis in adults and children according to mortality statistics and incidence rates. Attention is also drawn to the social danger if the patient is an adult, since the routes of transmission of the infectious agent are specific.

Code N.30.0. includes a list of inflammatory diseases of the bladder. The main factor in the development of pathology: damage to the mucous membrane and organ tissues by pathogenic flora. The unifying clinical sign is frequent urge to urinate, accompanied by pain and stinging. Urine changes in color, purulent and protein flakes, and blood clots. In other words, hematuria, dysuria, and pyuria develop.

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Acute cystitis may weaken as a result of transition to the chronic or interstitial stage. For all varieties in children and adults, the cause is usually the same - hypothermia of the pelvic organs. Diagnosis and treatment are prescribed based on identification of the source.


Acute cystitis is a multi-etiological disease, as it can be caused by various factors. The main causative agents are bacteria: enteric bacteria (Salmonella), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella, Proteus, etc. In addition to them, mycoplasmas, viruses, chlamydia, Trichomonas, and fungus of the genus Candida can have a destructive effect. The disease sometimes develops due to helminthic infestation (most often in children).

The leading pathogen is E. coli, statistically it appears in 90% of cases. It has high pathogenic potential:

  • multiplies quickly;
  • produces ammonia, which weakens the immune system;
  • disrupts the function of the fibers of the urine excretory tract.

Diagnosis is made through culture of the patient's urine.

Routes of penetration

According to the classification, there are three ways for an infectious agent to enter the body:

  • ascending - through the urethra;
  • descending - through the kidneys and ureters;
  • contact - through blood and lymph.

Most cases are caused by hypothermia, so the disease develops ascending through the urethra. IN childhood contact type of infection is almost impossible.

Main symptoms

The acute form is expressed by clinical symptoms, intensified due to infectious etiology. Frequent pathogens are staphylococcus, streptococcus. Quite rarely, the acute form is caused by a fungus or other bacterial pathogen. Treatment will vary accordingly.

The main signs that appear at this stage are:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • a feeling of heaviness due to the fullness of the bladder;
  • low urine output;
  • temperature increase;
  • general weakness;
  • pain and burning in the urethra, genitals;
  • cutting pain in the area where the organ is located;
  • cloudy urine;
  • the appearance of impurities: blood, pus, protein flakes;
  • sharp pain in the lower abdomen.

Cystitis in itself is very dangerous, but it can also provoke complications on the kidneys, especially in childhood. Treatment is carried out with a course of antibiotics for 14 days until improvement occurs.

It is not uncommon, when receiving a hospital report (especially when undergoing diagnostics in private clinics), in the diagnosis column, you can see a not entirely clear set of numbers and letters. This code is nothing more than the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, or abbreviated code according to ICD 10. Like any other disease, it has its own specific, unique code, which is understandable to any professional physician.

The ICD is an international system (medical standard) designed to designate various diseases and their forms, founded in 1855 at the Paris International Statistical Congress. Throughout its existence, the system has been constantly improved and refined.

This is a special-use document that contains all the information about the disease: name, causes, number of deaths, factors leading to mortality, and so on. This standardization is accepted in all countries; it contains all diseases known to medicine, each of which is assigned to a specific class and has its own unique code.

Due to the constant development of world medicine, with the introduction of new methods of diagnosis and treatment, as well as the emergence of new diseases, periodic additions to existing standards are required. Such additions are carried out every ten years; one of the latest was the introduction of Latin letters from A to Z.

Acute cystitis in the ICD system

Acute cystitis is a painful inflammation of the bladder mucosa, accompanied by frequent urination. According to the ICD 10 standard, it has the following form - N30.0, where N30 is general group all forms, and the number after the decimal point indicates one type or another.

Here's what this classification looks like:

  • Genitourinary diseases N00-N99
  • Diseases of the urinary system N30-N39
  • Cystitis N30
  • Acute cystitis N30.0

Now, when you see a diagnosis with a strange code, you will understand that this is just a medical duplication of a particular disease. As a rule, such a code is prescribed not for the patient, but mostly for the specialists involved in his treatment.

There are a huge number of diseases and different diagnoses. Each of them has its own causes and symptoms, as well as treatment methods.

To summarize all data, a special medical classification of the ICD is used.

The Medical Classification of Diseases (ICD) is a special reference book that combines all pathologies known in medicine, statistics of deaths and the number of morbidities among the population. The number 10 means that the classifier was revised for the tenth time. All data from this directory is indicated in sick leave to make it easier to fill out.

The process of updating information and filling the ICD is monitored by specialists from the World Health Organization (WHO). The last time it was revised was back in 1994, and this is the edition that is still used today.

In ICD-1, all diseases are divided into 22 classes. This includes various pathologies, diseases, injuries, deaths, the influence of various factors on human health, and a list of surgical operations is described.

This classifier indicates not only the causes and symptoms of diseases, but also the factors that provoked a possible death. Thanks to ICD-10, which is used throughout the world, doctors can provide care according to a single approved algorithm.

How is cystitis classified according to ICD-10?

This disease is considered one of the most important in the world. According to ICD-10, cystitis was classified as class 15, it has codes from 30 to 39 in the column “Other diseases of the urinary system.”

According to this classification, cystitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the bladder. Women are more susceptible to it; if not treated in a timely manner, it can lead to a deterioration in the patient’s health.

It is important to note that at a young age, this disease is typical already in adulthood. This is due to differences in the structure of the urinary system.

Treatment of this form of the disease depends on the nature of the infectious agent.

Interstitial form of the disease

It is next in number after acute cystitis, according to the ICD it occupies code 30.1. This type cystitis causes inflammation in the urinary mucosa.

The real reasons have not been established. Characteristic symptoms include pain and cramping in the lower abdomen, pain during urination, and frequent urge to go to the toilet.

Other chronic inflammation

Has a code according to ICD 30.2. In this case, the patient endures the disease for more than 2 months. The main symptom is constant inflammatory processes, the patient feels pain in the abdomen, a feeling of constant fullness in the bladder, and may be added to the urine. The cause of the development of this form of pathology is considered to be damage to the organ due to the development of infection in it.


ICD-10 code 30.3. This disease is also called Lieto's inflammation. The main reason is a failure in the blood circulation of the bladder. Main symptoms:

  • pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • frequent and false urge to go to the toilet;
  • disturbances in the structure of the urea.

Radiation type inflammation of the bladder

Code 30.4, the cause is considered to be the influence of radio wave radiation during the treatment of oncological diseases of nearby organs. It occurs in men during the treatment of prostate cancer or tumors in the pelvic area, in women with gynecological cancer. The main symptoms are the same as for other forms of cystitis.

Other forms of the disease

They occupy a place in ICD-10 under code 30.8. These are the following forms of the disease:

As a rule, antiviral and antifungal drugs are used in the treatment of cystitis. Their choice depends on the nature of the pathogen, which is determined by bacteriological examination of the patient’s urine.

It is not uncommon, when receiving a hospital report (especially when undergoing diagnostics in private clinics), in the diagnosis column, you can see a not entirely clear set of numbers and letters. This code is nothing more than the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, or abbreviated code according to ICD 10. Acute cystitis, like any other disease, has its own specific unique code, which is understandable to any professional physician.

International classification

The ICD is an international system (medical standard) designed to designate various diseases and their forms, founded in 1855 at the Paris International Statistical Congress. Throughout its existence, the system has been constantly improved and refined.

This is a special-use document that contains all the information about the disease: name, causes, number of deaths, factors leading to mortality, and so on. This standardization is accepted in all countries; it contains all diseases known to medicine, each of which is assigned to a specific class and has its own unique code.

Due to the constant development of world medicine, with the introduction of new methods of diagnosis and treatment, as well as the emergence of new diseases, periodic additions to existing standards are required. Such additions are carried out every ten years; one of the latest was the introduction of Latin letters from A to Z.

Acute cystitis in the ICD system

Acute cystitis is a painful inflammation of the bladder mucosa, accompanied by frequent urination. According to the ICD 10 standard, it has the following form - N30.0, where N30 is the general group of all forms, and the number after the decimal point indicates one or another type.

Here's what this classification looks like:

  • Genitourinary diseases N00-N99
  • Diseases of the urinary system N30-N39
  • Cystitis N30
  • Acute cystitis N30.0

Now, when you see a diagnosis with a strange code, you will understand that this is just a medical duplication of a particular disease. As a rule, such a code is prescribed not for the patient, but mostly for the specialists involved in his treatment.

  • Chronic cystitis in the ICD-10 classification.
  • Urinary tract infections in the ICD registry.