Wallpaper in Provence style - French provinciality in the interior (23 photos). Choose wallpaper for the kitchen in the style of Provence Wallpaper for the kitchen in the style of Provence

Provence-style wallpapers are well suited for both large and small kitchens. A Provencal-style kitchen is a warm, cozy room in which it is so nice to gather with family for Sunday breakfasts, with friends for evening tea parties and freshly baked desserts. If you love cute prints, cozy little things, textile and floral decorative elements, then Provence is what you have been looking for. How to choose wallpaper for a Provencal style kitchen - read below.

Provence is a style in which there is no place for polished surfaces and neon light. Rustic style welcomes only natural materials, muted, pastel colors, maximum natural light, an abundance of decor. Wallpaper for decorating a room in a Provencal style must also meet these requirements.

Provence-style wallpapers often have a floral or other ornament.

Designers are advised to follow these recommendations when decorating the Provencal-style kitchen with wallpaper:

  1. It is better to place wallpaper in the upper part of the room, and leave the bottom of the walls for painting in neutral tones (white, milky). The border between the wallpaper and the wall can be decorated with moldings: they are fully consistent with the old theme of Provence.
  2. To design an apron in the working area, it is better to use imitation of natural stone, brick, ceramic tiles: such materials will be easy to clean and will last for a year. At the same time, the shades of the materials should be calm, and the surface should be porous, without excessive shine.
  3. The dining area can be decorated with wallpaper in a Provencal flower, and the work area can be pasted over with plain wallpaper to match. At the same time, the wallpaper for the dining area should be lighter and lighter. The worker can be decorated in more saturated colors.
  4. Wallpaper with a floral print can be combined with canvases in a wide vertical stripe in a neutral color. At the same time, canvases should not be placed side by side: it is better if they are separated by furniture, a window.

Get inspired by various solutions in the design of Provencal interiors, improvise, follow the advice, and create your own, unique design.

How to choose wallpaper in Provence style for the kitchen

When choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, you should pay attention not only to the decorativeness of the paintings, but also to their practicality, because the kitchen is a room with high humidity and cleanliness requirements. In addition, the dimensions of the kitchen should also be taken into account: improperly selected wallpapers can emphasize the small size of the room, making it visually even smaller.

Provence-style wallpaper should be chosen depending on the size of the kitchen and the personal preferences of the owners.

When choosing wallpaper for a Provencal-style kitchen, you should follow some recommendations:

  1. Wallpaper in the Provencal style should be in natural shades: soft blue, pink, muted green colors are perfect.
  2. The classic colors for the dining area are yellow, orange, creamy. You can choose wallpaper with a small floral print in these colors for the entire kitchen, decorate one or more adjacent walls of the working area with a plain orange canvas.
  3. An important indicator of the durability of wallpaper is its density: the denser the canvas, the more resistant it will be to steam and dirt.
  4. For the kitchen, it is better to choose moisture-resistant models: this will allow you to easily remove stains of dirt and grease without damaging the coating.
  5. Floral print is the calling card of Provence. But, it is better not to use large single flowers located close to the canvas in small kitchens with a lot of decorative elements: this can create a feeling of a crowded space.
  6. When choosing canvases, it is better to give preference to models with small, equidistant flowers or floral ornaments (it is better if the distance between the elements is 5-6 cm: so the kitchen will seem more spacious).
  7. For the Provencal style, more neutral (rather than floral) wallpapers with rhombuses and a cage are also well suited. At the same time, the canvas itself should be richer in color than the elements.
  8. You can make the ceilings higher in a small kitchen with wide, vertical stripes. Such wallpapers can be successfully combined with floral ones.

In addition, elongated kitchens should not be decorated with wallpaper at half the height of the walls: such a decision will make the kitchen even longer and visually reduce the height of the ceilings.

What is the difference between country-style kitchen wallpapers

The main difference between country and Provence is the color scheme: in country it is richer. Here it is allowed to use rich terracotta, light, pure emerald, bright pink, deep blue.

Country-style wallpapers are well suited for the kitchen in a country house

A stylish solution would be to design one wall of a country kitchen with a plain terracotta or brown canvas, and an apron of the working area with an artificial stone of a brown-red hue.

In the design of the walls of the country kitchen, you can, just like in the Provencal interior, see a floral print, floral motifs, stripes and a cage. But, in addition to the classical ones, images of berries, mushrooms, birds and animals can also be present on the canvases.

In general, country style is stricter than Provence in form and richer in color.

A key feature of country style is natural furniture made of durable, expensive wood, and the surrounding design should match the given tone.

What should be the wallpaper for a classic kitchen

For large-sized kitchens, classic-style design is most suitable (after all, Provence originated in small village houses, so small, cozy spaces are key in this style). It will look good in a classic style and a kitchen combined with a living room.

Wallpaper with a golden hue will perfectly fit into the kitchen, made in a classic style.

It is worth remembering that classic is an expensive style: there is no place for flashy colors, artificial materials and imitation. Formatting should be restrained.

However, wallpaper for a classic kitchen doesn't have to be boring. In the design of a classic interior, the use of canvases with floral prints and patterns is allowed. Drawings can be made in golden or silver tones. An interesting option would be canvases of gray or gray-lavender color with white or silver patterns. Golden ornaments look rich on a red background: with such a canvas you can decorate part of the wall in the eating area. In this case, the working area should be neutral.

The color scheme of wallpaper in a classic style depends on the overall design idea, furniture, and decorative elements.

Beautiful wallpaper in Provence style for the kitchen (video)

Original and exclusive, romantic and naive, spontaneous and charming, elegant and rustic at the same time. Dreaming of such an interior? Wallpaper in Provence style for the kitchen will allow you to have all these components that will give the kitchen a charming French plume.

Why Provence?

If the country style evokes any idea or association in people, then the name "Provence" makes the majority think. The French call the familiar “country” style Provence. But why? The fact is that the southeast of France is called Provence. The inhabitants of this territorial region are not characterized by fuss and nerves. People living here are balanced, their thoughts are measured and orderly. The beauty of nature, provincial streets, houses and the originality of the inhabitants have always inspired creative people to create masterpieces of art. Van Gogh and Cezanne did not become exceptions. Lavender fields and valleys, endless rolling lowlands - this is the peak of natural perfection, which attracts both French residents and foreign tourists. The interpretation of the term allows us to summarize the information and draw the final conclusion that Provence is, first of all, simplicity filled with a rustic spirit.

Provence style and wallpaper: what is important?

How to recognize Provence among a dozen other styles? Its distinctive features and traits of "character" will help not to be mistaken.

  • Colors, tones and shades are used exclusively pastel.

Art critics have been familiar with the Provence style for over a century, they boldly associate it with the "spiritual" simplicity of the village and village. Close your eyes and imagine a sea sandy beach united with blue clouds, with rich green plantings of alpine valleys and an endless aroma of soft lilac lavender. It is this color scheme that is the basis for wallpaper in the Provence style.

  • The drawings are mainly floral patterns, the image of porcelain objects and details.

The image of small wild flowers, microscopic porcelain objects are the basis for wallpapers in the Provence style. The light tone of the print makes them incredibly beautiful under the bright rays of sunlight.

Most often, these are cellulose or textile canvases, which depict:

  • kitchen utensils: teapots, cups, saucers, forks and spoons;
  • rural houses;
  • animals.
  • floral motifs (more often presented in the form of small wildflowers, such as lavender);
  • checkered patterns (on Provence-style wallpapers, designers prefer to see a small cell in delicate pastel colors);
  • bead geometry.

Wallpaper in Provence style is a combination of rustic motifs, floral ornaments and small cells. Such a symbiosis fills the kitchen with warmth, coziness and a comfortable atmosphere.

What wallpaper is used for Provence style?

Provence is always “spiritual”, so the use of rough textured wallpaper is out of the question.

You can use the following types of wallpapers.

  • Cellulosic.

Paper wallpapers are very beautiful, inexpensive and presented in a wide range, but it is not recommended to use them for the kitchen. Their ability to burn out is extremely high, they quickly absorb aromas, and cannot be restored (cleaned). But if you still decide to use cellulose coatings in the kitchen, choose a two-layer type with moisture-resistant impregnation. But know that this option for the kitchen is temporary.

  • Embossed coatings for painting.

Wallpaper with elegant decorative painting looks incredibly beautiful.

  • Non-woven coatings- it is high quality, beautiful and durable.

Non-woven fabric does not get wet when in contact with moisture, does not “sit down” at elevated temperatures (you can safely paste over the area around the sink and the place where the stove is installed). For the kitchen, it is better to use a washable type of non-woven wallpaper. The service life of such a coating is long, and care for it is not burdensome.

  • Vinyl coverings with a relief texture - compacted, moisture resistant, inexpensive.

These three characteristic features are the "trump card" for the kitchen. Such wallpapers most plausibly imitate any composition and landscape. "Provencal plot", put on a vinyl coating, is amazing. Provence-style vinyl coverings are a budget option for wallpapers with a “decent service life”.

The Provence-style wallpaper in the kitchen looks very harmonious in combination with the following coatings:

  • glazed brick;
  • colored mosaic;
  • white tiles "under the brickwork".

  1. If you decide not to glue wallpaper around the entire perimeter of the kitchen, you can complement the interior with stone or brick. Lay out the work area in the kitchen with these materials, and the effect will not disappoint.
  2. Wallpaper is desirable to choose matte.
  3. The color scheme may be as follows:
  • grey;
  • blue;
  • milky, cream and beige;
  • green (its gentle tones and shades);
  • sand;
  • yellow;
  • pink;
  • brown;
  • lilac.

The perfect combination is a composition of warm pastel colors.

When choosing wallpapers of “calm” tones in the Provence style, it is advisable to dilute them with other, more saturated colors. As they say, you need to play on the contrast.

These can be such colors-accents:

  • red or purple for pink;
  • blue - for yellow;
  • green - for olive, yellow.

The natural color, the muted shade of Provence, should always be diluted with rich color notes. Only bright multicolor on the walls can convey the warmth of the hearth, the comfort of rural Provence.

  • Love red in the interior? Let a poppy field under blue skies decorate the walls of your kitchen.
  • Do you like blue and its "heavenly" simplicity? The floral print on the wallpaper with predominantly blue colors will remind you of the blue sky, the warm sea.
  • Crazy about yellow? Choose coatings for the kitchen where yellow is the dominant color, but remember: it should be gentle.
  • Beckoning green? Wallpaper with patterns of riches donated by endless meadows is what you were looking for.
  • Lilac and lavender inspire? Then your walls should be decorated with wallpapers exclusively of these tones. An endless lavender field under the “splashes” of the southern sunset will fill the house with romance, bring French tenderness into the mood.

“Small blooms”, a cage and ornaments from household utensils are classics of Provence. In order to feel harmony in the room, it is advisable to match the print on the wallpaper to the pattern on the curtains or tablecloths. Pravance style, complemented by design tricks, looks cute and casual.

Provence is a design trend in interior design that has been popular for several centuries. A room decorated in the style of Provence instantly transforms and becomes romantic, gentle and cozy, immersed in a huge amount of daylight and cute trinkets.

Style history

Provence comes from the French southern outback, is considered a kind of country style, which was used by the villagers back in the distant 18-19 centuries.

The style was named after the province in which it first appeared - Provance. This region of France still attracts tourists from all over the world with its peaceful atmosphere, saturated with the aromas of lavender plantations and fragrant herbs.

It is from this part of the French state that the legendary shepherds and shepherdesses come from, who are more like medieval princesses. The Provence style is the elegance of the French nobility, organically intertwined with the simplicity of the villagers. The design direction refers to the old styles, in which the use of antique furniture and finishing methods is allowed.


A room decorated in the style of Provence can be identified even by the most ordinary person who does not understand design. What are the features of the French countryside direction? Mainly - it is a light color scheme in muted and pastel colors, which can be seen both in the choice of furniture and in the decoration of the entire interior.

In the Provencal room, the morning of the French spring always comes - sunny and cheerful. Designers do not use bright contrasts. Color decoration serves only to emphasize the relaxed atmosphere.

The initial task of decorators is the optimal selection of a pattern. The lines should intertwine in such a way that you end up with an elegant ornament. Quite often, colorful wallpapers are used to decorate indoor walls. The flowers of Provence look almost realistic, so a person will be able to determine the type of flower at a glance. Picturesque bouquets also look alive, and the ornaments used are created from many recognizable elements.


When starting to design a room in the Provence style, it should be remembered that furniture, wallpaper and textiles should overlap in the pattern.

Furniture is most often artificially aged, or the old one is restored, while maintaining its natural look. Coarse furniture made from wood damaged by woodworms looks harmonious. The texture can be smooth, matte, with rounded corners.

Separate pieces of furniture are decorated with carvings and forged details.


The style of the French hinterland remains a popular trend to this day, so many large manufacturers create and produce entire collections of themed wallpapers. The material is quite expensive. For its manufacture, manual work and sketches of designers are used, who develop a pattern specifically for the Provencal style.

Not all connoisseurs of classic design can afford such wallpapers, since the prices for the material are very high. Therefore, manufacturers began to produce wallpapers with simpler textures and patterns in the traditional Provencal style.

The choice of wallpaper is provided by various materials that anyone can afford at a price. You can buy simple paper, non-woven and vinyl. Or get by with painted walls. Fortunately, Provence also allows this method of decorating a room.

In addition, the French peasants in the distant past did not have wallpaper. They whitewashed the walls with the addition of pigments of a certain tone.

For a modern finish in this style, they buy ready-made wallpapers suitable for painting. The main thing is that embossing allows you to feel like a resident of a Provencal village.


French retro wallpapers have some distinctive features:

  • The material is never dyed with silver and gold paints. It does not contain any glitter.
  • Classic colors for Provencal wallpapers on a light background: vanilla, white, turquoise, straw yellow, pale olive, light lemon.
  • The texture should be even, without smooth lines, abstractions, extruded colors and ornaments, without a three-dimensional geometric pattern. Slight imitation of vertical panels and rough plaster is allowed.
  • For the room, a different pattern is used.

Wallpapers that meet the described criteria belong to the Provence style. If there is no certainty whether the material is designed in the desired style, it is better to consult with the seller or designer. Or just paint the walls in pastel colors.

Variety of textures and patterns

French province wallpapers are produced with different patterns and designs. The easiest option is to imitate a plastered wall.. To achieve this illusion, you need to use ready-made wallpaper for painting, which has an embossed image of a raw wall. Or, for these purposes, you can use liquid wallpaper that does not contain mineral inclusions.

Rooms with cornices, a lot of textiles, moldings and pieces of furniture are decorated with similar wallpapers, that is, in such rooms where the walls play a secondary role.

Floral patterns are suitable for creating a romantic mood. The greatest resemblance to real flowers will create an atmosphere of lightness, peace and love in the room.

Floral ornaments and compositions, their combination with a geometric pattern - for example, with peas or a stripe - will emphasize the cheerfulness of the Provencal style.


Wallpaper should not be overly solemn and contrasting. Under the rustic design do not use bright flowers or colorful birds. It should be a delicate and faded finish with the image of pink roses and meadow flowers. Not a bad option, the leather floral ornament folds into vertical stripes.

Thanks to this stylistic decision, the ceilings will become visually higher. Wallpaper with a vertical pattern often needs to be combined when pasting.

The third version of the pattern on the wallpaper is a small motif that is repeated along the entire length of the finish. A rhythmic pattern is suitable for decorating the walls of a Provencal room. Vignettes or miniature bouquets are used as an ornament, but in no case geometric shapes.

Such wallpapers should also lack bright color accents. Muted pastel colors are most preferable. This variation of decoration will look perfect in the living room or kitchen, decorated in Provencal style.

The quality of the material plays an important role. And here there are some nuances. In real Provence, only paper wallpapers are allowed.

Provencal wallpaper in the design of rooms

The style of the French hinterland is rarely used to decorate living rooms, kitchens, hallways and halls. It is usually found in children's rooms and bedrooms. However, time does not stand still and in each style designers bring some innovative ideas that do not spoil the classics and bring it closer to modern trends.

Today, the Provencal interior can be applied to almost any room. This is the style that will look equally harmonious both in the bedroom and in the hallway.


Decorating a hallway in this style is quite difficult. This room is simple and uncomplicated, and the French style requires the use of a huge number of little things in the interior. In addition, all other rooms in the house should also be designed in this direction.

Provence is difficult to combine with other styles. Usually it looks good with rural motifs - rustic or country.

When designing a Provence style hallway, you need to adhere to five main principles:

  • color spectrum;
  • finishing methods;
  • furniture;
  • lighting method;
  • accessories.

The base color is white.

It can be supplemented:

  • peach;
  • olive;
  • mint;
  • pastel brown;
  • lemon;
  • matte black shades.

Moreover, the color should not flow from one shade to another. Borders of different colors should be clearly separated by interior items to maintain accents.

Since the hallway is not large, the pattern on the wallpaper should be relaxed and unobtrusive. A good option would be plain light wallpaper without a pattern or with small floral ornaments.

It is better to look for furniture for the hallway in antique shops. Craftsmen of all trades can make pieces of furniture on their own, using bought or old chests of drawers, bedside tables and stools as a basis. In addition, many manufacturers produce modern furniture that is stylized antique.

In the living room

The Provencal interior in the living room immerses the owners of the house and guests in an atmosphere of peace and rustic comfort. But, despite the style belonging to the provincial life, many residents of megacities choose this design for their city apartments.

It is important to ensure that the pattern on the wallpaper intersects as closely as possible with the pattern on the curtains. Then Provencal harmony will be traced throughout the interior of the living room.

Before buying wallpaper, you should carefully work on your choice. It is preliminary recommended to look at the photo of the premises, where the options for wall decoration are presented.

When choosing a material, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • wallpaper must be made on the basis of natural raw materials;
  • wall decoration should be chosen in natural colors;
  • the drawing should consist of natural ornaments;
  • wallpaper should be in harmony with other types of interior decoration, furniture, decor.

In a real Provencal style living room there should not be any wallpaper. By tradition, the walls are simply finished with light textured or natural paint. They are also painted or sheathed with natural wood panels.

However, if desired, the living room is trimmed with wallpaper. You just need to pick them up. The walls of the Provencal living room, finished with wallpaper, should look like a plastered, painted or wood-lined surface.

Fortunately, many manufacturers sell wallpapers that look perfectly similar to the listed finishing materials. Therefore, it is not difficult to choose the right color, theme and texture.


For the living room, paper wallpapers in beige, blue and yellow are suitable. You can also buy finishing material in terracotta, blue, green and pink. All these colors can be found in the nature of French Provence.

Light color will turn the hallway into a more spacious room filled with soft light.

The ornament and texture of the room decoration should be slightly aged, artificially of course. It is very sunny in the southern region of France, so the wallpaper in the rooms fades quickly. The pattern on the material may be slightly worn, the paint is cracked or worn. This is the traditional Provence.

The texture of the wallpaper can be smooth, but the embossed finish looks more spectacular. Fabric lining also looks Provencal. Only the material should be selected to imitate textiles, wood, stone or plaster.

For an ornament, it is better to choose a floral print. A good option would be lavender inflorescences, field plants found in the south of France. Large drawings will be a bad idea. They will only distort the style of the living room.


It should be avoided when pasting the walls of material with gilding or an overly elaborate pattern. As a result, the Provencal style will become ugly and vulgar.

For kitchen

The Provencal design of the kitchen predisposes to calm family conversations at a delicious dinner table. Wallpaper in this style will be a gentle addition to aged furniture. In tandem, they will give the room peace and tranquility. Soft colors, delicate ornaments will set the family members on romance and harmony.

Being in the kitchen, a person should have a feeling of unity with nature, a feeling of warm summer. The sun playing in the grass, measuredly swaying flowers, a light breeze and the endless blue sea - that very atmosphere of the southern hinterland.

The presentation of all these pictures will immediately push you to the right choice of wallpaper for Provencal cuisine. It should be a floral ornament or a small cage, rustic teapots with cups or rural houses with pets.

There is high humidity and a huge number of different smells in the kitchen, so the choice of wallpaper for this room should be approached with special care and prudence.

There are several options:

non-woven. Differ in high water resistance and durability. They are unpretentious in care and easily tolerate exposure to different temperatures and sunlight. In the kitchen, you need to buy washable wallpaper that can be washed with ordinary detergents. Non-woven finish will last a very long time.

Cellulosic. These are paper wallpapers that have a huge number of texture and color options. They are quite cheap, so anyone can afford this type of finish. Paper wall decoration is not suitable for the kitchen, as paper does not cope well with moisture and heavy odors. In addition, they quickly fade in the sun and cannot be cleaned. Therefore, cellulose wallpaper is chosen for temporary decoration of the room.

Vinyl. Unnatural wallpaper, which is an absolute option for wall papering in a Provencal kitchen. They have high moisture resistance and density, the material is not afraid of wet cleanings and temperature changes. Vinyl does not fade, has a variety of colors, textures and ornaments.

Liquid. Wallpaper resembling plaster. They are easy to apply to walls. The composition holds well, however, for greater reliability, they are covered with a strengthening composition. The peculiarity of liquid wallpaper is that they absorb excess moisture and release it if necessary. The material skillfully hides the irregularities and imperfections of the walls, protects the kitchen from external sounds. The wallpaper is soft and pleasant to touch, but has a limited color range.

Acrylic. Sturdy wallpaper made from safe materials. They differ in a variety of colors, textures and ornaments. Two-layer acrylic wallpaper perfectly passes air, and the level of their moisture resistance increases significantly. As a result, walls covered with such material are not covered with fungus.

To give the kitchen a more cheerful mood, muted tones can be set off with small bright accents. For example, pink goes well with purple and red elements, yellow wallpaper can be diluted with blue and green inserts.

For a full-fledged Provence style, wallpaper should be selected with a pattern that will match the ornament on the kitchen textiles. Then the design harmony in the kitchen will be achieved to the maximum.

For the bedroom

The bedroom is a special room in which a person rests not only with his body, but also with his soul. The interior should contribute to a good rest, therefore it is performed in the design as close as possible to the Provence style.

The texture of the wallpaper in the bedroom can be worn, rough and uneven. There may be burnt spots in places. This finish creates a lived-in effect, a feeling of an old and cozy room, a homely atmosphere. A similar texture is well complemented by the same old decor on furniture, textile design. Modern decoration does not have to look modern in a room. It should be simple and not rich.

If it is not possible to decorate the walls with natural materials, use wallpapers that imitate them. In the bedroom, wallpaper with a stone, wood or brick texture looks good. However, you should not choose a finish with overly textured and convex elements. They definitely do not fit into the casual and simple style of Provence.

For the bedroom, only light colors of warm or slightly colder shades are suitable. Of the patterns, unobtrusive floral and geometric ornaments are allowed. Such wallpapers should relax a person after a working day.

Popular following colors:

It is forbidden to use wallpaper with a golden, shiny and glossy surface in a Provencal interior. French style 18-19 cent. no luxury.

Drawing on the walls should also create a mood that you want to feel in the bedroom. The traditional pattern is floral. But no matter what ornament you choose, you should follow some rules so as not to go beyond the style:

  • small and inconspicuous pattern;
  • individual flowers scattered throughout the canvas;
  • flower arrangements of different shades;
  • optimal combination with geometric elements;
  • floral ornament as part of a composition that depicts a life scene.

The walls of the bedroom in the southern French style are often finished with light wallpaper of the same tone. Textile elements are used to create a floral idea. The result is a very harmonious design. Sometimes the lower part of the wall is decorated with floral patterns, and the upper part is trimmed with pastel wallpaper without an ornament. Part of the wall without a pattern can be decorated with photographs, compositions of plants and flowers.

Line wallpapers are popular for the Provencal bedroom. They are straight, curved, vertical or horizontal. Also different is the thickness of the lines, their direction and color.

No less popular there is also a cell. Unlike the kitchen, the bedroom should only have a small or openwork cage.

Interestingly, patterns in the form of various life scenes or figures of people look on the walls of the bedroom. However, such ornaments should occupy small areas, otherwise the interior will turn out to be depressing and difficult to perceive.

There are a number of rules for choosing wallpaper for a Provencal bedroom style:

  • small rooms need to be finished with light wallpaper. They will give the room more light and space. For a change, we highlight the lower part of the wall with a darker shade, but the ceiling and the top of the wall must be left light;
  • wallpaper with colorful and rich patterns will be inappropriate. The bedroom will visually become smaller;
  • You can increase the space with the help of finishing material with small details. In this case, the bedroom should not have furniture up to the ceiling;
  • small rooms are best covered with plain wallpaper without a pattern. You can hang a photo or a small picture on the wall;
  • low walls are lengthened with vertical striped wallpaper. Horizontal striped wallpaper is glued onto narrow walls;
  • it is permissible to combine such a finish with wood panels, brick or stone masonry, and plaster. When plastering with wallpaper, only the area at the head of the bed is pasted over, thus highlighting the sleeping area.

Advice ! plain wallpaper for cuisine in style provence better Total supplement patterned tiles on the walls or semi , a also textiles With floral print, in cage, to curtains , napkins and tablecloth.

Wallpaper with a checkered print, with images of fruit or vegetable compositions, kitchen utensils, rural landscapes would be appropriate. Depending on the design and size of the room, printed wallpapers can be combined with plain ones, for example, to highlight the work or. In the work area, the wallpaper should be combined with (tiles, brick or masonry), and in the dining area it should be the background for the furniture.

Advice ! If a for finishes cuisine are used decorative wooden panels, then very effectively will look combined With them wallpaper in flower, such interior will be look very cosy, freshly.

The best solution for the bedroom would be a plain wall decoration with a bedside area highlighted with printed wallpaper. Variants of such decor can be seen in the photo, drawings can be very different - from abstract floral ornaments to spectacular paintings.

The color of the wallpaper should be light, soft, calm, and it is appropriate to use both warm and cold colors. It is best to pay attention to lilac, lavender, vanilla, pink shades, as well as cream, cocoa, powder, ivory.

In the bedroom, it is best to use paper or textile wallpaper. The latter will allow you to create the most comfortable and warm environment, in addition, they are easy to combine with furniture upholstery,.

Advice! interesting interior decision for bedrooms in style provence will become combination wallpaper plain and in flower. Horizontal, when are used various coatings in top and bottom parts walls, separated broad molding; vertical, when alternate stripes different wallpaper, matching on shade.

Living room

Wallpaper in the Provence style for should be selected taking into account the fact that the room is used both for family holidays and for receiving guests, so the wall decoration should be both calm and cheerful.

If the choice is made in favor of plain wallpaper, then you should consider options for warm cream, green, lavender or peach shades. Moreover, you should definitely beat them in the interior with the help of patterned textiles, lace, floral furniture upholstery, carved wooden picture frames and mirrors.

Advice! AT design living room better avoid shades cold gray- blue scales, which may do room boring and deprived homemade comfort. If a same wallpaper painted in similar colors, them should supplement A romantic floral pattern on pale pink wallpaper is ideal for a Provencal living room

Provence - this style originated in France in a small village of the same name, located on the coast of the sea. There are no newfangled excesses and a riot of colors in it. Here, everything sets you up for calm, rest from the frantic urban rhythm. It is characterized by natural materials and soft tones. Many citizens probably want to escape from the city to a calm, quiet village, where you can relax both in body and soul. It is very wonderful that a piece of such an environment can now be transferred to your home in the kitchen.

Wallpaper in Provence style for the kitchen makes it possible to find all of the above components, giving a charming French chic. Photos of the most successful design ideas:

Advice! If you start the transformation of the Provence kitchen with wallpapering the walls, we can assume that 50% of all the work will have already been done.

Provence style wallpaper

It is not difficult to learn Provence cuisine from all other well-known areas if you know its features and “character”.

  • colors - exclusively pastel;
  • drawing - floral, landscape or with the image of porcelain details on the wallpaper;
  • the image on the wallpaper can be large or small, but always not contrasting.

Important! When choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, remember that this room requires wet cleaning and cleaning. Therefore, they must fit and comply with these requirements.

What wallpaper for the kitchen to choose to create a Provence style:

  1. Cellulosic. They fit well into the interior, are characterized by a variety of textures, colors and patterns. But they are not suitable for the kitchen because they are able to absorb third-party odors, they can fade, it is very difficult to care for them.
  2. Non-woven. Easy to care for, strong, waterproof, “feel good” with sudden temperature changes. For kitchens, non-woven-based washing varieties are most suitable.
  3. Vinyl. This category of coatings is ideal in every respect. Such wallpapers are characterized by high density, moisture resistance, resistance to temperatures, are produced in a huge variety of colors, patterns and textures.
  4. Acrylic. Strong, harmless, have a wide choice of colors and textures. According to the structure, this is a two-layer canvas that passes air wells, due to which the formation of mold or fungal deposits on their surfaces is excluded.
  5. The liquid wallpaper. In appearance, they are very similar to plaster, they are easily applied, they hold for a long time, they can be washed if covered with a special solution on top. Characterized by high water absorption. Perfectly mask frivolous flaws, roughness and irregularities.
  6. Glass fiber. Eco-friendly stylish building material. Ideally mask problematic walls, moisture resistant. They have a wide range of colors and a variety of textures.

Advice! Calm pastel colors of wallpaper for the kitchen, it is advisable to dilute with a drop of bright colors or, as they say, "play with colors."

Color palette in Provence kitchen

The main color palette is pale light, pastel, beige, turquoise and lavender. It is they who give coziness and comfort to the kitchen room, do not hurt the eyes, and allow you to relax as much as possible. Saturated tones are also used, but with caution and in moderation. They fit perfectly into the design plans of the kitchen, as accent details.

Provence style color palette:

Kitchen design in Provence style

  • White. Quite often used in various shades. If the kitchen space is located on the south side of the house, then it is decorated in a cold palette and, conversely, from the north - in a warm one;

Photos of the best wallpaper options for the kitchen:

Advice! The dark interior looks good in large and elongated rooms. If the kitchen space does not meet these requirements, then it is better to refuse such a choice.

Country style kitchen

This style also belongs to the rustic, although it originated in the USA. Recently it has become international, and is used quite often not only for kitchens, but also in other rooms. Country is the personification of freedom, unity with nature, coziness and comfort. Stylish country wallpapers allow you to create unique interiors. When choosing wallpaper, keep in mind that this style is characterized by simplicity and naturalness. Pretentiousness is unacceptable for him, here one should act according to the principle: the simpler, the better.

But this does not mean at all that the kitchen should be done in a peasant way in the literal sense of the word, that is, with unhewn walls. Modern country is sophistication, sophistication and nothing more. Country is one of those areas that is well adapted to modernity and city dwellers.

Country style features:

Differences from other styles

From all other country style is different:

  • decoration and furnishings. It uses natural types of materials;
  • color range. Shades are also limited to naturalness and nature - the color of natural wood, clay, chalk;
  • textile. There should be a lot of it, preferably made with your own hands: potholders with napkins, towels, bedspreads on chairs and other necessary things, the pattern on which will be in harmony with the pattern on the wallpaper;
  • tradition and life.

When choosing wallpaper for a country-style kitchen, you should pay attention to those that are made "antique".

Photo gallery of country-style kitchens:

Cuisine and classic

This style has never gone out of fashion and most likely never will. It looks equally good in any room without exception.

Important! A classic-style kitchen should have: versatility, sophistication and respectability. This requires the features and specifics of this direction.

Classic style is the use of exclusively natural and expensive materials in the design. For him, synthetics, metal or plastic are not inherent, although materials that imitate wood, stone, brick, and so on can be an exception. Therefore, before choosing this particular style, you should weigh your financial capabilities. For a small classic kitchen, light colors are chosen in the design, and in the setting they adhere to functional minimalism.
