Dead Sea Israel treatment than. Treatment at the Dead Sea in Israel: prices, reviews, indications. Cosmetic complex package of procedures

The Dead Sea is the world's saltiest lake and the lowest area on land, located between Jordan and Israel. The metal salts of the Dead Sea weigh approximately 50 billion tons.

The company site offers to undergo treatment at the Dead Sea in the best clinics in Israel, with leading experts in clinical and sanatorium institutions. We will provide a full range of services at affordable prices, we will select a doctor according to the profile of your disease. We guarantee:

  • Quick reception by the Israeli side.
  • Prompt problem diagnosis.
  • Drawing up an individual therapeutic protocol.
  • Rehabilitation under the supervision of professionals.

For over 10 years, we have been helping Russian-speaking patients arrange treatment in Israel without any hassle. Just call us and leave a request for the services you are interested in.

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Treatment at the Dead Sea in Israel: minerals

A high level of calcium, iodine, magnesium, bromine, potassium has a beneficial effect on the body, calming and healing. And the combination of salts with extracts of medicinal herbs is simply miraculous. Natural sea minerals have a cleansing and toning effect on the skin, salts maintain a normal level of moisture, and they are also involved in metabolic processes.

Treatment at the Dead Sea in Israel: water

The water of the sea is more like a real brine - the level of salt content is ten times higher than in any other body of water. Moreover, this is the only body of water on the planet that is so rich in salt composition. Dead Sea water relieves stress, neutralizes the consequences of the modern rhythm of life - increased noise levels, air and water pollution.

Due to the large amount of dissolved salts, the density of water can be called fantastic: it is useless to dive or try to drown here! The human body is pushed to the surface by elastic, like rubber, water. But at the same time, it can injure the eyes and have a corrosive effect on the mucous membranes. If you do not immerse your face in an oily liquid, then it is possible to enjoy relaxation, for example, lying on your back or almost sitting, reading a newspaper. In a state of weightlessness, the entire muscular frame of the body relaxes, and this has found wide application in the correction of orthopedic problems.

On the coast of the Dead Sea there are a large number of natural hot springs. Sanatoriums were built next to them, which deal with the treatment of skin and rheumatic pathologies.

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Treatment at the Dead Sea in Israel: air and atmosphere

A unique feature of these places is the ability to sunbathe as much as you want without getting sunburned. An additional 400-meter layer of air and aerosols in it filter the sun's ultraviolet rays, attenuating the radiation of active rays (UVB) and passing effective UVA radiation.

The uniqueness of the Dead Sea lies in the absence of runoff and the evaporation of a huge amount of water in a dry, hot climate (5 m of water per year). This is the reason for the creation of a unique air composition - a high concentration of minerals and salts.

Another interesting feature is the rather low average relative humidity. Meanwhile, the level of oxygen in the air is fifteen percent higher than in other areas, and the atmospheric pressure is the highest. That is, the Dead Sea zone creates the action of a natural pressure chamber! What's more, an oxygen-rich atmosphere contains forty-five percent of the world's bromine. It has a calming effect on the central nervous system, clears the bronchi and lungs.

There are no allergoic impurities and pollution in the air of this unique place. Drinking water contains the highest levels of selenium, a trace element that inhibits the growth of cells that tend to develop abnormally.

The Dead Sea and its coast is a protected area. Here, over 330 days a year, there is sunny weather, and there is impeccable cleanliness. The average temperature from April to November is from +20 to +30°C, from May to October from +30 to +38°C, June and July are the hottest - 38-39°C.

Therapeutic mud of the Dead Sea (peloid therapy)

The only and unique representative of living beings in the salt solution of the Dead Sea - archeobacteria, leaving behind their waste products, produce therapeutic mud, it is extracted from the bottom of the Dead Sea. The composition of silt sulphide mud contains a high content of iodine, bromine, phytoestrogens. Structurally, it is a complex physical and chemical dynamic system.

Mud, rich in minerals, promotes the treatment of skin diseases, varicose veins. Healing mud has excellent cosmetic, therapeutic, powerful anti-inflammatory and hormonal-active properties. Mud compress (wrap) cleanses and stimulates all layers of the skin, relaxes ligaments and muscles, improves blood circulation; reduces joint pain, increases range of motion in the spine and joints.

With the help of therapeutic mud from the Dead Sea, the main functions of the skin are normalized, they are used in the treatment of neurodermatitis, eczema, seborrhea, and baldness. Dead Sea mud is highly bactericidal due to the high content of sulfide groups. Moreover, they are characterized by a cleansing and regenerative effect. Muds reduce the toxic effect and actively remove free radical oxidation products from the body, slowing down the aging process.

Mud therapy is highly effective in the treatment of diseases of the joints, relieves muscle and rheumatic pain. Indications for this type of treatment are psoriatic arthritis, polyarthritis, rheumatism. Therapeutic mud of the Dead Sea contributes to the normal production of chondroptin sulfate, which stimulates the development of new cartilage zones, this restores articular cartilage. In chronic cases, this type of therapy is more effective than drug treatment.

Mud therapy is one of the main methods of therapy for diseases of the peripheral nervous system (cervicothoracic, lumbosacral radiculitis). Lecithin in the composition of mud takes part in the formation of nerve sheaths, which determines the speed of transmission of impulses. Peloid therapy relieves swelling, improves microcirculation, affects metabolism, activates regenerative processes.

Another advantage of the Dead Sea therapeutic mud is its high thermal conductivity, maintaining the set temperature for a long time, carrying out deep heating of the underlying tissues (ligaments, muscle tissue, joints).

Dead Sea mud is widely used in cosmetology.

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Indications for treatment at the Dead Sea in Israel

(in one and a half to two months, the use of hormonal drugs should be canceled):

  • vitiligo;
  • (excluding generalized pustular form);
  • erysipelas of a chronic nature (at the stage of remission);
  • parapsoriasis;
  • seborrhea;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • acne;
  • eczema;
  • lichen planus;
  • mycosis;
  • scleroderma at the initial stage.
  • consequences of sports injuries;
  • psoriatic arthritis in an inactive phase;
  • scoliosis;
  • polyarthritis of rheumatoid etiology in the inactive phase;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • arthrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • osteochondrosis.
  • allergies;
  • chronic pneumonia;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma.

ENT diseases:.;

  • hemorrhagic stroke, which was transferred at least 6 months earlier;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • respiratory failure of 2-3 degrees;
  • arterial hypertension stage 3.
  • The Dead Sea is a unique medical balneological resort. This is an amazing place that returns strength and health.

    The site center will assist in organizing recreation and treatment at the Dead Sea in Israel.

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    Watch a video about the Dead Sea.

    The Dead Sea is a unique and one of a kind natural healing resource, in which many healing factors are concentrated, like in no other resort in the world. Its properties have been used since ancient times for the treatment of various diseases (inflammatory, bone and joint system, blood circulation, respiration), rejuvenation of the body. For example, Queen Cleopatra had her own residence on the Dead Sea, where she came to improve her health and undergo rejuvenating procedures.

    Already the climate in the Dead Sea area has a healing effect:

    - all this has a beneficial effect.

    According to statistics, every year more than 3.5 million tourists from different countries come to the Dead Sea for recreation and rehabilitation: 63% of them are Russians, the second place is occupied by Americans - 25% (19% from the USA), followed by Western countries and southeastern countries. It has also been established that more than 1/3 of tourists come to this resort again. All these figures speak for themselves.

    But is the Dead Sea a panacea for all diseases? Panacea, as such, does not exist at all, but the Dead Sea is somewhere close to this concept. And yet there are diseases, although they are few, in which treatment at the Dead Sea can harm the body. And if a practically healthy person can come to rest and improve himself, then patients should definitely consult and decide with a doctor.

    Fill out the contact form on our website, get a free consultation from a leading specialist in the field of balneology, and decide whether it is possible to treat your disease at the Dead Sea.

    General contraindications for treatment at the Dead Sea

    It is contraindicated to stay in the Dead Sea area and take any procedures there in the following cases:

    • with any infectious diseases, including active tuberculosis;
    • with exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases - until the acute manifestations subside;
    • malignant tumors of any localization;
    • severe forms of diabetes;
    • diseases of internal organs (heart, lungs, kidneys) in the stage of decompensation with a pronounced violation of their function;
    • condition after a stroke, heart attack, if 6 months have not passed after their occurrence;
    • blood clotting disorders (both hemorrhagic syndrome and thrombosis);
    • early rehabilitation period after operations - at the discretion of the attending physician;
    • acute allergic reactions, pemphigus, exacerbation of lupus erythematosus, other acute skin diseases;
    • neuropsychiatric disorders, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease;
    • drug addiction, alcoholism.

    In all these cases, the stimulating effect of various procedures at the Dead Sea can lead to a worsening of the listed diseases.

    Contraindications for thalassotherapy

    Thalassotherapy or sea bathing in the Dead Sea is significantly different from swimming in ordinary seas due to the special composition of the water. It has an alkaline reaction (PH-9), and the concentration of minerals in it is so high (about 300 grams / liter) that prolonged exposure to water can cause burns. Therefore, bathing is allowed no more than 2 times a day, and their duration is 10-15 minutes, with an interval of several hours.

    It is not allowed to swim and dive, as water can get on the mucous membranes and cause burns. It is also not recommended to wet the skin of the face, pre-protect it with a greasy cream. You should also not enter the sea barefoot, because large and sharp salt crystals can damage the skin of the feet.

    Bathing in the Dead Sea is contraindicated:

    • in acute inflammatory diseases, infections;
    • with insufficient function of internal organs (heart, lungs, kidneys);
    • in the presence of wounds and ulcers on the skin;
    • suffering from mental disorders.

    Contraindications for pelotherapy

    Pelotherapy or treatment with Dead Sea mud is a unique method of multilateral effects on the body. They stimulate metabolic processes, dilate blood vessels, warm, cause a rush of blood to the tissues. Excellent effect is obtained by patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, chronic skin diseases, and so on.

    And yet, this effect is not suitable for all diseases, for example:

    • with acute skin diseases;
    • all acute inflammatory diseases or during an exacerbation;
    • all types of tumors;
    • the presence of defects, wounds, ulcers on the skin;
    • with thyrotoxicosis;
    • with diabetes;
    • during pregnancy;
    • with mental illness and epilepsy;
    • with violations of the function of internal organs;
    • persons over 65 years of age.

    This is not a complete, but only an indicative list of the main contraindications. In any case, treatment at the Dead Sea is prescribed only by a doctor after an examination. It is like a good strong medicine that can heal, but on the other hand, its overdose can be fatal. In any case, having arrived in Israel as a tourist, you can undergo a complete and quick Check-Up medical examination at any of the clinics in order to find out about your state of health and, if indicated, not to miss the opportunity to undergo treatment, or just a general improvement of the body on Dead Sea.

    The Dead Sea is a unique body of water located in Israel. In fact, this is a lake located in the lowest part of the planet and has a salinity of up to 310 ppm. Various organisms do not survive here. Fish caught in the Dead Sea die in 1-2 hours.

    Despite the unsuitability for life, the water and mud of this reservoir have healing properties, which have been known since ancient times. We will tell you about nearby sanatoriums and medical centers, as well as give information on indications and contraindications for treatment at the Dead Sea.


    Features of the Dead Sea and its environs

    The water in the Dead Sea has an oily consistency. It is not just salty, but rich in various minerals. Scientists have found that the mineralogical composition of water has no analogues:

    • magnesium chloride - 50%;
    • sodium chloride - 30%;
    • calcium chloride - 14%;
    • potassium chloride - 4%.

    The basis of the mineral composition are bromides. They provide the healing properties of water.

    In the vicinity of the lake there are thermal springs, the water in which is saturated with hydrogen sulfide. This substance, when used correctly, can stimulate the human immune system, improve blood circulation, and optimize metabolic processes. Thermal spring water is used in sanatoriums, beauty salons and medical centers as an aid in the treatment of skin diseases, including psoriasis.

    The air near the Dead Sea is also healing. The concentration of oxygen here is 15% higher than in other regions, and bromine - by 20%. Inhalation of such air is akin to inhalation, so people with respiratory diseases go to the lake. The effect of air and water is enhanced by high atmospheric pressure. The Dead Sea is a natural pressure chamber.

    The climate of the region plays a supporting role in the treatment of various diseases. The Dead Sea is the lowest part of the land on the planet, so there is no ultraviolet A that causes skin burns. On the beaches you can sunbathe without fear for health.

    Water in the Dead Sea has unique properties

    The Dead Sea is famous for its mud. They are mined from the bottom of the reservoir, so they are environmentally friendly. It has been established that the composition of the mud contains bromine, iodine and substances similar to hormones - auxiliary components in the treatment of female infertility.

    Pelotherapy at the Dead Sea

    Pelotherapy is a treatment with healing mud. At the Dead Sea, such therapy is the cornerstone of all procedures, it is with the help of this method that pathologies in the joints, skin inflammations and other diseases can be cured.

    Archaea are the only representatives of organisms capable of living in the waters of the Dead Sea. In the process of life, they process minerals into various enzymes, which form the basis of healing mud. As a result, the dirty mass, which has an unsightly appearance, contains many different compounds and is enriched with iodine, boron, magnesium and other substances.

    Dead Sea mud has a complex effect on the human body:

    1. Regenerating - various damages on the skin are restored faster.
    2. Anti-inflammatory - indispensable in the treatment of various diseases, including joint pathology.
    3. Hormonal - helps in the treatment of female infertility.
    4. Relaxing - helps to strengthen the nervous system.
    5. Painkiller - Dead Sea mud reduces the intensity of pain in various pathologies and rehabilitation after surgery.
    6. Bactericidal - the sulfide groups contained in the composition destroy pathogenic microflora.
    7. The components that make up the mud stimulate the synthesis of chondroptin sulfate in the body. This substance is responsible for the growth of cartilage tissue, therefore, after applications, the joints recover faster.

    It has been established that pelotherapy at the Dead Sea contributes to the treatment of many diseases. Possessing high thermal conductivity, the mud warms up all layers of the skin, the muscles located under it and has a complex effect on the zone of pathology localization. In fact, applications with mud collected at the bottom of the lake can replace the thermal procedures prescribed in physiotherapy rooms.

    Mud therapy is effective in the treatment of the following diseases:

    • varicose veins;
    • neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema;
    • alopecia, including seborrheic;
    • arthritis of all kinds;
    • pathologies of the peripheral nervous system.

    The healing mud of the Dead Sea contributes to the rapid removal of toxins from the body, which is important during rehabilitation after a course of antibacterial drugs. The property of the therapeutic mass to remove free radicals promotes skin rejuvenation, so it is widely used for cosmetic purposes.

    Mud treatment is popular at the Dead Sea

    Indications and contraindications for visiting the Dead Sea

    Most people travel to the Dead Sea for the treatment of various skin conditions. Healing mud and thermal springs have a beneficial effect on the course of diseases such as psoriasis, vitiligo, seborrhea, neurodermatitis, scleroderma.

    Other indications for visiting this region are:

    • diseases of the musculoskeletal system - arthrosis, scoliosis, ankylosing spondylitis;
    • rehabilitation after operations on the bones, spine, joints;
    • ENT diseases - sinusitis, rhinitis and tonsillitis in chronic forms;
    • prostatitis, erectile dysfunction in men and infertility in women;
    • asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia.

    Treatment at the Dead Sea will also be useful for pathologies of the endocrine system - type 2 diabetes and obesity.

    Not every person will benefit from the water, air and mud of the Dead Sea. Increased salinity, high atmospheric pressure and some components can aggravate the course of various diseases. Visiting the region is contraindicated for people suffering from the following diseases:

    • epilepsy and Parkinson's disease;
    • pulmonary tuberculosis stage 3 and respiratory failure;
    • AIDS and some sexually transmitted diseases;
    • myocardial infarction and stroke, transferred, respectively, less than 2 and 6 months ago;
    • hypertension;
    • acute infectious diseases;
    • liver or kidney failure.

    In order for treatment and rest at the Dead Sea to benefit, go through a complete examination of the body. You may not be aware of some health problems, a thorough diagnosis will reveal them. If the doctor finds any contraindications, it is better to refuse the trip.

    Sanatoriums and hotels of the Dead Sea

    The resort and health business in the Dead Sea region began to develop relatively recently. Therefore, this region is characterized by the presence of hotels combined with massage and treatment rooms.

    Modern and comfortable resorts are located in the vicinity of the city of Ein Bokek. You can get to it from Tel Aviv or Jerusalem airports. There are no problems with transport in this region; buses run constantly between the resort area of ​​Ein Bokek and major cities of Israel. The ticket price is 60 shekels.

    Upon arrival in Ein Bokek, you will be able to stay at one of the hotels described below or choose another option.

    Le Meridian

    Considered the largest hotel on the Dead Sea coast, it has 600 rooms, restaurants and SPA centers. On the territory of the health complex there are two pools with water from the Dead Sea.

    There are many sanatoriums on the coast of the Dead Sea.

    The hotel has a private clinic, the cost of admission is $ 50. Mineral baths and showers with hydrogen sulfide water are also available for the treatment of various diseases. All rooms overlook the Dead Sea.

    Golden Tulip Privilege

    The second largest sanatorium-hotel with 300 rooms of different comfort. The hotel has a medical center, which employs doctors of various specializations with certificates for medical practice.

    For vacationers, oil and salt baths, mud therapy, rehabilitation and prevention rooms are available. The cost of treatment depends on the disease and the procedures prescribed.

    Crown Plaza

    This is a hotel combined with a SPA-complex. For vacationers, mineralized baths, Finnish saunas, pools with Dead Sea water, massage rooms and gyms are available. Entrance to the beach is free for residents and guests.

    The Crowne Plaza is suitable for people with various skin conditions who want to improve their appearance or recover from serious illnesses.

    Sheraton Moriah

    In fact, this is a hotel with several private medical offices and good opportunities for medical tourism. The building is located on the shores of the Dead Sea, has 200 rooms of different comfort.

    For guests are available:

    • medical offices;
    • massage salon;
    • hydrogen sulfide shower;
    • beauty parlors;
    • mud baths and applications.

    The hotel is popular among wealthy people, for them there is a car park and a helipad.

    SPA-complex "Hamei Zohar"

    Located on the territory of the Tulip Inn Dead Sea hotel, in a tropical park. Here you can cure skin diseases, respiratory pathologies, nervous disorders and so on.

    For visitors are available:

    • balneotherapy;
    • mud baths;
    • applications;
    • massage;
    • beauty parlor.

    On the territory of the Hamei Zohar complex there are private medical offices and shops where you can buy medical cosmetics and other products made on the basis of Dead Sea minerals.

    Seasons for the treatment of diseases

    All sanatoriums and hotels located on the Dead Sea are open all year round and will always welcome vacationers with pleasure. However, for the treatment of certain diseases, you need to know what time of the year it is worth planning a trip. A small instruction that we have prepared for you will allow you not to get confused and make recovery as effective as possible.

    1. Skin diseases, including psoriasis, seborrhea and eczema - the first days of April to the end of October.
    2. Diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract - the period from the first days of October to the end of April is favorable for treatment and prevention.
    3. Various dermatitis - from the end of March to the beginning of May or from the end of September to the beginning of November.
    4. Pathologies of the joints - the whole year, with the exception of December and January.
    5. Vitiligo - from the first week of April to the last week of September.

    This schedule is associated with the climate in the Dead Sea area. Depending on the temperature regime and other weather factors, the composition of air, water and healing mud changes. These changes are insignificant for recreation, but important for the treatment of diseases.

    Treatment of psoriasis in the clinic at the Dead Sea

    Holidays at the Dead Sea

    The area near the lake has many attractions. If you are a supporter of outdoor activities and plan to combine medical procedures with conventional tourism, there is something to see.

    The Maudjib Reserve is located in Jordan, in the El Maudjib Gorge. About 400 species of plants grow here and about 200 species of birds live here. Tourist routes are organized, from simple to extreme water and horse riding.

    Safiya township (Jordan). Lot's salt cave is located here. According to legend, it was in this place that Lot's wife, leaving Sodom and Gomorrah, did not listen to God and looked around, after which she turned into a pillar of salt. It has human-like outlines and is accessible to tourists.

    Mitzpe Shalem is a small Jewish village famous for its many shops. There is a factory that produces medicinal natural cosmetics on the mud of the Dead Sea. Despite the fact that now the production belongs to a Chinese corporation, cosmetics are made according to old Jewish recipes. If you are a fan of shopping and keep an eye on the outside - Mitzpe Shalem is the perfect place for you.

    As you can see, the treatment of various diseases at the Dead Sea can be not only effective, but also interesting. Favorable climate, unique composition of water and mud, comfortable hotels and sanatoriums - all this will make your vacation pleasant, and treatment or recovery after surgery beneficial.

    Useful articles:

    Treatment of diseases in the USA - features of medicine and achievements of doctors Chronic diseases of the joints
    Yuri Glazkov: features of the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint Proper application of healing mud for effective treatment of arthritis

    Let's start, of course, with water. According to the presence of minerals, the water of the Dead Sea differs significantly from ordinary ocean water: it contains almost 4.5 times less sodium chloride, but each liter contains 340 g of various salts, of which 230 mg are chlorides, bromides and sulfates of magnesium, calcium and potassium; there are salts of iron, copper, zinc and even aluminum. And in terms of bromide content, the Dead Sea simply has no competitors. Therefore, treatment in Israel at the Dead Sea is impossible to imagine without swimming and taking sea baths.

    But this is far from the only phenomenon of this reservoir. The salt lake is more than 400 meters below the level of the world's oceans, that is, the atmospheric pressure here is much higher compared to barometer readings at sea level. For this reason, in hypotensive patients at the Dead Sea, blood pressure rises, and in patients with arterial hypertension, it decreases.

    Aerotherapy is also effective, since the air along the shores of the Dead Sea is saturated with bromine and magnesium ions, which have a relaxing effect and help relieve nervous tension. In addition, this air is 3.5-4.5% richer in oxygen, is not polluted by anything and is practically free of allergens. So the oxygenation of patients with respiratory diseases is improved without the use of any medical equipment.

    It should also be taken into account that, despite the bright sun and 330 sunny days a year, its harmful ultraviolet rays are filtered due to the high atmospheric pressure in the Dead Sea area. Therefore, for residents of northern countries, treatment in Israel at the Dead Sea is also heliotherapy for seasonal ischemic syndrome, hypertension and depression.

    Mud treatment at the Dead Sea in Israel

    And now about the mud, in which it is not a shame to “hit your face” ... Treatment with mud at the Dead Sea in Israel - pelotherapy - is recognized as one of the most effective in the world due to their very high degree of mineralization: at least 300 g of various salts per liter. And, as you know, mud with high mineralization contains more probiotics (natural antibiotics) and has a more pronounced bactericidal effect on the body.

    Sulphide silt deposits of the Dead Sea contain: 20% silicon dioxide; 15.5% calcium oxide; 4.8% alumina; 4.5% magnesium oxide; 2.8% ferric oxide, as well as chlorides, bromides and oxides of sodium, potassium, titanium, sulfur and phosphorus.

    The local peloids normalize the metabolism in skin cells and activate all its main functions, as well as remove toxins, improve blood circulation, relieve irritation and reduce inflammation. Finely dispersed healing mud is an indispensable remedy for various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, used in the form of warm mud applications on the joints, followed by a medical massage.

    All this is used by the specialists of the Dead Sea Research Center (DSMRC), the IPTC Clinic Dermatological Clinic, the Central Spa Clinic Dead Sea Clinic and the Herzliya Medical Center, a multidisciplinary private clinic, to treat a large spectrum of diseases.

    Diseases treated at the Dead Sea

    It is quite difficult to list absolutely all the diseases that are treated at the Dead Sea, so we will focus on the main ones. These include:

    • dermatological diseases (psoriasis, vitiligo, dermatitis, including atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema, acne, seborrhea, lichen planus, scleroderma, etc.);
    • diseases of the joints and spine (arthrosis, arthritis, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, fibromyalgia, tendonitis, bursitis, consequences of injuries, etc.);
    • respiratory diseases (bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis, etc.).
    • diseases of the genital area (prostatitis, erectile dysfunction, etc.),
    • vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurotic disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome.

    Studies have shown that due to the high concentration of magnesium in the water of the Dead Sea, rashes in many skin diseases (for example, psoriatic plaques) are reduced and even disappear. And inflammatory joint diseases, which are treated at the Dead Sea, and chronic inflammation of soft tissues recede after the circulation-stimulating effect of minerals during bathing and bathing.

    In addition, Dead Sea Clinic doctors successfully treat intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, sciatica and spinal canal stenosis using non-surgical spinal decompression using the DTS Triton apparatus. Just a few sessions of hardware therapy allow you to permanently get rid of pain in pathologies of the joints of the neck, arms and legs.

    And in the Herzliya Medical Center clinic, located 85 km from the Dead Sea, in addition to thalassotherapy for orthopedic and skin diseases and pathologies of the respiratory system, diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, gynecological and reproductive spheres, and oncological diseases of various organs are treated with the latest medical technologies. Modern diagnostic methods and surgical technologies make it possible to fully examine patients and perform the most complex operations.

    The Dead Sea is the world's saltiest lake and the lowest area on land, located between Jordan and Israel. The metal salts of the Dead Sea weigh approximately 50 billion tons.

    Tlv.Hospital offers treatment at the Dead Sea in the best clinics in Israel, with leading experts in clinical and sanatorium institutions. We will provide a full range of services at affordable prices, we will select a doctor according to the profile of your disease. We guarantee:

    • Quick reception by the Israeli side.
    • Prompt problem diagnosis.
    • Drawing up an individual therapeutic protocol.
    • Rehabilitation under the supervision of professionals.

    For over 10 years, we have been helping Russian-speaking patients arrange treatment in Israel without any hassle. Just call us and leave a request for the services you are interested in.

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    Treatment at the Dead Sea in Israel: minerals

    A high level of calcium, iodine, magnesium, bromine, potassium has a beneficial effect on the body, calming and healing. And the combination of salts with extracts of medicinal herbs is simply miraculous. Natural sea minerals have a cleansing and toning effect on the skin, salts maintain a normal level of moisture, and they are also involved in metabolic processes.

    Treatment at the Dead Sea in Israel: water

    The water of the sea is more like a real brine - the level of salt content is ten times higher than in any other body of water. Moreover, this is the only body of water on the planet that is so rich in salt composition. Dead Sea water relieves stress, neutralizes the consequences of the modern rhythm of life - increased noise levels, air and water pollution.

    Due to the large amount of dissolved salts, the density of water can be called fantastic: it is useless to dive or try to drown here! The human body is pushed to the surface by elastic, like rubber, water. But at the same time, it can injure the eyes and have a corrosive effect on the mucous membranes. If you do not immerse your face in an oily liquid, then it is possible to enjoy relaxation, for example, lying on your back or almost sitting, reading a newspaper. In a state of weightlessness, the entire muscular frame of the body relaxes, and this has found wide application in the correction of orthopedic problems.

    On the coast of the Dead Sea there are a large number of natural hot springs. Sanatoriums were built next to them, which deal with the treatment of skin and rheumatic pathologies.

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    Treatment at the Dead Sea in Israel: air and atmosphere

    A unique feature of these places is the ability to sunbathe as much as you want without getting sunburned. An additional 400-meter layer of air and aerosols in it filter the sun's ultraviolet rays, attenuating the radiation of active rays (UVB) and passing effective UVA radiation.

    The uniqueness of the Dead Sea lies in the absence of runoff and the evaporation of a huge amount of water in a dry, hot climate (5 m of water per year). This is the reason for the creation of a unique air composition - a high concentration of minerals and salts.

    Another interesting feature is the rather low average relative humidity. Meanwhile, the level of oxygen in the air is fifteen percent higher than in other areas, and the atmospheric pressure is the highest. That is, the Dead Sea zone creates the action of a natural pressure chamber! What's more, an oxygen-rich atmosphere contains forty-five percent of the world's bromine. It has a calming effect on the central nervous system, clears the bronchi and lungs.

    There are no allergoic impurities and pollution in the air of this unique place. Drinking water contains the highest levels of selenium, a trace element that inhibits the growth of cells that tend to develop abnormally.

    The Dead Sea and its coast is a protected area. Here, over 330 days a year, there is sunny weather, and there is impeccable cleanliness. The average temperature from April to November is from +20 to +30°C, from May to October from +30 to +38°C, June and July are the hottest - 38-39°C.

    Therapeutic mud of the Dead Sea (peloid therapy)

    The only and unique representative of living beings in the salt solution of the Dead Sea - archeobacteria, leaving behind their waste products, produce therapeutic mud, it is extracted from the bottom of the Dead Sea. The composition of silt sulphide mud contains a high content of iodine, bromine, phytoestrogens. Structurally, it is a complex physical and chemical dynamic system.

    Mud, rich in minerals, promotes the treatment of skin diseases, varicose veins. Healing mud has excellent cosmetic, therapeutic, powerful anti-inflammatory and hormonal-active properties. Mud compress (wrap) cleanses and stimulates all layers of the skin, relaxes ligaments and muscles, improves blood circulation; reduces joint pain, increases range of motion in the spine and joints.

    With the help of therapeutic mud from the Dead Sea, the main functions of the skin are normalized, they are used in the treatment of neurodermatitis, eczema, seborrhea, and baldness. Dead Sea mud is highly bactericidal due to the high content of sulfide groups. Moreover, they are characterized by a cleansing and regenerative effect. Muds reduce the toxic effect and actively remove free radical oxidation products from the body, slowing down the aging process.

    Mud therapy is highly effective in the treatment of diseases of the joints, relieves muscle and rheumatic pain. Indications for this type of treatment are psoriatic arthritis, polyarthritis, rheumatism. Therapeutic mud of the Dead Sea contributes to the normal production of chondroptin sulfate, which stimulates the development of new cartilage zones, this restores articular cartilage. In chronic cases, this type of therapy is more effective than drug treatment.

    Mud therapy is one of the main methods of therapy for diseases of the peripheral nervous system (cervicothoracic, lumbosacral radiculitis). Lecithin in the composition of mud takes part in the formation of nerve sheaths, which determines the speed of transmission of impulses. Peloid therapy relieves swelling, improves microcirculation, affects metabolism, activates regenerative processes.

    Another advantage of the Dead Sea therapeutic mud is its high thermal conductivity, maintaining the set temperature for a long time, carrying out deep heating of the underlying tissues (ligaments, muscle tissue, joints).

    Dead Sea mud is widely used in cosmetology.

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    Indications for treatment at the Dead Sea in Israel

    (in one and a half to two months, the use of hormonal drugs should be canceled):

    • vitiligo;
    • (excluding generalized pustular form);
    • erysipelas of a chronic nature (at the stage of remission);
    • parapsoriasis;
    • seborrhea;
    • neurodermatitis;
    • acne;
    • eczema;
    • lichen planus;
    • mycosis;
    • scleroderma at the initial stage.
    • consequences of sports injuries;
    • psoriatic arthritis in an inactive phase;
    • scoliosis;
    • polyarthritis of rheumatoid etiology in the inactive phase;
    • ankylosing spondylitis;
    • arthrosis;
    • intervertebral hernia;
    • osteochondrosis.
    • allergies;
    • chronic pneumonia;
    • chronic bronchitis;
    • bronchial asthma.

    ENT diseases:.;

  • hemorrhagic stroke, which was transferred at least 6 months earlier;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • respiratory failure of 2-3 degrees;
  • arterial hypertension stage 3.
  • The Dead Sea is a unique medical balneological resort. This is an amazing place that returns strength and health.

    The Tlv.Hospital center will assist in organizing recreation and treatment at the Dead Sea in Israel.

    Submit an application

    Watch a video about the Dead Sea.
