Beautiful landscape design in the country. How to create a beautiful and functional landscape design of a summer cottage: photo ideas. Outdoor dining arrangement

A beautiful cottage is the dream of every summer resident. For a resident of a modern metropolis, a dacha is almost the last refuge of nature and an opportunity to bring their creative impulses and fantasies to life. Everyone wants their site to be unique and comfortable, so that the eye rejoices in their favorite beds and flower beds, and the neighbors look with envy and delight.

Of course, you can hire a landscape designer, but it’s much more interesting and enjoyable to make a beautiful cottage. Each of us has a craving for creativity, which we are far from always able to realize, so why lose the unique opportunity to express ourselves and do everything on our site the way we ourselves want. Let everything in your country house be the way you want it to be. Photos of beautiful dachas on our website will help you generate new ideas in dacha design.

How to make beautiful in the country? The main advantage of any dacha and its own decoration are. It is important to plant plants correctly, because in a large area they will be visible from all sides and your mistakes will be much more noticeable. Water, air, heat and light are the main factors on which the development and growth of plants depends. They are closely related and do not replace each other. Therefore, in order to make the cottage beautiful, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for the plants. Indoor plants with poor lighting need a low temperature. It is better to plant more unpretentious plants of the same species than to try to grow exotic but capricious species. How to make a cottage beautiful

Shrubs are less demanding to care for, so they are perfect for decorating your summer cottage. An excellent decoration of your site can be a pond, which, if necessary, can be used for irrigation, because the water in the pond warms up perfectly in the sun. Looks great in the country forest corner. Shady space will give you a lot of joy on hot summer days. How to make beautiful in the country

When creating a beautiful cottage with your own hands, do not forget to choose plants suitable for your site. Moisture-loving plants planted in dry soil can wilt and die. Most plants do not like excess moisture as well as its lack. With very strong and frequent watering, the root system of plants begins to suffer due to the lack of oxygen, as a result of which it weakens, the plant becomes ill and, soon, dies. Therefore, soils that can retain water after watering or rain are not used for growing flowers or they create special soil drainage.

For the garden, it is necessary to prepare a sunny area and special attention should be paid to paving, do not use recycled materials. This will be especially important if your garden is viewed from the second floor, you risk spoiling the view from the window for yourself and your neighbors. Smooth and beautiful paths will allow you to personally feel the spring and autumn. It is during this period that they will be responsible for the attractiveness of your dacha.

Do-it-yourself landscape design at your favorite summer cottage is not such a difficult task! By adhering to a few simple rules, you can carry out all the activities on your own, transforming an ordinary suburban area into a unique, original and wonderful garden.

Where should work begin?

It seems that not so long ago, the garden plot seemed to be a place only for growing berries and vegetables. To be precise, about 15-20 years ago it was considered that way. At that time, many owners came to the countryside solely to plant, water, weed and harvest, followed by pickling, salting and canning for the winter. There was rarely a place in the garden that was not “occupied” by some kind of plant. As for decorative plantings and just flowers, they were planted only along garden paths or in front of the house, because then they didn’t even think about landscape design.

However, not everyone was going to reduce their strength only to harvesting. There were also people who tried to plant at least small flower beds on their site, which would then involuntarily attract the attention of passers-by, becoming a cause of envy from the neighbors. It is possible that it was thanks to such gardeners that the first unique design ideas for arranging a summer cottage began to appear. Over time, the craving for beauty woke up in almost every owner of a country house.

Today, there is no such person who, having a garden plot at his disposal, would not plan to create at least a small place for rest and relaxation on it, which would distract from worries and troubles with beautiful landings or more interesting solutions, for example, or .

After reviewing photos of various arrangement ideas, many will surely come to the conclusion that it is unrealistic to implement something similar with their own hands. However, if you do not forget the expression “The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing”, then over time it is possible to transform the summer cottage beyond recognition without resorting to the help of professionals.

For the most part, many landscape changes decisions boil down to these simple questions:

  1. What will be placed and where?
  2. What lawn will be used?
  3. What kind of plants will be planted on the site?

The ideas don't end there. You can always supplement this list with an alpine slide, , a small pond or barbecue area. And, perhaps, in some cases, the garden area will be enough for all of the above, or you may have to be content with only a few elements.

Important point! Lawn grass is an indispensable criterion for creating a beautiful landscape. In contrast, ordinary weed grass will subsequently look sloppy, spoiling the overall harmony and impressions.

Landscape design with coniferous vegetation

When deciding to use coniferous trees, the following rules should be followed:

  1. Coniferous vegetation is planted early spring or autumn.
  2. Young plantings need mineral fertilizer.
  3. For seating, use earth with turf, sand and peat.
  4. Before winter, trees under 5 years old must be covered.
  5. Seedlings need to be constantly well watered.
  6. There should be a space of at least 1.5 meters between landings.

It happens that after a while the thuja begins to turn yellow. This happens for one of three reasons: poor watering, damaged roots, or poor soil.

We use waste materials

Various elements and figures made by hand with the help of unnecessary, old improvised materials and means look pretty cute on the site. No less interesting will look in landscape design and antique pieces of furniture, decorated as a flower bookcase. After all, what initially may seem unnecessary, with desire and imagination, easily becomes an important and original component of any interior.

At the same time, it is not so easy for a homegrown young designer to immediately take and create something unique with his own hands. The tips and photos presented can help the beginner.

What can be used to create an interesting landscape:

  • boxes;
  • Small and large plastic bottles;
  • Tires;
  • Old crockery such as pots and kettles.

To perform crafts, you should stock up on glue and paint of different colors. And be sure to be patient!

Flowerbed decoration

What do you think is the secret of a beautiful flower bed? How are flowers planted so that after they only please their appearance, starting from spring and ending in late autumn?

Modern landscape design provides for more than one method for decorating flower beds in a summer cottage:

  • Mixborder;
  • Border;
  • Rabatki.

A mixborder is a flower bed created with the participation of various flowers, seated in small groups. The meaning of the composition is in the combination of both bright and contrasting colors, and plants growing at different times. However, the mixborder must remain blooming. constantly! How to achieve this? To achieve this, you will need to work more than one season.

We place flowers in the flower bed in the order of seasonal flowering. We divide the site into 3 main areas, on each of which plants will be planted that bloom in their own time interval: in spring, summer and autumn.

Of course, to make a mixborder with your own hands, you will have to sweat a lot, but after that you can be proud of yourself, watching the continuous flowering on your site.

The border is an ordinary seedling of flowers along the path. Here any plants are used, both perennials and annuals. However, densely growing and creeping vegetation looks the most beautiful. Thinking through the placement and layout of various plants, and their design, it is better to combine different colors.

Rabatka are flowers planted around the perimeter of the lawn. As a rule, it is organized in parks where there is a large area or lawn. You can create a discount using one or more colors, completing the vegetation with tiers, etc.

We plant the lawn with our own hands

We have already said that the lawn is always the main one for any landscape design. It is from him that you need to repel. We have previously written about how .

Today there are several varieties of lawn grass. For beginners and inexperienced people, it is recommended to take universal, because it is great for any purpose without requiring much maintenance. In our case, it is more important to achieve greater beauty, neatness of the territory and, of course, convenience for rest and relaxation!

If the soil where you are going to plant the lawn is clean, then you just need to dig it up, level it, tamp it down, and then sow grass seeds. After that, do not forget to pour an additional layer of soil so that the birds cannot subsequently peck at the seeds.

Often there is a desire to plant a lawn in the old summer cottage, not only diversifying the landscape, but also creating at least a small place to relax. In most cases, there is a place in the country house where the owners place sun loungers, fry kebabs and just gather with friends to relax. In this place, the grass, as a rule, sprouts in patches. The ground here has not been touched for many years, as a result of which it turned out to be heavily rammed. This moment is considered the most difficult for a novice landscape designer.

The first step is to get rid of annoying weeds.

To date, various chemicals are sold for these purposes, which are first poured on weeds, after which the earth is dug up. Chemicals seep to the roots, causing the plant to die. After that, the earth must be allowed to rest for at least a couple of weeks.

People who do not welcome interference in nature can be advised to uproot the grass, waiting until it begins to grow again on the spot. A month later, the grown grass is removed again, after which the soil is dug up.

The earth should remain loose and without lumps. Before digging, it is recommended to add mineral fertilizers to the soil. Thanks to them, young vegetation will begin to quickly gain strength and grow.

  • It is considered frost-resistant;
  • It tolerates lack of water and shade well;
  • It is unpretentious in care.

It is important to note that it is not always possible to achieve a beautiful lawn the first time, in most cases it takes multiple seasons.

Until the lawn grass is fully grown, you will have to constantly remove the resulting weeds. Otherwise, they will “kill” the cultural young. It is quite possible that in some places it will be necessary to repeat the subsidence of seeds, since sometimes birds can peck them, or the seeds simply will not sprout.

Of course, there are many difficulties, but in the end you will be able to walk barefoot on a beautiful and dense lawn grown by yourself!

Lawn Care Rules:

  1. Frequent watering during dry seasons. IMPORTANT DO NOT FILL!
  2. We do not allow the grass to grow much, otherwise it will not be easy to trim after.
  3. Mow the lawn only in dry weather. When wet, it is quite problematic to mow evenly.

Arrangement of a garden plot

There are many methods for transforming and arranging an empty and boring landscape. As an option, you can place a beautiful alpine hill or an original flower garden right in front of the cottage, or completely redo the design of the territory, placing everything in a new way. Here, for example, there is a bathhouse with a house, greenhouses, beds and other structures are in their place, but you want something new. Surely, many saw picturesque and interesting solutions from some craftsmen who diversified their site in an original way. The photos below are great examples.

First you need to accurately determine the desires and what you would like to place on your site. After that, you need to see what can be allowed, and what is better to refuse.

There is a place to place a decorative pond - great! Is there a barbecue area? Excellent! Do not forget about planting flowers and other vegetation, which will become the soloist after the whole season.

We purchase a special container to create an artificial reservoir, after which we determine the place for the future pit. Near the new reservoir, we will certainly plant ground cover undersized vegetation. For greater beauty, a toy swan, duck or frog should be lowered into the water. Such crafts can always be purchased at the store or do it yourself.

Not far from the pool, you can install a gazebo or simply equip a barbecue area. If you do not want to build a conversation on your own, a stretched awning is a good alternative, under which there will be chairs with a table. A brazier should also be placed nearby.

Areas intended for games and recreation should be planted with a lawn.

Be sure to decorate the garden path with a flower border, highlighting at least a small area to create a mixborder. Near it and on the landscape itself, plant coniferous vegetation of various sizes and shapes. Thus, it will be possible to achieve a more unique and beautiful landscape design. Without this kind of plants, the summer cottage will turn out to be incomplete.

While landscaping the site, DO NOT THINK of planting shrubs and trees near the barbecue, as they will soon dry out and turn yellow!

If you have a fence in the country, then you can decorate the fence with beans and grapes, thus creating the appearance .

About the advantages and features of various types of fences and fences, we have already .

If your country house has spacious properties, then you can easily find a place to create famous alpine hill. This element of the landscape today is almost the dream of any summer resident.

Concluding the consideration of general questions on garden design, it is worth listing the key points again:

  • The presence of small architectural forms, for example, various figures, gazebos, decorative ponds;
  • Lawn planting;
  • Coniferous vegetation;
  • Create a mixborder.

Registration of the territory of different areas

5 acres

Of course, 5 acres is not much, but you have your own plot. Moreover, even having such a territory, each owner wants comfort and beauty!

However, in this case, it is worth immediately listing the points that SHOULD NOT be performed in small areas:

  • Don't try to fit in what you don't like;
  • Do not plant spruces and pines;
  • Do not place a high and large fence.

The fenced area itself is perceived to be smaller than it actually is. As a result, the cottage will look more like a cage than a place to relax.

Almost any fence is beautifully decorated climbing vegetation, which will not only allow you to decorate the fence in an original way, but also visually smooth the boundaries of the site.

As for firs and pines, such trees grow strongly over time, because of which the landscape will be covered with a large shadow. In addition, such plants will take up a lot of space, and at 5 acres it is in short supply!

Having a small area of ​​land available, it is more correct to equip a lawn on it with several flower islands and shrubs.

10 acres

On 10 acres, you can fit a lot more useful items.

In addition to a parking space for a car, a bathhouse and a house, a gazebo and a swimming pool can be placed on the territory of the cottage. There will also be room for planting small shrubs with fruitful trees. If desired, you can arrange beds and greenhouses for vegetables.

Nevertheless, 10 acres also forces owners to prioritize when arranging landscape design, whether it is creating a place to relax or placing a vegetable garden.

12 acres

Having acquired a new piece of land, it is necessary to correctly consider both the plan for future development and landscape design, so that later you do not encounter rash nuances. Decide in advance where exactly in the future you will sit with friends and guests, how much territory will be allocated for disembarkation, where it will be placed.

With twelve acres, there is already where to roam, and when compared with the same ten, then in this case you have the right to pamper the children with some delights, for example, a trampoline or a swing. However, if you have not had time to have children yet, you should not get lost - there is always the opportunity to arrange the same alpine slide or a tennis table!

In addition, it is possible that you will like the free space in the country house more than the crowded territory. Then you should limit yourself to planting shrubs around the perimeter and a clean lawn. If necessary, you can always transform a clean landscape with any landings and elements.

20 acres or more

It seems that 20 acres is just a great option, because you don’t have to rack your brains trying to fit the elements you like in the design. However, on the other hand, you will have to put a lot of effort and imagination in order not to end up with chaos in the distribution of functional zones.

Buying such a piece of land, it is unlikely that you will completely plant the plot with potatoes and vegetables. Based on this, an accurate arrangement plan will be required. It is worth considering exactly how each free space in the country will be used.

A large area makes it possible to divide the territory of the garden into several functional areas by creating a hedge, for example, from juniper or arborvitae. Along a beautiful fence, it makes sense to plant small shrubs or some kind of prolific trees.

The central part of the landscape will perfectly decorate , created by yourself, where all the secondary elements will be around it.

Every free meter, be it just a lawn, should remain pleasant and well-groomed in appearance, without weeds and debris.

Do not forget about the appearance of garden paths. For their calculation, as a rule, wood, stone or paving stones are used. On the sides of the tracks recommended that will beautifully decorate the design of the garden in the evening and at night. For greater savings, we recommend using energy-saving lamps for this, the advantages of which .

And if you have definitely decided or are just planning to equip landscape design with your own hands, then correctly assess your own strengths. Ultimately, make sure that the finished result only pleases you day by day, and does not bring unnecessary worries and troubles.

Photo gallery

At the end, we offer you to look at a small photo gallery with successful examples of decorating a garden and a summer residence. Perhaps among the examples there are images that will inspire you or give you a couple of interesting ideas for implementation. Good luck!

The original landscape design is conducive to a pleasant stay in the country. Everyone can beautifully and tastefully ennoble the area around the house: for this, study the examples you like and embody them on your site.

Preparation - what you need to know about your site?

  • what kind of relief - hills, ravines, irregularities, this is necessary in order to competently lay the necessary communications, correct the relief by adding or removing layers of soil;
  • what is the composition of the soil in order to select the necessary fertilizer and plants;
  • the presence of buildings;
  • the presence of groundwater and the depth of their occurrence, with a close location, consider drainage;
  • the presence of streams;
  • climate conditions;
  • site illumination.

Knowing all these features, use them as much as possible in the project. When creating a landscape, discard massive buildings, build so that they look harmonious with each other. Mask buildings with shrubs and climbing ornamental plants.

Do not build solid, high fences so that you don’t get the feeling that you are behind a “bar” and visually reduce the space. At the same time, natural air circulation is still disturbed. An alternative could be a low fence or a chain-link fence, climbing plants can be planted around the perimeter. Do not plant tall trees or plant them on the north side, this will avoid the serious influence of the shade. It is better to choose small fruit trees and plant them in groups.

Zoning of the territory - we distinguish 5 main zones

The plan for arranging a summer cottage begins with the distribution of zones. You can peek at ready-made options, but be sure to add something from yourself. Depending on the size of the object and your preferences, some zones can be included or excluded from the plan:

  • living area;
  • rest zone;
  • zones of buildings for household needs;
  • garden area;
  • garden area.

First, we determine the share of each zone in the total area of ​​the site. So that you have more space to create beauty, we give most of it, about 65 percent, to the garden and vegetable garden area. We allocate 20 percent for a residential building, no more than 15 percent for buildings. Further on the diagram we sketch a house, most often it occupies the central zone. We hide summer cottages in the diagram in the back of the yard and mask them with shade-loving green spaces.

We have a bathhouse and a pool near the fence, if they already exist, then we try to disguise them correctly. We allocate the best place on the site to the recreation area and the playground. We give the garden a well-lit, sunny side. Taking into account the legislation of the Russian Federation, during construction and landscape design, it is required to comply with the distance standards:

  • the distance from the street to the country house should be 5 meters;
  • from a private house to a neighbor's fence - 3 meters;
  • the distance between your and your neighbor's house: from stone - 6 meters, from wood - 15 meters, mixed - 10 meters;
  • from the fence to: the garden house - 6 meters, to the buildings for animals - 4 meters, to the outbuildings - 1 meter, to the trees - 4 meters;
  • from the house to the neighbor's buildings for household needs - 6 meters.

Landscape styles - regular or natural?

In the process of planning a country landscape, you need to decide on its style. There are two main ones: regular and natural. Regular implies the presence of the main axis of the composition, in relation to it they make symmetrical landings. Design in this style is ideal for large areas. The tracks must be laid in a clear shape in the form of a square, rectangle or triangle. The choice depends largely on the shape of the site itself. If all sides of the yard are equal, then the paths are stele in the form of a square. With an elongated shape, a track in the form of a rectangle is more suitable.

When choosing a natural style, it is better to abandon the paths of straight shapes. In this option, there is more freedom in the placement of landings and decorative elements.

If the site is uneven, then it can be beaten with mini-reliefs created independently, in the form of a pond with a bridge or an alpine slide. An easier option is to create volume using a flower garden with plants of different shapes, colors and heights.

Decoration elements - we place accents

The landscape of the personal plot consists of a combination of decorative elements:

  • alpine slide;
  • water;
  • flowerbed, flower garden;
  • garden path;
  • lawn;
  • artificial lighting.

A modern alpine slide is an imitation of a mountain made of wild stones and plants and looks very interesting in the design of the site. The process of its creation is quite laborious, but it's worth it. Rock gardens are built more often from available materials: sandstone, granite or limestone. We cover the artificially created mountain with earth and decorate with plants, combining them with rock varieties. An additional accent to the rock garden is given by the play of chiaroscuro. To do this, we choose the sunny side of the yard and think over the artificial lighting of the hill.

The pond will perfectly complement the landscape of the garden yard, its size depends on the size of your territory. With a regular style, we choose straight shapes, with a natural one - asymmetrical. The water body needs good care and cleaning. You can launch small fish into the pond, plant aquatic plants, and cover the edges with beautiful stones.

Country landscape design without flower beds and flower beds is not possible. Beautiful combinations of plants can be the main decoration of the whole project. It is very important to understand the compatibility of plants, the seasonality of their flowering. Experts advise to break flower beds on the sides of the entrance, only asymmetrically. There are several types of landings:

  • flower beds - ornamental plants are planted in the form of any geometric figure;
  • group - flowers are planted in dense groups of several species;
  • discounts - with this method, plants in the form of a rectangular strip frame the edges of the lawn, paths, buildings;
  • tapeworm - planting one type of plant;
  • parterre flower garden - located in front of the entrance to the country yard, this is a combination of different types of plants with elements of architecture;
  • portable (mobile) flower garden - flowers and plants are planted in beautiful vases or pots and displayed in the yard as decoration;
  • arenarium - a piece of land is covered with sand, we imitate a desert, then we plant succulent plants there.

With your own hands, you can create an unusual flower garden for a summer residence, using a variety of ideas and objects. Anything you find in your household will do: a barrel, a box, a chair, an old bicycle, wheels, a pot, especially if you paint them in an original way.

Garden paths are a necessary element of country decor, they connect all zones. We make the central alley wider, you can decorate it on the sides with spotlights. The design of the mosaic path will look interesting and unusual. Combine different materials: paving stones, gravel, concrete tiles, natural stone, decorative tiles, pebbles.

The lawn is a soft grassy carpet that anyone can lay on their backyard. There are several types of landscaping:

  1. 1. Normal - plain grass, medium density.
  2. 2. Sports - a dense, wear-resistant grass surface that can withstand heavy loads.
  3. 3. Decorative - not intended for walking on it, it serves as a decor.

Outdoor lighting has two purposes: functional and decorative. In the first option, we illuminate the zones necessary for moving at night. In the second, artificial light is designed to transform the night garden, create a special atmosphere around the house and highlight design accents.

To visually increase the space, you can apply small design tricks, focusing on smooth shapes and lines. The path laid between the plantations will visually stretch your site. In some places, skillfully arranged flower arrangements and decorative elements are also a successful move. Decorating the far corners of the yard with yellow and white flowers will visually push them away.

Examples of arranging the territory - 6 and 10 acres

To begin with, consider the option of arranging a small plot of 6 acres, since it is the most common. It is most advantageous to place the following objects on 600 square meters:

  • country house - up to 20 square meters;
  • country buildings for household needs - 17 square meters;
  • space for a car - 8 square meters (ideally 4x2 meters);
  • recreation area with a playground for children - 75 square meters;
  • garden - 140 square meters;
  • paths and paths - 40 square meters;
  • shrubs, trees and flower beds - 300 square meters.

The place for summer residence is small, as it is designed for summer holidays and weekends. Several types of fruit trees should be planted: apple, cherry, plum and pear. And among the shrubs, currants, raspberries, blackberries and gooseberries are popular. We hide buildings for household needs behind the house, away from the recreation area.

Do not erect all the elements of landscape decoration at once in small summer cottages. It will look crumpled and tasteless. With limited spaces, beautiful paths, a lawn, a small terrace and a couple of flower beds are enough.

Now let's study the landscape of a plot of 10 acres, equal to 1000 square meters, and distribute them on the diagram into zones:

  • private house with an attic and a terrace - 190 m 2;
  • summer kitchen - 40 m 2;
  • guest house - 50 m 2;
  • bath - 50 m 2;
  • garden buildings for household needs - 50 m 2;
  • garage with an entrance to it - 30 m 2;
  • recreation area, gazebo, playground, place for barbecue and benches - 110 m 2;
  • decorative elements (fountain, pond, decorative bridge, stone sculptures) - 90 m 2;
  • garden - 150 m 2;
  • flower beds - 70 m 2;
  • garden - 170 m2.

An example of the arrangement of a territory of 10 acres is presented below in the diagram, where:

  1. 1. entrance area, paved area in front of the garage, designed for two cars, and free access to the house, with a path to the terrace;
  2. 2. a single planting of spruce - a symbol of the New Year;
  3. 3. decorated garden - beautiful, convenient and practical;
  4. 4. barbecue area;
  5. 5. rockery, located so that they can be admired from the gazebo, bathhouse, terrace and area with barbecue facilities;
  6. 6. children's playground, located next to the bathhouse and well viewed from the terrace, away from the road and next to a spacious lawn for games;
  7. 7. fruit garden, in order to save space, trees are planted along the fence.

Self-arrangement of a summer cottage is a great way to save money and get a place to relax from the bustle of the city in unity with nature.

Landscape design today provides many opportunities for the implementation of any bold ideas and original solutions. It includes the construction of all kinds of reservoirs - from pools with waterfalls to small ponds with streams, and the creation of beautiful flower arrangements, and the design of lawns. Fruit trees and vegetable beds also do not need to be excluded. With the right approach, you can put all the elements together, bringing to life a holistic and harmonious picture. This will be your summer cottage.

Creativity, design vision, availability of funds and time will help transform your territory, make it comfortable and attractive for work, leisure, and receiving guests.


Landscape design of a suburban area is a responsible and at the same time very exciting business. First you need to draw up a project and clearly define where and what zones you will have. Much depends on as far as the space of the cottage allows you to turn around.

The design of a personal plot involves the use of modern trends. At the moment, the trend is naturalness interspersed with progress, which means that you should try to create a pristine corner of nature on your territory using elements of modern technology.

That is, you have to combine incongruous things and do it so that your creation exudes harmony, and does not represent chaos.


There are several directions for designing a garden plot:

  • If you took as a sample English style keep a sense of proportion. In such a garden, everything should be thought out to the smallest detail. And the most important nuance is the walking alleys. They are accompanied by a large lawn or lawn, front garden, gazebo, pond, fruit trees. The zones are separated by hedges. There must be flower beds of the same shape, ridges and mixborders also serve as decoration.

For the arrangement of the English garden requires a lot of space. If you have 12 acres at your disposal, you can safely begin work.

  • This also applies to regular style. But when it comes to life, there are tricks. There must certainly be a center around which other objects are located in a certain order. Strict geometry and symmetry are the characteristic features of this style. In addition to flower beds and neatly trimmed lawns, sculptures and fountains are a must.

  • The exact opposite of this style is considered landscape. He is more free. Here, flowers, plants, trees are considered the main element. But all this is arranged by the skillful hand of the designer. Alpine slides and rockeries will be the main decoration of this small corner of nature.

  • Lots of people love the style "Provence", which also suggests various interesting solutions. To successfully create this beauty, you need pink and blue plants, herbs, fruit trees, and garden furniture. But the main element of this wonderful corner is lavender. The name of the architectural style speaks for itself. Various buildings come to the fore: bridges, terraces, arches, steps.

  • AT Japanese style, the main design element will be stones and a pond. Branches and all kinds of snags will do. But everything should show restraint and refinement. No riot of colors.

  • And if you want to have Russian manor, it's easy to create. First of all, organize the territory with a house and a garden, flowers. There must certainly be a simple gazebo, entwined with greenery, to meet guests. A bath will be an absolutely superfluous element. And even a pond with ducks will successfully fit into the overall landscape. Let everything be worthy, but without frills and pretentious compositions.


The simplest is rectangular. It is easily divided into zones that can be arranged at your discretion. If you have 4 acres, then next to the house it is appropriate to place flower beds with various flowers. Panicle hydrangea is considered the queen of the garden. Its delicate flowers will brighten any garden, it blooms beautifully and is easy to form. Decorate the interior of the terrace or veranda, based on your preferences.

You can place furniture for tea drinking, a cupboard with dishes, even hang photos on the wall of the corresponding theme.

A round layout is easy to make based on a rectangular one. Components - flower beds, lawns, flower beds, greenery. Decorative elements are placed in the corners.

The main diagonal layout is the diagonal parallels. With this layout, you can visually enlarge a small area. The free layout allows you to fantasize in any direction, but the accents still need to be placed, otherwise the garden will lose its attractiveness.


The number and size of zones depends on the volume of the site. All of them must be in the same style. Of course, each dacha needs a recreation area, as well as a utility and garden area. They are the most important, because at the dacha we work in the garden and, of course, we spend our free time usefully. Even for small courtyards, decoration in the form of flowers and decor is a must.

If space allows, then you can equip an outdoor dining room, a playground, and a sports area.

Your cozy patio will become even more pleasant to relax if you plant grass for the lawn. In addition to beauty, it also brings a lot of benefits. It has a good effect on the soil, makes the air cleaner, and is even able to save you from unnecessary noise.

Garden paths are also an important part of the design. They can be made from a variety of materials: gravel, paving stones, natural stone, concrete tiles, brick pavement, decorative tiles, pebbles. Along the paths, you can make borders in the form of flowers, plant decorative trees. Pine, spruce, arborvitae will ennoble your site.

The main decoration of your territory can be a flower garden. The main thing is to choose the right plants so that the flowering time falls at different times. Then bright colors will delight you all season.

Flower arrangement may vary. These are flower beds, group plantings, rabatka, mixborders. With the help of rabatok, lawns and paths are often framed.

Sometimes flowers are not planted in the ground, but placed in flowerpots, pots, planters, adhering to the general design style.

The original solution will be the placement of the arenarium. We fill the area with sand, plant succulents and similar plants - and now we have a piece of the desert.

Next to it, compositions made of snags or stones would be appropriate.

If your site is located on a slope, this must be taken into account in landscape design. Alpine slides, waterfalls, cascades will look good on such a site. We just need to carefully consider how all this will look in reality.

On the territory of a country house, it is imperative to equip a recreation area with a barbecue or even a hearth. You can make a zone directly under the open sky. But it will be even more comfortable under a canopy, especially in the rain. Yes, and from the sun's rays it is nice to hide in the cool. It's great to have a body of water nearby. A children's playground can also be located nearby.

You can have outdoor dining. Let the path lead from the house to it. It's great if there are sprawling trees nearby. If not, you should think about a canopy in case of rain. The dining room will also look good in the gazebo, which will become part of the interior.

Composition options

The best decorations of any site are ponds. First, consider the size of the site, and then decide which type of source suits you best.

If you have a plot of more than 10 acres, you can build both a pool and a fish pond.

It should be borne in mind that any reservoir should be in harmony with the general design style.

When choosing a regular style, the pool should correspond to strict geometric shapes and be rectangular in shape. Landscape style implies something lighter, airy, laid-back streams using natural materials will do.

It does not hurt at all on the plot and the presence of a well. It will also be of practical use. And if you decorate it with taste, it will become a decorative component. The device of the well, of course, will require certain costs, the main thing is choose the right place for its location.

An alpine slide is capable of ennobling your site. Its creation, although a laborious process, but then you will fully enjoy the results of your work. Stones and plants are its main components.

The most important decoration of the garden are flowers. And here the choice depends on you, the climatic conditions and the project of the site. Roses of various varieties always look luxurious in any garden. You can create compositions using other colors.

Neighbors of a rose can be verbena, kosmeya, fragrant levkoy. These plants love the sun. Wonderful additions to roses will be lavender, veronica, delphinium, asters.

Hydrangea blooms from early summer to late autumn. And she, too, can be given a place in a flower bed next to rose bushes.


It is impossible to imagine a cottage without plants and grass. It is the juicy tender greenery that pleases the eye and gives us pleasure when, after a working week, we finally plunge into the world of nature. Therefore, pay due attention to landscaping.

Vertical gardening plays an important role in the design of a country house with plants. With it, you can decorate a fence or wall, hide a bench or surround a gazebo. It is customary to use grapes, sweet peas, and hops for these purposes. But now many have been conquered by clematis. A variety of shapes and shades allows you to experiment as you please. They look great on their own or in combination with other plants.

With the help of greenery, you can decorate any border, which is indispensable for delimiting zones, framing lawns, lawns, flower beds, and beds.

When planting, do not forget to consider what kind of lighting shrubs and plants need. Whether they love sunlight or need shade. For low-growing trees, allocate a place on the south side, and it will be good for tall trees on the north side.

Before planting anything, decide on the color scheme of the site, choose three or four shades, and create compositions based on them. From too much variegation, you yourself will soon get tired.

If you are a beginner gardener or have moved to other climatic conditions, listen to your neighbors and ask for advice. They will certainly willingly share their experience with you, and you will insure yourself against mistakes.


For many, the theme of lighting in the backyard area ends with a lantern at the entrance and a lamp on the terrace. The organization of real lighting, capable of transforming the entire territory in the evening, is not a job for the lazy. It requires creativity, investment and time. To get started, you need a properly designed scheme - in what places and what types you will install.

Modern garden decor is impossible without flashlights, light bulbs, lights and other luminous objects.

The main lighting is functional, without which we can not do without. These are lamps near the gate, gate, front door, on the veranda or terrace. We pay minimal attention to decorative lighting, and in vain.

Paths where ornamental trees grow - pines, arborvitae, junipers, can be decorated with recessed lights. Special columns are produced that emit light, which will also become a good decoration for your garden in the evening.

With the help of decorative lighting, make point accents, highlight a specific flower bed or a specific tree. To implement such a solution, use ground-based mini-spotlights. They also provide multi-colored lighting thanks to special glasses.

It should be borne in mind that it is preferable to buy energy-saving lamps, and it is better to mount the lighting so that the technical and decorative ones are turned on separately from each other.


It is not at all difficult to decorate the site with your own hands. For this purpose, any improvised materials will fit, you just need to find the right use for them. But any landscape requires basic arrangement. After all, fences and paths, decorated with taste, are also part of the overall idea.

Fences made of stone, brick and metal in summer cottages are becoming more and more popular. To make them look less boring, you can liven them up with climbing plants or ornamental trees. But, indeed, fences made of wood can become part of the design. They can be decorated in any way. Such a fence will definitely attract the attention of people, it is difficult to pass by it.

A fence made of corrugated board is also easy to ennoble with the help of paintings or stencils. Provided that you take high-quality paint for work, the paintings will not lose their color and beauty for a long time.

But among the simplest and safest options is a hedge. By trimming the crown, you can make the shape that you need. Choose trees and shrubs for such a hedge, taking into account what height you need.

Paths are another important touch in the design of a summer cottage. Without them, everything loses its meaning, the territory will not look well-groomed.

As with other components of the decor, you need to choose the material that matches the overall concept. If there are sculptures, fountains, clear forms in the garden, choose a stone. Wooden paths fit perfectly into the rustic style. Paths made of gravel or paving stones can perfectly delimit the zones.

The choice of materials is very large, for every taste and budget. If you have a garden in your country house, it also needs to be decorated. Just dug up beds are a thing of the past. When arranging a garden, you can also show your abilities and dream up no less than when decorating flower beds or an alpine slide.

Imagine how fun triangular beds with carrots will look, and next to square ones with cabbage, if they have an appropriate fence, and next to beautiful paths and some cute animal figures. Flowers can be planted along the edges of the beds for beauty. Garden fences can replace hedges. Thanks to this design, you can achieve an interesting effect.

In the garden, in addition to trees and flowers, it is desirable to place an alpine hill, rockeries, a pond. This will add zest to your site. A pond does not have to be amazing, be in the form of a waterfall or a raging river. Even a small stream or pond will fill your soul with harmony and cheer you up when you decide to relax in the country and enjoy peace and quiet.

This photo gallery will tell you how to decorate the site, or maybe it will prompt your own ideas.

There are a number of rules that are best observed so that the garden does not turn into a jumble of ideas - incomprehensible and inharmonious.

If you have a small area, give up massive structures that will not bring beauty, but only litter the space. Create light air compositions. Miniature buildings alternate with flower beds and shrubs.

High fences made of concrete and brick are also an unfortunate option for giving. It will visually reduce the area and create a feeling of a closed space. A picket fence or netting with climbing plants is the best option.

Tall trees are also not suitable for a small area. Their powerful root system and voluminous crown will reduce your ability to translate design ideas.

Small trees look no worse, especially if you approach their planting creatively, plant them in groups, create compositions.

Drawing up a plan with all the details should be the first step towards the design of the site. This can be done using special computer programs or reproduced on paper with the designation of all buildings, flower beds, paths, a reservoir, a garden, a recreation area, the location of garden figures and figurines, if any.

You should also decide on the style. It depends on what trees and flowers you will plant, what materials to use. A wide variety of trees and flowers may be overkill. It is better to decide on certain species and varieties, and successfully place the plants on the site.

The most optimal placement of flower beds is at the entrance, and it is better to use asymmetry.

Plants in containers are great for small areas. In addition, they can grow flowers, vegetables, and even small trees.

The advantage of a small plot is that its arrangement requires less time, effort and investment, and you will get no less pleasure from relaxing in your country house when you arrange everything according to the plan you came up with.

Beautiful examples

Arbors and pergolas in the garden are not only comfort, convenience, but also decoration. Plant nearby flowers, climbing greens. A small pond will look very harmonious nearby. Along the edges, you can place stones of different sizes, plant shrubs and flowers that love moisture. Be sure to add lighting here. And near the reservoir you can put a garden figure. Maybe it will be a heron by the stream, or maybe a frog will live on a stone. In the evening, you can have tea parties in the gazebo, set the table for guests, listen to the murmur of the stream and enjoy the coolness of the evening.

Advantages of a small area

For the arrangement of a small recreation area, 5-6 square meters will be enough. From timber and slats, you can build two compact pergolas. You can place them so that they stand at an angle, but there is an option to put them parallel to each other. They can be connected to each other, and put a bench in the middle. Climbing roses and wild grapes will successfully complement the composition. Flowers and climbing greenery will create a sense of harmony. Just imagine what a magnificent corner of relaxation will turn out to be. It seems to be nothing complicated and costly, but how many pleasant moments it will give you.

Gardeners, as a rule, always have some obsolete things that, if desired, can be given a second life. They make great crafts. Here are just some of the options.

New life for old things

Have you ever thought that in old rubber boots you can equip two small flower beds with bright colors. Looks interesting. Just like an old teapot with cups that will accommodate small flowers.

The material for flower beds are old chests of drawers, carts, tubs, tires. With a new look at old things, everything can come into play and look very beautiful.

A fashionable phenomenon that can often be found now is to decorate old bicycles. It is enough to strengthen it well, paint it in the desired color and place flower baskets or planters on it. Looks very stylish.

If you have a summer cottage - that's great! Even if it is quite small, it's okay too! After all, the landscape design of a small area can be arranged in a very original way. It is in this article that you will learn how to equip a photo with your own hands of 10 acres, and also view the photo design of a summer cottage photo.

Basic rules in the design of a small area

Before you start creating your own landscape design for a small area, you should learn some rules and features of this issue, which are quite simple. Namely:

Say no to bulky and massive structures. Of course, if there is no building on a summer cottage, this is not very convenient, so it should be. But it doesn't have to be too bulky. Small buildings one story high are appropriate here. It is better if they are distributed throughout your summer cottage. For example, to bath and household. the buildings were at some distance from each other and from the house. Read all about the layout of the bath here. But the gazebo can be completely “hidden” in a nook, enlivening it with vegetation. Be sure to look at the landscape design of the summer cottage photo.

Do not equip deaf fences. In fact, if the fences are deaf and bulky in a very small area, this is completely incompatible! After all, fenced with such a fence, you can only create the feeling that you are in a cage. And this can have a very negative impact on your health and your mood. Therefore, the best version of the fence is a miniature, small fence, a light gate, along the perimeter of which landscaping will gracefully curl, visually increasing the size of the site and giving it aesthetics. Landscaping a summer cottage photo will show you how to do it right.

You should not clutter up the space with trees that are too tall on the site, especially those that are too branchy and will be located on a site that is less than 8 acres in size. After all, over time, such trees will grow not only up, but also in breadth. At the same time, they will capture the already small space of your dacha. Therefore, stop your choice on those trees that belong to low-growing varieties. They can also be used quite effectively, while saving space. See the landscape design of the summer cottage photo with your own hands 10 acres, and you will see that these are not miracles! In addition, it is not necessary to “arrange” the trees throughout the summer cottage, let them be better placed compactly, thus saving space.

Photo design summer cottage photo

Make your own design projects, look at landscape design photos in catalogs - all this will help make your dacha a paradise.

Surely you have questions about how and how to arrange a small plot in the country? What is the best way to place buildings so that it does not get too crowded? A hint for you - country houses photo projects for 6 acres. As well as information below.

It is more correct to organize a small flower bed on the sides of the entrance to the house, or opposite it. Thanks to this definition, you will be able to enjoy the beauty of the planted flowers immediately, going out onto the porch. For there are 2 options:

  • Prepare old unwanted vases. Car tyres, too. On the one hand, they expand slightly and are filled with earth. Plant flowers in flowerpots - perennials. A larger and taller flower is planted in the central part, and a smaller one closer to the edges.
  • Choose a place for a flower garden, mark on it the shape of an oval, the width of which is 1 m, the length is 1.5 m. Plant a large flower in the center of it, smaller ones around.

Place to rest

Such a corner is actually easy to arrange, especially if you use climbing ornamental plants or roses that weave. To fence an area up to 6 sq.m you will need:

  • Measure the appropriate size of the area from the selected corner for the resting place. Define its edges. For example. The size is 6 square meters. m.
  • On one of the walls of the fence, measure 3 meters from the corner, and on the other wall - 2 meters. Accordingly, you will get two parts (side and back).
  • Set aside a segment measuring 2 meters from the point indicating 3 meters. This segment should be such that it runs parallel to the wall at a distance of 2 meters. And arrange a column whose height corresponds to the height of the fence.
  • Stretch the wire between the back of the wall (3 m) and the installed post.

Thus, you have framed the basis for a comfortable stay. Country houses photo projects for 6 acres, see here!

You can put a bench in a self-made corner for relaxation, plant climbing roses or grapes here, as well as other plants that will delight you for more than one season. See also landscape design photos.
