Painted facades for the kitchen with their own hands. Solid wood kitchen fronts: the charm of natural wood Facades for kitchens at home

External panels of kitchen cabinets and tables, doors of cabinets and hanging shelves - everything that is the facade of the kitchen can be done independently. Of course, home-made furniture is somewhat inferior to factory-made furniture, but it always looks original and is cheaper. To make facades for the kitchen with your own hands, you will need skillful hands, carpentry skills and the appropriate tools.

The most common materials for the manufacture of facades are:

At home, the easiest way to make a wooden facade. Wooden facades are of two types - solid and paneled. Solid products are made from solid pine, oak, alder, cherry and other species. For the manufacture of such a facade, a milling machine is not needed, a planer, circular saw or electric jigsaw is enough. Wooden surfaces strongly absorb odors, require careful maintenance, but are not afraid of mechanical stress and serve for a long time.

A cheaper option is facades made of wood-based panels covered with veneer. Such material looks very attractive, has a low weight, is easy to process, so you can assemble a facade of an unusual shape. It should be borne in mind that wood-based panels quickly absorb water, swell and deteriorate, and thin veneer does not tolerate mechanical damage.

Plastic facades have a core made of chipboard, on which decorative panels made of durable plastic are attached. It is impossible to make panels at home, therefore, ready-made ones are purchased for assembly, cut according to measurements and glued to the frame. Such products perfectly tolerate high humidity, temperature changes, mechanical stress and look great. Caring for them is quite simple: the surface is wiped with a damp cloth with a small amount of detergent.

Glass facades can be assembled by yourself, but this process is quite laborious and requires maximum accuracy and glass handling skills. Not everyone can cut and drill glass correctly, it requires a firm hand, high-quality tools and a supply of material in case of damage. In addition, facades made of ordinary glass look completely different from factory models, which use impact-resistant glass with a relief surface.

Production of solid facades

solid wood facade

To create a kitchen facade from solid wood, you will need:

  • edged pine boards with a section of 30x200 mm;
  • jigsaw;
  • jointer;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • clamps;
  • accessories;
  • primer;
  • varnish for wood;
  • glue;
  • plane;
  • sandpaper.

First, they take measurements and draw up a drawing of kitchen furniture. According to the drawing, the number of front and side panels, drawers and shelves is calculated. The largest structures are made first in order to minimize the amount of waste. For marking, the boards are laid out on a flat wide table; transfer measurements from the drawing to the tree and mark the cut lines with a pencil.

Cutting parts is easiest with a circular saw, firmly fixing the boards on the table. All cuts must be straight, otherwise it will not work to connect the parts tightly. When all the elements for the facade are ready, the wood is polished with a special nozzle, and the ends are cleaned with sandpaper. Then holes are drilled for fasteners and the blanks are coated with an antiseptic primer.

Assembly begins: the ends of the blanks are covered with glue, the parts are connected, the corners are aligned, and then they are clamped with clamps and left to dry completely. Finally, hinges are attached to the doors, the rails are screwed with self-tapping screws to install the internal shelves, and the fittings are hung. After that, the finished facade is treated with varnish or oil impregnation with wax.

Facade from chipboard

If chipboard is used instead of solid wood, cutting is done in the same way, but before assembly, the sections of the parts are pasted over with a special PVC tape. This process is called edging; the film protects the ends from moisture penetration, fraying, makes the appearance attractive and neat. In addition, the PVC edge prevents the evaporation of formaldehyde resins that are used to impregnate chipboard and are harmful to health.

In the process of work you will need:

  • edge film roll;
  • iron;
  • a sheet of thick white paper;
  • two clamps;
  • guide rail;
  • sharp knife.

A guide rail is attached to the desktop with the help of clamps. Instead of a rail, you can take any flat board, a piece of timber, the main thing is that it is convenient to support the workpiece from chipboard. They take a detail of the facade, lay it on the table and rest with one edge against the guide so that the side cut protrudes 5-7 cm above the edge of the table. The edge is measured along the length of the cut and cut off. The edge is applied to the surface, leaving overhangs about 5-10 mm wide on both sides of the cut, and then slightly fixed at one end by touching the iron.

Next, the edge is covered with a sheet of paper and the surface is heated with an iron with even, measured movements. If the film is ironed without paper, the material may overheat and warp. The iron is pressed firmly against the cut so that the edge sticks over the entire surface. After that, the workpiece is turned upside down, pressed against the countertop and held for several minutes. When the glue hardens, carefully cut off the protruding edges of the film with a sharp knife.

Excess glue is immediately wiped off with a clean cloth, the seams are polished with fine-grained sandpaper. In the same way, the ends of the remaining blanks are processed. Next, the elements are interconnected with glue and self-tapping screws, shelves are installed, hinges and locks are attached, and fittings are screwed.

The main elements of paneled facades are trim and panels. A strapping is a frame made of boards with longitudinal grooves; a panel is an internal panel with curly cutters around the perimeter. When assembling, the panels are inserted into the grooves of the strapping and fixed with glue and self-tapping screws. This design avoids surface deformations during temperature fluctuations.

To make paneled doors for a kitchen cabinet, you will need:

Step 1. Calculations of workpiece parameters

Measure the opening of the cabinet vertically and horizontally, draw up a drawing. 3 mm are subtracted from the height and width of the opening - these are the dimensions of the door frame. The width of the uprights and horizontal bars depends on the width of the board. The parameters of the panel are calculated as follows: the total width of the crossbars is subtracted from the height of the frame and 2 cm are added; the width of the panel corresponds to the length of the crossbars. For one door, you should get 5 elements - 1 panel, 2 crossbars and 2 vertical racks.

Step 2. Cutting out the details

Using a jigsaw, a pine board is cut into racks and crossbars according to the drawing. On a milling machine, a groove 6 mm wide and 10 mm deep is sawn in the side cut of each part. Then longitudinal spikes 10x6 mm are formed on the ends of the crossbars. On a sheet of plywood, make markings with a pencil and cut out a panel. The edges of each element are treated with sandpaper, the surface of the boards is polished.

Step 3. Assembly of the product

The edges of the panel are inserted into the grooves of the vertical posts, the lower crossbar is put on the plywood and the spikes of the crossbar are connected to the sidewalls. Attach the top bar next. If all the elements fit evenly, without gaps and distortions, tightly enough, then everything is done correctly. Now the door is disassembled, the grooves, spikes and edges of the panel are smeared with glue, put everything together again and the joints are pressed tightly. Wipe off the adhesive immediately with a damp, clean cloth. For fixing it is recommended to use clamps, then the product is not deformed during the drying process.

Step 4. Finishing

When the glue dries, the joints are carefully sanded, and then the door is treated with an antiseptic composition. The next layer is paint or varnish, you can also use stain, special oil impregnation, self-adhesive film. Figured carving is often used as a decoration for the frame, but not everyone can do it without the appropriate skills. Plywood will be completely replaced by a thin board, glass, figured forged grating, colored polycarbonate or plastic panel.

Hinges and fittings are fixed after completion of finishing work. First determine the location of the loops on the walls of the box; mark the fastener points on the facade frame and drill holes. Screw the hinges to the frame, insert the door into the box and fix the hinges on the cabinet wall. Check the progress of the hinges by closing and opening the door. In the closed state, there should be no gaps and irregularities around the perimeter of the facade. Other elements of the kitchen facade are performed in a similar way. In the absence of a milling machine, you should choose options with the least number of shelves and panels, since manually cutting grooves is quite difficult.

Also read the article - how to assemble a kitchen with your own hands.

Video - Do-it-yourself kitchen facades

A modern kitchen should be functional and create a good mood. After all, this room is visited as often as a bathroom. Constant moisture, shock, steam and grease quickly damage the front walls of the furniture. You can create facades for the kitchen with your own hands, completely changing the look of the whole house. Various materials and decorative elements make the old kitchen facade unique. A little skill and imagination.

Self-finishing of the kitchen and facade

Modern home design is impossible without beautiful kitchen furniture.

We are engaged in the interior of the kitchen on our own

A friend has finished building a house. Now the restoration of the kitchen facades in the old apartment where he lived with his family, and with our aunts, was coming. We began to sort out with him ways of finishing and decorating kitchen facades. The easiest way was to paint in a bright color. Clean out potholes and scratches and level with putty. But simple budget solutions are not for us. The choice of material is large:

  • wood;
  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • self-adhesive film;
  • dye;
  • wallpaper.

As a decoration, you can use moldings, plastic elements with imitation of stucco, carvings, accessories.

We started from Vadik's apartment. There was no point in completely changing the furniture, since only the facade lost the view. While growing up, children repeatedly painted the doors of tables and cabinets with chalk and felt-tip pens. There were scratches on the surface, not washable stains.

Do-it-yourself restoration

Self-finishing facades in the kitchen

I have enough tools, starting from a jigsaw, and ending with a set of cutters for carving. We measured each door and made a sketch of its future appearance, and what kind of decoration we would put on it. After that, Vadik himself prepared the details. First, I cut it to the size of the plank for the frame. The cross bars are longer. They had to make protrusions - spikes that would go into the groove of the vertical slats.

Related article: Bright refrigerator in the interior of the kitchen (45 photos)

Along the inner perimeter of the frame of future kitchen doors, I made a small groove, equal in width to the thickness of the panel. After that, a friend prepared inserts. After assembling each door of the facade, I checked the fit and the overall geometry.

The decoration of the facade was done in the same style as the design of the whole house - classical. Having applied a pattern according to the template, we created an ornament on the frame and a carved pattern on the panel with various cutters. Then carefully cleaned and polished all the details.

The elements of the future facade were fixed with glue. We took a special one for wooden surfaces. You can use building PVA. The composition was applied to the grooves, after the connection, all the excess that came out was quickly wiped off.

Now it was possible to paint, make a dark background and use a roller to go over with light paint, highlighting the carved decoration. We used a clear primer and matte varnish. The warmth from natural wood with a unique pattern was enough to create a warm atmosphere for the whole house.

Installed the fittings, hung the doors in place. Finished decorating the facade with decorative handles. The restoration took a long time. We made it with our own hands. There is no other facade like this. We managed not only to update the kitchen interior, but to make a unique design of old kitchen furniture.

Easy to paint with enamel

Do-it-yourself kitchen decoration

Vadik decided to make kitchen facades for aunts with his own hands. Our relatives preferred budget options. It was enough for them to paint the front walls with light paint to update the interior. The main thing is that you can carry out the work quickly and do not have to leave home.

The first facade was made of wood and plywood. He lost his appearance, but was whole. First, I had to correct the warped elements and replace the fittings in some places. Then clean and sand the surface. Align everything with putty and polish again. Before painting, coat twice with white primer.

The small area of ​​the kitchen did not allow making the facades dark or painting them in rich colors. It was possible to update only light paint and small decorative elements. The restoration took place under the supervision and guidance of my aunt. So we had to choose the moment, distract her by preparing a surprise in advance. A vinyl decoration was glued to the facade. Application in the form of bouquets of wildflowers was different on each door. Self-adhesive ball pre-ordered in size. We were able to do the artwork in a few minutes.

Related article: Buy laminate at low prices has become a reality

Another relative had a larger kitchen. The facade was badly worn out and it was necessary to change the panel. We decided to make the doors and front walls of the boxes out of plastic.

  1. An aluminum profile was used for the frame. Cut it to size with a cutting disc.
  2. The elements were connected with self-tapping screws. Plastic was inserted into the grooves of the profile.
  3. Fittings installed.
  4. Hung new doors and adjusted them.

The apron also had to be updated. The façade was a rich crimson color, and my aunt loves it very much. The wall of the working area was covered with white plastic. The decoration was vinyl applications, only with a different pattern. Identical decorations are placed in the corners.

We use natural materials to improve the climate at home

Do-it-yourself facade

For a house located in the city, it is important to have more natural materials in the interior. Wood is expensive. A budget option that allows you to update the furniture in the kitchen, make the facade of chipboard and MDF. The material consists of natural wood waste, therefore relatively cheap. It can be painted, varnished. Fine pressed sawdust allows you to create relief patterns. The cutter needs a special one. The wood tool quickly sits down, and the decoration will have different grooves.

When working with pressed plates, the most difficult thing was to remove the aunt from the house. During processing, fine dust rises, settling in the lungs. We used respirators. The elderly woman always strove to give us instructions, without protecting her respiratory organs with anything.

By the time my aunt returned from the dacha, we managed to completely update the facade on her kitchen furniture. Paint the doors and drawers beige with a spray gun. Then, with a short pile roller, everything was covered with a white tone. Finished with a durable clear lacquer. When the woman returned, she was pleasantly struck by the new look of the interior of her house. We immediately received the title of the best nephews of the country.

Wallpaper and self-adhesive film as a budget home makeover

kitchen facade

If you want to change the boring atmosphere in the kitchen, it is not necessary to buy new furniture. It is enough to change the facades and your "office" will be transformed. Kitchen facades can be ordered in a specialized workshop, but it is more interesting and cheaper to do everything yourself. Read our article and transform the space around you according to your taste and without big investments.

When choosing a material for the implementation of a planned project, one should focus not only on its external beauty, but also on its quality characteristics. There is no other way, because kitchen furniture is operated in harsher conditions than, for example, room furniture.

Requirements for kitchen facades

In order for the facades of kitchen furniture to maintain a decent appearance for as long as possible, the material from which they are made must have the following qualities:

  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • ease of care;
  • strength;
  • resistance to mechanical damage.

Materials for kitchen facades

There are many materials for the manufacture of kitchen facades. All of them have their own characteristics and properties:

  1. Laminated chipboard. Obtained by applying a layer of glue and a paper-resin film to a conventional chipboard. Unfortunately, this beautiful and inexpensive material is short-lived due to low wear resistance.
  2. Plastic. It is also based on chipboard, but the coating is more expensive, so it is more reliable, resists mechanical damage well, has a wide range of colors, is moisture resistant, but cannot be restored after damage.
  3. Wood. These facades are solid and noble. Performed in various styles, subject to restoration, and repeated, environmentally friendly. They are made of birch, oak, walnut, ash, cherry, pear, exotic species. Patting, varnishing, aging, coloring are used as finishing.
  4. Glass. The facade can be completely glass or decorated with glass inserts, decorated with patterns or painted, tinted, with a photographic image applied. Sometimes a reinforcing film is glued on the inside for safety, some manufacturers use unbreakable plexiglass.
  5. Stone. Used as inserts. These facades look amazing in combination with a stone countertop. The main drawback is that they are very heavy and require reinforced fastening to install them.
  6. MDF. The service life of this material is at least 6 years. The structure, as well as some characteristics, it resembles natural wood, but is much cheaper. In addition, it is not deformable, environmentally friendly, holds fasteners well.

When choosing a material, you should take into account the overall style of the kitchen. For futuristic hi-tech, the most suitable option is MDF facades, both glossy and film. Painted aluminum profiles, wood, stained-glass windows organically look in a classic kitchen. In a small room, deaf dark facades are inappropriate; it is better to opt for doors with glass - transparent or white matte.

Facades for the kitchen made of wood

Wooden kitchen facades, radiating a special warmth and comfort, are the most popular. They belong to the elite category.

  1. Veneered - these are boards made of fiberboard or MDF, lined with veneer, i.e. expensive wood plates. They cost less than solid wood facades, but they look attractive and are easy to process.
  2. Massive - made of natural wood, pre-treated using a special technology. Sometimes carvings are applied to the facades, artificially aged, applying patina, turning kitchen furniture into works of art.

The cheapest among solid kitchen facades are those made of pine. Expensive, elite facades are made of mahogany, wenge, cedar.

A selection of photos of facades for the kitchen, made of wood

Aluminum facades

Aluminum facades for the kitchen look stylish, modern, interesting, perfectly combined with other materials. They have many benefits:

  • do not fade in the sun;
  • resistant to temperature changes and moisture;
  • durable;
  • lungs;
  • environmentally safe.

In addition, kitchen aluminum doors can be made not only hinged, but also sliding.

There are also disadvantages:

  • higher cost than facades made of MDF, plastic and other artificial materials;
  • fades with time
  • damage from contact with sharp objects and from the use of abrasive cleaners.

Types of aluminum facades

Facades from this material are of two types:

  1. Solid or slab. Manufactured from a single sheet of brushed aluminium. They go well with household appliances that have chrome surfaces.
  2. Framework is a design consisting of:
  • from the frame;
  • filler;
  • fastenings;
  • accessories.

Inserts made of glass, wood, plastic, PVC, MDF, chipboard or combinations thereof are used as filling material.

Good to know: another advantage of the aluminum profile facade is that the frame can be disassembled, so its content can be changed.

Facades for the kitchen from MDF

This group of facades is the most numerous. There are several types of such facades:

  • Veneered - visually the surface is difficult to distinguish from natural wood.
  • Painted - glossy surface, looks perfect in any interior. The product is first primed, then covered with enamel in several layers. The surface of enameled facades made of MDF is matte, glossy, silky, mother-of-pearl, shimmering. They do not absorb moisture, but under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the painted surface burns out.
  • Laminated - an analogue of the chipboard variant, covered with a PVC film that imitates marble, plastic, wood, metal and other materials. They are relatively inexpensive, but they have one unpleasant quality - under the influence of moisture and heated air, the film lags behind the base.
  • Plastic - durable, not afraid of hot air, but the surface is exceptionally smooth - other options are not possible.

Acrylic facades for the kitchen

The basis of these facades is MDF or chipboard, covered with polymethylacrylate, which is a plastic obtained using a special technology. The surface is perfectly glossy. The thickness of the acrylic coating is about 0.2 cm, the thickness of the entire slab is 1.6-1.8 cm. Acrylic facades are made in two versions:

  • one-sided, when the plate is covered with acrylic only on the outside;
  • double-sided - acrylic coating is present on 2 sides.

These facades are in demand due to a number of positive qualities:

  • the surface is perfectly smooth, glossy;
  • high resistance to all kinds of deformations;
  • colors are deep, saturated, resistant to changes under the influence of the environment;
  • heavy metals, carcinogens in the composition are absent.

How to make facades for the kitchen with your own hands

Maybe hand-made furniture is somewhat inferior to that sold in furniture stores, but it is exclusive and not so expensive. Most often, they independently make facades for the kitchen from solid wood, paneled, from chipboard.

Production of facades for the kitchen from wood

In order to make a wooden facade, you will need a wooden shield 2-3 cm thick or a pine edged board 20 cm wide, fittings, stain, varnish, self-tapping screws, as well as the following tool:

  • mallet (1);
  • a set of saws - beam frame (2), groove (31), tenon-cutting (32), small metalwork saw (33);
  • clamp (3);
  • cross clamp (4);
  • metal ruler (5);
  • jointer (6);
  • metalwork hammer (7);
  • malka (8);
  • thickness gauge (9);
  • square (10);
  • file (11);
  • turning tool (12);
  • plow (13);
  • face planer (14);
  • roulette (15);
  • compasses - dividing and simple (16, 17);
  • pencil (18);
  • knives - large, small (19, 20);
  • Forstner drill, twist (21, 23);
  • Phillips screwdriver (22);
  • cutter used for drilling plugs (24);
  • countersink (25);
  • socket wrenches (26), adjustable (28);
  • round nose pliers (27);
  • electric soldering iron (29);
  • chisel with a faceted blade (30).

Attention: The wood must be dry, a maximum of 10% humidity is allowed. Boards with large knots, resin pockets, cracks, insect damage are not suitable.

We start everything with measurements and drawing up a project. In order for the cabinet doors to open normally, it is necessary to accurately calculate the width of the facade. It is equal to the size of the opening plus 1 mm. Then we carry out work on the following technology:

  1. We lay out the boards on a wide flat table, fix and transfer measurements from the project, marking the cut lines.
  2. Cut out all elements.
  3. We grind workpieces.
  4. We clean the ends using sandpaper.
  5. We make holes for fasteners.
  6. We apply antiseptic.
  7. We connect the parts, for which we apply glue to the ends of the blanks, align the corners, clamp everything in the clamp until it dries.
  8. We process the facade with stain.
  9. We varnish 2-3 times, each time removing irregularities with fine sandpaper.
  10. We fasten hinges, accessories, for which:
  • determine where the hinges will be placed on the walls of the cabinet;
  • we mark the places of installation of fasteners on the facade;
  • fasten the hinges to the facade;
  • we insert the door into place and fasten it to the body so that when closing there are no gaps and distortions.

Production of paneled facades

To update your kitchen with paneled fronts, you will have to purchase a board with a thickness of about 20 mm for the frame and 6 mm plywood for the panels. The sequence is:

  • we make a frame, for which we cut out 2 vertical and 2 horizontal parts;
  • we make grooves in the framing elements on the inside to a depth of 10 mm and a width of 0.6 cm;
  • we cut out a panel from plywood - the inner panel;
  • we perform spikes 0.6 cm wide and 10 mm long on horizontal framing elements;
  • we grind all elements, incl. spikes and grooves;
  • we put the frame on the panel, adjust the fit;
  • we apply glue in the grooves, on the spikes, the ends of the panel;
  • we assemble the facade by inserting the panel into the grooves of the frame, additionally fix the connections with self-tapping screws;
  • leave to dry;
  • grind the joints;
  • apply an antiseptic composition;
  • we carry out finishing;
  • fasten the hinges, install in place, mount the fittings.

Keep in mind: plywood can be replaced with glass, MDF, forged parts, polycarbonate, plastic.

Do-it-yourself facades for the kitchen in an aluminum frame

The aluminum profile facade combines 2 materials - an aluminum frame and a panel. Such a tandem prevents deformation, increases durability.

To make such a facade with our own hands, we act according to the following algorithm:

  1. We cut out a panel from any material you like, and make it 2 centimeters larger both in length and in width. If it is chipboard or MDF, then we glue the plastic on top, evenly load it from above and let it dry.
  2. We select an aluminum profile of the appropriate section.
  3. We perform trimming, taking into account the thickness of the profile. We measure the profile, and when it is planned to decorate the corners with decorative corners, the length of the profile is equal to the corresponding size of the edge of the panel. To make a frame without corners, cut off the blanks longer than the edge of the insert by two profile thicknesses. Let's say the length of the insert is 500 mm, the thickness of the aluminum frame is 4 mm, then the length of the workpiece is 500 + 8 = 508 mm. This is necessary to join the planks at an angle.
  4. We fasten the profile to the panel with a stapler or small nails.
  5. We cut off the plastic insert along the length of the profile, insert it with one end into the groove and slide it in, thus closing the mount.
  6. We insert a decorative corner into the installed part of the frame, cut off the end profile and join these two parts.
  7. In this way, we make a complete frame, but we mount the last 2 parts at the same time so that we can arrange the joint with a corner. If there are no corners, then we do this:
  • cut off a piece of material intended for insertion at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • we dress the profile on the cut, cut it off with a saw.

Details and some nuances in this video:

All materials for the manufacture of kitchen facades have their pros and cons. Some are cheap, but short-lived, others will last for many years, but will be expensive, but you can save a lot by making facades from expensive high-quality materials with your own hands. Experienced furniture makers provide a training video for this:

Prudent apartment owners correctly believe that it makes no sense to spend money on new furniture if you can change the appearance with your own hands. It's easy and fun, because there are a lot of ways. Updating is a little time, and the result will pleasantly surprise households and guests. How to do it yourself, let's find out.

It’s easy to make a new kitchen facade with your own hands, the main desire

Materials and tools

Depending on the chosen method of transformation, various tools will be required..

Among them:

  1. Carpentry - carving cutters if the home craftsman has the appropriate skills.
  2. Carpentry tools. It does not make sense to list - each option requires its own set. However, a screwdriver and a jigsaw will probably be needed.
  3. Accessories - handles, hinges, decorative cladding - the introduction of even a small part of the decor will transform the set, bring novelty or change beyond recognition.
  4. Material for the manufacture of doors, if the owners are completely satisfied. For this, as a rule, MDF, chipboard or natural wood is used.

Sometimes experience is not required at all - the main thing is imagination and the desire to create. And "step-by-step recipes" of work can be found in any "corner" of the Internet.

Options for creating facades

Ideas for updating an old kitchen are not new.

Everything new is already something that has been tried and therefore you can choose any design.

Among them are painting, gluing decorative film, aging, postforming, making new frames and inserting the selected material. Detail:


A simple job available to the owner of the apartment without experience. The steps are:

This is a cheap and effective way to transform old kitchen drawers. A variety of films and papers will allow you to decorate the set for any imitation or change them as often as the owners want.

Film gluing is a cheap and popular option.


Decorative renovation of the kitchen facades consists in applying plastic that smoothes the straight ends - the plate smoothly passes to the wrong side. Thanks to this design, the strength of the facade and countertops increase - plastic is immune to scratches and pressure. At home, it is impossible to do the work accurately and comparable to factory blanks, but no one forbids trying. The following tools are required for manufacturing: milling cutter, mallet, laminate glue, electric jigsaw.

  • MDF or chipboard blanks are sawn to size, and then their edges are rounded with a milling cutter.
  • Plastic for postforming is measured with a margin going to the wrong side.
  • Doors and shelves are coated with glue. They do the same with plastic. Then it is pressed to the surface and tapped with a mallet for greater adhesion.
  • The transition points and ends are cleaned with sandpaper for smoothness. Install hidden handles - they are not visible on the surface.

Of course, the result is far from factory. But independent actions will help to become beautiful, for example,.

Postforming is a very progressive idea for furniture nowadays.


One of the ways is how to update a wooden kitchen. There are many methods of aging - with the help of stain, craquelure. The steps are simple and the results are amazing. Craquelure will require several shades of paint. You should focus on the prevailing colors of the interior.

  1. The removed doors are freed from fittings - hinges, handles and the existing coating. The wooden parts are cleaned and degreased with some composition combined with future paints. Ends are cleaned.
  2. A white layer is applied, without waiting for the yellow to dry completely. Then, with a dry sponge, rub the not completely dried surface in one direction - the previous one will come through the top layer of paint. Subsequent layers are applied again and cleaned off in the same way.

The effect of old age is obtained due to the contrasting shades of paint that show through each other - a kind of many times painted cabinet, sideboard.

It is suitable to be made by hand, made of natural wood without the addition of plastic, varnish, film and other decor. First, the facades are cleaned with a metal brush, acting harshly - scratches and grooves remain on the surface. Then the surface is passed with a blowtorch - the resulting defects from the brush should be charred. Further, with a soft brush, soot is rubbed into the doors and the resulting effect is varnished.

Fire aging can be used in many room styles and designs

Rattan facade

Popular with the use of rattan is beautiful, environmentally friendly and inexpensive. How to do:

  1. The rattan cloth is soaked for swelling for 30 minutes. You can’t overdo it, because it warps when it’s overdried.
  2. Facade frames are being prepared. You can use straight canvases, and attach purchased strips to them.
  3. A pattern from the canvas is attached to the door with paper clips or glue.
  4. On top of the finished door, slats sawn at an angle of 45⁰ are strengthened.

It remains to clean the seams and cover the structure with varnish. Thus, it is not difficult to update kitchen furniture. The process is quick - it will take a couple of hours, provided that the components are ready.


The described ways to make your own headset new are not all. In the piggy bank of home craftsmen there are many options for other decors and materials for their creation. It is important to consider them all and choose your own individual version.

The façade is the face of the kitchen, and its quality completely determines how this room will look. This point should be fully understood, setting yourself the task of their independent production. You need to understand that you will have to make facades for the kitchen with your own hands no worse than the craftsmen will do in production. We can say even more - manual work must be of high quality, otherwise there is no point in it. Is it so, for the sake of sporting interest - will it work or not? But this is a waste of money and time. This work must be approached theoretically prepared and savvy in the practical skills of using the tool. The last point will have to be mastered independently.

Do-it-yourself facades for the kitchen photo

Do-it-yourself kitchen facades: timeless wooden classics

In order to make really beautiful wooden facades for the kitchen with your own hands, an electric jigsaw and woodworking skills will not be enough - at least you will need a high-quality and, most importantly, professional, high-precision manual milling machine and no less high-quality and high-precision circular saw. This, so to speak, is a necessary minimum, without which one cannot do - one should not forget about the so-called auxiliary "small things", which in fact turns out to be very important. These are all kinds of attachments and disks for tools, wood glues, grinding tools, vices, clamps - if all this is not available, then it will be at least unreasonable to take on the production of wooden furniture facades.

How to make facades for the kitchen photo

If we talk about the technology for the production of wooden facades from wood, then the process of their manufacture can be represented as follows.

You can see the principle of making a wooden facade with your own hands in this video.

Basically, that's all. It should be understood that the technology described above for solving the question of how to make facades for the kitchen with your own hands may vary depending on the facade itself and the material used to make it. For example, the inner insert in the frame can be made not from natural wood, but from plywood - for painting, this will be an excellent option, which greatly simplifies the work.

How to make facades for the kitchen: a simple option from furniture chipboard

Facades from furniture chipboard can be made with your own hands in two ways - one is generally elementary simple (it will only require you to install facades), and the second is a little more complicated and provides for a full-fledged cutting and manufacturing of doors for furniture. Let's take a closer look at both of these options. Let's start with the simplest.

If we talk about pasting the ends of chipboard with tape, then this work will not seem difficult. For this purpose, a special hot glue is used. Alternatively, you can purchase an edge tape with glue already applied to it - it comes in two types. This is milamine, which is essentially paper, as well as plastic. Naturally, it is better to give preference to the second option. Such tapes are quite simply glued with an iron, and the excess tape is simply cut off with a very sharp knife.

Making facades for the kitchen with your own hands: glass and glass inserts

Glass, of course, is a good material with high aesthetic characteristics, but it is very difficult to work with it on your own, and if we talk about a completely glass facade, it can be said that it is impossible - special equipment is needed here, which cannot be dispensed with. That is why, approaching the question of how to make glass facades for the kitchen with your own hands, you need to consider only two options.

In principle, this is all; today there are no other technologies for the manufacture of glass facades. One could still talk about the insert glasses themselves, but this is a separate topic, and we will cover it in another article.

These are not the only options for resolving the issue of how to make facades for the kitchen with your own hands? There are a lot of options, but for their implementation you will need the necessary equipment. I completely forgot - there is another relatively simple method that allows you to make a kitchen facade yourself. Oddly enough, but these are roller shutters, which have recently gained popularity. The principle of manufacturing such facades is very simple - again, you measure the internal size of a cabinet or cabinet and order roller shutters according to them. The next step is to install them. Such facades are great for wall cabinets, but not for cabinets - this is their drawback.
