How beautiful to sheathe the ceiling with a clapboard. Clapboard ceiling lining. Step: Clapboard

You can make a living room cladding from anything, fortunately, the market provides a huge selection. It's just a matter of personal preference and price. One desire to independently repair the ceiling will not be enough, since you will need a special tool and at least the slightest idea of ​​\u200b\u200brepair work. The lining itself is a fairly easy-to-use material, which means that its installation will not be difficult for a real man.

Preparatory work before plating

You can not immediately sheathe the ceiling with clapboard. First you need to select and purchase finishing material, fasteners and missing tools. And, of course, you can not do without preliminary cleaning of the surface, preparation and insulation.

But let's get it right. First you need to choose a high-quality, and most importantly durable material, which also suits your taste.

Variety of lining

Clapboard made of wood

Cladding panels have a certain structure for their convenient fixation. All bars are mounted using grooves and ridges, which are assembled like a puzzle. Therefore, it is important to choose a material that will have an ideal shape and not have traces of defects.

Wood panels are divided into categories:

  • The category "Extra" is assigned to materials made from the highest grade of raw materials, do not have knots and dark spots. This category is the most expensive;
  • Category "A" includes all the same high-quality bars, but with a small number of knots. A kind of union price-quality. At the same time, the prices for such goods are quite acceptable;
  • Category "B" is best used in rooms that do not require close attention - recreation areas in the country, balconies, loggias;
  • Category "C" - these are panels from the cheapest types of wood with knots and dark spots.

Healthy! The best materials for upholstery are made of such trees: pine, linden or cedar. This is a classification of wood flooring. But lining the ceilings with clapboard is more diverse, PVC materials can also be attributed to it.

plastic panels

PVC panels are divided into:

  • Seamless panels. Their design and ridged sheathing technology makes it possible to make the ceiling as smooth as possible with a barely noticeable seam. Most often, in this case, panels of greater width are used in order to reduce the number of visible seams. In the photo you can clearly see the quality of the panels;

  • Panels with marked seam. In appearance, they are similar to a lining made of wood. However, such a lining does not need to be pre-treated with anything;

Before sheathing the ceiling with plastic clapboard, you need to pay attention to some points in working with PVC panels:

  • By itself, the plastic has a fairly flexible structure and hides surface defects well. But such panels should not be subjected to constant stress, since subsequently cracks form, which cannot be removed in any way;
  • has high moisture resistance, but the sun's rays are harmful to it. If the sun constantly hits such a ceiling, then over time it will lose its original appearance.

MDF panels

Mounts on wood products and MDF are similar to each other, so the ceiling filing is done in the same way as with wooden blocks.

The next step after choosing wood panels

When all the facing material is purchased, it must be prepared. You can not immediately proceed to the sheathing of the room.

  • Immediately after purchasing the materials, they must be removed from the packaging and laid out separately from each other;
  • It is recommended to lay out the panels on wooden blocks or just a flat dry surface;
  • Wooden panels must be dried beforehand. No one can guarantee the complete absence of moisture in the product.

Advice! The optimal time for drying wooden materials is 1 quarter.

Be sure to use these tips, since it is possible to sheathe the ceiling with clapboard for many years only if the humidity of the room and wood is equal. Otherwise, there will always be a possibility of deformation of the skin.

Note! Plastic and MDF panels do not need to dry. Prior to installation, the materials should be kept for no more than three days in a warm place.

We start installation

First you need to stock up on a special tool:

  • Perforator, drill or drill. If the room has a concrete ceiling, then you need to use a drill with a diameter of 6-8 millimeters.
  • Electric screwdriver or a screwdriver for screwing in self-tapping screws. Such a device will greatly speed up and simplify the cladding process.
  • Jigsaw or hacksaw for cutting panels to desired dimensions. Suitable for wood, plastic and MDF.
  • Construction tape measure.
  • Building level for the most even finish.

Advice! If the necessary tool is not at home and, most likely, it will not be useful in the future, then in specialized hardware stores there is a tool rental service. For use, you will need not only to pay, but also to leave some kind of document or other pledge.

Now you can safely get to work. The following is an instruction: how to properly sheathe a ceiling with a clapboard with your own hands and using the above recommendations.

Preparatory stage of work:

  • clear the ceiling from dust, dirt and even plaster, as it often crumbles;
  • Draw Markup to build a crate. Immediately determine the direction in which the lining will go. The choice should be made in favor of the direction in which there will be no inter-end joints between the panels;

Note! Wood materials are not as durable as metal structures. If the choice is made in favor of a tree, then before installation it must be treated with additional means for protection. But it is impossible to completely get rid of the likelihood of rot or mold over the years, since moisture can accumulate there at any time.

  • If you are the owner of a house or cottage, then be sure to lay a heat-insulating layer in the ceiling. Profile racks are installed at a distance of 50-60 centimeters from each other and a heater is placed in this space. In apartments, this should not be done;
  • The crate is attached to the ceiling with dowel-nails. The depth of the fittings is selected according to the thickness of the frame;
  • Fasteners must be installed at a distance of no more than 50 centimeters. If the ceiling is sheathed with eurolining, the distance of the fasteners is halved. This is due to the greater weight and thickness of the material.

Preparatory work is a very important step towards a beautiful ceiling, which, at the same time, will last for many years. At this stage, it is important to make the surface perfectly smooth and even.

Installation of lining on the structure

Installing panels on the crate is a fairly simple task and does not require the use of special knowledge. It is desirable if you have an assistant in this matter. Then lining of any length will be installed quickly and efficiently.

  • The first bar should be firmly fixed to the wall.

  • Subsequent rows of panels are inserted into the grooves of the previous ones. Each panel must be fixed in place of the lathing.
  • Holes for lighting fixtures and pipes are measured during direct installation, so as not to be mistaken and not to do too much.

To make the ceiling perfect, panel fasteners should be inserted at the junction of the groove and ridge. Thus, the caps of the screws will not be visible. If nails are used for sheathing, then their hats are cut off with a special tool. Subsequently, wax must be applied to the attachment points.

Before sheathing the ceiling with plastic, openings are made in all panels. A drill is used for this (necessarily small diameter), which will not spoil the surface of the panel.

  • Before you sew up the ceiling with clapboard, conduct a thorough check of the electricity and communications in the ceiling. If problems are found after the installation of the cladding, then damage and defects may remain when it is removed;
  • If the sheathing is made of wooden material, then stainless steel fittings are better suited, for example, since rust will not appear from it. In the case of plastic, you can use any fasteners, as it is easy to clean;
  • In no case should you start installation if the room temperature is below 10 degrees. Also, do not work in a damp room;
  • It will be useful to isolate the lining in places of contact with the wiring.

Operation of lining

If you use wooden materials for the ceiling, then they must first be coated with an antiseptic, and then with paints and varnishes to protect against ultraviolet radiation and other harmful effects.

Do-it-yourself ceiling sheathing with plastic clapboard also provides for some care measures:

  • Cleaning the surface from accumulating dust and dirt;
  • Treatment of chips and scratches with special wax.

In the case of MDF panels, only moisture should be avoided. Its percentage in the room should not exceed 75%.


The article describes in detail and step by step how to hem the ceiling with a clapboard with your own hands. We advise you to watch the video in the article - it shows the process more clearly.

Lining is considered one of the best materials for interior decoration of housing, as it is made from natural raw materials and performs not only the role of interior decoration, but also acts as an excellent tool for noise and heat insulation. Installation of lining is simple, and a huge selection of textures and colors allows you to use it to decorate any design. Clapboard ceilings deserve special attention - they give the room a stylish look and fill it with an atmosphere of home comfort and warmth.


The lining is a board that has a special groove on one side and a ledge on the other. Thanks to this design, the parts during assembly form an integral coating, which is reliable in operation and does not deform under the influence of temperature. Usually lining is produced from various types of wood, but panels made of plastic and metal can also be found.

The ceiling in the apartment, as a rule, is sheathed with boards made of coniferous wood - they are characterized by a beautiful texture and patterns, withstand mechanical loads and give the room a pleasant aroma.

The ceiling from the lining can be installed as a single-tier, and complex structures consisting of several levels can be designed. The difference between the models of suspension systems is only in the assembly of the frame. Finishing the ceiling with clapboard has many advantages, which include:

  • Beautiful decor. This type of design is always in fashion and can be applied to any style.
  • Simplicity of installation work. Suspended structures do not require additional processing - it is enough to cover them with stain or varnish.
  • Masking of surface defects. Facing panels can not only brighten up irregularities, but also allow you to hide communication systems and wiring, which is necessary when installing fixtures.
  • Excellent thermal conductivity and sound insulation.
  • Can be combined with other decorative materials. Thanks to the original combination of wood with metal and glass, you can achieve a stunning effect in design.
  • Environmental friendliness. Wood is a natural raw material, therefore it is completely safe for human health. In addition, board structures are able to maintain a certain microclimate in the rooms.

Despite the presence of positive properties, lining ceilings have their drawbacks, namely:

  • Reducing the height of the room. Regardless of whether it is a simple or multi-tiered system, when installing it, the height of the room will not be saved. Therefore, such ceilings are recommended to be placed in spacious rooms.
  • Lack of fire safety. Unlike finishing the ceiling with plasterboard, wooden structures can quickly ignite, so it is advisable to cover them with special mixtures that will not only extend the life of the coating, but also protect it from a possible fire.
  • Low level of moisture resistance. In rooms with high humidity, it is best not to install lining ceilings, since under the influence of condensate and fumes, the panels can change in size and undergo deformation. For such premises, it is desirable to choose a lining made of plastic. If the design provides for a wooden board, then it will have to be coated with a protective varnish.
  • Resistant to mold and mildew. This applies only to wooden lining.

Types of lining

To date, for ceiling cladding, lining is produced from natural wood, plastic and fiberboard. At the same time, solid wood material is very popular in modern design, as it is made from various types of wood. As a rule, pine and linden boards are chosen for finishing ceilings in residential premises - pine panels are well suited for interiors in private houses and cottages, and linden options can be used for cladding surfaces in apartments.

In addition, wooden lining differs in size, wood class, pattern and fastening system. The wide board has the appearance of eurolining, and it looks beautiful on ceilings with beams.

There are two types of plastic panels: seamless and with a dedicated seam. At the same time, after installation, the latter outwardly resemble a wooden coating and are characterized by high aesthetics and an affordable price, so they can be used if the house is undergoing budget repairs or you need to decorate the ceilings in rooms with high humidity. Unlike natural material, plastic lining is practical and presented in a wide range of colors and textures. It is produced not only with imitation of wood, but also of decorative stone.

Seamless plastic panels in their design have a special tongue-and-groove system, so after their installation, the seams are almost invisible. The width of this material is quite large, so it is used to decorate spacious rooms.

The lining made of fiberboard has also proven itself well. It is made from wood fiber by pressing. Such boards have standard sizes and shapes, but their design is limitless. The outer layer of the panels is decorated with original drawings and patterns, covered with paint of various colors.

It is undesirable to use the material for decorating ceilings in wet rooms. Therefore, if you need to install a false ceiling in the bathroom or in the kitchen, then aluminum or metal lining is recommended for this.


There are many models of wall paneling on the modern market, thanks to which any design idea can be translated into reality. A white ceiling made of timber is considered an excellent decoration for a room, as it will not only visually expand the boundaries of space, but also make the room bright, fill it with a special atmosphere of comfort. If desired, the suspended structure can be supplemented with colored areas or inserts from dark boards.

Glossy lining also looks gorgeous in rooms - unlike matte panels, it is practical to use, does not get dirty, and after cleaning, no stains remain on its surface.

In the classical style, wooden boards are chosen for ceiling cladding - their natural pattern and color gives beauty to the interior and goes well with other decor items. An interesting option in the design is also mirror lining. Its seamless wide panels are well suited for ceilings in bedrooms, bathrooms and living rooms.

In order to make the design of the room unusual when installing lining ceilings, it is recommended to combine material of different textures and shades. It is also possible to additionally apply patterns on the panels that would repeat the lines of furniture and flooring.

At the same time, do not forget that wood paneling requires the correct selection of colors - there must be complete harmony in the interior, the ceiling should not be a separate part of the design. Therefore, it is worth paying great attention to its shape, the number of levels and the complexity of design. For example, massive dark-colored structures will reduce the space and make it gloomy, while light panel inserts, on the contrary, will expand the boundaries.

To further enhance the beauty of wood, false ceilings should have a good lighting system in the form of stylish chandeliers.

Scope of application

Recently, various materials have been used for interior decoration of premises, but lining is in greatest demand among them. The surfaces sheathed with it are highly durable, versatile and environmentally friendly. Clapboard ceilings can be installed in both brick and wooden houses; such structures look interesting in apartments as well. Panels with imitation of logs or timber will easily decorate any interior, they are especially often used for attic cladding.

Wood goes well with masonry. By itself, the stone is a cold material, but if it is supplemented with clapboard, the room will change and become cozy.

For example, in a bedroom or living room, one of the walls can be lined with decorative stone and a clapboard ceiling can be installed. The end result is a stunning design. Such panels will perfectly fit into the interior of hallways, kitchens and children's rooms. In addition, clapboard is often sheathed on ceilings on balconies and loggias.

How to sew with your own hands?

The process of installing a suspended ceiling from a lining is simple, so you can install it yourself without resorting to the help of craftsmen. Finishing is carried out in two stages: first, the supporting frame is prepared, then the sheathing is done with boards.

The frame is attached as follows:

  • The direction of fastening of the lining is determined. If it is longitudinal, then the crate of the frame is fixed across, with a transverse one, vice versa. In addition, before installation, you need to set the level of the future ceiling and draw the markings along which the filing will take place. The frame must be mounted 5-10 cm below the main ceiling. To do all this correctly, it is recommended to use a laser or hydraulic level.
  • After all the markings, you need to fix the guide profile made of aluminum around the perimeter of the room. You can join parts using self-tapping screws and dowels. In this case, the profile must correspond to the dimensions of the structure, so it is cut and placed along the length and width of the frame. To increase the strength of the frame, it is additionally strengthened with suspensions, observing a step of 60 cm.

  • The next step in installing the ceiling is laying the lining. First, it is necessary to nail the slats to the frame, adjusting them in size to the walls, then you can lay decorative boards. All butt slots at the end of the work will be closed with flashings, and joints with walls - with a plinth. When installing plastic lining, on the contrary, skirting boards are fixed first, and only then the panels are laid.
  • The staples should be hammered into the inner wall of the groove. Wooden lining is fastened with small nails, MDF panels with nails with a large hat, and plastic boards are fixed to the frame with self-tapping screws and a stapler.

How to fix the lining on the ceiling, see the following video.

The lining ceiling looks beautiful and original in a modern interior, but in order for it not only to please with its aesthetics, but also to serve reliably for a long time, you need to know how to fix it correctly. If the installation work is carried out independently, then the following recommendations of experts can help novice masters:

  • Since wood is considered a “capricious” material, it should be kept for several days in the room where the ceiling is planned to be installed before use. Thanks to this, the lining will “get used” to the new conditions of temperature and humidity, acquire the desired shape and lend itself to easy installation. It is necessary to stack the boards in piles.
  • In the event that, when purchasing the material, several curved strips were found in the package, then there is no need to be upset - they can be used in sheathing those places where pieces of material are needed.
  • The lining should be fastened with nails with a small hat. At the same time, for ceiling cladding in bathrooms and verandas, nails must be covered with a protective mixture, otherwise they will rust under the influence of humidity, and stains will appear on the white lining, which will be difficult to wipe off.

Burrs and chips around the screwed-in screws can be prevented by pre-drilling holes for the screws before fixing them in the board.

  • In rooms where unstable humidity is observed, it is recommended to purchase yellow self-tapping screws.
  • When fastening the edges of the board, it is necessary to use a center punch - it will protect the surface of the lining from mechanical damage.
  • Along the perimeter of the installed ceiling, you need to lay out skirting boards, as they will help hide the joints between the structure and the walls.
  • It is desirable to sheathe the ceiling with a board from the corners to the center.
  • The last panel of the structure is adjusted in width and placed in the least visible place.
  • If, during the fastening of the lining, the self-tapping screw on its edge split the wood, and at the same time a small crack formed, then the self-tapping screw can be slightly unscrewed back and a small carnation be driven in at an angle - in this way the two halves of the board will pull together and the defect will be invisible.

Beautiful examples in the interior

It is impossible to imagine a modern housing interior without clapboard finishing. This is especially true of hinged structures, which have the form of a rack covering and fit perfectly into the design of apartments and country houses. These wooden paneling look beautiful in the living rooms - the ceiling decorated in this way fills the room with comfort and homely warmth.

In order for the design to be harmoniously combined with other types of finishes and decor items, the outer part of the panels must be detonated with varnish - you will get a stunning effect, and the natural wood patterns will be favorably emphasized in the general plan.

If the dimensions of the living room allow, then you can also create a ceiling that looks like a beam ceiling. As a rule, such a design idea is used when decorating rooms in the Alpine style.

At the same time, it is not necessary to choose natural colors for sheathing; contrasting shades will also look interesting in the interior. It all depends on what colors prevail in the room.

The perfect solution would be to install such a ceiling in the bedroom. Planks of white or beige color will create a good atmosphere in the room, which will maximize relaxation. Usually lining designs are chosen for the Provence style. To achieve an interesting effect in the design, you can lay out panels of several colors. At the same time, the ceiling from the lining in the bedroom can become a continuation of the wall cladding.

Clapboard ceilings look simply chic, in a modern style and emphasize the individual design of the room. The characteristic stripes that form as a result of finishing the lining on the ceiling can visually make the room more spacious, and the ceilings are perfectly even.

Recently, lining has become a popular material and is used not only for wall cladding, but also for finishing ceilings. It is easy to work with it and in fact everyone who is not lazy will be able to update their ceiling by decorating it with clapboard.

Types of frame for the ceiling

The first thing everyone should know is that when installing the lining on the ceiling, it is necessary to make a frame. The main task of the frame is to separate the uneven and ugly surface from your future new ceilings. Also, the frame will allow you to bring the ceiling into a single plane and provide the whole structure with good strength.

The lining on the ceiling is sewn on top of the frame, so in any case you will need a crate, no matter what anyone says. The frame itself is made much easier than the frame for plasterboard ceilings. You can use both and simple wooden slats.

Choosing the material from which to make the frame is very simple. Here everything will depend on the operating conditions and on the wood from which the board itself is made. For rooms where the humidity level is exceeded, it is better to use a metal profile for the frame and. For the kitchen, it is also necessary to use a metal profile, and the finishing material - lining can already be used here.

Types of lining

In any other premises, a frame made of wooden beams will be an excellent solution. It can also be combined with many materials. Secondly, the process of mounting the lining on a wooden frame is much easier than on a frame made of a metal profile.

Clapboard - panel

It imitates an ordinary wooden beam and has a simpler shape. It comes in both wood and plastic.


It has a deeper tongue-and-groove connection and a larger tenon. This technology contributes to better ventilation of the room, drainage of moisture and various fumes. Most often used for facade cladding. For interior decoration, it is used more often than Lining-Calm, since eurolining is much cheaper in cost.

Clapboard - Calm

The material has a perfectly smooth surface, which does not have grooves - recesses on the front of the board. It is used for interior decoration of walls and ceilings.

Clapboard - American

It imitates laying boards with an overlap, as a result of which the junction between the boards is perfectly protected from various natural influences. Often used in outdoor decoration.

Tools and materials

When working with clapboard, and indeed with wood, you need to keep the following set of tools with you so that your clapboard ceilings are impeccable.

  • Ordinary hammer.
  • Screwdriver, or drill with a chipper.
  • and building area.
  • Accurate roulette.
  • Jigsaw or hacksaw.
  • Scissors for metal, if the frame is made of metal profiles.

The materials themselves for the ceilings from the lining must be selected according to the calculations made earlier. A beam for a wooden frame can be used from 20x20 to 50x50 millimeters.

Remember!!! The thicker the beam, the lower the level of your ceilings. The lining will also hold perfectly on a frame made of 20x20 bars.

To mount the beams to the ceiling, you need to purchase plastic dowels that come with screws. The length must be determined based on the thickness of the bars, the lining itself, as well as the length that will be recessed into the concrete floor. The screw should sit perfectly in the slabs, and not hold on to them with the very tip. Usually they take screws marked 8x45 or similar anchors.

If you decide to make a frame from a metal profile, then here the family budget will be devastated much more. Since the number of components of the frame will increase much and you will need additionally:

  • Guide profile - UD.
  • The profile underlying the frame is CD.
  • Mounts "Crab" and "P" - shaped mounts.
  • Self-tapping screws for metal.

To mount the lining itself on the frame, you can use a construction stapler, self-tapping screws with a press washer. If the frame is wooden, then ordinary nails can be used.

How to attach a wooden frame

The first step is to mark the future ceiling from the lining. To do this, you need to find the lowest point on your ceiling from which to measure down the wall by 6-10 centimeters and put the first mark. It will need to be transferred to all walls using a water or laser level. It is according to these marks that you will verify the horizontal position of the mounted frame for the future ceiling.

Important! When using wooden beams or other wood materials, remember that they are necessary in advance and to increase fire safety.

Wooden bars are mounted to the ceiling strictly perpendicular to how the lining itself will be mounted. The step between the bars should not exceed more than 100 centimeters. If the finishing material is PVC panels, then the pitch of the bars should not exceed 60 centimeters.

If you decide to make the ceiling not only refined, but also improved, for example: then in this case the step between the bars should in any case be no more than 60 centimeters. Since usually the so-called “slabs” of mineral wool or other heat and sound insulating material also have a width of 60 centimeters. The bottom edge of all bars should be parallel to your floor and flush with the rest of the bars. Be sure to use the water level.

We fasten two beams along two walls from different sides. The distance from them to the wall should not exceed 15 centimeters. we clearly align the level not only in the middle, but also along the edges of the bars. Next, with a step of 60 centimeters, we continue to mount the bars, checking our work with the help of a level at different points. In places where the beam lags behind the ceiling due to curvature, it is necessary to put wooden linings, which can be made from the remains of the beam itself. Next, we stretch the fishing line and fasten the entire frame for the ceiling from the lining along it.

If you are not sure about the reliability of the structure you have made, then you can install additional transverse bars, which will also ensure the rigidity of the entire structure. It can be strengthened and only at those points where, according to your plan, lamps or other elements will be installed. Be sure to install all the necessary wiring before installing the beam. That's the whole principle of making a wooden frame for lining ceilings.

Metal carcass

As everyone knows, the metal profile for creating various kinds of ceilings is universal and suitable for absolutely any finishing material. The frame itself and its installation system will be exactly the same as when creating a frame for suspended single-level plasterboard ceilings. So I don't really want to repeat myself.

Lining made of wood or MDF will be laid on the ceiling in the same way. All boards must be prepared and cut to size identical to the distance between the walls. It is also necessary to take into account a small gap of 5 millimeters between the lining and the walls in order to protect yourself from thermal expansion. If you are not entirely sure that your walls are even, then it is better to cut each lining lamella for a specific place.

Important! If you plan to mount the lining on the ceiling using self-tapping screws, be sure to drill holes in advance, otherwise cracks will form from the screws. If you use nails, then you need to use doboy so that the hammer does not damage the lock and the front of the board.

When your lining ceiling is in the process of being set, it is necessary to mark all the places for future lamps and cut holes for the wires. After the ceiling is ready, it will be more difficult to cut holes, as there will be a risk of damage.

The last strip of lining is usually installed using wedges. They must be carefully driven between the wall and the last board of the lining and, evenly knocking, drive the board into the lock. If the board is much wider in width than the remaining hole, then you need to cut it along the entire length with a hacksaw or jigsaw. Additionally, you should not put the lining on the glue, since you will already have a durable and strong construction.

Plastic lining

The principle of installing plastic lining on the ceiling will be the same as when laying wooden slats. The main difference will only be that the first board of plastic lining and each subsequent board must be inserted into special guides for PVC panels. The guides have a groove in the shape of the letter “P” in which all the ends of the panels will be hidden.

Now ceiling plinths are often made, which already initially have this groove. There is also a collapsible design in the shape of the letter “G”, which consists of two parts. The first part is mounted before sheathing the frame with clapboard, and the second part is simply snapped into place at the end of the ceiling finish. As a result, the overall level of the ceiling will be determined by the pre-assembled frame. But when installing the lining, it is necessary to ensure that all the strips fit more closely to the installed guides and do not diverge from each other at the junctions.

Ceiling plinth

After the work on finishing the ceilings with clapboard is completed, you need to fix a corner or decorative plinth around the perimeter of your new ceiling. The plinth will hide all the gaps between the walls and the lining. The plinth is usually mounted with liquid nails. There are also special clips.

If there is a desire, then the lining can be varnished in several layers, as well as with the help of a stain, give the necessary shade to the ceiling. And only after that you can enjoy the view of your ceiling, the work on which can be considered completely finished. The lining ceiling is not only a decorative decoration of the room, but also a lighter finishing option.

One of the most common ways to finish the ceiling is lining it with clapboard. Materials such as solid wood, MDF and plastic are used for this. In any case, the ceiling surface, when properly installed, turns into a perfectly flat surface with a characteristic look. The arrangement of the stripes can contribute to the correct visual perception of the room. Any interested owner who is not afraid of work and is not averse to working with a construction tool can make a ceiling from a lining with his own hands. After reviewing the detailed instructions and purchasing all the necessary materials, you can begin to implement your plan.

In the usual sense, in order to sheathe the ceiling with clapboard, a frame is first formed. Its purpose is to separate the future clean surface of the ceiling from an uneven and unattractive base, bring a single level plane and ensure the strength of the entire structure. It is on the frame that the lining and lighting fixtures will subsequently be held. Already on top of the frame, a lining of the selected type is sewn. Even in the case when they say that they sew lining directly onto a wall or ceiling, sort of like without a frame, a crate is still formed.

Strips of material (actually "lining") are fixed across the guides of the frame. The general direction of the strips is chosen in accordance with the requirements of the design of the room. Visually, the room will seem longer, exactly in the direction in which the lining is laid.

You can form a frame from. The same as used to fix drywall. In addition, the classic option remains the option of using a wooden beam.

What exactly to choose from these materials? It all depends on the material from which the lining is made and the operating conditions. So for wet rooms like a bathroom or kitchen, a metal frame and plastic lining on the ceiling are better suited. A wooden or MDF lining is allowed in the kitchen, again with a metal frame.

various types of wooden lining

In residential areas, a wooden beam is perfect in combination with any material you like. The positive side of the wooden frame is the simpler process of mounting the lining. It is easier to nail small nails to a tree, tighten self-tapping screws and fasten clips.

What will be required?

You will need the following set of tools, which should always be kept nearby when lining the ceiling with a clapboard with your own hands:

  1. A hammer;
  2. Impact drill or puncher, screwdriver;
  3. Building corner, water level, bubble level or rule;
  4. Roulette, centimeter;
  5. Hacksaw, metal shears (for metal profile).

The material is naturally selected from the selected materials. So for a wooden frame it is best to use a bar 20X40, 40X40, 50X50 mm. The whole structure will be made up of the selected timber and its derivatives. To fasten the beams and attach to the ceiling and walls, plastic dowels are used together with nails-screws (8X45) or anchors, and hardened wood screws (4X50, 4X75).

For a metal frame, the list of purchases will already increase, at least by the number of components:

  • UD profile for perimeter formation;
  • CD profile as the basis of the frame;
  • U-shaped mounts and cross mounts "crab";
  • Self-tapping screws "flea" with a tip-drill, self-tapping screws for metal with a piercing head.

The instructions below will help you find out how much material you need to purchase, after reading which you can calculate the amount based on your needs.

To fasten the lining to the ceiling, or rather to the frame, staples of a construction stapler, self-tapping screws with a press washer, nails, special clips are used, the latter are mainly for plastic lining, also called PVC panels. Nails can only be used in combination with a wooden frame.

Frame installation

Even before the start of the main work, the lowest point on the ceiling is selected and from it a measurement is made 6-10 cm down the wall, where the first mark is made. Next, the mark is transferred to all four walls using a water level. In the best case, a laser level is used. As a result, a line will be obtained along the perimeter of the room, along which the installation of the frame will be verified.

Important: If a wooden beam and a board are used in construction or repair, they are absolutely necessary and a fire retardant to protect against rot, pests and increase fire safety.

Option 1: frame based on wooden beams

The bars must be fixed on the ceiling in a direction perpendicular to how the lining will be sheathed. The distance between the bars is selected in the range of 40-60 cm for plastic and 60-100 cm for wood. It is necessary to mount the bars so that their lower edge is strictly parallel to the floor and on the same level with all other bars. You can check this with a water level.

So, at the beginning, two beams are fixed on opposite sides of the room at a distance of about 10-15 cm from the wall. Be sure to check the level not only along the edges of the timber, but also in the middle. For every 60 cm, it is necessary to attach a beam to the ceiling. For this, impact screws and dowels or anchors are used. If the beam is separated from the ceiling, wooden bowls are laid, chopped from the remnants of the same beam.

A rope or fishing line is stretched between the installed bars along their lower edge. Orienting along the line on the wall and the stretched fishing line, the remaining bars are installed. Once everything is ready, you can start strengthening.

For reliability, you can install jumpers between the main bars. So from the same beam, pieces are cut with a length equal to the distance between the installed beams and attached to them in the middle of the ceiling. However, it is enough to install jumpers only in those places where an increased load on the frame is implied, that is, where the fixtures are installed. On this frame is considered ready.

Option 2: frame based on a metal profile

The rules for constructing the framework are the same as for and . Along the perimeter of the walls, according to the level line of the suspended ceiling, a UD profile is attached with dowels. Next, the first two extreme CD profiles are attached at a distance of 10-15 cm from the wall, also perpendicular to the direction of the lining of the lining. Along the length of the profile, it should be fixed with U-shaped fasteners to the ceiling, with a frequency of every 40-60 cm. The remaining profiles are installed and fixed along the ceiling along a stretched rope or fishing line at a distance the same as when using a beam. Jumpers in places where reinforcement of the frame is required are mounted using crab crosses.

Before starting the installation of the lining, the wiring for the lighting system is also laid. Loops or wire leads are left in the right places. After lining with clapboard, they can be pulled out through the prepared holes and out.

Clapboard lining

If the lining is made of wood or MDF

The lining made of solid wood and MDF is mounted identically. To do this, strips of material are cut along a length equal to the distance between the walls minus 5 mm. A slightly smaller size is needed to form a gap, this will protect the ceiling from the effects of thermal expansion. If there is no confidence in the ideal parallelism of the walls, it is better to cut off the lining strip for a specific installation location.

The installation of the lining on the ceiling begins with the first strip, which is fixed on both sides along the entire length, that is, to each guide. This leaves a gap to the wall of 3-5 mm. Subsequent strips are inserted at a slight angle with a groove into the lock of the previous strip, and firmly pushed into it. For reliability, you can use a rubber hammer, which should be lightly tapped on the end of the strip. The second side is nailed or screwed to the frame guides for the lower edge of the lock. As mentioned above, either self-tapping screws with a press washer or nails are used for this.

Advice: When using self-tapping screws, it is advisable to pre-drill holes in the places where they are installed on the strips, otherwise the material may chip. When using nails, use finishing so as not to damage the front of the lining with a hammer blow.

In the process of setting the ceiling, it is important to take care in advance of the output of the supply wires in the required places and make appropriate holes on the lining strips. After the ceiling is fully installed, it will be almost impossible to do this without the risk of damaging the front side.

Continue installing strips to the opposite end of the room. The last strip is best driven into the lock with small wedges that are driven between the strip and the wall. Most likely, you will have to cut the strip along the entire length, because the whole strip will not fit. MDF lining, just like plastic, is easier to cut with a knife. Cuts are made along the entire length on both sides, after which the strip is carefully broken. Solid wood strips will have to be cut with either a hacksaw or a jigsaw. Additionally, it is not necessary to glue the ceilings from the wooden lining, fixing all the strips on each of the guides will result in a strong and durable construction. Moreover, the glued lining will begin to creak and crack over time.

Video: finishing the ceiling in an apartment with a wooden clapboard

If the lining is made of plastic

Plastic lining, or PVC panels, are laid in the same way as wooden lining, and with the same gaps on all sides to compensate for thermal expansion of 3-5 mm. However, before installing the first strip, a U-shaped groove should be fixed along the perimeter of the new ceiling, in which the extreme ends of all strips will be hidden. Often this groove is an integral part of the plinth or is a collapsible structure of L-shaped parts. One of them is fixed before lining with lining, and the second is snapped in after. It all depends on which option will be purchased.

The appearance of the ceiling is an important component of the interior of any room. It has not only a decorative function, but also has practical significance. First of all, the ceiling retains heat, isolates extraneous sounds and makes the details of communications and lighting invisible. The modern building products market offers a variety of finishing materials that can make the ceiling modern, beautiful and well-groomed. One of the representatives of such finishing materials is lining. Consider its types and how to sheathe the ceiling with clapboard.

Types of construction lining

Wooden lining is a popular finishing material. It is made from deciduous and coniferous trees. Main advantages: resistant to the formation of fungus and mold, easy to process, there is a small amount of knots. To sheathe the ceiling with a clapboard with their own hands, many consumers, due to their strength, durability and environmental friendliness, choose it. In rooms where the air temperature is much higher than usual, and the ceiling is supposed to be finished with clapboard, a linden cladding board is used, since it does not contain resin. The lining can be painted with enamel of various colors, varnished or simply have its own natural look and color.

Plastic lining is distinguished by ease of installation and practicality, the absence of rotting and corrosion processes. It can be either with a seam or seamless, imitate the structure of natural stone, various tree species, and also have a uniform color. After assembling the ceilings, no priming or painting is required.

Lining Fiberboard or MDF panels are made from wood fiber by pressing, they also serve to finish the ceiling with a lining with their own hands, but are not recommended for use in rooms with high humidity. Features: due to the rich color range, they have a beautiful appearance, are durable.

Design of ceilings made of lining

Almost all the materials used in interior decoration are perfectly combined with the clapboard board used for do-it-yourself ceiling installation. For baths and saunas, country houses, loggias and balconies, this material has no equal. The kitchen requires no less attention.

The design of the ceiling from the lining should be combined with the overall interior of the room and look stylish and harmonious. To prevent the surface from being monotonous, the installation of the rails is carried out in different directions, thereby forming a certain pattern. For this, decorative beams or slats of different colors are used. The kitchen will look elegant if natural wood is present in the ceiling decoration.

What tools will be required

In order for the lining of the ceiling with a clapboard with a wooden frame not to cause any inconvenience, it is necessary, you must have your own specific set of tools at hand:

  1. Screwdriver, hammer drill or impact drill.
  2. A hammer.
  3. Level (water or laser).
  4. Building corner.
  5. Roulette.
  6. Hacksaw. For a metal profile - scissors for metal.

When constructing a wooden frame, it is recommended to use a beam measuring 20X40 mm, 40X40 mm, 50X50 mm. To fix it to the ceiling and walls, nails-screws or anchors are used along with plastic dowels and wood screws. If you need to make a ceiling from a lining with your own hands, but using a metal frame, you will additionally need:

  • CD profile - serves as the basis of the frame;
  • UD profile to create a perimeter;
  • cross mounts of the “crab” type and U-shaped mounts;
  • self-tapping screws "flea" and self-tapping screws for metal.

In order to sheathe the ceiling in a wooden house, certain calculations of the amount of materials needed are required. The fastening of the lining to the frame is carried out using staples of a construction stapler, special nails, clips and self-tapping screws with a press washer.

Preparatory work

Sheathing clapboard involves mandatory preparatory work. When buying this material, you need to understand that the lining must have the same temperature and humidity with the room, in order to subsequently avoid sweating and distortions. For this purpose, it must be freed from packaging and laid out on the floor for at least a day.

If there is old cladding or other finishing materials on the ceiling, they are dismantled without regret, peeling plaster is removed. The surface is cleaned from dust and various contaminants. Small gaps are sealed with putty, and deep ones are embroidered with a grinder and concreted with cement mortar.

To avoid fungal infection, the base is treated with a special solution. If necessary, make insulation with heat-insulating material.

Surface marking

This stage of work is the most important, on the quality of which the entire finishing process of the ceiling depends. The task of how to sheathe the ceiling with clapboard will be correctly solved if the markings are made correctly. Its purpose is to determine the horizontal, which indicates the plane of the future location of the wooden finish, as well as drawing lines parallel to each other on all walls of the room.

With the help of any level, they find the lowest point of the base, from which the rest of the marks are made on other walls around the perimeter. The ceiling is lowered within 7-10 cm. A closed contour is applied using a coloring molar cord or marker. It must be remembered that the laid line must converge at one point, and offsets indicate an error in the markup.

Frame installation

Finishing the ceiling with your own hands is a simple process, but it requires some attention. Ceiling sheathing is carried out in two stages: the device of the supporting base and its sheathing.

Option 1: frame made of wooden beams

At the very beginning of work, two beams are attached from opposite sides of the room at a distance of 10-15 cm from the wall. The beam is fixed to the ceiling with nails, screws, dowels or anchors in increments of 60 cm, and perpendicular to the chosen direction of the panels. The distance between the bars should be 60-100 cm for wood and 40-60 cm for plastic panels. The bottom edge of the beam must be exactly parallel to the floor and level with the other beams. A fishing line or rope is stretched along the lower edge of the installed wooden crossbars, guided by which the rest of the bars are attached.

We are strengthening the structure. Between the laid bars, jumpers from the same bar are installed. They are especially needed where it is planned to install lighting fixtures.

Option 2: metal profile frame

Installation begins with fixing along the entire perimeter of the walls of the UD profile along the marked contour. Attach it with dowels. Then, from opposite sides of the ceiling, CD profiles are attached 10-15 cm from the walls. Their location should be strictly perpendicular to the future skin. Profiles are connected to the ceiling using U-shaped fasteners in increments of 40-60 cm. They are installed along a stretched cord, and then the remaining profiles are fixed along the ceiling surface. The distance between CD profiles should be no more than 60 cm.

Reinforce the metal structure with jumpers using a crab-type cross mount.

After the complete installation of all types of frame, electrical wiring is mounted, the ends of the wire are left at the necessary points, where the lighting fixtures will be installed.

Installation of lining

So, let's figure out how to hem the ceiling with a clapboard, so that the result of the work causes a feeling of deep satisfaction.

From the selected material, blanks are preliminarily made with a length equal to the distance between parallel walls minus 5 cm. Assembly begins with the installation of the first plank, which is attached to the frame bars on both sides with a stapler. The second and subsequent rails are inserted at a slight angle into the slot holes of the previous one. For reliability, each lining from the end side is tapped along its length with a rubber mallet. The second side is attached to the guides for the lower part of the key border. To do this, take nails or self-tapping screws with a press washer. Install the strips to the opposite wall.

When using a plastic cladding or a PVC panel, the laying order and the size of the gaps for possible thermal expansion remain the same. Just before proceeding with the installation of the first strip, it is necessary to fix a U-shaped groove around the entire perimeter of the ceiling under construction, into which the extreme ends of all panels will be inserted.

Final stage

How to make a ceiling from a lining is already known, but newly made, it takes a little more time. To close the gap between the walls and the lining, a corner or any decorative plinth is fixed around the perimeter of the ceiling.

Knowing how to sheathe the ceiling with clapboard, you can competently organize the entire finishing process and turn wooden planks into a reliable and eye-catching cladding.
