Carriage houses, construction technology. Construction of wooden houses and baths from a gun carriage Do-it-yourself log house from a gun carriage

As you know, building your own home is a very responsible and time-consuming process, and the choice of the appropriate material is a paramount and difficult task. What material to give preference? Wooden houses have been popular for more than a dozen years, and there are reasons for this. Cost-effectiveness, environmental friendliness, aesthetic appearance and many other advantages are increasingly attracting the interest of future homeowners. As for the choice of material, recently the gun carriage has rightfully occupied worthy competition.

What it is? What are the advantages, what are the manufacturing technologies of this material and what does it actually represent? This will be discussed in this article.

Construction of houses from a gun carriage

The use of a gun carriage is a relatively recent trend in the creation of residential premises made of wood, but, despite the little known, an increasing number of professionals and just future homeowners prefer this material, because the gun carriage is not only a special material, but also a style that has come to Russia about 10-15 years ago from Scandinavia and Northern Europe.


So, carriage. logs that differ from the traditional and familiar to the Russian population log house in their square shape with rounded corners. Such a technology for processing logs appeared in the course of searching for options to reduce the cost of building a wooden house. Once on the territory of Russia and other post-Soviet countries, the carriage has become a very strong competitor to the usual log house, since its cost is much lower, and the thermal insulation qualities are in no way inferior to the usual round logs. This innovation confidently competed with traditional solutions and is successfully used to this day.

Scope of use

Now, having dealt with the concept of a carriage, what it is, we can begin to review the options for using this material. And it is used, I must say, very widely.

The manufacture of a carriage as a building material is very important, because it is suitable.
for the construction of country houses and cottages. However, this material is perfect for the construction of baths and saunas, various outbuildings and other vital facilities. In principle, carriage houses can be used for a wide variety of purposes. It is perfect for creating country boarding houses and health-improving complexes, for buildings in summer cottages and in the private sector.

Manufacturing features

The carriage manufacturing technology, as already mentioned, appeared in Russia, quite recently - about 15 years ago. How to make a carriage? This log house manufacturing technology is also called "Norwegian" because of the country of origin. First, the side parts are cut off the logs, and then the bark is removed from the remaining rounded sides. After that, the whole log is manually planed and grooves are cut.
The whole distinctive feature of such a log house is the unusual shape of the logs. They have a semi-oval shape with flat sides, which allows you to make the walls of the house smooth, not requiring additional processing. This form of logs also allows you to better link them together, eliminating the possibility of cracks.
In a word, this technology has become very popular in Russia due to its cost-effectiveness and ease of working with ready-made logs. And it is undoubtedly appreciated by professionals in this field.


When deciding to build a wooden house, you always need to take into account several important nuances. For those who prefer to entrust the work to specialists, the best option is to order a ready-made carriage.

It will cost about 9.5 thousand rubles per cubic meter (depending on the type of wood and the cost of work). But for those who are used to doing the work on their own, there is a great opportunity to save the budget: buy a round frame and make a carriage with your own hands. This will save from 3 to 5 thousand rubles per cubic meter, which is, of course, an important argument. You will certainly spend more time, but later you can be proud of the fact that you did everything yourself. Speaking of total costs, compared to other standard materials, the carriage is undoubtedly the leader in terms of convenience and economy, and is also not inferior in terms of external data.

The advantages of the gun carriage as a building material

So, we figured out the concept of a gun carriage. What it is, we learned, and also studied the technology of its manufacture. Now you can consider the immediate advantages of this material in construction.

In general, the carriage reviews are quite positive. Let us consider in more detail all the advantages of this building material.

  • Warm

One of the main advantages of carriage houses is the level of thermal insulation. The wall of the house with a thickness of 20 centimeters will protect from the cold no worse than a 30-centimeter round frame. Accordingly, this house will be warm and cozy, and the most dense and durable connection of logs will provide reliable protection against cracks.

  • Simplicity

Since the walls of a house built from a gun carriage are smooth and flat, you do not have to additionally sheathe them from the inside with clapboard or other material, which significantly saves time and money required for construction.

  • Living space

Providing spaciousness and immediate living space is a significant factor influencing the choice of material. What are the advantages of the carriage in this case? Due to the fact that the walls of such a house are flat, the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house increases significantly, in comparison with round logs. At the same time, such walls allow you to easily lay wiring, sewerage, water supply, gas, and so on.

  • Reliability

In practice, it has been proven that houses from a gun carriage are practically not amenable to deformation, since a special fixation system connects the logs virtually tightly.

  • Design

What is important for a residential building is its beauty. Simplicity combined with picturesqueness and charm will not leave indifferent true connoisseurs of beauty.

  • Environmental friendliness

If you really decide to completely immerse yourself in nature, breathe fresh air and surround yourself and your family with only the purest and most natural materials, a gun carriage house is perfect for you. After all, wood is a natural material that can provide comfort. The walls of such a house will not cause allergic and other negative reactions.

Material disadvantages

The only drawback of fire monitors, like any other wooden buildings, is that in the process of heating the house, walls erected from a material of natural moisture can crack. But this problem is easily solved if a dry carriage is used to build such a dwelling.


After analyzing the manufacturing technology, as well as weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of fire monitors, the decision, of course, is made by everyone on their own. However, remember that in modern life, filled with stone buildings and city smog, something natural and natural is so lacking.

Perhaps it's time to think about building a cozy country house that will warm your whole family and fill your life with the magical aromas of nature.

I was prompted to open this topic by one of the people with whom I talked on YouTube. This work, of course, is not easy, but I don’t think it’s too tricky either, the main thing is to be able to work with a saw, and most of all with your head. The only disadvantage of this procedure, if you do not do it yourself, is the price 🙂 But I think there are plenty of pluses:

1. Less dust accumulates on the walls than a regular round log, which means less and less frequent cleaning of the walls. I think this is the most powerful argument!

2. The circulation of air will be closer to the grooves and corners, so that the grooves and corners dry out better. This is true in winter, when condensate settles in the coldest places, and this, together with windows and doors, will just have corners and grooves. From the condensate, which is not able to dry quickly, the tree just deteriorates. For this reason, the first thing to deteriorate in a log house is the mortgage crown (first), as well as corners and grooves, especially if there are holes. Well, so that these places where there is an opportunity for the passage of air were not or were at a minimum, this is what a caulk is needed for.

3. More convenient for arranging furniture. Of course, I do not advise you to put it butt against street walls, because. from this there can be a lot of unpleasant things, or rather, mold will begin to appear due to lack of ventilation. In the summer, of course, it doesn’t matter, but if you have permanent residence, then you will immediately notice it as soon as the cold weather comes. The so-called "dew point" is to blame. Even under a carpet hanging on the wall, there will be condensation, as a result of which mold will appear.

4. Not so significant, but still - the living area is increasing

Of course, the easiest way to make a cut is when chopping. Someone does it even before the log is laid in place (drawn), and we often do it after, it’s just that it’s more convenient for someone - there is not much difference. There is no video yet, so I'll just show some photos.

And here is what the walls look like in an already assembled frame

To make it not worse, the main thing is how to accurately set the plane (even on a round log, mark the place where the cut will take place), and of course, try to keep the saw “in a plumb line” (hold the vertical). I met on the Internet, where people cut through a log by sawing a plane horizontally, but in this way it is much more difficult and longer to do this work. Well, I think there is no difference - the main thing is that it works and does not affect the quality of the work.

So far there is no video specifically about cutting walls, but there is an old one about how to cut a log into a carriage to use it as beams

In order to understand how well or poorly this work was done, I took from the local timber brought by the client, the really first timber that came across and put it next to it. Compare and evaluate

So on the log, or rather on its ends, the vertical level lines were not even outlined, but since there is the ability and understanding of how to hold the saw, the cutting plane is still made, one might say, exactly on the level.

Carriage is one of the types of lumber that is used to build houses. In this article, we will talk about what a carriage is, how it differs from a bar or a log, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of houses made of this material.

What is a carriage

Initially, a log was called a gun carriage, from which a “croaker” was cut off from two parallel sides - the bark and part of the trunk. The result was a material that was much more convenient to work with than an ordinary log, because the same width of the gun carriages made it possible to make even walls out of them. Gradually, not only trimmed logs, but also some types of profiled timber, assembled into a “Norwegian castle”, a special type of connection, in which a hole of complex shape is cut out in the upper and lower timber, began to be called a gun carriage. The Norwegian castle is a further development of log cabin laying, but adapted to new materials, so all the best solutions are used in it, such as joining in oblo and okhryad, in addition, fixation with the help of such a lock increases as it shrinks.

The connection in the oblo (from the Old Slavonic “obly”, that is, round) involves cutting or cutting a bowl in the upper log, the size and shape of which correspond to the lower log. Thus, each upper crown keeps the crown below it from spreading. The okhryap connection provides for the creation of identical, but rotated by 90 ° locks in the upper and lower beams. The width of the castle is equal to half the diameter of the log, and the depth is equal to a quarter of the diameter.

Pros and cons of houses from a gun carriage

In most cases, the carriage is made from a log of natural or high humidity, so the material itself is cheaper than any type of timber, with the exception of a double one. Read about what a double beam is in the article (Houses from a double beam - features of construction technology). Due to the fact that the carriage has a high humidity, after the start of shrinkage, the saw cut begins to cover cracks, which are a hallmark of houses made of logs or timber of natural moisture. If, under the name of a carriage, you are offered a profiled beam with a connection to a Norwegian castle, then the cracks on it will look very ugly and even alien, so it is difficult to call such a beam a carriage. However, many companies call the profiled timber of various moisture content collected in the Norwegian castle a gun carriage, so we will stick to this so as not to cause confusion.

Compared to a log, a carriage, like all types of timber, is less resistant to rot and mold, because a layer of sapwood is cut from its ends, which is highly resistant to these damaging factors. Therefore, the carriage requires more serious protective and aseptic processing than a cleaned or unbarked log. But the main advantage of the carriage is the Norwegian castle, which has one unique quality. The stronger the wood dries out, the denser the lock connection.

Because of this, carriage houses, such as in the photo, are very popular, despite the fact that the Norwegian castle is very difficult to make and requires great skill. A house assembled into a Norwegian castle is much stronger than any other wooden structure that has to be reinforced with dowels. Therefore, the number of dowels that go into making a house from a gun carriage is always less than it goes into a log house from a log or sawn timber.

The price of building a house from a gun carriage (photo projects)

The cost of building any wooden house consists of the cost:

  • lumber preparation;
  • cutting locks;
  • delivery and storage;
  • installation.

Preparation of lumber for a real gun carriage is inexpensive, because it is enough to cut the log on both sides to ensure the same thickness and remove the bark. A carriage in the form of a bar is a little more expensive. These materials do not need to dry well, because the Norwegian lock compensates for the effect of shrinkage. A decorative carriage in the form of a profiled beam will cost much more, because it will have to be dried to a moisture content of 12–14%, otherwise the cracks will spoil the appearance of the house (see photo). Therefore, the cost of preparing materials depends on which carriage you are interested in.

Cutting locks, if carried out on the spot, is very expensive, because the Norwegian lock, in terms of complexity of execution, surpasses any other connections, including such as "paw" and "dovetail". If the house kit is prepared at the enterprise, then in the conditions of a woodworking shop there is no difference in the complexity of the castle. Modern equipment can easily cut a lock of any shape, complexity and size. Therefore, the cost of cutting locks directly depends on where this operation will be performed.

The cost of carriage delivery does not differ from the price of the same operation for any other type of timber, but storage is cheaper, because the carriage is not afraid of dampness, unlike profiled or glued timber. Therefore, the delivery and storage of a gun carriage is comparable in terms of costs to a log or sawn timber of natural moisture.

The cost of installation directly depends on where the locks will be cut. If the assembly is carried out using a ready-made house kit, then highly qualified workers are not required for this, which means that the operation will cost much less. If the house is assembled from sawn timber or logs, which are processed on site, then the services of a specialist who can independently mark and cut the Norwegian castle are very expensive due to the high complexity of the work.

Carriage, beam or log?

A carriage house has no serious advantages or disadvantages compared to houses made of logs or sawn logs of natural moisture. In appearance, it is inferior to a house made of double, profiled or glued beams, although someone, on the contrary, likes “antique” cracks. Therefore, a house from a carriage is chosen by those who are not embarrassed by its shortcomings and are satisfied with the low price when using a house kit. If you have to make a gun carriage or cut the locks on the spot, then the house from the gun carriage loses its main advantage - a low price.

It is well known that Russia has long been famous for the strength of the traditions of wooden housing construction, but this is not the only state where historically preference was given to wooden buildings. For example, the traditions of Norway, where their own technology for building wooden houses from double-edged timber was invented, are in no way inferior to Russian technologies, and even surpass them in a number of parameters. This becomes particularly noticeable when combined with a double-edged beam, also called a gun carriage, and a special "Norwegian lock" - a special smooth corner wedge-shaped joint that seals over time and prevents the penetration of wind and water. Thus, having carefully studied this technology, the experts came to the conclusion that with an increase in the shrinkage of the log house, the strength and reliability of fastening increase. Initially, the carriage is considered not only a log, but also a special style of hand-cutting, which has developed in ancient times in Scandinavia and still remains one of the most beloved in Norway, Finland and Sweden. Initially, the construction of houses from a gun carriage was developed as a means of reducing the cost of a log house without compromising the thickness of the log and, as a result, the warmth of the house. The solution was so simple and, at the same time, original that it was soon borrowed by neighboring countries, and then completely spread throughout the world. Its essence was that the pine log was cut off on both sides, and the resulting cut was used to equip the roof and floors. The purpose of this decision was to use the entire array in the process of work and to refuse additional materials, since the manufacture of the truss structure and internal partitions was also carried out from the gun carriage. In this article, we will consider the main advantages and technology of building houses from gun carriages - the most advantageous Norwegian alternative to traditional Russian round log buildings.

Carriage houses - a technology that has been proven for centuries

Everything new is a well-forgotten old, and the construction of wooden houses is no exception. Despite the fact that the history of this technology has more than one hundred years, this trend, forgotten for several hundred years, is on the verge of its “second youth”. Industrial development contributes to the fact that many well-known technologies are used in the construction of wooden houses, including profiled timber, rounded logs, and frame construction. However, none of them can be described as "tested for centuries." As for technologies that have been proven over the centuries, one of them is the technology of building one-story houses from a gun carriage.

A carriage, also called a double-edged beam, is a log processed by hand cutting so that it acquires a semi-oval shape in which two mutually parallel planes intersect. In other words, the technology of processing logs in this way involves obtaining logs cut from both sides so that it acquires two flat surfaces. For the manufacture of the gun carriage, cedar or pine logs are used.

Carriage Humidity Levels: Dry and Wet Cart

The construction technology of Norwegian houses involves the use of both wet and dry gun carriages, but the latter is the most optimal material. Houses built from dry gun carriages are characterized by reliability, high strength and the absence of through cracks, which makes it possible to build an environmentally friendly house that will retain heat even on the coasts blown by cold winds, which was a habitual habitat for freedom-loving Vikings choosing houses from a gun carriage. Despite the impressive thickness and weight of the carriage, it can easily be dried in specialized drying chambers, where they acquire an optimal moisture content that does not exceed 18-22%.

A wet gun carriage, whose humidity index is 35-55%, can also be used to build Norwegian houses from a gun carriage, however, they must undergo long-term natural drying and shrinkage, which postpones the commissioning of the building for some time. In most cases, these processes take place within one to two years. In order to convince you for sure of the advisability of using a dry gun, consider its main advantages.

Advantages of a dry gun:

  • In the process of comparing the terms of shrinkage of houses built from a dry and wet gun carriage, experts came to the conclusion that the natural shrinkage of houses built from a gun carriage characterized by high humidity takes three times longer;
  • If, before building a house, the material used is dried in specialized drying chambers, the number of cracks that appear during operation is significantly minimized in it;
  • The wood of a dry carriage, in contrast to the wet material, is characterized by a higher quality. This is due to the fact that all potentially harmful microorganisms, including mold and bacteria, die during the heat treatment. This significantly improves the quality of the material;
  • To build houses from a carriage beam, it will take half the time than when building a building from a wet carriage.
  • As for the disadvantages of a dry carriage, its only disadvantage is its high cost compared to wet material.

Houses from a gun carriage photo

Important! During the operation of the log house from the gun carriage, the level of moisture content of the wood is regulated. This parameter does not depend on weather conditions and reflects the processes of self-regulation and stabilization of the humidity level.

Log houses are a classic Scandinavian wooden building. Carriage is a special material representing a log, which is characterized by the presence of hewn side surfaces, the so-called cheeks. Despite the fact that gun carriage houses retain all the advantages of a classic log house made of round logs, it will be almost flat from the outside and inside. This ensures a tighter fit of the logs to each other and increases the thermal insulation characteristics of the building.

Chamber drying of the gun carriage: pros and cons

Forced drying is one of the main components of the woodworking industry. It is equally often used for both boards and timber, however, drying roundwood is a much more complicated process (in most cases this applies to wood with a diameter of 28-30 cm). The most common version of chamber dryers are convection-type designs, a significant drawback of which is the deformation of the log and the appearance of cracks. Despite the continuous development of innovative forest drying technologies, such as microwave drying, vacuum impulse drying, and others, it is still one of the most difficult tasks.

However, if we talk about a half-beam - a carriage used in the construction of houses using Norwegian technology, in this case the situation is different. Due to the fact that it is characterized by a smaller diameter, it is easy to dry. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to dry it to a furniture moisture content not exceeding 8%, since this is quite expensive and impractical. It will be enough to dry the gun carriage up to 18-22%. Upon reaching the specified moisture level, most of the bound and almost all free moisture is removed from the wood. Despite the fact that drying the gun carriage is quite an affordable process, it is much more laborious than drying the board. This is due to the characteristics of the material, which do not allow the use of a hard drying mode, as this will lead to cracking of the wood. When using a too soft mode, a different picture will be observed - upon exiting the drying chamber, the moisture content of the wood will remain at a high level. A feature of drying, which will lead to optimal humidity of the gun carriage, is the short stay of the material in the drying chamber, which leads to the drying of the surface layers of the wood, while the core remains still wet. The use of wood of natural moisture is an essential condition for the technology of building houses from a gun carriage, since the drying of the material occurs directly in the log house.

Important! The ideal building material for the construction of houses using Norwegian technology is the northern forest, which provides the maximum thermal insulation characteristics of the building. In Russia, Karelian and Arkhangelsk wood, as well as wood from other northern regions characterized by cold, long winters, are considered such material. Wood from Finland is no less in demand.

Projects of Norwegian houses from a gun carriage

Design features of houses from a gun carriage

A distinctive feature of the Norwegian log house is a specific method of attaching logs, which is called the "Norwegian castle". The relatively small spread of this technique is due to the fact that the technological features of this method are difficult to describe in words, as well as to learn this from books. In order for this connection to meet all the requirements for it, it is necessary to make a long and careful adjustment of structural elements. What is the reason for this complication of cutting? According to experts, it pursues five main goals, the essence of which will be described below.

Due to the fact that this method involves a greater number of cut corners, this indicates its high reliability;

  • Between two adjacent structural elements, the contact area increases, and, accordingly, the friction force also increases;
  • This technique involves beveling the corner, which determines the effect of gravitational force on structural elements. This contributes to the distribution of the load inside the ligament, due to which it is strengthened and compacted. In this regard, we can draw conclusions about the direction of the load on strengthening the connection between the crowns;
  • Due to the fact that this technology provides for the rejection of foreign fasteners, there are no points of excess stress, which contributes to an even distribution of the load through the tree, which is characterized by relative softness;
  • This method of fastening is characterized by the presence of a multi-plane interface and stepped differences that contribute to blocking or, at least, a significant reduction in drafts.

After analyzing these data, we can conclude that such a multidisciplinary approach to the construction of houses using the “Norwegian castle” method can be fully explained by the operational characteristics of the building, which can be built by skillfully combining reason and technology.

Advantages of wooden houses from a gun carriage

The high heat-insulating characteristics of the carriage determine its competitive relationship with glued beams. At the same time, despite the use of even imported material, it costs almost two times cheaper. In addition, the environmental characteristics of a building built from glued beams are in many ways inferior to those of Norwegian houses from a gun carriage. Consider the main advantages of one-story houses from a gun carriage, thanks to which they have become popular in Russia.

  • Thermal insulation characteristics- one of the main advantages of Norwegian log cabins, the assembly technology of which involves reducing heat loss. This is due to the peculiarities of the material (the use of a round log with a diameter of 28 to 60 cm), which helps to reduce the number of crowns per unit height of the structure, the number of which does not exceed 8-12 for one floor. Moreover, unlike the traditional Russian log house, which is characterized by a decrease in wall thickness at the joints of the logs, the Norwegian log house is characterized by a uniform wall thickness of at least 20 cm.

Important! If we talk about the thermal insulation characteristics of a house with brick walls, its thermal conductivity is not able to argue with this indicator for a tree. For example, the thermal conductivity of perforated brick is 0.63 W/mK, while the thermal conductivity of wood does not exceed 0.15 W/mK. Thus, if we compare a brick house with a wall thickness of 1 meter and a Norwegian log house with a wall thickness of 20-25 cm, they will be characterized by the same thermal conductivity;

  • Availability of additional living space, which appears due to the hewn part of the logs, acquiring a flat surface. Moreover, the increase in the internal volume of the building is facilitated by the small diameter of the gun carriage - no more than 20 cm. This favorably distinguishes the houses from the gun carriage, the projects of which are presented in this article, from the bulky log walls that steal a significant amount of living space. At the same time, in terms of thermal protection, a 20-cm carriage is not inferior to 30-cm log walls made of round logs;
  • Features of assembling houses from a gun carriage require careful selection of building materials, which undergoes multi-stage processing, combining the use of the most modern equipment and manual labor. If the cutting of the side surfaces of the logs is carried out at the sawmill, then it is planed only by hand. This guarantees the provision the most even and smooth wall surfaces, which greatly simplifies and minimizes interior decoration;
  • A complex system of connecting crowns ensures the absolute resistance of houses from a gun carriage to deformation. Features of the "Norwegian castle" provide reliable fixation of logs in the nests, so that they do not change their position. In addition, due to the unique design of the "Norwegian castle", the shrinkage of the structure and the shrinkage of wood contribute to even greater self-jamming of the crowns of the log house under its own weight. This system guarantees the absolute absence of gaps and 100% thermal protection;

  • Long service life of the building ensured by the design features of the building. The roof and walls of the house from the carriage are a single whole, that is, the wall is a continuation of the roof, which is so dense that it allows you to securely fasten the walls of the building;
  • High aesthetic characteristics. The carriage is recognized as an ideal material for those who are a true connoisseur of the beauty and environmental friendliness of natural wood. Carriage structures are characterized by an ideal appearance and are rightfully considered the pride of their owner. Due to the fact that Norwegian houses look solid and reliable, they enjoy growing popularity among consumers everywhere. At the same time, the owner of the house from the gun carriage may not worry that the building will lose its thermal insulation characteristics;
  • Savings on building and finishing materials- another advantage of the houses from the gun carriage. Unlike a log house, fewer elements are needed to build a reliable log house. Moreover, the construction of the gun carriage allows you to refuse additional insulation and sound insulation, since they are obviously at a high level. No need for external and internal wall decoration with clapboard or block-house, which also helps to reduce construction costs.

Important! One of the interesting varieties of carriage buildings are houses made of half carriage - logs that are hemmed only on one side (the inside of the building). The use of such material will not only facilitate the process of finishing the house, but also allow you to create an original interior of the home. The external appearance of the building will resemble a traditional log house, while the hewn internal surface of the logs will expand the usable living space, which makes such a structure twice as profitable.

How to build a house from a gun carriage: assembly features

After reviewing the projects of Norwegian carriage houses and evaluating the size of the construction budget, you can safely proceed to the process of building a house. In the process of erecting such buildings, northern pine is used - an affordable and relatively inexpensive building material. If the trunk diameter is 28-36 cm, then after processing the diameter of the finished material will be 21-22 cm.

Important! As for pre-processing, it includes the following steps:

  • Manufacture of a gun carriage using specialized equipment;
  • Log cutting followed by marking on it, which should be carried out only by an experienced craftsman, since the quality of the log connection and the subsequent performance of the building depend on its correctness.

The next stages of work:

  • After marking the log with a line, which is performed by a carpenter using special tools, it is necessary to cut out a lock - a Norwegian bowl. This stage of work is quite complex and subtle and should be carried out with some experience;
  • Using a line, a longitudinal groove is marked, which is selected using an adze - an ax characterized by a special shape;
  • Next, grind the notches, which is necessary in order to ensure maximum density and smoothness of the joints;
  • The final stage in the preparation of building material is its treatment with an antiseptic. To do this, use specialized compounds that have antiseptic characteristics and prevent the decay of wood and the appearance of mold spots on it.
  • Having prepared the material, proceed to the construction of the building. The basis of the structure is the foundation of the tape type, which is a monolithic concrete base. Before proceeding with the assembly of the house, a waterproofing layer is laid on the foundation to prevent damage to the lower rims.
  • After that, the assembly of the building is carried out, which takes a long time, as it requires the most durable fitting of parts, which guarantees an accurate connection of the elements of the house. In the door and window openings, a groove is selected, the width of which is 50 mm, which must be inserted into the guide beam, which is the basis for fastening the window frames and the door block. This contributes to the safety of doors and windows during the shrinkage of the log house - after that they will "stand" in place, dry completely and will be tightly pressed to the logs, which guarantees the absence of cracks.

  • In order to carry out the installation of the ceiling, wooden beams are used, characterized by a section size of 150x200 mm. To give the interior of the house an original appearance, in most cases the ceiling is left open.

  • As for the decoration of the Norwegian house from the gun carriage, it can be carried out using various stylistic solutions. In most cases, masters recommend giving preference to the classic version, which involves treating the walls with translucent protective compounds that preserve their natural beauty. The use of various tints is also welcome, since the treatment with various paints and varnishes will not only increase the degree of protection of the building, but also make it as attractive as possible.

In conclusion, we note that gun carriage houses are one of the most reliable construction options, which will be the best choice in regions with a cold climate. The unique technology of connecting logs allows you to build reliable buildings, the service life of which exceeds tens and hundreds of years. The growing popularity of such houses in Norway and the northern regions of Russia once again proves this.

For the construction of baths, different materials are used, the most popular option is considered. And for the purchase of ready-made baths they often choose. But there is another option that came to us from the Scandinavian countries - this is a gun carriage. Despite the fact that the popularity of this material is increasing every year, many are still unfamiliar with it, although the carriage has many advantages.

Features of a bath from a gun carriage, advantages and disadvantages

A carriage is a log hewn on both sides. Its vertical walls are even and straight, often such material is called a "double beam" or "half beam". The Norwegians were the first to use such material, they also came up with an original locking joint that provides high structural strength and a good level of heat retention.

The lower part of the log is fitted closely to the dimensions of the adjacent one, so the walls are obtained without gaps. During the construction of the logs, the wedge is connected by a wedge, such a mount is called the "Norwegian castle".

Baths from a gun carriage: advantages

  • environmental friendliness. Wood is a classic and safe material that helps to create a special microclimate in the bath; it does not contain dangerous chemical components and adhesive components;
  • high strength, because the "Norwegian lock" fastening is used. There will be no deformation during the drying process;
  • aesthetics. A bath from a gun carriage looks attractive and neat even without external decoration;
  • a good level of heat retention, because the logs fit snugly against each other, without unnecessary gaps. In addition, the logs have a large diameter (300-450 mm), so there are fewer gaps than when building a bath from other materials;
  • no need for external and internal finishing;
  • efficiency, the cost of construction is reduced, because less heat-insulating material is needed;
  • baths from a gun carriage are more spacious inside compared to buildings made of rounded logs with the same external parameters;
  • light weight of the structure, so you do not need to build a powerful foundation.

Baths from a gun carriage: disadvantages

  • the need to treat wood with an antiseptic. The logs are hewn and their cores are exposed, so there is a high risk of rotting, special tools will help prevent this process;
  • the price of building from a carriage will be more than building a bathhouse from a log or timber;
  • the appearance of cracks in the logs. Over time, the structure of the gun carriage is destroyed, but there is nothing to worry about, because the cracks are not through.

If we compare the complexity of erecting a structure, then it is easier to build baths from a bar. The main problem of the baths from the gun carriage is the implementation of the castle connection. A simple solution would be to buy ready-made structures. Many companies offer carriages with locks already fitted to the size, you just have to assemble the bath.

Do-it-yourself bathhouse from a gun carriage: construction features

If we talk about the construction of a bathhouse from a gun carriage, then, in fact, it practically does not differ from the construction of a rounded log or timber: the foundation is erected in the same way, etc. The main difference lies in the construction of walls.

Pine, oak or cedar are used for construction. The diameter of the logs can be different: from 280 mm to 600 mm or more. In order to prevent the appearance of cracks on the logs, longitudinal cuts are made even during drying. Shrinkage is about 5-15 cm.

The corner connection of logs is similar to the Russian version of fastening, when the ends protrude along the edges, and the beams are fastened with the help of a “bowl”. But if in the Russian bath the bowl has a semicircular shape, then the Norwegian lock has a secret wedge that enters the groove of the lower crown.

The difference is that in the Russian bath, a heater is placed in the groove, in the Norwegian version, a hidden spike eliminates this need and reliably protects against moisture and wind.

The first crown should be placed on embedded boards 6 cm thick. The log house is first assembled without dowels, after which it is necessary to check its quality and correct the shortcomings, only then can a major assembly be carried out.

Particular attention should be paid to the issue of bath ventilation. Usually, in wooden buildings, air circulation is carried out due to the gaps between individual logs, but when building from a gun carriage, there are no gaps, so small holes should be made under the roof - air ducts.
