Cmd internet commands. All Windows command line commands in one place

Using Windows CMD commands you can launch system utilities much faster than doing this in the usual way.

And, although not everyone understands the meaning of this text interface, considering it outdated, in fact the tool is quite useful.

And not only for professionals, but also for ordinary users.

Although to run most commands (cmd) you should be running as administrator.


The need to use the command line

The cmd line, which is a standard platform tool, is no different in different versions operating systems - in the seventh, and in the eighth, and in the tenth, and even in XP.

And all teams work the same way in each of them.

The advantage of using a line is that it speeds up the work - sometimes entering the desired command is much faster than searching for the corresponding file in the system folders.

Moreover, to speed up work with CMD, a link to it can be displayed on the desktop - or even on the Quick Launch panel.

The disadvantages of the interface are:

  • manual command entry from the keyboard;
  • the need to run CMD as an administrator (most commands will not run otherwise);
  • a fairly large list of commands that are difficult to remember.

Externally, the command line is largely reminiscent of the DOS system interface. And, although it allows you to solve many more problems, .

For example, “format”, “cd” and “dir”, necessary for working with folders and drives.

Working with the interface

Before you start working with the command line, you must first launch it. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Open the “Run” menu (pressing Win + R simultaneously) and enter the cmd.exe command;
  2. Go to the Windows folder on the system drive, open the System32 directory and run the file called cmd.exe. You can simplify the task by creating a shortcut that launches the same application and install it on the desktop;
  3. Open the "Start" menu, go to the "All Programs" section, then to the "Accessories" subsection and find the command line.

You should know: After the first launch through the Start menu, CMD appears at the top of it - in the list of most frequently launched applications and utilities. And you can open a line while working in any application (even in a game), just by pressing the Win button on the keyboard.

Standard view The command line is a black window with white text. If this option does not suit the user, he can change the colors depending on his preferences.

To do this, right-click on the top of the window and go to CMD properties.

In the window that opens, you can select the location of the line, the colors of the text or window, and even the font sizes.

Here you can expand the interface to almost the entire screen, increasing the level of convenience of working with it.

Rice. 2. Change command line settings

Commands to help you work with CMD

They help make using the command line even easier - although they are not the same as the usual Windows shortcuts.

Instead of pressing standard sets Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V , copying and pasting text is done as follows:

  1. Right-click on the selected line in the open CMD window;
  2. Select “Mark”;
  3. Select text using the left button;
  4. Right click again. After this, all information ends up in the operating system's clipboard.

In order to paste the copied information, press the same right button and select “Paste”.

You can simplify data copying by checking the box "Mouse selection" in command line properties.

After this, the text can be immediately selected with the left button. If you uncheck the quick paste box, the data is inserted on top of already written commands.

List of hotkeys

When working with the command line, use the following “hot keys”:

  • The up and down arrows allow you to move the cursor around the window, including commands that have already been entered;
  • Home and End move the cursor to the beginning and end of the line, respectively;
  • the left and right arrows together with the Ctrl key pressed simultaneously allow you to move the cursor in a given direction by an entire word;
  • Insert , as in any text editor, switches the modes of inserting text with a shift to the right and overwriting over written data;
  • Esc deletes the selected information;
  • F1 allows you to enter the last recorded command one character at a time;
  • F5 prints the previous command;
  • F7 lists the last few entries. By default, their number is 50.

Basic Commands

The list of basic commands that most users need is relatively small and consists of commands that perform the following actions:

  • work with catalogs;
  • provide statistics on the operation of various applications, the network and the operating system as a whole;
  • restore driver functionality;
  • turn off the computer.

Using the command line, you can even format a disk (including the system disk, which cannot be formatted by any other means) and even stop the process.

Also, using CMD, the user gets access to the registry editor and the system configuration window much faster.

Working with catalogs

The main command for working with directories is dir. With its help you can check the contents of an open directory.

And if you need to open another folder, you should additionally specify the path to it. For example, select “dir C:\” or “dir D:\”.

Rice. 3. Checking the contents of logical drive C.

The second command for working with directories is cd. With its help you can go to any selected folder.

For example, by writing “cd C:\Windows” on the command line, go to the system directory.

To open a folder on a disk that is already selected, issue a command like “cd /D D:\”.

Rice. 4. Transition from local disk C to drive D.

The mkdir command creates a new folder. And the parameter that is set after it determines the name of the directory.

So, after entering “mkdir D:\New_Folder”, the corresponding directory appears on drive D.

If the user specifies several directories in the list at once (for example, “E:\New\Games\Fallout_3”), an entire tree of folders can be created.

Rice. 5. Create a new folder from the command line.

Running the rmdir command allows you to delete a directory by specifying its full path. For example, by writing "rmdir D:\New_Folder" you can erase the newly created folder.

Although, if there are other files inside the directory, a message appears on the screen indicating that it is not empty.

  • shutdown /s simply stops the operating system, closing all unfinished processes;
  • When you select the shutdown /s /t 3600 command, the timer will be set to exactly one hour. If you need to set any other time, the corresponding number of seconds is written instead of 3600;

Rice. 7. Enable automatic shutdown of the system.

  • To cancel an already set timer, enter the shutdown /a command.

Rice. 8. Cancel shutdown.

The commands work the same on any operating system. The only difference is in the inscriptions that appear.

Rice. 11. A utility that checks network operation.

The Netstat application shows information about active connections and statistics for various network protocols.

When you run the command without specifying specific parameters, only TCP connections are displayed.

Rice. 12. Checking active TCP connections.

The tasklist command displays a list of all processes running on the system. With its help, you can familiarize yourself with the data received from.

Although, if additional parameters are not specified, information is displayed only about the current device.

The ipconfig utility displays information about the IP address and .

Along with the command, additional parameters are used - for example, /all, which allows you to obtain information about each of the adapters.

Rice. 13. Obtaining information about network connections.

Often, inexperienced users perceive the Windows command line as something completely unnecessary and outdated. Thinking like this is a big mistake. The value of the command line or otherwise the CMD console is difficult to overestimate even after it has lost most their commands available in MSDOS. The advantage of the command line lies, first of all, in providing direct access to its hidden capabilities; in addition, the CMD console has several useful built-in utilities designed for working with software and hardware components of the computer.

Being a command line ace is not at all necessary, however, there are commands that every self-respecting Windows user should know. Here they are.


Most user files in operating systems are associated with certain programs, which handles them by default. This connection is called an association. To view it, there is just the assoc command. When executed, a list of extension and file type associations is displayed. The assoc command also allows .

For example, the command assoc .html = txtfile for files with the HTML extension sets the file type to txtfile (text). If you need to find out which program opens files with this extension, use the ftype txtfile command.


This command is intended to encrypt and decrypt data on drives with the NTFS file system, but it can just as well be used to clear free disk space. It's very easy to use. If you need to be guaranteed to remove the remains of all previously deleted files on drive D, run the command cipher /w:D in the console.


A useful command that allows you to view a list of all drivers installed in the operating system. When a command is executed without parameters, the data is output as a sorted list. The “Module” column contains driver names without extension, the “Name” column includes short description driver, “Driver Type” - accordingly the type, “Reference Date” indicates the date of installation or last modification of the driver.

FC (File Compare)

The FC command is useful mainly for coders; it can also be used by those users who have to work with text files. This command allows you to compare the contents of two files, looking for inconsistencies between them. Let's say you have two files file1.docx and file2.docx and you want to compare them. Run the following command in the console:

fc /U “D:file1.docx” “D:file2.docx”

In this example, we compared two simple text documents. The command line interpreter found a discrepancy in one of the sentences and pointed to the specific location. The FC command also allows you to compare binary files, Unicode files, determine the number of inconsistencies, etc. If the compared files are identical, a corresponding message will be displayed when the FC command is executed.


A useful command that allows you to determine the current TCP/IP protocol settings or simply the IP address. However, it only shows the internal IP address; if you use a router and want to find out the IP with which you access the global Network, it is better to turn to special online services like


This command lists all current Internet connections. It is mainly used by administrators to display TCP and UDP connections, listening ports, routing tables and statistics for various protocols. It can also be used to search for traces left by viruses and other malicious objects. Running without parameters, the Netstat command displays the connection type, local address, foreign address, and current status.


Like Netstat, the ping command is used primarily by system administrators. It is used to diagnose computer networks. With its help, you can determine the availability of certain resources. Let's say you need to check the availability of Google. Since Google's DNS server has the address, you need to run the ping command in the CMD console.

The digital IP address can also be replaced with a text URL - ping If the node is unavailable, the message “waiting limit exceeded” will be displayed, and the number of losses will be 100 percent.


Another “network” command designed for network diagnostics (tracing). The command allows you to obtain a chain of nodes through which an IP packet addressed to the end node passes. Used by system administrators to identify a problem that is preventing packets from being delivered to an end node. An example of using the command is tracing to a Google node: tracert


This command works in much the same way as tracert, but unlike the latter it is more functional. The command performs a trace plus sending queries to intermediate nodes on the route to collect information about delays and packet losses at each of them.


A powerful command line utility designed to manage Windows power settings. Executed only with parameters. The Powercfg command executed with the /Q switch displays the current configuration of the power supply scheme, with the /a switch it displays a report on the use of electricity in laptops, with the –energy switch it generates a detailed text log about the state of computer components, including rechargeable batteries. Also the Powercfg command can be used to create backup copies power settings and deploying them on new equipment.


This command is used to log off the user's session, shut down, restart, and hibernate the computer. Supports remote control. Shudown is always performed with parameters. For example, a command like shutdown /s /t 0 will shut down open applications and immediately shut down the computer. You can view the list of available keys by running shutdown /? in the console.

Sfc (System File Checker)

One of the most useful and necessary commands. Designed to detect and restore damaged or modified system Windows files. Restoration is performed from backup copies created by the operating system itself. To run a system scan followed by file recovery, run the sfc command with the /scannow parameter. Once the scan is complete, you will need to restart your computer. You need to run this command in a console running as an administrator.


The Tasklist command does the same job as the Task Manager. Executed without parameters, it displays a list of all running processes running on local or remote computer. At the same time, for each process its name, identifier (PID), session name, session number and allocated volume are displayed random access memory. The Tasklist command supports the use of keys and filters. For example, Tasklist /SVC displays a list of processes along with services for each process individually.


If Tasklist simply displays a list of running processes, then Taskkill terminates them in force mode. True, for this you will need to know the identifier of the process being terminated or the name of the executable file. Let's say you need to force close Notepad. First, run the Tasklist command and look at the PID of the notepad.exe process. In our case, it has a value of 2580. Knowing the PID of the process, you can easily “kill” it. The command itself will look like this: Taskkill /PID 2580. The command Taskkill /IM notepad.exe will work in approximately the same way, only in this example all instances of the notepad.exe process will be terminated.

Bottom line

That's all for now. There are other useful CMD commands that users would like to become familiar with, but we will talk about them next time. These include, in particular, Diskpart - a powerful disk and partition management tool that is not inferior in capabilities to commercial software products such as Acronis Disk Director.

Does it make sense to learn the command line professionally? Unlikely, unless you are planning to become a programmer or system administrator.

However, those wishing to master the CMD console would also do well to pay attention to its advanced analogue - the built-in PowerShell utility.

I recently grew from a fierce nerd in a very large company to a modest system administrator overseeing a network of 10 PCs. And, like a very lazy system administrator, I was faced with the task of automating my activities. Six months ago, I didn’t yet know that there were pipelines in the Windows command line. This was the first shocking discovery. And I went further, and it turned out that where I had previously written utilities in C#, Delphi or cumbersome scripts with nested loops, I could get by with a couple of forfiles or robocopy commands.
I won’t talk about banalities, such as listing files and folders using the Tab key. Under the hack I’ll tell you about what can be useful for novice admins and enikeys.

Let's start with hotkeys, because first we need to explore what the work environment can give us.

F1- In the console, this key works exactly like the right arrow, i.e. displays one character at a time from the last command entered (or selected in the history).
F2+<символ> - Prints the last command entered up to the specified character. For example, if the last command you entered looked like this:
then after pressing the key combination F2+5 You'll get:
ping 192.168.2
F3- Displays the last, and only the last, command in its entirety.
F5- Displays the last commands entered in order, just like the up arrow.
F6- Inserts the EOF character at the current command line position, which is the same as pressing Ctrl + Z.
F7- A dialog box containing the command history.

Alt+F7- Clears command history.
<символ(ы)>+F8- Iterates through commands that begin with characters already entered into the command line.
If before pressing F8 do not enter anything, then this key will work like the up arrow, but with a slight difference - the lines will be cycled through, i.e. after the first command from the list, the last one will be displayed.
F9+<число> - Inserts a command from history under the corresponding number. For example, in the situation shown in the screenshot above, when you press the combination F9+4 the following will appear in the console:

Command Line Operators
A long time ago, when I was little, I couldn’t even imagine how you could work in a console without a graphical interface. After all, the output of commands sometimes takes dozens of pages, and if you need to select some data from there, then page-by-page output will not save you. But one day I installed FreeBSD on my old computer, opened the handbook and was simply dizzy with the possibilities that opened up. There you can redirect the output of a command to the input of another command and this is called a pipeline.

The pipeline operator in *nix and cmd is the vertical bar character.
For example, the command will display all text files in the current folder
dir | find ".txt"

Command concatenation operator
Example: Command1 & Command2 – Command1 will be executed first, and only then Command2
Operator AND
Example: Command1 && Command2 - Command2 will only be executed if Command1 succeeded
OR operator
Example: Command1 || Command2 - Command2 will only be executed if Command1 failed to execute.

Parentheses are used to group commands, examples:

  • (Command1 & Command2) && Command3 – If Command1 and Command2 are executed successfully, Command3 will be executed.
  • (Team1 & Team2) || Command3 - If Command1 and Command2 are not executed, Command3 will be executed.

Thank you for your attention! I'm waiting for criticism and suggestions...

For those who are not in the know, circumflex (that “^” sign) means pressing the Ctrl key (^C = Ctrl +C).

^C - Interrupts the command, well, everyone knows that.
^S - Pauses the command and then runs it.
^I - Analogous to Tab, iterates through folders and files.
^M - Analogous to Enter.
^H - Analogous to Backspace.
^G - By writing the command echo ^G in a batch file, you can beep with the system speaker (speaker).
(The commands ^I and ^H were obtained by me using the “scientific poke” method; there is also ^J but I don’t know what it does)

P.S. Other subtleties of the Windows command line have already been repeatedly covered on Habré. And I don’t see the point in copy-pasting.
P.P.S. Links to interesting posts and articles on other Windows command line features.

Most users personal computers do not face the need to use any CMD command. Many people simply lack the functions provided by the visual shell of the operating system. However, there are situations when you have to manipulate the system directly, and that’s when the command line comes to the rescue.

What is the command line

This software, which is part of the standard programs of the system. CMD provides the user with the ability to work with the system and files directly. The application has a text interface, and the execution result is displayed on the screen. Simply put, the command line translates user requests into a form that the system can understand. Externally, of course, the program does not look very familiar to the average user, but at the same time it has a number of positive properties, and besides, it is faster than the visual component. built into every version of the Windows operating system.

Ways to launch the command line

The operating system developers have provided several options for launching CMD:

  • Go to the Start menu/accessories/next in the list select " Command line".
  • Go to the Start menu, select "Run", and in the window that appears, enter CMD.exe in the line. You can also open the Run window using the Win+R key combination.
  • Go to the system folder C:\Windows\system32 and select the CMD.exe program.

Most of the most important commands can be obtained using the Help command. After entering this request, Windows CMD commands will appear with information about how to use them. All of them can be divided into several fairly broad groups. Their division occurs according to the principle of application. For example, CMD commands to run the commands used. The most common of them will be presented below. They are also the most necessary CMD line commands.

Basic commands for working with system directories

This list of commands will be useful if you need to access folders located on the system:

  • Dir - provides the ability to view folders as a list. Using additional command line criteria, you can sort directories based on a number of options.
  • RD - provides the ability to delete an unnecessary directory. WITH additional parameters you can set deletion criteria: for example, delete several folders at once.
  • MD - the command creates a new folder (directory). Various options allow you to create different types of directories.
  • CD - provides the ability to move from one directory to another, in some cases you will need to use quotes.
  • XCopy - used to copy folders without changing their structure. Unlike Copy, this one has more advanced command capabilities. Via CMD, you can perform fairly flexible operations with this request.
  • Tree - provides the ability to display directories graphically. By default, the display is done using pseudographics.
  • Move - used to both move and change the directory name. The command makes it possible to move several folders at a time.

Basic commands for working with files

These CMD file commands can be useful to many personal computer users:

  • del - command used to delete. Can be used to delete one or several files. In addition, there is an option to delete read-only files;
  • edit - the command launches a text editor;
  • ren - allows you to rename a file. You can also use rename;
  • move - used to move and rename a file;
  • copy con - allows you to create a new file;
  • fc - allows you to compare what is in two files. The result of the work is the appearance of symbols that provide information about the status of the comparison;
  • type - applicable for text documents. The execution of the command is to display the contents of the file on the screen;
  • copy - allows you to copy and also merge files.

Commands for diagnosing the hard drive of the computer and system

In addition to all the above advantages, CMD commands allow you to check for errors in the operation of hard drives or change volume labels, as well as defragmentation.

  • Compact - the command allows you to display and configure compression in the NTFS file system. Using this command you can significantly save disk space.
  • Format - formats a disk or floppy disk. Please note that formatting will completely delete all data on the media.
  • Chkdisk - checks and displays information about the media. The team will help you find out about the occupied space, the amount of space on bad sectors, and so on.
  • Fsutil - provides information about the file system and allows you to make changes to it.
  • Chkntfs - allows you to show and configure during Windows startup.
  • Convert - allows you to convert a volume from one file system to another. It is not possible to change the type of the active volume or disk.
  • Recover - a command for recovering data from damaged media. This process occurs by reading one sector after another. Reading occurs only from those sectors from which it is possible to read. Data located in physically damaged sectors will not be recovered. Most often, text documents are recovered from damaged floppy disks in this way.
  • Diskpart - allows you to open disk data and make the required settings.
  • Vol - provides information about serial number hard drive.
  • Label - used to view and edit volume labels. Please note that the volume name can contain no more than 11 characters, and NTFS 32 characters.

Information commands

This type of command will help you obtain information about versions, configurations, and installed drivers:

  • ver - provides information about the system version using the CMD command, Windows 7 also supports this request;
  • driverquery - allows you to view information about installed drivers; The display can be in the form of a list, table or CSV;
  • systeminfo - Provides information about system configurations. Configurations can be viewed both locally and in addition, the command provides properties about service packs.

processes and applications

Commands for managing and changing operating system settings:

  • shutdown - the command is used to shut down, restart or put the computer into sleep mode. If the user has the necessary rights, it is possible to carry out settings remotely;
  • time - used to display and change the current time;
  • date - used to display and change the current date;
  • tasklist - provides the user with a list of processes currently running on a local or remote personal computer;
  • schtasks - allows you to create, configure or delete scheduled tasks in the operating system. In the graphical interface, the command is represented by the Task Scheduler program;
  • taskkill - used to terminate processes using identifiers or names of executable files. The tool began to be used with Windows XP.

Commands to customize the command line

This group of commands relates directly to setting up the CMD. Commands will help you clear the screen and change it appearance and so on:

  • Exit - allows you to close batch data or close the command line altogether.
  • Color - provides the ability to change the background or font color in the command line window. The color is specified as a hexadecimal digit. The most significant bit indicates brightness, and the subsequent bits indicate color. The default is white letters on a black background.
  • Title - allows you to change the name of the CMD.exe window.
  • CMD - allows you to open a new Windows command line interpreter window. Usually the need for this command occurs when you want to predefine the actual CMD settings.
  • Prompt - allows you to change the command line greeting. If you use the command without parameters, the prompt text will look like: current drive, directory and the greater-than symbol.

Network CMD Commands

Most users rarely need these queries, but professionals believe that these codes are very helpful when working with a computer:

  • getmac - the command provides information about the hardware addresses of network adapters. In this case, you can find out both local and remote addresses;
  • netsh.exe - the command opens another line. Using it, you can configure the network if necessary. Many experienced users find this program indispensable. To get help about commands, you must write it with a question mark;
  • ipconfig - allows you to obtain information about protocol settings. Sometimes the command allows you to update data in automatic mode. Old OS may not support this CMD command;
  • nbtstat - the main purpose of the command is to display NetBt information. in addition, names and contents are displayed;
  • netstat.exe - This command displays information about connections. The output data allows you to see all the information related to

It is worth remembering that, in addition to these network commands, there are some more that will help simplify the work of users. It should be remembered that these commands should only be used when you are confident in the action being performed. Incorrect use of CMD commands may result in serious problems in the operation of a personal computer.

List of useful commands

In addition to the above commands, there are a huge number of others:

  • break - the command allows you to enable processing of the CTRL+C keys;
  • debug - launches a tool for debugging and other changes to software products;
  • devcon - the command launches a tool alternative to the task manager;
  • exe2bin - the command converts exe format applications to binary format;
  • hostname - provides the ability to obtain the computer name;
  • logoff - the command shuts down the Windows system.

All of the CMD commands given will make it easier to work with some software. The main thing is not to try to use requests for purposes other than their intended purpose, in order to avoid losses important information and other undesirable consequences.

Programming in Cmd (introduction for beginners)

This is just an introduction to cmd commands, don’t judge strictly, the article was written for Novikov, I think it will be useful for many others =)
Probably many people don’t even suspect that cmd is a universal shell,
which allows you not only to administer the system, but also to program!
Of course, the level of the language is not as high as, for example, with, but still...

To begin with, let's write a small program that will output a line written to a variable.
We go to the C:\ drive and create something like program_1.cmd there (*.bat is possible)
open it with notepad and enter the following lines there:

rem program_1
@echo off
color 0A
set string=Hello World!!!
echo %string%

rem - used to describe comments
cls - if anyone else doesn’t know, this is screen clearing
@echo off - turn off the display of commands on the screen. Pay attention to @
before ECHO! It prevents commands from being echoed on a separate line.
color 0A - set the background and text color
set string=Hello World!!! - set is used to describe variables
echo %string% - displays a variable, pay attention to %%, this
denotes that it is indeed a variable and not a string!

We've sorted out the code, now let's look at the outcome of the program! We launch it for execution via cmd:
The execution result will be, you guessed it, Hellow World!!! Bright green letters on a black background

Now let’s complicate the problem a little, add a condition to this code!

rem program_2
@echo off
color 0A
set a=1
set timer=10
if %a%==1 (shutdown /r -t %timer% -c "You got screwed"
) else (echo a!=1)

I think you've already guessed what the output will be. We compare the value written to the variable “a” with 1, if the condition is true, then the computer will reboot in 10 seconds, otherwise the output will read that a!=1. The example is banal and simple,
Well, at least it’s understandable for many.

Now let's move on to cycles. Let's look at the most basic example:
rem program_3
@echo off
color 0A
for /l %B in (0,1,10) do echo %B

This program will display numbers in a column, from 0 to 10 in increments of 1 =) everything is as simple as...
And now a little more complicated, for can be used for more significant purposes,
for example, to enumerate files, for example you can write in cmd:

for %B in (C:*.cmd) do (echo %B)

In return you will receive all your programs with the extension *.cmd

You can also use a for loop to iterate through directories, for example

for /d %B in (C:*) do echo %B

Will show all directories on the C:\ drive (Please note, only directories, not subdirectories!)

Now let’s write an essential program that will select emails from the database and write them to another file.

(for /f "tokens=1-5" %A in (users.txt) do @echo %D) > emails.txt

For example, our base is “ideal”, like:

Vasya Pupkin heck [email protected] 81231111111
Dima Ivanov lamer [email protected] 81232222222
Genya Petrov lamer [email protected] 81233333333
Egor Sidorov lamer [email protected] 81234444444
Anton Popovich lamer [email protected] 81235555555
Kostya Terentev lamer [email protected] 81236666666
Vanya Onisenko lamer [email protected] 81237777777
Misha Loshenko lamer [email protected] 81238888888
Vlad Sorochinskiy lamer [email protected] 81239999999

Using a loop, we go through all the words and write 4(%D) to the file emails.txt =)

What else can you do with cmd?

I'll describe my example. I'm creating websites that use a mysql database. I work with the database through the console, which is more familiar to me. So as not to worry, I wrote a small program mysql.cmd that will connect to it:

PHP code:
cd usrlocalmysql4bin
mysql.exe -u root –p pass

v – virtual disk where denver stands
root – username
pass – user password

All we have to do is launch it and enjoy working with the database
PS Well, that's all! The article turned out to be short, but I still hope that it will be useful to someone =)
