Learn English app for android. Applications for learning English for android. Easy Ten for or iOS. And also Fun easy learn English for Android or Words for iOS

Gadgets are not only exciting games, but also unlimited possibilities for improving your knowledge. Want to know the best English learning apps and get valuable tips on how to learn English on your phone and tablet? We will tell you how to turn your favorite gadget into a fun English tutorial in one or two clicks.

Our articles help you improve your English. But even better is a good teacher. At the Inglex online school, we have combined strong teachers and the comfort of online classes. Try English on Skype at .

Universal apps for learning English

Let's start with English tutorial apps. Of course, they will not replace your textbook and ours, but they will help diversify your learning. These apps have options to work on all your English skills: reading, listening, writing and speaking. Let's name the 2 most popular applications.

1. Lingualeo

Probably one of the best apps for learning English. You can work with most of the exercises for free. A paid account is inexpensive and allows you to take special grammar courses, and also gives you access to additional types of exercises. A free account allows you to learn new words, hone your spelling skills, watch videos with subtitles, parse lyrics, and more.

What's good about Lingualeo? The authors have created a system that itself determines your strengths and weaknesses and develops a training program for you. You just have to follow the suggested recommendations. Is it hard to force yourself to study? The authors of the application have taken care of this too: a motivation system has been developed for you. You need to feed Leo the Lion with meatballs every day - complete tasks. If you study for 5 days in a row, you will receive a small but nice prize, for example, activation of a premium account for a day. The application works stably, there is a version for Android and iOS.

2. Duolingo

With this free app, you can learn not only English, but also German, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. It can be used as a supplementary workbook for beginner English learners. Internet connection is only needed to download the next stage. The course is divided into stages according to the principle "from simple to complex". If you know the basics of the language, pass the initial steps ahead of schedule and go straight to the next level.

What's good about Duolingo? All skills are trained here: written and oral speech (you will be asked to pronounce the studied phrases), reading and listening. The program is stable. There is a version for Android and iOS. Do you often forget about classes? The famous green owl will daily urge you to take up your studies. Don't refuse her!

You watch television to turn your brain off, and you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on.

You watch TV to turn off your brain, you work at the computer when you want to turn on your brain.

Applications for memorizing English words

There are hundreds of different English vocabulary learning apps for Android and iPhone on the Internet. We have selected the most popular and interesting programs that we recommend using in the process of learning a language. These applications work in much the same way: each word is trained in several different ways. We recommend that you study them daily and do not forget to periodically repeat the studied vocabulary. In one of our articles, we told you, try using the suggested tricks.

1. Easy Ten for or iOS. And also Fun easy learn English for Android or Words for iOS

Each of these applications contains several thousand words in English. All words are divided into groups and subgroups, 5-10 words are collected in each subgroup. This vocabulary will be worked out with the help of several types of tasks. You will need to match the picture to the word, translate it into Russian, write it from dictation, insert the missing letters into it, etc. Thus, you repeat the word several times, remember its sound and spelling.

2. Anki Flashcards

This app for learning English words is available in both Android and iOS versions. Flashcards are a modern analogue of classic flashcards for learning English words on your tablet and phone. You get rid of the need to search for words yourself, because you will be offered ready-made sets for download. At the same time, you can make your own sets of flashcards if you want to learn certain words. It is much more convenient to work with such an offer than with a stack of papers. Moreover, the application has a spaced repetition function: the program will make sure that you do not forget to repeat the learned vocabulary.

How to break the language barrier with a gadget

Learning to speak English is best with an interlocutor. Breaking the language barrier with a gadget is quite difficult. However, there are tricks that will help you keep your conversational skills up to par.

1. We talk on Skype

What progress has come ... Now online communication is available both through a computer and through a smartphone or tablet. If the characteristics of the device allow and the quality of communication is acceptable, you will be able to chat with the interlocutor. Where to find a "victim" for a conversation?

  • search on special sites like italki.com or polyglotclub.com;
  • look for an interlocutor among sociable friends or colleagues who study the language;
  • communicate with the teacher at our school. Of course, in this case it is better to conduct lessons using a computer, but if circumstances force you, then you can work out on a mobile device.

2. Repeat phrases after native speakers

Found an interesting video in English? Do you want to talk like the people in the video? Then turn on the recording and repeat the phrases after the characters. Sentences spoken several times will be stored in your memory, and later you can use them in speech.

How to improve your English listening comprehension using a gadget

1. Listen to podcasts and audio lessons

3. We listen to songs in English

This is more of an entertainment, but your favorite songs can help you learn to understand English by ear. If you listen to a song and study its lyrics at the same time, then entertainment will turn into a fun listening exercise. In addition, you can learn a couple of new words, which will not be superfluous at all. You can study lyrics at azlyrics.com or amalgama-lab.com.

How to learn English grammar on your tablet and phone

1. We are engaged in special applications

Grammar in your pocket is not the title of another bestseller from the How to Learn English in 3 Hours series, but our reality. To use all the rules of English "on the machine", you need to practice them as often as possible. And special applications for learning English will help you with this, for example, Johnny Grammar for and iOS.

2. Testing our knowledge

All sorts of tests and online exercises give us a unique opportunity to test ourselves and find weaknesses in grammar knowledge. We wrote an article. Create bookmarks for yourself and visit these resources periodically, check your knowledge and get a guide to action. And for app lovers, we can advise you to do tests in Learn English Grammar, English Grammar Practice, Practice English Grammar, LearnEnglish Grammar.

3. Use a grammar book

The time of cumbersome textbooks is gradually passing. Today you can use electronic versions of famous publications and learn English using your mobile device. Not navigating the sea of ​​benefits? We have written a review for you, choose a suitable assistant from there. Moreover, there are special tutorial apps that you can use on your smartphones and tablets.

4. Watch video tutorials

Watch videos on YouTube? Put this resource to good use by watching great videos from native speakers, such as this channel. Ronnie's teacher makes grammar simple and tasteful, you can deal with a difficult topic and at the same time practice your English listening skills. So, learning English grammar on your phone and tablet will definitely not seem boring to you.

How to Improve Reading Skills Using Mobile Devices

1. Reading the news

Reading the news in English is a relatively simple but very rewarding task. Compared to reading fiction, it takes a little time, but you can not only read in English, but also learn new words, as well as the latest events in the world. We recommend using the Newsroom apps: News Worth Sharing or BBC News for Android and Newsy or BBC News for iOS.

2. Reading books

In public transport, we often see people who are sitting with their heads buried in a book. This is an intelligent way to isolate yourself from others and make productive use of the time spent on the road. We recommend doing the same, and at the same time choosing the right "reading" - books in English. For convenience, we recommend installing Moon+Reader for Android and iBooks for iOS. Where can you get the books? In our article "" there are links to free libraries with adapted books and works in the original.

3. Reading magazines

Do you like to read "gloss"? You can do it on a smartphone or tablet, and in English. Android owners should install the Google Play Press app to access a variety of English-language magazines. For iOS owners, the Kiosk application is pre-installed on the device, allowing you to download newspapers and magazines from this section.

4. Read articles on the Internet

We think that today it is almost impossible to find a person who does not use his mobile device to access the Internet. And this is good, because wonderful, interesting, most useful articles in English are waiting for you on the World Wide Web. Choose the topic yourself, the main thing is to read, preferably every day for at least 10-15 minutes. We recommend that people with an initial level of knowledge pay attention to the site rong-chang.com, a lot of simple texts are collected there. With an intermediate level and above, you can read articles on the site english-online.at.

5. Read engaging posts

And this "reading" is suitable for those who have a minimum of free time. Follow English learners on Instagram or Twitter and follow their posts. Both notes in English and tips for learning the language will come in handy. For example, you can subscribe to our

Developers offer us many educational applications. Among them, of course, are those that will help the user in learning the language. Let's look at those of them that, in our opinion, users will definitely like. The presented applications are as free as possible, only two of them have paid content, but, however, you can do without it.

The interesting thing about this application is that before the first use, you will be asked to independently evaluate and indicate your competence in the field of oral and written speech, vocabulary, grammar. Next, you need to indicate your interests in various areas (technology, society, art, etc.). You can specify the purpose for which you will use the application: for yourself, to improve certain skills, for work, preparing for an exam, etc. After that, you will already be offered a list of tasks based on the completed test to determine the level and your interests. This is very convenient, as the application is suitable for any level of knowledge.

In terms of vocabulary, LinguaLeo has lists of words on topics ranging from flowers and family members to collections of idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs. As for the study of grammar, in each section you can take only one lesson for free, and then you have to pay (activation cost for Ukraine is 350 UAH). However, the Jungle section is free. Here you can watch various videos, read stories, listen to songs, etc. Again - on the topic that you indicated at the very beginning as being of interest to you.

While working with texts, you can click on unfamiliar words - the translation will immediately appear, and they themselves will fall into the "My Dictionary" section. Lexical units from the "Dictionary" will appear in the "Trainings" section, where there are many interesting tasks for training words. In addition, listening to all lexical units is also available, which is a big plus. An Internet connection is required to fully use the application, but the "Workouts" section is also available offline.

Despite the fact that the application has paid content (which is not cheap), the most interesting things in it are available for free. As for the grammar reference, you can use another application as it.

When learning English, like any other language, you need a grammar reference that will always be at hand. There are many options in English, but domestic developers also have something to offer us. The most ideal option in Russian, as for me, can be considered an application called English Grammar, which works offline. The program is an extensive guide of four sections: grammar (morphology, syntax and punctuation of the English language), pronunciation (an excellent guide to phonetics), a section with proverbs and sayings, and the last part is devoted to idioms so that your speech does not look boring. I must say that there are really a lot of proverbs and sayings in the application.

In this application, you can also choose a level - easy, medium or difficult. The Grammar section contains exercises on topics ranging from prepositions and irregular verbs to conjunctions and modal verbs. The "Words" section also presents several basic vocabulary topics that you can practice. The program is free and does not require an internet connection.

But let's not forget that comprehensive language learning requires constant listening (listening to the live speech of native speakers). In this case, we would advise you to resort to the official application from the British Council called English Listening. This program has several sections. The first of them - 6 minute English - these are six-minute audio clips on various topics from everyday life. English at work is an audio series about the girl Anna and what she encounters while working in the office. Here you will learn the basics of business English.

Next comes the Express English section. In these audio clips, you will hear how native speakers speak out on a specific issue. Thus, you will learn how to correctly express your opinion in various situations and what constructions and phrases are needed for this. In the Words in the news section, you can listen to various news from Britain and around the world, get acquainted with the vocabulary and constructions that are used in the media.

And finally, The English we speak. In this section, the facilitators explain the meaning of various idiomatic phrases, proverbs and sayings and give advice on how to use them correctly. As for me, one of the most interesting sections, as it will make your speech rich and varied. All audio clips have text accompaniment and explanations of unfamiliar words. In some sections, for example, Words in the news, you will also be asked to complete tasks (there are keys to them, but the tasks themselves are not interactive). We would recommend this application to users who have good knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. Definitely not for beginners. English Listening, of course, only works online.

Grammar is great. But it is also necessary to know the words. This is where the BUSUU app will be very helpful. It is quite popular among users, we can say that it is generally a favorite. With it, you can learn many new words and phrases not only in English, but also in French, Chinese, Japanese, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, Russian and Turkish.

The application offers lessons for several levels: Beginner A1, Elementary A2, Intermediate B1 and Upper Intermediate B2. There is also a section called "Travel Course", which has many lessons with useful vocabulary and phrases on this topic. The app is free, but you can subscribe to get access to additional lessons.

Words and phrases are chosen by topic, which is quite typical. Topics are wide ranging from topics like "Daily Duties" and "Work" at the beginner level to "Elections and Politics" and "Exploring Nature and the Universe" at the Upper Intermediate level.

The lessons are structured as follows. First, cards are provided with new words and examples of their use. Next comes the training, then you have the opportunity to listen to the words in the dialogue, the translation of which into Russian is also attached. At the end of the lesson, you have the opportunity to write a written assignment - a short text on this topic, which will be sent to native speakers for verification.

If you know of any other useful applications that should be in this top, please write them in the comments!

Quite a lot of attention, and for a very long time, has been paid all over the world to the English language. This is an international and generally accepted format of communication between people from different countries, which is widely studied for successful visits abroad.

However, there is not always money for an experienced teacher who would explain all the nuances, subtleties and "pitfalls" of the English language. What to do in such a situation? You can leave this desire alone, or you can pick up a smartphone and download a special application aimed at learning the language. Only one question: which one to choose? This needs to be sorted out.

An exciting game that not only relaxes and amuses, but also teaches a foreign language. Such a beginning will certainly interest not only a child, but also an adult, wealthy person. Yes, to become a polyglot, you no longer need to diligently memorize new words and rules, you can relax and get benefits from this.

Lessons - this is what is in almost every such program. But what can you say about the opportunity to learn from the materials of native speakers? The user has access to texts, videos, and listening. A full translation, and sometimes subtitles, help you listen and immediately compare new words with their Russian counterpart. Everything is simple and convenient!

English is not given in any way by thick, boring textbooks? Then it's time to pay attention to the short lessons, which contain all the methods of learning the language. Do you want to practice your own speech? Easily! Need to listen to English text? Doable! Short tutorials from Duolingo are the kind of learning that beginners miss so much. But that's not all. Love to keep track of progress? Then a special section, which contains all the statistics of your training, is already waiting for you. The lesson icons, in turn, do not allow you to forget that some of the topics have not been repeated for a long time, because even the easiest material needs to be fixed.


Are you looking for an opportunity to learn a language even without access to the Internet? At the same time, you are interested in a specific topic that you will soon encounter? Or maybe you need a dictionary that is always available and has several tens of thousands of necessary and useful words? Then Words is exactly what you need. Here you can independently compose your workouts, limiting them in time or complexity, or you can entrust this to a specially designed algorithm that will carefully analyze your requests and completed classes, making a conclusion about the level of knowledge and the need for certain topics.

Learning English is not always about lessons that need to be taken day after day. It also replenishes your vocabulary with new words. What is the probability that you can learn 10 new words in a day, and as many as 3600 in a year? Zero? But no! You just need to download Easy ten and it all becomes a reality. Missing a competitive element? Connect your friends or find new ones in order to constantly compare each other's progress in a special table.

How can such an application differ from others? For example, the innovative Memrise technology, which focuses on modern neurolinguistics teachings and creates individual lessons based on the memory characteristics of each individual. And all this is absolutely free. Learning new languages ​​has never been so advanced. Who knows, maybe just such a technology is what you have been missing all these years and right now you have the opportunity to fill your gaps in foreign knowledge?


There is such a wise saying: "Everything ingenious is simple." Apparently, this is what the creators of the application in question were guided by. There are no entertaining lessons, statistics and rating tables here. Only cards with English words that you need to translate. Don't know the translation? Click on a word and it will immediately appear in front of you. You are also allowed to check your guesses. Here you can work on your own pronunciation by clicking on a special icon.

It is enough to imagine how much it costs to learn English if you choose a native speaker as a teacher. Surely this is an unaffordable amount of money for many of those who are really interested in developing their vocabulary. But all this can get everyone absolutely free. HelloTalk is a whole program where you can communicate with native speakers. And there is no need to get hung up on one English, because there you can find representatives, for example, of China.

The simplicity of some applications is sometimes simply amazing. But is it really necessary to somehow lure you if the level of knowledge has long been higher than a beginner? The solution in question is ideal for those who know how to correctly build a sentence, choose verb forms and distinguish between various prepositions. 60 tests, which collected questions on specific topics. It is necessary to pass at least 2 per week in order to fully meet your level and only increase it.

Translation and explanation of not quite typical words, real slang and examples with application. This is not a typical application, because it will not teach you anything. Here you can only emphasize new definitions or phraseological units for yourself. In other words, if you are going not to a scientific conference, but to have a rest among ordinary people, then this application will help you to replenish your vocabulary and make you a more knowledgeable person.

As a result, we have considered a sufficient number of different applications to make a choice and start practicing right now.

Here you can download free programs for learning English. Programs for studying grammar, memorizing words, etc.

Computer programs:

memorization of words

A program for memorizing English words using associative pictures.

WordsTeacher 1.0

The WordsTeacher program is designed to study foreign words, phrases, short expressions, without looking up from the process of working on a computer.

Association 1.0

A program for memorizing foreign words by the method of phonetic associations. Allows you to easily find associative keys to foreign words using a dictionary of 90,000 words of the Russian language.

BX Language Acquisition

The BX Language acquisition program is designed to memorize foreign words.

English grammar

Another great program for learning English grammar. Thanks to the presence of a Russian thematic index, the textbook will not only teach you to understand English, but also help you express your thoughts in English.

ETrainer 4800

Trainer-examiner of knowledge of English. Tasks for the translation of sentences are given and an assessment is made. You can set the number of tasks in the exam, limit the time for thinking, and also keep a detailed protocol.

ETrainer 5000

Mini version. Trainer-examiner of knowledge of English. Tasks for the translation of sentences are given and an assessment is made. You can set the number of tasks in the exam, limit the time for thinking, and also keep a detailed protocol.

FWords 1.11.22

Program for learners of English and German: Longman tips, tests, dictionaries for originals, parallel texts, prompter mode, customization, search, printing, statistics and much more.
The "download" link is a distribution kit of the program without a database (the necessary databases will need to be downloaded separately. By the way, the program's databases are constantly updated.


Program for learning English grammar. The grammar in it is given on examples from the spoken language, which significantly replenishes the student's vocabulary. The abundance of examples and illustrations to them helps to remember and better understand certain grammatical constructions.

Repeng - English Tutor

Program for training your vocabulary. Working with the program is carried out by choosing the correct translation option from several proposed ones.

Word Translator WTT 1.15

Designed to memorize the spelling of English words. Testing is carried out in both directions using statistics on the success of the translation of a particular word.

Sentence Exerciser

You can really improve your English by solving many different grammar problems.

Applications for Android:

English with Lingualeo

Free English lessons
- Suitable for all language levels
- Practical exercises
- Thematic courses
- English language practice: text, audio and video materials
- Ability to study English offline
- Automatic synchronization with the web version of the service
- Operational technical support

Improve your English listening comprehension, vocabulary, reading and writing skills in one app! Useful for those who know the alphabet and basic vocabulary.

The Teacher Method is a program for sequential learning of English: from zero to advanced. Watch and listen to the explanations of the teachers, take a training session after each lesson and an exam after each topic.

The app includes over 200 conversational English lessons which includes the following:

Listening to improve your listening comprehension
- Questions to help you understand English better
- Conversation practice feature to improve your speaking
- Conversation recording tool to track your progress

Polyglot is an easy and fast way to learn English.

In just a few minutes a day, you will learn how to write sentences in English.

We have specially optimized lessons for mobile devices. Information is given in a compressed form, then it is fixed in memory by the method of repeated repetition.

In a short time, you will learn how to build simple expressions in English correctly, learn a lot of new English words without noticing.

"You need to learn English!"
And “No time to learn English!”

Are these the phrases that you never get tired of repeating to yourself every day? In fact, finding time to learn a foreign language is not so difficult, and your smartphone will help you with this. Agree, not the whole day you have scheduled every minute. And even if you are scheduled, you still devote some time to reading the morning news, coffee, or, in the end, the way to work. This may be enough to make learning English a part of your life. We offer you a selection of quality language learning programs that you can install for iOS or Android.

Apps for all levels of English


Application for those who study English. help improve vocabulary with flashcards. Improve your English by completing 4 types of vocabulary training and enrich your speech by at least 10 words daily, 300 words per month and 3,000 words per year. If you don’t know where to start learning, then in ED Words you can find more than 350 ready-made thematic sets or create your own collections.

To memorize new English words, the application uses a smart spaced repetition algorithm based on the Ebbinghaus memory curve. Also, you can always track the progress of the learned words and completed training. The ED Words app syncs with EnglishDom products: browser extensions from which you can add unfamiliar words to study, and the ED Class learning platform.

Program Benefits

  • use of flash cards
  • 4 types of training to memorize new words
  • over 28,000 English words to learn in 350 thematic sets
  • training is based on the scientific method of spaced repetitions
  • progress control
  • synchronization with EnglishDom products

You can install the EdWords application:

  • free for iOS
  • free for Android (there are additional paid options)


If you have already made at least some attempts to learn English, you must have heard about this program. What are the main advantages? The program is suitable for both children and adults, no matter what level of English they are stuck at. In addition, there are several other benefits that will significantly affect the entire learning process:

  • more than fifty sets of words on topics with pictures and voice acting
  • interesting simulators (translation, cards with words, listening)
  • phrase constructor
  • English texts
  • dictionary (and most importantly: it is available offline)
  • the ability to create a personal dictionary (words are added to it with voice acting and transcription)

  • free for iOS (there are additional paid options)
  • free for Android (there are additional paid options)


Apple has named Duolingo the 2013 App of the Year. And this fact does not detract from the benefits of the application, which you can get in 2015. Each lesson is a race for points, competition with friends, checking the correct answers, practicing speaking, listening, translating, reading texts. The program will immediately indicate your mistakes and suggest options for improving the results.

You can install the program:


The program, according to the editors of Apple, is the best in the category "Education". This app is your guarantee of an endlessly fun word game. You will memorize new words, practice spelling and listening comprehension. The program is suitable for users of any level of English proficiency: from beginner to advanced. The main advantages of the application: available offline, in addition, Words adapts to each specific user and trains those words that you might have difficulty with. The database of the program contains more than 8 thousand words, 330 lessons.

You can install the program:

  • free for iOS (+ full paid version)
  • free for android (+ full paid version)

Easy Ten

The name of the program is eloquent: thanks to the application, you will really replenish your vocabulary by at least 10 words daily. Just imagine: this is 70 new words a week, and 140 in two weeks. Having correctly chosen the most frequent words in our speech, with a set of words in 150 lexical units, you will already be able to communicate in English. And having studied a sufficient number of words, you can not only speak well, but also (the main thing is to find out first - many have difficulties with this). A lot of time to devote to the application is not required - up to 20 minutes a day.

Benefits of the program:

  • interesting materials, the dictionary contains 22000 English words
  • all words are spoken
  • You can track progress using a special calendar
  • thematic word lists
  • pronunciation trainers
  • reward system to increase motivation

You can install the program:

  • free for iOS (+ paid content)
  • free for android (+ paid content)

Learn English

The program with the most loyal approach to your mistakes. Thanks to the application, you can find out not only where exactly you made a mistake, but also why and how to use this or that word (letter, sentence) correctly. The main focus of the program is on the study of grammar, there are many text materials and audio files, as well as tests to test knowledge.

You can install the program:

  • free for iOS (+ paid content)
  • free for android (+ paid content)


An application that will help you read, translate and listen to texts in English. The unfamiliar words you have chosen in the texts will be highlighted in a certain color (depending on the difficulty level of memorizing the word). Thus, you do not just memorize new words, but learn to memorize them in context.

You can install the program:

  • free for iOS (+ paid content)
  • free for android (+ paid content)

Rosetta stone

Thanks to this application, you will learn English through associations, memorize new words on an intuitive level. The pronunciation assessment program will help you determine how well you pronounce English words. The only drawback: the free version of the program is limited to a few lessons.

You can install the program:

  • free for iOS (+ paid content)
  • free for android (+ paid content)

Polyglot 16

An application that is a cycle of 16 lessons. You will find lesson notes with illustrative examples, as well as several simulators:

  • free workout
  • Oral mode
  • Memorization of words and phrases
  • Making proposals

You can install the program:

  • free for iOS (official full version)
  • free for android (official paid version)


An interesting application for improving grammar and conversational skills. The application is available offline, in addition, Babbel will allow you to learn the rarest languages ​​that are not available on other resources, such as Norwegian or Swedish. The disadvantage of the program so far is that Babbel does not support Ukrainian and Russian languages.

You can install the program:

  • free for iOS (there is a full paid version)
  • free for Android (there is a full paid version)

Lexicon By Like Thought, LLC

Program for learning new words. Enter the word you want to remember or add the necessary words from the dictionary. You will memorize words using flash cards, quizzes, games, recording and replaying words, etc.

Application features:

  • use of flash cards
  • multiple choice or short answer quiz
  • recording and playback of words in audio format
  • sorting words into groups
  • support for 100 languages

Lexicon will help you improve your vocabulary in a short time.

An application that will help you improve your grammar. You will get free access to a huge amount of high-quality and well-structured information. Difficulties in using articles, verbs, nouns will no longer be difficult for you. Even learning is not that difficult with the English Grammar in Use Activities app.

With the English Grammar in Use Activities By Cambridge University Press designed lessons, you can quickly improve your grammar.

Conversation English By The English App

Application for practicing English. You will be able to learn more than 200 idioms, improve your speaking and communication skills. Each lesson includes: listening to the text, reading dialogues, learning new words and expressions.

Dictionary apps

15500 Useful English Phrases

Thanks to the application, you can enrich your speech with a variety of phrases and speech turns. These are not only commonly used colloquial phrases, but vivid comparisons, excellent literary aphorisms, sentences that you can use in a business environment and everyday communication. The program includes:

  • Useful phrases
  • Conversational phrases
  • Phrases for public speaking
  • Business Phrases
  • Impressive Phrases
  • Literary expressions
  • Unusual comparisons

And this is not a complete list. You can install 15500 Useful English Phrases for free.

WordBook – English Dictionary & Thesaurus

A treasure trove of dictionary that you can download to your smartphone. WordBook has some features that distinguish it from a number of other dictionaries:

  • 15 thousand words, 220 thousand definitions, 70 thousand examples and synonyms
  • etymology 23 thousand words
  • sound pronunciation of each word
  • word of the day - learn a new word every day and learn a lot of interesting information about it
  • spellchecking
  • word search option for annagram

Wordbook is available offline, with the exception of web dictionary browsing or online pronunciation games.

One of the most complete dictionaries of the English language, which has 4.9 million words. In addition, there are a number of other features that you should pay attention to:

  • high quality audio pronunciation (American, British and Australian English)
  • advanced search technology
  • convenient user interface
  • available offline

Advanced English Dictionary & Thesaurus is recommended by Apple. Let your smartphone make your life richer and more interesting!

We wish you success in learning English!
