Choosing the material for the ceiling: what should be considered. How to finish the ceiling in a residential area: an overview of current solutions and how to implement them How to finish the ceiling from the wall

After completing the exterior work during the construction of a country house, you need to proceed to a difficult but necessary process - interior decoration. Typically, interior design begins with the question of how to finish the ceiling in a private house. The proposed article will help determine the choice of finishing material.

Finish options

There are many decent materials for finishing the ceiling in a private house. These are both traditional and modern materials that meet the most demanding taste.

The main options for finishing the ceiling in a private house:

  • whitewash;
  • staining;
  • gypsum skirting boards with stucco;
  • decorative plaster with skirting boards;
  • suspended structures;
  • lining made of wood;
  • stretch fabrics;
  • plasterboard constructions;
  • wallpaper.

An important role in choosing the type of ceilings in a private house is played by the need to level the rough coating. So, if you mount a suspended structure, then it is not necessary to level the rough surface. Communications and wiring will be closed by a suspended structure.

Any of the options for finishing the ceiling of a private house has its advantages and disadvantages. Which decoration method to choose depends on the height of the ceilings, interior style, budget, taste and preferences.

Let us consider in more detail some of the materials from which ceilings are made in a private house.


One of the easiest ways to decorate the ceiling space. The classic option would be to paint the surface with white. But, this design is hardly suitable for a bedroom or living room.

Consider the color of the paint. So, dark tones visually reduce the height of the room. But painting with light paint, on the contrary, will make the room spacious.

If, nevertheless, there is a desire to use dark colors, then it is recommended to combine them with pastel colors on the walls. You can use decorative coloring compositions with various effects.

Plaster, plaster or styrofoam

Easily mounted on the surface of the slab of expanded polystyrene, or gypsum panels and skirting boards with stucco. This coating is usually white, but after installation, the panel can be painted in any shade.

A good solution would be to decorate the ceilings of a country house with decorative plaster, which can be smooth, textured, imitating marble or patterned panels. But, finishing with decorative plaster requires special skills.

Suspended structures and stretch fabrics

Due to the peculiar design of the ceilings of a private house, one has to think about how to close the wiring, ventilation and various communication elements. For this purpose, a suspended plasterboard structure is suitable. Light fixtures can be mounted to the surface. These are LED strips or spotlights.

A correctly chosen suspended structure makes it possible to visually increase the space, use various design solutions.

You can combine suspended structures with stretch fabrics.


On the surface, you can stick decorative wallpaper in the form of stripes. You can stick wallpaper of the same color in the bedroom over your head. And for the rest of the ceiling, choose a material of a different color scheme.

To paste over the surface with wallpaper, pre-level the work surface. The coverage must be even. Photo wallpapers are suitable for a nursery.

You can add decorative stickers to the wallpaper that imitate a glowing starry sky, or beautiful plants.

Nuances in the design of the ceilings of a country house

When choosing what to make a ceiling in a private house from, you need to take into account the features of the device of the draft surface of suburban buildings.

To sheathe the ceiling in a private house from the inside, you must perform the following additional work for the rough coating:

  1. install thermal insulation;
  2. lay hydro and vapor barrier layers;
  3. you need to take care of the insulation, and find quality material. Mineral wool, expanded clay, sawdust and other materials are used for insulation.

After installing the necessary layers on the floors, proceed to the interior decoration.

What are the best ceilings?

Sometimes it is difficult to decide and decide which ceilings are best done in a private house. After all, a well-designed ceiling space should be not only beautiful, but warm and practical, with a long service life.

The problem of ceiling finishing exists where the premises are not heated in winter. If in such a private house the ceilings are finished with wood or drywall, then in a damp and unheated room the coating will soon become unusable and begin to collapse. Therefore, if the house is used only in summer, then it is best to close the ceiling in a private house with a suspended structure. Plastic and PVC panels, beam suspended structures are also suitable.

It is necessary to select a facing coating that can withstand temperature changes. You can sew up the ceiling of a private house with a stretch vinyl film. Such a coating does not deform at sub-zero temperatures and will withstand the effects of heat.

If a country house is heated in the cold, and people live there all year round, then wood will be the best finish for it. Wooden ceiling covering, with proper care of the surface, will last a long time. In addition, this finish is safe, environmentally friendly and durable.

You can sheathe the ceiling of a private house with drywall. Such a coating allows you to hide almost any defects in the base surface. After installing drywall sheets, you can perform additional finishing. The surface can be painted, wallpapered, or decorated with plaster.

Low ceiling trim

Not always the ceilings of a country house are very high. In many private buildings, the height of the ceilings is small. To visually increase the height, you need to seriously approach the question of how to finish a low ceiling in a private house.

  • when decorating the ceiling surface, choose only light colors;
  • you can use a glossy finish if a stretch fabric is mounted;
  • when mounting lamps in the coating, it is better to abandon bulky lighting fixtures with a pendant mount. Such lamps visually reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and take away the already low height of the ceilings;
  • in the bedroom, to visually increase the height of the room, you can make a coating that differs in color from the entire ceiling.

Furniture is of great importance for rooms with low ceilings. So, if the ceiling decoration is done correctly, but the furniture is high and massive, then there will be no effect that increases the height.

How to finish a wooden ceiling?

To decide on the choice of finishing materials for the ceiling of a private house made of wood, you need to take into account the features of the ceiling device:

  • the floors of a wooden house are lightweight, and are made with the help of beams;
  • between the beams there is a space that is filled with insulating material. The warmed space is closed by finishing;
  • a wooden house shrinks, which affects the ceiling covering.

Finishing a wooden ceiling in a private house is best done with wood materials. Natural material is combined with any style of a country house, will maintain an optimal level of temperature and humidity.

Important: when choosing a tree for finishing ceilings, it is necessary to periodically treat the coating with special agents that protect against moisture.

If you mount a wooden ceiling for the bathroom and kitchen, then there is a possibility of mold. In rooms with high humidity, it is better to refuse to decorate the ceilings with wood. For the bathrooms of a wooden house, a stretch coating is suitable.

wood flooring

Lining made of wood is considered the most common type of cladding, due to the following properties:

  1. good soundproofing and heat-insulating properties;
  2. the ability to close defects in the ceiling;
  3. no surface preparation required;
  4. long service life, if you properly care for the ceiling. It is necessary to periodically impregnate the material with a special composition;
  5. fast installation;
  6. suitable for any interior design solutions.

The disadvantages of lining include the possibility of deformation during sudden temperature changes and flammability.

Usually, lining made of pine, linden and oak, larch is used for ceilings.

Plasterboard finish

Finishing plasterboard for the ceiling of a wooden house has such advantages as:

  1. well passes air, excluding the appearance of condensate on the surface;
  2. the ability to hide defects, and close the wiring with communications.

The disadvantages of drywall coating include the impossibility of attaching directly to a wooden ceiling. You need to pre-assemble the frame. After installation, additional work will be required. The surface is puttied and painted. You can cover the surface with wallpaper.


When choosing the material and method of fixing the ceiling for a private house, you need to take into account the height of the room, the presence of irregularities and surface defects. An important role is played by lighting, which also affects the visual increase or decrease in the height of the room.

When choosing a ceiling finish, you need to adhere to moderation in color scheme. The upper part of the room should be combined with the general style of a country house. Ceilings should become a real interior decoration of a private house.

New trends in the design of ceilings in a private house

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Finishing the ceiling is an important part of the renovation of the room. There are many materials for the original surface design on the construction market. To match the finish with the interior, when choosing materials, consider the features of the room. For spacious rooms with high ceilings, suspended structures are suitable; in low rooms, wallpaper or decorative tiles will help maintain the height of the ceilings.

How to finish the ceiling

Understanding the variety of materials offered by the construction market for decorating ceilings is not easy. They differ in appearance, decorative properties, functionality, price.

Ceiling options include:

  • traditional methods (whitewashing, staining, wallpapering);
  • tension and suspension structures (plasterboard, rack, cassette, combined, etc.);
  • adhesive surfaces;
  • ceilings made of natural materials.

Lime whitewashing for ceilings has been used for several decades. The main advantages of the material:

  • safety;
  • price;
  • combination with different types of interior.

Among the shortcomings are:

  • short service life;
  • hygroscopicity (ability to absorb moisture);
  • whitewashed ceilings cannot be washed;
  • the complexity of preparatory work.

The result of the finish will depend on the quality of the preliminary preparation of the base ceiling. The surface is pre-leveled, plastered and primed. The prepared ceiling should become even and uniform, only then they move on to whitewashing.

Painted ceilings are more practical than whitewashed ones. The color of the paint is chosen in accordance with the shades of the interior. The result is a smooth and even finish that can be washed. The service life of painted ceilings is on average 2-3 years. However, periodically it will be necessary to update the decorative surface.

To get a high-quality result, you need to carefully prepare the ceilings: level, putty, apply a primer layer.


The advantages of using plaster mixtures are that they simultaneously level and decorate the surface. For the price, such materials for the ceiling will not cost much, they do not burn, do not emit harmful substances.

If in the apartment the height differences on the ceiling are 5 cm or more, this method cannot be used. Too thick a layer of plaster will shorten the life of the decorative ceiling.

Finishing the ceilings with wallpaper will allow you to quickly and inexpensively update the interior.

For the design of ceilings choose:

  • paper wallpaper - will help hide floor defects, will not take away extra space from the room. Cons - will not last long, require careful surface preparation;
  • canvases on vinyl and non-woven base are distinguished by a wide selection of shades and textures. Due to the relief structure of some types, the wallpaper masks the irregularities and defects of the base ceiling. For gluing canvases, special compositions are used;
  • textile wallpaper. Cloths are made from different types of fabric - cotton, chintz, burlap, tapestry, linen. Advantages - decorative properties, disadvantages - short service life and fragility;
  • liquid wallpaper refers to the options for modern ceiling decoration in apartments. They are easy to apply, dry quickly, and the damaged area can be repaired without replacing the entire coating. Minus - the material is afraid of moisture.

They are among the financially costly options for finishing ceilings. But this minus is compensated by the decorative properties and service life of the structure.

For decoration, film or fabric panels are used, fixed in various ways to a frame base made of a metal or plastic profile installed around the perimeter of the room.


  • form a flat and smooth surface;
  • quickly mounted;
  • moisture resistant;
  • durable;
  • do not burn;
  • safe for health;
  • durable (manufacturers warranty is given for a period of 10-12 years. In fact, the design, with proper operation, will last 15 years or more);
  • enhance heat and sound insulation;
  • fabric canvases are permeated with a large number of micropores, the surface of the fabric ceiling "breathes", creating a comfortable microclimate in the room;
  • ease of care;
  • decorative properties (colors, variety of textures).
  • self-installation is impossible without minimal skills and knowledge in this area. Also, for the installation of PVC film sheets, special equipment is required - a heat gun;
  • afraid of sharp objects;
  • vinyl coatings, when the temperature drops to 0 ° C, begin to crack, losing their original appearance. But fabric canvases withstand the temperature range of -50- + 50 ° C;
  • take the height from the room, so they are not recommended for finishing ceilings in low rooms.

How to finish the ceiling: suspended structures

If engineering communications pass under the ceiling, while the floor surface is uneven with height differences, the suspension structure will correct the situation. Materials for ceiling decoration are used differently depending on the style and direction of the interior: drywall, panels, slats, plates, cassettes, etc.

With the help of plasterboard plates, original structures are assembled under the ceiling. Sheets are attached to a frame consisting of load-bearing and ceiling profiles, suspensions.


  • speed and ease of installation. It will take no more than 2 days to equip a single-level ceiling from the GKL;
  • acceptable price;
  • decoration in various ways (wallpaper, staining, mirror panels, etc.).
  • to make a design of complex shape without the involvement of professional craftsmen will not work;
  • the material absorbs moisture, swells, loses its original shape and appearance. Therefore, drywall is not recommended for finishing ceilings in rooms with a high level of humidity, as well as unheated rooms;
  • makes it impossible to access the ceiling space. If necessary, special opening hatches are equipped on the decorative ceiling.

This option is one of the available ways to finish the ceiling. Therefore, it is often used in hospitals, sanatoriums, offices, public buildings. That is, where practical surfaces are needed, while decorative qualities are not important. Mineral fiber slabs are placed in the frame cells formed using a metal profile.


  • mask engineering communications located under the ceiling;
  • provide free access to the ceiling space, the plates can be easily removed from the cells and also easily installed back. Therefore, it will be easy to replace the defective panel with a new one;
  • range of textures and shades.
  • fragility;
  • take the height from the room;
  • can not be used for ceiling decoration in rooms with a high level of humidity.

The design includes thin metal plates and a frame mounted to the ceiling. Plates are made of durable plastic, aluminum or stainless steel. A layer of paint and ornaments are applied to the front side of the segments. There are also perforated models.


  • provide free access to the ceiling space;
  • ease of care;
  • light weight that does not create a load on the ceiling;
  • they are not afraid of sudden temperature changes, withstand a wide range of temperatures, therefore they are installed in unheated rooms (balconies, loggias, open verandas).
  • poor heat and sound insulation;
  • at a price they will come out more expensive than a suspended plasterboard ceiling or rack construction.

These finishing materials for ceilings are suitable for use in compact rooms with a high level of humidity (in the bathroom, in the kitchen). The plates are made of steel or aluminum, the rails are covered with a protective lacquer layer on top. At the same time, the colors of the panels are different - from classic shades to imitating the surface of natural materials. Microperforation is used to enhance the acoustic characteristics.


  • ease;
  • moisture resistance;
  • life time;
  • resistance to fire;
  • easy to mount;
  • do not require special care;
  • the ability to create complex multi-level configurations.

The disadvantage is the lack of free access to the ceiling space, since the rails are fastened end to end one after another. To get to the base of the lighting device, you will have to dismantle part of the false ceiling.


They are created by combining several types of materials for finishing ceilings. A common option is to combine suspended plasterboard structures and stretch fabrics. GKL niches with built-in mirrors or stained-glass windows look original, while the main surface is covered with a layer of decorative plaster or painted.

Such a ceiling consists of panels made in the form of rectangles or squares glued to the ceiling. Regardless of the base material, the rough surface requires careful preparation before installing the slabs.

For the manufacture of panels, extruded polystyrene foam is used. The front side of the segments is decorated in different ways. Tiles are embossed, smooth, painted, imitating natural materials. To decorate the ceilings in the bathroom or in the kitchen, special laminated panels are used.


  • simple installation;
  • price;
  • soundproofing;
  • hide irregularities;
  • the panel can be easily replaced if necessary.
  • time-consuming preparation of the surface of the draft ceiling before gluing the tiles;
  • the presence of joints between adjacent segments;
  • turn yellow when exposed to sunlight;
  • it is impossible to mount hidden lighting.

Ceilings made of natural materials

Wooden lining

If the question is how to finish the ceilings in a wooden house, the best option would be to cover the surface with a wooden clapboard.


  • creating a favorable microclimate in the room;
  • life time;
  • environmental friendliness and safety;
  • decorative properties;
  • heat and sound insulation;
  • ease of installation.
  • afraid of humidity and sudden temperature fluctuations;
  • there is a possibility of damage to the tree by insects.

However, the disadvantages are easy to prevent if, before installing the lining, treat the material with special protective compounds. Properly carried out installation will extend the life of the coating, and it will be possible to give the surface of the decorative ceiling the desired shade with the help of stain or varnish.

This material is easy to install, so you can finish the MDF boards yourself. The panels are attached to a wooden or metal frame base.


  • environmental friendliness. The basis of the panels is wood shavings, which are pressed in the manufacture in a hot way. The composition does not contain phenolic compounds and resins, so after installing such a ceiling in the room there will be no specific smell;
  • the versatility of the panels allows them to be used for finishing both living rooms and public premises;
  • color spectrum;
  • durability.
  • low moisture resistance. When wet, the panels swell, lose their original shape;
  • it is impossible to use household chemicals in care;
  • afraid of fire, flammable.

Laminate for finishing ceilings began to be used relatively recently. This coating looks original, while the range of laminate boards includes a variety of shades. The material is mounted simply - on a frame made of wooden beams. The laminated surface is not afraid of wet cleaning, but it is better to refuse it in the kitchen and bathroom, since moisture and constant temperature changes will have a detrimental effect on the material.

To create such a design, it is allowed to use any finishing materials or use several finishing options in combination. A common is a plasterboard ceiling with inserts of stretch fabrics or mirror panels. Additionally decorate the surface with wallpaper, decorative plaster, artistic painting or plaster molding.

A multi-level ceiling will emphasize the features of each room, hide floor defects, and divide the space into functional zones.

The design can be different: in the form of regular geometric shapes, cones, waves, curved lines, etc. At the same time, the number of levels is limited only by the height of the room being finished.

Any lighting devices will fit into the design - spotlights, LED strip, flat lamps, traditional chandeliers, etc. Thanks to this, you can make basic and additional lighting, highlight individual areas, decorative elements and accessories in the room.

Thus, there are many options for finishing ceilings. Before choosing, carefully consider the concept of the future interior, calculate the budget and purchase high-quality materials. As for installation, you can entrust it to professional craftsmen, or try to implement the idea yourself. On our website you will find instructions on different ways of decorating ceilings that will help in your work.

Video review of ceiling finishes

Any repair, even a simple cosmetic one, requires the correct design of the ceiling. For various rooms, materials for finishing the ceiling are very important.
Even making simple repairs using improvised materials, not every user knows how to finish the ceiling in an apartment in a particular room and finishing technology.

In order to choose a material for finishing the ceilings of an apartment, you need to decide on the design direction and determine the budget for finishing the ceiling. After all, the design of the ceiling is not limited to the classics, if you wish, you can even create very individual options, it all depends on your preferences.
Consider the most common finishing materials:

  • Whitewashing, the most inexpensive and short-lived way, as an option to quickly refresh the room.
  • Painting the ceiling with a water-based emulsion, the classic version, requires preparatory work. It is necessary to completely level the ceiling surface.
    Therefore, for ceiling coverings with significant irregularities, this method will take a lot of time.
  • Finishing the ceiling with wallpaper also requires preparatory work. It will be difficult to quickly glue it alone with your own hands, you will need helpers.
    The price of finishing is low, but the operational period is not long, although with an interesting combination of several types of wallpaper, you can create interiors from classic to avant-garde.
  • Light finishing plates will help to quickly resolve the issue with cosmetic repairs, they will last for a long time, but do not differ in external originality.
  • Liquid wallpaper, one of the inexpensive modern methods of finishing the ceiling and walls. With the help of liquid wallpaper, you can create an interesting design thanks to the rich colors and combined application technology.
  • If you choose the most modern materials for finishing ceilings, it is best to give preference to suspended structures: drywall, slatted and cassette ceilings, PVC panels. There are no restrictions in design, and by combining several types at the same time, you can create exclusive interiors.
  • Stretch ceilings are also very popular due to a number of positive characteristics.

It should be remembered that not every ceiling is suitable for painting, so even small irregularities appear. In this case, suspension or tension structures will be needed.

The better to finish the ceiling, the elimination method

Whitewashing, as a finishing option, is losing its popularity every year, if we are not talking about a modest small cottage outside the city.
In modern repairs, this option is practically not used, especially since there are serious restrictions for such premises as:

  • Boiler room.
  • Kitchen.
  • Bathroom.

Ceiling painting practically does not go out of fashion, it is a universal finishing method, but provided that the ceiling is fairly even.
The ceiling painting technology consists of several stages:

  • Putty.
  • Grinding.
  • Primer diluted with water emulsion.
  • Surface painting in several layers.

Advice. With a flat ceiling surface, you are wondering how you can finish the ceiling in the bedroom inexpensively, then painting is the easiest and most reliable method. In addition, modern paints are environmentally friendly and quick-drying, safe for health, which is important for a room such as a bedroom.

In relation to other materials, paint has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Modern special paint is not afraid of water, so after painting you can safely wash the ceiling, without even choosing special products.
  • If desired, at any time you can change the interior of the room, thanks to a wide range of colors.

In addition, this option is considered an inexpensive finishing material, but it will take time and effort to finish. See the photo for an example of a painted ceiling in a modern interior.

Wallpaper and tiles on the ceiling

To date, pasting the ceiling with wallpaper is still in demand. Of the inexpensive options, this is the simplest method of decorating the ceiling plane and provides an opportunity for various design developments.
Ceilings look especially interesting with the use of several types of wallpaper, which are with interesting patterns and are glued in different directions.

Advice. Having chosen wallpaper as an option, be prepared for the fact that the process is quite laborious. When finishing, you need to carefully monitor that no air bubbles form under the canvas. This problem concerns especially wide rolls.

Finishing with slabs does not require special preparation, installation is very easy, you don’t even need special instructions here. Such a finish will allow you to quickly make inexpensive cosmetic, labor-intensive repairs and hide all the bumps and cracks in the ceiling.

Advice. When tiling, do not press too hard on the surface, as it is soft and delicate. To avoid leaving marks in the places of clamping.

When finishing the ceiling with tiles, it is necessary to determine the starting point, usually the finish is made from the middle of the ceiling (from the chandelier) and is evenly distributed over the entire plane. Scraps are obtained near the walls, then they can be covered with a special plinth.
Glue "Titan" or similar is used as a fastener.

Liquid wallpaper as a finishing material for the ceiling

If the question arises, how to decorate the ceiling in the room, then of course one cannot fail to mention liquid wallpaper. This type of decoration is able to give any room luxury and elegance.
This type of material is perfect for such premises as:

  • Living room.
  • Hallway.
  • Bedroom.
  • Children's.

Silk plaster and liquid wallpaper are a great alternative to other finishing materials.
Instructions for finishing the ceiling with liquid wallpaper:

  • The entire surface is thoroughly cleaned of all contaminants.
  • Dry the ceiling.
  • Prime.
  • Using a trowel, apply silk plaster to the ceiling.

Advice. This type of finish involves a number of specific skills, so before starting work, without experience, it is better to familiarize yourself with the training video or consult with a knowledgeable specialist.

Dropped ceilings

Finishing with suspended structures is the most common and popular option for modern homes, offices and city apartments. Suspended structure in most cases consists of a metal frame, which is attached to the load-bearing ceiling and cladding panels, which are attached to the metal frame.

  • Suspended ceilings are most often used when the surface is with radical drops and defects. In order not to engage in labor-intensive finishing, you can use a simple suspended structure, which will also allow you to hide all engineering communications and create a unique design of the ceiling plane.
  • In the kitchen and bathroom, it is best to use PVC panels (see Finishing PVC bathroom panels on your own: a step-by-step guide), stretch and slatted ceilings, but for ordinary rooms, plasterboard structures and combined ceiling options are used.

Advice. The plasterboard construction is perfect for figured curvilinear designs, the material is easy to cut and install.

Ideally, for drywall construction and other types of suspended ceilings, a spacious room with high ceilings is suitable.

Stretch ceiling structures

This is the most versatile type of finish, which is suitable for absolutely any room, without restrictions. In addition, of all materials, it is the most durable, but also expensive interior decoration.
If you have not decided how to finish the ceiling in the bathroom, then you don’t have to think that the tension structure will withstand all the negative impacts. Given the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the cost of the material will be insignificant, but the result will exceed all expectations.

Do-it-yourself installation will not work without special equipment and knowledge in this area. PVC is heated to a certain state, stretched and fixed at the edges in baguettes.
Using PVC construction, you can hide all communication systems, irregularities and defects. In addition, thanks to its unique features, the ceiling will add elegance and luxury to the room.

There are many beautiful ceilings, there are very expensive ones, but there are also simpler ones. The beauty and durability of ceilings depends to a large extent on careful surface preparation.

What problems can be solved with the help of the ceiling

In a modern interior, ceiling systems, and sometimes they are really whole engineering structures, solve two problems at the same time: decorative and functional.

Often, the ceiling is a multi-level or curvilinear structure; recessed lights are often inserted into them, greatly expanding the possibilities of lighting.

The ceiling turns into a complex system that hides many utilities and, at the same time, provides easy access to them.

Individual requirements for the ceiling are made by a room with a special microclimate.

In separate rooms, such as: bathrooms, winter gardens, swimming pools, garages - the ceiling finish should easily endure changes in humidity and temperature, condensation and direct water ingress.

In the premises of home cinemas, with the help of the ceiling, the tasks of creating a favorable acoustic environment are solved.

But basically, the decisive role in choosing the type of ceiling is played by the cost of finishing materials and the work of their installation.

Preparation of the base of the ceiling

In most modern houses, the plane of the ceiling is the underside of the reinforced concrete floor, the plane of which is never even and strictly horizontal.

Usually the floors are assembled from separate slabs, between which there are seams, they are masked in the first place, potholes, chips and cracks are often found on their surface.

Rarely there is an exceptional case of a flat and smooth ceiling. If it is not planned to conduct engineering communications on it, then the surface can be smeared with a primer and puttied.

The surface is now ready for wallpapering, decorative plastic boards or painting.

Unfortunately, most often you have to deal with crooked, once plastered, whitewashed or painted, then cracked ceilings.

It is necessary to remove the old layers to the floor slab only if the surface is supposed to be painted, which means that it is necessary to first apply new layers of plaster and putty on it.

The choice of material for the base and painting of ceilings

The beauty and durability of the painted ceiling directly depends on the quality of surface preparation.

Note that even the quality of the paint, to a lesser extent, affects the result of the work, surface preparation comes to the fore.

Therefore, experts advise to be very careful in choosing all the necessary materials.

When choosing a primer, plaster, putty, paint - it is necessary to take into account their advantages and disadvantages, as well as their compatibility.

Modern finishing materials offer a wide range of water-based paints.

When purchasing paints, pay attention to their thixotropy (the ability to liquefy under mechanical stress and thicken at rest).

Such compositions do not drip from a roller or brush, they lie on the surface evenly and without smudges, and this is an important nuance when painting the ceiling.

What kind of wallpaper is pasted over the ceilings

An inexpensive and beautiful ceiling can be obtained using wallpaper.

The wallpaper is glued on a leveled, clean and dry base. Light-colored paper or vinyl wallpapers are well suited for this purpose.

Often use white wallpaper with different surface textures.

You can use wallpaper for painting.

The best option is non-woven vinyl wallpaper or glass wallpaper, they are stronger, more durable, able to contain the appearance of small cracks in the plaster layer.

After gluing wallpaper for painting, they are painted with water-based paints.

After a few years, ordinary wallpaper will have to be re-pasted, the wallpaper repainted for painting.

You can paste over the ceiling with non-woven wallpaper, the main difference lies in the method of applying the glue, they cover only the ceiling, not the wallpaper.

Method for wallpapering the ceiling

Before pasting the walls, the wallpaper is pasted on the ceiling.

Two people must participate in the work.

Stepping back from the corner of the junction of the wall and ceiling to the width of the roll, you need to draw a line on the ceiling.

An adhesive composition is applied to the wallpaper canvas, left for a few minutes to soak and get to work.

At the junction of the walls and in the corners, an allowance of 2-3 cm is made for the curvature of the walls.

One person fixes the canvas on the wall, the second supports and unwinds it as it is pasted.

On the drawn line, check the correctness of the direction.

After gluing the entire canvas, check for the absence of wrinkles and tightness.

With a wallpaper spatula, smooth the surface, move from the middle of the canvas to the edges.

The following canvases are glued sequentially, usually at the joint with each other, the last canvas is glued with a slight overhang on the wall.

How to plaster the ceiling

The traditional way to level the ceiling is to plaster it.

This method is relevant for typical panel houses with a room height of 2.5-2.6 meters.

The use of plaster allows you to save every centimeter of height.

Using plaster, you can easily level out deviations in the range of 5-30 mm.

If the thickness of the plaster is more than 30 mm, there is a high probability of cracking and peeling it.

In the case of a large thickness of the plaster, it is reinforced with fiberglass mesh, it is laid between two layers.

You can use a metal mesh, it is attached to the base before the start of plastering.

Such a metal "skeleton" is used in case of insufficient adhesion of the mixture to smooth surfaces.

Gypsum or cement plaster

Cement plaster, when properly applied, creates a strong, durable coating.

The cement layer gains full strength within 28 days, drying in a natural way.

Any attempt to speed up drying will result in cracking. Before proceeding to the next stage of finishing, after leveling the surface with a cement mixture, a break of 1-2 weeks is necessary.

Plaster mixtures based on gypsum, in comparison with cement ones, dry out faster, harden not in a day, but in a matter of hours.

The use of a gypsum-based mixture significantly reduces the repair time, the high adhesion of the plastic mass simplifies the work technology, this is especially important when processing ceilings.

But gypsum plasters cannot be used in rooms with a relative humidity of more than 65-70%.

Adhesive ceiling

Glue is most often called the ceiling, to which expanded polystyrene tiles with different surface relief are glued. These tiles have a standard size of 500x500 mm and are produced by stamping and extrusion.

The extrusion method leads to the maximum density and uniformity of the material, respectively, its water resistance.

To distinguish such tiles simply by their appearance: their front side is smooth, in the section the product resembles porous chocolate.

Tiles are attached to any base with special glue for polystyrene.

This is one of the inexpensive ways to finish the ceiling.

Wall and ceiling lamps must be installed no closer than 20-30cm. to the surface of such a ceiling, since at temperatures above 80 degrees, the tiles begin to deform.

Ceiling fresco

The image obtained as a result of painting with water-based paints on a wet layer of plaster is called a fresco.

Since it is hand-painted, the production process takes a long time.

These are very expensive ceilings.

Cheaper and more common are non-woven frescoes.

To do this, a layer of plaster is securely fixed on the basis of non-woven fabric, then, by printing, an image is applied.

The main task is to choose a plot. Installation is carried out by professionals.

The ceiling plays an important role in the interior. The thematic design and the impression of the entire room depend on the quality of its design and the choice of style. There is furniture on the floor. The defect can be covered with a carpet. The walls are hidden behind cabinets and shelves. Pictures and decorative ornaments are hung on them. Finishing the ceiling, its quality catches the eye from the threshold.

When decorating rooms in new houses and overhauling apartments, I always pay special attention to the overlap. Designers draw it last, as the final chord of the interior. Finishing builders generally start at the top and gradually descend towards the floor.

Types of ceiling finishes and materials used

Modern technologies create new materials. Builders use them for decoration, including interiors in apartments and private houses. You can endlessly list the ways of decorating the premises. In old buildings, the traditional method of whitewashing with chalk or lime has been preserved. Materials and floor preparation are familiar to everyone. Any housewife can refresh her kitchen on her own in a few hours. Wash the floor and walls for much longer.

In addition, there are new and improved old ceiling finishes:

  • Hemming, when finishing materials are screwed directly to the surface of the floor. This is done mainly with the help of self-tapping screws.
  • Suspended mounted on a specially designed frame made of metal profiles and wooden slats.
  • Stretch ceiling is attached around the perimeter. The material is stretched and clamped into a special aluminum baguette.
  • Wallpapering is done directly on the surface. Various decoration methods are used.
  • Slatted and cassette ceilings are made of aluminum strips and plates with a color and mirror finish.

Many types of design and materials are missing. The list of options for finishing the ceiling is endless.

Finishes requiring quality surface preparation

All defects are highly visible on the painted ceiling. The paint flows into the cracks, highlighting every unevenness. To prepare the floor in the apartment, I cover the plane with 2 - 3 layers of starting putty with stripping and a primer that improves adhesion. I use a ruler to check. After complete drying, I apply the finishing composition. Then the ceiling is finished with acrylic paints.

Wallpaper can be glued without finishing putty. They will hide small cracks and bumps. But all the bulges and depressions will be visible. The drawing will only emphasize them. When the question arises of how to finish the ceiling, and even in the apartment, without wasting time fixing minor defects, I advise “wet wallpaper”. They can be applied using a special device that evenly covers the plane. The textured colored surface will hide the roughness, give a decorative look to the room.

Ceiling decoration with aluminum and plastic materials

Bedroom ceiling decoration

The apartment has high ceilings found in old buildings. Aligning them is difficult. But you can make suspension systems. The living room looks luxurious with slatted ceilings. Materials are almost eternal. Aluminum strips are coated with a special paint. They bend into desired shapes. The alternation of colors creates the illusion of a holiday, fireworks. In matte and glossy stripes of the same tone, intrigue and volume.

The design method excludes amateurs. I work only on a project developed by designers and constructors. I make a frame from a profile in accordance with the drawing. Aluminum strips are bent and cut to order by the manufacturer. Mounting without equipment can only be a flat ceiling without fixtures.

An affordable way to finish the ceiling with aluminum is cassette. Rectangular and square light metal blocks are hung on a special mount. The bottom surface has a decorative finish. Spraying and powder coating give the surface a different look. Mirrors reflect the room, making it tall and spacious, adding light. You can combine colors and textures to create unique designs.

Stretch ceilings and material for self-finishing

A distinctive feature of stretch ceilings is their installation after finishing the walls and floor. The most common materials are PVC film and its analogues. To decorate a room in an apartment, I use a profile and drywall. I take measurements after plastering the walls. The cover can be left as is. I remove the old mortar, which does not hold well, crumbles, and fix it with a primer.

The PVC film is fully prepared by the manufacturer. It is decorated according to a sketch, made plain or with a pattern, cut to the ordered size. There are three types:

  • satin - matte smooth surface;
  • mirror gloss, reflects light and contrasting colors in the interior, increases space;
  • matte - a classic option, in harmony with all styles and finishes of walls and floors.

Having fixed a profile around the perimeter - a baguette, I lay out the film with an assistant and start heating the room in the apartment with the help of a heat gun. Close the door and window first. I make a multi-tiered ceiling, starting from the uppermost section.

White or slightly bluish water-based paint will give the kitchen a classic look.

PVC materials become soft and stretch when heated. Having fixed the edges in the clamps, we stretch the film, heating individual places with a stream of hot air. Everything must be done quickly. After all, you can’t stand the heat of 70 degrees for a long time. I mount a stretch ceiling of any complexity with helpers in a few hours.

I am often asked how to finish the ceiling on my own. For those who want to have tension structures, I recommend fabric. Materials for registration are used standard:

  • cable laying profile;
  • plastic tube;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • curtain natural fabric.

The profile is attached around the perimeter. The finishing fabric is pre-cut and stitched. Natural fabric is immersed in water. Wet it stretches. The edges are tucked into the profile around the tube and stretched. Fixed with screws through the canvas. You can make such a ceiling in an apartment when the heating is turned off and it is not hot outside - spring and autumn. Otherwise, you will have to use a spray bottle with water so that the fabric does not dry out ahead of time.

Drywall is indispensable in the design of stylish interiors

Pressed boards made of cardboard and gypsum are strong enough and have a smooth glossy surface. They can quickly level surfaces in an apartment and a private house, in any room. It is enough to screw it with self-tapping screws to the ceiling or mount it on the profile. Slots and recesses can be leveled immediately with a finishing putty.

For finishing wet and damp rooms, green drywall with blue markings was created. It is resistant to water. Gray made sheets of additives that prevent ignition. The markings on these boards are red. Finishing materials should be used to decorate the ceiling in accordance with their qualities.

The ability of the material to take any shape makes it indispensable for finishing multi-tiered stretch ceilings and figured ones. You can create entire compositions over your head.

Options for finishing in the country house and country house

Outside the city, you want to take a break from the noise and breathe clean air. I am often asked the question of how to finish the ceiling in the country. Natural materials are environmentally friendly. They breathe and do not emit harmful substances. Wood can retain its fragrance for years and create a warm atmosphere of clean air.

In the country house and in the cottage, it is desirable to hem the ceiling with veneer or board. Coated with wax or natural varnish, it will enchant with the natural pattern of wood. It is enough to apply a new layer of protective coating on wood every 3 to 5 years and it will stand without repair for several decades. Wood protected with varnish can withstand temperature fluctuations if a stove is heated in the room in winter sometimes when people come to rest. A budget option for giving is painting and a plastic false ceiling.
