Modern do-it-yourself renovation. Quick and inexpensive do-it-yourself repairs in the house. Wallpaper must be

In the five or six years that have passed since the last renovation, the interior of the apartment has somehow faded, spots have appeared on the walls in some places, and there are bald spots on the floors, and the paint on the window and doorways has cracked. No matter how much you want, you need to make repairs. The required amount, as always, fails to collect. So can desire really not coincide with possibilities? Not at all.

For those who do not have a budget, you need to know little tricks to make economical repair. Basically, all of them are that there are no expensive stages of work.

Do it is possible from high-quality, but not expensive building materials, and update the interior on your own, saving on the payment of hired workers.

Where to begin?

First, determine what the style of the updated interior will be, because the amount of costs for the necessary materials depends on it. The emphasis should be on decorating walls, windows and doors, flooring.


If you want something unusual, then you can use clinker brickwork, with which you can easily give the room the look of an old castle or high-tech design, loft.

It can become an interior accent that does not require finishing materials (you can even create an imitation of a brick wall, which you will learn in detail about). And walls can be made to match the brickwork if there is not enough money for wallpaper.

economical repair you need to start by removing the old wallpaper to the ground. Roughness on concrete or unevenness in the seams of brickwork can be used as additional decorative elements. Prime them and cover with water-based paint. You can use the primer to make some kind of abstract drawing, which will save water emulsion.

The walls look great after decorating with textured plaster - a coating that imitates the Mediterranean style. She makes an effect smooth color transitions due to various small pebbles, granite or marble chips, cotton, linen or wood fibers added to its composition. These inclusions give the impression of being covered with natural stone or wet silk.

You can paste over the walls with new wallpaper. But when buying, you should remember that they should hide the defects of the wall and therefore should be quite dense. Under thin wallpaper, it is necessary to level the wall to perfect smoothness.

With the help of embossed vinyl-based wallpaper, you can hide the unevenness of the unplastered surface.

Wallpaper must be

  • without a large pattern, which then has to be carefully adjusted.
  • without rapport (repetition of the pattern), when sticking, you will have to cut a lot,
  • the best option is a solid color or vertical stripes on the canvas.

Do you want to save money on wallpaper replacement? Then cover the places where they are torn, rubbed and shiny with decorative stickers. Oracal film can decorate not only wallpaper, but also painted walls. It goes well with any type of coating, even with simple plaster.

Self-adhesive films Oracal. Multi-layer self-adhesive vinyl film with a texture that imitates the weaving of carbon fibers. The film perfectly stretches and lays down on the curved surfaces.

Windows and doorways

If there is not enough paint and varnish for something, you can decorate doors and openings with platbands with stencil patterns. Turn the space above the doors into a showcase for various trinkets, books, artificial flower arrangements. Costs for economical repair will be significantly reduced.


You can find inexpensive parquet or laminate, but is it necessary? When planning an economical renovation, it is better to opt for linoleum with a herringbone pattern or parquet plank, deck flooring or marble.

Natural linoleum consists of natural components, so it is called an environmentally friendly material. Yes, and laying it does not require significant costs.
Cheaper than traditional parquet can also be covering a dilapidated floor surface with carpet.

Own housing periodically requires updating. The difficulties associated with this are simple and understandable - often it's just a lack of budget. In addition, the lack of knowledge about a particular technology makes one think about inviting specialists. However, the best way to save money on renovating an apartment is to prefer a budget finish to an expensive one and do some of the work yourself.

Budget repair rules

Before deciding on the implementation of a budget apartment renovation with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the upcoming difficulties that are sure to arise at many stages of work. What are they:

  1. Apartment owners must have sufficient time for budget repairs. Especially if there is no experience in laying communication wiring,. Repair work is timed to coincide with vacation or special days are allocated for this. Spontaneity harms the final result and delays the process. Hurry up - make people laugh!
  2. Important right assess the situation apartment before renovation. Budget painting will not solve problems with the floor and walls, if either the plaster is in a deplorable state. The same applies to communication wiring. It’s not worth counting on a cheap cost of budget repairs in an apartment with your own hands. Decorative inexpensive materials will be a rational purchase if the rough finish is done with high quality.
  3. Required price monitoring and an assortment of nearby hardware stores. The latter is important, since the cost of delivery sometimes results in an impressive amount. You should not get carried away with very cheap goods - a construction field, an unplowed field for fakes.
  4. Compose carefully estimate. This will save you from overspending material and waste, respectively.
  5. And the last thing - you can not save on generally dangerous communications. Gas and electrical equipment is installed exclusively by specialists of city services. Otherwise, the lesser evil is non-working devices, the greater is the misfortunes associated with this.

Where to begin?

So, having decided on an independent budgetary apartment renovation, having estimated their own strengths and means, they begin to work. Here is an algorithm of actions, following which time is spent rationally:

  • The desired plan rooms. The position of communications depends on it - electrical outlets. If you like, the space is divided into - recreation, active life.
  • Removing old coatings from all surfaces - floors, walls, ceilings. If windows and doors will not be changed, then they are also cleaned for the upcoming finish. To work, you will need a perforator, dissolving liquids, spatulas - depending on the raw materials to be dismantled. It is recommended to immediately impregnate the walls with antiseptics - mold is not uncommon in apartments, moreover, such an opportunity is not foreseen anymore.
  • Laying a new concrete rough coupler on the floor - without it it is impossible to arrange an even floor covering, with high quality.
  • satisfied communications- electrical wiring hidden in the walls, sockets and cartridges are brought to the surface. Install plastic water and sewer pipes, change the heating system. If the plan provides for - they arrange frames for plasterboard partitions.

Now the room has taken on the appearance of a rough finish. Solutions vary depending on the previous condition of the apartment. It is important to keep in mind that for the duration of the repair, residents must be able to "alternate airfield" for at least a month. Especially when the apartment is small.

Stages of budget repair

Now the prepared apartment is trimmed with inexpensive materials. For flooring, boards, multilayer plywood are chosen - this is environmentally friendly, inexpensive and beautiful, with appropriate processing. In wet rooms, tiles are indispensable - consider substandard or battle offered in stores. It is always inexpensive or even free.

For walls - traditional wallpaper or painting. Ceilings are whitewashed and painted. Gives an unusual look to a city apartment - drywall. They make portals, partitions from it. Doors and windows are painted and subjected to many design techniques - aged, decorated with frosted or mosaic glass inserts. So the work begins:

  • It is generally accepted that finishing starts from the ceiling. This is not true, since in the future the construction dust rising up will settle on it. Removing it later becomes problematic. Therefore, start with the walls or the floor.
  • Vertical surfaces - walls, window slopes and the ceiling must be leveled. In the future, they will allow you to perfectly evenly cover the area with wallpaper or paint without visible differences. For work, a base and finishing mixture is required.
  • The floor is poured with a finishing screed, having previously installed beacons and a reinforcing mesh. The setting time depends on the thickness and consistency of the mortar. You can use the finished surface only after 3-4 weeks.
  • They determine the level for installing the lag - a step of no more than 60 cm. For plywood even less - up to 45 cm + transverse crate. Lay the boards, knocking down to each other, without gaps. For plywood, flooring is produced in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Paint the walls or wallpaper them. The most budget options are paper thin ones. But the quality is right too. Try to make your own - it requires an inexpensive finishing mix and tools to create a pattern or texture. For example, a “bark beetle” will turn out by smoothing the solution with a grater wrapped in coarse emery cloth. An interesting option is with the help of a film. Spectacular strokes are created with an ordinary spatula. After drying, the walls are tinted and fixed with acrylic varnish - this will make them spectacular.
  • The turn has come. High-quality whitewash is no less relevant than other decorative materials. If you don’t want everyday life, then making a stretch ceiling with your own hands without using special equipment is also budgetary. Mounting a slatted ceiling made of mirrored strips will not only give the effect to the room, but also visually expand it.
  • Lastly, paint or cycle the floor. The last option will emphasize the beauty of the tree.

Repair completed. It remains to give the room a finished look - install, arrange furniture, lay carpets. Sit on a soft sofa and calculate how much beauty cost you without the participation of professional craftsmen.

We bring to your attention options for budget repairs - before and after photos. Perhaps among them will come across worthy of repetition.

A few tips on how to save money on repairs and what you should not save on.

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At first glance, the repair may look “cheap”, but in fact, the architects have worked hard to create such an illusion.

What is a traditional "economy repair"? It is not necessarily cheap and laminate. In fact, you can make it quite budgetary and even fashionable. If you manage to rationally distribute the three main items of expenditure - wall decoration, flooring repairs and the purchase of new furniture. We will tell you how to make the “right” economical repair.


There is no need to perfectly display all 90-degree corners and make the walls strictly vertical. Exception: a place for built-in furniture, such as kitchen cabinets, or a corner bath: here you have to try.

“Bring out” the surfaces not completely, but only at the plinth: the plinths will adjoin uneven walls loosely (this is inaccurate). The same with ceiling moldings.

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Architects often "bare" brick walls. Take advantage of the idea!

The best option to save on coverage is to refuse it altogether. Concrete or brick walls can be very expressive: look at examples from the best architectural projects.

It is not at all necessary to correct all the irregularities and roughness - you can choose a material that is not sensitive to them.

For example, the simplest plaster, which can be applied with deliberately uneven strokes, and then painted.

If the surface of the wall has flaws, and you want to stick wallpaper on it, opt for interlining or vinyl. They are thick enough to hide small imperfections. Vinyl is usually cheaper. When choosing wallpaper, please note: a large pattern requires adjustment, which means that more wallpaper will be needed. Thus, a small drawing is more economical. And it's better if it's abstract (the compromise is vertical stripes).

Do not strive to make curved partitions and multi-level ceilings - they are, by definition, more expensive than straight lines, and are very rarely justified. This also applies to openings: a rectangular one is cheaper than an arched one, and almost always more appropriate.

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Designer wallpapers do not necessarily have an intricate pattern.

Board & nbsp - our option. A good alternative to parquet is a parquet board. Firstly, it is cheaper, and secondly, it is easier to stack. An even more economical option is laminate. Among its advantages - wear resistance. If you are looking for a compromise, go for an unfinished solid board or even an economical option: a floorboard. It is only necessary to properly process the floor so that the coating looks “exclusive”.

In the photo: Oak model from the Bolefloor factory.


Even if your repair is "economy class", do not mess with the replacement of parquet in the absence of money. Even if you manage to pick up inexpensive material, the work of a qualified craftsman will still cost you a pretty penny. It is better not to get involved with unqualified ones - there is every chance that they will spoil the material.

If the floor is supposed to be changed, you should not save on the preparation of the subfloor - screeds, all defects will then “float” to the surface: an uneven floor can creak. And for noise (in the absence of properly conducted soundproofing), neighbors can bring you to administrative responsibility.

Another available material is linoleum. You can choose synthetic or (more expensive) natural: it is made from environmentally friendly components. In addition, linoleum does not require a perfectly flat base. That allows you to save on the preparation of the floor under the coating. For the same reason, carpet is very convenient.

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If you want to save on the price of work - choose linoleum: laying it is as easy as shelling pears, even on your own.

Down with excess furniture. Before buying furniture, analyze your lifestyle - how often do you eat at home, how many guests you invite - this will save you from buying unnecessary folding chairs, a folding chair and other non-essential items.

In the photo: a project of the Malina design studio.


Do not buy random things: think over the whole situation at once and purchase furniture, already having an established image of the interior. Let it be gradually.

Treat with attention to the furniture inherited "inherited". Maybe this is not just junk, but what is now called “vintage”: a leather sofa or a massive wardrobe may well be of value in our age of synthetic upholstery and chipboard panels.

Do not get carried away with headsets. Often one large sofa or a pair of armchairs is enough, and not a “complete set”. Fewer seats, less furniture price - more savings.

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On the picture:

Different chairs, as if left "from past interiors" - this is a very fashionable technique. Sometimes designers deliberately collect furniture in different styles around one table.

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For some, the need to renovate their apartment causes a reaction far from positive. The financial side of the issue comes first. A painstaking calculation of funds begins, with a distinction between the purchase of materials and payment for the services of specialized construction teams.

Repairs can be cosmetic and are limited to painting, wrapping and updating the appearance. And it can be capital with the replacement of electrical wiring, plumbing and the installation of a modern acrylic baths.

The process of repairing an apartment is perceived as a long period of time with many inconveniences. The result eventually turns from the desired to the suffered, and instead of a sense of satisfaction, there is a feeling of fatigue and detachment.

The situation is quite different for people with imaginative thinking. Having visualized what the apartment will look like after finishing, they part with money more easily, in the hope of quickly seeing everything with their own eyes.

People from the same category, who are not burdened with funds, often resort to the services of designers. A master home interior designer using computer programs can develop a view of an apartment in 3D format. In many ways, this method is considered a strong incentive to action, since it allows you to see the results of the work in advance.

However, purposeful people with high internal enthusiasm never give up even in a situation where there is a strong limitation of funds. For such people, the way out is to carry out partial or complete repairs on their own.

At the same time, someone chooses a thorough capital design of housing with redevelopment, and for someone it is enough to carry out inexpensive repairs in an apartment, which is often called cosmetic.

Stages in the repair

When deciding where to start repairing an apartment, some believe that it is necessary to purchase materials and tools first. In general, this is correct, but in order to spend money correctly and not to acquire too much, you need to make preliminary calculations. Calculate the basic geometric parameters of each room: height, length and width. Determine the dimensions of window and door openings.

The data obtained will help determine the exact amount of work and calculate the amount of each type of building material.

When deciding to carry out a global change in the internal appearance of the apartment on your own, you must first draw up a phased plan. It is a properly developed plan, including a phased apartment renovation, that becomes the key to successful work processes.

The first item will be dismantling work:

  • demolition of enclosing internal walls and partitions to expand the space;
  • dismantling of wooden windows to replace them with plastic double-glazed windows;
  • removal of door panels or complete dismantling of door frames.
  • removal of old floor coverings;
  • dismantling of wall coverings or clearing walls from painting compositions;
  • clearing or blurring ceilings.

Categories of complexity of work processes

The most time-consuming work is considered to be the installation of a screed on the floors and plastering the walls. It is especially difficult to deal with surfaces endowed with a large number of drops. Some of them are eliminated by knocking down with a hammer, but only a leveling screed or similar plaster layer can really save the day.

To carry out high-quality straightening of wall surfaces, plaster beacons are used. To do this, buy aluminum rails or metal pipes of a small square or rectangular section.

In the first case, the material is inexpensive, but when buying, you should know that when you remove the rails from the joints after the plaster has dried, they can no longer be reused in work.

Metal pipes are more expensive, but the percentage of their preservation after dismantling is much higher. In addition, some people prefer to leave them in solution for greater strength of the layer.

The most economical way to achieve evenness of the screed is the installation of mortar beacons on the floors. But this process is very painstaking and only those who have the appropriate skills can decide on it.

The simplest type of work is painting. At least that's what most people think. The opinion is both right and wrong. The truth of the statement lies in the final process, that is, the painting itself, using quality tools.

Paint rollers and brushes, plastic pans with nets for rolling rollers. Working with quality tools, you can avoid smudges on the walls and the selection of vertical paint stripes.

Capturing an impression

For the sake of interest and to confirm their personal participation, a large number of people take photos of apartment renovation before and after. Sometimes this results in a whole series of shots with separate initial and final views of each room.

Some amateurs post photos on the Internet, as today it is considered a fashionable activity, and someone simply uses them to view with friends and acquaintances. In any case, a photo of a do-it-yourself apartment renovation is not only a memory, but also a confirmation of personal skill.

DIY apartment renovation photo
