Is tenoten compatible with alcohol? Combining Tenoten with alcohol: rules of administration, reviews. Tenoten and the early stages of alcoholism

Tenoten is a homeopathic remedy widely used for anxiety and stress. However, these are not all areas of application of the drug. Thus, it is quite popular in the treatment of alcohol use disorders.

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However, is it possible to take Tenoten and alcohol at the same time? Let's try to sort this issue out. And let's start with the cases in which this drug is used in the treatment of alcoholics.

For what purpose is Tenoten used in the initial stages of alcoholism?

As is known, chronic alcoholism has three stages of development.

  • At the first stage, a person develops a psychological dependence - he is constantly drawn to drink and, naturally, such an opportunity almost always appears.
  • At the second stage, a person who abuses alcohol develops a physical dependence on alcohol - alcohol lifts his mood, improves his health and makes it possible to work productively.
  • At the third stage, the alcoholic develops complications from internal organs and systems, and in particular from the central nervous system and liver.

And, naturally, on different stages Tenoten is used for various purposes. At the first and at the beginning of the second stage, it can be used to reduce an alcoholic’s craving for alcohol. This effect from using the drug is explained by the fact that it relieves increased anxiety and depressive states, which are usually the cause of alcohol abuse. The medicine activates such patients, improves their performance and increases self-confidence.

For what purpose is Tenoten used in the last stages of alcoholism?

In the final stages of alcoholism, Tenoten is used to eliminate the consequences caused by alcohol abuse and affecting the central nervous system and brain. However, it cannot correct serious damage.

For example, organic brain lesions, accompanied by a change in the patient’s personality, his manifestation of suspicion and acute irritability, his lack of a critical assessment of the situation, deep depressive states or violent manifestations of aggression, cannot be cured with the help of Tenoten.

And this is not surprising. In most cases, such symptoms do not disappear even when the patient completely gives up alcohol. This is explained by the fact that toxins that enter the body along with alcohol destroy brain cells (neurons), which, in turn, leads to the appearance of connective tissue in their place.

Thus, the effectiveness of Tenoten treatment largely depends on how long and in what quantity a person drinks alcohol. However, how does this medicine work when you drink alcohol? Will the effect of treatment appear if the Tenoten-alcohol combination is involved?

What is the compatibility of Tenoten and alcohol?

As mentioned earlier, Tenoten is a homeopathic remedy, and therefore has a very gentle, gentle effect on the body. In this regard, the drug can be taken together with any medications, food and drinks. And alcohol is no exception. However, there is no guarantee that alcohol will not negate the effect of the medicine, in in this case does not exist.

Moreover, Tenoten has a nootropic and neuroprotective effect and, accordingly, normalizes metabolic processes occurring in brain cells (neurons), and also protects the latter from external influences. Alcohol destroys these cells and dehydrates the body, which leads to the opposite effect.

So should you take Tenoten with alcohol? Probably not. After all, there will be no effect from such treatment, and it will only result in a further aggravation of existing problems and wasted money.

That is why you should not hope that taking Tenoten can relieve chronic alcoholism. And, of course, there is no need to treat alcoholics with this drug without their knowledge - it will not bring any results.

But using Tenoten as prescribed by a doctor in conjunction with other types of treatment prescribed by him is not only possible, but also necessary - this will speed up the process of getting rid of alcohol addiction and allow a person to return to a healthy and fulfilling life as soon as possible.

Tenoten is a homeopathic medicine and is used for stress and anxiety. No less common is its use for the treatment of chronic alcoholism at all its stages.

This drug can also be used together with other drugs without any side effects or complications. medicines.

There is no prohibition on Tenoten and alcoholic drinks regarding their joint use, you can even look at reviews that also talk about this. However, if you look from the side of other processes that occur in human body, then a little more detail is needed here.

It was previously said that Tenoten is a homeopathic medicine, but what does this mean? Its permission for joint use with other medications comes precisely from this word. Drugs of this kind have a low dosage; therefore, they act very carefully on the body, which gives maximum benefit with the smallest possible dose of this drug.

It is for this reason that there are no instructions regarding the avoidance of extraneous medications during treatment with Tenoten.

TO this rule Alcohol can also be included, this means that if you drink it during treatment with this medication there will be no harm, however, any effect that this drug could produce will be suppressed by alcohol. And therefore it is impossible to talk about any possible benefits of such treatment. Why then waste energy on this at all?

Basically, Tenoten is considered a nootropic drug; its main function is to improve the passage of all metabolic processes in the human brain. Alcohol negatively affects its cells, saturating them with toxins, as well as dehydrating them, and along with them the rest of the body. And this significantly slows down and even outweighs the effect of this medicine.

In addition to all of the above, one can also consider the neuroprotective effect of Theoten on the brain. This means that it protects neurons from any negative impact. But the low concentration of this medication significantly affects it, and alcohol toxins reduce this protection to zero. A lot of people leave reviews specifically about this situation.

It turns out that you need to choose, either continue to drink alcohol, or give it up and take care of your treatment. Judging by how often you can find reviews on this issue, people simply refuse to make a choice. Although the compatibility of these substances is clearly visible.

Chronic alcoholism and its early stages

  • Dependence on a psychological level - everything happens very simply in it, an alcoholic almost always has the thought that he wants to drink, and therefore very often there is an opportunity to do this;
  • Dependence at the physiological level - a false idea is born in the head that alcohol perfectly helps to keep oneself in excellent shape, cope with any tasks and be prepared for any problems, and the patient begins to believe in this idea;
  • The manifestation of complications in the body - such complications mainly relate to the nervous system of the alcoholic and his liver.

Tenoten is not taken to treat this problem, because at different stages it is needed for different problems. For example, in the first two stages, this drug is taken to treat the addiction itself, that is, the craving for alcohol-containing drinks.

  • By relieving depression, the patient can realize that he has a problem, and this push can be decisive in solving it;
  • By removing anxiety, you can calm the idea that you need to drink as much alcohol as it happens, and thus, over time, unnoticed by the patient himself, bring him out of chronic alcoholism.

The best that treatment can provide them is the opportunity to become aware of the problem and gain new strength so that they can overcome it.

Since Tenoten is a weak remedy, it would be foolish to rely only on treatment with it, although this is exactly what the relatives or friends of the patient do, quietly carrying out such treatment. It would be right to consult a doctor regarding this issue, and he will be able to suggest what better medicine take additionally with this. It is in this case that the effect of treatment with Tenoten will be maximum, as the reviews say.

Chronic alcoholism and its late stage

In cases where the body begins to experience problems from drinking alcohol that cause disturbances in it, then this drug can also be useful. After all, one of the main organs that suffers from toxins is the human brain. This happens because, in addition to dehydration, metabolic processes in the brain are also disrupted, which leads to neurons beginning to die. Connective tissue forms in place of dead neurons, and it will no longer be possible to cure a person by returning neurons, even if there is no longer a single drop of alcohol in the body.

  • Irritable;
  • Nervous;
  • Suffering from sudden mood swings;
  • As well as those suffering from other disorders of this kind.

Patients in this state become more loyal to themselves and stop noticing any inappropriate actions. Irritability causes aggression towards others in alcoholics, as well as attacks of depression, which can either begin suddenly or end.

All these symptoms very often cause delirium in patients with chronic alcoholism. Suspicions arise towards everyone around him, for example, that the woman he loves is cheating, friends seem completely different, not real, mania of persecution and mild schizophrenia creep in.

Tenoten in such a situation helps to slightly improve the functioning of the brain and protect neurons from destruction.

  • Reducing irritability;
  • Relieving depression;
  • Calming aggression;
  • Protection against the onset of delirium and mild schizophrenia;
  • Improving memory and general concept everything that happens around.

But still, this will only happen in cases where the combined use of Tenoten with alcohol is completely stopped. If the patient has already realized his problem, his treatment began at that moment. The most important thing is to seek help from a specialist, he will tell you correct treatment and along with it, using Tenoten will only be beneficial.

Attention, TODAY only!

The drug Tenoten belongs to the category of homeopathic remedies and is actively used in the treatment of anxiety and stress conditions. Tenoten is often used in the treatment of alcoholism at its various stages. Reception this drug can be combined with other medications. There are also no prohibitions on joint reception the drug with alcoholic beverages, but such a combination is not always safe.

The drug Tenoten is a nootropic and anxiolytic drug containing antibodies to the brain-specific protein component (S-100). The tranquilizer Tenoten is a psychotropic drug that reduces the feeling of unreasonable fear, relieves tension and the feeling of unreasonable fear. Such a nootropic agent affects the higher functions of the brain, feeding cells with oxygen and improving its activity.

Tenoten tablets have many therapeutic effects:

  • Anti-anxiety and anxiolytic effects;
  • Antiasthenic and antidepressant;
  • Neuroprotective and nootropic;
  • Anti-stress and antihypoxic;
  • Antiamnestic effect.

Tenoten differs in that it does not have a muscle relaxant or hypnogenic effect. The tablets improve cerebral circulation, reducing the degree of brain hypoxia, as a result of which the activity of the nervous system and brain processes noticeably improves. Therefore, Tenoten is prescribed for neuroses and psychosomatic disorders, stressful conditions and increased emotional excitability, organic nervous system lesions, memory impairment, attention, etc. There are no adverse reactions during Tenoten therapy, so treatment can be carried out in long courses of 1-3 months.

It is not prohibited to combine tenoten with alcohol, as indicated in the instructions. But the combined use of any drugs with alcoholic drinks cannot bring any benefit. Typically, such a combination is extremely harmful to the body, and its consequences can be quite unexpected. In a favorable scenario, the drug simply will not have any effect; if the circumstances are not the best, then the patient may develop various kinds adverse reactions, exacerbation of symptoms and complications of the disease. In the case of Tenoten, it is better not to drink alcoholic beverages, although there are no direct contraindications to this.

Tenoten: interaction with alcohol

The drug belongs to homeopathic remedies, the peculiarity of which is a gentle effect on the patient’s body. That is why tablets can be safely combined with many other medications without fear of developing complications. This is precisely what the manufacturer is guided by, indicating the possibility of combining tablets with alcohol. In reality, a therapeutic effect with such a combination may not be achieved, i.e. there will simply be no benefit from such treatment.

Tenoten has a nootropic effect on the body, improving metabolic processes in brain cells. If you combine tablets with alcohol, then interaction with any alcohol can provoke disturbances in neural metabolism in the brain. Alcohol has a toxic and dehydrating effect on brain neurons. Considering that Tenoten protects brain structures from external negative attacks, this quality does not appear in any way when taking tablets with alcoholic beverages. Moreover, Tenoten cannot resist the powerful toxic effects of ethanol on the brain, because it only has a gentle homeopathic effect.

In general, the combination of Tenoten tablets with alcohol does not pose any threat to health. But the medicine is taken for a specific purpose, and when it interacts with ethanol, the entire effect of the homeopathic remedy will be neutralized. Therefore, results from treatment can only be expected if the patient stops drinking alcohol.

Tenoten for alcoholism

With the help of Tenoten, alcohol dependence at various stages is often treated. In such a situation, drinking alcohol is by definition unacceptable.

  • The first stage of alcoholism is characterized by the presence of psychological dependence. In such a state, patients can always find a reason to drink.
  • At the second stage of alcohol addiction, physical dependence already takes place, and strong drinks become a means of getting rid of stress, improving the psycho-emotional state, increasing performance, etc.
  • With third-degree alcoholism, there is a noticeable deterioration in health, especially the nervous system structures, brain and other organs are subject to destruction.

In case of alcoholism initial stages Tenoten is prescribed to eliminate depression and excessive anxiety, which prompt patients to drink alcohol. As a result of taking Tenoten, patients experience an increase in mood, they want to do something useful, self-confidence appears, and self-esteem increases. As a result of such pronounced positive changes, the craving for alcoholic beverages decreases.

With the development of chronic addiction, Tenoten tablets are prescribed in addition to the main treatment of alcoholism, because the drug will not be able to cope with the disease on its own. At the third stage of alcoholism, patients suffer from serious brain disorders that arise from the death of neurons and the formation of connective tissue in their place. Such changes are organic in nature and therefore irreversible, even if the patient stops abusing alcohol.

In such a clinical situation, Tenoten helps smooth out severe personality changes and deterioration of character, reduces manifestations of irritability, aggressiveness, and delirium. The processes of memory and understanding of what is happening around improve. But the effect of taking Tenoten is possible only if you completely stop drinking alcoholic beverages.

Tenoten for hangover

Tenoten helps with hangovers quite well. This condition is usually accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms such as irritability, outbursts of anger, depression and other emotional disorders. In this condition, patients often complain of a state of dysphoria, when a person feels deeply unhappy and dissatisfied. Sometimes dangerous symptoms may even occur, which manifest themselves in severe weakness, a sudden growing fear of death, pre-syncope or fainting, etc.

In such cases, Tenoten will help cope with depressive conditions and relieve the patient from excessive anxiety and irritability. But it is recommended to take the tablets after detoxification, when the alcohol is neutralized, otherwise there will be no effect from taking Tenoten.

Poor health in a hangover state is associated with intoxication caused by alcohol metabolites. Ethanol also provokes disorders:

  • Distribution of fluid throughout the body;
  • Processes of material metabolism;
  • pH balance;
  • Nervous system activity;
  • Sleep, etc.

That is why bad feeling If you have a hangover, this is quite normal and natural. But if, after a stormy party, the patient has unusual symptoms or the severity of the usual symptoms of a hangover has increased, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to save the situation by taking Tenoten, so you need to call a doctor. Simply, alcohol abuse can provoke a number of life-threatening conditions such as myocardial failure, pancreatitis or bronchospastic syndrome, etc. When such conditions develop, the primary symptoms are often similar to an ordinary hangover, but timely identification of dangerous signs will help save someone’s life.

Irritability, nervousness and increased content stress has become a part of life modern man. In order to provide sedative or calming, as well as antidepressant effects without compromising the quality of life, you can use the homeopathic drug Tenoten.

How compatible Tenoten and alcohol are, as well as the rules for its use, is the topic of our article today.

What is Tenoten

Tenoten belongs to the group of anxiolytics and nootropics. It contains antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100.
An anxiolytic, or tranquilizer, is a psychotropic drug that reduces feelings of anxiety, fear and relieves emotional stress.
The nootropic has an effect on the higher functions of the brain, which improves its functioning and increases oxygen saturation.
Tenoten is available in the form of lozenges. The tablets have a flat-cylindrical shape and White color. There are inscriptions on both sides:

  • the side with the mark has the inscription “MATERIA MEDICA”;
  • the opposite side is “TENOTEN”.

Pharmacological effects

Tenoten has the following pharmacological effects:

  • antidepressant;
  • antiasthenic;
  • anxiolic, or anti-anxiety;
  • nootropic;
  • neuroprotective;
  • antihypoxic;
  • anti-stress;
  • antiamnestic.

Unlike many medicinal sedatives, Tenoten does not have hypnogenic and muscle relaxant effects.
The drug improves blood supply to the brain, which reduces the level of hypoxia. As a result, there is an improvement in brain activity and processes in the central nervous system.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of Tenoten include:

  • psychosomatic disorders;
  • neurosis;
  • stressful conditions combined with feelings of anxiety, increased excitability and irritability;
  • lesions of the central nervous system organic nature, which are accompanied by anxiety, excitability of the emotional sphere, decreased attention and memory.

Contraindications for use

Tenoten has a small number of contraindications. Among them are:

  • allergic reactions to the drug or its components;
  • children under 18 years of age.

If there is a need to take the drug in children, the use of Tenoten for children is indicated.

Prescription during pregnancy and lactation

The use of Tenoten during gestation and lactation has not been studied, so the drug should be used with extreme caution in this category of people.

If the risks for the woman exceed the risks for the fetus, then the medicine is used under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

Side effects

When studying the drug side effects was not identified. If any undesirable actions develop, consultation with a specialist is necessary. When taken simultaneously with other drugs, no cases of incompatibility were identified.

Mode of application

Tenoten is available in the form of lozenges. One cardboard pack contains 1 or 2 blisters of 20 tablets. Prescribed 1-2 tablets 2 times a day. It is possible to increase the frequency of administration up to 4 times.

The course of therapy ranges from 1 to 3 months. It is possible to extend the course to six months. Treatment can be repeated after 1 – 2 months. If after taking Tenoten there is no effect within a month, a second consultation with a specialist is necessary to adjust the dosage and frequency of taking the tablets. There are currently no data on cases of overdose. Taking into account the activating effect of the drug, it should not be used later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Is it possible to combine alcohol and Tenoten?

Tenoten's compatibility with alcohol is undesirable. There are a number of reasons that reduce the therapeutic effect of the drug when taken simultaneously with alcoholic beverages:

  1. a small dosage has a gentle effect on the human body, but in combination with alcohol it is reduced to 0;
  2. Tenoten has a nootropic effect, which leads to an improvement in metabolic processes in the brain. Concomitant use of alcohol leads to the opposite effect;
  3. the drug protects brain cells from negative impact external environment. Alcohol causes toxic damage to brain cells.

Based on the data obtained, we can conclude: it is possible to consume Tenoten and alcohol at the same time. In this case, the effect of treatment will be insignificant or completely absent.

If the alcohol intake was one-time, then taking Tenoten will be effective in the future. For alcohol addiction, this treatment will be meaningless.

However, the drug has become widespread in the treatment of alcoholism at its various stages.

Early stages of alcoholism and Tenoten

There are 3 stages in chronic alcohol dependence. Tenoten is used in the presence of addiction without treatment of the third stage with the development of complications.

Stages of alcoholism:

  1. psychological addiction. There is a constant craving for alcohol;
  2. physiological dependence. At the same time, a person has a false idea of ​​complete well-being when drinking alcoholic beverages;
  3. stage complicated by concomitant diseases. The human liver and brain are most often affected.

The first two stages can be treated in complex therapy with Tenoten to reduce dependence on alcoholic beverages. This effect is achieved thanks to the following effects:

  • antidepressant;
  • anxiolytic or anti-anxiety.

Often, depressive states are the provoking factors of alcoholism. When taking Tenoten, patients become more active, which leads to improved performance, improved emotional background and concentration.

With adequately selected complex therapy, the craving for alcohol consumption is significantly reduced.

When treating alcohol addiction at the initial stage, a complete abstinence from drinking alcohol is necessary so that the effect of the drug is sufficient to provide assistance.

Late stages of alcoholism and Tenoten

The late stage of alcoholism is accompanied by disturbances in the functioning of the brain. Increased oxygen deprivation leads to death nerve cells brain In the early stages, this process is reversible; in the later stages, neurocytes are replaced by connective tissue, and the process becomes irreversible. This process is called organic changes in the brain.

The late stage of alcoholism is characterized by significant changes in the personality of patients. In this case it is observed:

  • increased anxiety;
  • depressed mood;
  • irritability;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • decreased mental abilities;
  • lack of ability to critically assess situations.

Taking Tenoten in the later stages of the disease can reduce the risk of damage to neurons that have retained viability from alcohol damage.

This becomes possible only with complete abstinence from alcohol and the use of drugs in the complex treatment of alcoholism.

The simultaneous use of Tenoten and alcohol will be ineffective.

In combination with complex treatment, the drug can have the following effects:

  • anti-anxiety;
  • antidepressant;
  • neuroprotective, or protective mechanism for neurons;
  • reduction of aggressiveness;
  • reduction of irritability;
  • improvement of brain functions and memory mechanisms;
  • reduction or absence of delusional states.


Tenoten is a homeopathic medicine that has proven itself to be a mild antidepressant, anti-anxiety and sedative, the use of which is shown to a wide range of people.
Simultaneous use of the drug with alcoholic beverages is possible. However, their regular combination is unacceptable due to a decrease or absence of the therapeutic effect.
As part of complex therapy, it is possible to actively use the drug in the treatment of alcoholism at any stage with complete abstinence from alcohol.

Tenoten is one of the few drugs that not only calms well, but also restores normal functioning nervous system, have minimal side effects and can be used together with other medications. In addition, the drug is often prescribed to reverse the damage caused by excessive drinking. Therefore, it is believed that Tenoten and alcohol can be used simultaneously without any fear of consequences. But is it?

Brief information about Tenoten

The drug is a Russian development, available in tablets, and belongs to homeopathic remedies with nootropic and anxiolytic effects.

The therapeutic effect is achieved thanks to the properties active substance of natural origin - antibodies to the specific brain protein S-100.

The drug is considered a tranquilizer that effectively relieves fear and increased psycho-emotional stress. The nootropic effect is to improve the supply of brain cells with blood, nutrients, and oxygen. The drug restores cells in the area of ​​damage that occurred after an acute cerebrovascular accident due to poisoning, oxygen starvation and other factors.

In addition, Tenoten has other effects:

  • Antiasthenic
  • Antidepressant
  • Anti-stress
  • Neuroprotective
  • Antihypoxic
  • Antiamnestic.

Unlike many others medicines with a similar effect, Tenoten does not cause drowsiness or muscle relaxation - those effects that usually accompany intervention in the nervous system.

Indications for use are:

  • Neuroses and neurosis-like conditions
  • Diseases of psychosomatic origin
  • Consequences of stress, which are accompanied by nervous tension, anxiety, vegetative symptoms
  • Organic lesions of the central nervous system, accompanied by emotional lability, memory impairment, and irascibility.

The drug has virtually no contraindications: it should not be taken only if:

There are no side effects at all or appear to a minimal extent. Due to its good tolerability and the fact that the drug is not addictive, it can be used over a long period of time.

A big advantage of Tenoten is its good compatibility with other medications, so it is often included in complex treatment.

Features of alcohol consumption during treatment with Tenoten

The drug is positioned as a product compatible with any medications. But does this mean that during the treatment course it can be drunk with intoxicating drinks?

The uniqueness of the drug lies in its ability to provide a therapeutic effect even at minimal dosages. But, like any drug, Tenoten and alcohol are not compatible.

One-time consumption of alcohol may not bring serious consequences for the body, but will reduce the effect of the drug to zero. But regularly combining medicine with booze is pointless if the goal is to recover. And if there is no desire to get well, then why take pills?

Therefore, drinking alcohol during treatment is extremely undesirable, especially for those patients who suffer from alcoholism. In this case, not only will the treatment result be reduced to zero, but there is also a high probability that the patient will go on a drinking binge.

If there is a need to take alcohol during therapy, then you need to observe time intervals between tablets and alcohol. You need to take the medicine:

  • Men: 8 hours before drinking and 6 hours after drinking
  • Women: 12 hours before drinking and 9 hours after it.

In this case, the risks of combination will be minimized.

Features of taking Tenoten in the early stages of alcoholism

The initial stages of alcoholism are characterized by the formation and consolidation of mental and physical dependence on alcohol in the body. The internal organs are not yet damaged or the lesions are still reversible with timely treatment.

At these stages, a person has a chance to return to normal without much damage to health. Tenoten eliminates damage to brain cells, ensures their normal functioning and thereby helps neutralize depressive states that are typical for drinkers.

It is possible to achieve a complete cure by completely abstaining from alcoholic beverages. In this case, there is a chance that the patient will not return to his previous state, and the body will recover faster.

Tenoten in late forms of alcoholism

The last stages of alcohol addiction are characterized by irreversible damage to internal organs. However, if you give up alcohol and use therapy, there is still a chance to keep the remaining undamaged cells healthy.

The use of Tenoten ensures normal supply to them nutrients and thereby contributes to their functioning.

In addition, in the later stages of alcoholism, changes occur in a person’s psycho-emotional state. The consequences of regular drinking are manifested in a decrease in cognitive functions, memory deterioration, mental performance, dementia, and lack of critical self-perception. The inclusion of Tenoten in the treatment regimen will help restore (albeit not completely) what has been lost. But only on condition of complete abstinence from alcohol.

Can Tenoten be taken with alcohol?

The instructions for the drug do not categorically prohibit taking Tenoten with alcohol, but does this mean that they can be taken at the same time?

In fact, you need to understand that the medicine and ethanol have opposite effects on brain cells: Tenoten restores damage in the affected area, strengthens the condition of the remaining ones, improves their blood supply, and ensures a complete supply of oxygen. And ethyl alcohol, or more precisely, its breakdown products, has a toxic effect on cells, as a result of which they are damaged or die. As a result, when Tenoten and alcohol are used together, the effect is mutually destroyed.

Therefore, it is believed that medicine with alcohol can be taken at the same time, since catastrophic consequences in the form of coma or death are not expected. But there will be no sense in such a combination, since Tenoten and alcohol will block each other’s actions. And considering that side effects ethanol is more aggressive, the disease will progress.

Tenoten, like any drug, will only help if it is correct application: improves brain activity, speeds up damage recovery. But all this is possible only with the complete exclusion of alcohol during treatment.
