The cheapest heating in a private house. Is electric heating of a private house really the most economical? Great design and compact

It is better to prepare a sleigh in the summer, as well as a heating system at home or a summer residence. It is not worth postponing “for later” the solution of this vital issue. After all, autumn colds can come suddenly, and it is important that the weather does not take you by surprise.

Homeowners who have gas connected to the house, and there are no problems with heating and hot water supply, can close this article and go about their business. This article is for people who want to do at home most economical electric heating, but the power allocated to their house (the limit of permitted power) is not sufficient to connect several heating appliances and other household appliances. And the purchase of additional electrical power from power engineers is not possible due to the unreasonably high cost or the physical absence of excess power due to old transformer substations.

What is the most economical and inexpensive heating system with electricity?

Based on many years of experience, we can say that the simplest and most inexpensive way to implement electric heating of a country house or cottage is use of electric convectors. These electrical appliances have positively proven themselves for heating, both residential and administrative or retail space. This type of electric heating has a number of important advantages over other electric heating systems and appliances. Let's look at just a few of the benefits.

1. Best performance and economy

The principle of operation of an electric convector is natural air circulation, when warm air, as less dense, rises above cold air. The air inside the room is mixed spontaneously. This achieves good uniformity and speed of heating, as well as the absence of drafts.

The heating elements of electric convectors have a small mass and thermal inertia, so they heat up quickly. Unlike, say, radiators filled with oil. Therefore, the efficiency of such a heating device is very high, and the power consumption is an order of magnitude less than that consumed by an electric boiler.

Almost all the electricity consumed by the convector is converted into heat. And the thermostat allows you to achieve, because the TEN does not work constantly, but only when the air temperature drops. Those. cyclically.

2. The best indicators for operational safety

Modern convectors contain, which do not heat up above 100 ° C. At the same time, the temperature of the convector body remains below 60°C. The convector does not burn oxygen. And most devices of this type have increased protection against moisture (IP24), so they can be safely installed in bathrooms, bathrooms, dressing rooms, next to the pool, etc. Although, of course, this does not mean that the convector can be watered with water from a hose!

Convectors from leading manufacturers are equipped with a security system that will turn off the heating if the air inlet or outlet is closed. Therefore, convectors can be used in kindergartens, children's rooms, hospitals, etc.

3.Easy to install and operate

The electric heating convector is ready for use immediately after purchase. All that is needed for its operation is installation on a wall or on special legs, as well as inclusion in the mains.

To select the temperature, it is enough to set the thermostat to the appropriate temperature value, and then, just wipe the dust from the case. Unlike installing a water system, convectors save significant money because they do not require piping throughout the house.

4. Small price

The cost of high-quality electric convectors cannot be compared with the cost of an electric water heating system.

5. Possibility of gradual expansion of the system

Convectors can be bought and put into operation gradually, as needed or as funds are available. While water heating requires the purchase of all components at once, which is not cheap.

6. Ability to use energy-saving automation

Very often, the power allocated to a house or cottage is not enough to connect several energy-intensive heating devices. Electric convectors allow the use of additional external automation, for example, the OEL-820 Clusterwin power grid load optimizer, which reduces the overall power consumption and allows them to be operated even with insufficient permitted power limit.

This is very important for a country house. In addition, the load optimizer does not require installation, but simply plugs into the outlet, like an adapter - an adapter. requires a large input power, which cannot be reduced.

7. Insensitivity to mains voltage fluctuations

The heating elements of convectors are not sensitive to mains voltage deviation, which is often found outside the city. Therefore, they do not require an additional voltage regulator.

8. Excellent design and compactness

Heating with convectors does not require space under the boiler room. Convectors have small dimensions and will fit into any interior.

Point 6 will be explained with an example

Under an agreement with an energy sales company, the electric power allocated to the house is 5 kW. At the same time, it is necessary to operate four 1 kW convectors, a 1 kW water heater, and a 1 kW kettle. In total, our electrical appliances consume 6 kW, which exceeds the allocated limit. Therefore, when they are turned on simultaneously, the network will be overloaded and the machine (circuit breaker) will be knocked out ...

However, it is not necessary that all appliances be turned on for heating at the same time. If powerful electrical appliances are conditionally divided into pairs and made so that each pair can have one, and only one electrical appliance turned on, then it is possible to significantly reduce the total power consumption and bypass the limit of permitted power. For these purposes, they use the latest automation - power grid load optimizers. For example, .

You can read more about this device and its operation.

To connect energy-intensive electrical appliances, we will use three OEL-820 CLUSTERWIN load optimizers for the power grid.

Third floor. One large studio.

When the priority convector A is turned on in heating mode, the non-priority convector B is switched off. As soon as the temperature in the left zone of the room reaches the set value, convector A will turn off the heating. The operating cycle of non-priority appliance B starts.

When the temperature in the right zone of the room reaches the set value, convector B will turn off. For some time, depending on the quality of the thermal insulation of the room, both convectors can be turned off. At this time, the temperature in the left zone of the room slowly decreases.

When the temperature drops below the set value, the priority convector A will turn on and start its new working cycle.

Since only one convector can be switched on in this pair of convectors at any time, the total power consumed by the two convectors will never exceed 1 kW.

The total consumption and load on the power grid is reduced by 2 times.

Second floor. Two separate rooms.

Convectors on the second floor, connected to the network via power grid load optimizers, work in the same way as convectors on the third floor. Only each of them heats its own room. At the same time, the total power consumed by two convectors never exceed 1 kW.

First floor.

The kettle and water heater are connected to the mains via the OEL-820 optimizer. While the kettle is not in use, the water heater operates according to the temperature set on the thermostat. When you turn on the kettle, the water heater automatically turns off for the duration of the kettle.

As soon as the water boils and the kettle turns off, the water heater will be connected to the network and continue to work. It is preferable if the water heater thermostat is electromechanical. This water heater is also cheaper.

Since one and only one of two electrical appliances can be switched on, the total power consumption of the kettle and water heater will never exceed 1 kW. Therefore, their consumption and load on the power grid reduced by 2 times!

Conclusion: when operating six electrical appliances with a total power of 6 kW, connected via three power grid load optimizers, the total power consumed from the power grid will never exceed 3 kW!

Which of the points of advantages of convectors listed by us should be put in the first place, and which in the last? There is no single answer to this question. But, the ability to choose what is more important in your particular situation is already wonderful!

Which electric convectors to choose?

This is a matter of taste and wallet. It is clear that you should only buy devices from well-known manufacturers, such as NOBO or similar. This is your safety. Pay attention to a function such as self-recovery operation (restart) after a power failure.

Normal convectors are not sensitive to power failures. And those that require a human restart are not easy to use and can cause great damage by freezing the house.

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It is known that the most inexpensive heating option is considered to be a gas system. But there are situations when it is not possible to use it, for example, if a gas main does not pass nearby. In this case, heating the house with electricity is recommended. The most economical way can be chosen by analyzing all the options offered. This is what we will do in this review.

Why choose electricity for heating your home: the most economical way

Electric heating system has the following advantages:

Options for electric heating of a private house

Such a heating scheme involves the use of various types of equipment.

Boiler Application

Selection of IR panels

When deciding how to heat a house with electricity economically, you can consider the option of installing infrared structures. Such products do not heat the air inside the rooms, but various objects. If, in the version with a boiler, the air masses move upwards and then cool down, then in this case the hot streams are directed to the floor.

If thermostats are added to infrared devices, they will work more efficiently. One controller is enough to control three heaters. This equipment is economical in the process of application, but expensive in terms of installation and construction costs. IR devices consume a small amount of electricity. In addition, they rationally distribute heat. They can perform spot and zone heating. Even after the design is turned off, objects generate heat for a long time.

Installation of such equipment can be done independently. The infrared system is used both as the main type of fuel and as an additional one. The advantages of the option include a long service life, up to 80 years.

Heating a house with electricity is also done using infrared. This is an economical and effective tool. This design is not afraid of unexpected power surges and does not break with minor damage. You can install such a device under various floor coverings except for parquet. Infra-red rays heat only solid objects, therefore, when the floor is heated, the elements themselves do not heat up.

Expert point of view

Andrey Starpovsky

Head of the group "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning" LLC "GRAST"

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“Infrared heaters can be placed anywhere. They are installed on the floor, on the ceiling or even behind some objects.

Benefits of convectors

When choosing the most economical electric heating without a boiler, it is worth exploring the possibilities of convectors. According to manufacturers, it heats the space with high quality and at the same time spends a small amount of electricity. The main advantage of the device is that its installation is simple.

It takes about two minutes to warm up the heating element, which is much faster than when heated with water devices. The advantages of such structures include:

  • low cost of equipment;
  • fire safety;
  • the heating system can not be completed immediately, buying additional radiators as needed;
  • modern design;
  • uninterrupted operation even with sudden voltage changes;
  • small sizes.

This method maintains the desired ratio of humidity in the room and does not destroy oxygen. Excellent technical properties and excellent power indicators make it possible to use electric convectors for heating both large and small private houses.

The main element of the design is the heating element, which converts the energy of electricity into heat. The principle of operation is air convection. In this case, the cooled streams penetrate into the slots in the lower part of the body, and then exit through the upper holes. The convector can work alone or in a system controlled by a temperature controller.

Useful information! To create a more economical installation, use the temperature controller.

Which option is better not to choose?

When choosing the most economical way to heat your home, it's worth exploring options that aren't worth buying. An oil cooler is an expensive option. It has increased power, but when working in winter, it consumes a lot of electricity. Despite the significant power, such products have a low heating efficiency. Interestingly, IR panels of the same power will heat the space in the house faster. Fan heaters are inefficient devices. They contribute to the reduction of oxygen, make noise and move dust.

How to increase the efficiency of electric boilers for heating a private house: prices and methods

To get the most economical way, heating a house with electricity must be properly organized. The efficiency of the entire structure can be reduced as a result of poor thermal insulation. Various gaps, gaps and lack of windows contribute to the rapid cooling of the rooms.

If no one is at home during the whole day, then you can not heat the house for the whole day. In such a situation, you can install a special controller that will start the heating system a few hours before the arrival of residents. Two hours is enough to fully warm up the rooms.

Of great importance is a skillfully designed heating system, taking into account the location of the heaters and the power. A good solution is to install a multi-tariff meter. This device allows you to save electricity at night, when the heater will work.

To get a home heating system with electricity cheaply, you need to choose the right equipment and calculate the location of all devices.


The most expensive resource today is energy. But you can’t do without them even in summer, and in winter, heating your home is a significant expense item. How to determine the most economical way at home?

There is an inverse relationship between the efficiency of heating and the cost of equipment: the more expensive the purchase, the cheaper the operation will be.

What is the most economical heating in a private house - there is no universal answer to this question.

In forests, the cheapest fuel can be firewood, in areas of coal or peat mining - respectively, coal or peat.

Somewhere there is an opportunity to connect gas, but somewhere it is not. The most economical electric heating is expensive anyway, but there are options to choose from.

For heating houses are used:

  • and convectors;
  • solid fuel - firewood, pellets, coal, peat, briquettes, woodworking and crop waste;
  • liquid fuel;
  • , other electrical appliances;
  • heat pumps. We will not consider this option: the installation of the system is very expensive, it pays off from 10 years;
  • solar panels and collectors. Installation is not justified: batteries collect little energy on winter and cloudy days.

The purchase of a diesel boiler is justified when the economy is large (for example, a farm), and the owners have access to cheap fuel. Diesel boilers are produced only with high power; for a medium-sized house, these are not required.

And the equipment has many disadvantages: environmental damage, noisy operation, large dimensions and weight, fire hazard. Environmentally harmful and fire hazardous is also a compact modification of the liquid-fuel unit - a mining boiler. It is low-power, but they don’t put it in the house, only in utility buildings.

Another option is how to save on heating a private house: purchase a combined / universal boiler for two or more types of fuel. When buying it will cost more than any other.

But, firstly, under no circumstances will you be left without heating: in the absence of one energy carrier, you will switch to another. Secondly, there is room for savings. For example, expensive electricity can be burned only at “cheap” night time (with two-tariff payment), and during the day it can be heated with wood or coal.

System features

Not all methods of heating a private house include a water pipeline, although it is the most popular. Another option is air heating. This includes gas and electric convectors, all other electrical appliances, except for an electric boiler - it works with liquid heat carriers.

In the solid fuel category, this is a Buleryan boiler - it heats the room according to the principle of convection through pipes extending from the furnace. With a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, air ducts are connected to the nozzles.

Scheme of the device of the boiler "Buleryan".

If we talk about water systems, the first question is competent design. In a small one-story house, you can install a system with natural circulation, without a pump, and do without electricity at all. For a large area, this option is not suitable, heating will be uneven and inefficient.

In a large house, beam wiring outperforms others in terms of efficiency: all heaters receive a hot coolant. No need to set the initial high temperature, and this is fuel saving.

If you prefer underfloor heating as heating devices, your choice is a condensing boiler (). They are low temperature, but the efficiency is the highest in the category.

Relatively recently, a new way of heating houses has appeared in Russia - biogas. Also gas, but obtained by "home" methods, you do not have to pay for it. How to make cheap heating in the house: install an airtight container, put organic waste in it regularly and add water. The gas that is released during fermentation is redirected to the domestic gas pipeline.

solid fuel

Wood burning is the most economical heating of a private house without gas (). In addition to firewood, there are units on other types of fuel. The choice depends on what is cheaper for you. If there is more than one cheap fuel, buy a boiler with two fireboxes.

You can save on operation if you purchase a long-burning boiler ().

There are three types:

  • with an extended chamber and metered oxygen supply;
  • with top ignition;
  • pyrolysis, burning, in addition to the fuel itself, the pyrolysis gas released during combustion.

It is necessary to put firewood into the furnace of an ordinary boiler at least every two hours. For the most "long-playing" pyrolysis fuels are added twice a day (). This is not only more convenient, but also much more economical.


Let's try to choose cheap heating of a private house in this category. When installing a water system, a boiler is used. It is more expensive to operate than others, but with proper organized heating, costs can be reduced.

Other options:

  • oil coolers;
  • heat guns and fan heaters;
  • convectors;
  • infrared equipment.

Guns consume a lot, they are not designed for permanent work. This is an emergency option when you need to warm the house in a matter of minutes. Oil heaters consume less. Convectors are even more profitable, especially with good placement: floor and baseboard convectors are considered the most effective. The devices are low-power, for full heating you will have to install several pieces.

Warm floors are cable and infrared. Experts call infrared floors more economical and efficient. High efficiency is achieved due to the fact that not only the principle of convection works, but also the reflection of heat waves from any objects in the room, ceilings, walls.

For a very cold winter, one floor may not be enough. In such cases, the infrared film is also installed on the walls and ceiling.

Video about how cheaper it is to heat a country house.


Owners of private real estate can independently choose the type of heating system. Economical heating of a country house is quite possible if you follow some tips and choose the right heating equipment. How it looks, you can see in the photo. Heat sources can be wood, electricity, gas, liquid fuel. Each type of heating device has both disadvantages and advantages, so making a choice is not so easy. It is important to determine which heating in a private house is the most economical for each specific case.

In addition, at present there is an opportunity to resort to the use of alternative types of energy - the installation of such heating systems is very expensive, but the heat source is absolutely free.

Thus, if you are interested in economical heating systems, then electric heaters can not even be considered (in more detail: "").

Solid fuel boilers

Wood burning stoves have been used by mankind for hundreds of years. If you wish, you can install a fireplace in the house and enjoy the play of flames on winter evenings. However, the most economical heating of a house on wood is impossible - despite the fact that wood is cheaper than electricity, it is still very expensive to use this source of heat permanently.

Peat briquettes, granulated wood chips and coal are also suitable as raw materials for solid fuel boilers. These types of fuel are much cheaper than firewood, and are often used to heat private houses, especially in areas where there is no access to the gas main.

Often, with the help of gas boilers, a traditional water heating system is created, the same as in apartment buildings. Such a unit is installed in a separate annex - it is categorically not recommended to place them in residential premises due to the release of gas combustion products (read also: "").

Oil boilers

This type of heating equipment is not so common compared to gas and solid fuel, but liquid fuel boilers also allow you to save a lot on heating. When using liquid fuel, an economical heating system for a private house is obtained, and the equipment itself is inexpensive (read also: "").
  1. mini radiators. One of the novelties, so far little known, is a system that uses mini-radiators installed under the baseboard. Such equipment allows you to effectively warm up the premises without taking up precious space and without affecting the interior.

    The principle of operation of mini-radiators is based on the fact that they do not heat the air, but transfer heat to surrounding objects. They, in turn, contribute to the heating of the air. As a result, the entire room is evenly heated, and at the same time, you can save up to 30% of electricity. Thus, it is not only convenient, but also economical heating for the home (more details: "").

    Inside the system are heating elements that heat running water. The equipment uses a small amount of water - for a plinth 12 meters long, 4 liters of coolant is enough. Manufacturers give a guarantee on their products for 3-5 years.

  2. Infrared heaters. They allow you to save up to 60% of electricity, and they do not take up much space. For space heating with the help of such devices, the installation of boilers and pipe laying is not required. Therefore, if you are interested in how to save on heating, then you should pay attention to infrared heaters - they consume a small amount of electricity, but are easy to install and do not require expensive communications.

    Infrared film allows you to improve the indoor climate without consuming a lot of electricity. However, it is not enough to effectively heat the house, it can only be used as an additional source of heat.

    It makes sense to install solar systems powered by solar energy in the southern regions, where there is a large number of sunny days a year. With the help of the sun it is possible to heat water for the heating system and domestic needs. However, in winter, solar systems may not be enough to properly heat the entire house, so it is recommended to supplement them with traditional boilers. See also: "".

    Geothermal systems allow you to use the heat of the ground to heat a private house. In each region, the freezing point of the soil is different, therefore, before starting to create such a structure, it is necessary to calculate the required installation depth of the channels. Pipes can be laid vertically and horizontally. The first option is the most expensive, since the channels will have to be dug using special equipment. You can dig trenches for horizontal collectors yourself, but they will take up a large area near the house.

    As for which heating is the most economical, the cheapest types of fuel are gas, heat from the earth (more: "") and the sun. However, it should be borne in mind that the installation of such heating systems is very expensive, so the initial investment will be very high. However, during operation, you can save on fuel, and after some time all costs will pay off.

Heating a house with electricity is cheap - today this is not an advertising slogan, but a reality that is already familiar to a huge number of people. Compared to dozens of other options created throughout the history of mankind, this particular heating method can be considered optimal.

It does, however, have quite a few competitors. And today, when deciding which type of fuel to prefer, natural gas is often chosen. However, the opinion of specialists in the field of public utilities is unanimous: they associate the prospects for decades ahead exclusively with electricity. Hydrocarbons may run out, and current generation will continue anyway.

Heating with electricity has a number of positive qualities, and in some cases there is simply no other choice. If you intend to use electricity in your home, then be sure to prepare a blueprint before construction begins to minimize costs. Building codes and regulations will tell you how to make a thermal calculation.

Like everything in the world, heating with electricity has both pros and cons.

Advantages and disadvantages

An economical electric heating system can be installed independently; complex tools and professional skills are not needed for its organization. The equipment itself is lighter and more compact than other heating installations.

The costs are negligible, and if necessary, it is easy to move the units to other rooms and premises. The absence of fuel combustion makes it possible to make economical electric heating without creating a chimney, chimneys and boiler rooms.

For the same reason, the formation of solid, liquid or gaseous wastes is excluded. Even if the equipment is out of order or dismantled, there is no risk of harmful substances. When choosing which heating in a private house is the most economical and convenient, many beginners stop at electric heating because there is no need to coordinate the project and obtain special permits.

All thermal heating systems are based on the circulation of air and/or water and steam. Choosing such a method as heating with electricity eliminates the need for fans, circulation pumps, which allows you to create a completely silent heating unit. In addition, the elimination of moving parts drastically reduces the risk of breakdown, and there is no longer a need to monitor instrument readings, fuel flow or fuel level in the tank.

Economic heating on electric energy warms up the building quickly, even if it's cold outside. It is possible to control the air temperature in individual rooms and set it to a certain value, which is not only more comfortable, but also helps to save money.

It is impossible not to say about the minuses. Although they say that it is quite possible to heat a house cheaply with electricity, in practice the current consumption is very high. As a result, against the background of continuously growing tariffs, this method of heating can only be called beneficial. If the supply of electrical energy stops, the heating of the home also stops completely. Of course, a complete shutdown, especially for a long time, is still rare. However, the electric heating system may work poorly due to voltage instability. As a rule, this is typical for rural areas and remote settlements. By purchasing a generator, you almost completely solve the problem, but the actual costs will be much higher. And then it will definitely not be possible to say that the cheapest heating is electric.

In addition, it should be noted that, due to the significant load, home wiring must be of impeccable quality and very powerful. If an electric method of heating a large private house is chosen, even a three-phase power supply system may be required. Immediately find out what the required power of the appliances is, and whether the current entering the house is enough for all needs.

Types of heating

There are direct heating systems and systems with coolant circulation.

Almost a classic are oil coolers. Despite its venerable age, this type of heater remains in demand. Almost all devices are easy to move, often equipped with wheels. Electricity turns into heat, and this heat is immediately given off to the air. The problem is that within the same room or office, this option is suitable, but as a cheap heating of a private house - alas, no.

Unlike an oil cooler, an electric convector appeared relatively recently. However, such heating systems are rapidly gaining popularity due to the fact that they are easily scalable (they can work in rooms of various sizes), do not affect the water and oxygen content in the atmosphere. The basis of the convector is a heating element. Colder air masses, penetrating through the holes, take heat from the heater and, rising, exit through the same holes. The convector is hidden inside with an aesthetic casing.

Another quite possible heating system is air conditioning with a heating function. According to a number of experts, this option is the most economical heating, moreover, careful adjustment reduces current costs. However, there are also disadvantages - the increased cost of equipment and technically complex maintenance.

If you ask what type of heating a private house is the most technologically advanced, then without a doubt, the answer is infrared heating (sometimes called film heating). This is also a rather cheap way, however, the installation of equipment and it itself are still expensive. The thermal element evenly gives off heat to the room due to infrared rays, they also heat the air. This is a profitable heating with the possibility of zonal and spot heating. Making infrared heating at home with your own hands is not difficult.

A fairly popular competitor is the so-called warm floor. It is able to be both the main source of heat and auxiliary. Ecological safety, ability to work for many decades, very simple handling - these are its main advantages.

However, the risk of mechanical deformation and the inability to repair a warm floor without dismantling the coating are no less significant disadvantages. Some combination of the previous options can be considered an infrared warm floor, but it is still not found anywhere.

Electric heating

The most common way to warm a room with current is economical boilers! Their advantage lies in the relatively low price of both the equipment itself and its operation. Most people are familiar with boilers with heating elements that give off heat to water, which already delivers it to radiators. The ease of installation and the ability to accurately maintain the temperature also speak in favor of this solution. But keep in mind that although this option is the cheapest, it tends to accumulate lime, especially in hard water. It will be necessary to take special measures to soften the coolant.

In search of how to save on heating, some prefer electrode boilers.

The heater interacts with water ions, which makes the entire heating process absolutely safe. If there is no water, the boiler simply cannot work.

The disadvantage of this device is that it is required to use only water, moreover, with a strictly specified resistivity, and regularly change the electrodes.

Economical heating of a private house can also be done with the help of an induction electric boiler. Inside it there is a pipeline to which the radiating unit transmits eddy currents. There are no elements prone to wear, the formation of scale is negligible, the device can heat a large room, antifreeze is also suitable as a coolant.


So, what is the most economical heating of a private house? To answer this question, you need to take into account all the significant circumstances, all the pros and cons.

And one more thing: the rational organization of heating at home is unthinkable without the greatest possible reduction in unproductive heat losses.
