Passing a medical examination for conscripts. Medical commission at the military commissariat Passing a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office

    Citizens who enter military service by conscription or under a contract must undergo a medical examination and examination, in simple words, a medical board. What is checked during this procedure, how it goes, and what will happen in case of failure to appear, we will tell in our material.

    Pass order

    The procedure is regulated by the Regulations on the military medical examination, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 565 of 07/04/2013 ( Further- Position). In this document, you can find information about who is responsible for organizing a medical examination, which doctors each young man (or a girl if she goes to work under a contract) should go through, what documents the results of medical research are drawn up.

    Any medical board in the military registration and enlistment office consists of two stages. At the first stage, citizens are sent for mandatory tests:

  • fluorography;
  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • electrocardiography;
  • tests for hepatitis B and C viruses, HIV;
  • analysis for the presence of traces of drugs in biological fluids (for those applying for a contract);
  • test for syphilis (for those applying for a contract).

If the test results are satisfactory, citizens are sent for a medical examination to the following specialist doctors:

  • therapist;
  • surgeon;
  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • dentist;
  • ophthalmologist;

Referral to all specialist doctors on the list is mandatory. If necessary, examinations by other specialized doctors may be prescribed. If the conscript was not sent to at least one doctor from the list, this is the basis for appealing the results.

As a result, a citizen is assigned one of the fitness categories: "A", "B", "C" or "D". You can serve in the army with the first two, you can’t serve with the last two.

How many medical examinations are held in the military registration and enlistment office?

According to the Regulations, when registering citizens for initial military registration, conscription, enrollment in military service under a contract, only one examination is carried out. With regard to the conscript, based on the results of the inspection, a decision should be made to send him to the troops or to enroll in the reserve.

In the event that a delay is granted, only the category of validity is determined. After the expiration of the delay, the citizen is again summoned by a summons to the military registration and enlistment office to undergo a medical examination.

Another medical commission (regional) is held before sending citizens to the army on conscription, but this happens already at the assembly point.

Repeated medical examination

In accordance with the Regulations, referral for a second procedure for the same disease is unacceptable. What is often referred to as a “repeated medical examination” is actually an additional examination. It can be appointed in cases where, according to the available data, it is impossible to make a conclusion about the category of suitability of a citizen. In such a situation, the diagnosis is specified as a result of medical research in an inpatient or outpatient setting.

They may also be required to undergo a second procedure if the citizen appealed the conclusion of the first one. This is done strictly by decision of a higher military medical commission.

Challenging the decision of the medical commission

If a citizen does not agree with the results, he can challenge the decision by filing a complaint with a higher military medical commission or a statement of claim in court.

In the case of a draft medical board, you can challenge the results in the following situations:

  • the medical documents that the conscript brought with him for examination were not taken into account;
  • doctors did not listen to complaints about the conscript's health, did not record them in any way;
  • medical research was done superficially or incorrectly;
  • the doctor deliberately distorted the results of the studies in order to make a “conscription” diagnosis;
  • the conscript was sent for a second procedure, although the diagnosis had already been determined at the first one, as a result of which, after the second honey. examination was made "draft" category of suitability.

This list of grounds for appeal is not exhaustive. According to paragraph 8 of the Regulations, a citizen can challenge any decision of the medical board with which he does not agree. At the same time, he has the right to undergo an independent military medical examination for the military registration and enlistment office in a polyclinic or in private organizations.


Many citizens who are subject to conscription into the army are interested in the question of what will happen if they do not come to the medical examination, and whether it is possible not to pass it. For those who did not appear on the agenda, administrative liability is provided (a fine of up to 500 rubles) in accordance with Art. 21.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. With repeated failure to appear, criminal liability is possible in accordance with Art. 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (imprisonment for up to 2 years).

The call for inspection is carried out only by subpoenas, which must be handed personally into the hands of the conscript and signed by him.

If you received a call from the military registration and enlistment office and were asked to come to the medical examination, but no subpoenas were handed over, you can ignore such calls and demand that the employees of the military registration and enlistment office hand you the summons in the manner prescribed by law.

How not to pass the medical examination?

According to Art. 7 of the Federal Law "On military duty and military service" dated March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ ( Further- Law No. 53-FZ) it is legally possible not to pass a medical examination if there are good reasons. These include:

  • injury/illness resulting in loss of ability to work;
  • force majeure circumstances that do not depend on the will of the conscript;
  • serious condition of close relatives;
  • other circumstances that will be recognized as valid by the draft board or court.

The presence of any of the circumstances must be documented.

Who can be deregistered?

Those citizens who must be removed from military registration are not required to undergo an examination. It:

  • over 27 years old;
  • received the category of validity "D";
  • who left for a permanent (more than 3 months) place of residence abroad;
  • who have completed alternative civilian service instead of military service.

If you belong to one of the categories listed above, then they do not have the right to call you for an examination at the military registration and enlistment office.

If you have questions about how to behave during this procedure, what documents are needed to determine the eligibility category, how to re-pass the medical examination, how long it lasts, please contact the specialists of our portal. The work of our lawyers is to ensure the implementation of laws during inspections at the military registration and enlistment office. Call us or leave a request on the site.

A medical examination in the military registration and enlistment office is a mandatory procedure that determines the degree of a person's suitability for service in the armed forces. Conscripts from the age of 16 and military personnel who have signed a contract are required to undergo a full medical examination without fail.

Despite the fact that such procedures have been practiced for a long time, most people have almost no information about how they should be carried out. Such ignorance often leads to mistakes and misunderstandings, which would be easy to avoid if each of us knew our rights and obligations. Let's talk about exactly how the examination will take place, and what needs to be done to pass it.

How do you know when it's time for a medical examination?

First of all, you should receive a summons to the military registration and enlistment office. You can also be invited by phone, but most conscripts rightly ignore this method without fear of any punishment. An official invitation must be handed to you personally in your hands, under the signature, only in this case, avoiding visiting the military registration and enlistment office will be a violation of current legislation. Remember, if you signed for a document that indicates the need to undergo a medical commission, you will be required to visit it. So, the summons can be served:

  • at the place of work;
  • at the place of study;
  • at the place of residence.

What should be done first?

The summons for a medical examination to the military registration and enlistment office must be noted in the appropriate institution. Without a record of appearance, you will not be able to prove that you have complied with all requirements and arrived for an inspection; most likely, you will simply be considered a service evader and they will try to punish you.

Immediately upon arrival at the recruiting office, visit the military commissar to obtain his signature, and then confirm it with a seal. Such actions are mandatory and will save you from a large number of possible problems.

Useful information about the agenda

The summons to the military registration and enlistment office without fail contains information about the reason for the call. It is possible that you are invited for:

  • passing a medical commission;
  • passing a medical examination;
  • definitions for military service;
  • referral to alternative service.

You should be aware that in some cases the events for which you were called can be ignored. In particular, you may not attend a medical examination for the following valid reasons:

  • temporary disability (a serious illness that you cannot bear on your feet, subject to a certificate from a doctor);
  • a serious illness of a close relative or the funeral of a loved one (parents, children, spouses, a complete list of persons will need to be clarified at the military registration and enlistment office);
  • circumstances of indeterminate force, force majeure, which you cannot influence.

Basic information about the medical board

Now that you know a little more about agendas, let's talk about how to pass a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office. Similar events are held on a regular basis for boys from 16 years old. A potential recruit must have a Russian passport, a medical policy, a medical card from a polyclinic, a draft card and the results of recent tests (if any and required).

A medical board in the military registration and enlistment office involves the passage of a number of doctors, whose tasks include determining your state of health. So, without fail, you will have to visit:

  • neurologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • surgeon
  • ophthalmologist;
  • Laura;
  • dentist
  • therapist.

In some cases, you may be assigned additional examinations and consultations with other specialists. If you have certificates of chronic and current diseases, as well as being in hospitals for treatment, be sure to take them with you, this will help specialists make an accurate diagnosis and greatly increase your chances of a delay.

By the way, the medical examination in the military registration and enlistment office for girls is carried out under almost the same conditions as for men. At least a significant list of doctors remains unchanged. The main difference is that the fair sex attend such events solely of their own free will, since they cannot be recruits on a mandatory basis.

Passing a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office does not require any special training from a conscript or contract soldier. However, experts recommend rest, sleep and gain strength, because professional examinations of several specialists can take a significant amount of time. To cut down on the queues, try to arrive early. On the evening before, pay special attention to hygiene procedures, give up alcohol and smoking. These steps will help you create a favorable impression with professionals.

Do not try to deceive the doctors during the examination, most likely, your lie will be discovered quite quickly, and an attempt to hide or change the truth will lead to speculation that you are trying to evade military service. The consequences of such a situation can be very sad, do not create unnecessary problems for yourself, be extremely careful and attentive.

How is a recruit assessed?

The medical commission in the military registration and enlistment office assesses your health according to a certain system. So, there are four special gradations by which representatives of the military sphere can judge how fit you are for a particular service in the army. These include:

  • Category A. The conscript is fit.
  • Category B. The conscript is fit for service with certain restrictions.
  • Category B. Limited shelf life.
  • Category D. The conscript is not fit.

Based on the results of the examination, each doctor sets a certain category, the final assessment is made up of the total number of indicators. If any specialist finds it difficult to make a diagnosis, then, perhaps, the examination will be carried out by the regional military registration and enlistment office, as a higher authority. Category B and C does not cancel your service in the army, however, it imposes certain concessions and restrictions, which will be taken into account in the military registration and enlistment office without fail.

How to challenge the decision?

The medical board in the military registration and enlistment office issues a verdict on your state of health, based on which officials decide whether a conscript or contract soldier can serve in the armed forces. If you wish, you can challenge their decision formally. To do this, you will need to consult with a military lawyer who will help take into account all the nuances unknown to the average citizen. If for some reason this is not possible, it is recommended to act according to the following simplified algorithm:

  • Collect documentation (in particular, you will need a copy of the statement of the commission's decision (several copies), as well as your official complaint that the results of it made the wrong decision on the state of health, medical certificates with the correct diagnosis from an alternative source, certified by a signature responsible doctor and seal).
  • Draw up and send an application to the court (such actions will lead to a temporary deferment from service, because during the proceedings you have no right to be drafted into the army).

It is likely that you will be able to defeat the system and get the desired exemption from service. However, you will need to be patient - such cases are resolved for at least three months.


The steps above are mostly relevant if you have been found fit to serve in the armed forces. If a person was given a deferment, then the decision can be challenged only if there is a desire to conclude a professional contract with the country's army. In most cases, the medical commission makes a decision on temporary unfitness for service, but there are also options when young people are completely released from such duties to the Motherland (there must be some serious reasons).

If you have been granted a temporary reprieve, then the exemption is valid only for the period specified in the document. After the specified period, you will need to confirm or refute the diagnosis. Quite often, such manipulations are carried out based on the results of an entry in the medical record (if you regularly visit doctors, there will be no problems with this) and do not require the personal presence of the conscript. If necessary, you may be invited for a second personal examination, as a rule, this happens if there are any doubts related to your health. Such events are held not only by the district, but also by the regional military registration and enlistment office.

Do not be afraid of such words as the army, the draft board, the medical board. 16 years old is the age when many young people first encounter a similar situation and are simply lost from it. The most important thing you must do is not to worry and comply with the current legislation of our country. If you are sure that the medical commission made a wrong diagnosis, do not be afraid to defend your rights and go to court to find the truth.

The older generation, who served in the Soviet era, sincerely believes that it is the army that brings up a real man from a weak young man. However, judging by the information coming from the media, the modern army is increasingly becoming the cause of a teenager's disability (or even death!). Therefore, today's youth seeks to find any loophole in order to avoid falling into the ranks of conscripts, and the first thing that comes to mind is to "hang" thanks to the medical board.

The medical board in the military registration and enlistment office is one of the main stages of the short journey from the doors of the recruiting office to taking the oath. Having received the summons in his hands, the conscript is obliged to immediately appear where indicated. A medical board consisting of seven doctors (at least) must make its verdict on whether the young man is fit or not for service. Therefore, you should carefully prepare for a visit to the military registration and enlistment office, collect all available certificates, doctors' conclusions and confirm existing diseases with official documents. Otherwise, with today's total shortage in the ranks of the Russian army, the medical board recognizes you as fit even if you don't have any limbs.

The medical board in the military registration and enlistment office obliges to visit the following doctors: therapist, surgeon, psychiatrist, neuropathologist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, dentist (and a doctor of another specialization, if necessary). Each specialist will ask standard questions, listen to complaints and make appropriate entries in the medical examination sheet. It is important to pay attention to whether all your complaints are recorded by the doctor. No matter how insignificant they may seem, the law obliges a medical worker to write down everything, down to outright nonsense and nonsense.

After the conscript has passed the medical examination, the military registration and enlistment office, or rather, the head physician, assigns him a fitness category (based on all the certificates and conclusions provided by medical specialists). There are five such "final" categories:

A - means that you are fit for military service and are subject to conscription;

B - subject to conscription and fit for military service with minor restrictions;

G - assigned if the conscript is temporarily unfit for military service (with a delay of six months);

D - absolutely unfit for military service (complete exemption from any

The medical commission in the military registration and enlistment office recognizes young people as unfit, temporarily unfit and limited fit for military service in the presence of diseases such as bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, epilepsy, hypertension, blood diseases, stomach ulcers, chronic kidney disease, cancer, fractures, congenital anomalies of development , reduced (and other eye diseases), deafness, mental disorders, HIV infection.

The medical commission in the military registration and enlistment office, as a rule, is not interested in discovering new diseases. And he may be mistaken in determining the exact category of suitability of the conscript. For example, such serious diseases as a stomach ulcer or concussion cannot be detected at the primary commission. Therefore, the conscript must apply for a medical facility. The doctor does not have the right to refuse to issue a referral, but if he still does not consider the request justified, you can complain to the chairman. And if he remains deaf, then your right is to order an independent and unbiased military medical examination, however, this examination is already will be paid.

Now you know how to make sure that the military registration and enlistment office, the medical board and other components of the life of the future warrior do not become a problem!

You may be called for a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office:

  • during initial military registration, in order to preliminarily determine your category of fitness for military service;
  • during the recruiting committee;
  • at the collection point before being sent to the military unit;
  • when entering military service under a contract;
  • when entering the alternative civilian service;
  • to extend or cancel your deferment from service;
  • before being sent to military training to confirm your eligibility category.

If you have a disease or other reason for deferment from military service, you still need to go to the military registration and enlistment office for a medical examination so that you are assigned the appropriate category of fitness for military service or issued a deferment from military service.

Medical examination of disabled children, disabled people of group I and disabled people of other groups, but without specifying the period of re-examination, with their consent or the consent of their legal representatives, is carried out in absentia on the basis of medical records and copies of acts of medical and social examination of a citizen, certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the relevant bureau ITU.

2. How is the medical examination in the military registration and enlistment office?

Before each medical examination (with the exception of the medical examination at the collection point before being sent to the military unit), you will need to do Fluorography (X-ray) of the lungs in two projections (if it was not performed or if there is no information about this study in the medical documents during the last 6 months) with the mandatory presentation of fluorograms (X-rays) during the examination.

"\u003e fluorography and pass a general blood and urine test. In Additional studies for a medical examination during the draft board:
  • resting electrocardiography;
  • blood test for antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus, markers of hepatitis B and C.

Additional studies for a medical examination when entering military service under a contract:

  • electrocardiography at rest and with exercise;
  • study of biological fluids of the human body for the main groups of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues (opiates, cannabinoids, amphetamines, cocaine, barbiturates, methadone, phencyclidine);
  • blood test for antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B and C markers, serological tests for syphilis.

Additional studies for a medical examination upon admission to the alternative civilian service:

  • resting electrocardiography.
">some cases
additional diagnostic tests are required.

Medical examination includes examination of doctors:

  • surgeon
  • therapist;
  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otorhinolaryngologist;
  • dentist
  • dermatovenereologist (during a medical examination at a collection point or before the start of service under a contract).

If necessary, you may be referred to doctors of other specialties or for additional examination. The medical examination takes place on an outpatient basis, in exceptional cases you may be admitted to a hospital.

3. What are the categories of fitness for military service?

Based on the results of the medical examination, doctors will determine your category of fitness for military service:

A - fit for military service. You will be called up for service if you have been assigned this category;

B - good with minor restrictions. With this category, you will be called up for service, but you will receive some relief when doing physical exercises;

B - limited fit for military service. Conscripts who have been assigned this category will be enrolled in the reserve and will be called up for service only in case of war;

G - temporarily unfit for military service. The conscript is given a deferment from service for no more than a year;

D - not fit for military service. A conscript who has received this category is released from service.

For categories A and B, an additional mark on the purpose for military service may be indicated - a number from one to four, which is indicated in the personal file and other documents next to the category of fitness. The mark indicates to which branch and type of troops the recruit is recommended, based on the results of the medical examination and his physical fitness. For example, the Russian Air Force takes recruits only with impeccable health - category A1.

Additionally, you can independently provide extracts, certificates and other medical documents on the state of health. If you have a medical condition that is not listed in your medical record, please attach the test results or medical reports. To confirm the diagnosis, you can be sent to medical institutions, the list of which is approved by the Moscow Department of Health.

The main thing you should know about passing the first medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office is that it is carried out at the age of 16, it is examined by a number of doctors (from a dentist to a surgeon) and, based on the results of the commission, the category of the conscript is determined, depending on his condition. health.

It is worth studying the list of diseases that affect the assignment of a particular category of suitability. It is also necessary to obtain the so-called extract from the outpatient card, which contains the medical history and the diagnosis. Get this extract in the clinic or hospital. The extract must contain the stamp of the medical institution and the seal of the doctor. It is advisable to prudently make several copies of the extract.

It is worth coming to the military registration and enlistment office with an already existing extract. If you have a certain disease that is on the list and have all the necessary documents confirming its presence, immediately inform the appropriate doctor about this. The doctor must necessarily familiarize himself with these documents. Most likely, after studying them, you will be issued a referral for an additional examination, which you will be required to undergo.

After passing, it is worth coming back to the medical board on the agenda with all the necessary documents that will be attached to the personal file. If everything was done correctly - you will receive.
