We rest on Eid al-Fitr. How many days do we rest on Kurban Ait? Our information portal offers a selection of the main traditions and rules for celebrating Kurban Ait

The Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar used in Islam to determine dates. religious holidays. 2017 according to the Muslim calendar is 1438 Hijri.

It is believed that the name of this night was given by angels. This year Ragaib Night falls on March 30th. On this night, duas are accepted, and innumerable rewards will be given for completed prayers, fasting and sadaqah. This night, according to the clergy, it is advisable to spend this night in worship, performing nafil prayers, reading the Koran and dhikrs, and also asking for forgiveness for sins committed. Before the onset of this night, that is, on Thursday, it is advisable to fast.

On the night of April 23, the Muslim world celebrates the holiday of Miraj - the journey of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascension to heaven.

On this day, after the obligatory night prayer, it is customary to perform a special prayer in honor of this event.

Theologians say that this is the second most holy night in Islam after Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Destiny). The word "baraat" is translated from Arabic like innocence, detachment, purity, liberation. According to Islamic tradition, on this night God shows mercy to all people, except adherents of polytheism and those who have malice in their hearts. Muslims treat this night with special trepidation and dedicate it to prayers, asking Allah for mercy and forgiveness. Some interpreters of the Book of Allah believe that the Quran was revealed on the Night of Qadr, and according to others Holy Book was completely sent down to the firmament of the earth precisely on the Night of Baraat.

The Night of Laylat al-Qadr, or the Night of Power and Predestination, will come in 2017 on the night of June 21.

According to sources, Laylat al-Qadr is the night when angels descend to earth, and the prayer said on this night has much greater power than all the prayers of the year. This is the night when the fate of every person is predetermined in heaven, his life path, the difficulties and trials that lie ahead, and if you spend this night in prayer, in understanding your actions and possible errors, then Allah will forgive him his sins and be merciful. Therefore, Laylat al-Qadr is usually held in a mosque. It is also believed that at this time all evil retreats from people - the night is filled with goodness and peace.

The tradition of charitable offerings (alms) is very important, when food or money is collected for those in need. It is believed that it is no less important before the holiday to ask for forgiveness from those to whom you are guilty and, in turn, forgive everyone.

According to theologians, this is the most valuable day of the year. For performing good deeds on this day, the reward increases many times over, as does the amount of punishment for sins.

The Feast of Sacrifice is one of the two great holidays in Islam, celebrated on the tenth day of the twelfth month of the Muslim calendar - Dhul-Hijjah. The essence of the holiday is getting closer to God, turning to him. The very word “kurban” in the Muslim tradition means approaching. According to tradition, on the days of Kurban Ait, a believer must show love and mercy to his neighbors and help those in need. One third of the meat of the sacrificial animal is given to the poor as alms.

On these holidays, theologians advise Muslims to increase their reading of the Koran, dhikrs and takbirs many times over. Scholars divide takbirs into two groups.

The Islamic calendar begins its countdown with the migration of the Prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib (later called Medina). Hijra, which means migration in Arabic, is an Islamic calendar compiled in accordance with the Koran, and its strict observance is the sacred duty of every Muslim. The Muslim Hijri calendar is based on the lunar annual cycle. Lunar year shorter than the solar one and amounts to 354-355 days, and therefore from year to year there is a kind of shift of the solar calendar from the lunar calendar by 11-12 days. The Hijri months are in no way tied to the seasons and seasonal work, so the new year can begin at different times of the year - in summer, autumn, and winter.

This day, according to the Koran, marks the creation of heaven, earth, angels, and the first man - Adam. On Ashura Day, believers thank God. In addition, on this holiday it is customary to perform as many good deeds as possible.

On November 29, 2017, all Muslims will celebrate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad - Mawlid.

On this day, people gather in mosques, religious chants - nishids - are sung, and sermons are read about the life of the Prophet Muhammad.

Our information portal offers a selection of the main traditions and rules for celebrating Kurban Ait.

Kurban Ait is a holiday of sacrifice for the sake of the Almighty. This is the biggest Muslim holiday. It is celebrated from the 10th to the 13th of the month of Dhul-Hijjah of the Muslim calendar. Kurban Bayram (Kurban Ait) completes the rite of Hajj - a pilgrimage to the shrines of Islam. Pilgrims go to the Mina Valley, where they throw stones at three pillars as a symbol of beating the devil. 7 pebbles are thrown into each of the pillars - the small jamrat al-Ula, the middle jamrat al-Wusta and the large jamrat al-aKaba.

The night before Kurban Ait, the faithful should spend the night in worship.

The tradition of sacrifice, as an act of worship of the One God, has its roots in the distant past. The sacred history of Islam highlights the Prophet Ibrahim (biblical Abraham), who, as theological scholars note, became an example for future generations of believers. And one of the significant events of his life marked the beginning of a centuries-old religious tradition - the ritual of sacrifice for the sake of the One God.

According to the Koran, Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Prophet Ibrahim in a dream and conveyed to him a command from Allah to sacrifice his only son Ismail. Ibrahim went to the Mina valley to the place where Mecca now stands and began preparations. His son, who knew about this, did not resist, as he was obedient to his father and Allah. However, this turned out to be a test from Allah, and when the sacrifice was almost made, Allah made sure that the knife could not cut, and then the angel Jabrail (Archangel Gabriel) gave the prophet Ibrahim a ram as a replacement. After which Prophet Ibrahim received the degree of “Friend of Allah”.

The holiday shows the mercy, greatness of Allah and the fact that people must fulfill the command of Allah, no matter how difficult it may be.

Eid al-Adha (Eid al-Adha) is the day of sacrifice to Allah. Celebrating the day of sacrifice begins early in the morning. At dawn, Muslims go to the mosque for morning prayer, after performing a ritual ablution (ghusl) and putting on clean, neat clothes. It is not recommended to eat before prayer. At the end of the prayer, believers return home.

Then they go again to the mosque or to a specially designated area (namazgah), where the mullah or imam-khatib delivers a sermon (khutbah).

After the holiday prayer, Muslims who have the opportunity to make a sacrifice do so.

Sacrifice, or Kurban Shalu in Kazakh, according to Islam, can be performed by both a man and a woman. To commit sacred rite you must be a Muslim, not be a traveler, and also have property equal to 85 grams of gold. The most important condition to perform a sacrifice is the sincerity of the intention - it is necessary to slaughter an animal not only for the purpose of eating meat, but also to worship the Almighty.

Over the victim, any ordinary Muslim can pronounce a short formula: “Bismillah, Allah Akbar,” that is, “In the name of Allah, Allah is great!”

Before the ram is slaughtered, it must be thrown to the ground with its head towards Mecca. You can sacrifice a ram that has reached the seventh month (according to the Shafi'i madhhab - a full year), a bull or a cow that has reached a full two years, a camel that has reached a full five years. It is desirable that the sacrificial animal be fat, large and beautiful. There should be no flaws in it that adversely affect the quantity and quality of meat.

Therefore, lame, blind or sick animals should not be sacrificed. As well as animals with more than half of their horn broken or more than half of their ear cut off.

It is advisable to use a third of the meat to treat your family, give a third to poor neighbors and relatives, and give a third as alms to those who ask for it.

Ibn Abbas also talked about the prophet’s sacrifice: “He left a third for the family, a third to treat poor neighbors, and a third he distributed to those who asked.”

Ibn Umar said: “Sacrifices and gifts - a third for you, a third for your family, a third for the poor.”

You cannot pay the butcher who slaughtered the sacrificial animal with meat. But you can give him part of the meat if he is poor, or donate it, but not as payment.

The one who made the sacrifice cannot sell anything from the sacrificial animal, neither meat nor skin, but he can use the skin and its other parts.

In Kazakhstan, Kurban Ait unites not only Muslims, but also representatives of other religions. On Kurban Ait, it has become a good tradition to organize mass celebrations, festive games and concerts. On this sacred holiday, it is customary to congratulate each other with the words “Eid Mubarak”, “Kurban Ait kabyl bolsyn” (“Blessed Holiday”).

based on materials from open sources

Calendar 2017 with holidays, where all holidays of 2017 are indicated, including public holidays of Kazakhstan, weekends and transfer days if the holiday falls on a weekend. If a public holiday falls on a weekend (Saturday or Sunday), then according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, the weekend is extended by one day. So, Holiday Calendar for 2017 with holidays and weekends, all official holidays of Kazakhstan for 2017 (list).

How to relax on New Year 2017-2018 in Kazakhstan, for Christmas, holidays on March 8 and Nauryz, how long do we rest for the May holidays 2017 in Kazakhstan: when is Kurban Ait in 2017 (what date), how do we rest on public holidays: Capital Day, Constitution Day, Day independence of Kazakhstan. How do we relax for the New Year 2017 in Kazakhstan?

According to Article 84 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with a five-day and six-day working week The general day off is Sunday.

How we relax for the New Year 2018 in Kazakhstan. How many days do we rest for the New Year?

This time the New Year holidays will last 4 days.

In Kazakhstan, holidays for the New Year are: December 30, December 31, January 1, January 2.

December 30 and December 31 are Saturday and Sunday - days off.
Since the official holidays for the New Year 2018 are January 1 and 2, and they fall on Monday and Tuesday, according to the law there will be no transfer of the holiday.

Holidays in December 2017. Kazakhstan. How to relax in December 2017

IN last month In 2017, Kazakhstan added holidays to weekends. So: how, how much and what dates we rest in December. In December, 2 holidays are celebrated in the Republic of Kazakhstan:

  • December 1st is First President's Day. The holiday falls on Friday this year, so those who have a 5-day work week will have a rest: December 1, 2, 3 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday). For a 6-day work week, Saturday remains a working day.
  • On December 16-17, Kazakhstan celebrates a national holiday - Independence Day. (26 years from the date of adoption of the law on the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
    This year the holidays fall on Saturday and Sunday. Therefore, according to the Law “On Holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan,” holidays are moved to December 18 and 19. Many Kazakhstanis will be able to relax on Independence Day for 4 days in a row - December 16, 17, 18, 19. Moreover, Monday December 18 is a day off for those who have a 5-day work week; for those who have a 6-day work week, it is a working day.

There are two public holidays in Kazakhstan in January 2017: New Year and Christmas.

  • How do we relax for the New Year 2017 in Kazakhstan? The official holidays for the New Year are: January 1 and January 2. In 2017, January 1 falls on a day off - Sunday, so it is moved to Tuesday, January 3.
    Total, on New Year holidays 2017 in Kazakhstan there is a 3-day holiday (from January 1 to January 3 inclusive). Those who have a six-day work week also get 3 days off on New Year's Day.

    Happy New Year 2017 to you!
  • January 7 - Christmas(according to clause 4 of article 96 Labor Code RK, January 7 - Orthodox Christmas is a day off). We have a 2-day holiday for Christmas: January 7 and 8.
How to relax in March:
  • The holiday of March 8 in 2017 falls on Wednesday. We rest for 1 holiday - Wednesday.

How do we relax on Nauryz and Capital Day in 2017?

The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan issued a resolution on postponing rest days this year, signed Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev.
According to the Resolution, rest days from Saturday, March 18, 2017 are moved to Monday, March 20, 2017, and from Saturday, July 1, to Friday, July 7, 2017.
  • Therefore, according to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Nauryz 2017, Kazakhstan has a 5-day holiday: from March 19 (Sunday) to March 23 (Thursday) inclusive.In Kazakhstan, March 18, 2017 (Saturday) is moved to Monday March 20 (March 18 (Saturday) is considered a working day).
How are we relaxing during the May holidays 2017 in Kazakhstan? How do Kazakhstanis relax in May 2017? How many days do we rest during the May holidays?
In May, Kazakhstan celebrates 3 public holidays:
- 1st of May(Holiday of the unity of the people of Kazakhstan);
- May 7(Defender of the Fatherland Day);
- 9th May(Victory Day).
  • May 1 (Holiday of the Unity of the People of Kazakhstan) - falls on Monday, we rest for 1 day- Monday.
  • May 7 (Defender of the Fatherland Day) - falls on a day off - Sunday - is postponed to Monday.
  • May 9 (Victory Day)- falls on Tuesday.
Accordingly, on the May holidays, May 7 and May 9 are public holidays in Kazakhstan: May 7, 8, 9.
Those who have a 5-day work week rest: May 6, 7, 8, 9.

Holidays in July 2017 How many days do we rest in July in Kazakhstan?
In July, Kazakhstan celebrates a holiday - July 6 - Capital Day (Astana Day). How do Kazakhstanis relax in July on Capital Day?
According to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the transfer of days of rest in 2017, signed by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev, the day of rest from Saturday, July 1, is moved to Friday, July 7, 2017. Saturday July 1st will be considered a working day.On this day we work for Friday, July 7th.
Therefore, on the Capital Day holiday in Kazakhstan we will have a 4-day vacation:
July 6, 7, 8, 9 (Thursday to Sunday).

How do we relax on Constitution Day on August 30, 2017? How many days do people rest in Kazakhstan on Constitution Day?
On August 30, Kazakhstan celebrates a national holiday - Constitution Day.
The holiday falls on Wednesday (a working day) and is therefore not postponed. We rest for 1 day. Holiday - August 30 (Wednesday).

Kurban Ait 2017. How do we relax on Kurban Ait?
In 2017, the first day of Kurban Ait is celebrated on September 1.
The holiday falls on Friday.
This year, the holidays: Constitution Day and the First Day of Kurban Ait fell next to each other on the calendar. If the Government announces an official postponement, then during these holidays it will be possible to rest for 5 days without a break. In the meantime, holidays and rest days look like this:

  • with a 5-day work weekdays off are August 30, September 1, 2, 3, and on August 31st you will need to go to work.
  • with a 6-day work week days off are August 30, September 1, 3, We work on August 31 and September 2, so we work a day and rest a day.
And the beginning school year in Kazakhstan and, accordingly, the “First Bell” holiday this year due to the coincidence with the Kurban Ait holiday is postponed to September 2.

In the following Calendar with holidays for 2017 in the Republic of Kazakhstan:

Beige color weekends are indicated.

Orange- public holidays, if the holiday falls on a working day, the official transfer of the holiday will be announced a few days before the holiday.

When you hover over a holiday date, a tooltip appears.

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1st of January New Year
January 2 New Year
Jan. 7 Nativity
March 8 International Women's Day
21 March Nauryz Meiramy
March 22 Nauryz Meiramy
March 23 Nauryz Meiramy
1st of May Holiday of unity of the people of Kazakhstan
May 7 Defender of the Fatherland Day
9th May Victory Day
July 6 Capital Day
August 30 Constitution day
September 1 Kurban Ait
December 1 First President's Day
December 16
December 17 Kazakhstan Independence Day

Kurban Ait (or as it is also called, Kurban Bayram, and in Arabic - Eid al-Adha, “Feast of the Sacrifice”) is one of the most significant holidays in Islam. It culminates the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage of Muslims to Mecca.

How are we relaxing on Kurban Ait in 2019 in Kazakhstan?

IN Soviet years In order to celebrate the holiday, observing all the rituals, many had to take time off from work, but now such a problem does not exist. Since the majority of the population professes Islam, the first day of the holiday is a non-working day. The Muslims are congratulated by the country's Supreme Mufti, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other representatives of the clergy and government.

In 2019, in Kazakhstan, residents of the republic will have several days off for Kurban Ait. This holiday is celebrated for three days. On the first of these in the morning, believers, having performed a complete ablution and put on festive clothes, go to the mosque for morning prayer. Returning home, they praise Allah in unison. Then they go back to the mosque, where the mullah reads a sermon. At the end of it, people visit cemeteries, where they pray for the dead.

Another tradition of this holiday is sacrifice. As described in the Koran, for a long time Prophet Ibrahim had no children, and only at the age of 86 did he have a son, Ismail.

The Prophet had a dream in which the Archangel Gabriel said that the Almighty was telling him to sacrifice his only child. Ibrahim was ready to fulfill this command, but at the last moment the Almighty replaced the sacrifice by sending Ibrahim a lamb. Thus He tested the faith and devotion of the prophet, and also showed His greatness and mercy.

In memory of this, on the first day of Kurban Ait (and also sometimes in subsequent days before the onset of Maghrib prayer) Muslims sacrifice sheep, goats, cows, buffalos or camels. Animals must be healthy and free from defects. Sheep and goats must reach one year of age, large cattle- two years old, and camels - five years old.

This ritual is wajib (obligatory). Proof of this is the words of the Almighty: “Pray to your Lord [performing the holiday prayer] and sacrifice [an animal]” (Al-Baqarah, 108:2). Let us also quote the saying of the Prophet: “Whoever has the opportunity and does not sacrifice an animal should not approach the place where we perform prayer.”

It is believed that with the first drop of the animal’s blood, the person making the sacrifice is forgiven his sins, and the one who performs the Kurban Shala ensures a prosperous existence for his family.

If a person is unable to attend such a ceremony, then he can make an intention and, by transferring an amount equal to the value of the animal, ask that the sacrifice be performed on behalf of the believer. According to established tradition, most of the meat is distributed to relatives, neighbors and the poor.

When will we vacation on Kurban Ait in 2019?

Kurban Ait holiday is celebrated on the 10th day of the twelfth month lunar calendar and on the 70th day after the end of the Oraza fast. In 2019, the first day of Kurban Ait falls on August 12.

How are rest days distributed for Kurban Ait 2019 in Kazakhstan? The first day of the holiday celebrated according to the Muslim calendar falls on Monday and is not an official holiday. The government did not adopt any resolutions on postponing weekends during this period.

The weekend schedule for Kurban Ait is established in accordance with the law “On Holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. This document determines how many days will be allocated for rest on the occasion of the celebration of Kurban Ait 2019.

According to the country's legislation, only those when national and state holidays are celebrated are considered holidays. If a weekend and a holiday coincide, the day off is the next working day after the holiday. But even if it coincides with the weekend of religious holidays - Kurban Ait and Christmas - the transfer of non-working days is not carried out.

How will Kurban Ait be held in Kazakhstan in 2019?

A rich festive program awaits residents and guests of the country. In the evening, families will gather together and a dastarkhan will be served in each house. It is usually served with traditional holiday dishes from the meat of sacrificial animals, as well as pies, sweets, and fruits.

During the weekend on Kurban Ait in Kazakhstan, there will be many entertainment events. According to tradition, aitys will be held, national games kokpar and kyz-kuu.

We hope that now, knowing how many days in 2019 we rest on Kurban Ait, you will be able to prepare well for this holiday.

As noted Kurban Ait V 2017 year in Kazakhstan? Muslim holiday Kurban Ait(or, as it is also called, Kurban Bayram, and in Arabic - Eid al-Adha) is celebrated on the 10th day of the twelfth month of the lunar calendar. Kurban Ait culminates the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage of Muslims to Mecca.

On Kurban Ait V 2017 year in Kazakhstan, Muslims are congratulated by the country's Supreme Mufti, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other representatives of the clergy and government. Believers congratulate each other with the words “Kurban-ayt kabyl bolsyn!”

Because the most of The country's population professes Islam; on the initiative of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, the first day of the holiday is a day off.

When is it celebrated? Kurban Ait V 2017 year?
Kurban Ait V 2017 Year in Kazakhstan will be celebrated from September 1. When the holiday begins, believers perform a complete ablution and put on clean holiday clothes. Then they go to the mosque for morning prayers. The holiday prayer takes place in all mosques in Kazakhstan from 8 am.

How is the celebration going? Kurban Ait?
As noted Kurban Ait In Kazakhstan? After completing the prayer, Muslims return home, where they praise Allah in chorus. Then they go back to the mosque, where the mullah reads a sermon. After its completion, believers visit cemeteries, where they pray for the dead.

Then the ritual of sacrifice begins. To make a sacrifice, Muslims specially fatten the chosen animal: a sheep, cow, ram or camel. It is believed that with the first drop of blood from this animal, the person performing the sacrifice is forgiven his sins.

The authorities of the capital of the republic banned the slaughter of animals during the celebration Kurban Ait and in the courtyards of multi-storey buildings and in other public places.

This decision was made to maintain the proper sanitary condition of the city territory, so the decision of the Astana Akimat can only be welcomed. According to tradition, a third of the meat is eaten by the family, the second is given to neighbors, and the third is given to the poor.

History and traditions of celebration Kurban Ait
The history of this holiday is as follows. The Feast of Sacrifice recalls the feat of faith of the Prophet Ibrahim. He received a revelation in which he was commanded to sacrifice his own son, Ishmael.

Ibrahim was ready to fulfill this, but at the last moment the Almighty replaced the sacrifice by sending Ibrahim a lamb. In memory of this, Muslims have been celebrating this for several centuries. Kurban Ait.

This is one of the most significant Muslim holidays, confirming important life priorities– unity and mercy, friendship and mutual assistance.

On this day in Kazakhstan they hold aitys, national games kokpar and kyz-kuu, set a rich table for friends and relatives, and go to visit.
