Lemon color of the walls in the interior. Lemon wallpaper. Options when the use of yellow wallpaper is undesirable

Many designers prefer to work with popular colors, creating from them successful interiors for every taste. Most often, pastel colors are used, other light colors, warm shades, classic black and white combinations. Popular colors are easier to work with because there are plenty of places to get ideas from.

In this article, we will consider the features of using lemon-colored wallpapers in the interior, we will try to choose worthy color companions for them and place them correctly in various rooms.

Creating a cozy and relaxed interior in the living room

Initial data

First of all, it is worth noting that the coloring of the interior can affect a person in different ways. Some colors can destroy peace of mind, and some, on the contrary, calm, others can influence our mood, others can cheer us up, give us energy. There are even colors that really whet the appetite.

The influence of different colors on a person is a whole science that psychologists have been studying for decades. They thoroughly understand why one color scheme has a relaxing effect, while the other, on the contrary, invigorates the body and encourages it to take action.

Based on generally accepted facts about colors, you can build an individual interior in your home that will properly affect you. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that your favorite colors will participate in the colors of the rooms, maybe they will not be in the interior of your house at all.

Depending on the lighting, the color may be saturated in different ways.

Of course, you yourself are unlikely to be able to develop such a design, but experts will be happy to help you with this, and perhaps you will be lucky enough to use the awesome lemon palette wallpaper, which will be discussed later.

lemon color

Lemon-colored wallpapers appeared in wallpaper stores not so long ago. Modern computer technology is able to highlight interesting shades, even in the most familiar and hackneyed colors. Of course, many lovers of sunny, bright, positive interiors immediately liked wallpapers of this color. And indeed, they look very nice and naturally natural.

In addition, bright and saturated shades of yellow have a beneficial effect on a person, relieving his psychological stress. They help in establishing contacts between people and contribute to a lively conversation. According to the Eastern interpretations of Feng Shui science, lemon-colored wallpapers will perfectly fit into rooms with a large number of people, in rooms for negotiations and lively dialogues.

Note that in many public institutions, the walls are painted in a similar color, somewhat lighter than lemon.

Light tones are often associated with order and cleanliness, and lemon is no exception. Many experts recommend using it in the appropriate rooms: bathroom, kitchen, dining room. Although in other rooms it will be quite appropriate.

Reception living room interior


By and large, there are no special subtleties in applying the color of lemon. It fits quite harmoniously into the interior of different rooms, the main thing is not to overdo it, use it in moderation. Let's consider some of them:

  • In the kitchen, you need to create a positive, bright design that will fill you with energy and awaken your appetite. In such an interior, lemon tone can take a leading role. It will allow you to maximize the space, even a small kitchen, fill the air with cleanliness and freshness. Please note that when paired with white, it promotes active salivation, so such a couple is the place in the kitchen.
  • In the bathroom, lemon will also be appropriate, it will enhance artificial lighting, fill the room with bright colors, and expand the visible boundaries of space. In such a bathroom it will be comfortable to take baths and showers, recharge with energy for future affairs, and refresh the mind.
  • Bright lemon colors in the interior of the bedroom will suit young and energetic people. Despite the fact that light shades of yellow do not put pressure on the psyche, there is still some pressure. It is he who will perfectly awaken a young and strong body with its soft but bright light. The use of such colors for the bedroom of older people is not recommended, it is better to paste pastel-colored wallpapers into it.

Using light wallpaper with stripes in the bedroom
  • In the interior of the living room, the lemon color scheme will easily take its place. As we have already said, in rooms with a similar coloring, dialogue is easy to conduct, a common palette of colors contributes to easy communication. In addition, the lemon color is in perfect harmony with the light shades of natural wooden furniture, which will create a solid interior in this room.
  • It is for a pleasant psychological impact that lemon color is often chosen for the main color of the walls of a home office. In which it is necessary not only to work, but also to meet with business partners.
  • You can paste wallpaper of lemon shades in the hallway. You will feel a sharp contrast when you enter your house from the street, which will greet you with bright summer colors. At the same time, it is important to choose high-quality wallpaper in the hallway, which you can easily wash repeatedly.

The widespread use of lemon color is justified primarily by its positive characteristics, as well as excellent companionship qualities.


When developing an interior with the participation of lemon, you should first of all choose the main areas for its use. It would be unwise to paint all the walls in such a bright palette, since such an unusual and rich color in large quantities will annoy you.

Lemon must be necessarily diluted with lighter tones so as not to overload the room with paints.

Note that shades of lemon color help to expand the space, and they do it in any light. Therefore, many professionals like to use this color scheme in small spaces.

Modern interpretation of the living room interior

Successful combinations can be built with the following colors:

  • Green and its shades will allow you to set the natural theme of the room. In such an interior, the breath of summer and its aroma will be felt.
  • The pink color scheme will give tenderness, it can be perfectly used in the interior of the bedroom by choosing the appropriate feminine wallpaper.
  • With white and its shades, you can combine lemon wallpaper in the kitchen to create a positive interior that is conducive to eating.
  • A beige palette can be a great backdrop for a lemon accent in a living room or bedroom. She will add color, nobility, show this bright color from the best side. In such an interior, it will be possible to profitably present luxurious furniture, curtains and decorative accessories.
  • Brown wall infill can be just as appropriate when it comes to a business-style home office. In this combination, the color of the lemon will be more restrained.

The use of lemon color in the interior of different rooms will positively affect the mood of a person, give him the opportunity to recharge with good energy and wake up his appetite. You can use wallpaper in this color in any room, but it must be done wisely, without succumbing to emotions.

The sunny and bright color of a ripe lemon impresses with its freshness and positive energy. Its attractiveness and versatility have been appreciated by many designers, and therefore lemon is often used both as the main color scheme and as bright and expressive accents.

Lemon color is rightfully considered one of the sunniest and most cheerful in the interior. It has been proven that it adds optimism and cheerfulness, brings cheerfulness and peace of mind.

If lemon acts as the main color, then it is recommended to paint the walls and ceiling with paint of lemon shades of various intensities. That is, the ceiling can be made lighter and pastel, and the walls bright and sunny.

Also, using various tones of lemon color, you can highlight accents in. However, you should not oversaturate the room with bright lemon-colored elements too much, because this will be annoying.

Palette of lemon shades

Lemon color has many different shades, but not all of them are used in decoration. Some of them are so bright that they can create too tense and tiring atmosphere. The most popular are light yellow pastel shades.

Shades of light yellow

And among those lemon shades that are widely used in the design of premises for various functional purposes, the following can be mentioned:

  • lemon yellow
  • Light lemon
  • corn shade
  • Linen shade
  • Color of mustard
  • saffron shade
  • Tone of old gold

Lemon color combinations

Depending on the intensity of the main color, it is necessary to select shades of another color that could emphasize the sunny brightness of the lemon tone.

The most interesting combinations in interior design lemon forms with the following colors:

  • Black color
  • Ash gray shade
  • Pearl gray tone
  • Brown color
  • Beige color
  • White color
  • Color of mustard
  • fawn shade
  • apricot shade
  • Shades close to orange
  • Intense fruit tones
  • Green color
  • Grassy green shade
  • Blue colour
  • Blue

Lemon shades in the interior of the rooms

If you dream of creating an original interior design, then lemon color in combination with many others will be a great solution.

The living room will sparkle with new colors if you use the right combination of lemon shade with white, gray, or pink in its decoration.

A calm, peaceful atmosphere should reign in the bedroom, so combinations of lemon color with grassy green hues and apricot tones are best for decorating these rooms.

In the interior of the kitchen, you can use combinations of lemon with ash gray shades, brown and beige tones, fruity shades, as well as blue, light blue and turquoise colors.

The lemon-colored ceramic tile, which is decorated, looks very impressive. This expressive detail will bring an atmosphere of cheerfulness and energy into the interior of the kitchen.

Living room interior

The living room is considered the main room in every house, because it is in it that guests are received and the whole family gathers in the evenings. And the interior design in lemon tones makes the atmosphere of the living room friendly, cheerful and conducive to conversation.

If yellow were used to decorate the walls, then in addition to them, you will need to choose the right furniture. At the same time, it is better to give preference to the principles of minimalism or timeless classics, that is, strict and concise forms.

The lemon shade belongs to the warm colors, so it is able to visually expand the space of the room. Thus, finishing in lemon tones will be most relevant in rooms with a small area.

Saturated shades of lemon can be used to decorate walls and floors, but for the ceiling it is advisable to choose lighter colors.

If you have concerns that a too bright color of the finish will be irritating and tiring, then you can use lemon color in the details of the decor and decor elements.

Bedroom interior

Experienced interior design experts do not recommend decorating the walls and ceiling in the bedroom in too bright and saturated lemon tones, because the sunny color of lemon makes it difficult to relax and has an exciting effect on the human psyche. The same can be said about the design of the children's room.

Bedroom interior in lemon yellow tones

The interior of the bedroom looks interesting, where the lower half of the wall (the so-called "panel") is painted in a lemon-yellow hue, and the upper half is white.

You can use wallpaper with a green or pink small pattern on a lemon background. In this case, the design of the room does not look too colorful, but at the same time helps to create a cheerful and energetic atmosphere.

Kitchen interior in lemon tones

Almost any shade of lemon is suitable for decorating the interior of a dining room or kitchen. It can be bright and saturated, pastel or muted, greenish or golden. Lemon shades are often used, in their intensity close to orange.

In lemon colors, you can finish the walls or ceiling, put lemon-colored tiles on the walls or on the floor, and also choose a beautiful lemon-colored set.

The color of lemon will give the interior of the dining room an atmosphere of warmth and peace of mind, which are an indispensable condition for a good appetite and healthy digestion.

A remarkably expressive interior can be obtained if a white set is placed in the kitchen. and for wall decoration use lemon ceramic tiles. This finish will look harmonious in a small kitchen.

Another option is also possible, in which the furniture in the kitchen will be lemon-colored, and the walls will be finished with white material. Interior design in this way is more suitable for a spacious kitchen.

The kitchen looks great, decorated in white and grassy green tones, and the color accents in it are made using lemon shades.

Many designers prefer to work with popular colors, creating from them successful interiors for every taste. Most often, pastel colors are used, other light colors, warm shades, classic black and white combinations. Popular colors are easier to work with because there are plenty of places to get ideas from.

In this article, we will consider the features of using lemon-colored wallpapers in the interior, we will try to choose worthy color companions for them and place them correctly in various rooms.

Creating a cozy and relaxed interior in the living room

First of all, it is worth noting that the coloring of the interior can affect a person in different ways. Some colors can destroy peace of mind, and some, on the contrary, calm, others can influence our mood, others can cheer us up, give us energy. There are even colors that really whet the appetite.

The influence of different colors on a person is a whole science that psychologists have been studying for decades. They thoroughly understand why one color scheme has a relaxing effect, while the other, on the contrary, invigorates the body and encourages it to take action.

Based on generally accepted facts about colors, you can build an individual interior in your home that will properly affect you. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that your favorite colors will participate in the colors of the rooms, maybe they will not be in the interior of your house at all.

Depending on the lighting, the color may be saturated in different ways.

Of course, you yourself are unlikely to be able to develop such a design, but experts will be happy to help you with this, and perhaps you will be lucky enough to use the awesome lemon palette wallpaper, which will be discussed later.

Lemon-colored wallpapers appeared in wallpaper stores not so long ago. Modern computer technology is able to highlight interesting shades, even in the most familiar and hackneyed colors. Of course, many lovers of sunny, bright, positive interiors immediately liked wallpapers of this color. And indeed, they look very nice and naturally natural.

In addition, bright and saturated shades of yellow have a beneficial effect on a person, relieving his psychological stress. They help in establishing contacts between people and contribute to a lively conversation. According to the Eastern interpretations of Feng Shui science, lemon-colored wallpapers will perfectly fit into rooms with a large number of people, in rooms for negotiations and lively dialogues.

Note that in many public institutions, the walls are painted in a similar color, somewhat lighter than lemon.

Light tones are often associated with order and cleanliness, and lemon is no exception. Many experts recommend using it in the appropriate rooms: bathroom, kitchen, dining room. Although in other rooms it will be quite appropriate.

Reception living room interior

By and large, there are no special subtleties in applying the color of lemon. It fits quite harmoniously into the interior of different rooms, the main thing is not to overdo it, use it in moderation. Let's consider some of them:

  • In the kitchen, you need to create a positive, bright design that will fill you with energy and awaken your appetite. In such an interior, lemon tone can take a leading role. It will allow you to maximize the space, even a small kitchen, fill the air with cleanliness and freshness. Please note that when paired with white, it promotes active salivation, so such a couple is the place in the kitchen.
  • In the bathroom, lemon will also be appropriate, it will enhance artificial lighting, fill the room with bright colors, and expand the visible boundaries of space. In such a bathroom it will be comfortable to take baths and showers, recharge with energy for future affairs, and refresh the mind.
  • Bright lemon colors in the interior of the bedroom will suit young and energetic people. Despite the fact that light shades of yellow do not put pressure on the psyche, there is still some pressure. It is he who will perfectly awaken a young and strong body with its soft but bright light. The use of such colors for the bedroom of older people is not recommended, it is better to paste pastel-colored wallpapers into it.

Using light wallpaper with stripes in the bedroom

  • In the interior of the living room, the lemon color scheme will easily take its place. As we have already said, in rooms with a similar coloring, dialogue is easy to conduct, a common palette of colors contributes to easy communication. In addition, the lemon color is in perfect harmony with the light shades of natural wooden furniture, which will create a solid interior in this room.
  • It is for a pleasant psychological impact that lemon color is often chosen for the main color of the walls of a home office. In which it is necessary not only to work, but also to meet with business partners.
  • You can paste wallpaper of lemon shades in the hallway. You will feel a sharp contrast when you enter your house from the street, which will greet you with bright summer colors. At the same time, it is important to choose high-quality wallpaper in the hallway, which you can easily wash repeatedly.

The widespread use of lemon color is justified primarily by its positive characteristics, as well as excellent companionship qualities.

When developing an interior with the participation of lemon, you should first of all choose the main areas for its use. It would be unwise to paint all the walls in such a bright palette, since such an unusual and rich color in large quantities will annoy you.

Lemon must be necessarily diluted with lighter tones so as not to overload the room with paints.

Note that shades of lemon color help to expand the space of a narrow room, and do it in any light. Therefore, many professionals like to use this color scheme in small spaces.

Modern interpretation of the living room interior

Successful combinations can be built with the following colors:

  • Green and its shades will allow you to set the natural theme of the room. In such an interior, the breath of summer and its aroma will be felt.
  • The pink color scheme will give tenderness, it can be perfectly used in the interior of the bedroom by choosing the appropriate feminine wallpaper.
  • With white and its shades, you can combine lemon wallpaper in the kitchen to create a positive interior that is conducive to eating.
  • A beige palette can be a great backdrop for a lemon accent in a living room or bedroom. She will add color, nobility, show this bright color from the best side. In such an interior, it will be possible to profitably present luxurious furniture, curtains and decorative accessories.
  • Brown wall infill can be just as appropriate when it comes to a business-style home office. In this combination, the color of the lemon will be more restrained.

The use of lemon color in the interior of different rooms will positively affect the mood of a person, give him the opportunity to recharge with good energy and wake up his appetite. You can use wallpaper in this color in any room, but it must be done wisely, without succumbing to emotions.

If you liked this article, you can skip to the next one: Raspberry wallpapers.

Lemon color in the interior of the kitchen is a stylish and bold solution that brings a sense of surprise and optimism to the space. It is associated with summer, the sea, holidays and gives a charge of vivacity and fun. It should be considered as a good option with constant exposure to seasonal depression. This color will be especially appropriate in the design of a room located on the north side, since there is a lack of natural light in any season.

Before making a final decision in choosing a color, you need to weigh all the pros and cons. Then get acquainted with the opinions of designers, so that in the future there will be no disappointment.

Among the positive aspects of this color, the following are noted:

  • compensates for the lack of sunlight (especially important for residents of the northern regions);
  • visually expands a small space;
  • looks bright, bold and original, evokes strong emotions;
  • has a stimulating and positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person, which is especially valuable for those who cannot wake up in the morning;
  • stimulates creativity;
  • promotes a good appetite (important for families with small children).

The kitchen, made in this shade, there are also disadvantages inherent in the yellow color as a whole. They include the following:

  1. This color has an irritating effect on the psyche of people with an easily excitable nervous system, as well as those who suffer from mental disorders.
  2. An insufficiently cold shade (the color of an overripe lemon with a canary tint) with a lack of lighting will look dull and uninteresting.
  3. Despite the fact that yellow is easily combined with almost all colors, you need to weigh the pros and cons well, stopping at one or another option, especially choosing an extremely bright one, for example, yellow with red or orange. In everyday life, the vast majority of people prefer calm, restrained colors, so you should not sacrifice a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere and homely peace for the sake of a momentary whim.

What style is suitable for lemon cuisine

Stopping on such a color, the owner takes a certain risk, because this shade in itself attracts attention. Therefore, the general view must match, and the details must be harmoniously combined with each other. The design in the following styles will look most advantageous:

  1. High tech. Its main emphasis is cutting-edge technology, in the presence of which there is no need for the usual kitchen utensils and decor. For "consonance" with the smooth metal and plastic of gadgets and devices, the working surfaces are made glossy and shiny. It is the lemon color that suits them the most.
  2. Minimalism. Laconic and strict design with a minimum amount of decor and maximum use of the functionality of the room. Bright citrus color of work surfaces or furniture will give optimism and fill the space with life.
  3. Constructivism. With minimalism, he is related by intolerance to an increased number of details. At the same time, more emphasis is placed on revealing the functionality of each item. These styles are distinguished by their attraction to geometric shapes and the unity of lines, so the appliances in such a kitchen are always built-in. Lemon will allow you to make bright accents and add emotionality to the design.
  4. Loft. Usually bachelors prefer this style. Stone and brick, simple furniture give the effect of antiquity, brutality and comfort at the same time. Citrus tones will bring a sense of novelty and freshness to such an interior.

What colors go well with lemon in kitchen design

There are many possibilities for combinations with other shades. Bright color gives a feeling of enthusiasm, energy, vitality. Despite the fact that it is considered youthful, its unexpected combinations with blue, beige and brown are liked by people of any age.


This color scheme breathes lightness, freshness and purity, but at the same time it is considered concise and restrained. This combination is ideal for a small kitchen as these two colors visually enlarge the space. This combination is great for dark rooms. The simplicity of appearance can be diluted with interesting decor elements that will make the interior more comfortable.


The combination of these two colors, despite their depth, evokes feelings of calmness and focus. Blue softens and sets off the loudness of lemon, revealing sparkling notes in it. This combination promotes concentration and is perfect for people with creative professions and with a fine mental organization, as well as introverts.


A fresh, invigorating combination of colors is suitable for those who are used to always being in good shape and in a good mood. Lemon and blue have a cold undertone, so the temperature in the room will subconsciously feel cooler. The intensity of the color can be adjusted by choosing a less saturated celestial hue.


This is an original and stylish solution, which most favorably reveals the properties of both colors. Gray elegantly sets off the acidity of the lemon, which gives it radiance. This combination is positively perceived by the nervous system of any type and will be appropriate for small kitchens.


A classic that always looks interesting and stylish. This shade will muffle the splashing brightness of the lemon and give the interior rigor and maturity. For such a color solution, the clarity of lines and shapes is extremely important. Suitable for rooms with a large area, since black reduces space. In order not to overload the object with two intense shades, a glass table and shelves are often used in the design.


This color scheme can also be attributed to the classic version. Cool yellow shade combined with warm tones of brown soothes and warms, gives a feeling of comfort and coziness. At the same time, this design is distinguished by clear lines and geometric shapes due to a certain contrast. The combination of lemon and cinnamon is a great solution for northern cuisines.


The soft and restrained tone of ivory or coffee with milk successfully emphasizes the saturation of sunny citrus, ennobling and directing its unbridled fun into a calm channel. Such an interior has a special chic when the brightest accents are framed by a deep, but matching in tone color: black or brown. This kitchen is cozy and conducive to confidential communication.

How to combine a lemon set with an interior

When buying a citrus-colored headset, it is especially important to consider the basic rules for combining shades. Because such a rich color is a strong dominant, against the background of which any flaw or inconsistency will immediately catch the eye.

In order to emphasize the clarity of the lines, black, brown, anthracite, graphite or wenge are additionally used.


Only one bright color can be present in the interior, while the rest should be neutral, a few shades lighter. Wallpaper in beige, light green, light gray and white shades will suit the lemon kitchen set. They will emphasize the brightness and cheerfulness of the main color dominant. The same principle remains with a contrasting two-tone design: to create a stylish and harmonious interior, the tone of the wallpaper should be less saturated. The lemon color is ambiguous for perception, so it is better to slightly muffle it with a calmer background.


If you have a lemon-colored headset, it is recommended to choose plain and dim curtains that let in sunlight well. Yellow shades have an unpleasant property: they fade in low light, acquiring an unhealthy look. Another difficulty lies in finding the golden mean between practicality and attractive appearance. It is known that on fabrics with a pattern, pollution is less noticeable. But in a kitchen with citrus colors, it's better not to overdo it with additional accents. White, cream, beige or gray curtains are perfect. You should not pick them up to match the headset: this will create additional tension in perception, and the interior will look “torn”.

Apron and countertop

In the choice of colors for this part of the kitchen, you can allow a little more freedom and bright colors. But even here it is necessary to strictly observe the measure. It is better to choose monochromatic options for tiles and work surface material. A multi-colored pattern is allowed, but in a minimum amount. The simpler its elements, the more organic the overall appearance of the room will be.


Additional room furnishings should be as discreet as possible, such as neutral colors and non-textured materials. The principle of simplicity in design should be dominant. Before the kitchen gets its final look and starts to be used. Such a decision may seem boring and uninteresting. Awareness of its correctness will come later, when the lemon color will focus maximum attention on itself.

An interesting solution is the purchase of a glass table. Such a design move will add lightness to the overall look and will not distract attention from the headset.

How to care for a lemon-colored kitchen

Caring for a room made in a citrus shade is no more difficult than for any other. It must be remembered that against such a bright background, dirt and stains will be more noticeable, so cleanliness will have to be maintained at the proper level.

To make operation less troublesome, it is worth choosing the places most prone to contamination (namely, the apron over the stove and the hood) from non-staining materials in patterned colors, on which stains will be visually less noticeable.

If you have a glossy finish, it is important to prevent scratches and chips, so you should not use hard sponges and aggressive detergents.

Photo of lemon kitchens in the interior


Lemon shade is one of the most unexpected in the interior of any room. This color of celebration and relaxation is nowhere more appropriate than in the kitchen, because this is the room in the house where the family most often gathers or meetings with friends take place. It is here that every member of the family spends time every day. A properly designed lemon-colored kitchen can become a favorite place in the house, where its inhabitants will be charged with vigor and optimism for the whole day!

There are no special nuances in the application of the considered color scheme. Lemon wallpapers harmoniously complement various spaces, the main thing is not to overdo it with them:

  • in the kitchen positive design will fill you with energy and awaken your appetite. In a room for cooking and eating, the shade of lemon can take on a dominant role. He is especially good paired with white;
  • in the bathroom the decor will fill the space with bright colors, pushing its visible boundaries. It will energize and refresh the mind;
  • in the bedroom it is permissible to use lemon wallpaper as inserts. This is a great option for energetic and young people;
  • in rooms for lively dialogues and negotiations. According to the Eastern interpretations of Feng Shui, such coatings are ideal for rooms where there are a large number of people;
  • summer colors will take their rightful place in living rooms and hallways.

Delicate lemon wallpaper with floral prints

The presented palette is harmoniously combined with pale green, sand, cream, orange, light wood, pink, gray, blue, purple and dark red shades.

How to buy lemon wallpaper

A large selection of wall decoration materials is presented in the catalog of our online store. Background or patterned canvases, discreet or playful - any of these options can be purchased using the convenient Cart service. Experiment with our suggestions!
