Do-it-yourself plywood dollhouse. Making a plywood dollhouse. Calculation of the amount of materials, necessary tools

In children's stores you can find a wide range of toys, including dollhouses of various sizes. This toy is every girl's dream. Such a house can not only be purchased, but also built independently. An original plywood dollhouse can be made in just a few days. This will not only save money, but also make a toy that will fully meet the wishes of the baby. After all, the child can take an active part in the manufacture, express their wishes and help decorate. To make it, you will need sheets of plywood, a diagram and sketches, as well as simple materials and tools.

Plywood house for dolls is a great toy for every girl

Toy stores offer a wide range of dollhouses. However, the independent production of such a plywood toy has a number of significant advantages:

  1. Production according to an individual project. The main advantage of self-production is the ability to make the house the way the girl sees it. In this case, you can take into account the desired size, number and design of rooms, layout, furniture features and additional decorative elements. This toy will be unique.
  2. Possibility to make a house of any size. Its dimensions depend only on the wishes of the child and the availability of free space in the room.
  3. Benefits of working with your child. If you build a house with your child, you can not only make a really beautiful and unique toy, but also have a good time with the baby and strengthen the family bond.
  4. Development of creative abilities and skill in working with plywood. The whole family can make a house. If a daughter can express her wishes and decorate rooms, then her brother may well help in assembling the structure itself.

Dollhouse with original plywood furniture

There are many materials that can be taken as a basis for the manufacture of a dollhouse. However, plywood is most often used for these purposes. This is due to a number of advantages of the material for assembling a toy house. These include:

  • plywood is a pleasant to the touch material, always warm, like all wooden toys;
  • subject to the rules of construction, the finished structure will come out strong, and can be used even for the most violent games;
  • plywood has a low cost, so it can be used to build an inexpensive house, unlike a ready-made store option;
  • to work with plywood, they require affordable tools that can be found in every home;
  • The surface of the plywood itself is smooth and aesthetic, so there is no need to additionally decorate the surface.

In addition, plywood is a safe material. However, when choosing it, you must pay attention to the marking. The composition of the impregnating adhesive contains formaldehydes, which are hazardous to health. Therefore, only material marked E0 should be used.

Making a drawing

To build a plywood house, you will need a detailed drawing with the dimensions of all the details. First you need to decide on the approximate dimensions of the structure. Its size should be based on the wishes of the future hostess, as well as the size of the room in which the house will stand. In addition, it is necessary to think in advance about the shape of the product and its style.

Dollhouse drawing

If a ready-made drawing is used, then it must be remembered that when changing the dimensions of certain parts, other dimensions should also be proportionally changed. If the drawing is drawn up independently, it is necessary to include the following data in it:

  1. The back wall should be in the shape of a rectangle or pentagon. The latter option is preferable, because it will allow you to make the original roof with beveled edges.
  2. The base, which should be slightly larger in width than the interior space. This will simplify the assembly process of the structure.
  3. The overlap of the second and third floors, which should have the same size and be slightly smaller than the base.
  4. Side details.
  5. Partitions between rooms.
  6. Elements for the manufacture of the roof.

Details of assembling a plywood dollhouse can be found in the video:

The dimensions of all elements can be easily calculated independently by drawing a sketch on paper. To simplify the work, you can use ready-made schemes, making the necessary adjustments to them.

Materials and tools

Making a plywood house is a multi-stage and complex process. One of the most important stages is the preparation and purchase of the necessary materials and tools. If you do this in advance, the process of making a house will go faster.

For work you will need:

  1. Plywood. The main building material for making a dollhouse. To calculate the required quantity, it is necessary to calculate the number of parts and their area according to the drawing, add up all the data. The resulting value should be rounded up. A small house will require an average of three sheets, and for a huge doll palace, up to ten sheets of material may be needed.
  2. Corrugated cardboard. It can be used to make a roof. This material can be replaced with ordinary cardboard or plywood.
  3. Electric jigsaw. The best tool for working with plywood. Allows you to quickly cut parts of the desired size with minimal risk of cracks and chips.
  4. Joiner's glue. Great option for fastening plywood parts. It dries quickly, has no unpleasant odor and does not leave marks on the material.
  5. Mounting tape. It is recommended to use as an additional means for fixing parts, especially in those places where strength and reliability of the structure are required.
  6. Self-tapping screws. The main structural elements for reliability can be additionally fixed with self-tapping screws.
  7. Sandpaper. Use it to clean all edges of the material to prevent injury and cuts.
  8. Roulette, ruler, simple pencil.

Additionally, you should prepare materials for decorating the house. To do this, you can use wallpaper or films that imitate them, colored paper and cardboard, film as a floor covering. You can also use pieces of linoleum, fabric, felt, laminate. Additional paints and glue are required. Plexiglas or plastic should be inserted into the windows.

Plywood dollhouse manufacturing technology

To make a plywood doll house, first of all, you need to transfer the images from the sketch to the plywood. To do this, the elements of the drawing should be printed or drawn by hand, after transferring them to sheets of material.

Cut out the details with a jigsaw, after which the edges must be carefully processed with sandpaper so that the edges of all the details are even and smooth. If windows are not indicated on the diagram, at this stage they should be marked on the workpieces, cut out and also processed with sandpaper.

A simple dollhouse

After that, you can go directly to the assembly of the house:

  1. With the help of building glue and self-tapping screws, it is necessary to attach the side walls to the base.
  2. It is necessary to mount the ceilings of the second and third floors, as well as all internal partitions, on the side walls. If the parts were not cut very carefully, and gaps formed between them, you can cover them with a special putty for wood, and then paint.
  3. A roof is installed, which can be cut from corrugated paper and the same plywood. If paper is used, then it must be painted in the form of tiles. When using plywood, tiles are glued to the roof, which must be cut out of colored paper, cardboard or other decorative materials.
  4. Installation of interior decoration. Pieces of linoleum, carpet, felt or fabric can be used to finish the floors. The walls are pasted over with wallpaper, colored fabric, film or painted with gouache.
  5. Furniture manufacturing. For a plywood house, furniture is best made from the same material. In some cases, a good solution would be to use ready-made furniture, which can be bought in sets or separately in children's toy stores.
  6. House coloring. It can be painted in various colors with gouache or watercolor. However, plywood is an aesthetic material, so you can leave it without staining.

Additionally, near the house you can make a small garden in which cardboard flowers and trees will grow. This will give the toys an even more delicate and beautiful appearance.

After assembling the structure, it remains only to decorate the interior space

house design

After manufacturing, the frame should be decorated with various materials, as well as arrange doll accessories in the rooms. At this stage, instructions are not required, you can decorate the house to your liking. However, here are some helpful tips to help you:

  • the walls and floor of a wooden house do not have to be painted or glued with decorative elements;
  • for hinged windows and doors, special small metal door hinges should be used;
  • windows should be decorated with fabrics to make curtains.

In the finished house, you can arrange your favorite dolls and other toys. Making a plywood house is not difficult, and the joy of a child from owning such a toy is priceless. A beautiful dollhouse will also be a real decoration for a child's room.

Do-it-yourself plywood dollhouse examples

Plywood of any kind is a very worthy, versatile building material. If you own a few carpentry tools in the form of a jigsaw, hacksaw and sandpaper and decide to build a plywood house, the result will please you. Let's also take a closer look at the types and production of this material, the tools used for it, in order to better understand the entire construction process.

What does plywood manufacturing work include? Of course, this is the initial harvesting of wood, heat treatment, veneer dissolution, its pressing and cutting to the desired size.

In addition, when processing plywood, it is sanded, processed with special reagents, and packed in a special container. There are several ways to make this material:

  • basic sawing wood
  • planing of existing workpieces,
  • gluing veneer, which is removed in a small layer (peeled plywood).

In Russia, the production of plywood dates back to the end of the nineteenth century. Previously, this building material was used in almost all industries, from the production of instruments for musicians to the construction of aircraft. And the range of use of this material has increased every year. Our country is among the leaders in the production of high-tech plywood, also due to the abundance of wood and developed production.

Types of plywood

Now we will consider these types of plywood:

  • laminated,
  • moisture resistant,
  • Construction,

Film faced plywood is a building material that occupies one of the leading places in the list of building materials used in the construction of houses. This type owes its popularity to the presence of a layer of laminate, which is applied to plywood sheets. This type is made from larch, birch and other types of wood. The advantages of laminated plywood are moisture resistance, impact resistance, ease of care.

You can use such plywood for furniture assembly, finishing work, and more than once.

Moisture resistant plywood is made by gluing with a special glue made using resin. This type is used for interior finishing work. In Russia, moisture-resistant plywood with an increased level of moisture resistance is also produced. In fact, it differs from the first type of plywood in the use of glue, which is based on a different resin. Its feature is the possibility of application not only indoors, but also outside.

Construction plywood is irreplaceable in construction. Construction refers to the construction of various structures using plywood, be it a ceiling, floor, wall, and so on. As a rule, plywood is a draft material, indicating the type and shape of the structure, then it is subjected to a cleaner finish.

Such plywood has a greater thickness than its other types, to give it the necessary rigidity and reliability.

This type of material is popular due to its lightness, which makes it possible to use this material in all types of residential building structures.

The abbreviation MDF stands for "fibreboard". This building material is obtained during hot pressing and subsequent drying of wood fibers. In the woodworking industry, a fairly large amount of wood waste is generated, which is crushed and a fibrous mass is obtained, from which fiberboard is prepared. Depending on which tree the waste was used from, the material gets its specific color.

Fiberboard is a very common building material, its surface is smooth and durable, at the same time it has the necessary flexibility.

Here is an example of a list of the advantages of the material:

  • good for cutting
  • due to its light weight, it is not difficult to mount it to the floor and walls,
  • has good sound insulation.

Everyone understands that plywood is sold in standard sizes, and for work, its elements are needed in a variety of shapes, and not only rectangular ones. Therefore, a person using this material must know how and with what to give a rectangular standard sheet the desired shape.

The easiest way is to make the necessary measurements at the construction site, visit the carpentry workshop and order the necessary plywood figures. However, this method, of course, will require additional financial costs, in addition, it does not fully meet the task if you build a house with your own hands.

Laying plywood on the floor has several nuances. Depending on whether the floor is laid on a wooden or concrete floor, the thickness of the material is also determined. When laying plywood on a wooden floor, the defects of which are hidden, it is enough to purchase plywood with a thickness of about 10-12 mm. Minor differences in the level of the boards will be perfectly hidden and will not be noticeable.

When laying plywood on a concrete base, logs are preliminarily laid and leveled to zero. In this case, the thickness of the plywood must be at least 15 mm to ensure that the load is maintained and that there is no deflection.

In construction, to give plywood the necessary shape, they use it, on which a canvas with a fine tooth is placed. After cutting with a jigsaw, the edges of the figure can be further processed with sandpaper. At the same time, it is almost impossible to make curvilinear figures with a jigsaw; for this, a circular plate is used.

If you do not have a jigsaw or a circular plate, you will have to work the old fashioned way with a hacksaw, but for this you should sharpen the saw properly and be very careful not to disturb the cut line.

Plywood house

Plywood house

Are you planning for yourself or children? Each of us built a hut in childhood, and you know that your child will be delighted if he has his own little playhouse. Of course, it is better to use high-quality plywood. Starting construction, you should draw up drawings of the future house.

If the construction is for a child, then it is better to build a house in or near the children's room so that the child can be under control.


You should think about what kind of plywood to use for construction and the required number of sheets. If the house is supposed to be built small, light, then the thickness of the plywood should not exceed 10 mm to make it.

When determining the thickness of the material, it is necessary to take into account the load on the plywood, avoiding its maximum possible bending. With sufficient financial resources, you can also purchase a laminated type, which has a more aesthetic appearance and does not require painting.

After preparing the material, we make markings on plywood sheets, draw windows and a door. When planning the placement of windows, it is necessary to strive for their larger size so that there is light in the house. The height of the doorway must exceed the height.

If the necessary lines are marked, you can proceed to sawing blanks.

Once the blanks are ready, use sanding paper to sand the plywood and process the cut edges so that the chips do not hurt your hands. It is better to connect plywood using metal corners and self-tapping screws, since the use of a timber frame will significantly increase the cost and weight of the object.

Once the walls of the house are assembled, you can proceed to the device of the roof. When installing this part, it is necessary to observe a certain angle of inclination, which excludes the possibility of children being on it.

A dollhouse is every girl's dream. Here they are ready to selflessly play for hours, not suspecting that they are gradually preparing themselves for the future role of wife, mother, mistress of the house. And to deliver such joy to a girl is not difficult.

Alexander Zalivako from Moscow shares his experience.

Is it possible to compare the construction of a children's house with real construction? The house is a toy. But, as practice has shown, the approach in both cases should be equally serious and competent in engineering, constructive and technical terms. As a material for making a house (Fig. 1), I used FC plywood. For the side walls, shelves (floors) and partitions, I chose plywood 8 mm thick, for the back wall - 3 mm thick.

Minimum set of tools

For parts and assembly do-it-yourself dollhouse you will need a jigsaw, a drill (preferably with a stand), a fine-toothed hacksaw, two clamps, a file, a soldering iron. The presence of a manual circular saw will greatly speed up the work. In addition, you will need a screwdriver, hammer, nails, screws and glue.

Materials for a toy house

Two sheets of plywood: 1,525 x 1,525 x 8 mm and 1,525 x 1,525 x 3 mm (for ease of transportation, plywood sheets are cut each into two parts: 950 x 1,525 x 8 mm and 575 x 1,525 x 8 mm; 1 000 x 1525 x 3 mm and 525 x 1525 x 3 mm).

Rails: round Ø 6x1000 mm, square 10x 10x 1500 mm.

Components for organizing lighting in a homemade dollhouse.

Super-bright LEDs (size 5050, light - warm white, 3,000 K); 34-core FRC flat cable; toggle switches MTS-102 A1; resistors; power supply PBS 5-0.5 with plug 2.5; power socket on the panel DS-026C 2.5. The value of the resistor R (Ohm) depends on the voltage drop across the LED Ud (V) and the current consumption I (A):

R = (Upit - Ud) / I In this case: Ugbn = 5 V; Ud = 3 V; I \u003d 0.035 A, then (5 - 3) / 0.035 \u003d 57 Ohm we select the resistor of the nearest rating: 56 Ohm. In the case of installing three LEDs in parallel, the current increases by 3 times - accordingly, the resistor value decreases to 18 ohms.

Making parts of a toy house

When marking out the details of the house, one must not only take into account their rational arrangement on the sheet, but also remember that FC construction plywood usually has one side that can be cleaner and neater than the other. So, at the shelves and the roof, the finishing side should be on top, and at the side walls - on the outside.

Eight partitions (Fig. 2) are made from rectangles measuring 247 x 200 x 8 mm, making the necessary cutouts with a jigsaw, and then carefully processing the edges with a file.

Shelves (floor floors) are cut with a hacksaw (four rectangles measuring 247 x 894 x 8 mm and one - 222 x 894 x 8 mm). The width of the lower shelf (Fig. 3) is chosen in place (due to the presence of a plinth). In the upper shelves, cutouts for stairs are made with a jigsaw (some of them can be made with a hacksaw).

When cutting out the side walls, remember that their lower edges have a slight bevel. Cutouts for the plinth are determined in place. The windows in the side walls are cut with a jigsaw, having previously drilled holes for inserting the file. Window openings are cleaned with a file.

Not only the appearance, but also the strength and stability of the entire structure will depend on the accuracy and thoroughness of the manufacture of parts.

Rice. 4. The back wall and roof are cut out of 3 mm plywood. Fig. 4. 5. Details of interfloor stairs are cut out of 8 mm plywood using a simple fixture. Rice. 6. A device for cutting parts of the same width consists of a plywood base with a kerf and a guide and a rail to be cut pressed against it: 1 - jigsaw; 2 - cut rail; 3 - clamps; 4 - guide; 5 - workbench.

Photo 1. The skeleton of the house is assembled. The details are fitted. 2. The rear wall is attached to the house and connected with self-tapping screws. and roof

Building a toy house

When all the details are ready, proceed to assembly, starting with fastening the partitions to the shelves with self-tapping screws.

Each is screwed with three self-tapping screws, having previously drilled pilot holes, taking into account the location of some partitions one above the other.

After assembling the entire structure of the house from 3 mm plywood, the back wall is cut out in place (Fig. 4) and nailed with small shoe nails to the rear edges of the partitions and shelves, and the roof is fixed.

On a note:

At the assembly stage, some difficulties may arise due to the fact that the parts are slightly different from each other, and the raw plywood “leads” a little.

To solve the problem, you need to unscrew one of the lower partitions without disassembling the structure.

Due to this, it receives an additional degree of freedom, and the side wall is easily screwed. After that, the partition is adjusted in place (or a new one is made). Although its dimensions differ little from the dimensions of other partitions, the structure is already assembled without interference.

Assembly of stairs in the dollhouse

Stairs (Fig. 5) had to be made in typesetting. First, from long pieces of 8 mm plywood, I cut 20 mm wide strips with a circular saw, and then cut them into bowstrings and steps. I sawed a large number of identical steps with a jigsaw using a simple fixture (Fig. 6).

Assembled the ladder as follows. Having put one bowstring on a workbench, at some distance from the ends he put two steps as spacers on it, put a second bowstring on top of them, and then pulled such an assembly of stairs with a clamp. After that, he took the first (upper) step for the stairs and, having smeared its ends with glue, placed it between the bowstrings in the desired position, and fixed it with carnations. Having removed the clamp and taking out the spacers, I installed the lowest step, watching the parallelism of the bowstrings. In the area of ​​​​the lower step, I again put the clamp and pulled the ladder. After that, he gradually installed all the steps - from the top to the bottom. When installing, setting the step, I used an extra step without glue as a spacer, since the distance between the steps is equal to the thickness of the step itself. Constantly monitored the angle of installation of the steps, so that by the end of the assembly of the stairs no error had accumulated.

Balcony fence in a toy house

The balcony railing consists of three sections of the same design (Fig. 7). For its manufacture, slats with a section of 10 x 10 mm and round sticks 0 6 mm for balusters were required. Having cut pairs of rails for sections and drilled blind holes in them for balusters, each section was first assembled dry for verification.

After that, glue was applied drop by drop into each hole of one rail and baluster sticks were inserted. Glue was also applied drop by drop into each hole of the second rail, and it was put on sticks inserted into the first rail. While the glue did not seize, I leveled the structure, put it between two flat sheets of plywood and pulled it together with a clamp to eliminate a possible helical distortion of the fence before the glue dries.


In the manufacture of balcony railings, the holes in the rails must be coaxial, it is advisable to drill with a drill fixed in the rack and with a wood drill. A slightly larger hole diameter than the balusters will allow them to fit correctly in case of misalignment of the holes. The depth of the holes should be sufficient so that the balusters do not rest against their bottom.

3. The moment of assembly of the interfloor stairs. The lower string is fixed on the workbench with a clamp.
4. Three interfloor stairs are ready for installation in the house.
5. The finished staircase is glued between the shelves (interfloor ceilings) of the house. 6. Side wall of the house with installed lighting toggle switches. Toggle switches can be fixed from rotation with glue. 7. Lighting LED can also be glued to the ceiling.

8. The assembled balcony railing is glued to the top platform. 9. The house is furnished with toy furniture and inhabited by inhabitants. In the dark, the indoor lighting of the house looks very impressive.

Rice. 7. The balcony railing consists of three sections, which are assembled from rails with a section of 10 x 10 mm and round balusters 0 b x 40 mm.

Do-it-yourself dollhouse lighting

Lighting is provided by 10 LEDs in the rooms and on the floors of the house. The LEDs are powered by a mains adapter with an output voltage of 5 V and a maximum current of 0.5 A. The total current consumption of all LEDs is 0.35 A.

The light is turned on with the help of toggle switches located on the right side wall of the house. From inside the house, the soldered contacts of the toggle switches are covered with a removable casing screwed on with self-tapping screws. The casing is a plywood plate 247 x 200 x 3 mm with two pieces 200 x 20 x 8 mm glued along the edges.

Soldered LEDs can be glued into holes drilled in the walls of rooms under the ceiling or glued directly to the ceiling. The wires are brought out through the holes in the rear wall to the corresponding toggle switches.

I used cyanoacrylate glue to fix the LEDs and wires. Wires used in PVC insulation. The ends of the wires were marked with a tester and soldered accordingly (Fig. 8).

Do you want to please your daughter and give her a doll house? Read how to make a house for Barbie, Monster High with your own hands from cardboard, plywood and MDF.

What girl does not love dolls and does not dream that they have a real house with spacious rooms and furniture? Such a toy will not only entertain the baby, but also make her director's game more complex and varied. As you know, while playing, children learn and develop, and parents should make efforts to organize the conditions for this development.

Do-it-yourself dollhouse for barbie: diagram, photo

Of course, there are simpler options to make a daughter's house for a doll:

  1. Buy ready. But they cost sky-high money. At the same time, the plastic parts are fragile, they are poorly attached to each other, the house is constantly falling apart.
  2. Organize your home in a closet, nightstand or bookcase. Probably, parents in their distant childhood did this themselves. The option is good because, firstly, you do not need to spend extra money, and secondly, the child will learn to use objects in the game - substitutes. The downside is that sooner or later the daughter will say that the house is not real, she will want to have something more believable, with wallpaper, windows, etc.

Then mom and dad will have to decide how to make this toy themselves. First of all, decide on the size. If the house is intended for a doll like Barbie or Monster High, it will turn out to be dimensional. The height of each room will be at least 30 cm, width, so that you can put a doll bed in the house, 40 cm or more. For baby dolls and toys - figures, you can make a more compact "housing".

House for Barbie made of plywood, made by hand.

IMPORTANT: In practice, the doll house takes its place as a full-fledged piece of furniture. Having decided to make one, you need to think about where it will stand in the room.

The next step is the choice of materials. As a rule, dollhouses are made from:

  1. Cardboard boxes and cardboard. Budget option, you do not need to spend a lot on the purchase of materials. Also, you do not need to think about what fasteners to assemble the house with, you will only need any glue and adhesive tape. The big minus of the house is that it is fragile, hygroscopic, easily dirty. You can't put heavy furniture on thin shelves. The cardboard house for the doll is not suitable for small children who do not know how to calculate strength during play.
  2. Plywood. A more practical and also cheaper option. A sheet of plywood is covered with do-it-yourself parts for a toy house using an ordinary jigsaw. The toy is getting better. But porous plywood must be painted or glued so that it does not absorb dust and moisture, does not swell, and fungus does not start in it. Another drawback of this material is that thin sheets of plywood are not easy to connect with each other so that they hold tight, the house does not fall apart.
  3. Wood, MDF. The most practical and costly option. The house will turn out to be very high quality and durable, stable and safe. It will not fall apart even if the child hangs on it with all its weight. MDF is easy to process, structural elements are firmly connected to each other with self-tapping screws, and their caps can be drowned in the thickness of the material. MDF gives absolute freedom to house decor ideas.

IMPORTANT: It must be remembered that a child will play with the house, and, most likely, this dimensional toy will stand in the children's room. Materials for it must be hygienic, environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic, non-toxic. If after priming or painting the house exudes a smell, you need to let it weather.

Although the house is intended for children from 3 years old, that is, the age at which the director's game has already been formed, you need to pay attention to the presence of small details in it that you can choke on.
Before proceeding with the purchase of materials for the dollhouse and proceeding directly to its assembly, it is necessary to make a plan or diagram. It will help you calculate how much material you need to buy. The details will match each other, they will turn out to be firmly connected. A stable and beautiful toy house will please the child and will not spoil the interior of the apartment.

Diagram of a doll house with dimensions.

How to make a dollhouse out of a box?

The girl really asks for a dollhouse, did you decide to urgently and cheaply make it out of cardboard boxes? Well, then you need:

  • the boxes themselves (according to the number of rooms, from 2 to 6 pcs)
  • thick cardboard
  • scissors
  • stationery knife
  • ruler
  • PVA glue or any other for paper
  • paints, colored paper, self-adhesive wallpaper, kitchen oilcloth, corrugated paper, ribbons, braid, bows, other handy material for decorating a house

IMPORTANT: Boxes will fit any, if they are the right size and tight enough. For dolls the size of Barbie (29cm or 31cm, scale 1:6) or Monster High (26-28cm), it is best to take drawers from under household appliances.

  1. Boxes are stacked in two floors of two rooms. On the second floor, you can also equip one room and a veranda.
  2. The boxes are fixed with glue and adhesive tape. In order for the parts to stick well, they organize a press from ordinary clothespins.
  3. The roof of the house can be made from a box by cutting it in half diagonally, or cut out from sheets of cardboard.
  4. In the side walls, they measure out, draw and cut out windows with a clerical knife.
  5. The interior decoration of the house is in progress. Ceilings, floors and walls are glued with colored paper, wallpaper residues, self-adhesive or oilcloth. From improvised means, you can also make cornices, window sills, baseboards, and other surroundings.

House for a doll from boxes: tools and materials.

House for a doll from boxes: manufacturing steps.

How to make a do-it-yourself doll house out of cardboard?

Details for the doll house can be cut out of thick cardboard, perhaps all from the same boxes of household appliances.
Here a drawing is definitely needed, for example, this one:

The scheme of the house for Barbie from cardboard.

You will need:

  • cardboard
  • scheme
  • pencil and ruler
  • glue, tape, tape
  • stationery knife
  • paints, felt-tip pens, old wallpapers, oilcloth, corrugated paper for decorating the interior and exterior of the house
  1. The drawing is drawn or found on the Internet and printed. The details of the house are cut out.
  2. Make markings on cardboard. It is better to cut cardboard parts not with scissors, but with a knife, then their edges will be even.
  3. Sections that will not join can be trimmed with tape or electrical tape.
  4. The cut parts of the house are assembled into grooves or glued together.
  5. Create the interior of the house. If mom and dad are creative, they can paint the house by hand.

A simple cardboard house.

House made of cardboard for toys.

Cardboard house.

Cardboard house, assembled into grooves. Cardboard house for small toys with a drawing.

VIDEO: How to make a house for dolls?

Drawing of a plywood dollhouse with dimensions

Making houses out of plywood is no longer so easy. Most likely, mom alone can not cope. You need to attract dad, the little princess will definitely thank him for the unique toy with her incomparable happy smile.
To make a house for Barbie prepare:

  • plywood
  • jigsaw
  • a hammer
  • sandpaper
  • wood glue or PVA
  • masking tape
  • nails
  • wood primer, paint
  • scissors, pencil, ruler
  • house interior decoration materials

Plywood dollhouse drawing.

Scheme of assembling a plywood dollhouse.

  1. From plywood, the details of the house are very carefully cut out. They must exactly match the drawing. Also cut out window and door openings, if any. Windows can be made rectangular, round or triangular.
  2. All plywood parts are carefully sanded with sandpaper so that the child does not drive a splinter during the game.
  3. Connect the details of the house with construction glue, PVA glue or hammer together with nails. It is necessary to make a reservation, the glue gun with silicone will not hold plywood.
  4. Primed and painted plywood.
  5. Think over and create the interior of the dollhouse. The walls in the rooms can be painted by hand with paint, painted in one color, decorated with the remnants of wallpaper, wrapping paper.
  6. The floor is also painted, shreds of carpet are laid on it, and so on.
    It is recommended to make a staircase to a two-story housing for dolls from wooden rulers sawn to size.
  7. Furniture in the plywood house will be any - bought specifically for dolls in toy stores, made with your own hands from cardboard, the same plywood or improvised means.
Making a house for Barbie from plywood: stage 1.

Making a house for Barbie from plywood: stage 2.

Making a house for Barbie from plywood: stage 3. Making a house for Barbie from plywood: the back side.

Making a house for Barbie from plywood: rooms.


Do-it-yourself wooden doll house: drawings and dimensions

The doll house will be played by a girl from 3 to 10-12 years old. This toy, if it is beautiful and of high quality, will stand in the house for many years, invariably delight the baby and surprise guests. It is definitely worth the effort and investment. Therefore, the best option would be to make it from MDF.

  1. At the first stage of work, they think over the design of the house. You need to decide on the size, number of rooms, their shape, roof configuration. A universal solution is a two-story house with 4 rooms with a shed roof and an attic.
  2. For such a house, the main details are needed: a back wall, two side walls, two strips for the ceilings of the first and second floors, two vertical lintels between rooms, a strip for the roof slope. It is better to order the cutting of these parts in a furniture or carpentry workshop. Under them all take MDF of the same thickness. Or you can make the back wall and sidewalls, that is, the supporting parts of the structure, thicker, and the rest, auxiliary, thinner.
  3. In the side walls, and, if desired, in the back, window openings are cut.
  4. It is better to order window frames in laser cutting, then they will turn out to be perfectly even and already chamfered.
    MDF is a heavy material, glue or ordinary screws will not take it. Connect the parts of the house with self-tapping screws. Hats are drowned in the material and then masked with shavings with glue or polymer clay.
  5. On the roof, the attic with a round window looks beautiful. It is also better to order it in laser cutting. A plywood attic is attached to the roof of the house with glue.
  6. To imitate tiles and decorate the roof beautifully, they buy thin bamboo roller blinds, cut them to the size of the slope and glue them on it. The attic is decorated in the same way. If the roller blinds are on one thread, they can crumble when cut. Then they must first be glued with ordinary PVA.
  7. The roof of the house is conveniently mounted on hinges so that it can open. In the "attic" then it will be possible to store the pupae and their dowry.
  8. Window frames are planted in openings.
  9. Next, move on to the design of the walls. The simplest thing is to prime them and paint them the same color. You can also make an imitation of brickwork. Bricks are first marked with a pencil, then cut out with a wood router. Primed MDF and painted in the desired color. After the soil has dried, the recesses between the bricks are isolated with a simple pencil or marker. To make the masonry look natural, color heterogeneity is betrayed with the help of crayons.
  10. “Bricks” of various sizes are cut out of porous egg trays and glued around the windows.
  11. They complete the exterior decor of the house with artificial small flowers. They are glued at the base of the side walls, on the roof and attic.
  12. The ceilings and floors of the house are painted in the right colors.
  13. Barbie doll is a conditional model of a person 1 to 6, respectively, and her house. Scraps of old wallpaper or gift paper will look rough in it. A good solution is to find a wallpaper with a pattern you like on the Internet for everyone, reduce it proportionally in a photo editor and print it at a printing house. It is important to choose good paper. A conventional copier will soon wipe off, glue may appear on it, or it will wrinkle during pasting. Photo paper may not adhere well. Glue wallpaper on PVA.

Blanks for a dollhouse made of MDF.

Window layout.

Assembled house frame.

Window frames laser cut.

Round attic window.

Roof top attic.

Decoration of window openings and imitation of bricks.

Wallpaper 1:6 in the children's doll room.

House interior decoration.

Finished roof with imitation tiles and flowers.

The girl will play in such a house for hours.

IMPORTANT: The girl will play in the barbie house for a long time. To make it more convenient for her, it is better to make it on a leg. The raised design also makes it easier to clean the toy.

VIDEO: K do-it-yourself prickly house made of drywall

How to make a do-it-yourself doll house for monster high?

The relationship of moms and dads to Monster High dolls is ambiguous. Some cannot stand them, they consider them crippling the psyche of the child. Others tend to think that stylish monsters arouse the child's cognitive interest in myths and legends, and also raise his self-esteem. Be that as it may, girls love monster dolls. And at some point, the daughter may ask her parents to make her a house for them.

House for Monster High from whatnot.

IMPORTANT: The dimensions and construction of the Monster High house are different from those intended for Barbie. But with the finish will have to tinker.

  1. Before you design a house for monsters, you should learn more about the Gothic style.
  2. Monster High likes an interesting color palette: they combine gloomy black with rich pink, fuchsia, neon yellow and green. The same combination of colors should be used in the interior of the doll house.
  3. You need to think about how to beat the glitter and black lace. Monster rooms should have gold and silver.
  4. Elements with imitation of artistic forging also complement the interior of the Monster High doll house: chandeliers, candelabra, fireplace grates, stair railings.
  5. The interior and exterior of the house use Monster High symbols.
House with symbols of Monster High. Dollhouse lighting.

Your little princess is growing by leaps and bounds. And now you have already equipped her children's room, in which there are a lot of toys. But as always, something is missing. Or maybe make a dollhouse with your own hands from plywood? Its scheme is simple. With such a house, the daughter will play much longer than dad or grandfather built it.

Piggy bank of creative ideas

Every girl dreams of having a real house for dolls in her room. It is easier to buy such a design in a store, but not cheaper. Moreover, the quality of many toys recently leaves much to be desired. If you are going to make a dollhouse with your own hands, the drawings will be needed to cut out individual parts.

Plywood is a versatile material. It is durable, ergonomic, has an acceptable price category, and working with it is a pleasure for the master. You can come up with a unique plywood dollhouse. Drawings are easy to find on the global network. Fortunately, progress has provided us with such opportunities.

Here are some dollhouse building ideas:

  • simple sketch;

  • complicated option;

  • Christmas dollhouse.

The complexity of the structure being built depends on your skills and abilities. First, all the details are cut out of plywood, and then they are assembled together. The dollhouse can be small or human-sized.

Take care of cutting doors and windows. Children can be involved in the design process. They will be able to decorate the dollhouse at their discretion. Your imagination also plays an important role. The doll house can be a scaled-down version of the real house with stairs, bathroom, bedroom, living room, nursery and furniture. Try it, because it is very interesting and exciting.

Let's make a gift for a little princess

Handmade items are always valued more. If you decide to give a gift to your daughter, try to construct a plywood dollhouse with your own hands. Step by step instructions will be a visual aid for you. Start by making a drawing. After taking all the measurements, calculate the required amount of plywood. Go to the store and buy everything you need.

One side of the house, the facade, is always open. The child should be comfortable playing with such a design. If you want to make an exclusive dollhouse, think over everything to the smallest detail, including decor, and equip it with lighting.

Necessary materials:

  • drawing;
  • plywood sheets;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • drill with various drills;
  • heavy-duty glue;
  • yardstick;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • water-based or decorative paint;
  • brush;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • LED lamp;
  • power unit.

Step by step description of the creative process:

  1. We start by building a drawing. We place all the details separately on a sheet of paper. Specify the desired size. You can take the dimensions given in the photo.
  2. We transfer the drawing to plywood sheets. For convenience, we use a ruler and a simple pencil.
  3. After we have drawn all the details of the future dollhouse, we proceed to cut them out. You can conveniently and quickly cut parts out of plywood using an electric jigsaw.
  4. This stage is the most responsible. We carefully and very carefully measure all sizes. It's better to measure seven times. Otherwise, the house will not turn out beautiful and even. The parts must fit together perfectly.
  5. Immediately cut out all the details of the dollhouse. Here we have such a mountain of individual pieces of plywood.
  6. In order not to get confused when assembling the house, we will sign each detail in accordance with our drawing.
  7. To make the house look like a real one, and your princess is happy to play with such a design, we measure and cut out doors and windows. Without it, nowhere.
  8. And to make it more convenient to cut out small windows and doorways from plywood, we first drill four points.
  9. Now, starting from the hole, cut out the window and the door with an electric jigsaw.
  10. We need to decorate part of the wall of the house and the balcony. To do this, we draw two parallel lines and make symmetrical points on equal segments.
  11. Drill each point to make a through hole.
  12. We cut the distance between the holes with an electric jigsaw. It turns out here is such an original carving.
  13. When all the details are prepared, we take sandpaper and sand the plywood from all sides so that no splinters are afraid of the little princess.
  14. Now we begin the assembly in accordance with the sketch.
  15. We process the side sections of plywood with carpentry glue, and then fix it with additional small carnations.
  16. We make sure that the nails do not break through the plywood, otherwise the baby may get hurt.
  17. After we assemble the frame, we fix the floors on the floors. If you have taken the correct measurements, then these parts will fit perfectly.
  18. The finished house can be painted with water-based or decorative paint.
  19. After complete drying, you can do the lighting in the dollhouse. To do this, you need LED bulbs of minimum power, as well as a power supply.
  20. We connect the wires, and bring the lamps out into the holes made in the plywood.
  21. We install the power supply on the back wall of the dollhouse.
  22. Let's not forget to mount the switch so that your daughter can turn the light on and off for her dolls on her own.
