Art parquet with your own hands. Parquet patterns: herringbone, square, weaving. Variations on the theme "Christmas trees"

Parquet is the embodiment of nobility and luxury, impeccable taste and sophistication, a special color and style of the interior. Along with this, numerous options open up wide prospects for room design. The traditional layout of the parquet "Christmas tree", "deck", strict ornaments, ornate patterns, wickerwork, diagonal laying and other patterns can transform the room, visually change its proportions, emphasize the advantages and correctly hide the flaws.

In the article we will tell you what are the ways of laying parquet, how to choose the right pattern, and what mainly affects the choice of layout. And of course, we will bring to your attention interesting diagrams of parquet, in the photo gallery we have selected the most relevant, popular and especially for you.

What is important to consider when choosing a layout

In our time of extremes, from total minimalism to pretentiousness, eclecticism, and sometimes simply bad taste, the question is acute: what patterns are appropriate for? The choice, of course, depends on the overall decorative concept of the design, but a truly thoughtful approach implies an impeccable combination of the parquet pattern with all the design elements of the room.


Herringbone parquet can be called the most traditional layout of dice. But even the long-familiar pattern of a wooden floor can be laid out in a new way today.

French Christmas tree, stacking of large dice

As practice shows, there are many laying options: this is a straight herringbone, a diagonal Christmas tree, a double straight and diagonal Christmas tree, a Christmas tree made of dies of different types of wood, a French Christmas tree, a Christmas tree with a transverse insert, etc., see some examples in the presented diagrams.

Basic patterns for laying herringbone parquet

Herringbone laying is very simple and easy to do with your own hands, and at the same time, such a pattern looks presentable. It should be noted that with proper installation, in comparison with the deck, herringbone parquet is much stronger and less deformed under adverse operating conditions.

French Christmas tree parquet installation requires skills and special tools. Using templates for cutting corners will greatly facilitate the work. Laying the French Christmas tree, thanks to the sawn corners, looks more elegant than the Christmas tree from solid dies.


Deck pattern or "run-up" parquet is the easiest way to lay parquet. It would seem, but in this way, what can be invented new? But even here you can show your imagination.

Schemes for deck drawing

The deck is straight and diagonal, with different displacement of the rams, the deck is staggered, the deck is double, triple, etc.

Custom deck patterns

It is important to note that this laying method significantly affects the geometry of the space, so in narrow and long rooms it is recommended to lay the slabs diagonally or along a narrow wall.


There are no less options to place squares on the floor than a Christmas tree or a deck. But when choosing this pattern, you should correctly select the color and texture of the parquet, since the squares are a graphic ornament, it breaks the floor into clear segments.

The method of laying a framed square, as a rule, with this method, a color contrasting to the main color of the coating is selected for the framing plates

If you want to combine space, then for laying you should use dies with a monochrome and unexpressed texture, better than a radial cut.

Examples of laying parquet in squares

But for zoning, or if necessary, to make the floor brighter, dominant, it is better to use a dense texture pattern: tangential cut dies can be made from different types of wood. Decorative inserts look especially impressive in a square pattern.

Types of parquet laying, the photo shows an example of how to lay squares with decorative accents


On the basis of the square, many ways of laying parquet have been invented. Braid is a variation on the theme ... a slightly modified, more elegant square. The massiveness of the pattern depends on the number of dies in one segment, the smaller the parquet, the more delicate the pattern.

The braided method allows you to lay out a simple, but at the same time openwork, light and very effective pattern.

It should be noted that the pattern looks complicated, but despite this, the braiding technology is simple and does not require special skills. This ornament necessarily involves decorative elements with a separate pattern, matching or contrasting with the main color, this technique gives the parquet sophistication and high cost.

Drawing - braided, for greater expressiveness, experts recommend using 2-3 types of wood in one flooring

Rhombuses or "Sheremetev" pattern

Rhombuses are a painstaking, graphic, but very effective parquet pattern. Due to the optical catchiness of rhombuses, it is better to lay them out as a framing border or for, in combination with calmer patterns, for example, with a Christmas tree. To make the pattern look visually voluminous, it is recommended to use three tree species for laying rhombuses.

Scheme for laying parquet with rhombuses

Geometry is an endless source of images. From simple dice, you can lay out a wide variety of patterns, do not be afraid to combine several patterns at once. By involving different types of wood and shades in one ornament, you can create. Of course, laying parquet is a laborious and expensive process, but such a floor covering opens up wide opportunities for floor design, and the result, as a rule, more than covers all costs.

The diamond pattern is difficult to lay out on your own, but no more difficult than the French Christmas tree.

Will never lose its popularity, it is the most noble and sophisticated option for flooring. Parquet remains as beloved as it was many centuries ago. This is a stylish, durable and beautiful coating suitable for any interior. It is parquet that will help create the atmosphere of a royal palace in the most ordinary apartment.

Art parquet is called parquet, which has a complex pattern, lined with planks of various types of wood. Such a coating in itself is the main decoration of the interior, it does not require carpets, because hiding such beauty is a real crime! More budget option seems to be laminate under artistic parquet.

Artistic parquet production

In order to make artistic parquet, craftsmen use cherry, maple, alder, birch, oak, elm and other tree species. For expensive and more festive parquet, exotic types of trees can be used - sapieha, dussia, iroko, campas.

Parquet can have absolutely any pattern and color. Previously, palace parquet was made by hand. Now the drawing is made on a computer, and all the details are cut out using lasers. This allows you to create any drawing absolutely accurate in terms of composition. Laser technologies help to carve the most openwork ornament, while all the details fit perfectly together, which ensures the parquet for many years of service.

Drawing technology

Depending on what technique the pattern was applied, there are different types of parquet:

  • Marketi. Is one of the most popular. All elements of the ornament are inside the cover and form a common whole. To date, this technology is most often used in the creation of artistic parquet.
  • Intarsia. Drawings of artistic parquet in the technique of intarsia differ from the market in that they go inside the coating to a certain depth.
  • Inlay. The most refined, festive and expensive type of parquet pattern. Masters, in addition to rare species of trees, use metal and stones - amber, onyx, jade. This floor looks just like a king. The manufacture of inlaid parquet requires high skill and precision from the manufacturer. The main disadvantage of parquet for the buyer is its high price.
  • Count. An ancient way of making parquet, which was used many centuries ago. Today it is not used, since the technology was lost.

The choice of artistic parquet should be determined by the style of the entire interior. You can create a drawing for any style. Style parquet modern will be distinguished by smooth lines and curved ornaments. Parquet for a room in the style of classicism will have a strict geometric composition.

Elements of artistic parquet

The choice of ornament and pattern for parquet is quite difficult. There are basic types of floor design that can turn parquet into a real work of art.

  • Border. It performs several important functions at once. It allows you to divide the space into several functional zones. With it, you can separate the borders of drawings of different styles. It beautifully frames the floor and brings completeness to the whole composition. The border can be either one-color or repeat any of the elements of the ornament. Most often, plant motifs or silhouettes of animals are used. The border can exist separately or in alliance with the outlet. In any case, it is designed to frame the entire composition and help with the layout of the rooms.
  • Socket. The most popular design element of parquet flooring. An oval or round socket is located in the center of the room. The only exception is the case when the socket becomes the key element of any zone in the room.

The rosette pattern may or may not be symmetrical. A true craftsman can create a true masterpiece when working with a rosette design. The size and borders of the sockets can be any.

The socket can be enclosed in a circle or oval, or the borders can be left open. Patterns from its center can blur over the entire area of ​​​​the parquet. In the manufacture of this artistic element, various types of wood are used - on average, from two to ten types are required. Often the socket is inlaid with stones and metal to give a special luxury to the room.

  • Modules. They have the shape of a square, they can consist of one or two types of wood. Modular parquet has an identical pattern on every detail. Most often, geometric patterns are made up of modules. The result is a complete picture. Assembling such a modular mosaic takes much less time than laying out an ornament from different parts.

Care rules

Artistic parquet is a natural material that has different characteristics depending on the type of wood used. However, all types of wood have common features. Parquet reacts to humidity: when it is wet, it can expand in size, and when it is dry, it can shrink. That is why in winter, during the heating season, parquet elements can shrink, then small cracks appear between them.

It should be understood that this is not evidence of the poor quality of the parquet, it is only a sign of its naturalness. Artistic parquet laminate can behave in exactly the same way. In order to prevent cracks from appearing in the floor, a normal humidity level should be maintained in the room - from 45% to 60%. This will favorably affect not only the floor covering, but also the health of the household.

The most impressive and expensive of the decorative finishing materials for the floor is parquet. It is a symbol of luxury and prosperity, impeccable taste. The finest patterns of precious woods are folded into an original carpet. Many shoppers walk past parquet in a hardware store, considering it an unaffordable pleasure. But having the skills to work with wood and strictly observing the laying technology, you can assemble natural artistic parquet with your own hands.

What is artistic parquet

The parquet consists of several types of wood of various shades. With the help of pieces and elements of contrasting colors and patterns of wood, ornaments and whole pictures are laid out, forming a whole canvas with the image on the floor. For this elite coating, maple, pear, aspen, cedar, birch, as well as rare and exotic woods are used. Laser technology allows you to precisely cut out all parts of the pattern, perfectly matching each other.

Parquet is popular due to the following advantages:

  • naturalness of the material: in addition to wood, parquet includes inlays made of metals, semi-precious stones and other natural materials;
  • environmental safety - the parquet floor does not cause allergies, does not emit toxic substances;
  • manufacturing technology opens up great opportunities for designers, allowing you to create unique complex images;
  • parquet perfectly retains heat and muffles sounds, has antistatic properties, does not attract dust particles;
  • The service life of high-quality parquet can exceed 100 years.

There are also disadvantages:

  • rare and noble materials, the complexity of manufacturing and installation, exclusivity make this coating very expensive;
  • requires special care and protection;
  • afraid of water and dryness, subject to mechanical damage.

Manufacturing methods

There are several techniques for assembling drawings from wooden elements. The main ones are two of them: intarsia and marquetry. These techniques have differences in the complexity of the calculation and in wear resistance, and hence in terms of service life.


The inlay of the wooden parts of the pattern in the base of another type of wood is called intarsia. To create an image, a base is prepared from an array of a certain type of wood, grooves for inlay are cut out in it. The constituent elements of the pattern are carved separately on the basis of a sketch from other types of wood. After the preparatory stage, the assembly of the picture begins: each piece is glued into the hole corresponding to it.

This is painstaking manual work, the complex variants of which require experience and skills. For beginners, the assembly of friezes and modules with ready-made ornaments that are built into the canvas is suitable.

The main advantage of parquet made in this way is high wear resistance and the possibility of grinding, which increases the life of the floor.


The marquetry technique appeared later, it is somewhat easier to perform than intarsia. If in intarsia all parts of the image cut into the base, then in the marquetry method, thin pieces of veneer are assembled into a pattern and glued together on the surface of the main canvas according to the scheme. The ornament is obtained only from above.

Such a decorative coating can be mounted with your own hands by purchasing modules for assembly and ready-made friezes. For this technique, different types of wood are used and pieces of other natural materials are inlaid. Amber, gold plates, mother-of-pearl, semi-precious stones, leather and ivory are used to decorate parquet and furniture.


An ancient graphic technique, which can be seen in palaces and historical buildings, for example, in the Hermitage. Gutters are cut in solid wood, which are then filled with wood dust, molten metal, mother-of-pearl, amber, and other materials.

The laying of image elements using the inlay technique occurs at a certain depth of the main canvas. Such a floor is less wear-resistant and more expensive than those made in other techniques. You can encrust not only wood, but also precious and semi-precious minerals, gold and silver plates, leather.


The images on the parquet include various ornaments and individual elements. For their correct selection and location on the base canvas, the following criteria must be taken into account:

  • purpose of the premises;
  • the size of the room, its illumination;
  • the presence of several zones;
  • quantity and placement of furniture;
  • general style of the room.

Ornaments are divided into several main groups and can be combined with each other to create complex patterns.


Composite parquet of identical boards, which can also be composite and inlaid. Shields of square or rectangular shape are connected by a tenon-groove system into a single canvas with a repeating pattern. Modules can be inserted into ordinary parquet, creating decorative islands in any order or highlighting certain areas of the floor with them. Such parquet is appropriate in small rooms and elongated rooms with a lot of furniture and decorative elements.


This ornament is considered the most difficult to perform, traditionally it is used in the center of the room or marks the core of a separate zone. Lines and patterns diverge from the center of the rosette to its edges. The ornament made of valuable materials contains plant and flower motifs, geometric figures, animals and heraldry. The decorative effect is achieved by different shades and directions of wood fibers.

Outlets harmoniously solo in spacious, well-lit interiors, where they are clearly visible and have an elegant and solemn look. In small and darkened rooms, sockets are undesirable; large and contrasting patterns visually reduce the space.


This type of ornament is elongated and intertwining lines of arbitrary shape. Floral or abstract drawings, strict geometric stripes bordering sockets or modules divide the space of the room into zones. The border acts as the main pattern or additional element. It looks good at the junction of different zones or as a border of a complex free-form image. It is recommended to use light medium-sized parquet elements in the apartment.

other methods

You can lay out artistic parquet in other ways that are easier to perform.

  • French Christmas tree - oblong boards are laid out perpendicular to each other in the form of a Christmas tree. At the same time, the different direction of the fibers and the dies from different types of trees create a pattern on the floor.
  • Checkers - laying out squares with alternating contrasting shades in the form of a chessboard.
  • Basket or weaving - the dies are laid out according to a certain pattern, the ornament resembles intertwined stripes or a basket.
  • Rhombuses - elements are joined at an angle of 45º and repeating modules are obtained in the form of geometric shapes.

What else to look for when choosing

In addition to choosing a pattern and laying method, when choosing a decorative floor covering, you need to pay attention to some technical parameters of the material:

  • texture and compatibility of materials. Too contrasting and colorful combinations are undesirable. Subtle transitions and harmonious combinations form unique and solid pictures that fit perfectly into the interior of any style direction;
  • the size of the decorative elements also affect the overall appearance of the room after the repair. Large and bright images will decorate bright rooms with a minimum amount of furniture;
  • additional elements and accessories: substrates, friezes, inserts, glue, protective coatings, plinths, corners, sills;
  • quality indicators. The integrity of the modules and the availability of accompanying documents, a warranty card and instructions with a laying diagram.

Overview of the best manufacturers of artistic parquet

For several centuries of the existence of such parquet, the technology of its manufacture has been brought to perfection. Today, ornamental elements are cut on CNC laser machines, manufacturers invent the latest protective coatings and combinations of precious woods. World-class leaders are worthy of competition by domestic companies.

A joint venture between Sweden, Russia and Serbia, Tarkett produces a wide range of parquet flooring. This is an elite class product. Perfect grinding and precise fit of parts - this quality allows the manufacturer to set high prices for their products. In Russia, this company is also represented by the Sinteros brand, which, in addition to excellent quality, is famous for its more affordable price of products.

Another Swedish manufacturing company, Kahrs, has been on the market for over 150 years and has achieved the highest level of parquet quality. A huge selection of shades and textures determines the demand for the parquet of this company.

The German manufacturer Haro prides itself on a complete production cycle from its own forestry operations to the delivery of finished products to customers. Together with the board, skirting boards, sills and other additional products for laying parquet and caring for it are sold.

The natural forest resources of Russia enable domestic companies to use many types of wood in their production. From oak, beech, ash, aspen and birch, parquet collections of the Moscow factory "ASV Parquet" are created. Ready-made modules, executed in different colors, exclusive solutions and the latest laser equipment, as well as many years of experience in hand-assembly of patterns, make the products of the Moscow parquet factory in demand and popular.

The LesExport company has a wide distribution network and makes premium products available to a simple buyer. The AmberWood brand of this manufacturer is distinguished by an ideal fit and geometry of the elements and a long service life.

What makes up the cost

Piece natural parquet with inlays or marquetry is undoubtedly an elite product. It is made from exotic and precious woods, so its high cost is fully justified. In addition to the purchase of material, other costs must be included in the estimate:

  • the cost of preparatory work and materials for them. Repair or dismantling of the old base, pouring a new screed and leveling mixture, strengthening the wooden floor and laying the plywood substrate;
  • the price of accessories and additional products, such as protective waxes, varnish, skirting boards and thresholds;
  • if the image is exclusive and made to order, then the price of a unique parquet increases significantly;
  • the cost of grinding and finishing with varnish or other protective composition.

The cost of material and installation of artistic parquet in the lower price category for a room of 12 m² will be 101,320 rubles.

Prices for work and calculation of consumption and cost of materials:

  • in one package of modular parquet 2 m² and it costs 11,800 rubles. When buying material, it is necessary to add 10–15% to the floor area for trimming and the price of fasteners, underlays, skirting boards and chemicals. For a room of 3x4 m, 7 packages of parquet and related materials will be required in the amount of 82,600 rubles;
  • the purchase of materials for a plywood base will cost 7 thousand rubles, the work of a master will cost from 40 to 60 rubles per m²;
  • the average price of laying simple drawings starts from 300 rubles. per m² and reaches 1 thousand rubles;
  • grinding costs 200 rubles. per m², varnishing 100 rubles, installation of a skirting board 100 rubles. per running metre.

For complex premium-class drawings, prices are much higher, the cost for the same room will be 250 thousand rubles, an example of calculation:

  • foundation preparation has the same cost as in the first calculation and is equal to 7 thousand rubles for materials and 60 rubles. per m² of the work of the master;
  • the cost of individual paintings and patterns starts from 5 thousand rubles. for 1 module and above. For an area of ​​​​12 m², at least 200,000 rubles will have to be spent on the material;
  • the cost of laying with grinding and varnishing is 2,500 rubles. per m² and above.

Laying technology

For zealous owners who have dexterity and experience with wood, it is possible to significantly reduce the estimated cost of parquet by doing the laying and assembling the drawing with their own hands. To complete all the stages of work without errors and get a beautiful floor, you need to carefully study the step-by-step instructions and strictly follow the technology.

  1. Foundation preparation and inspection. The surface of the rough screed should be as smooth and clean as possible. Small differences in height and unevenness must be removed by pouring a small layer of leveling compound. Wooden floors should be reinforced with nails. If the screed is in poor condition, it should be dismantled and filled with a new one. Disassemble the dilapidated wooden floor to the log and fill new boards, and lay a plywood substrate on top, securing it with self-tapping screws.
  2. It is recommended to make a preliminary marking and layout of the elements on the floor. You need to work at a temperature of +18 ºC, with a humidity of 40-60%. Modules can be connected in a glueless way using locks, but glued connection is considered more reliable. Plywood should be primed for better adhesion.
  3. The glue is applied with a notched trowel on the plywood base and on the ends of the dies. Then the plank is pressed, fixed on the base, and excess glue is wiped off. Assembly begins according to the attached diagram from the center of the room or from the wall. For a snug fit of the parts, they are knocked out with a rubber mallet. Between the wall and the floor, you need to leave an expansion joint of 1 cm, then the plinth and the sill will close the gaps. The glue dries within a week.
  4. The final stage of work is grinding and varnishing. Parquet is sanded first with a coarser nozzle, and then with a finer one, to give the floor a perfect evenness and smoothness. Remove dust with a vacuum cleaner. At this stage, you can independently tint the parquet or its individual elements with special tinting compounds. Lacquering protects the parquet from moisture and mechanical damage. It is applied in 3-9 layers, each layer dries for about a day. The full set of varnish strength is 1-2 months. After that, you can arrange furniture in the room.

Variants of modern parquet design

Cutting at different angles and laying out the fibers in different directions, the selection of halftones, the inclusion of glass and leather elements, the tinting and aging of wood allow designers to create a parquet that fits perfectly into the interior of any style direction.

The bedroom in delicate pastel colors is combined with floral motifs of artistic parquet, made using the intarsia technique.

Traditional palace classics in a modern interpretation will decorate a spacious bright room and give the entire interior a luxurious and elegant look.

The bright and stylish floor in the studio was achieved thanks to the combination of different colors and patterns on the herringbone-shaped dice.

Geometric-patterned modules enliven a simple, minimalist kitchen.

The hall in Art Nouveau style is decorated with inlay on the parquet in the form of flowers, the graceful lines of the pattern repeat the ornament on the stained-glass ceiling.

Artistic parquet floors in excellent condition in the palatial style can be seen in many historic buildings.

Photo gallery: artistic parquet in modern interiors

The first factories for the production of artistic parquet appeared in the 20th century. Artistic parquet and classic design are an ideal tandem Complex pattern is the main feature of artistic parquet Like many years ago, manual labor in the production of artistic parquet is highly valued. in interior decoration Artistic parquet has a complex geometric pattern Artistic parquet rosette in the center of the dining room makes a semantic accent on the dining table

Laminate can be an alternative to artistic parquet. We talk about its advantages and disadvantages, as well as varieties and methods of laying with our article:.

General rules of care and restoration work

In order for the decorative floor covering to last for a long time, it requires careful care and the creation of suitable conditions for temperature and humidity, because wood is afraid of excessive exposure to water and deforms over time (warps, swells), and dries out in dry air.

  • In order to maintain the optimal level of humidity during the heating season, it is necessary to carry out additional air humidification. This can be done using a special device;
  • Water that has fallen on the surface of the parquet must be removed immediately. Dust should be removed either with a vacuum cleaner or with a damp soft cloth;
  • hard brushes and abrasive detergents, gasoline, alcohol, solvent cannot be used - they will ruin the coating;
  • sticking gum or plasticine can be removed by placing an ice pack on them;
  • in order to restore the color of the parquet when darkening, it is necessary to remove the old layer of varnish with a grinder or sander. You can use a building hair dryer, warm up the surface and remove the varnish with a spatula, putty large chips and damage on the surface and apply a new layer of varnish;
  • small scratches and abrasions are removed with a wax pencil;
  • walking in shoes on parquet contributes to the ingress of sand and other abrasive particles on the floor surface and accelerates the wear of the decorative coating. To solve this problem, it is advisable to lay a rug at the entrance that will trap sand;
  • the legs of furniture items must be protected with special rubber or fabric caps;
  • ideal for cleaning mild detergents of the same brand as the parquet varnish;
  • once a month, you need to apply a protective compound, for example, a wax-containing polish.

Complex restoration works require serious financial and labor costs. It is much easier to repair individual dies that have been scuffed, scratched or stained by various chemicals.

Despite the laboriousness and the money spent, a real artistic parquet will become a home decoration and a source of pride. High-quality flooring is an indicator of the status and taste of the owners, and if the parquet is assembled by hand, then it is a demonstration of skill and ability. A beautiful floor will add shine and style to the interior, create an atmosphere of comfort and luxury.

The parquet floor looks noble, expensive and presentable, in addition, this coating option is timeless, which means that it will not be necessary to change it under the influence of capricious fashion. We Let's look at the classic patterns and motifs most often used in the process of laying parquet, and tell you in which cases it is better to apply each of them.

Parquet is a type of wooden floor covering, which, depending on the type of execution, can be piece, panel or type-setting. As an option for flooring, parquet arose in the Gothic era, in Europe at the turn of the 13th - 14th centuries. The idea that a massive board should be split into many boards of a certain shape led to the fact that the floors in the houses of the nobility began to be lined in the form of beautiful ornaments and patterns from various types of wood. This is how piece parquet was born.

Block parquet is a set of planks with ridges and grooves for fastening, consisting entirely of hardwood. The thickness of the planks varies from 15 to 22 mm, the width is about 75 mm, and they reach 500 mm in length. Such parameters indicate the significant advantages of piece parquet, for example, a long service life, the possibility of multiple repairs and artistic laying of the floor.

Modular (panel) parquet is a decorative board, usually square, made of fibreboard (MDF) covered with a layer of small curly planks of hardwood.

Stacked parquet, or mosaic - these are fragments made up of several planks fastened together. The shape of such modules can be different, rectangular or curly.

Variations on the theme "Christmas trees"

The herringbone pattern is actually not as simple as many people think, as this styling style has been around long enough to become iconic and recognizable around the world. There are English and French "herringbone" - patterns that differ somewhat from each other in the way the planks are laid.


English "herringbone"

English "herringbone" is a parquet masonry, in which the transverse sections of the planks rest against the longitudinal ones, so it seems as if they are moving towards each other.

Laying parquet in style a english "herringbone" in its simplicity is the most versatile and suitable for interiors in a classic, English, or retro style.

French "HERRING"

The French version of the herringbone is elegant and simply spectacular - the planks form clear zigzag waves on the floor, which adds dynamics and character to the restrained interior.

French style is suitable for neoclassical, modern, grunge and Scandinavian interiors.


The clear shape of a square with its right angles and straight lines is now used abundantly in modern apartments. Simple and clear silhouettes allow you to apply more catchy patterns and colorful motifs, contrasting combinations of colors and materials. Therefore, it is not surprising that the laying of parquet in the form of squares, single or variable (assembled from several narrow slabs), is so common in living rooms and public institutions.

In addition, in a modern interior filled with progressive technology and innovative materials, sometimes it is simply necessary to let in an aura of naturalness and wildlife. To this end, designers use a plank floor or parquet with simple patterns in the form of many squares, an endless string of interconnected.

basket weaving

Another, quite popular version of parquet masonry is an imitation of weaving from a vine or straw. This effect is achieved due to a special turn of narrow plates combined into a square or rectangle.

Such basket weaving looks more spectacular when a very dark (wenge, cherry) shade of wood is chosen for it, or a very light tone (alder, maple).


Complex geometry

Here we are talking about a mosaic or type-setting type of parquet masonry, which turns an ordinary floor into a floor worthy of royal chambers. With the help of intricate geometric patterns that cover the floor with a solid canvas, you can balance a richly decorated (for example, stucco) ceiling, and also make a room made in cold colors more warm and cozy.

There are as many variations of geometric masonry as there are combinations of rhombuses, squares, arcs and ovals.

magic stars

Fragments of northern ornaments are often used to create warm seasonal home textiles, carpets or wall panels. But with no less enthusiasm, Nordic stars can be used as parquet patterns in the living room or bedroom. So, starry masonry looks advantageous in the interior in the style of a Parisian apartment, where there is a lot of light, exquisite textures and designer furniture.

Eclecticism is another inimitable style, for which the presence of original and very characteristic motifs on the floor, for example, stars, will come in handy.



wooden lace

Artistic parquet, made to order, will certainly become the center of attraction for the eyes of everyone present in the room. Modern technologies for the production of figured coatings surprise even experienced craftsmen, and parquet in this form can be elevated to the rank of high art, due to the fact that the possibilities and variations of patterns are unlimited and incredibly skillful.

For a luxurious floor - a luxurious interior: in the style of classicism, baroque, gothic, or Victorian.

Parquet is the embodiment of nobility and luxury, impeccable taste and sophistication, a special color and style of the interior. At the same time, numerous options for laying parquet open up wide prospects for room design. The traditional layout of the parquet "Christmas tree", "deck", strict ornaments, ornate patterns, wickerwork, diagonal laying and other patterns can transform the room, visually change its proportions, emphasize the advantages and correctly hide the flaws.

In the article we will tell you what are the ways of laying parquet, how to choose the right pattern, and what mainly affects the choice of layout. And of course, we will bring to your attention interesting diagrams-drawings of parquet, in the photo gallery we have selected especially for you the most relevant, popular and original layouts of dies.

What is important to consider when choosing a layout

In our time of extremes, from total minimalism to pretentiousness, eclecticism, and sometimes simply bad taste, the question is acute: what patterns are appropriate for laying a parquet floor? The choice, of course, depends on the overall decorative concept of the design, but a truly thoughtful approach implies an impeccable combination of the parquet pattern with all the design elements of the room.


Herringbone parquet can be called the most traditional layout of dice. But even the long-familiar pattern of a wooden floor can be laid out in a new way today.

French Christmas tree, stacking of large dice

As practice shows, there are many laying options: this is a straight herringbone, a diagonal Christmas tree, a double straight and diagonal Christmas tree, a Christmas tree made of dies of different types of wood, a French Christmas tree, a Christmas tree with a transverse insert, etc., see some examples in the presented diagrams.

Basic patterns for laying herringbone parquet

Herringbone laying is very simple and easy to do with your own hands, and at the same time, such a pattern looks presentable. It should be noted that with proper installation, in comparison with the deck, herringbone parquet is much stronger and less deformed under adverse operating conditions.

French Christmas tree parquet installation requires skills and special tools. Using templates for cutting corners will greatly facilitate the work. Laying the French Christmas tree, thanks to the sawn corners, looks more elegant than the Christmas tree from solid dies.


Deck pattern or "run-up" parquet is the easiest way to lay parquet. It would seem, but in this way, what can be invented new? But even here you can show your imagination.

Schemes for deck drawing

The deck is straight and diagonal, with different displacement of the rams, the deck is staggered, the deck is double, triple, etc.

Custom deck patterns

It is important to note that this laying method significantly affects the geometry of the space, so in narrow and long rooms it is recommended to lay the slabs diagonally or along a narrow wall.


There are no less options to place squares on the floor than a Christmas tree or a deck. But when choosing this pattern, you should correctly select the color and texture of the parquet, since the squares are a graphic ornament, it breaks the floor into clear segments.

The method of laying a framed square, as a rule, with this method, a color contrasting to the main color of the coating is selected for the framing plates

If you want to combine space, then for laying you should use dies with a monochrome and unexpressed texture, better than a radial cut.

Examples of laying parquet in squares

But for zoning, or if necessary, to make the floor brighter, dominant, it is better to use a dense texture pattern: tangential cut dies can be made from different types of wood. Decorative inserts look especially impressive in a square pattern.

Types of parquet laying, the photo shows an example of how to lay squares with decorative accents


On the basis of the square, many ways of laying parquet have been invented. Braid is a variation on the theme ... a slightly modified, more elegant square. The massiveness of the pattern depends on the number of dies in one segment, the smaller the parquet, the more delicate the pattern.

The braided method allows you to lay out a simple, but at the same time openwork, light and very effective pattern.

It should be noted that the pattern looks complicated, but despite this, the braiding technology is simple and does not require special skills. This ornament necessarily involves decorative elements with a separate pattern, matching or contrasting with the main color, this technique gives the parquet sophistication and high cost.

Drawing - braided, for greater expressiveness, experts recommend using 2-3 types of wood in one flooring

Rhombuses or "Sheremetev" pattern

Rhombuses are a painstaking, graphic, but very effective parquet pattern. Due to the optical flashiness of diamonds, they are best laid out as a framing border or for artistic highlighting of the center, in combination with more calm patterns, for example, with a Christmas tree. To make the pattern look visually voluminous, it is recommended to use three tree species for laying rhombuses.

Scheme for laying parquet with rhombuses

Geometry is an endless source of images. From simple dice, you can lay out a wide variety of patterns, do not be afraid to combine several patterns at once. By involving different types of wood and shades in one ornament, you can create an exclusive parquet floor. Of course, laying parquet is a laborious and expensive process, but such a floor covering opens up wide opportunities for floor design, and the result, as a rule, more than covers all costs.

The diamond pattern is difficult to lay out on your own, but no more difficult than the French Christmas tree.
