Job Form. Requirements for forms of management documents. Requirements for document forms

The article describes in detail how to fill out and draw up an order in form No. T-1, and what features to pay attention to. The article provides a blank form and a sample of filling out form No. T-1, which can be downloaded. Let's figure out how to correctly draw up an order for employment in 2019

Personnel officers Russian companies in their work they prefer to use unified forms. Despite the fact that officials allowed the use of independently developed forms.

Unified forms are convenient, are in open access, and also meet all documentation requirements. The unified form No. T-1 was approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.

Mandatory details of form No. T-1

The use of unified forms in work is solely the choice of the company; the decision is made by management. It is required to consolidate the choice in the accounting policy. The company has the right to develop its own structure of documents, or modify the established samples. For example, by adding additional information and details to the unified form No. T-1.

Please note that any form must meet legal documentation requirements. Thus, officials have determined a list of required details:

  • the name of the administrative act, in our case it is an order;
  • name of the organization, entrepreneur or separate division where the employee is employed;
  • last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the new employee;
  • the position or profession to which the specialist is appointed;
  • the name of the structural unit in which the newcomer will work;
  • the nature of the work, as well as the conditions of employment;
  • payment procedure, amount of official salary and other conditions of remuneration;
  • terms of the probationary period, if any;
  • requisites employment contract with an employee;
  • the date from which the newcomer must begin work.

The independently developed form, as well as the rules for its preparation, should be enshrined in the accounting policy. In this case, familiarize HR employees with the new forms.

Hiring rules

The procedure for preparing personnel documentation during employment provokes a lot of questions. Thus, HR employees argue about which document should be drawn up first: an employment contract or an order. To eliminate any doubts, let’s look at the algorithm for hiring new employees.

The procedure for completing documents is as follows:

  1. The employee’s handwritten application for admission.
  2. Admission order (unified form T-1 or your own form).
  3. Employee personal card (form T-2).
  4. Sign up for work book employee upon hiring to the main place of work.

Usually all documents are generated on the same day. Therefore, all forms can have the same date of preparation. But the employee’s application may be sent earlier.

If an employee is hired under a civil contract, then there is no need to issue an employment order. Such an employee will not be included in the regular workforce, therefore, labor legislation does not apply to him.

Attention! If the company invites you for the summer underage workers, then the T-1 form is filled out according to special rules. The article contains everything you need to know about the employment of teenagers: reference tables and sample documents.

Instructions for filling out form No. T-1

Personnel documentation cannot contain errors. After all, any inaccuracy in the contract or order is grounds for punishment of the employer by representatives of the State Labor Inspectorate. Therefore, it is very important to correctly fill out the employment order.

Detailed instructions on filling out the unified form T-1:

Column or form field

Where to get information to fill out

Name of company

We indicate the full name of the organization or individual entrepreneur, acting as an employer.

If the charter or regulations on the creation of an economic entity provide for an abbreviated name, then it must also be entered in the appropriate line of the order.

Charter of an individual entrepreneur or company

Regulations or resolution on the establishment of an institution

Other administrative document.

OKUD code

For the unified form T-1, the OKUD code has a single meaning - 0301001.

OKUD Directory.

OKPO code

This is a specialized code that is assigned to each economic entity upon registration with government agencies.

On the official website of Rosstat.

In the documentation received from controllers when registering the company.

Document number and date

We indicate the specific number and date of the order in chronological order. We register the order details in a special accounting journal.

Logbook for registering orders for personnel.


Fill in the date the employee was hired by the company. If an open-ended employment contract is concluded with a subordinate, then the “hire by” field remains empty.

Fill in this field only if the employee is hired under a fixed-term employment contract.

Employment contract, contract, agreement.

Employee's name

Indicate last name, first name, patronymic (if available)

Citizen's passport or other form of identification.

Personnel Number

Upon employment, a specialist may be assigned a personnel number. This is an optional detail.

If staffing carried out using specialized programs, the number is assigned automatically.

Assignment of personnel numbers is not mandatory. The company independently determines the procedure for assigning personnel numbers.

Structural subdivision

We indicate the specific structural unit or department in which the newcomer will work. The name must correspond to the company's staffing table.

Staffing table.

Employment contract.

Job title

Indicate the position, profession, specialty to which the employee is appointed. If necessary, add information about class, category and qualifications. Enter information according to the company's staffing schedule.

Conditions and nature of work

We prescribe the specific conditions under which a new specialist will be employed. For example, we indicate “main place of work” or “part-time”. We also enter “permanently” or “temporarily”.

Tariff rate (salary)

The specific amount of remuneration established in the organization in accordance with staffing table, salary regulations. The salary or rate must be specified in the employment contract/agreement.


If to official salary or the rate provides for allowances and surcharges, then you must indicate all of them. Write down payments in accordance with the terms of the employment agreement.

Remuneration Regulations

Employment contract.


In accordance with the requirements of Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a probationary period may be applied to the employee. Moreover, the maximum test period is limited by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If a probationary period is assigned to a subordinate, indicate its duration in the appropriate line.

If there is no test, then leave the field blank or put a dash.

The terms of probation during employment must be set out in the employment contract with the employee.

Employment contract.


We indicate the details of the employment contract, contract or agreement

The finished order is endorsed by the head of the company, or another person authorized to take such actions.

Then the employee must sign the order, confirming that he has read the management’s order.


The order must be prepared, signed and brought to the attention of the employee against signature within three days from the date on which he began to perform his duties. In fact, the execution of this document represents the transfer of information from the employment contract into the fields of the unified T-1 form. Let's look at how to fill out an employment order (sample 2020) step by step.

How to issue an order for employment

Step 1. Fill out the header

We enter the name of the organization and the eight-digit OKPO code. Please note that we are considering a job order (example) of a fictitious organization, so when filling out your primary documents You will have to put your own codes.

Step 2. Enter the employee’s personal data

Write down your full name. employee in genitive case, as well as other information (name of department, position, conditions and nature of work, salary, duration of probation, etc.). It doesn’t matter whether you are making an order for the chief accountant, general director or a simple mechanic, the filling procedure will be the same. All information is recorded exclusively in the wording specified in the employment contract.

Step 3. Assign a number and sign with the manager

Each organization has its own document registration system: someone automatically registers in electronic programs, someone - on paper with their hands. Regardless of the registration method, we recommend that you adhere to the following rules:

  • details of employment orders and details of employment contracts must be the same, this will avoid confusion and unnecessary bureaucracy. In addition, this does not contradict current legislation;
  • After assigning the necessary details, we sign the order (hiring) with the head of the organization.

Step 4. Introduce the employee

The employee must be familiar with the document on the beginning of his labor activity with this employer during the first three calendar days. That is, if he began to fulfill his job responsibilities on Friday and the next two days he has days off, he needs to introduce him on Friday.

Step 5. File and register

We file the original with the employee’s note about familiarization in the nomenclature folder. We enter information about the document details into the employment order log. Below you can download the entire completed order for the appointment of a chief accountant in 2020 at Pion LLC.

Do I need to put a stamp on the order?

The employment order form does not apply to personnel records documents that require an imprint of the employer's seal. A seal will be required if you have to certify its copy. Besides, in unified form T-1 does not provide space for a seal imprint.

Registration of an order for employment in a journal

The employer is obliged to organize the recording of these documents. For this purpose, the employer, by its local regulations, can appoint a responsible employee for maintaining this journal. It can be:

  • personnel officer;
  • accountant;
  • Office Manager;
  • any other person at the discretion of the employer, but, as a rule, from among those responsible for documenting hiring and dismissal of employees.

The journal form must include the following required fields:

  • publication date normative act;
  • his number;
  • date of registration.

An inventory is sometimes used as a journal, which can be placed in the nomenclature folder for storing regulations on the hiring of employees, and the presence of the fields indicated above is mandatory.

With the beginning of a new calendar year, numbering in the journal must be started anew, and existing information cannot be deleted; it must be stored for 75 years, in accordance with subparagraph “b” of paragraph 258 of the List approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture dated August 25, 2010 No. 558. These deadlines must be maintained. , even if you made an order to hire part-time work at 0.5 rates.

How long is a job order kept?

The employment order must be kept for 75 years, the basis for this is clause 19 of the List of Archival Documents, approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture dated August 25, 2010 No. 558.

Examples of orders

Before you start looking at the examples, please note once again that the employment order form can be executed both on a unified form (T-1) and free form using the organization's letterhead. The main and main thing regarding this document can be expressed in four points:

  • actual availability;
  • written form;
  • compliance with the wording in the employment contract;
  • employee's notes on familiarization.

Example of an order for temporary work

When applying for a temporary job, the order must fill in a field indicating the end of the employment contract, and also indicate in the line “Conditions of employment” that this work activity is temporary for the employee.

Order for employment under a fixed-term employment contract, sample

Order for hiring 2020 individual entrepreneur

It differs from a regular order in the absence of an OKPO code and the name of a structural unit. this work, as a rule, is temporary.

Example of an order for hiring an individual entrepreneur

Order for employment with a probationary period

The absence or presence of a test is indicated in the employment contract by agreement of the parties. Information about the probationary period must be indicated in the employment order.

Order for employment with a probationary period, sample

Order for employment at 0.5 rate

Such employment is possible with internal or external part-time job. In this case, the size of the 0.5 rate is not indicated in the order itself; only the size of the salary is indicated, the maximum limit of which cannot exceed half of the corresponding rate according to the staffing table.

Example of an order for hiring a part-time job

Order for hiring a part-time worker

In principle, it is no different from the previous example, in which we saw a sample order for employment at 0.5 rates. Here, as an option, you can consider the example of replacing a temporarily absent employee (on parental leave). In this case, the end of employment field is not filled in, because the main employee can leave at any time.

Example of an order for hiring a temporary part-time worker

It should be noted that part-time workers, both external and internal, are not necessarily accepted on a part-time basis. You cannot accept a job at a higher rate: for example, you cannot make a sample order for employment at 1.5 rates. In the case of part-time workers, you can start with 0.5 and then go down.

Order for employment at 0.25 rate, example

The difference between these two orders is in the salary figures that are set for the employee upon hiring.

Order on hiring a convicted person

When hiring a convicted person, in addition to the main package of documents, an order to appear for work is provided, which is issued by the penal inspection. At the same time, a fixed-term employment contract cannot be concluded with a convicted person (there are no grounds in).

An example of an order to hire a convicted person

In the hiring order, we do not indicate that the employee is convicted.

Order for hiring a driver

As a rule, they are accepted into garages or motor transport departments.

Example of an order for hiring a driver

Sample order for hiring the same driver for the main job at 0.5 rate

Order for employment by transfer

If an employee is transferred from one legal entity to another, the order for employment will be in the T-1 form (the former employer will issue a document on dismissal, the new employer will issue an acceptance document).

If the transfer is internal, an order is issued in form T-5.

Example of an order for employment by transfer, form T-5

Employment order, sample form for admission to another organization

Order for hiring a director

When employing employees, the order for their employment is signed by the employer. When hiring a general director, the order is signed by the chairman of the meeting of the company's owners, even if the director is chosen from among the owners. If CEO- the only owner, he himself signs an order for employment, but how sole founder of this company.

Example of an order for hiring a director

If the founders have decided and the new director is not against it in principle, then they can make a decision and issue an order for 0.5 rates, a sample of which is below.

Order on hiring a minor

A nuance of this order may be the circumstance that in the case of employment of a minor under the age of 14, it is not the employee himself who must be familiarized with the employment order, but one of his parents. When employing minors over the age of 14, they sign the documents themselves.

Example of an order for hiring a minor

At the same time, when hiring minors, one must remember about the prohibitions and restrictions for this category of workers that are established. Besides,

The order of acceptance to work drawn up by the organization when hiring a new employee. There are standard order forms - form T-1 and T-1a. The first is convenient to use when hiring one employee, the second when hiring several employees.

In this article we suggest downloading order forms T-1 and T-1a. As an example, we filled out an employment order using the T-1 form; the completed sample can be downloaded below.

Download the employment order form

The order is filled out based on the employee’s application, a sample of which can be downloaded, as well as an employment contract concluded at the initial stage of employment.

It is not necessary to use standard forms; you can develop your own order form, not forgetting to include all the necessary details typical for administrative documents.

As a rule, a representative of the personnel service is involved in filling out the order form, as well as completing the form.

Order for employment (Form T-1). Sample filling

At the top of the form is written the name of the organization where the employee is employed. The order form is assigned an individual and unique number, and the date of registration is written.

In the “hire” line, you must indicate the date from which the employee begins to perform the job duties assigned to him - the first working day.

In the “to” line, the end date of work is filled in if the contract is concluded with the employee for a certain period.

Below is written the full name of the person being accepted into the staff.

Each employee is assigned an individual number, called a personnel number; this number is retained by the employee throughout his entire career with this employer. This number is written in the corresponding field on the T-1 order form.

Below is written the name of the structural unit (department) into which the admission is accepted. new employee, as well as position.

In the line below you must indicate the nature of the work and the conditions of employment.

If the conditions of employment require the presence of probationary period, then its duration must be entered in the field specially designated for this.

The basis for drawing up an order is its number and date.

The order completed in this way is signed by the head of the organization and given to the employee for review.

The latter checks the correctness of the information specified in the form and signs the document, setting the date of signing.

The executed and signed order is stored at the enterprise and serves as the basis for filling out a personal file, if necessary, etc.

Example of an order for employment (form T-1)

Download the employment order (form T-1). Sample, form

To organize personnel records in a company, beginner HR officers and accountants are perfectly suited to the author’s course by Olga Likina (accountant M.Video management) ⇓
