Modern economy living room. We think over the interiors of an economy class apartment Economical apartment design

Many people want to have an extraordinary and beautiful home, which includes everything: an entrance hall, a bedroom, a kitchen and, of course, a living room. We can say that these are the dreams of almost all the owners of houses, because it is so nice not only to surprise guests, but also to enjoy ourselves.

But, alas, sometimes there is simply not enough space to implement this idea, or, most often, money.

The living room is the place where the whole family or friends gather to relax or just chat. And then the question arises that this room should not only be beautiful, but also express the individuality of the entire home.

To create the interior of a small living room, you can use coffee tables, carpets, a sofa, a TV, and the like. But since there is a limit in money, you should carefully review the options, because the wallet is still not tightly packed.

Simple and bright furniture can attract attention just as much as its more expensive counterparts.

A harmonious set of two sofas, one coffee table and a lamp create peace and comfort for the owner and his guests

A very unpretentious yet elegant living room that is ideal for young and active people

Another design of this room, which, despite its cheapness, looks very nice and is suitable for an elderly couple.

A very simple way to quickly decorate your living room is with various paintings, but even better, decorate the wall with your own drawings.

The main beauty with such a spartan design in one table, one table and one carpet, is the presence of a pair of green vases.

This room design is suitable for older couples who want to live a laid-back life.

At the first viewing, the presence of furniture with fanciful legs is striking, and not very bright colors allow you to pay attention to the floor, which visually increases the space.

In this case, the main object is a wicker table, which has special cells for storing all sorts of things. Keep your things organized and they will save space!

Not only the right furniture can visually increase the space, but also additional elements: tall vases, the same floor lamps and even a mirror.

As you know, lighting plays a big role in a small room, so you should choose large windows and do not put curtains.

With a lack of free space, it would be wiser to use small furniture. For example, sofas without armrests, small TV stands or small sections on curtains

In this living room, due to the special mixing of shades and unusual furniture filling, the eye does not stop at any element, which allows you to extend the spaciousness of the room.

Neutral colors paired with lighter tones of greens and blues are great for the visual space of this part of the house, while bare wood floors in warm tones just help to add a touch of coziness.

Any designer knows that beautiful does not mean expensive. And vice versa: expensive is not always beautiful. With any budget, you can get both a stylish and cozy interior and a nightmarish bad taste. By the way, a modest budget saves many from ugly luxury. Not having large funds, a person is forced to strive for something simple, unpretentious. But it is simplicity, as you know, that is the most beautiful and pretty.

P. I. Tchaikovsky wrote: “Beauty in music does not consist in a heap of effects and harmonic curiosities, but in simplicity and naturalness.” These words are true for most types of art, including architecture and design.

So, a small budget is not an obstacle to creating a beautiful, harmonious interior. But certain difficulties, of course, may arise. How and on what can you save? How, having spent a minimum, squeeze out a maximum and achieve harmony?

We bring to your attention a few simple rules and secrets. There is no need to follow them inside and out. These are not dogmas, but just tips, following which will make it easier for you to solve the problem.

1. Start by choosing a style

If you have to create on a low budget, it’s better not to aim at luxurious styles. , art deco, neo-baroque, traditional classics, Moroccan style, etc. - in the direction of these directions it is not worth looking. Their low-budget incarnation is unlikely to come out worthy. Quite capricious and Provence style.

Much less demanding are styles such as minimalism, scandinavian, modern european and industrial.



Modern European with elements of Scandinavian

Interior in modern style

Industrial style. Design: Odnushechka studio

Industrial style (aka loft)

If you like refinement and strict balance, you can give preference modern classics. This style gives more freedom and allows a lot of liberties, unlike traditional classics. Where there are fewer frames and conventions, it is easier to save money there.

2. Develop a detailed plan

In order not to spend money on the purchase of unnecessary and, in fact, unnecessary items, it is worthwhile to make a list of all the necessary furniture in advance.

It is advisable to draw a plan of the dwelling and bring furniture into it, having decided on its optimal location. A clear plan will help you avoid unnecessary expenses.

Next, you need to decide what materials will be used. If you want to wallpaper the wall behind the bed, you can do without filigree surface preparation in this place. If a fragment of the wall under the TV is sheathed with a board opposite the bed, there is no point in perfectly leveling this area. Preliminary planning and drafting will allow you to immediately mark those surfaces that need to be carefully prepared. This work, as you know, is not cheap. Partial preparation of the walls will save money, because payment is taken per square meter.

The same with the ceiling. If it is decided in advance to use a stretch fabric in the bathrooms, it makes no sense to level the surface of the ceiling. Simply clean and wash it.

By planning the construction of built-in wardrobes and pantries and immediately deciding on their location and size, you can save a little on wall and ceiling decoration. There is no need to use expensive materials inside these nooks and crannies. If you plan to install a large wardrobe, finishing the wall behind it is also pointless.

3. Choose simple furniture

Budget furniture with an intricate design and a claim to luxury often loudly "screams" about its cheapness.

If the budget is limited, it is better to opt for simple, laconic furniture in restrained tones.

Working with neutral furniture is easy. To make it play, it is enough to decorate it with accessories and decorative elements. So, a simple inexpressive table will instantly change if you put an attractive table lamp on it. A gray or beige minimalist sofa will become more comfortable and elegant if you decorate it with pillows and a blanket.

It is better not to stick out large cabinets. Let them blend in with the environment as much as possible.

Design: Tatiana Ivanova

To bring brightness and showiness, use medium-sized pieces of furniture. Complement, for example, a laconic neutral sofa with an expressive one. If an almost inconspicuous closet is installed in the hallway, defuse the situation with a spectacular bench.

4. Save money with built-in wardrobes

The construction of cabinets and closets (for example, from drywall) is usually cheaper than buying ready-made or custom-made furniture.

Design: Katerina Lashmanova

For such a cabinet, you will only need to buy shelves and a door. However, instead of a door, a curtain can be used, which is important for bedrooms and bathrooms.

Having built a pantry in the kitchen, it will be possible to have a headset. This will significantly reduce its cost.

5. Choose finishing materials with a simple design

Laminate, linoleum, cheap tiles - why not? After all, our goal is to make a budget interior beautiful and elegant, not luxurious. But there is one important rule: the cheaper the material, the simpler its appearance should be. Laminate - only under a tree. Linoleum - under a laminate or plain. However, it can also imitate tiles, but monochromatic is better.

Inexpensive tiles or panels with a marble pattern create a ripple effect. This finish looks clumsy and colorful. When choosing a budget tile, it is better to stop at the simplest, one-color one.

Cheap imitations of expensive parquet and precious stone look ridiculous in a budget interior. Such a discrepancy deprives him of harmony.

You need to carefully select interior doors. If everything around is distinguished by restraint and minimalism, doors with a claim to luxury simply will not fit into the situation. Smooth blank canvases and strict paneled doors, including shaker-style frame samples, are always and everywhere appropriate. If you want to install doors with glass, then let it be a traditional rectangular or arched insert made of transparent or corrugated glass. Inserts of complex curvilinear shapes, including those decorated with patterns, are no longer relevant. In addition, they do not fit with a moderate budget environment.

6. Combine cheap finishes with more expensive ones

It is not necessary to cover the entire bathroom - from floor to ceiling - with cheap tiles. Yes, this will save you money, but will such an interior please you? You can buy more expensive tiles and cover the walls with it only halfway, and paint on top. Or do it differently: for example, line three walls with cheap tiles or paint, and finish the wall behind the washbasin, toilet or bathroom with expensive tiles or mosaics.

Design: Yulia Piskareva

Don't be afraid of paint. Unlike wallpaper and tiles, you determine its color yourself. Thanks to its interesting color, you can achieve amazing results.

Design: Vera Tarlovskaya

If you really liked expensive wallpapers or, for example, facing bricks, buy this material in small quantities. Create accent areas with it. For example, cover only one wall in the bedroom with expensive wallpaper - behind the bed. The rest of the walls can be pasted over with budget non-woven wallpaper and put them under painting.

partial apron

Design: Vera Tarlovskaya

7. If the possibilities and the chosen style allow, leave some surfaces without finishing

In new buildings, and sometimes in old houses, you can find good concrete or good brickwork. Some of these surfaces can be left in their original form, saving on finishing. Of course, some processing is still required, but it will cost incomparably cheaper.

Of course, the decision must be made depending on the style direction of the interior. For modern, Scandinavian and industrial styles, the presence of such rough surfaces is very characteristic. If you chose light elegant classics or elegant Provence - this option is not for you.

Design: Odnushechka studio

8. Use curtains instead of partitions and doors

No, this is not yesterday and not grandmother's design. The use of textiles is very important now. The fabric and the curtain holder will certainly cost less than the construction of walls and the purchase of doors. There are very decent fabrics in the budget segment. Of course, a thin chintz cloth will not decorate the interior, but heavy velvet curtains will also be out of place here.

9. Think carefully about the interior palette

A win-win solution is a neutral gamma. If you use white, gray, beige or gray-beige as a base, it will be much easier to create an elegant interior.

Saturated, deep colors are very binding. Everything should be neat and of high quality, because any imperfections will immediately catch the eye. Neutral gamma, on the contrary, smooths out imperfections.

Bright colors are best introduced in doses, in the form of accents. Including in the form of accent areas on walls and floors.

10. Bet on decor

Any cheap item with a simple design can be beaten with decor. A rustic dining group will be transformed if you decorate it with an interesting pendant lamp, a textile path and a vase of flowers. Is it possible to purchase a bed with a spectacular headboard? No problem! Choose a simple bed and buy a good bedspread and pillows for it. Decorate the bed with textiles, and it will take on a completely different look - more sophisticated and elegant. Does a white tiled bathroom look too spartan? Pick up an unusual mirror, hang neon-colored towels and decorate the wall with a creative poster.

Decor can be quite inexpensive, even cheap. It is only important to choose the right color, texture, shape and quality.

In a word, if the budget is small, it is better to bet not on the showiness of furniture, but on the expressiveness of the decor.

And finally. Rejecting complex cabinets, squiggle doors, figured false ceilings, plasterboard niches and ridiculous arches, that is, from much that has long been set on edge, you can save a lot. This money is better spent on good decor: table and wall lamps, pillows, vases, mirrors, posters, rugs, indoor plants, wall clocks, etc. A neutral, discreet base and lovingly selected decor is the secret to success for a budget interior.

Not all people can afford a spacious apartment or a large house, but this does not detract from the desire for comfort and elegant living. On the contrary, the design of individual rooms, including living rooms, is only becoming more relevant. Designers have developed a number of techniques to help deal with this problem.


In the living room of 18 sq. m (this figure is conditional, in reality it can be a little more or a little less) it is undesirable to put such furniture, the protruding edges of which take up additional space. The solution to the problem is the combination of the kitchen and the hall, but this step needs to be carefully considered, to take measures against the spread of bad odors.

Even if the budget option is chosen, You need to be more careful when choosing colors and their combinations with each other.

It is recommended to focus on multifunctional solutions in the interior, as it is more attractive and aesthetically pleasing, and also allows you to at least partially solve the problem of the eternal shortage of space in the "Khrushchev" or in the apartment of a panel house.

Even the best classical compositions are noticeably inferior to the living room, furnished in a modern style, which is much more practical and rational than the old-fashioned one.


In addition to choosing a style, a certain division into zones should also be taken into account. In most typical houses, the central rooms have a number of functions at once, and it is desirable to implement each of them in a certain part of the room. If there is sufficient space, the living room is separated from other rooms, and then the guest part itself is separated from the recreational part by zoning. The main design decisions, in this case, are a visually prominent carpet or a sharp change in the type of floor covering.

If you don’t like such a scheme, then you can split the space into shares with various wall decorations or columns and installations. According to the designers, the best points for zoning the hall in a two-room apartment are the areas around the TV and the bed. A more beautiful and romantic solution at the same time is the use of curtains and curtains, screens.

An important condition for success is maintaining a stylistic match between the two separated parts of the room. White curtains look good in combination with expressive yellow walls, and the use of lamps and paintings on the walls helps to emphasize the comfort of the room.

Partitions are also capable of separating the guest area from the bedroom, and such a step turns out to be the cheapest.

Sometimes the living room needs to be visually separated from the kitchen, and the range of possible solutions is quite large. It should be remembered that the use of arches, two-level ceilings and floors, as well as columns makes sense only if the height of the shared rooms is large enough. Regardless of the footage, such a move is unacceptable if small children or elderly people live in the house. A cardinal gap can be made with the help of both deaf and partitions equipped with interior doors.

Surface decor

Window blocks can be arbitrarily beautiful and elegant, but to give them the necessary completeness, you need to use curtains. The only exceptions are interiors in the spirit of hi-tech and minimalism, but even short curtains can be inserted into them if you don’t like a fully open window. You can add coziness to a square-shaped living room by hanging carpets on the walls. Contrary to popular belief, this can create a completely modern and rational interior. The disadvantage of this measure is the excessive concentration of dust.

Handmade accessories help to make the space more comfortable, but when the goal is to evoke a sense of gloss and luxury, you need to use decor with a glossy sheen that is easy to remember.

Tapestries and woven panels are often alternatives to carpets. Candlesticks help bring a touch of romanticism into the atmosphere. When the interior is designed in a loft style or in a different urban style, such an element of decor as paintings by contemporary artists or large-format posters is attractive. You can choose the subject to your taste, although the best solution is artistic photography.

Stucco design can be beautiful and original. If you take not classic gypsum solutions, but modern ones (based on polyurethane), you can even decorate the space in the spirit of neoclassical or Victorian style. Moreover, such a solution helps to reduce the time of overhaul. Imitation of stucco elements is no worse in appearance than real gypsum blocks, and its cost is significantly less.

When selecting decor elements, attention is also paid to the purpose of using a certain area in the room. So, it makes sense to put plasma panels, large aquariums, art canvases (both classical and contemporary artists) opposite the guest accommodations. A good alternative to such solutions is often a fake fireplace, a miniature karaoke stage, and a decorative wall. Replace paintings if you don't want to match them or find it difficult to make a decision, you need mirrored plates.

The selection of material, regardless of the footage of the room, should be linked to the main motive that you are trying to bring into the room. The appearance of the finishing material and decor should be stylistically the same.

So, when all the efforts of the designer are aimed at giving originality, at emphasizing it, then the use of natural stone or its skillful reproduction is a good step.

In an environment dictated by ecological style, it is recommended to use a vertically landscaped wall, but always only one.

By the way, about the walls. Empty surfaces behind sofas often inspire anxiety in people. It seems that this design problem is very difficult to solve. Designers offer the following win-win moves:

  • the use of modular paintings;
  • clock, the appearance of which repeats the general concept of the room;
  • a shelf made of durable tempered glass, on which hand-made objects are placed;
  • a small musical instrument on an original type of suspension;
  • installation, developed according to an individual project.

As in any other room, in a modest living room, a black and white photograph of one of the household turns out to be an attractive element of decor. You need to choose wisely so that both the angle is good and the general view does not cease to please after a few months. Print the image in fragments, and now a good replacement for industrial photo wallpapers is ready.

And if you do not want to see yourself and your loved ones, then use any other silhouette shot, choosing it just as carefully.

Speaking of ready-made decorating elements, it is worth mentioning decorative panels. Narrow types are especially good, which are brought to the ceiling in two or three stripes, mixed in series with the usual wallpaper or textured plasters. This technique creates a feeling of elongated walls, especially when narrow mirrors are also used. Any other material can also be used, enhancing its appeal with carefully chosen textures or visual effects.


The use of furniture in the living room does not have rigid standards. Moreover, every manufacturer creates kits, focusing on their ideas about the ideal. This applies not only to the appearance, but also to a certain composition. In a rectangular and square living room, in a room of any other shape, modern designers recommend placing such interior items that are ergonomic, easily move to a new place if necessary, and perform at least two functions.

The rooms where you are going to relax, watch movies and television broadcasts involve the use of a soft group.

If you do not want to use sofas, armchairs and pouffes in high quality, then the dominant role should be given to the home theater, placing seats around it.

Living rooms combined with dining rooms have furniture built around dining groups. In any case, you should look at furniture options equipped with rollers or wheels. They allow you to quickly change the composition if the need arises. What categorically should not be even with the most classic format of the living room is the usual large-sized “wall” that reaches the very ceiling.

Systems formed by lightweight modules look much better. In addition, they are more practical to use. An even more avant-garde (and therefore less acceptable) type is constructions with glass. In total, there are already several hundred modern options, and choosing a wall that suits you is not difficult.

Maintaining traditions when choosing a classic style is important, but it is worth considering that truly traditional cabinet furniture can only be bought for a substantial amount of money. But there is a way out. This is a contemporary style, which allows you to fit furniture products into any interior. It is recommended to “arrange” both upholstered and cabinet furniture initially on the plan in order to prevent gross errors. Correcting them will require significant time and additional costs. Corner interior items simultaneously perform three key functions:

  • decorative;
  • functional;
  • delimiting.

At the same time, their undoubted advantage is maximum space saving. The capacity of compartment-type corner wardrobes is large in comparison with straight products of comparable size, and this is important for a limited living room area. If you want to have a room with a fireplace, then it is not enough to ensure the compatibility of furniture with it.

Selection should begin with determining the optimal style, and it may not coincide with the dominant style. The classic version of the hearth will remain popular, in demand even after decades.


The ready-made version of lighting that builders leave behind does not suit everyone. Sometimes it's too simple. There is no individuality, no zest here at all. Before buying and installing lighting fixtures, you need to take into account both the design side and the reliability of communications. Complicated electrical calculations almost always required, and in accordance with their results, decide which ideas can be implemented and which cannot.

To make the original interiors of country houses and cottages, it is not necessary to spend a huge amount of material resources. Of course, creating a single concept is a difficult task, but with the right approach, you can create an excellent version of a cozy and inexpensive interior of a country house.

Choosing a single style does not mean that you have to decorate the entire country house in the same color, with the same interior items, textiles, materials. Thanks to the choice of one concept, several interior styles can be combined at once, obtaining an economical and high-quality result.

Modern can be combined with the use of the colonial style in the bedroom, boho-chic in the kitchen, minimalism in the office.

When choosing a color palette for the interior of a country house and a cottage, it is important to take into account the taste preferences and wishes of all family members so that each of them feels cozy and comfortable in the created interior.

Selection of style for the interior of a country house and cottage

Have you decided to maintain the entire design of a country house in one style that can harmoniously connect separate rooms? In this case, first you need to decide on the direction that will become the main option for implementing the design idea for the interior of the cottage.

Advice! If you decide on your own to bring to life your favorite idea from a fashion design magazine, first think about whether such an interior will be comfortable for everyday use.

In an economy class country house, the space should be organized with maximum comfort. Not all owners of suburban real estate can independently maintain one style direction in all living quarters of a cottage or house.

Attention! When choosing an interior style for a country house or cottage, one should not go to extremes, it is important to choose reasonable ideas. Not always the ideas offered in the photographs of designers are suitable for a comfortable stay.

For example, the “hospital walls” of minimalism throughout a country house or cottage are not suitable for all people, since they will have a negative impact on the psyche of the inhabitants of the house.

The main directions in the interior of a country house

In order to create a beautiful interior of a country house, we highlight the main styles used by professional stylists: loft, Provence, chalet, Scandinavian style. All these areas have distinctive characteristics, which should be discussed in more detail.


The layout and interior design in romantic Provence involves the use of natural finishing materials. In addition to wooden furniture, floors, in Provence it is important to select high-quality textiles. Decorative interior items are selected in the form of wicker baskets for storing small items, massive planters for placing fresh flowers.

An interesting addition to the created image will be decorative pillows located on the sofa. Among the interior styles, consonant with Provence, country can be noted. Among the latest fashion trends in the interiors of country houses and cottages, professionals distinguish a combination of country and Provence.

Modern loft is suitable for creative natures. For example, you can use this interior direction when thinking through the interior of a living room. One of the walls can be left in its original form without using decoration. Books, paintings placed throughout the room, massive lighting fixtures will help to complement the image.

Sophistication of the Scandinavian direction

This interior trend is gaining more and more fans every year. The reason for its popularity is the availability of this interior trend, the use of safe and high-quality finishing elements.

The Scandinavian-style window is left without curtains, limited to the use of transparent curtains, or the window is decorated with Roman blinds.

Advice! When choosing a color palette, try to pay attention to white, gray, black.

As accent spots, you can use paintings, bright cushions.

Ethnic style goes well with the Scandinavian version when thinking through a beautiful interior of a country house or cottage.

For example, the Scandinavian style is chosen as the basis for the design of the living room, and then it is “diluted” with textiles with original ethnic motifs.

Chalet in a country interior

The chalet can rightly be considered an ecological style, which is increasingly used by stylists in their professional activities. Finishing the first floor can be carried out, armed with a decorative stone. In addition to effectively protecting walls from decay processes, this finishing material will be an excellent decoration for the interior of a country house or cottage.

To provide additional protection for the decorative material used in the decoration, it can be coated with a special protective compound.

As the main attribute of the living room, decorated in the style of a chalet, designers consider a fireplace.

Advice! The best place to place a fireplace is the corner between the dining room and the living room.

An interesting solution for a country house-chalet will be wooden windows with decorative shutters, as well as spacious balconies. Among the main attributes, without which it is difficult to imagine a chalet, there is a table made of solid natural oak. Stylists offer to combine the chalet with some elements of retro style.

But you should not implement all the typical features of a chalet in a country house or cottage, otherwise the house will look like a hut from a fairy tale, far from modernity and comfort.

How to avoid such a problem? Chalet stylists advise combining several interior trends at once, thinking through a single design concept. For example, in the style of a chalet, you can design a kitchen space using natural linen, wood, stone for decoration. The color palette is selected from ocher to terracotta, depending on the personal preferences of the hostess. A living room in a country house or cottage can be well equipped in the Scandinavian direction, using white as a base.


In order to get a beautiful interior of a country house or cottage, it is important to first think over the general concept. It is not enough just to pick up the picture you like in a fashion magazine to get the desired result. Many nuances specific to a particular house should be taken into account at the design stage: the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises, the location of the house, the presence of a personal plot, the taste preferences of the owners of the house.

An important factor in the selection of the interior are the material possibilities of the owner of suburban real estate.

If you follow the advice offered by professionals, you can create a harmonious and complete image in the house, enjoy a comfortable and functional interior for a long period of time.

If you are looking to create a unique style for your apartment and add a twist to a familiar interior, and the budget is a problem, then take a look at inexpensive examples of how you can create comfort and at the same time not spend fabulous sums of money on ennobling your own home.

Decorate the wall with colorful stickers

Or color swatches.

Make a map out of newspapers.

Tie a chair cover

Or for a chair.

Print and decorate your wall with contemporary photographs

Or retro shots of your grandparents.

For decorating the kitchen, decorating the walls with porcelain plates is suitable. By the way, you can paint these plates yourself.

Decorative wall flowers can be made from paper with your own hands.

Update the table with colored electrical tape.

Make a lampshade out of plastic spoons.

From the books you read, you can build a coffee table.

Decorative shelves, with beautiful little things placed on them, look amazing on contrasting walls. Especially, shelves of unusual shape will attract attention.

A wide embossed foam ceiling cornice is glued to the wallpaper with liquid nails.

Use a stick instead of a cornice.

By the way, flowers are a great element of decor for the walls. Especially for these purposes, long hanging or climbing plants are suitable.

Plants in jars screwed to the board will decorate any wall.

A colored paper garland will decorate the head of the bed.

Absolutely everything is suitable for decorating the walls in the apartment! Any beautiful vintage elements that are intelligently combined with each other, vintage interior items, vintage postcards, posters and even board games.

Well, if you have a few old suitcases lying around, perhaps you will like such strange shelves.

Any furniture can be made from old pallets. For example, a coffee table

Or a vintage wine rack.

You can hang anything in the frame: the remnants of wallpaper

Or geographic maps.

The lampshade of a table lamp can be updated with a newspaper, map, or any other piece of paper.

Make an ottoman out of unwanted magazines.

From free samples, you can sew a full-fledged and very nice carpet.

Even 20 years ago, it was difficult to find an apartment in which there would be no carpet on the wall. Fortunately, the modern choice of carpets offers us all sorts of colors, so that they will not look like a relic of the last century in the interior.

Decorating the walls with paintings or frescoes will completely transform the entire interior. Expensive hand-painted can be replaced with print or photo wallpaper.

Decorate the walls with a herbarium. Dried flowers and leaves can be put under glass and hung on the walls.
