Sunscreen film on windows how to glue. Protection from heat: choose a mirror film on the windows. Choose a film and stick it on the window

July! - Sun, Heat, the long-awaited summer is in full swing, and in your house, as luck would have it, the windows face the sunny side ?! It doesn't matter, because you can stick a special sun-protection mirror film on the windows, and the temperature in the room will noticeably drop. Or, for example, you live on the first floor, and curious neighbors constantly like to look into your windows. In any of these cases, a mirror whip for the window will help you.

Mirror sunscreen.

It is used as a universal protection against ultraviolet rays or the views of casual passers-by. When choosing a mirror film, it must be remembered that during the day the mirror effect of the tint film is much higher than in the evening. During the day, it is almost impossible to peep something outside the house, but in the evening, when it gets dark, and the light is on in your house, you can be seen. When choosing a sunscreen film, you can also kill two birds with one stone if you choose a thicker film. It will give your glass more strength and even after a strong blow, the glass will most likely remain intact. This property can be used to protect a child's room. By placing a strong film in the child's room, you can be sure that while playing, the children will not break the glass, and it will not crumble to smithereens, which means that the children will not suffer.

It's comfortable!

Also, lovers of growing flowers on the windows will not need to rearrange the plants to protect them from direct sunlight.

How to put on a sunscreen

All necessary tools
First, let's collect all the tools that we may need:
— Actually the sun-protection film for tinting;
- a spray bottle with soapy water (soap solution);
- stationery knife;
- scissors;
- scraper;
- a clean microfiber cloth
- window cleaner

Soap solution.

Preparing a soap solution is easy. Just dilute 3-4 drops of any detergent in half a liter of water!

We prepare the surface

The first step is to clean the window of all unnecessary and wash the glass. It is best to stick windows on a sunny summer day when the glass is warm. Please note that the temperature in the room should not be lower than 4 and not higher than forty degrees. It is also desirable that the humidity in the room be 20 percent or more.

Then, using a plastic scraper, you need to clean the glass from heavy dirt. Take a good walk around the edges of the window, as a rag will not clean heavily ingrained dirt.


Make sure that there are no fluff, hairs and other debris left on the window surface!

To save material, measure the width and height of your window. Cut the film to the required size with scissors or a utility knife.

Useful advice!

When cutting the tint film, do not forget to leave allowances on each side of half a centimeter (or maybe a little more), after gluing the excess can be cut off.

Now let's start the process of pasting windows.

It is important!

The film is glued on the inside of the room.

First, thoroughly moisten the surface of the window with soapy water from a spray bottle.

We remove the protective layer from the film and also moisten it with water to temporarily neutralize the adhesive layer. This is done so that if the film is erroneously glued, it can be aligned if necessary.

Gently apply the film to the top edge of the window and gently smooth it with a scraper. We recommend that you first press the top of the film, and then run the scraper in the middle of the window. And further from the middle, with smooth movements to the edge of the window, squeeze the water out from under the film. Pay special attention to the edges, as these are where air bubbles most often accumulate.

If the film is accidentally glued incorrectly, you can gently lift it and re-glue it again. Now that everything is glued, when all the water is carefully removed from under the film, you can cut off the excess pieces of the film around the edges.

We enjoy the result!

So it became:

And so it was:

The desire to seal the window with a film arises, as a rule, during the summer heat, when the merciless rays of the sun penetrate the room. And someone wants to protect themselves from prying eyes. In any case, there is a problem and there is a solution.

Below is an instruction on how to stick a film on windows from the sun. The technology is suitable for pasting ordinary wooden windows and double-glazed windows (metal-plastic, PVC).

For your information, you can stick the film on the window glass yourself, without having certain skills. You will need a minimum set of tools:

  • window cleaner
  • mechanical water dispenser
  • rubber staple (or plastic)
  • sharp knife

According to the pasting rules established by the technological
characteristics of the film, the ambient temperature should not be lower than 5-7 °C.
It is not recommended to glue the film on a hot day. High outdoor temperature
air increases the elasticity of the film, due to which it can be deformed.

How to glue film on windows - technology

  • Thoroughly wash the window glass (preferably on both sides).
  • Using a spray gun, apply on an adhesive film
    surface and glass solution of liquid soap diluted with water (not strongly
    Shake to avoid foaming). Soap makes it possible
    freely move the film on the glass to the desired position.
  • We apply the film to the glass. As soon as the film "sat down", neat
    with staple movements, smooth the film until bubbles are removed (smoothing is necessary
    run from the center to the edges). When the surface is perfectly flat, give
  • You can cut off the excess edges of the film after complete drying (in
    in principle, you can cut the desired size before gluing, but there is a possibility that
    there is a gap somewhere).

How to stick anti-vandal film on windows

Anti-vandal window film has specific features, so the principle of gluing it is different.

Wash and dry thoroughly before starting work.
window glass. Moisture is not allowed! Don't forget about temperature
ambient air not lower than 5-7 °С

Pre-preparing a special composition (how to cook it
will be described in the instructions for the film), which will subsequently be applied to
film (the solution reacting with the adhesive base of the film, dissolves it).

We lay the film, aligning it on the glass, expel it with a staple
air from under the film. Complete drying of the anti-vandal film lasts 3-4 months.
Check that during this time the mechanical action
external factors on the window was minimal.

Tools for installing solar control film on a window

For mounting the film, use the following set of tools:


Are intended for mechanical cleaning of glass. We advise you to take scrapers: Triumph SMT-51 (6”) and SMT-106 (3”). They remove all impurities (dried paint, stuck particles) without leaving scratches on the glass surface.



Scraper holder (SMT-12) with in-profile wash (SMT-17 or SMT-15) helps to remove installation and cleaning solutions from glass and film surfaces.


We offer to buy distillation DELUXE:

  • to remove residual water from under the film - SMT-23 or SMT-21;
  • for rolling the edges of the material - SMT-45 or SMT-39.

With their help, the film will “lie down” well on the glass.


To stick the sun protection film on the window, you will also need such a tool as:

  • ruler (1.5 m);
  • square;
  • marker (SMT-32) or pencil;
  • sprayer (manual or pump);
  • paper napkins (lint-free);
  • neutral shampoo;
  • sponge.

It is advisable to use filtered or distilled water for mounting the film. It should not contain any mechanical impurities (sand, rust).

It is important to use tools from trusted brands to install the sun protection film on the window. Homemade and low-quality fixtures leave scratches, air bubbles and other defects on the glass.

How to stick sun protection film on glass: instructions

This procedure includes a number of consecutive actions. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the room in which the film will be installed. It must be: dry, clean and protected from drafts so that small particles of dust from the air do not get under the film. The temperature in the room is not higher than +30°С and not lower than +10°С. The recommended air humidity is from 20 to 80%.

Detailed instruction on how to properly glue solar control film on windows:

Stage number 1. Film cutting

Film cutting is carried out using a ruler, a square and a cutting knife on a perfectly flat table. The width and length of the sheet must correspond to the dimensions of the glass + 10 mm for cutting on each side (or 15 mm when installing the film on a double-glazed window in a window structure).

If you plan to tint several windows at once, number each cut piece with a marker in accordance with the window layout. This will help you avoid mistakes and save time.

Stage number 2. glass cleaning

To clean the glass surface well, you need:

✓ Make a solution: mix 0.5 l of water with 3-4 drops of neutral shampoo. The proportion may vary depending on the hardness of the water.

✓ Pour the solution into the sprayer and spray the liquid onto the glass. Rub the soapy solution over the surface of the glass with a sponge.

✓ Clean the glass from adhering particles, dried paint and dirt residues. To do this, you need a scraper with a metal blade. Cleaning must be done in 2 directions: vertical and horizontal.

✓ Wipe the edges of the glass with a paper towel to remove dirt and dust.

✓ Spray the previously prepared solution onto the glass again. Walk 3-4 times on the glass surface with a rubber wiper in horizontal and vertical directions. After each pass, it is advised to wash the instrument with a clean solution.

✓ Do not use ready-made products containing ammonia (for example, Mister Muscle) to clean glass. Residues of ammonia can deactivate the adhesive on the film, and it will not adhere well.

After these procedures are completed, you can begin to glue the sun-protection film on the window.

Stage number 3. Installing (rolling) the film

To install the film you need:

✓ Sprinkle the desired piece of film and the glass surface liberally with the solution from the sprayer. When removing the protective layer, this will reduce the ingress of dust on the adhesive to a minimum.

✓ Starting from the corner, peel off the sun protection film, i.e. remove part of the protective lavsan. Further, continuing to moisten the opening adhesive base with the solution, slowly and as carefully as possible remove the lavsan from the entire sheet. It is advisable to carry out the delamination of the material together: one holds the corners of the film from above (be sure to moisten your fingers with soapy water so that there are no prints on the corners of the film!), the other moistens and removes the protective layer. If there is no assistant: spray the glass with a solution, attach a film to it and carefully remove the lavsan, not forgetting to moisten it constantly.

✓ Apply the adhesive side of the film to the glass and dampen the outside of the material to ensure good glide of the tool. Next, you need to carefully smooth the film with a rubber wiper, expelling water from under the sheet.

✓ Remove residual liquid with polyurethane distillation. Move the tool from the center to the edges, without missing a single section. The more effort you put into squeezing out moisture, the faster the film will dry.

✓ Cut the edges of the film at an angle of 15°-20° with a slitting knife. There should be a distance of 3-5 mm from the edges of the glass to the edges of the film. The gap increases depending on the thickness of the material: the thicker, the more. When tinting glass, which will subsequently be assembled into a double-glazed window, you need to find out in advance the dimensions of the distance of the structure. This will help you get the correct clearance.

✓ Roll the edges of the sheet with a forcing and press them using a forcing wrapped in several layers of napkins or just napkins.

The final stage is to put the glass to dry if gluing takes place in the production of windows. This will take several days. Approximately a day after installing the sun-protection film on the window, you should inspect the work and, if necessary, correct the defects.

If you need to dry several glasses with a film, they are recommended to be arranged so that there is a gap between them for ventilation (that is, not to dry in a “pack”).

How to fix defects after installing solar control film on windows?

During and after the installation of the film on the glass, the following troubles may occur:

  • Bubbles (lenses) of water . You can try to squeeze out the remaining moisture to the nearest edge of the material by means of a squeeze. If the glue has already hardened, you need to pierce the swollen area with a needle and carefully remove the liquid.
  • Fogging and cloudy spots on the film . Is a visual effect, not an installation defect! It appears due to the fact that a soap solution remained under the film. Slight haze evaporates through micropores in the material after a few days under the influence of sunlight and heat.
  • Fast film adhesion to glass . If the installation is carried out at high temperature on a hot surface, the film will "stick" to the glass very quickly and thus make smoothing difficult. In case of heat, we advise you to spray the adhesive layer and glass more abundantly with a solution. Lavsan in this case is removed as the material is rolled.
  • Garbage under the film. A large amount of debris cannot be removed, plywood is required.

Remember, glass with a film can be passed through a washing machine in a window production or washed after 3-7 days.

This instruction tells how to install the film on flat glass. The process of tinting spherical car windows is much more complicated. There you will need another tool and a building hair dryer (blower). If you still have questions about how to stick a solar control film on the window glass, please contact the installation department of Global Fusion Ukraine by phone:

Main product options and their features

Foil for windows from the sun can be different, I will talk about those options that are most common. We will figure out how best to mount them, what are the pros and cons of a particular solution, and in what situations it is better to use a certain type of product.

Option 1 - plain foil

This solution has several undoubted advantages:

Democratic price In what, and in cost, this option has no equal, baking foil has an affordable price. If you need to solve the problem with heat with minimal cost, then this method is simply not better.
Availability You can buy material both in hardware and grocery stores, which have a small section with useful trifles for housewives. Roughly speaking, you can go out for bread and buy everything you need to build a sun protection system.
Efficiency The surface of the foil reflects the sun's rays very well, thereby allowing you to significantly reduce the temperature in the room without the use of special equipment.
Ease of use You do not need special tools and fixtures to work, fastening is very quick and very simple, below we will analyze this process in detail

Naturally, this option also has its drawbacks:

  • The main drawback is that aluminum foil is opaque, so if you seal the windows completely with it, it will be dark in the room. Alternatively, you can only partially close the window opening, this will reduce efficiency, but it will provide the room with at least some natural light;
  • Another disadvantage is not very attractive appearance. Of course, if you need to quickly solve the problem, and the view is unimportant, you can ignore this aspect, but still many people want the window to look more or less decent;
  • If you do not know how to stick the foil on the window and listen to the advice of pseudo-masters, then it is very easy to ruin the surface. Improper fastening makes the process of removing the foil very long and tedious, you will have to sit by the window for more than one hour.

Let's see how the installation is carried out. I previously read information on this issue on the Internet and you know what I found? That the request "how to remove the foil from the window" is much more common than the question of how to glue it.

The fact is that many attach the foil as a tint - they apply a soapy solution to the glass, apply the material and expel moisture from under it. As a result, when you need to remove the protection, it turns out that the foil comes off in small pieces and there is simply no other way out but to pore over the window with a blade or a construction knife.

I will tell you about a simpler method, it may be less attractive, but it takes a little time, and it will not be difficult to remove the foil later.

Before gluing the material on the glass, you need to stock up on everything you need, the list is very simple:

  • Foil in the required quantity, to determine how much it is needed, measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe glass, then you can navigate on the spot based on the width and length of the rolls;
  • Scotch tape - the most common option is suitable, but you can also use a narrow one, it will be a little more difficult to work with it, but removal will be much easier;
  • Scissors are needed for cutting materials when working.

The work is done like this:

  • First, the window is wiped so that there is no dust on the glass and frame, which will allow the adhesive tape to stick much more reliably;
  • Next, you need to take measurements to determine which pieces the foil will be cut into. For work, it is better to adapt either a large table or free up floor space, since the material is very fragile and can be easily damaged;
  • The cut piece of foil is placed on the surface, after which you need to glue a piece of adhesive tape to the upper side so that it goes halfway onto the material;
  • Next, the element is fixed on the window, it is better to glue it to the frame, but you can also directly on the glass, it all depends on the situation;

It is better to glue the foil strips together already on the window, and not on the floor or table, it will be much easier.

  • And do not forget that the material is opaque, so before you glue individual sections, you need to decide which part of the structure you will leave open. Try to choose the area that receives the least sun.

A little advice on removal - after peeling off the adhesive tape, traces of glue may remain, which is easiest to wipe off with a window cleaner.

Option 2 - curtain film for windows

This is a more reliable type of product, which is specifically designed for use in window structures. Solar control film-curtain has a number of important advantages:

  • Strength - this material is much more reliable than fragile foil, therefore it is easier to work with it, you will not be afraid to damage the surface with one careless movement;
  • Convenient sizes - products are sold in rolls 60-100 cm wide and 3 m long, this configuration is well suited for window structures;
  • Affordable cost - one roll will cost you only 100 rubles, and this, with quality, is many times better than that of simple foil;
  • Attractiveness - if you carry out the installation in accordance with all recommendations, then your windows will look very neat and even presentable;
  • Transparency - the film reflects light from the outside, but from the inside it almost does not restrict the view, it only slightly darkens the glass. Thanks to this, you can safely cover the entire area and provide the most effective protection from the summer sun.
  • There are two product options, each with its own advantages. One option is glued to the glass, and the second is used as a curtain, each has its own advantages, and it is up to you to choose a specific solution.

Do not buy Agrokhoztorg products, as this is the most unreliable option on the market. The packaging says “Beware of fakes”, but the original is not of high quality either - there are cases when the material became unusable the next day after gluing, and it was almost impossible to tear it off.

Now let's figure out how to do the work with your own hands, I will start with a simpler option, which is called "sun curtains" and can have different sizes. The workflow with this type of product is extremely simple:

  • Before sticking the curtain, you need to wipe the upper part of the frame, the material will attach much better to a clean surface;
  • Next, you need to unfold the canvas, make sure that it fits, then remove the protective film from the top adhesive strip and press it firmly against the frame, this completes the installation.

The film transmits light and can be moved if necessary as a curtain, which is very convenient.

Now let's deal with the option that is glued to the glass, here the instructions for the work are more complicated:

  • First you need to wash the window very well, if there are any specks or stains on it, then the film will only emphasize them and spoil the whole appearance of the window opening. For washing, use any means, the main thing is that the surface is clean;
  • Measurements are then taken to determine the dimensions of our glazed areas. After that, you need to cut the material, but not exactly according to the parameters, but with a margin of 5 mm in all directions, this will eliminate marriage when there is a gap around the perimeter, and will simplify your work, because slight distortions are easily compensated by the supply of material;
  • The surface should be moistened with plenty of soapy water, this will avoid immediate adhesion of the film to the glass and will help to adjust its position. For work, it is easiest to use a spray gun so as not to flood the entire window structure;
  • The protective layer is also removed from the reflective material and the same soapy solution is applied to the surface. You should not have questions about which side to glue the material - the reflective surface always looks outward, it is this that should be moistened very abundantly;
  • The prepared element is neatly placed on the glass, thanks to the soap solution, the film moves well along the base, and you need to align it in the optimal position. There should not be large folds on the surface;
  • Moisture from under the film is expelled either with an ordinary rag or with a rubber spatula, if one is at hand. Work is done from the center to the edges, make sure that no moisture remains anywhere;
  • Lastly, the blade cuts off excess material around the perimeter, after which you can enjoy the result of the work.

How to apply sun protection film

You need to stick the film on a clean, washed (preferably on both sides) window. In order to stick the solar control film, it is necessary to cut it to the size of the glass, peel off the protective layer, spray the glass with soapy water and apply the film. The use of soap is recommended for easier movement of the film on the glass at the time of gluing. Then, with a rag, expel air and water bubbles from under the film. After that, cut off the protruding edges of the film with a blade or a sharp knife.

It is advisable not to wash glass with film during the first month of operation, in the future you can not worry about the safety of the film when washing windows. Below is a video on gluing sun protection film.

Let's start in order. Sun protection film for windows is different. It differs in the density of tinting, the color of the coating, the method of installation and removal from windows. Physically, window film consists of an ordinary transparent film, on which a thin layer of metal is deposited. Moreover, the instructions clearly indicate that it is necessary to glue the film on glass with this “metal” layer. If you stick it the other way around, then, firstly, the effect of reflecting sunlight will not be achieved, the effect of the film in this case is much lower, and secondly, you can’t tear it off the glass later.

If you turn to professionals for help, they will come to your home or office and paste the film on the windows themselves. Moreover, they use a reliable proven film and know how to glue it so that there are no bubbles left and the window does not lose its transparent properties. A well-pasted film is even invisible on the glass and its presence can be detected only by opening the window and making sure that it turns out to be much lighter than it seems on the street.

But the services of professionals are expensive, and a good film costs a pretty penny. So, for example, if I have seven windows in my apartment, then sticking the film with the help of professionals turns into a very tangible waste. When I took the prices and got the price of the service, expressed in five figures, I felt a little uncomfortable. The desire to save money and manage on our own grew stronger with each sunny day. Looking ahead, I can say that it was easier to immediately install climatic double-glazed windows with silver coating and argon inside and forget about the problem for many years.

Well, to be completely honest, I don’t really trust professionals, because among them quite often there are random people who will do the job on the principle of a blunder, and if you start to resent, they will send you away. By nature, I am not a brawler, but “wiping up puddles” for the so-called professionals is already a little tired.

Therefore, when the next spring came, and the sun powerfully reminded of itself, I went to the store to buy window film. This is now such a film is sold in almost every hardware store. And then it was a terrible deficit. Therefore, I was very pleased when I managed to find and purchase several rolls of the coveted product.

Here's what film I managed to buy.

I hope by now this manufacturer has gone bankrupt and ceased to exist. At least his site is no longer open. Such a “kind” attitude towards a representative of the domestic industry was born after using his miracle products.

The fact is that the metal layer on the film was applied extremely unevenly. There were places with a very thick layer, while in others it was practically absent.

Let's digress from the fact that I did not stick the film on the glass quite accurately. It was the first experience. There were bubbles that, no matter how hard I tried, I could not expel. I know that a real professional would be horrified and would pass an appropriate verdict on my mental incompetence :). The problem shown in this picture is the uneven density of the metal layer. In fact, three pieces are pasted here at once. Pay attention to the left wide piece. On the left side, it is quite normal, but the closer to the right edge (in the middle of the window), the more transparent the film becomes.

The most striking thing was that this unevenness was already revealed after sticking the film on the window. I glued it with ordinary water. Only not from the tap - we have a lot of bleach and other nasty things there - but pure spring.

I did not want to go for another batch of film, which could turn out to be just as successful. All summer the film remained pasted on the glass. In principle, in part, it really saved from harsh sunlight in the summer.

But the main "ambush" was waiting for me in the fall, when it was time to shoot the film.

In those areas where the metal layer was normal, everything went without complications. But the areas devoid of a metal layer turned out to be firmly stuck to the glass. Even in the summer in the heat, I noticed that the film is very hot from the sun. Apparently, the layer adjacent to the glass softened a little and “grabbed” tightly.

In order to scrape off the protective film, I had to use tools. Naturally, the surface of the glass was scratched. Further, banal claws were used :). The job went faster and without scratches on the surface. The film was removed in small pieces and was completely transparent:

On one window on the balcony, I did not begin to remove the film from the glass. You just don't have the patience.

I called the manufacturer at the number indicated on the package. The director himself answered. I started telling him about the problems with his products, but he wasn't particularly impressed. Having swallowed another piece of a sandwich (he constantly ate something during the conversation), he suggested that I go to court and hung up.

Of course, I didn't go to court. A roll of film cost about 60 rubles, and the fact that I spent a lot of time and ruined the windows removing it, so it still had to be proven. Apparently, the manufacturer knew that no one would sue him because of these pennies, so you can safely send everyone to court, and drive the marriage yourself with complete impunity.

It happened in 2010. Since then, I do not support the Russian manufacturer, but buy imported German film from EMTEC. Sticks on and off with one touch. No bubbles and "unexplored" areas% experience - a thing to come. No problem, even though it's four times more expensive.

There is a Russian film with similar quality:

Sometimes I buy it.

But now I'm already a scientist: before I start to blur the film on the windows, I first roll out the roll and look at it through the light. Fortunately, more such "successful" rolls have not yet come across.

And one more thing: it is better not to glue the film on the glass, but to fasten it to the frame with adhesive tape. It is more convenient, there are no bubbles left and then, after removal, you do not have to wash the windows from streaks.

So that, buying tint film for windows, be careful. Beware of fakes and intrigues of domestic manufacturers. If you are completely unbearable from the heat, spend a little more and order a sticker from a trusted company. Or consider installing sprayed double-glazed windows. They have a lot of interesting features that you don't even know about. At the same time, save on heating.

The desire to seal the window with a film arises, as a rule, during the summer heat, when the merciless rays of the sun penetrate the room. And someone wants to protect themselves from prying eyes. In any case, there is a problem and there is a solution.

Below is an instruction on how to stick a film on windows from the sun. The technology is suitable for pasting ordinary wooden windows and double-glazed windows (metal-plastic, PVC).

For your information, you can stick the film on the window glass yourself, without having certain skills. You will need a minimum set of tools:

  • window cleaner
  • mechanical water dispenser
  • rubber staple (or plastic)
  • sharp knife

According to the rules of pasting, established by the technological characteristics of the film, the ambient temperature should not be lower than 5-7 °C. It is not recommended to glue the film on a hot day. The high temperature of the outside air increases the elasticity of the film, which can cause it to deform.

How to glue film on windows - technology

  • Thoroughly wash the window glass (preferably on both sides).

  • Using a spray gun, we apply a solution of liquid soap diluted with water to the adhesive film surface and glass (we do not shake it strongly so that a lot of foam does not form). The soap will allow you to freely move the film on the glass to the desired position.

  • We apply the film to the glass. As soon as the film "sat down", with gentle movements of the staple we smooth the film until the bubbles are removed (smoothing must be done from the center to the edges). When the surface is perfectly flat, let it dry.

  • You can cut off the excess edges of the film after complete drying (in principle, you can cut the desired size before gluing, but there is a possibility that a gap will form somewhere).

How to stick anti-vandal film on windows

Anti-vandal window film has specific features, so the principle of gluing it is different.

Before starting work, thoroughly wash and dry the windows. Moisture is not allowed! Do not forget about the temperature regime - the ambient temperature is not lower than 5-7 ° С

First, we prepare a special composition (how to prepare it will be described in the instructions for the film), which we will subsequently apply to the film (the solution, reacting with the adhesive base of the film, dissolves it).

We lay the film, aligning it on the glass, we expel the air from under the film with a staple. Complete drying of the anti-vandal film lasts 3-4 months. Check that during this time the mechanical impact of external factors on the window is minimal.

Window tint films, in addition to their direct purpose, protection from bright sunlight, perform a number of additional functions.

They have decorative properties, protect privacy from prying eyes, and in case of damage to the glass, they do not allow the fragments to crumble. To give the glass surface such universal properties, you need to choose a quality material and figure out how to properly glue the tint film on the windows.

Composition and types of films

The material for the manufacture is polyester, which is an environmentally friendly polymer. The films are a durable multilayer composite with elastic properties. They allow you to minimize the amount of incoming solar energy without loss of optical visibility. From above, the material is covered with a metallized layer of nickel, bronze, titanium or aluminum, which performs the protective function of the internal structure.

Depending on the number of layers, the deposited metal, the presence of dyes, the films are divided into:

  • sunscreen,
  • mirror,
  • shockproof,
  • decorative,
  • architectural.

Film gluing steps

To understand how to stick a sun-protection film on a window, here is a brief instruction. To do this, you need glass cleaner, cotton rags, a wide rubber spatula, a stationery knife, liquid soap, and a spray bottle. Before sticking the tint film on the glass, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the window on both sides and carry out a wet cleaning of the room to prevent dust from entering.

The material is cut with a margin of about 2-3 mm. A mild solution of liquid soap is sprayed onto the surface of the window to facilitate the movement of the film. Then the gluing process takes place. The material, aligning the edges, is applied to the glass and with a wet spatula squeeze out water from the center to the periphery, avoiding the formation of wrinkles.

As the film dries, the film will lighten and the bubbles will disappear. This process takes about a week. If necessary, the protruding edges are cut with a knife. It is important to consider temperature and humidity. Optimal conditions for work: 5 - 40 ° C and 20 - 80% humidity.

Tinted films do not require special care: they are wiped with a microfiber cloth with soapy water. In the fall, the material is removed.

How to glue a mirror film on glass: on your own or with the help of professionals, everyone decides individually. The appearance of the window, the degree to which the material fulfills its functions, and comfort in the house will depend on the quality of the work. Therefore, if in doubt, it is better to consult a specialist.

Using window tint film is an inexpensive, but the most effective method of protecting against the effects of solar radiation. Such material is able to delay up to 99% UV. What's more, window tint film can reduce infrared radiation by up to 80%. These indicators are quite enough to avoid possible overheating of the room in hot weather.

In the manufacture of tint film resort to the use of polyester, which significantly improves the strength and elasticity of the material. It also improves the light transmission ability of the film. Such material is extremely environmentally friendly. It is non-toxic and completely non-flammable.

The unique technology of manufacturing the film allows you to minimize the amount of incoming solar energy without significant loss of optical visibility. In most cases material consists of several layers. Individual variations of this type of product may contain a combination of a colored layer laminated with a film. From above, the coating is presented in the form of a finely dispersed metallized layer. Due to this, the painted layers located below are not subject to rapid fading.

The metallized layer acts as a kind of screen for solar radiation. As a result, one can expect an improvement in the protective properties of the film.

Important: In winter, such a coating allows you to reduce the level of heat loss due to partial screening of thermal radiation into the room.

The expediency of using tint film on windows is determined by the subsequent increase in the impact resistance of glass. Such material does not adversely affect the growth of indoor plants. The latter quickly enough adapt to the new mode of absorption of ultraviolet rays.

Types of tint film for windows

To date, manufacturers offer a fairly wide selection of products of this type. Each of the presented variations has characteristic features that determine the individuality of the film. The multilayer structure of the material provides high-quality protection against ultraviolet and infrared radiation.

During the production process, spraying with aluminum, titanium, bronze or nickel can be resorted to. In some cases, even silver or gold can be used for this. The connection of individual layers is carried out by using a special device called a laminator.

1. Sunscreen film

Such a film is capable of retaining up to 99% of the sun's rays. It is best to use this coating in offices or workrooms, where there is a need to create appropriate conditions for working with a computer or important papers. The film on the windows from the sun protects individual elements of the interior from fading, and also reduces the level of load on the air conditioner - in the summer it allows you to additionally cool the room, and in winter it prevents it from hypothermia.

2. Mirror film

This material is distinguished by the presence of a mirror effect. This variation of the film has the properties of filtering infrared radiation and sunlight. The implementation of such a coating allows you to avoid fogging windows. The mirror layer can be located on the inside or outside of the glass.

3. Protective film (shockproof)

In addition to performing its direct functions, such a film is additionally capable of protect glass from direct mechanical impact. Its presence allows you to avoid the appearance of fragments when the window is damaged. There are separate variations of films that can minimize the negative effects of an explosion. Most often they are used in crowded places. In residential areas, a fire protection film can also be used, which is able to delay the spread of smoke and fire for a short time.

Decorative film can have different colors. A large number of shades allows you to solve design problems of various levels of complexity. There is a decorative film with a graphic pattern. The surface of such material can be matte or transparent.

5. Architectural film

Another type of window tint film that can be used to solve design problems. Most often, its use is resorted to during the design of building facades. Architectural film is glued to the outer part of the glass. Additionally, it provides increased strength and protects against direct mechanical impact.

And you can vice versa, use the sun to your advantage and the details are here.

Latitude of colors

Toning a balcony and a loggia, or another room in the house, can be carried out using different variations of the material. When resolving this issue, you can choose a film that meets the necessary color requirements. A wide palette of colors allows you to achieve the desired result without any problems.

The transparency level of solar control film for windows can vary from 15% to 35%. If a silver coating is used, this figure can reach 50%. It should also be noted here that the classic silver mirror film can be realized on the outside of the glass.

Gluing features

When performing installation work, certain nuances should be taken into account. In this case, the solution of this problem will not be associated with significant difficulties. It is necessary to focus on the need to comply with a certain temperature regime. When sticking a tint film in the room, the temperature should be maintained from +5 to +40 degrees.

It is also very important to control the level of humidity in the room. This indicator should not exceed 80% and be below 20%. Moreover, when performing installation work, it is recommended to resort to the use of a sprayer as often as possible, which creates the necessary humid environment in the immediate place of gluing.

At the preparatory stage, carefully get rid of dust on the glass surface. The film must also be free of foreign particles. Otherwise, the quality of toning will be too low, as a result of which it will be necessary to re-work.

Please note: When removing the protective layer from the window tinting film, it is very important to ensure that dirt or dust particles do not get on the surface. Otherwise, the final result of the work carried out will be unsatisfactory.

Before gluing the tint film, you must carefully wash glass with detergent, which should not contain a large amount of abrasive substances. It is recommended to use a scraper to remove traces of dirt.

Window tinting, including balconies and loggias, can be done from the inside or outside of the glass. To minimize the negative impact of weather conditions, work should be carried out from the inside.

Required Tools

To minimize the amount of time it takes to complete a glass tinting job, you need to choose the right tools. A rough list of equipment would look like this:

  • stationery knife;
  • spray;
  • putty knife;
  • paper towel;
  • detergent.

The width of the spatula should be as wide as possible and the detergent used should not be aggressive. It is best to use liquid soap or baby shampoo. The expediency of using a paper towel is determined by the fact that it does not leave lint on the surface.


Compliance with the technology of work allows you to count on a positive final result. Before you tint the windows on the balcony, it is recommended to follow a certain sequence of actions, which in this case will look like this:

  1. Glass preparation.
  2. Film preparation.
  3. Wetting the glass surface.
  4. Removing the protective film.
  5. Fixing the film on the window.
  6. Displacement of water with a spatula.

Tip: To prevent the spatula from damaging the surface of the film, it is recommended to resort to using a rubber or plastic variation of the tool and pre-moisten it.

It may take about a week for the film to dry. As excess moisture is removed, the coating will gradually lighten. Air bubbles that appear on the surface during installation will disappear as it dries.

Features of care

Window tint requires special care. So, it is not recommended to use products that contain abrasive additives for washing it. Wipe the surface with warm soapy water using a microfiber cloth. If a sponge is used, this element should not contain too large pores into which dirt can clog.

Balcony tinting: video

We invite you to watch a video on the topic of our article and watch the process of toning on the balcony.
