Autumn room design. Autumn living room interior: do-it-yourself themed decoration (45 photos). Thematic autumn paintings and posters

Only in a poem about autumn, the expressive phrases “dull time” and “glamor of the eyes” could be used so closely - in one line.

No wonder the great Russian poet glorified the beauty of autumn nature, because only bright colors and the desired coolness after a hot summer can somehow help in the fight against the autumn blues. Therefore, it is not in vain that it has now become so popular to decorate peculiar “autumn corners” in their homes. To bring something bright, warm and natural into the interior, autumn home decor, which is very diverse, will help.

Even in childhood, at labor lessons, we were all taught to make crafts from natural materials, however, then it could hardly be considered art, even though our parents praised our creations. Now the material for such crafts has not changed at all, but the execution technique, product options and ideas on how to decorate a house in the fall have become much more interesting, original and beautiful.

As materials for decorating the house, all the same natural materials known since childhood are used: dry autumn leaves that have been “processed for a herbarium” and lain under pressure in old books, dry ears of cereal crops, branches and dried flowers, acorns and their hats, pine and fir cones, plant seeds, autumn fruits and berries, as well as any other autumn attributes.

For example, you can make wonderful from acorns.

An interesting autumn decor for the interior can be created even without a combination of several elements. Shiny acorns poured into a tall glass look spectacular as a decorative component of the minimalist style. You can also decorate candlesticks with acorns, without particularly focusing on the details, because acorns in large quantities themselves are a bright accent in the interior. A basket or a decorative bucket with cones on a windowsill or chest of drawers will look very original and even fabulous.

This autumn home decor has a huge advantage: it does not take time to decorate at all. You just need to search and collect acorns and cones, and for this you only need to visit an oak or coniferous forest once. Those who are avid mushroom pickers or skillfully use other gifts of the forest can take an extra bag for natural materials when going on their next trip.

During any walk through the forest or park, you can immediately make a bouquet of autumn leaves, which at home will look good on a windowsill or dining table.

When complex compositions are created and interesting options come up on how to decorate a house in the fall, you can look in the pantry or take old baskets from friends, various interesting pots or bottles, unnecessary leaky buckets or forged candlesticks and decorate them. For a lover to decorate the house on their own, any little thing and an old thing in the household will come in handy.

To decorate the interior, you can also use a natural base: for example, to make, you can make a base from flexible branches.

Bouquet decoration

One of the simplest, but no less beautiful interior decoration options is a bouquet of autumn leaves, cereals or dried flowers. Such an interior detail is more suitable for a kitchen or hallway, but even a living room can sparkle with new colors if you choose the right combination.

The most common bouquet of autumn leaves looks interesting in earthenware, and dried flowers go well with glass. Cereal crops can not even be put in a vase, but simply put on the windowsill, previously tied with twine or another plant.

A lone dry branch looks beautiful, which can be placed in a floor or table vase. Children who are always happy to decorate a Christmas tree before the New Year can also be allowed to dress up an autumn tree: you can hang cones, acorns or crafts made from them on a branch with the help of ribbons.

The most magnificent and elegant bouquets are obtained from autumn flowers in combination with leaves and branches. You can use for such a bouquet in general everything bright that is still left in the garden or vegetable garden. Physalis will become a special element of any bouquet - these orange "bombs" are always pleasing to the eye and give a playful mood.

Popular now is the creation of flowers from autumn leaves, mainly maple. By bending and twisting them, you can make buds that look like roses. Three or five of these "roses" framed by other leaves will make a successful bouquet that will delight not only in autumn, but also in winter, and in spring, and even in summer.

Wreaths for the interior

Wreaths are another popular trend in creating an autumn mood in the house. Wreaths of autumn leaves also look beautiful on the heads of girls, but in the interior they generally work wonders. In general, in Europe or America, wreaths decorate entrance doors, but in our apartment buildings such decorations are unlikely to look appropriate on metal doors. The owners of country residences are lucky: they can afford to decorate the garden or the entrance to the house in this way. However, the rest should not despair. A similar autumn decor for the interior looks original on kitchen doors, walls in the corridor or windows. Also, with the help of a wreath or several wreaths, you can beautifully beat the beam in the kitchen.

Usually such wreaths are made from the same dry leaves or cereals, with which you need to be more careful so that they do not break. As a basis, a wire or small boards are taken, on which the components of the wreath are glued or tied. Clusters of ordinary or chokeberry, wild grapes, small apples or their imitation can be added to wreaths.

By the way, wax dummies of gifts of autumn look like real ones, but they do not deteriorate and will please more than one season. In addition, they are much lighter than their counterparts, and therefore more versatile in use.

The original autumn decor for the home in the form of a wreath can be made from acorns and their hats or cones. By gluing them together, you can get a decorative solid wreath, which can also take its rightful place in the interior of a living room, kitchen, office or hallway.

Chestnuts, plant seeds, dry sticks, tree bark and other natural materials can be used in the same way. The only condition for creating a wreath is its completeness, isolation. If it is not achieved, you can easily create other interesting compositions.

Creating compositions

There are many ideas on how to decorate a house in the fall, and you can always come up with something of your own, unique and inimitable. What is most interesting, it is almost impossible to oversaturate the interior with autumn attributes. One of the great things about autumn home decor is that you can experiment with it with almost impunity. Autumn warm colors and natural textures look appropriate in any style of interior and any room: from the bathroom to the bedroom.

Of course, it’s not worth tying next dry herbs or leaves to each shelf and to each protruding part of the interior, otherwise the house will turn into a den of a sorceress from fairy tales. For the rest, you can completely rely on your imagination.

The simplest autumn interior decor that does not require any material or time costs is simple compositions of apples, cones, acorns, twigs, leaves and rowan berries. From their simplicity, they will not look worse, rather, on the contrary. For the now popular high-tech or minimalist styles, such decorative elements are considered the most suitable.

A dry twig with berries in a vase, apples in a glass candlestick dish, single leaves framed on canvas are interesting in their simplicity. They will decorate both the dining table and the mantelpiece or niche in the wall.

As a rule, we associate autumn interior decor with bouquets of fallen leaves, wooden branches, Halloween pumpkins, as well as an abundance of yellow, brown and red tones. Such natural accents bring warmth and a special, bewitching atmosphere to the house. At the same time, there are several more simple and inexpensive ways that will help you create a truly stylish and cozy autumn interior. No need to change furniture or rearrange - just add a few matching decorations to your home!

Autumn decorative pillows for the sofa

Regardless of fashion trends, autumn has its own distinctive color trend. Give your preference to more juicy and saturated colors, close to natural and natural, for example, such as:

  • orange;
  • olive;
  • burgundy;
  • ocher;
  • brown gray;
  • plum.

But also do not forget about fashion and modernity, because the most fashionable colors of this autumn are burgundy, anthracite, orange, turquoise, emerald, eggplant, blue. Choose more "withered" shades of these colors, with an earthy, slightly gray coating.

Modular paintings with an autumn landscape

The main decoration of autumn is a bountiful harvest

Even if you do not have your own garden, autumn will still please us with fresh and tasty fruits and beautiful plants. Make the autumn interior in your home special. Arrange fruits and vegetables carefully on a large platter or in glass jars. Foods and colors that don’t go well together look best, for example, on one dish - only green apples, on the other - only red ones.

Autumn decorations for the living room

Decor with face prints

In the field of decor, graphic prints have become very popular in recent times. This fall, prints with images of faces, portraits, emotions and body parts have become the most popular.

Autumn paintings in the interior of the living room

New decorative pillow cases

To change the look of the living room, just work with the sofa area. At the same time, the replacement of pillows is not necessary, you just need to sew or buy several new covers of the appropriate size. It will not cost much, but it will affect the mood significantly. Especially spectacular will be the perfect combination of shades of carpet with curtains.

Fireplace decorated with pumpkins

Thematic autumn paintings and posters

Autumn is not to be sad, but to enjoy the period of trips to exhibitions or art galleries. At home, you can also transform any room by changing just one element in it - a picture.

Gifts of nature - do-it-yourself living room decoration

Avoid small images. No matter how modest in area your room is, the height of the ceilings in it, most likely, is at least 255 cm. On such a plane, a picture of A4 size and less a priori will not look alone. If you want to see one picture on the wall, start counting from 70 cm wide or more. If you still like small frames, think over the composition in advance and complete it right away, hanging all the objects that you need on the wall.

Autumn living room interior

Saturated accent in the autumn interiors of the living room

Blue, so popular this season, is one of the favorites in the color palette of all time. Especially its cold shades. If you want to make a room truly sophisticated and unusual, paint at least one wall in deep blue. It is good if it contrasts with neighboring light walls and a white ceiling.

Homemade candlesticks for atmosphere

On a blue wall, for example, light curtains will look great. Play with contrasting colors and textures in your interior.

Orange is the color of autumn

New curtains for the autumn living room

When it gets chilly and uncomfortable outside the window, it's time to think about new curtains. More dense, not letting in sunlight when curtained. Pay attention to fabrics such as blackout, cambric, velor, brocade.

Plaids, leaves and branches are the main accessories for the living room

As mentioned earlier, combine curtain textiles with other elements in the room. Leave a piece of fabric and sew from it a couple of pillows, a narrow bedspread for a bed or chair seat.

Autumn landscape for the living room

Trees and leaves to decorate the living room

Sometimes we forget the simple things. But sometimes elementary compositions have a very picturesque look. Place in several narrow-necked vases on a branch of a fern or other plant. Put a dry snag in a conspicuous place, having previously cleaned it of excess bark and debris.

Updated for autumn bookcase

If desired, frame the pages of an old encyclopedia of plants with illustrations. Or dry the herbarium and carefully glue the samples onto thick sheets of colored paper.

Autumn decoration for stock

The plant theme can also be supported by products made of metal, clay, plastic - whatever. The main thing is that the decor element fits organically into the interior.

DIY candlestick decoration

Additional lighting for autumn evenings

A table lamp on the bedside table in the corner, a floor lamp between the armchair and the sofa, lanterns and candles placed on the shelves... On short autumn days, additional lighting is useful not only for decorating the interior, but also for cozy while away the time with a book, knitting or other favorite pastime.

Autumn ikebana for the living room

Warm and cozy living room interior in autumn

Whichever way you choose to decorate, don't forget warm colors and lighting. Compensate for the lack of bright sunlight with yellow and orange items, they radiate the missing warmth and paint the interior in a warmer range.

Warm and cozy living room

When daylight becomes much less, it is worth considering artificial additional sources. Floor lamps and table lamps, for example, require only one outlet nearby. Their beauty is that you do not have to ditch the walls for the sake of a sunny mood in the evenings.

Autumn living room interior

Simple and easy ideas for decorating an autumn living room with your own hands

The color of the living room will be greatly enhanced by bright colors from simple framed herbariums on the walls, a floor vase with an autumn bouquet with branches of oak and maple, and ears of wheat and wheat. The display on the fireplace in the style of autumn decor of vegetables, leaves, acorns and chestnuts will also please you. Do-it-yourself ikebana in autumn style can also be relevant.

Autumn colors for decorating the living room

Autumn table. For decoration, you can make an autumn composition in the center of the table by placing a vase and filling it with ruddy apples and pears, decorating with autumn leaves, rowan or viburnum tassels and rosehip garlands. On the table between the dishes and cutlery, you can lay out "random" compositions of onions, nuts, chestnuts. Fasten the napkins with clips made from acorns, not forgetting the bright maple leaves.

Autumn bouquets for decorating the living room

Make candlesticks from decorative pumpkins or patissons; candles in them can be sprinkled with rose hips, acorns or nuts. Or small candles can be placed in the shell (hedgehogs) of chestnuts. Let's not forget about bottles with drinks, they can also be successfully decorated with leaves.

Photo: how to decorate the living room for autumn

If with the onset of autumn you want to decorate your home, bring a warm, cheerful atmosphere into it, then this article of the “Cross” will definitely come in handy for you. You will be surprised, but to create an autumn room decor with your own hands, sometimes! You just need 🙂

Decor from natural materials

Nature is rich in interesting things, and most importantly, why not take them as your interior decoration assistants?

dried leaves

Autumn, for most people, is primarily associated with colorful leaves. You often bring them home, but you don't know. Now you will know and apply for sure!

And if you want a “richer” decor, add leaves, cones, rowan or viburnum berries, dried flowers, dried grass and:

Photo from

You can make a colorful vase from a pumpkin and put a pot with it in it, while you don’t need to replant anything, the main thing is to choose a pumpkin to fit the size of the pot or vice versa:

A tablecloth in warm autumn colors and a pumpkin in the middle of the table will create the right mood)

A pumpkin can also be decorative, for example:

Instead of one large pumpkin, you can put a composition of small pumpkins and colorful leaves on the table:

Seasonal fruits and vegetables, nuts and cones

Autumn is harvest time, so everything that is seasonal, as well as, will come in handy in your interior at this time of year.

And here is an example of a simple composition in a glass:

DIY autumn decor

Fairy lights

A fairly simple way to decorate the interior of a room is to hang a garland in it, in this case, an autumn one.

Cut out a variety of leaves from colored cardboard or scrapbooking paper, make holes in them with an awl or a hole punch, then assemble the garland onto twine or any other thread.

Leaf templates for printing
(borrowed from

By the same principle, you can make a garland:

Newspaper flags decorated with dried leaves are easily assembled into a creative garland:

Felt leaves can be decorated and:

And you can also try to sew them into a table track:

Using a leaf cut template, you can make not only garlands, but also.

Glue leaves cut out of paper on a circle of thick cardboard in random order. The more leaves, the more voluminous and magnificent the wreath will turn out.

Instead of scrap paper, you can use music books or newspapers.

paper pumpkins

If you want to invite handmade pumpkins to the company of real pumpkins, but here are a few simple options:

Pumpkins from Chinese lanterns (photo from

How to make such a pumpkin, see the video from the channel Wegner DIY:

Picked up video from Easy Kids Craft just in case you want to make paper pumpkins like this:

Other ways of autumn decor

In the fall, it's time to get out of the closets and bedspreads. Even if you do not use them for their intended purpose, they will create the right spiritual atmosphere in the room, help you fall in love with autumn.

And if there isn’t one, then maybe it’s time to start?) Then by next fall you will have one more decor item! Warm autumn, friends! In every sense 🙂


Autumn is the time for fragrant tea, warm blankets and pleasant dreams. In order not to be sad about the past summer and not to let yourself fall into the blues, Dekorin offers to decorate the room in autumn and enjoy the beauty and comfort. Are you ready for creative ideas? Then we're on our way!

Autumn room decor: cozy living room

What do you associate autumn with? Of course, it is warmth, comfort and inner harmony! In order to decorate a room in autumn style and fill it with all the above characteristics, you must first choose a color scheme.

Look at the photo below:

Here are the colors with which you can harmoniously “fit” autumn into your own apartment. It all depends on the basic color scheme of the room.

  • If pastel shades prevail in the interior, it is best to decorate the room in a range from olive to mustard;
  • If the room is decorated with interspersed materials of dark woody shades, choose a range from beige to deep brown;
  • If there is little sunlight in the apartment, refresh it with decor in yellow shades (from muted to saturated);
  • The modern style of the room with good natural light will be decorated with elements in brown, red and marsala shades.

Now about accessories. Of course, in order for a warm autumn to settle in your house, it is not necessary to re-upholster the furniture or paint the walls. It is enough to add just a few touches that will take you to the right atmosphere.

Warm blanket, as in this photo, for example.

Or cute pillows like this one:

You can decorate the mantelpieces with beautiful ikebana made from natural foliage.

Seasonal flowers will also brighten up the fall decor of your room.

With this design, the living room in your home will be a pantheon of calm and comfort. Warm evening gatherings over tea will be remembered for a long time!

Fall Room Decor Ideas: Sweet Bedroom

What attribute in the bedroom occupies a dominant position? That's right, the bed! Therefore, making out the autumn decor of the room in the bedroom, the bed cannot be skipped.

Buy a new fall-inspired bedspread, add some cute throw pillows, and voila, your fall-style bed is ready!

In the "autumn" bedroom, a leaf panel will look great; vintage candlesticks and candles decorated in the appropriate style can also be used.

What do you think of these ideas for autumn room decor?

Bright bedrooms will be brightly complemented by a fashionable combination of orange (the color of a ripe pumpkin) and black. Such a contrasting combination will enliven the atmosphere and give it autumn juiciness. Nobody canceled Halloween motives yet, right?

Autumn style room decor: bright kitchen

Oh, the autumn-style kitchen is a separate topic for conversation! How bright, juicy and cozy you can make an ordinary kitchenette! Just look:

Autumn kitchen decor needs to be filled, of course, with seasonal fruits, berries, and vegetables!

Lovely pumpkins, juicy apples, fragrant mushrooms and berries are the key to success! With all this, the decor of a room in the autumn style can be filled not only with fresh fruits and berries, but also household items in the form of them.

Potholders, tablecloths, salt and pepper shakers - all this will decorate your kitchen and set everyone at home in an autumn mood.

Autumn, by the way, is the best reason to add a little rustic chic to the interior of the kitchen. Hang linen curtains, wooden shelves and storage containers. It will turn out as in the photo:

It's nice, isn't it?

And of course, do not forget about the dishes. Plates, tureens, ladles and salad bowls, decorated in autumn style, will surely awaken the appetite of even the most fastidious guests!

Autumn room decor for a girl: non-standard solutions

Designing fall decor for a girl's room with your child is an unforgettable experience. To create beauty with your own hands for the joy of a child, what could be better?

Let's start with those options that even a child can do. Here are some garlands, for example:

In order to create such a charm, you need only two elements: paper and scissors. Cute springs are very easy to create: take scissors, cut out the blank in the form of a circle and start cutting the paper in a spiral from the outer edges to the center. You can stick both real leaves and paper ones on the springs. That's it!

Also, a garland of leaves can be supplemented with acorns, chestnuts and other autumn attributes. Don't forget to color your craft in your favorite color!

And these cute little pumpkins immediately strike on the spot.

At the same time, it is not difficult to make such a wonderful installation. Do not worry, a natural pumpkin (if you clean it from seeds and pulp properly) lasts a very long time. And ordinary silicone glue will help you fix the pieces of fabric.

Do you know what will be a real gift for your child? It's a canopy! Such a mini-house inside the room. It can be decorated in the form of a wigwam or just a hanging palanquin. See how cozy it will be!

Create an autumn fairy tale together, your child will keep these memories for a lifetime, we are sure to tell you!

Do-it-yourself autumn room decor: the best ideas for creativity

The beauty of autumn decor is that almost every element of it can be created with your own hands without any extra financial costs. Nature itself gives us materials for creativity! Let's look at a couple of interesting ideas.

  • Candlesticks

Candles in the house are a great solution to create a cozy atmosphere. In the autumn style, you can decorate both the candle itself and the candlestick. Take a look for yourself:

  • Leaf garlands

The perfect solution for lovers of autumn walks and creativity. Now, walking in the park, you can not only entertain yourself by looking for interesting and beautiful leaves, but also use them as decor in your apartment! Unfortunately, such installations do not last forever, as the leaves soon dry out and begin to disintegrate, but on the other hand, it’s even good! After all, the process itself is sometimes more interesting than the result, isn't it?

  • Wreaths on the door

The tradition of hanging pretty seasonal wreaths on the front door came to us from the west. Americans believe that such crafts protect the house from evil, let's believe it too! Moreover, it is very beautiful, agree!

Autumn room decor can be created with your own hands as easily as it is entertaining. Are you convinced?

Autumn is a wonderful time. Nature generously gives us its beauty, and not to use it for your own purposes is a mistake. Today you are convinced that the autumn decor of the room is not only grateful, but also very exciting. Dekorin wishes you inspiration and encourages you to draw it from Mother Nature. May your autumn be warm, cozy and filled with light. Take care of yourself! Warm the hearts of your loved ones!

Autumn room decor: 70 photo ideas for warmth and comfort updated: January 21, 2019 by: dekomin

Slowly and confidently, autumn comes into play. For many, this is a dull, melancholic time, which is why it is so important to surround yourself with bright things that uplift your mood. If you look closely, then autumn is not only fogs, rains and fading nature, but also a real riot of colors, ripe bright fruits, Indian summer ... All these elements can help us arrange an autumn interior in an apartment that will warm and betray comfort when cloudy and damp outside. So, what needs to be done to make your room radiate warm golden autumn?

Color spectrum

In order to make the interior autumnal, it is completely unnecessary to re-paste the wallpaper or completely renovate the room, because there are several key points that can easily help create an autumn atmosphere in the room, and when replacing them with other rooms, the priority is the winter mood, or the features of some kind of holiday .

First of all, attention must be paid color: autumn is characterized by red, yellow, crimson, burgundy, red-orange, brick shades. It is these colors that you need to try to realize as much as possible in the room. Of great importance textile: curtains, blankets, bedspreads, pillows, tablecloths in a similar color will create the desired effect. You can also use all kinds of accessories in the form of vases, paintings, photos, dishes in the appropriate tone. Don't stop at one color, which is unnatural for autumn, which gives us a whole palette of different shades.


Autumn is a harvest time. Fruits, berries, cereals - all this is its integral symbols, which are simply impossible not to use in the interior. They can be laid out on plates and vases and placed around the room, creating original still lifes. If you want the fruits to please with their appearance for a long time, then you can take crafts - plastic fruits, which you can’t immediately distinguish from the original until you carefully examine and feel them.

Autumn interior can be created, almost without spending: leaves, chestnuts and acorns are easy to bring from the street, and you will buy juicy apples and other fruits for eating anyway.

In a plate, you can create a composition from apples, pears and pomegranate, can be used grapes, pumpkin, and in a vase or glasses put a small a bouquet of spikelets. Besides, autumn leaves different colors will become, though not very durable, but a beautiful, natural and stylish decoration: they can be put in armfuls in vases and glasses. Also, do not forget that fruits such as chestnuts, nuts and acorns, which can be used as an independent interior decoration or as a basis for crafts. Even acorns or chestnuts carelessly laid out in jars can become a real decoration of the autumn interior.

Don't forget about autumn flowers, for example, asters or chrysanthemums, which, not only with their appearance, but also with their aroma, will create the appropriate atmosphere. Has amazing properties physalis, which is able to withstand several months without water: it can be used as you like, placed on a table, shelves, front door.

By the way, the front door, from its outer or inner side, can be decorated purely autumn wreath where leaves, ears, rowan fruits, etc. intertwine. Rowan It is generally considered the most unique fruit, which evokes clear associations with autumn. It can decorate candles, decorate a dining table, diversify a bouquet, it will come in handy as a decoration anywhere.

Supplement autumn still lifes can corn or squash: With imagination, you can achieve amazing results, and the photos below can be a source of inspiration.


Candles are always associated with comfort, even if they are not lit. For decorating an autumn interior, candles in a given color palette are useful, in addition, you can look for candles with a scent that you associate with autumn: apple, pumpkin, etc. Simple-looking candles can be decorated using the natural materials discussed above. It is worth supplementing candles with leaves, mountain ash, acorns or a wreath of spikelets, as the interior immediately acquires original and cozy features.

Warm blankets

Soft cozy plaid or striped blankets are strongly associated with the first autumn colds, with cozy gatherings with family, dear and beloved people with a cup of hot tea. In order to create an atmosphere of comfort in the room or somehow complement the dining area, the seating area on the balcony or loggia, you can use blankets. They will decorate the room, reminiscent of autumn, and warm you when you need it.

Pictures and photos

Surprisingly, after changing a few photos or paintings, even the most neutral interior can turn into autumn. So, you can use paintings with golden landscapes, fruits, still lifes, everything that is strongly associated with autumn. If the walls are decorated with photographs, you can update them a little and hang in the frames those shots that were taken in the fall. You can also create something like a herbarium by drying the leaves and enclosing them in frames.

By the way, autumn prints can be present not only on the walls, but also on textiles, which has already been mentioned. You can choose tablecloths, pillowcases, curtains with a pattern in the form of autumn foliage or some ripe autumn fruits.

The techniques listed above should help create an exclusive warm autumn interior in which it will be pleasant to be: relax, work, drink tea or coffee, and have conversations with friends. And most importantly, autumn accents can be removed at any time, and it will take quite a bit of time - a couple of hours and your apartment will become neutral again or acquire the features of winter, spring, New Year holidays, etc.
