How to make a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands. Do-it-yourself plasterboard suspended ceiling: step-by-step installation instructions. Prices for drywall and sheet materials

What better way to help you figure out how to make a suspended plasterboard ceiling with your own hands - a video instruction or a detailed description with pictures and diagrams? Perhaps it does not hurt to study both, which we suggest you do.

Types of plasterboard ceilings

Drywall is a versatile building material, which allows it to be used to create the most unusual and varied interior designs. Plasterboard suspended structures will easily fit into any project, made in any style.

So how do you make your own plasterboard suspended ceiling? Next, we will analyze all the stages in detail, and now a little about what plasterboard ceilings are.

Conditionally suspended plasterboard structures can be divided into the following types:

  • Ordinary single-level, which are designed to hide all sorts of flaws in the rough surface;


You can additionally watch the video in this article to better understand the installation technology of such ceilings. Even better is to watch the process “live”, having the opportunity to ask the master questions.

But in principle, any person who knows how to hold construction tools in his hands and is not afraid of dusty work can mount an ordinary single-level suspended ceiling with his own hands from drywall.

Suspended plasterboard ceiling today can be found in many houses and apartments. We will talk about how to mount such a structure with our own hands in this article.

First of all, you need to draw a drawing of the frame on paper or on the wall, with a separate frame, and a separate layout of the GKL sheets. Estimate the location of the sheets - along or across, this will help save materials. On the drawing, you can determine the installation locations of the hangers so that they do not fall on the junction of the main and supporting profiles.

For marking, we use a level or a chopping cord.

Frame assembly

Along the perimeter on the walls we fix the guide profile 28/27. The profile is made of 0.6 mm thick galvanized steel. We glue the sealing tape on the base of the profile. It, being an element of sound insulation, dampens vibrations and to some extent protects plasterboard sheathing from cracks.

The profile fixation step is 50 centimeters, i.e. for one profile 3 m long, 6 dowels are needed.

Drywall is not screwed to the guide profile!

The main profiles will go from the window. Let's place all the profiles on the ceiling and connect them at the same level.

We fix the suspensions, starting from the corner and the window. The first line of suspensions is fixed at a distance of 10 cm from the window, then 40 cm and then a step of 50 cm. The longitudinal step of the profile will be 120 cm, the width of the drywall sheet.

The length of the standard profile is almost always less than the length of the ceiling, so we use extension cords.

We fix the connector (or in a simple “crab”) at a distance of 120 cm from the wall.

We mount the carrier ceiling profile 6027 in increments of 50 cm, but fix the carrier profile closest to the wall with an indent of 10 cm, the next one at a distance of 40 cm, and all the rest - 50 cm. The edge of the carrier profile, which is inserted into the guide profile, is NOT fixed.

At this stage, it is very important to attach the luminaire diagram and make sure that the luminaires do not fall on the frame. After all, a false ceiling is rarely without lamps.

Main mistakes:

  • use the wrong profiles;
  • use drywall with a thickness of 9.5 mm;
  • the false ceiling frame is assembled according to the principle “the narrower, the stronger”, i.e. take a step between the main profile over the entire surface of 30–40 cm.
  • the carrier profile and the GKL sheet are fixed with screws to the guide profile (PN);
  • seal the seams incorrectly: use the wrong putty, bad reinforcing tape and do not make a covering layer.

If you plan to hang heavy chandeliers, then the step of the carrier profile should be 40 centimeters, in other cases - 50 cm.

In the places where the profiles adjoin the walls, we put marks with a pencil, so it will be easier to navigate where the supporting profile passes. When fixing the GKL, there is a risk of missing. And under the guide profile, we glue the separating tape, after puttying the junction, it ensures the sliding of the gypsum board sheet when the structure moves from the settlement of the building.

Often, apartment owners want to have a backlit ceiling. Multi-level drywall constructions allow you to get it. The process of creating such structures is similar to the creation of conventional suspended structures, but requires a more responsible approach at the stage of calculations.

Sheathing: sheet mounting technology

We proceed to the sheathing, we use a KNAUF sheet with a thickness of 12.5 mm. It is impossible to use material of a different thickness (exceptions are lateral curved surfaces). To fix the sheets, we use a special lift, which greatly facilitates the work on the construction of the ceiling - you can work alone.

Screws must be screwed sequentially from the middle to the edges of the sheet or from the corner to the sides every 15 cm. It is impossible to fix the sheet around the perimeter in order to pre-fix it.

To the guide profile screwed to the wall, the edge of the drywall sheet is NOT fixed.

When cutting a sheet along the edge of the edge, it is imperative to chamfer at 22.5 degrees.

We spread the transverse joints relative to each other.

We prime the edged joints with a Tiefengrunt primer.

After the primer dries, it is necessary to putty the seams, the holes of the screws, then re-prime the surface, and then proceed to puttying the entire surface.

To the guide profile 28/27 (on the wall), neither GKL sheets nor bearing profiles are fixed, i.e. walls and ceiling must not be tightly connected! GCR is used with a thickness of 12.5 mm. When cutting sheets, a chamfer of 22.5 degrees is made on the edge. Sheets are fixed in a run.


This video will help you properly seal drywall joints:

When renovating an apartment, a home master is often faced with work on the ceiling, which is always in the field of view of any visitor and therefore is important in the design of any room.

Due to the availability of a wide range of drywall sheets and various fasteners for it, you can create a perfectly flat ceiling with your own hands, providing a beautiful room interior. This will require a simple set of tools and the ability to use them with.

How to choose drywall for the ceiling

Since the entire structure rises to a height and is fixed there, attention should be paid to its weight. The larger it is, the more difficult it is to perform high-quality work, to apply measures against collapse.

The types of drywall sheets produced by the industry are described in the article. When choosing them for the ceiling when repairing an apartment with your own hands, you should not take those that are thicker than 12.5 mm. It is optimal to use 9.5 or 8.0 mm. Otherwise, the total weight of the suspended ceiling structure can be quite large.

Comparative evaluation of the weight of drywall sheets
Sheet size and area in metersSheet weight in kilograms with thickness in mm
12,5 9,5 6,0
1.2∙3.0=3.6 sq.m36 27 18
1.2∙2.5=3.0 m229 22 16
1.2∙2.0=2.4 sq.m.23 18 12

It is enough to determine the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bcovering the ceiling, and from it, knowing the characteristics of one sheet taken from the table, calculate the final weight.

Stages of installation of a suspended ceiling

The work is reduced to the sequential execution of technological operations:

  • determining the plane of placement of the base surface and applying its markings on building structures;
  • installation of a holding frame made of metal profiles, taking into account the main electrical wiring and low-current circuits;
  • fixing drywall sheets;
  • putties and surface finishes.

How to mark a false ceiling

The ideal solution is to mount the structure strictly in, which our vision perceives well. It is convenient to use it to embody various ideas of designers.

When repairing an apartment with your own hands to mark the horizon, you can use conventional hydraulic levels with bubble reference indicators or various designs of laser levels. The use of the latter greatly facilitates the drawing of the base plane, allows you to perform it quickly and efficiently.

In order to mark the depth of lowering the plasterboard surface from the ceiling, it will be necessary to draw its horizon level on the walls.

The laser beam allows you to quickly identify the boundaries of the horizontal plane. To mark it, you should determine the lowest point on the ceiling slabs and deviate from it by a minimum size of 4 cm. This distance is necessary to hide the profiles and conveniently fix them with hangers.

If they are installed close to the ceiling, then it will be quite difficult to work, and a greater distance reduces the amount of free space in the room.

In the places marked by the laser beam, clearly visible control points are applied with a marker pencil. They beat off the entire line with a coloring paint cord. To do this, it is fixed around the edges, and then sharply released.

When marking up, do not forget to take into account the thickness of the drywall sheet.

This is done around the entire perimeter of the room, drawing a single closed line along the walls. After that, it is necessary to draw a markup for installing profiles along the width of the ceiling and attaching drywall to them.

Each sheet must be attached around the perimeter and center line. With a standard width of 120 cm, the center will be located at a distance of 60 cm from the edge. At this distance from the wall, markings are made for attaching profiles.

Each line should coincide with the junction of the drywall sheet in the center of the intermediate profile. Holes for dowels will be drilled along it in the ceiling at the same distance for fixing suspensions with self-tapping screws that regulate and hold the intermediate profile.

It is convenient to mark the lines of the ceiling along the long side of the room. You need to start work from one wall and gradually move to the opposite. The last row may be shorter. Sheets of drywall for it will have to be cut.

How to install a frame for installing a false ceiling

The first designs of drywall sheets were fastened to the ceiling through dried wooden slats. However, wood is subject to moisture, shrinkage and warping. After a certain period of time, cracks and defects may appear on the outer surface. For these reasons, modern technology involves the installation of drywall only on metal profiles specially created for this purpose.

General rules

The principle of mounting a drywall construction is based on rigidly attaching a guide profile to the walls and installing an intermediate profile into it, which is additionally regulated and held on suspensions screwed to the ceiling.

From the standard range of profiles produced by the industry for fixing drywall, UD27 is suitable as guide models, and CD60 is intermediate.

You will also need tape hangers, the number of which depends on the profile assembly scheme.

Installation of the guide profile

The line drawn on the wall serves as a guide for setting the bottom surface of the mounted profile.

To do this, it is pre-drilled and applied to the installation site. After orientation on the wall, a marker pencil is inserted through the holes created, leaving a visible mark. According to the created markup, holes are punched with a perforator and dowels are hammered into them.

This installation will serve as a support for the entire false ceiling structure. It must be done securely.

Intermediate profile fastening

Its length must be strictly measured and correspond to the size of the room. If it is larger, then the excess part can be cut off with a grinder or a hacksaw. When the standard size of 3 meters is not enough, then the missing piece is increased by connecting through an adapter with a screw fastener.

Intermediate profiles prepared along the length are inserted into the guides fixed on the wall so that their wide part of the base is facing down to the drywall sheets.

Before performing this operation, along the previously outlined lines on the ceiling, the installation of tape suspensions is performed. They serve to adjust the created horizontal plane of the suspended ceiling. When controlling the work, it is convenient to use a stretched thread or cord and a tape measure.

The indentation of the profile from the surface of the stationary ceiling of the order of one centimeter is needed in order to make it convenient to fasten it with a suspension with a metal screw and adjust the level of the horizontal plane by inserting a fingertip into this gap.

After fastening the profile, the free ends of the suspension are bent to the side.

How to lay electrical wiring in a false ceiling

Rooms should be thought out in advance, before the start of do-it-yourself apartment renovation. To do this, you should consider and determine the installation location of the junction boxes.

It is impossible to clutter up and hide inside the building structures the connection points of cables and wires. Access to them must be free. Otherwise, in case of malfunctions in the electrical network, you will have to look for the cause of the breakdown and break the created decorative coatings.

Installation of electrical lines

Cables and wires for fixtures located in a false ceiling are placed in a corrugation or metal hose that protects its surface from mechanical damage, and then fixed on the ceiling or in profiles.

They create an intermediate fastening link or a separate suspension system, and spotlights can be mounted directly in drywall sheets.

Here it is also necessary to provide questions for lighting fixtures, to ensure their required length.

Work with electrical wiring must be completely completed before mounting the sheets on the frame.

How to prepare and fix drywall

Features of the preparation of the ends

Along the entire perimeter of the surface of each sheet, curly edges should be created that serve to fill the putty mortar. On factory products, they may have a different profile.

If you want to cut drywall sheets, then at the joints created, professional builders form the edges with a special tool.

The home master does not have such devices, but it is quite possible to get by with a simple planer for wood processing.

Its cutting blade is strictly fixed in the body and allows you to perform a smooth, uniform cut.

You should not use an ordinary knife: you get a curved surface.

The edges are created in order to increase the amount of space for the putty mortar. If they are not done, then due to its insufficient amount, cracks will form on the decorative surface over time.

Surface marking

On each sheet, prior to its installation on the ceiling, it is necessary to draw marking lines along which self-tapping screws will be screwed in for fastening to an intermediate profile hidden behind the surface. An ordinary tape measure and a paint cord will allow you to do this job quickly and efficiently.

Installation of drywall on the frame

The weight of one sheet, depending on the thickness, can vary from 12 to 36 kg. At the same time, it has large dimensions. Working with it and lifting it from the floor to the ceiling level is not quite easy: you need an assistant.

Among the builders there are specialists who, with experience and prepared devices, perform such work alone. The owner of the video Severkola demonstrates one of the ways of such editing.

We do not recommend repeating these techniques without a certain building experience and skills in handling drywall.

Features of fastening sheets to the frame

Installation of drywall is carried out with 35 mm self-tapping screws. So that they hold the heavy weight well, they are screwed at a distance of 10 mm from the edge of the sheet and 10 ÷ 15 cm between themselves. Fastening is carried out around the entire perimeter of the surface and the center line.

The pre-made clear marking of the suspended ceiling from metal profiles and drywall sheets ensures that the self-tapping screws hit the fasteners exactly.

Head caps should be flat. They are slightly recessed into the surface of the sheet for subsequent convenient puttying and leveling.

At the joints of the sheets, it is necessary to install additional profiles to ensure a snug fit of the drywall. The connection is made using adapter inserts fastened on the thread, or Crab-type suspensions.

Fastening sheets to them with self-tapping screws provides increased rigidity of the structure, eliminates the formation of cracks during operation.

A general view of the created structure with the power cable removed is shown in the photograph.

Putty and finishing

Of the consumables for this work, you will need to purchase the putty itself and a tape that reinforces the joints of the plates.

The technology for the correct execution of the sequence of operations is well shown in the video of the owner of the “Front of Works” “High Quality Ceiling Puttying”. We recommend that you carefully read this material because a certain part of the builders violate these rules, simplifying their work.

Any apartment renovation in modern conditions is a large-scale, labor-intensive event. In the process of performing interior finishing work, one has to deal with a wide variety of materials, among which drywall is not the last. Using the technology of laying plasterboard on ceiling surfaces, it became possible to create a beautiful ceiling on your own, focusing on a wide variety of types of ceiling design.

Beautiful plasterboard ceilings have become one of the most successful and common finishing options. Such popularity is largely due to the availability of the material and the technologies that you have to deal with. What is the secret of the popularity of drywall when it comes to finishing ceiling surfaces in your own home.

The main advantages that plasterboard ceilings have

Often the main problem that has to be solved during repairs is that the natural ceilings in an apartment or house are far from being in the most prosperous state. Large height differences between the joints of floor panels, structural defects and old paint often become the reason that you want to close all this shame as soon as possible. Cleaning the ceiling from old paint or plaster, leveling the surface with putty is a laborious and time-consuming task. To solve this problem quickly and most importantly, beautiful plasterboard ceilings will effectively allow.

Standard sheets of drywall, cut to size and laid on top of a base ceiling surface, will create a completely new ceiling that is perfectly even and smooth. In addition, it is in this way that a number of technical problems can be solved. Plasterboard ceilings provide a lot of advantages in the field of apartment design, and they perform not only an aesthetic function. The main advantages of this type of ceiling decoration can be safely attributed to the following points:

  • gypsum boards are able to immediately cover the ceiling surfaces over a large area;
  • installation of gypsum boards in the upper part of the premises can be done on their own, using available tools and materials;
  • GKL are environmentally friendly finishing material;
  • due to the high technological characteristics of drywall, you can create the most intricate and original architectural designs;
  • The installation of false ceilings opens up unlimited technical possibilities for equipping a decorative lighting system in a room.

Against this background, it should be noted the last, no less important quality that plasterboard ceiling structures possess. We are talking about long service life of such surfaces. The usual regular care of the ceilings will keep the original cleanliness and beauty of the new ceiling for many years.

You can use the material in the usual way, laying new sheets of drywall on the rough surface in accordance with the given dimensions. Next, the ceiling is painted or pasted over with wallpaper. More complex design options involve the creation of suspended structures based on a metal frame. This technology allows you to create single-level and multi-level suspension systems - putting into practice almost any designer's fantasy.

Important! There are technological limitations on the use of suspended systems for finishing ceilings in small spaces. The installation of the frame is associated with the need to lower the new ceiling by 10-15 cm, which is critical for rooms with a standard height of 240-250 cm.

From a technical point of view, drywall sheets are no longer just a material used to line ceilings. The development of installation technologies and the emergence of new types of lighting fixtures gave impetus to the development of ceiling design.

Having appreciated all the advantages of drywall for working with ceiling surfaces, you should not recklessly rush into business and fence new ceilings. It is necessary to figure out which material is suitable for a particular room and which installation method to choose will be optimal in certain conditions. different from the design that should decorate the living room or bedroom.

How to make a quickly and simply beautiful plasterboard ceiling with your own hands

The technology of laying drywall sheets on ceiling surfaces is a bit similar to the methods used in finishing work in a vertical plane. The only difference is that you need to strictly maintain the horizontality of the new surface and pay more attention to the fastener system. Ceilings should be not only beautiful and impressive, but also safe. Strong fastening guarantees normal and long-term operation of such ceilings.

On a note: it is not necessary to equip a complex suspended structure in children's rooms and in the bedroom. For small rooms, the creation of multi-level ceiling systems is not advisable.

Multi-level, multi-stage ceilings look beautiful in large rooms, where every detail will be clearly visible. Properly selected and installed decorative lighting sources will only increase the level of design and add sophistication to the interior. The installation of the ceiling part based on the GKL is carried out according to a well-known scheme.

One detail! For wooden houses, the installation of plasterboard ceilings should be postponed for a certain time, 8-12 months. During this period, the entire wooden structure of the house will acquire the necessary stability and stability. Otherwise, when skewed, drywall sheets will begin to deform, forming cracks on the ceiling.

For the usual simple option, you will need to slightly level the surface of the floors. After that, gypsum boards are mounted on wooden profiles or crates. It is important to achieve a snug fit of the sheets to each other, trying to make the joints even and straight. With more complex design options, there is more work to be done, especially if you are thinking of creating a complex suspended structure. Here, the construction of a frame base is required, on which gypsum boards of given dimensions will already be mounted.

As a rule, such sophisticated designs are always luxurious and beautiful ceilings used for a rich and modern interior. The leading role in such structures is played by the lighting system, which is subject to a large technological load.

Each level will require a separate frame made of galvanized profiles and hangers. Such structures are assembled sequentially, level by level.

Important! It is not recommended to mount heavy and massive multi-level ceilings in light wooden buildings. The ceiling covering must be strong and stable. Otherwise, the probability of the collapse of the entire system is high.

Types of ceiling design using GKL

In order to achieve high quality performance, you need to know what types of plasterboard ceiling structures can be used in practice. Every kind of design can be beautiful as a result if applied correctly. Each room has its own specific standards in terms of ceiling decoration. Consider the existing types of interior decoration, in which the central place is occupied by a plasterboard ceiling.

The simplest solution - single-level ceilings

To date, the most accessible type of design is single-level arches, on which there are no extra figures and decorative elements. In this case, the main effect is achieved. The upper part of the room becomes even and smooth. Here you can limit yourself to the subsequent painting of drywall sheets, or decorate the new ceiling with beautiful textured wallpaper. This type of design is usually chosen for hallways and corridors, in small apartments with limited interior space.

There are two ways to make such a design, using the usual installation of GKL directly on the draft ceiling part, or to make a suspension system. In the first case, you will have to limit yourself to the central lighting sources, while in the second case, you can use decorative built-in lights. The quality of finishes and the level of design in the latter case will be somewhat higher, both from an aesthetic point of view and from a technological point of view.

On a note: as a rule, the corridor and the entrance hall are the place in the apartment where the main communications enter the house - television, network and telephone cables. A suspended plasterboard ceiling will help to hide the entry point and the wiring of communications around the apartment.

The second option - two-level suspended ceilings

How to make the ceiling part more original in your apartment, if both the area and the height of the premises allow. There is also a solution. We make a suspended structure with one rectangular step. In this case, special skills of the installer are not required. The main thing is to correctly assemble the frame and firmly horizontally lay all the cut pieces of plasterboard on the profiles. The technology allows you to use this type of ceiling design for finishing the kitchen, bedrooms and living room.

The situation looks somewhat more complicated when it comes to mounting curved surfaces, rounded parts. The choice can be any - oval, circle, curve or zigzag. Due to the technological properties of drywall, it is quite possible to create such variations on the ceiling surface. This finishing option is successfully used in rooms for zoning the interior space, which is very important for the children's room and for the kitchen. Due to the difference in colors and decorative lighting, the desired visual effect is achieved.

The third option is multi-level structures and three-dimensional figures

Setting the goal of how to properly and beautifully make the ceiling in your drywall apartment, pay attention to the most complex types of ceiling design. In this situation, fantasy can be realized by creating three-dimensional figures. Typically, this finishing option is used in country houses of a large area, where there are spacious living rooms, dining rooms and reception rooms.

For reference: volumetric ceilings based on a suspended structure are not recommended for installation in the bedroom and children's rooms for aesthetic reasons.

In this context, a little should be said about plasterboard ceilings with lighting effects. Such a technical solution will decorate even the most ordinary single-level ceiling surface. A direct vault under the central chandelier is rarely used today. The consumer focuses more on the creation of multi-level ceilings for the subsequent installation of spotlights. Proper planning when installing fixtures ensures proper lighting and improves the aesthetic properties of the upper part of the room.

One of the options for solving the issue of the design of ceiling surfaces in the house is a hidden light. In this case, each element of the plasterboard construction is one large lamp, significantly increasing the quality of the interior and the level of design.

For finishing work, you can use acrylic or water-based paint. Such paints are now available in a wide range of colors, so they are perfect for finishing plasterboard surfaces. Wallpaper is still a good option for finishing new ceilings. Wet wallpapers give a special chic to the ceiling surfaces, creating the effect of three-dimensional visualization.


Betting on the creation of beautiful and elegant ceiling structures with drywall, do not be afraid to improvise. It is important to follow the technology and adhere to certain requirements that apply to such work. To consolidate the above information, let's summarize:

1. Drywall - ample opportunities for ceiling design

2. The main advantages of plasterboard for laying on ceilings are as follows:

  • structural durability;
  • beauty and originality of the design of the ceiling parts;
  • routine care;
  • simple and clear installation.

3. Drywall ceiling construction must be strong and stable

4. Single-level ceilings are suitable for small rooms

5. Large and voluminous figures are best mounted in spacious and high rooms.

Are you going to make a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands? You can understand: this is a reliable and economical material that allows you to translate into reality the most non-trivial design idea. In order not to succeed, as in the immortal saying of Viktor Chernomyrdin - "We wanted the best, but it turned out as always" - it would be useful to read the step-by-step instructions, which cover in detail all the stages of work for finishing the ceiling surface.

For convenience and clarity, we have provided it with 47 photos, so you will not have any difficulties with the perception of the material.

Room preparation

  • remove all large objects and furniture that could potentially interfere with work and movement during the installation process;
  • if it is impossible to carry out the first step, cover the furniture with a film to protect it from construction debris, adhesive composition and dust;
  • clean the ceiling of everything superfluous: the same dust, small knots and everything that you are unlikely to get to in the foreseeable future after installation.

Tool preparation

How to make a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands correctly, so that after that you don’t have to regret the crooked fit of the sheets and poorly organized lighting? That's right, the key to successful installation is competent marking and the necessary tools at hand.

First, we list everything that you need to properly mark the room:

  1. roulette;
  2. level;
  3. pencil;
  4. paint cord.

And now let's touch on the mandatory set of directly necessary construction tools:

  1. hacksaw;
  2. perforator;
  3. screwdriver;
  4. scissors.

As you can see, you will not need anything out of the ordinary in order to make a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands. A standard set of tools that can be purchased at any building supermarket.

The only thing that can be added to this modest list in every sense is protective glasses. Still, some of the steps in our step-by-step instructions include operations that can potentially harm your eyes.

Safety Compliance- this is the basis of the basics when performing any type of repair work, so take this recommendation seriously.

Material preparation

In accordance with how you see your future plasterboard ceiling, prepare drywall sheets of the right size. Calculating the total area of ​​​​the room is quite easy: the length is multiplied by the width, and the exact size of the pieces of material directly depends on the format of the plasterboard structure that you want to see in your room.

You will also need:

  • ceiling guide profiles UD;
  • ceiling main profiles CD;
  • direct universal suspensions or any other in accordance with the layout;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • dowels.

It should be remembered that UD profiles are attached to the wall along the perimeter, and CDs are already inserted into them longitudinally with the step required according to the size of the plasterboard fragments.

Cost table

In order for you to have a rough idea of ​​​​future costs and be able to prudently adjust your budget, we offer you a small table that reflects the average current prices for the materials used to finish the ceiling with plasterboard.

Name Vacation unit Price
self-tapping screws packing (200pcs) from 120 rubles
hl sheets sheet(3 m2) from 250 rubles
UD profile PCS. from 40 rubles
CD profile PCS. from 45 rubles
ceiling hangers PCS. from 4 rubles
dowels packing (200pcs) from 125 rubles


A very simple, but quite important stage, the final result depends on the correctness of its implementation:

  • find the lower corner point on the concrete base of the ceiling;
  • we make the necessary indent, guided by practical considerations: how the lamps will be mounted, how many levels there will be in the final design. Remember that there must be a certain margin of several centimeters, otherwise making a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands will turn out to be very rude and unattractive;
  • we set a mark with a level, if there is a hydraulic level at hand, then the problem of even transfer of this line to the entire plane can be considered solved. If not, then you will have to use the masking cord we mentioned;
  • We connect all the marks with this cord, achieving a perfectly even line.

The final touch of the markup is the application of the so-called grids, which will serve as a guide for the installation of prepared suspensions. Observe the step between the lines, it is approximately equal to 50 cm.

Here is what you should end up with.

If the same thing is observed on your ceiling, then congratulations: you have successfully completed the first step of our step-by-step instructions.


If the markup is done correctly, then the construction of the frame should not cause you any particular difficulties:

  • start from the perimeter, fixing the prepared UD wall profile through a given step (up to 60 centimeters);
  • proceed to fixing the suspensions - use dowels for this, and again, the prepared suspensions should be placed at the intersection of the longitudinal and transverse lines of the grid applied to the concrete base of the ceiling (see the previous paragraph);
  • prepare mortgages from bars for a chandelier, if one will be used indoors, and also run wires to places where it is planned to install spots and other types of lighting fixtures;
  • insert the longitudinal profile of the CD into the grooves of the wall and fix it with self-tapping screws. They should be at your fingertips, right?

If you did not know how to make a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands correctly, but followed the proposed step-by-step instructions, then half the way has already been successfully completed. The creation of the frame crowns the installation of the so-called battens on which drywall sheets will be attached.

Plasterboard sheathing

Probably the most elementary and uncomplicated step when installing drywall, which, however, will require help in the form of a couple or two extra hands.

In order to speed up or even simplify the finishing of the plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, use the help of your comrades to fix the sheets on the ceiling. The fact is that you are unlikely to be able to fix drywall sheets with self-tapping screws alone.

  1. start from one wall, systematically moving towards the opposite;
  2. the installation of the last fragment is carried out with cutting the sheet in accordance with your measurements;
  3. lay the fragments in a joint, excluding the appearance of any gaps and irregularities. If we are talking about the last sheet, then experienced experts still recommend leaving a small gap in this case.


Step-by-step instructions on how to make a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands logically approached the post-processing of an already mounted surface. However, in terms of the number of micro-operations, this stage confidently pushes back all the previous ones:

  • putty joints and gaps;
  • surface primer;
  • decorative finish.

The choice of implementing the latter is solely on your conscience. Usually, to make the plasterboard ceiling more expressive, beautiful wallpapers are used, decorative plaster is applied, and the ceiling base is painted with water-based paint. When choosing one or another solution, make a discount on the functional purpose of the room.

It goes without saying that for a kitchen or bathroom, where high humidity prevails and temperature fluctuations are frequent, it is best to prefer the most practical type of finish to drywall - painting with a reliable water-based emulsion.

