How to make a compressor from the refrigerator with your own hands. Useful crafts: making a DIY air compressor How to make a homemade compressor with good performance

The compressor can be used in a wide variety of applications − for tire inflation, airbrushing, painting spare parts etc. With the necessary tools and certain technical knowledge, it is quite possible to independently manufacture this unit based on a conventional refrigerator. A homemade compressor gives about 7 atmospheres, which is quite enough for an ordinary garage workshop, so many people are increasingly thinking about how to make such a compressor? Do-it-yourself refrigerator compressor it will turn out to be quite quiet and, most importantly, cheap at its cost.

On average, the manufacture of this unit will require about one thousand rubles for all accessories.

Before trying to make ours out of an old refrigerator, you need to compare these two options, i.e. , sold in specialized stores, and our homemade version. In total it is possible to distinguish a few major differences between them:

  • The design of the factory compressor has an electric motor that transmits torque to the working chamber through a belt drive. As for the homemade compressor, it consists of a housing and the engine itself, without belts.
  • In the factory version, automatic pressure relief systems, inlet and outlet filters, pressure gauges, etc. are already installed. In the compressor from the refrigerator, you will have to install the adjusting equipment yourself, taking into account all the features.
  • Despite the fact that most factory compressors are equipped with automatic systems, this feature is not implemented in some budget models. In other words, these units will have to be turned off on their own, marking the time by the clock. Homemade compressors are mainly equipped with a protective relay that turns off the engine when there is a risk of overheating.
  • In some factory models, any lubrication may be completely absent. Of course, they have a small motor resource, but there are no various exhausts. This circumstance is very important, especially if the spray gun behaves rather capriciously, not tolerating various impurities. As for homemade compressors, there is plenty of this oil. By the way, you need to pay attention to which one to fill in - synthetics are very poorly combined with the usual, so you do not need to pour everything that is horrible.
  • The main feature of a homemade compressor is that it works very quietly, especially if you put all the tubes on it correctly, observing tightness. As for factory compressors, they behave more noisily, so its use is only possible outside the home.
  • The cost of manufacturing a home-made compressor is very low, because we take the main components from old equipment, and the control equipment will cost us one thousand rubles. As for the factory compressor, the situation is different.
  • It is not possible to make any technical changes to the factory compressor. In other words, if the unit is not powerful enough, then it can only be used as a pump for, no more. Homemade options are good because you can add some details to them, for example, a large receiver, so you can significantly increase the power of the device.
  • The factory compressor is a complete technical device, so any improvisation with it is impossible. With a home-made unit, you can do almost everything - take some parts out of the case, or hide everything in one box, and attach a handle on top for easy transportation.
  • You can install a fan on a homemade compressor so that it cools the device from the outside.

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Most refrigeration compressors have some limitations in terms of their work. There are several modes in total:

  • Normal - 16 to 32 C.
  • Subnormal - 10 to 32 C.
  • Tropical - from 18 to 43 C.
  • Subtropical - from 18 to 38 C.

However, combined modes are more common, having a different range.

Thus, a homemade compressor can be much more efficient than factory, in terms of working with air.

In the video, a version of a home-made compressor for pumping wheels

Dismantling works

To make a homemade compressor from the refrigerator, you need to make initial preparations. It consists in certain dismantling works, i.e. we just need to remove the compressor from the refrigerator itself. It is located behind the refrigerator, in its lower part. To remove, we need an elementary set of tools: pliers, box wrenches and two screwdrivers (plus and minus).

The compressor is located between the tubes that are connected to the cooling system. These tubes must be cut off with pliers, but in no case should they be sawn off with a hacksaw. The fact is that with this method, small chips are inevitably formed, which can get inside the compensator.

Then we proceed to the removal of the starting relay - this is an ordinary black box, with wires sticking out of it. We unscrew the fasteners, then we bite the wires that lead to the plug. We must not forget to mark the top and bottom of the starting relay - this will come in handy in the future. By the way, we also pick up all the fasteners along with the unit itself.

Health check

After we removed the compressor, it is necessary check its performance.

The fact is that we are removing the device from an old refrigerator, so we need to make sure that our unit is still “alive”. So, we flatten the tubes with pliers - this is necessary in order for air flow to pass through them. Next, we need to put the starting relay in the position in which it stood in the design of the refrigerator. This is very important, because if the position is incorrect, there is a risk of damage to the device, as well as failure of the compressor winding.

There are wires on the relay case to which you need to fasten a piece of wire with a plug. It is better to wrap the junction with electrical tape to eliminate the risk of electric shock. Plug in the device. If you did everything right, then the compressor will work, and air will come out of its tubes. By the way, it is necessary to mark which tube the air flow comes out of, and which one it goes into.

Step-by-step instruction

Before you start making your own, you need to make sure that you have all the necessary materials and tools.

We offer you to watch a video with a detailed description of the process of one of the manufacturing options

Read also: We select oil for the air compressor

In addition to the compressor itself, which we previously removed from the refrigerator, we need:

  • Receiver. In this case, you can use the body of an old fire extinguisher, or weld the body of sheet metal and pipe.
  • Various hoses. At the same time, the length of one hose must be at least 600 mm, and the other two - about 100 mm. In this case, you can take the hoses from the car.
  • Various consumables - gasoline and diesel filters, wire, clamps, pressure gauge and epoxy.
  • Related tools, i.e. screwdrivers, pliers, drills, etc.
  • In addition, we need an ordinary wooden board, which will be the basis of the whole structure. We attach the compressor to it using ordinary screws. Fastening should be carried out exactly in the same position that he occupied in the design of the refrigerator.

We take any plastic container of a suitable volume (from 3 liters or more). In the upper part, you need to drill a couple of holes for the size of the outlet tubes. We insert the tubes, after which we fill everything with epoxy. The inlet tube, into which air enters, must be located in such a way that there is about 200 mm from its end to the bottom of the receiver. The outlet tube must be immersed ten centimeters inward.

This is a description of a plastic receiver, but for greater tightness, it is best to make a receiver in an iron case. In this case, there is no need to fill everything with resin, and the hoses are simply welded. In addition, only a pressure gauge can be installed on an iron receiver.

To install it, you need to drill a hole for the nut on the receiver case. We insert it, and then brew it. Only then we screw the pressure gauge into this nut, after which the work is completed. Now we attach the receiver to our base with a wire. The scheme will be something like this:

Our homemade unit is almost ready.

There are quite a lot of photos and videos of its work on the Internet, for example, it is shown how it is used in airbrushing and for painting various parts, so the expediency of its manufacture is quite obvious. Finally, we need to add a few extra touches to our device.

It is necessary to take one of the hoses, which is ten centimeters long, and put it on the filter. If this is difficult, you can slightly heat the end of the hose to make it easier to put on the fitting. We put the second end of the hose on the inlet of our device. In this case, the filter will protect against dust entering the case. The second 10 cm hose must be connected to the inlet of the receiver and the outlet of the compressor. In this case, it is better to tighten the joints with clamps. Our third hose must be put on the diesel filter, and the other end must be inserted into the outlet of the receiver. At the same time, the free filter fitting will later be connected to various equipment for airbrushing, a spray gun for painting, etc.

Another video on the topic

Some technical data and service features

It is rather difficult to say unambiguously what kind of pressure this or that compressor will show. Much depends on the specific brand and the operational life of the device itself. By the way, old units show even higher performance than modern ones.

Read also: We repair Resant voltage stabilizers with our own hands

Maintenance of our homemade device is a very important point in operation.

The main work will be to replace diesel and gasoline filters, as well as to change the oil in the device. The design of the compressors is present, as a rule, three copper tubes. We used two of them earlier, and the third remained untouched. It is the shortest and soldered at the end. So, the oil is drained through it. To do this, it is necessary to cut off the soldered part, and then drain the processing. Filling is done through it.

Does the compressor need to be repaired?

As for the repair of the resulting device, then here everyone decides for himself- whether it makes sense to mess with it or not.

The repair will consist of ringing the relay, as well as changing the oil in the device. If the manipulations did not help, then there is absolutely no need to invent something else. It is best to throw out the used device, and then make a new one. Moreover, the issue price is no more than 1000-1500 rubles.


In principle, we figured out how to make a compressor from a refrigerator.

It is difficult to overestimate the expediency of its manufacture, because with the help of this device it is possible to perform various works on airbrushing, tire inflation, painting various components and other works that require pressure force.

An additional advantage is that such a device can be used at home, because it makes little noise. In fact, this is the same refrigerator, only without unnecessary body parts.
Compressors recommended for ordering are listed below:

Description and characteristics


Compressor type - piston oil

Engine type - electric

Power - 800 W

Max. compressor capacity - 110 l/min

Min. pressure - 0.2 bar

Max. pressure - 8 bar

Receiver volume - 9 l

Drive (type) - direct

The compressor is a universal unit, which has found a fairly wide application, both in large-scale production and in small workshops. It is also installed on various vehicles and special equipment. That is why the question of how to create a Zilovsky compressor is of great interest to many craftsmen who want to save on the purchase of this device.

household purpose

To begin with, it should be said that such products will not be very productive, and their manufacture may be costly. However, there are many application options that make you look for material on how to make a compressor with your own hands from a Zilovsky compressor.

  • First of all, such a device is perfect for inflating car tires.
  • Also, a similar unit can be used to work with some low-power pneumatic tools.
  • Most often, these products are used in workshops for applying paint to the surface. The fact is that in the presence of a volumetric receiver, they can work for quite a long time and create the pressure necessary for this.
  • Some experts use such units in blacksmithing and other industries. The main thing is that the technical characteristics correspond to the specified parameters.

Automobile compressor

Novice craftsmen often ask the question of why this particular part is worth purchasing in order to create a compressor with your own hands. they consider the car obsolete, and the units that are installed on it are worn out. However, it is immediately worth noting that in our country this particular part is the easiest to find, and its cost directly depends on the condition. At the same time, the simplicity of manufacturing this unit allows for elementary repairs and greatly simplifies maintenance.

It is also much easier to make a compressor with your own hands from a Zilovsky compressor than to use other products of this type for this. To perform elementary tasks, it will even practically not need to be redone. However, if long-term use or heavy loads are required, then some refinement will need to be done.

Necessary equipment

To create a compressor with your own hands from a Zilovsky compressor, it is necessary to resolve the issue of transmitting torque to the unit itself. You will also need an engine of a certain power and with a specific number of revolutions. Therefore, certain purchases are required.

In this case, special attention should be paid to the receiver. It is selected in accordance with the tasks assigned to the product. At the same time, a pressure gauge and a safety valve are installed on it, which will be responsible for the required pressure.

Torque transmission

When a compressor is made by hand from a Zilovsky compressor, a very important decision must be made about how power will be transferred from the engine to the unit itself. At the same time, some masters prefer to connect directly, believing that this way they will not lose the number of revolutions and power. However, it is worth remembering that for such methods of implementing connections, you need to have a fairly powerful engine. Therefore, most often used

When they make a compressor with their own hands, they usually try to connect the Zilovsky compressor to the engine through a gearbox. So you can get a pretty good effort during the initial start-up or if there is pressure in the receiver. However, the cost of a good gearbox is quite high, and option c can be considered the most optimal.


If we assemble it with our own hands, then it is very important to choose the right power unit, which will be as close as possible to the operating parameters of the device. In this case, they usually look at the rotation speed. It should be at least 2000 rpm, since it is this parameter that will create maximum pressure and enable the structure to work in a gentle mode.

The selection of power is suitable separately. The fact is that the cost very often directly depends on this parameter. It is generally accepted that for such compressors a power of 1 kW is sufficient. However, this justifies itself if the unit is planned to be used for a short time and without heavy loads. Therefore, more powerful products are most often used.


They usually try to make a typical iron-based compressor from ZIL 130 compact and mobile. Therefore, it simply does not make sense to use large and voluminous receivers. Also, you should not purchase these elements of the unit separately, since you can always create them yourself. To do this, you can use almost any metal container. In this case, it is best to use gas cylinders or old fire extinguishers.

It should be noted right away that further refinement of the receiver will be required. It will need to install a pressure gauge and pressure regulator. Usually, a separate unit with a gearbox is purchased, which is installed at the inlet to the tank. It is also very important to install the back pressure valve. It is adjusted to the optimal mode of operation of the future product with a certain margin of 10-15%.

Refinement of the compressor

Even if it is planned to make an ordinary garage compressor from a ZIL compressor, then the unit itself will need to be slightly modified.

  • First of all, it is necessary to create cooling. The fact is that such units overheat during their work and as a result of this, not only productivity, but also the service life decreases. Therefore, the connecting rods should be drilled, and an oblique tube is installed in the bottom cover.
  • To control the oil level, it is necessary to install a transparent filter at the outlet of the crankcase. It also makes sense to put a moisture separator, which you can make yourself from a small fire extinguisher.
  • Separately installed and a tank with oil. At the same time, it should immediately be noted that it will be used as an expansion tank and will help normalize the pressure in the system.

To date, there is simply a huge number of various improvements that are aimed at increasing productivity and service life. All of them usually refer to and transmission of torque. However, the final choice always depends directly on the purpose of the final product.


First, it is worth making a bed, on which the compressor will be installed with your own hands. ZIL 130 has certain seats for this unit, which must be transferred to the frame. So you do not have to make additional holes in the compressor itself, and it will be possible to use an additional shock absorption system.

Next, the engine is mounted on the frame. In this case, the fixation is carried out in a rigid position, at a distance necessary for the implementation of the transmission of torque. The receiver and other elements that can be connected through hoses can be placed separately. Sometimes it is easier to connect them at the place of work, so as not to weigh down the bed itself.

  • If a compressor is made from Zilovsky, the tools will need to be selected very carefully. You will need to have a drill, a welding machine, a set of keys and much more. There may also be situations where some types of work are easier to do in the factory or with the help of special machines.
  • To create shock absorbers when fixing all units to a frame or a supporting frame, it is best to use rubber gaskets or inserts. However, it is worth remembering that with intensive use they wear out quickly and you should always have spare ones.
  • When buying a compressor, you must be very careful, because the appearance of the product does not indicate the state of its internal components and assemblies. It simply will not work to check the product on the spot, which means that such a purchase should be made only from trusted sellers.
  • If you do not solve the problem with overheating of the compressor, then it must be operated in a gentle mode. So it will last much longer, although this may cause some inconvenience in work. That is why the unit is selected for specific needs.
  • You can install a pressure gauge with special contacts on the product, which are connected to the electrical circuit for starting the engine. This automates the operation of the device, and will also reduce the likelihood of rapid overheating.
  • The electrical circuit for connecting the compressor to the electrical circuit directly depends on the type of engine selected. At the same time, you should not come up with workarounds for starting the primary winding so as not to lose power. This will affect the operation of the product if there is residual pressure in the receiver, even if there is a check valve and a fairly powerful engine.


When assembling a Zilovsky compressor with your own hands, it should be remembered that this work will require the performer to be able to handle various tools and observe the technique of processing all kinds of details. It is also worth remembering that the purchase of certain units will lead to costs, which means that before starting work, you should carefully evaluate all costs and compare them with your capabilities. The fact is that with intensive use of such a compressor, it lasts only a couple of years.

In the garage of a car enthusiast, you can find many useful and not so useful tools. In addition to the usual set, an air compressor will also be useful. It is suitable for car painting, tire inflation, air supply for pneumatic tool operation. Let's see how to make a car with your own hands. We will also find out how it is arranged and on what principle it works.

Compressed air to help the car enthusiast

Air compressors are quite useful in workshops and garages. There is always a task for these devices. This can be banal cleaning, cleaning from dust that has formed after grinding, or creating air pressure for the operation of various air tools. Most compressors are used for painting. This imposes some requirements on the device.

Air flow and spray painting

For work with paint, the air flow must be as uniform as possible. Also, the compressed air stream must not contain water particles, oil impurities or other oil products. The presence of suspended and solid particles is unacceptable in the flow.

Sometimes when painting you can see defects. Often this is graininess on a freshly applied coat of paint. This happens due to the fact that there were foreign particles in the stream. If paint streaks or dull spots are observed, then this is a sign of uneven supply of paint, enamel or varnish.

Branded or homemade?

What is the difference between a proprietary compressor? Its characteristics are ideal for working with an airbrush or spray gun, but factory products cost serious money. If the device is needed infrequently, then you can save a little and make a unit that will not be inferior to factory models.

The principle of operation of the compressor

Both professional and self-made devices work on the same principle. In a container for storing compressed air, which is called a receiver, an excess pressure level is created. The air itself can be blown into the receiver both automatically and manually.

If you work in manual mode, then it is certainly very cheap in finance, but it will require serious energy costs. You also need to constantly monitor this process. After such work, it is unlikely that you will want to do anything else.

If you use the mechanisms for pumping air, then this will facilitate the process. There are no drawbacks here, you just need to change the oil in the air pump, depending on the regulations.

Further, the compressed air flow passes through the outlet valve of the compressor or in this case the receiver and is directly supplied either to the airbrush, or to the car chamber, or to the pneumatic tool. In general, the principle is very simple, and therefore the simplest working model can be built in a couple of minutes.

Homemade compressor

Let's look at how to make the simplest compressor for painting a car with your own hands. As one of the options, we will try to make a device for painting work from a car chamber. To create, we need a receiver, a supercharger, a spool from a damaged camera, a repair kit, an awl. When everything you need is assembled and prepared for work, you can start assembling.

At the assembly stage, you need to check the tightness of the chamber. To do this, you can use a car pump. Every motorist knows how to do it. If the rubber holds the air pumped into it, you can proceed to the next step.

If air leaks are found, then you can use a repair kit or vulcanize the hole with raw rubber.

At the next stage, in the so-called receiver, it is required to make holes for another spool. It will be the outlet valve. This fitting can be glued using the same pre-stocked repair kit. This valve is connected to the airbrush. The nipple must be unscrewed from the fitting. The compressor circuit provides for the free passage of air. We will not unscrew the nipple in the main spool. He will keep the pressure.

Then, by the method of scientific poke, we will try to determine the required pressure level in our receiver. For this, a spray gun is used. If the paint lays down evenly, without jerks, streaks or anything else, then everything is done correctly. It is desirable to control the amount of excess pressure in the receiver. When you press the airbrush button, the level should not jump.

As you can see, this is the most primitive compressor for painting a car with your own hands. Now you can create masterpieces or just repaint the body.

It is not difficult to assemble this unit, and its usefulness can be seen during various repairs. If you have used for painting before, then you will definitely be able to appreciate all the advantages.

Just remember that in no case should liquid, dust or anything else get into the spray gun and into the camera. In the event of a violation, dust or moisture will mix with the paint, and the work will have to be redone. Then no adjustment of the spray gun will help. It will be more convenient if our camera is fixed on something. This will prevent her from moving across the floor.

This model works great, and it is already quite usable. But even better, with small changes, make the injection system automatic. Next, we will learn how to make the compressor more serious.

Semi-professional equipment

Professionals say that such handicraft equipment has a huge resource and service life, unlike factory models of foreign brands and domestic manufacturers. But this is understandable, because, knowing the scheme of work, if any part fails, it can be easily replaced. Let's see how to make a compressor that can be used professionally.

What is needed for assembly?

So. Here you will need readily available spare parts for the compressor. This is a pressure gauge, as well as a gearbox with a filter. You also need a relay to control the pressure in the chamber, a fuel filter from a car, a water quad with a ¾ internal thread. In addition, you should pick up threaded adapters, car clamps, a motor, a receiver tank, 10w40 oil, a toggle switch for 220 V, brass tubes, and oil-resistant rubber hoses. These compressor parts can easily be found in the garage.

Thick wood will be used as the basis for the unit. You will also need a syringe from the nearest pharmacy, anti-corrosion liquid, fasteners, sealants and FUM tape, paint, a needle file, wheels from an office chair and a filter from the auto power system.

So, knowing the principle of operation of the compressor, it's time to start building. Let's start with the blower.

Engine as supercharger

We will use a compressor from old refrigerators as a motor. Often it already has a built-in starting relay, which in our case is very convenient. This will automatically maintain the desired pressure in the receiver chamber. It is better to use a motor from old Soviet cooling units. They have higher performance compared to imported products.

Preparatory procedures

Feel free to get the executive part out of your old refrigerator. Naturally, you need to clean the part, because over the years the block has managed to acquire centuries of dust, and also, possibly, to rust. After cleaning, you can treat the body with a rust converter to save the block from corrosion. So, the preparation for painting is done.

Change the lubricant in the actuating unit. It is rare that a refrigerator received service according to the regulations. This system is almost completely isolated from environmental influences. Semi-synthetic is suitable for changing the oil. It is no worse than specialized compressor fluids.

Inlet, outlet and oil change

Must have tubes. Two of them are open, one is soldered. Open tubes are used for air inlet and outlet. To find out which handset is the input and which is the output, you can briefly turn on the power. Next, remember which of the tubes releases air.

The refrigerator compressor circuit says that the lubricant needs to be changed through a sealed tube. You should very carefully cut off the end of the tube with a needle file. It is necessary to saw so that the chips do not get inside. Next, the tip must be broken off and drained into some jar of old grease. Then, using a pharmacy syringe, fill in more lubricant than poured out.

In order for the unit to work properly, the lubrication tube must be sealed. A screw of a suitable diameter will help us with this. It must be wrapped with a pre-prepared FUM tape and screwed into a long-suffering pipe.

Next, attach this device to the board using the prepared fasteners. The electronic part is very sensitive to position. Therefore, the top cover of the relay is marked with an arrow. The operating modes will only switch if the setting is correct.

Choosing a container for the receiver

As practice shows, it works best for painting if a used fire extinguisher is used as an air container. These cylinders are good because they contain the necessary margin of safety. In addition, the fire extinguisher is designed for. This choice is also good because various attachments can be placed on the cylinder body. Take, for example, a metal 10-liter cylinder from OU-10. It holds a pressure of 15 MPa and has high strength.

Fire extinguisher preparation

Immediately boldly twist the lock-starter, we will not need it. And you need to screw the adapter into place, having previously wound the FUM tape onto the thread. If the body is rusted, you need to treat the rust with either chemistry or sandpaper.

Outside, in the fight against corrosion, everything is very, very simple. What about corrosion inside? Pour the cleaner into the bottle, and then you need to mix the product very well. Next, screw the cross from the water supply. And don't forget to seal the threaded connections. Now everything is almost ready.

We mount attachments

We almost made a compressor for painting a car with our own hands. To make it convenient to move, the best option is to mount all the nodes and parts on one platform. We have a wooden board. The motor from the refrigerator is already fixed on it, and now you need to place a fire extinguisher-receiver there.

In the plate, it is necessary to make holes for fasteners in advance. The motor from the refrigerator is already fixed with studs and nuts. The fire extinguisher must be placed vertically. To do this, you can use plywood. This will require three sheets.

In the first sheet, cut a hole suitable for the diameter of the balloon. Fix the rest on the plate. Next, fix these plates to the plate along with the sheet with the hole using glue. To make the fire extinguisher conveniently located on the platform, you can make a recess under the bottom. To make our device maneuverable, take out the prepared furniture wheels and screw them onto the platform.

Protection against dust and small debris

Naturally, the equipment must be protected from dust as much as possible. To do this, we will use a car. The filter must be mounted in the air intake.

How to do it? We use a rubber hose. It should tightly compress the autofilter fitting and the compressor inlet pipe from the refrigerator. On the inlet tube, you can not clamp the hose with clamps. There is no high pressure.

Moisture protection

An oil separator must be installed at the outlet. It will not allow liquid or oil particles to get into the system. To do this, you can apply a filter from the diesel power system. The connection is made using the same hose. But here it is already necessary to strengthen the connections with a clamp, because there will be decent pressure at the outlet.


The diesel filter must be connected to the reducer input. It is necessary to untie the pressure at the inlet and outlet of the refrigeration compressor. To do this, the high pressure outlet of the supercharger must be screwed into the left and right side of the crosspiece.

We fix the pressure gauge

A manometer is fixed at the top entrance of the crosspiece. On it we will perform pressure control. You also need to tighten the adjusting relays. Do not forget that the threads must be sealed.

Relay importance

This device makes it possible to regulate pressure levels over a wide range. It can, if necessary, interrupt the power supply to the refrigeration motor. For these purposes, either PM5 or RDM5 is suitable. Both devices will start the motor if the pressure drops and turn off when it rises. The pressure level is adjusted using the springs on top. So, with the help of a large one we set the minimum levels, and a small one - the maximum limits.


To make it all work, we connect the neutral power wire to the relay, and connect the second wire to the refrigeration engine.

Pass the phase wire through the toggle switch to the second contact of the compressor. This will allow you to turn off the power faster. Naturally, after connecting, you need to securely insulate all this.

So we made a compressor for painting a car with our own hands. It remains only to paint, adjust and test it.

Adjustment and first tests

After assembling all this together, you can safely proceed to the first tests. Connect an actuator to the output of the unit. Then plug the cord into the outlet, set the relay to the very minimum and turn on the toggle switch. Look at the pressure gauge. If you are convinced that the relay turns off the motor, you can check the tightness. To do this, use the old-fashioned way with soap.

If everything is fine, then bleed the air from the receiver. When the pressure drops, the relay should start the motor. If everything works, then painting with an airbrush will no longer cause difficulties.

First samples

To test the unit in operation, any unnecessary part will do. There is no need for any surface preparation. It is important to determine the working pressure by trial and error. With the help of experiments, determine the figure at which there is enough pressure for a complete painting without frequent switching on of the motor.

As you can see, it is quite easy to make for painting. This unit can already be fully used for professional activities. The costs will definitely pay off soon. The compressor is needed not only for painting work. It has a very wide range of applications. A semi-automatic system will allow you not to be distracted from work.

Spray guns

In addition to the compressor, airbrushes will also be needed for painting work. To do this, you need to purchase a pneumatic model. A properly selected airbrush will allow you to successfully carry out work. The tool should be selected based on the characteristics of the compressor.

An airbrush for a car should be correctly selected in accordance with the working pressure. If the choice is wrong, the pressure will drop too quickly, and the quality of work will be very low. There are several technologies that are used in this tool. They need to be selected based on the task. For example, modern LVLP technology makes it possible to use paint very economically with a small air consumption, and the surface will be of high quality.

How to set up the spray gun?

High-quality painting is possible only with properly configured equipment. The spray gun setting allows you to change the width of the torch, air pressure, as well as the paint supply.

With the width of the torch, everything is very clear. Maximum width - maximum speed, even overlap. For touch-ups, the flame is reduced, but the air supply is also reduced.

Adjusting the flow of paint is also easy. Many experts open it to the maximum. But the air supply can be problematic. For the correct setting, you will need a compressor, instructions for a specific spray gun. It is necessary to use a sheet of drawing paper and direct a jet from the spray gun at it. If the flame is in the shape of a figure eight, reduce the pressure. If the paint is dripping, add it. Find the best position.

Or a workshop.

For assembly we need:

1. Compressor from the refrigerator.

If you remove it from the refrigerator, cut off 30 centimeters of copper tube, we will need it later.
2. Receiver.

It is a durable container for compressed air. You can make it from an empty freon cylinder, which is used to fill air conditioners. The easiest way to find it is to contact any car service that provides refueling services for car air conditioners. They throw away empty bottles.

A red, 50 liter propane tank is also suitable as a receiver. You can buy it on Avito for 500 rubles.

Next, we need spare parts from the purchased compressor. You can find them at any major hardware store in the power tool section.

3. Pressure switch.
4. Pressure regulator.
5. Rapid adapter.
6. Safety valve 10 bar.
7. Pressure gauge from 10 to 12 bar.
8. Dehumidifier.
9. Four small wheels.

10. Small things. To facilitate the search for parts, we turn to any plumbing store, we purchase everything according to the list.

All parts will need to be connected according to the diagram.

For the reliability and tightness of threaded connections, it is advisable to use a special adhesive sealant.

An important part of our compressor is the air filter.

A very good solution would be to use a gasoline filter from the classics.

We also buy a vacuum hose from the auto shop.

The platform on which the compressor and receiver will be mounted will be made of plywood or chipboard.

We fix the receiver with a steel tape.

Let's start assembling.

We drill three holes in the receiver with a diameter of 10 mm.

Sandpaper cleaning the place for welding, weld the nipple to the holes.
Attach the purchased wheels to plywood.
We will fix the receiver on the resulting trolley.
The compressor from the refrigerator is fixed with self-tapping screws.
We put our gasoline filter on the intake port of the compressor.
We will make the connection through a piece of vacuum hose.

We put a flexible hose on the retracting end of the compressor.
The hose should be cut off in place. Fastening to the branch pipe is made on a worm clamp.

Now we assemble the automation unit.

We screw the pressure switch, safety valve, pressure gauge, pressure regulator into the hole.
Connect the rapid adapter to the pressure regulator.

The final step is to connect the elements of plumbing.

And we attach to them a pre-assembled automation unit.

A piece of copper tubing. Its function is to relieve pressure.
After the compressor pumps air into the receiver, the pressure switch opens the valve through which the pressure in the discharge system is relieved.

This is done in order to facilitate the start of the compressor, since it will not start under pressure.

We fix the tube at the very end. To do this, you need to expand one end of the tube as in the figure. This can be done with a steel ball and a hammer.

And connect the extended end to the pressure switch.

Connect the other end to the fitting through a vacuum hose.

Our compressor is ready, but in order to have enough for the work performed in the garage, an option was provided to connect an additional receiver through an oxygen hose.

To do this, in addition to the above, you need to buy:
Two 50 liter propane tanks.

15 meters of oxygen hose.

Quick-release hose adapter for connecting pneumatic tools.

Tee for combining cylinders.

Two 1/2 ball valves, 3 1/2 fittings, 1/2 tee, worm-type clamps.

Putting it all together, you get a real, big compressor.

Like any mechanism, such a compressor is endowed with pluses and minuses.


First, the assembly cost is 5500 rubles. Approximately 2 times cheaper than a compressor of the same volume.
The second is the noise from work, because it makes no noise louder than a refrigerator.

Third, and perhaps most important, is reliability. Since the reliability of Soviet refrigerators is beyond doubt, which means that it will last a very long time.

As for the automation of the compressor, it all depends on your choice. After all, the price of the same pressure switch starts at 500 and ends at 3000 rubles.

4. High maintainability. After all, in the event of a breakdown, there will be no problems with spare parts.

Now about the cons.

This air piston compressor is very easy to manufacture and anyone can repeat it if desired. The compressor can be used to inflate balloons, for some chemical experiments where it is required to create air bubbles in a liquid, like an aquarium fish compressor, etc.

What is required to make a compressor?

  • The motor with a 12 V gearbox is the most scarce part, you can buy it here -
  • Several bicycle spokes.
  • Two valve nipples from a bicycle.
  • 12 V power supply, you can buy it here if you suddenly don't have it -
Motor-reducer for 12 volts DC, with a speed of 300 rpm.

Bicycle spoke.


So, if you have collected all the components, but we can start manufacturing our compressor.
Bend the needle at the end at a right angle.

With wire cutters we bite off the knitting needle on the other side, so that we can make such an L-shaped shape.

We insert the threaded part of the spoke into the hole in the gear motor shaft. The hole was there in the beginning. We fix the second locking nut from the other knitting needle, tightening it with pliers.

Then we take two knitting needles and wind one on the other. We take out the inner knitting needle, bite off a part of the knitting knitting needle. Here's what should happen.

We bite off at a distance of about 10 cm and make a bend.

Next, we put this curl on the part that was made earlier on the gear motor. The limiters were made from lock nuts from the spokes. Fix the nuts with super glue. We have a moving node. This is the piston lever that will push the compressor piston.

Let's take a piece of wood board and attach the motor with gearbox and our crankset using a brace, screws, and a piece of wood for elevation.

We take out the syringe, separate the needle - it will not be needed.

We take out the plunger of the syringe and cut off the lower edges into a cone to ensure greater ease of movement of the plunger, removing excess pressure.

With a hot soldering iron, from the side closer to the beginning of the syringe, we will make a hole for the nipple valve.

We insert the nipple, fix it with super glue. This will be the intake valve.

We fill the hole for the needle with hot glue - we do not need it.

We make another hole with a soldering iron and insert the exhaust valve, fix it with super glue as well.

For greater reliability, and so that there are no leaks, fill the valve connections with epoxy.

Take the paste from the gel ballpoint pen. Cut off a small piece about 1 cm. Glue this piece to the end of the piston with super glue.

Insert into it the end from the spokes of our mechanism. And install the modified syringe on a wooden stand. Everything is fixed with hot glue.