How to decorate the walls in the living room - modern design. Wall design in the living room: material combinations and design ideas Beautiful walls in the hall

The living room is the visiting card of the owners, one might say this is the heart of the house. This room should be solemn, bright, stylish, each member of the family should feel cozy, comfortable and warm here. That is why, when the owners of the house make repairs, they are going to paste over the walls of the room with new finishing material, then it is necessary to take into account not only modern ideas, but also the wishes of the household.

You can make the walls beautiful and interesting with your own hands, the main thing is to choose the right finishing material.

  • Which side of the horizon on which the living room is located;
  • Coloring of furniture and interior items;
  • Personal preferences of the owners of the house.

In order to maintain harmony in the main room, it is important to choose the color scheme according to the location of the living room. In the event that the windows face north, then an excellent option would be to paste over the walls with wallpaper in warm colors, for example, shades of yellow, orange, peach, mustard, olive. The same option will be suitable if the windows do not face north, but are covered with dense trees. If the windows face south, then it is better to choose colder shades.

You can’t forget about the color of interior items, it’s important that the tones are combined, you can’t overdo it with color, no more than 5 colors should be used.

If you want to focus on furniture, highlight it against the general background, then it should be neutral. So if the furniture is dark, then the walls should be light. And vice versa, if the furniture is light, then you need to glue the original bright or dark wallpaper. This line allows you to maintain harmony in the room. If you want to focus on a design picture or panel, then the finishes should not be contrasting. This will highlight exactly the desired element.

It is important, before changing the wall covering, to talk with all household members, one must take into account the taste preferences of everyone, find one compromise option. Ideas can be different, a great option, if it is difficult to come to a common denominator - combined walls. This is when the wall is decorated with two different colors.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of different types of wallpaper. How not to get lost in this variety and choose the right ones? Expert advice for you:

Bright, light or dark living room walls: which is better to choose

Even during the planning of repairs, the question will definitely arise, what to put on the walls of the main room of the house. It is important to take into account every detail, for example, photo prints on wallpaper will not fit into every interior. It is important that the print, image graphics are combined with interior items. The best option is still considered not bright wallpaper, without a pronounced color and texture.

However, it should not be too simple, nondescript wallpaper will make the room boring, this cannot be allowed, the living room should be solemn and interesting.

How to give the walls expressiveness? You can use molding. Moldings help raise the ceiling when placed along the ceiling line. When the ceilings are not high, molding will help correct the situation. Also, with their help, you can divide the walls into beautiful square or rectangular sections. This decision gives the room luxury and aristocracy, because gypsum stucco molding was used in ancient times, palaces were decorated with it.

If you want minimalism, then for this you need to give up:

  • moldings,
  • stucco,
  • Other weighting elements.

A minimalist room looks more airy and light. A good option would be a wall with a fireplace. It is not necessary to arrange a real fireplace, you can create a decorative one using drywall. So you can decorate a beveled wall. The fireplace is sure to become the center of attention.

Stone on the wall in the living room: the use of natural materials in decoration

A bright accent can be a room decorated with natural materials. This is a good solution in the interior.

Today, designers widely use materials such as:

  • Stone;
  • Wood;
  • Fake diamond.

A stone or wooden wall can give the room individuality and unusualness. Unity with nature is at the peak of popularity today. Increasingly, celebrities and ordinary people prefer natural materials in the interior.

On such a wall you can hang pictures, photo frames, interesting design panels.

Another option is to leave the wall empty by installing a home theater on it. In addition to natural finishing materials, drywall is widely used today. This material allows you to build the most incredible structures indoors. Drywall is ideal for finishing.

Fits perfectly on the material:

  • Dye;
  • Plaster;
  • Wallpaper of various types.

A great option for decorating uneven walls. Drywall will not only help hide irregularities, but with it you can build illuminated niches, shelves that are chic for placing interesting souvenirs, trendy accessories.

Empty living room wall: how to decorate

An empty long wall may be present in the interior of the living room. There are many options for decorating it.

Very relevant today:

  • stickers;
  • painting;
  • Paper butterflies;
  • ornamental plants;
  • Products from yarn, dried flowers, etc.

You can decorate an empty wall to your taste. This may be the original painted tree. By the way, special liquid wallpapers are being sold today, thanks to which you can arrange an incredibly interesting pattern. Decorative plaster will also be appropriate.

You can place compositions from frames on the wall, you can hang original designer clocks or a beautiful panel.

A man can place something more brutal. It can be an image of technology, it can be a composition of watches, belts, a cigarette case. Fortunately, today there is no shortage of accessories and interior items. With a little imagination, you can make a good choice for your room. The main thing is not to overload the space, too many accessories can ruin the overall impression, it will be hard to be in such a room.

Interior subtleties: accent wall in the living room

What is an accent wall in the main room of the house, why arrange it in the living room? An accent wall is a section of the wall that is specially highlighted using all possible design techniques. The main requirement when decorating an accent wall is that it must completely match the overall style of the interior.

So what is an accent wall for?

  1. Thanks to such a wall, it becomes possible to dilute the overall atmosphere, to focus on a bright element of a vertical surface.
  2. An exquisite composition on an accent wall will attract the attention of guests at home, keep them busy for a while.
  3. It will distract from unsightly elements, if any, in the interior of the living room.

If you want to decorate such a wall, then you need to prepare for solving a difficult task. The process must be approached competently and thoughtfully. If you do not take the matter seriously, then mistakes cannot be avoided. Why waste money, time and nerves.

In order not to break firewood, experienced designers recommend adhering to the following principles when decorating an accent wall:

  1. The area of ​​the accent wall should be less than the total area.
  2. An accent wall doesn't have to be a single element.
  3. You can highlight the wall both with the help of bright colors and with the help of an unusual texture.
  4. The psychology of colors should be taken into account.
  5. It is necessary to choose the location of the accent wall correctly.
  6. An accent wall can advantageously emphasize the functional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living room.
  7. The wall should create balance in the room, so you need to be very careful about its device.

It is very important to correctly position the wall, right, to choose a place for the accent surface.

Here are some tips for choosing a location:

  1. If possible, it is better to place a wall opposite the entrance to the room.
  2. It must be positioned so that there is a separation of functional zones.
  3. The accent wall can be located in the TV viewing area, but in this case, too bright colors should be abandoned.

A variety of materials can be used to create an accent wall.

Today they are widely used:

  • Wood;
  • Dye;
  • Brick;
  • Tile;
  • Stone;
  • Wallpaper;
  • glass panels;
  • Plaster.

Many people think that it is enough to cover the wall in a bright color, and all the accent is done - this is not so. A mini color composition should be created.

Designers offer to remember a number of rules:

  1. Warm shades are not suitable for a small living room, as they visually narrow the space. But, you can’t completely abandon them, as they bring comfort to the space.
  2. Cold tones, on the contrary, expand the room, but take away comfort.
  3. Be sure to use bed shades, they will attract attention.

Wall design in the living room. Original ideas (video)

A little effort, knowledge and time! And the quality result will exceed all expectations. Make your home cozy and beautiful.

Interior walls in the living room (photo)

The living room is the heart of any home. It is in this place that it is customary to gather with a large family and receive dear guests. The question becomes: what should be the walls in the living room, finishes, photos of design projects that you saw on the Internet in the context of your home?

Types of wall decoration in the living room: tips from the masters

In order not to miscalculate with the choice of material for decorating the main room in the house, heed the advice of experienced designers:

  1. The color of the future room depends on the lighting: the less light from the window, the lighter the shade of the design;
  2. The design of the walls in the living room can be combined with furniture, or it can look contrasting;
  3. The photo of modern ideas for decorating the walls in the living room shows that simplicity and elegance are preferable, and the fashion for an overabundance of interior details is a thing of the past.

Painting the walls in the living room

Painting the walls is perhaps the most budgetary and labor-intensive way to update the interior of the walls in the living room. A new color can drastically change the guest's overall impression of the room. Using paints, you can visually expand the space, make the room warmer and more comfortable.

What to choose from:

1. Water-based look. The main advantage is that they are practically odorless. After painting, the color of the walls in the living room will even out, and they will acquire a perfectly smooth surface. A variety of palettes of coloring pigments will allow you to create your own, author's shades.

2. Oil coloring. These paints are not affected by ultraviolet or high humidity. Drying quickly, they create the most durable layer on the wall. One disadvantage is the pungent smell, which can harm the health of the painter.

3. Silicate. It is important to remember that you need to apply the silicate dye carefully so that the alkali does not harm your limbs. This type is suitable only for plaster, but is contraindicated for glass, stone and metal.

If desired, combine two types of painting: combine light walls with bright accents. The living room from the usual "soviet" will turn into a stylish and modern room.

Decorative plaster in the interior of the living room

The modern interior of the walls in the living room is easy to create with the help of decorative plaster. This material is so resistant to external influences and durable that it immediately becomes at the top of the rating. Use different fillers, thereby changing its properties and texture.

Types of plaster:

  1. textured- involves the addition of synthetic fillers to create volume on the surface;
  2. latex- easily resist mechanical damage;
  3. silicate- perfectly retains the appearance of a new coating, as it does not get dirty and keeps its shape;
  4. Venetian– looks like polished marble.

The main advantage of decorative plaster is that the walls in the living room may initially have defects. The thick consistency of the coating will hide small roughness. You can read more about decorative plaster in the article -

Wall panels for the living room

Decorating the walls in the living room with panels can significantly save your nerves: after all, this type of finish does not include dirt, dust and debris. At the same time, the choice of invoices is huge. By type they are divided into tiled, sheet and rack.

Main advantages:

  • fasten to any, even uneven, surface;
  • durable and give the room sophistication;
  • unpretentious in care;
  • insulation material can be laid under the panels.

The disadvantages are:

  • plastic panels are fragile, can break on impact;
  • woody species do not tolerate moisture well, so focus on the thermal regime of the room.

It should be remembered that if it is necessary to fasten to a wall sheathed with TV wall panels or any other decorative elements, the fastenings must be thought out in advance by scrolling the fastener holes in the draft concrete wall. All ugly holes can then be “hidden” behind the panels.

Ceramic tile

In the photo, modern ideas for decorating the living room walls with tiles look relevant and aesthetically pleasing. Ceramics in the design of surfaces is welcome, because it is environmentally friendly, fireproof, not afraid of chemical care products and humidity. To make your interior no worse than a designer one, combine the types of coverage.

Remember some important features of ceramic wall covering:

  • the larger the surface covered with ceramics, the less decor on the tiles themselves should be;
  • large areas of coverage give officialdom and deprive the room of comfort;
  • Ceramics is a strong but cold material.

When laying, pay special attention to the tile joints. In the guest room, they should be invisible, so the repair will look neat and finished. You can read about how to choose a tile.

Decorating the living room with decorative stone

A chic, expensive, but incredibly durable option for wall cladding is a decorative stone. It will become a faithful companion for many years, as it is practically not affected by the external environment.

Advantages of choosing:

  • artificial pebble is very light;
  • installation is available even to a novice master;
  • the cost of the material is much less than the price of natural stones;
  • the manufacturer offers a variety of forms of blanks.

Combine stone motifs with other decor formats, as monolithic stone interiors are akin to medieval motifs.

Living room wallpaper

Decorating the walls in the guest room with wallpaper is more difficult, but the end result will please both the owners and guests. It is important to remember that you can wallpaper any surface in the house, but it is advisable to do this in dry, well-ventilated areas.

Material types:

  1. Vinyl- Perfect for the living room. They create a beautiful three-dimensional relief due to beautiful embossing, they will last for more than one year, while maintaining the brightness of colors.
  2. Paper- are more difficult to glue. For these wallpapers, you need to perfectly level the surfaces, because even minor flaws will show through. The coating will not withstand either wet cleaning or bright light from the window.

Plasterboard wall in the living room

Applying a thick layer of plaster is not always the only right solution for poor sound insulation, uneven surfaces or low wall insulation. Drywall is the best way to deal with these problems. It is characterized by the optimal scheme "price - quality - physical activity." The material is able to absorb excess moisture in the room, and give it away when the room is excessively dry.

The wall covered with drywall can be painted or wallpapered. The living room will sparkle with new colors if you build various ledges or waves from drywall on the walls.

Let's name the main advantages:

  • lightness of the material with a large sheet area;
  • the ability to bend, creating a fancy decor;
  • the ability to create hollow (for wires and lighting) structures.

Even a beginner will be able to work with the material, it is enough just to decide on the zoning and forms of living room decor.

Tree in the interior of the living room

Wood is the most common building material. Wood is a durable and environmentally friendly product. Budget types - lining, board and bar.

A stylish interior using wood can sometimes be spoiled by the following disadvantages of this material:

  • infection by a fungus or insects;
  • corrosion due to changes in humidity;
  • high fire hazard.

Feel free to take cork material as a replacement for wood. It will create a safari style in the interior, insulate the room and contribute to normal air circulation.

Laminate isn't just for floors

Increasingly, designers are using laminate in wall decoration.

The advantages of this material:

  • ease of installation (you can put it yourself, without additional help);
  • variety of colors and textures;
  • surface hygiene.

The disadvantages of this type of cladding are:

  • in case of mounting directly on the wall, it should be leveled;
  • you should not completely cover the space of the room, use it only as an element of decor;
  • high humidity can warp the coating.

It is important that the manufacturers took into account the wishes of customers and released a specialized wall laminate that has a fastening system.

The use of leather in the interior of the living room

The most outrageous and original type of lining of the guest area. Covering with leather is the surface to which you would like to attract the general attention of guests.

To date, leather trim options are available for any wallet:

  • multi-colored leather tiles with a glossy surface;
  • embossed leather plates;
  • wall panels imitating the texture of the skin;
  • wallpaper "under the skin".

Try to use leather not as the main material, but as an original accent of your interior.

What is better to choose?

What type of finishing materials to choose for your own living room, you choose. It depends on the style in which the living room will be decorated. An important role is also played by the amount that you are willing to spend on repairs. Combine, experiment, create. Remember that the main thing in repair is to create a harmonious interior that creates a feeling of home comfort.

Looks very impressive in the interior accent wall, with which you can visually make the room larger, zoom in or remove the selected wall. When choosing a paint color for walls, it is important to consider not only the style of the living room, but also its size, as well as orientation relative to the cardinal points.

Number 3. Decorative plaster

Plaster, like paint, is easy to apply to any architectural form in the living room, and does not have to suffer, as with wallpaper or panels. The cost of such a coating is not the lowest, but it is fully justified by durability. Among all types of decorative plasters, it looks especially interesting Venetian, which forms a smooth glossy surface resembling marble. This finish will fit perfectly into the living rooms in a classic style. Textured or structural plaster looks harmoniously in interiors in a modern minimalist style.

No. 4. Drywall

Drywall can be used for leveling the walls in the living room, if the putty work seems too tedious and lengthy. In addition, it is drywall that allows you to quickly and inexpensively create interesting interior solutions in the living room: , partitions and other elements that can then be additionally highlighted.

No. 5. Wooden lining

If the budget allows, the living room can be made as environmentally friendly as possible by using natural wood in the decoration. Different types of wood are used for manufacturing. For residential premises where there is no high humidity and strong temperature changes, it is advised to choose pine wood: this is one of the most inexpensive options, which has a pleasant warm tint. Benefits this method of finishing can be distinguished:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • chic appearance, which brings a special comfort to the living room;
  • heat and sound insulation properties;
  • durability with proper care;
  • ease of installation.

But there are also some downsides:

  • high price;
  • the need for careful care to protect the wood from the effects of moisture and pests;
  • reduction in the size of the room.

No. 6. MDF panels

The main advantages of MDF panels:

  • a huge assortment, so choosing the right option for a living room in any style is not difficult;
  • acceptable price;
  • environmental friendliness, since epoxy resins are not used in the manufacture of MDF panels;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • durability.

For a living room, this method of wall decoration can be called virtually ideal, especially since with its help you can create a very interesting interior. True, before choosing such a finish option, it is worth considering and several material flaws: this is the high weight of the panels and their low fire resistance. In addition, when using accessories and hanging furniture, you will have to use special fasteners.

No. 7. Laminate

Instead of MDF panels for wall decoration, you can use a conventional laminate, and you can choose the simplest one, since its high strength or wear resistance is not needed. With the help of laminate, you can create an interesting finish for walls or parts of them, since this material perfectly imitates the texture of any wood, as well as stone and some other materials.

No. 8. Stone

A natural stone- it is beautiful, durable, but very expensive and heavy, so this option is quite rare. When they talk about the use of stone for wall decoration, they most often mean exactly fake diamond: it is similar to natural, has a lighter weight and a more affordable price. Conscientious manufacturers use a lot of blanks in the manufacture of artificial stone, so the same elements in the finish will be very rare, which brings the material closer to its natural counterpart.

To the benefits artificial stone should be attributed to its strength and durability, ease of maintenance, excellent appearance. Of course, in some performance qualities it is inferior to natural, but in the conditions of the living room the difference will be practically insignificant. If the stone fits into the interior of the room, then you can safely use it and not worry about the durability of the repair. The only thing to consider is the need combine stone with other material otherwise the living room may turn out rough and cold. Part of the wall, the area near the fireplace, TV, arches are usually trimmed with stone, and the dining area can also be distinguished in this way.

No. 9. Ceramic tile

If you are a fan of non-standard solutions, then the use of tiles in the living room should interest you. Of course, in this case, it is necessary to select not such material, or. Attention can be paid to tiles that do not have the highest resistance to chemicals and moisture, since there is no constantly high humidity in the living room, and drops of fat here are rather rare than normal.

For the living room, you can choose the most unusual tiles that will have an interesting pattern, imitate brickwork or something else. This material is best used in combination with other types of wall decoration. So, you can, for example, select a dining area.

Ceramic tiles are interesting for their excellent performance properties: it is easy to care for, is not afraid of moisture and fire, is hygienic and environmentally friendly, impresses with a wide choice of colors. However, this method of finishing will not fit into any type of interior, but it will look especially good in the Provence style. not the easiest, and this is its only significant drawback. Can be used instead of tiles mosaic, fit well into the living rooms in a classic style, but it is better to use them for part of the walls. The panel consists of three layers: plastic, sound insulation and outer decorative layer. The material has a soft surface with a pronounced relief. With such panels you can create a unique interior, raise

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How to decorate the walls in a modern living room

The living room is the face of the whole house, so its interior should be conducive to relaxed and comfortable conversations with guests and loved ones. The main role in the repair of the living room is given to the issue of decorating the walls, which are the background of the entire room. Leading experts offer ways to decorate the walls in the living room in a modern style, with which you can bring style and harmony to the room.

Light walls in a modern living room interior

The use of two types of wallpaper in a modern living room interior

Painting the walls in the living room

Using decorative stone for walls in the living room

Choice of colors

Before choosing a palette in which the walls will be decorated, pay attention to the following features of the room:

  • The side facing the living room windows. Correctly chosen, taking into account the location of the room relative to the cardinal points, the color scheme can bring harmony to the living room. So, for a room whose windows face the north side, or darkened by trees growing under the windows, the best option would be warm pastel shades: yellow, olive, peach, beige, etc. Cold shades are acceptable only for a sunny, southern room;
  • Living room size. You can visually enlarge the space by painting the walls of the room in the lightest possible colors. Dark shades visually reduce the volume of the room;
  • The color of the furniture in the living room, desired or existing. If you plan to focus the attention of guests on furniture, then decorate the walls of the living room in colors that contrast with the furniture. Furniture made in soothing colors will go well with bright and saturated colors of the walls. If you prefer furniture made in rich colors, the color of the walls, on the contrary, should be neutral.

Dark walls in the interior of the living room

Light artificial stone on the walls in the living room

When choosing a color palette, households do not always manage to come to a consensus. In this case, do not be afraid to experiment, try to take into account all the wishes of loved ones. Try to combine colors and change shades.

Attention! You can add an accent to a too featureless living room by placing creative panels on the walls. Such an element will bring bright colors to the interior, but will not clutter it up. An example of a panel correctly selected for the interior of the living room is shown in the photo.

Original wall decoration in a modern living room


It is necessary to raise the question of how best to cover the walls of the room while planning the repair. Most often, preference is given to such popular materials as wallpaper and paint. Of course, the choice should be made on the basis of the future interior of the room. For example, wallpaper with embossed embossing or a large abstract pattern is suitable for a spacious living room. On the contrary, wallpapers with small patterns are no longer relevant, because they visually reduce the space and make it too colorful.

Attention! In a modern interior, it is fashionable to use the combination technique, when one of the walls or a separate area in the room is highlighted with contrasting wallpapers.

Combined wallpaper in the interior of the living room

Photo wallpaper in the interior of a modern living room

A truly unique atmosphere can be created with the help of modern photo wallpapers. Exotic or native rural landscapes, large metropolitan areas or a luxurious still life can be used here. Bright wallpaper in the style of minimalism or hi-tech will dominate the design of the space.

The image and photo of flowers is very popular in living room design. For example, a rose can decorate a room both in a classic style and in modern minimalism.

Decorative plaster

Wall surfaces in a modern living room can be decorated with decorative plaster, characterized by a variety of reliefs and color palettes. Textured and mineral plaster is suitable for covering wall surfaces in the living room. The indisputable advantages of innovative plaster solutions are their naturalness and long service life. They can give the walls an original relief or a noble mother-of-pearl shine, create a perfectly smooth surface or a “wet silk” effect, and also make the desired paintings voluminous.

An ideal option for decorating the living room walls would be to use a Venetian glossy plaster mixture, which can visually make the room much more spacious. The spectacular surface of the walls can be given using coatings of silver, golden or mother-of-pearl shades. Coziness and tranquility can be added to the interior by painting the surface of the walls under “stone”, “skin” or “sand”.

With the help of plaster, you can create a fresco that will make the interior unique. The subject of the fresco can be chosen according to your taste:

  • Nature (Summer, autumn, winter and spring landscapes, meadows, rivers, waterfalls, groves, etc.);
  • Seascapes;
  • Mythological or biblical themes;
  • Figured pattern or ornament;
  • Urban architecture (palaces, pavilions, etc.);

Attention! For greater texture of the future fresco, it is recommended to use decorative plaster with admixtures of ceramics, stone, wood chips or mother-of-pearl.

Wood panels or MDF boards

If you are planning to create an interior in a classic or ethnic style, wood paneling is a wonderful solution for wall decoration. The texture and color palette of these products is diverse and depends primarily on the wood: it can be both familiar to us and outlandish species. The advantages of wooden wall plates include reliability, environmental friendliness and long service life.

Narrow lining on the walls will bring coziness and texture to the appearance of the living room, and large-format rectangular plates will give it a stylish and solid look.

In the interior of the living room, you can also use budget MDF boards, which create the effect of natural wood. This type of wall decoration is attractive both externally and internally: the panels are durable in use, easy to clean or highly wear-resistant. MDF panels can be given an extra luxurious sheen by coating them with varnish or mother-of-pearl. In addition, a non-standard solution in the design of the walls is to combine different MDF boards in one living room and experiment with how they are laid.

Exotic Coatings

Extraordinary materials fit perfectly into the interior, where ecological, ethnic, Asian or African style is used. Here you can use wallpaper made by hand from bamboo trunks, dry straw or grass. Exotic wallpapers have an original and extraordinary appearance, are characterized by a variety of reliefs and colors and help to realize the most daring design solutions.

Another direction of exotic wall decoration is the use of natural materials in their purest form. Materials such as stone and wood are perfect for connoisseurs of eco-style. Walls designed in this way will create a feeling of solitude with nature, antiquity, since these materials were used by our ancestors to create a house.


The use of drywall in the decoration can compensate for the dissatisfaction of the owners with the layout of the apartment. A fairly popular technique in the design of walls is the formation of decorative and at the same time functional niches. With the help of drywall, columns, bas-reliefs and other elements that decorate the space are created.

In order to make the interior of your living room unique, satisfying your taste preferences, combine a variety of wall decoration methods. When making repairs in the living room, do not get hung up on one design technique and look for your own solutions. Only then will you be able to achieve harmony between your mood and the result.

Photo gallery (55 photos)

The living room, as the heart of the house for guests and household members, attracts attention, so the modern approach of designers to decorating the walls in the living room is very important not only from the standpoint of functionality, but also aesthetics. The design of the walls in the living room interior must match the size, zoning, and style of the room in order to create a complete image.

The photo shows a luxurious classic living room, where the walls are decorated with photo wallpapers.

Choice of wall color

When choosing a color, you need to consider:

  • natural light intensity and window size;
  • the color of the design of the furniture set and upholstery;
  • chosen interior style;
  • living room size.

If the windows face the sunny side, then the effect of coolness will create a blue, blue, turquoise color. If the windows are on the north side, you can fill them with light and warmth with the help of warm colors (red, orange, yellow and pastel shades derived from them: mustard, peach, ocher).

In the photo there is a living room, where the emphasis is on a framed mirror and a fireplace. Light colors in the design, glass and mirrors fill the room with space and allow you to complement the interior with any details.

The walls in the interior of the living room can be a backdrop for furniture or become a bright accent. To visually highlight dark furniture, light walls in the living room (ivory, milky, light beige, pastel shades of pink and blue) are suitable. If the furniture is light (white or light wood), then when decorating the walls, the color should be deep or bright.

The color should suit all family members, as an option, you can combine several shades to decorate the walls. For example, make stripes, divide a wall in half, or paint adjacent walls in contrasting colors.

  • White, gray or black in the living room can be the base colors that are complemented by yellow or orange; red or green.
  • Shades of beige and light brown are neutral in themselves and can be complemented in the interior with white, pink, turquoise and blue.
  • Deep colors (blue, burgundy, wine, purple) are appropriate only if there are several windows and a large space.

The photo shows the interior of a modern living room, where the walls are painted in coffee color, and the bottom is decorated with white panels. The emphasis is only on the fireplace, which makes the style universal.

Finishing materials

The choice of materials for decoration depends on the desired end result for a successful combination of wall decor textures in the living room and furniture.

  • For painting, you need to prepare the walls (they must be perfectly even and smooth, as the paint will emphasize all the roughness and cracks). The paint is not afraid of moisture, is easy to clean, does not accumulate dust and walls can be easily repainted. Modern special paints do not exude odor and are intended for interior decoration.

  • Wallpapers of different types offer a large selection of colors and textures, this design hides defects and is mounted independently without the presence of special tools. Paper and non-woven wallpapers are suitable for the living room. To create an accent wall in the interior, you can use photo wallpaper.

The photo shows an example of decorating an accent wall with photo wallpapers in a modern living room in natural shades.

  • Decorative plaster in the living room smooths out all the bumps and will always look unique. Patterns are created with a spatula (bark beetle, rain, carpet, etc.) and then the wall is painted and varnished for greater wear resistance.

  • Wooden decoration creates heat and sound insulation. It can be panels, cork or laminate on the bottom of the walls around the entire perimeter, or you can sheathe only the accent wall in the interior with wood.

  • Decorative rock and decorative brick suitable for decorating the wall by the fireplace (TV or false fireplace) to create an interior in Scandinavian style, country and classic. Such cladding is not afraid of moisture, is cheaper than natural stone and does not create additional load.

  • Soft panels are suitable for decorating a wall near a TV or above a sofa, they will help to place accents, hide defects, and create sound insulation. Of the materials suitable leather, leatherette, fabric. The synthetic winterizer holds its shape better, and the foam rubber is suitable for creating a softer surface.

  • Decoration with mirrors appropriate in a rectangular and small room. It can be a panel, tile or square panel, or another shape. Light colors and the reflection of a window or doorway will add space to the living room, while the reflection of an adjacent wall or furniture will reduce the space.

  • Wall 3D panels in the design of the living room with bas-relief and high relief, they are suitable for creating an accent even in the tone of the main walls, they are easily attached and do not require additional alignment. There are wooden, glass, plastic, MDF, plaster.

Combination features

Most often, the living room is the place where you can show imagination in the interior through a combination of colors and textures to create a unique wall design in the living room and highlight areas.

For example, a fireplace area or a place for receiving guests can be lined with decorative stone or laminate, and a recreation area with wallpaper or painting. The banquet part can be decorated with paint or plaster, and the seat by the sofa can be decorated with liquid wallpaper.

Modern designers welcome any experiment in colors and textures, but if there is no desire to take risks when decorating, then it is better not to combine natural finishes with synthetic ones (for example, wood panels or veneer with plastic trim), natural colors (neutral brown, beige, white) with acidic shades of yellow and green.

The photo shows an example of creating an accent in the same shade, but using a different texture, panels and paint are combined in the design of the walls.

Accent wall decoration

The accent wall is always different in color and texture, its task is to attract attention and visually distort the space of the room.

  • The emphasis must be created on the wall that catches the eye first when entering the room.
  • With a small room, you can accentuate part of the wall or partition.
  • For decoration, any material that differs from the main walls is suitable.
  • The color of the accent wall should overlap with the color of some interior items.
  • You can highlight the wall with color, plot, pattern and texture, but you should not combine everything together.
  • When arranging wallpapers, you need to adhere to one quality, combine ornaments with plain ones and maintain a balance between a neutral background color and a highlighted bright one.
  • Photowall-paper or a list will give to an interior identity and the atmosphere of a cosiness.
  • Horizontal stripes in the design will expand the room, and vertical ones will visually raise the ceilings.

The photo shows an example of interior design in the Art Deco style, which allows you to combine an abundance of gloss, glass and bright colors in the decoration. Pink 3D panels and a mirror on the accent wall complete the style.

Wall decorations above the TV and fireplace

If it is not possible to allocate a wall for decor, then you can accentuate the space above the interior items.

  • For decoration above the fireplace, decorative stone and brick are suitable for a classic living room, and metal for a modern design. For safety reasons, it is better not to hang carpets and paintings on the wall.

The photo shows the interior of the living room in a rustic style, where it is appropriate to accent the wall with bricks.

  • The TV can be arranged in a plasterboard niche with backlight. Such a wall in the interior can be painted or wallpapered. As an addition, you can apply a mirror mosaic, clock or paintings. The design of the wall with the TV in the living room can be decorated in any style, but the main thing is not to overload it with details, as the TV itself is a big accent.

The photo shows the design of a rectangular living room in a classic style, where, due to the glass panels on the accent wall, the TV creates the effect of wide walls.

The photo shows a modern interior of the room, which combines an eco-fireplace and a TV on one wall, additionally decorated with paintings.

Ideas for wall decor in the living room

Based on the style, you can choose the most diverse decor. For example, skirting boards, moldings, carpet, mirrors in gold frames, fabric panels are suitable for a classic interior.

For country and Provence, decorative plates, embroidered items, wicker weaving, wooden clocks will be appropriate. Antique interior items (telephone, gramophone, posters and books) are suitable for decorating a retro style.

On the accent wall, you can make your own family tree, a large photo, or attach memorable souvenirs from your trips.

The photo shows an example of how you can decorate a wall with posters, paintings and maps. Such decor is always easy to replace or remove.

Photo gallery

The photos below show examples of the use of various wall design options in the interior of the living room.
